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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1956)
for~sale HUI SALE Good dining table 1*d five chairs. — Call 517-J. '»« _ 16-I8P FARM MACHINERY: JOB SAYS: “You can’t beat a Whirlpool washer and you beat the deal at Shelham <;< ai field cutter. Cub tractor with mower, plow, cmltivator and dozer. 1949 Ford tractor. 1951 Super C Utility demonstrator. Farmall 20. Farmall Regular Post hole digger. Header to tit Ford. Twindraulic loader. 1HC one-way. If AM one-way. Tractor winch. Several used freezers and refrig erators. Used tractor, truck and auto tires. — TRUCKS — HI85 truck tractor. 1952 IHC %-ton Shelhamer Equip. Co. TVxir International Dealer Phone 570 — O'Neill FOR SALE: Scratch pads, 2 for 5e.—The FronUer office. tf SEED — SEED IJSOTA RED CANE SEED, homegrown, 7c per lb. SCOVIE’S Western Auto, O’Neill TELEVISION IF IT’S GOOD reception you want, then it’s “Coronado” you rtoed! See the picture on a (20RONADO and compare the i«rformance and price. You'll save money, get a better guar antee . . . and, much more pleasure! Coronado TV, plus i‘xperienced GAMBLES installation can’t be beat. 13 to 18 Ft>R SALE: Spring fries, 3 to »ver 4 pounds. —Herbert Obst, 1 aai. east of O'Neill on high way 275. 10-17p Truck Bargains! 1944 K - 5 International LWB truck, will carry 18-ft. 1947 Dodge 1^-ton truck. 1916 Chevrolet 4-dr. 1949 Nash, 600 model. THESE CARS are in good run ning order, would make ideal back to school cars. 4 blocks north of library STRONG REPAIR — O’NEILL — FOB SALE OR TRADE: 1954 36 foot trailer house. Furniture will make the down payment. »asy terms. See it at 3 blocks weat of stoplight and 4 blocks snath or write box 604, O’Neill. 16-17p FOR SALE: Spring fryers, heavy breed, 3 lbs. and up, $1.— Ed Burival, O’Neill, 3 mi. north, tfe east of Drive-In theater. Utf USED CARS 1949 Plymouth, radio, heater, priced for quick sale. 1953 Ford with radio, heater and overdrive. FULL LINE OF AUTO PARTS Qualified Mechanics LOWEST HOURLY RATES We work evenings to get your job done! Hometown Motor Co. O’Neill 13-16c (Formerly Shierk Motor Co.) National Brand Air Conditioners 44-TON and 1-TON models. We have a very few of them left that we are willing to sell for V| off the regular retail price with free installation. SEB THEM while they last at— Gambles in O’Neill 13 to is USED MACHINERY tractors— 48 B. •480. ’4* B J-D. 2—*40 B J-D. DISCS— 15-ft. J-D. GRINDERS— Harvey hammermill. J-D 10” hammermill. SPREADERS— J-D 4-wheel, on rubber. MOWERS— No 5 J-D. 7-ft. Massey-Harris tractor. CULTIVATORS— 2—J-D 200, tractor. RAKES— Case, 12-ft. THC, 10-ft. J-D tractor hay SWEEP 3—1-horse J-D DRILLS. BINDERS— 10-ft. IHC International. 9-ft. J-D windrower, near new. 22-Inch J-D thresher. FARM HAND and OAK SWEEP TEETH Plymouth Binder Twine Ask About Our JOHN DEERE CREDIT PLAN Up to 341 Years to Pay Harry R. Smith Impls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone M3 — O'Neill FOR SALE: Four good interior panel doors. — Call 147, O' Neill. 16c FOR SALE: F-14 tractor with manure loader. Good 11x40 tires. Motor needs rings. $90.— Bruce Rehberg, Royal, Nebr. _ 15-16c WHETHER you wish to buy, sell or trade, a FRONTIER WANT AD will do the trick! FOR SALE: Paillard Bolex cam era, case, meter, light, standi, etc. Write Ernest Zeisler, Fair fax, S.D. ll-16p FOR SALE: Spring fryers.—Mrs. William Sparks, 1V4 mile south | ! mile east of O’Neill. 16p35 | Used Car Bargains! 1955 Commander hardtop, dem onstrator. 1951 Studebaker Commander. 1950 Studebaker Champion. 1952 Customline Ford 8, tudor. 1948 Chevrolet. 1950 *6-T. Studebaker pickup. 1952 1V4-T. long wheelbase Ford' truck. Smith Motor Co. Phone 582 — O’Neill ATTENTION, FARMERS and Ranchers: Salt, any kind, $16 and up. Will deliver large or- ( ders to any vicinity. Located 3 | blocks east and 4 blocks north j of traffic signal. — Phone! 524-M, O’Neill. 51tf' FCTR SALE: Dressed chickens, $1 each. — Write Mrs. Orton Young, O’Neill. 15-16p60 FOR SALE Apples. Duchess and jelly crabs, also Cossack alfal fa, state tested 99% pure, 93% elimination.—Guy L. Johnson, 7 no., 4 east of Bazelman’s station, O’Neill. 