The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 23, 1956, Page 4, Image 4

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    Ewing News
Mrs. Leslie Brogart and chil
dren of Norfolk were guests on
Monday at the home of Mr and
Mrs Irwin Cloyd and family.
Miss Gertrude Schoech of St.
Louis, Mo , is a house guest at
the home of Mr and Mrs. Martin
Hclmricks and family this week
A get-together was held Sun
day honoring Miss Laura Zim
merman of Ogden, Utah, and
Miss Dorothy Zimmerman of
Salt Lake City. A picnic dinner
was enjoyed. Present were M r
and Mrs Carl Zimmerman and
family of Sioux City, la, Mr.
and Mrs Wayne Sawyer and
family of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs.
Adrian Hansen and family of
Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Helmrick and family of Ewing
A severe electric storm hit
Ewing about 9 o’clock Wednes
day evening, August 15. About
1 Vi inches of rain fell Lights
were off for some time. The Ew
ing fire department was called
to put out a fire caused by light
ning when it hit a telephone
l>ole between Ewing and Inman
Guests at the home of Mrs
Hattie Fry Wednesday, August
15, were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ret
ke accompanied by Floyd and
Lloyd Jones and Jimmie, all of
Inman, Lester Fry of Hinkley,
Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Z.
H. Fry, all of Ewing.
Mrs. Kittie Fry accompanied
her daughter and husband, Mr
and Mrs Willie Shrader, and
family to Page on Sunday,
where they were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Fink and family.
Mr and Mrs. Elvin Hamilton
and daughters were guests
Wednesday evening, August 15,
Alice’s Beauty Shop
(In Former Apparel Shop
Phone 263 — O'Neill
at the home of Mr and Mrs.
Lavaine Hines of Star.
Mrs. Richard Edwards and
daughters went to Tilden Sat
urday, August 11, to see the par
ade featuring a fall celebration
annually held in the town.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson
attended the Holt county fair
at Chambers on Tuesday, August
The tourih quarterly confer
ence was held at the Ewing
Methodist church Thursday eve
ning with Supt. J. L. Jay of O’
Neill in charge In attendance
were: Rev. and Mrs Lee Brig
den, Mr and Mrs. Ray Sedivy,
Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke, Miss
Anna Van Zandt, who is secre
tary, Mrs. Ralph Eacker, Mrs. H
R. Harris, Mrs Jessie Angus and
Claude Elliot.
Mrs Ralph Eacker, Mrs. J. L
Pruden, Mrs. Jessie Angus and
Mrs. Anna Pollock attended an
“apron party" at the Clearwater
Methodist church, sponsored by
the Women’s Society of Christian
service, on Thursday afternoon
Entertainment consisted of var
ious types of games. Lunch was
served. There were also guests
this week at the home of hei
parents, Mr and Mrs. Earl Bil
Mrs. Elmer Pahl and daugh
ter, Mary, are guests at the home
of her parents, Mr. anl Mrs. Al
bert Larson, and other relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kusek anc
children of David City wert
guests at the home of her moth
er, Mrs. Hazel Kimes, and sons
on Sunday and Monday, Augusi
12 and 13. Mr and Mrs. Merit
Filsinger and family were also f
o’clock dinner guests at tht
Kimes home Monday evening
August 12.
Guests on Thursday at the Let
Hintz and Leonard Knapp home;
were Mrs. Seth Hertel and chil
dren of Chambers. Mrs. Hertel is
a sister of Mrs. Knapp and Mrs
Guests at the Gottlieb Bauei
home on Thursday evening wert
Mrs. Rose Bauer and Catherine
Anna and Theressa Bauer.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bauer o
August 28 - 29 - 30
(Tuesday is entry day; entries close 9 a.m., Wednesday)
Wednesday night and Thursday afternoon;
Gus Obermire of Stuart, producer. Five events.
Thursday . . . “Share-the-Fun” acts . . . dancing.
Will be on the grounds. Music by the Wheeler County
High School Band FREE admission to the grounds.
Wednesday and Thursday evenings in the fair grounds
Spalding were dinner guests on
Friday at the home of Misses
Anna and Theressa Bauer
Mr and Mrs. John Newman
and son. Jimmie, returned to
their home in Norfolk on Thurs
day after visiting a few days at
the home of Hazel, Ruby and El
■*»' Ch
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Archer
and family of Grand Island
were guests on Sunday at the
home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Archer.
A family picnic dinner was
enjoyed at the home of Mrs.
Harriet Welke on Sunday. Pre
sent were Mrs. Leland Welke
and family, Mr and Mrs. Hans
Peterson and daughters, Mary
etta and Tamzam, Mr. and Mrs.
; Raymond Schmidt and family.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Shain and
children, Mr and Mrs. Clarence
Schmiser and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Keith Biddlecome and fam
| ily and Miss Vaulda Welke.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen
drove to Bloomfield on Sunday,
August 12, to attend a reunion of
his family. About 60 were pre
I sent.
Mrs. Aleatha Hasenpflug and
daughters, Deniece, and Mrs. Ro
bert Bonge, who is from Califor
nia, and a guest of her mother,
were overnight guests at the
home of Mr and Mrs. Ben Lar
sen from Wednesday, August 15,
to Saturday when they left for
their home at Bushnell. Mrs.
Hasenpflug is a niece of Mrs.
Larsen and a teacher in the
school at Bushnell.
Mrs. Ella Ziems was an over
night guest on Friday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Van
Horn at O’Neill. On Saturday,
she left for Lusk. Wyo., where
she has employment.
lVH?'. ru U1U1 ucig IU1U mi o.
Ermand Reichert, who have
been guests at the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton
Tomjack, left Saturday to return
to the home in Long Praire,
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Knapp on Wednes
day, August 15, were Mr and
Mrs. Charles Morton, Johnnie
and Ann of Bassett. The family
was enroute to Griswold, la., to
attend a Morton family reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Morton,
Mick Morton and Sue Ann, and
Fernes Morton were callers at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon
ard Knapp on Tuesday, August
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp
had as their guests on Friday
Mrs. Martin Van Conet and
George and Miss Clara Tomjack,
of Ewing, Mrs. Arthur Berg and
Mrs. Ermand Reichert of Long
Prarie, Minn.
Bertha Harris was an over
night guest on Saturday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude El
liot and family.
Mrs. Robert Tams and chil
dren, Mrs. Hans Peterson and
Bertha Harris were shoppers in
O’Neill on Friday afternoon, get
ting ready for school.
John Bowen
John Bowen arrived home on
Friday night after spending 114
years in Bremerhaven, Germany.
He visited Holland, the Scandi
navian countries and Italy, where
he saw the Pope in the Square at
Rome, and other southern Euro
pean countries.
John plans to enter Wayne
State college.
Going to Omaha—
Michael (“Mike”) London, who
received his discharge at Ft.
Sheridan, 111., spent 18 months in
Europe at Hanau, Germany. He
spent his leave in Germany. In a
week he will go to Omaha for
46 of Hipke family
Gather at Springview
STUART—Mr and Mrs. Rus
sell Hipke and family went to
Johnstown Sunday to attend a
family reunion at the home of
his mother. Mrs. Sophia Hipke.
Forty-six relatives were gather
ed in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Hipke of Corpus Christi, Tex.
Others of the Hipke family
who were home for the day were
a daughter, Sylvia, and her hus
oand, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Strong, and Zane Hipke, all of
Ainsworth; Mr. and Mrs. John
Hipke and son, Julius, of Spring
view; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hipke
and son, Clint, of O’Neill, and
Reed, at home.
Unable to attend were sons,
Lester of near Omaha and George
of Johnstown, and a daughter,
Mrs. Earl (Goldie) Kelly of
Newport, Wash.
The Hipke family are former
residents of the Sand Creek
neighborhood, northeast of Stu
Other Stuart News
James Allen of Omaha came
Saturday for a few days’ visit
with John Engler at the Edwin
Engler home. He wras a classmate
of John at Our Lady of the Oz
arks school at Carthage, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Engler
and son, John, and his friend,
James Allen, spent Sunday eve
ning at the Art Ziska home.
Miss Nan Cowles came from
Denver, Colo., Sunday for a
two-weeks’ visit with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowles.
Miss Cowles will return to Den
ver, Colo., to resume her teaching
duties in September.
V irginia Latzel,
Bride-Elect, Feted
EWING—Miss Virginia Latzel,
an August bride-to-be, was hon
ored Friday evening by a group
of friends and relatives at a
miscellaneous shower held at St.
Peter’s recreational hall. The af
fair was sponsored by the Chris
tian Mothers.
Bouquets of garden flowers
were used in decorations.
Games, sponsored by Mrs,
Ralph Munn, provided the enter
tainment, followed1 by the open
ing of the many gifts by Miss
Latzel. Mrs. Munn had charge of
the gift book. Refreshments were
served by Mesdames Max Wan
ser, Kermit Jefferies, Allan Pol
lock and Frank Noffke.
Miss Latzel is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Latzel of
Ewing and is a graduate of the
Ewing high school with the class
of 1956. She had been employed
in Omaha during the summer
Family Gathering
at Shierk Home—
A reunion dinner was held on
Sunday at the Paul Shierk home.
The guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Benson and daughters of
Marshall, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs.