16-17p CORN CUTTER BARGAINS! BRAND NEW forage harvesters or corn ensilage cutters with blowers and knife sharpeners. Factory retail price, $1,700.00. Our New Cut Price— $1,095 SAVE $605.00! Buy the best for the least! NEW 7-ft. combines, $1,295. The best combine on the market for grass and alfalfa seed or sorg hums. STEEL and machinery prices are up — our prices are down! ANOTHER carload of Mercury | cars. Save up to $800.00 on a j new Mercury car! Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 15-16-17 FOR SALE: Good used Firestone refrigerator, priced reasonably. —Carl Schenzel, O’Neill, phone 706, 2 blocks east of Tri-State on north side of st. 16-17p70 PIANO: Will sacrifice small pi ano if taken at once. Terms. — Write box 584, Sioux Falls, S.D. 15-l«c FOR SALE: Pierre rye. —Anton Pruss, sr., 3 mi. east, V4 ml. north, Orchard. 12-18p COMPLETE Electric Motor Sales Repair Service — Distributor Fairbanks-Morse and Wagner Rebuilding and rewinding up to 100 h.p. Get the most for your dollars in sales and repair work Our modern equipment, factory approved methods and complete stock of motors and parts. Call 243-W — 24-Hour Service Northwest Electric Motor Service O’Neill, Nebr. *tl FOR SALE: 5-cent nut vending machines, 50% original value, like new. — P.O. box *5*, O' Neill. 15-16p60 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE: 3 met al porch chairs, good condi tion, 2 each; 1 aluminum porch chair, good condition, $5; 1 portable electric wash machine, good condition, $5; 1 large lime oak chest, excellent condition, $28; 1 white kitchen table, $5; 2 painted pine book shelves, $3 each; 1 metal wardrobe, $5.— 521 E. Benton, st., O'Neill. 16c FOR SALE: Large oil burner, tanks and pipes included; also fruit jars.—Phone 742, O'Neill. 16c SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile houses, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone.—Con tois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured? —See Ed Thorm, agt , O’Neill, Nebr. 44tf FOR SALE: Hotpolnt electric range. Also 1947 Cushman mo tor scooter. — Virgil Laursen, O’Neill. 15c Hlost & found BLACK CALF came to my place about July 10, wt. around 250 lbs.—Jesse Kelly, Page. 16-18cl55 Entertains at Dessert-Luncheon— Mrs. H. S. Moses entertained 12 friends at a 1:30 o’clock des sert-luncheon at her home. The guests played pinochle. Frontier for printing % • t « • • MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENT Architectural designing, planning, estimating and drawing. Robert J. Krotter GRADUATE ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEER O’Neill, Nebraska Phone 531 or 285-J I LOAN money on farms and ranches.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 9tf L-O-A-N-S 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term PRE-PAYMENT PRIVILEGES ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS'N O’Neill, Nebr. FARM LOANS. — R. h7 Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 9tf HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator and Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf FOR SALE: Baby carriage, prac tically new.— Phone 717, O’ Neill. 16c40 HUNT’S Plumbing & Heating COLEMAN BLEND AIR FURNACES — Gas or Oil Kohler, American & Brings PLUMBING FIXTURES Paw Paw for Your Septic Tank Water Systems Gas & Electric Water Heaters Phone 399 — O’Neill We Give Gold Arrow Stamps FRANK BEELAERT Page — Phone 25-F-23 AUCTIONEERING Specializing in Livestock Farm and Ranch Saies 37tf Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Farm Sales a Specialty Phone 207 — O'Neill 36 Months to Repay on Real Estate LOANS $ 1,000 or less $25.00 to $1,000 on Furniture or Auto, Made on our regular monthly re payment plan and on a Special plan for farmers. CONFIDENTIAL PERSONAL SERVICE Central Finance Corp. C. E. JONES, Mgr. Phone 14 O'Neill 2tfc Kelly’s Plumbing YOUR HEADQUARTERS for plumbing and well supplies, plumbing fixtures, Geneva steel kitchens, water systems, water softeners, septic tanks, root proof sewer pipe, wind mill heads and towers, pump jacks, well points, cylinders and leathers. If it pertains to plumbing or wa ter supply, we have it! Located S blocks south of the New Deal Oil Station, O'Neill. 