John Stahlecker and family of
Naper; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gil
bert and family of Burke, S.D.,
and Kenneth Juran and son,
Kenny. Mrs. Juran was unable to
attend as she was in the hospital
with the Jurans’ new son.
The Bensons came Friday and
left Sunday.
Return from Vacation—
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Melena
and Jimmy and David visited her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Nel
son, and family of Sarles, N.D,
during their two-weeks’ vaca
tion. They returned Saturday.
They also took their son, David,
to Omaha for a medical checkup.
Ah-h! That famous
Hamm's refreshing flavor!
Isn’t this a cool, refreshing idea?—a frosty-cold glass of Hamm’s
Beer, from the enchanted land of sky blue waters. Hamm’s crisp,
clean-cut taste is your kind of flavor—try it! Tonight!
Theo. Hamm Brewing Co., St. Paul, Minn, and San Francisco, Calif.
the BEER refreshing
From the land of sky blue waters»
Auxiliary lea
Honors Girls’ Staters
PAGE—Members of the wom
an's auxiliary of the American
Legion gave a tea Saturday after
noon in honor of the girls who
have attended girls’ state at Lin
coln, the trips being sponsored by
the auxiilary.
Seven of the eight girls were
in attendance. Present were Ge
nelle Park Trowbridge, Margie
Finch, Diane Fusselman Asher
Betty Spangler. Sherry Stewart,
Leona Summers and Sharon
' Crumly. Jackie Russell Soukup's
was the empty chair.
The two oldest past-presidents
of the society, Msr Evelyn Gray
and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, s-r.,
The proceeds from the tea will
be used toward the expense of
sending a girl to girls’ state.
Other Page News
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Trease of
Orchard were Sunday evening
v’isitors of Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Mr. and Mrs Merwyn Frenco,
i sr., were hosts at a picnic dinner
Sunday in honor of their son-in
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Duane Dorr, and children of La
peer, Mich. Guests were Henry
Dorr, William Ragland, Merwyn
French, jr., and their families and
Mrs. Lou Heiss, Mr and Mrs.
Tom Chilvers. Marilyn and Ste
I phen of Pierce,
Mr. and Mrs. Alion Braddoek
accompanied Miss Marie Heiss to
Hastings Friday where the for
mer visited her daughter, Jo
Ann, and the latter attended a
wedding on Saturday evening.
They returned to Page Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lamason
and son. Wilson, returned Sat
urday from spending several
days with her mother. Mrs. R. F.
Scott, at Sheridan, Mo.
The following guests honored
Mrs. Harry Tegeler with a picnic
in her honor last Thursday eve
ning, the occasion being her
birthday anniversary: Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Stauffer, Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin Stauffer and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stauffer,
Mrs. Alma Tegeler and Mrs. Mi
na Stauffer.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Heiss and
daughters of Burwell were Sun
day guests in the Kenneth Heiss
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Alberts
and family were Friday to Sun
day visitors of friends at York,
Waco and Lincoln.
Miss Marian Heiss returned on
Monday from Sargent where she
attended the wedding of her
roommate at Wesleyan, Miss Pat
Chaffin, to Warren Womble. She
had been a guest in the Chaffin
home since Wednesday, August
William Simmons and son,
Ralph, returned last Thursday
from Berkeley, Calif., where they
had visited his nephew, Dick
Trant, and family. They were
accompanied from Casper, Wyo,
by his daughter, Jane. They also
visited a daughter, Betsy, and her
family at Lovelock, Nev., en
Mrs .R. F. Park, Mrs. Norman
Trowbridge and Lorei, Mrs. Nev
en Ickes, jr., and Teri and Boo,
Ron Park and Larry Roacn
were Monday dinner guests at
the Thelma Wood home at Car
roll. The boys went to Wayne to
make arrangements at the col
lege there for the coming term of
Anton and Pete Nissen and
their wives went to Yankton,
S.D., Sunday where they attend
ed a Nissen family reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Warnke vis
ited Friday and Saturday in the
Anton Nissen home. The Warn
kes were neighbors of the Nis
sens many years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Taylor and
children of North Platte were
Monday, August 13, to Saturday
visitors in the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Soukup
and children were Sunday guests
of her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jud Russell.
Mrs. Marvin Sinkule and Cindy
and Miss Elaine Clasey spent the
weekend with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Clasey. Their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. John
Sorensen, and family were Sun
day guests of the Claseys, also.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park of Or
chard were afternoon guests in
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. F. Park, and left their
daughters for an overnight visit
while they attended a baseball
supper at Orchard. Ron Park and
a friend also attended the af
Mrs. Walter Schneider of
Plainview took her mother, Mrs.
Nora Henderson, to the home of
her sister, Mrs. Harley Kenne
dy, Wednesday afternoon, Aug
ust 15.
Chambers News
Mrs. Fern Wichman and
daughter, Vida Marie Bemt, of
Stuart visited in the C. F. Gil
lette home Sunday. The former is
a sister of Mrs. Gillette.
Katheryn Rubeck and Karen
Ermer spent several days last
week with the former’s grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hon
Sunday guests in the home of
Mrs. Charlotte Honeywell in hon
or of Mrs. Eva McCloud, were
Mr. and Mrs. Seymore Harkins,
Butch and Patricia, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Harkins and family, Mr.
and Mrs. John Harkins and chil
dren and Mrs. Clarence Knox
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith
of Fonda, la., came last Thursday
for a week’s visit with their son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Jarman.
Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Hoerle
and children left Friday for Ida
ho where they will spend their
vacation with her brothers-in
law and sisters, Mr. and Mrs.
Merle Hansen and Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Mitchell, and their families, j
Cheryl Kasik of Madison is
visiting her grandparents, Mr
and Mrs. William Wood, this |
Mr. and Mrs. Judson Foil jt
and children of Sioux City visit
ited in the Bernard Hoffman
home the first of the week.
-- I
Mr and Mrs Joe Bangs enter
tained Pat Harney and Pefe
Giorgio of the wind test person
nel at dinner Sunday. Monday
dinner guests were Mrs. Richard
Nelson and the Misses Esther
Kaiser and Mary Faulhaber.
Mr and Mrs. Edward O’Don
nell of Wichita. Kans., and her
sister. Miss Marie Biglin of Salt 1
Lake City. Utah, are expected on
Saturday to visit relatives.
Miss Genevieve Biglin and Miss
Nora McAuliffe of Sioux City
are planning to drive to O’Neill
and visit Mr. and Mrs. F N.
Cronin and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs Fred Ashby of
Omaha are guests this week at
the parental Archie Ashby home
in O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkins
went Friday to Omaha and re
turned Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. George E. Peter
son, jr., and boys of Columbus
visited his parents, the George
E. Petersons, Wednesday, August
15, and last Thursday.
Mrs. E. C. McElhaney of Lin
coln and Mrs. Albert Sundall of
Wakefield visited their brothers
and sisters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
George C. Robertson and Mr
and Mrs. S. R Robertson, from
Sunday until Wednesday. Spend
ing Wednesday with both fami
lies was their niece, Mrs. Don
Clemans, Mr. Clemans and fair. -
i ily of Plainview.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zastrow
and children were at Ft. Randall
Sunday to celebrate Clinton's
fifth birthday anniversary.
Weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard C. Smithson and
Dickie were Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Bistxv and two children of
Yankton, S D.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gertsch of
Monroe were weekend guests of
Mr and Mrs George E. Peterson,
sr. Sunday thev went to Ft. Ran
The Kenneth Jurans have
named their son LaVern Gene.
Bonnie and Frederick C Ash
in, jr. of Omaha are visiting
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs
Archie Ashby. Their vvirenls had
:o leave Sunday for Omaha with
their other daughter, Cynthia,
who was ill.
J. ARTHUR RANK presents
Sunday, Au?. 26 i
Methodist Church
It brings to the screen for
the first time the dynamic
and colorful 18th century
evangelist and educator.
• Feature Length
(77 minutes)
• Fast man Color
“. . . a stirring picture of a great and inspired man.'
Freewill Offering Will Be Taken
1 ilm Starts at 8 P.M.
Youth's si*es
Sturdy-built, soft, tan leather with a
Nitro crepe sole and heel that gives
long-wear. Steel shank, leather in
sole for more comfort.
Sizes I2V2 to 4 5.49
sizes 8V*-4
Saddle tan, soft loafer with gort-d from
to give snug fit and complete comfort.
Long-wearing Idealite sole reinforce 1
with sturdy steel shank.
Misses’ sizes 12 to 4 5.49
Elastic finger gores for
snug, non-binding fit. Harness
stitch trim on the roomy moc
casin toes. Saddle tan or bur
gundy in men’s sizes 6 to 11.
Come choose!
Long-lasting Neolite sole, ste< 1
shank. 8Vi>-12.
Boys’ sizes 12'/a to 4 5.49
Oxford_ *|95
Smart tan piping trim. Brown
cushion crepe sole, heel. 4-10,
Gored for best fit and comfort
Completely leather, casual wedge.
Full length platform with easy
walking flexible construction.
Foamaire feature. Coffee frost, 4-10,
for girls!... 4^8.
Corded moccasin toe. Everlitc
sole, rubber heel. 12 Vi-3.
"Black and white elk, black
cushion crepe sole. 4-9.
Children’s sizes 8'/a-3 3.98
Top value! ...
Soft flexible construction.,
foamaire cushion insole, Nu
clear sole. 4-9, AA-B.