4*f O. E. (“Oakie") DAVIDSON Plumbing & Heating "The Best Work for the Least Money*' GAS WATER HEATERS & FURNACES Phone 126 — O’Neill L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. IF YOU want to borrow money, write to R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 9tf HOOVER SALES & SERVICE WM. KROTTER CO. UPTOWN HARDWARE & APPL. Phone 496 — O’Neill SPECIAL NOTICE THE SHELHAMER Equipment Co. parts dept, will be open during the harvest and haying season from 7:30 to 9:30 eve nings, to accomodate emergen cy breakdowns. AFTER HOURS check the sign on the door for partsmen tele phone numbers. Shelhamer Equip. Co. O'Neill O’NEILL COMPANY Insurance - Real Estate - Loans VIRGIL LAURSEN Box 215 — Phone 434 25tf MONEY TO LOAN IF YOU WANT a farm or ranch loan see us, as we are agents for the Equitable Life .Assur ance Society of the United States J. F. BRADY CO. Atkinson, Nebraska 22-25tf AT YOUR SERVICE IN REAL ESTATE arid INSURANCE KIETH ABART Phone 208, O’Netll 38tf CATTLE BREEDING rarely stands still. Increase the value of your herd quicker with Cur tiss Candy sires and keep your feed for another cow. — Call 469-LJ, Duane Gray, O'Neill. lOtf Wick’s Body Shop Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service 219 West Douglas — O’NEILL — Phone 211-W 16tf60 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Lots west of sub station.—Contact Henry Krier, O’Neill, phone 419-J. 16-17c FOR SALE 3-bedroom home near Ford’s park, $5,000. Improved 520-acre farm in N.E. Holt county. 560-A. in Page vicinity. 160-A. 6 mi. NE Atkinson. Abart Company Phone 520 — O’Neill 48tf FOR SALE: Five -room house, 2 lots, Also model A Ford car.— P. V. Hickey, O’Neill. 6tf FOR SALE: Platted lots and acre ages.—Harry E. Ressel, O’Neill, phone 548-M. 46tf HOUSE FOR SALE: My home in Ewing, located first house north of Rockey Implement. Priced to sell.—Mrs. Dora Ros no, Ewing. 14-16pl00 FOR SALE Land and Business 2100-Acre improved and balanc ed ranch. Capable of handling 200 cows. Only modern service station in an up and coming town. Gross ed $76,000.00 last year. 960-Acre improved ranch. Priced right. Contact: C. E. McVay, Broker Life Insurance and Ranch and Farm Loans O’Neill 12-15# FOR SALE BY OWNER: 2-bod room home with attach, garage, comb, windows, full basement with apt. Priced for quick sale. Imm. possession.—Phone 717, O’Neill. 16-19c WANTED WANTED: Ensilage cutting and hay baling. —Write or call Harry Butterfield, phone 4-8 or 7-3 Orchard. 16-19pll0 WANTED: Elderly woman wants house work or care of older couple.—Box 274, Atkinson. 10-17p WANTED: Hay or alfalfa to bale. Cash or share*. — K. C. Hunt, O'Neill. 5tf WANTED: High school girls for room and board.—Mrs. Archie Bright, 614 Everett st., or phone 692, O'Neill. 16c WANTED: General sewing and altering; also baby sitting. — Phone 407-LM, O'Neill. 51tf WANTED: 1,000 steers or 700 cows to pasture until Nov. 1. Abundance of grass and water. — Ken Halligan, Ft. Pierre, S.D.. c/o Rankin Ranch. 50tf WANTED MAN to sell savings plan. Sav ings plan. Several territories still open. Top contract with vested renewals guaranteed. Life insurance experience help ful but not necessary, aa we will train. CENTRAL STATES HEALTH AND ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION 216 Strand Building Sioux Falls. S.D. 18c FOR RENT FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537. O’Neill 16tf FOR RENT. Furnished and un furnished apts.—A. E. Bowen, phone 515, O’Neill. «t 1 FOR RENT: Rooms for 4 school boys or girls.—Mrs. Pat Sulli van, O’Neill, phone 270-J or 522-M. 16-17p FOR RENT: New modern house. —Call 535, O’Neill. 16tf Mrs. Schaffer Chairman— Mrs. D. C. Schaffer was chair man of the Wednesday dessert bridge at the Country dub. Mrs. D. C. Schaffer entertained MM dub Tuesday evening. Legal Notice (First pub. August 2, 1956) Julius D. Cronin. Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION IN THE COUNTY' COURT OF HOLT COUNTY', NEBRASKA, JULY 31. 1956. In the matter of the Estate of Dennis A. McCarthy, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Julius D. Cronin as Adminis trator of said estate and will be heard August 23. 1956 at 10 o’ ctock A.M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 14-16 (First pub Aug. 9, 1956) John R. Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4124 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska. August 6th, 1956. In the matter of the Estate of Alice Mae Estes, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against the estate is November 30th, 1956, and for the pavment of debts is August 6th, 1957, and that on August 30th, 1956, and on December 1st, 1956, at 10 o’ clock A M., each day,’ I will be at the County Court Room in said County to reoeive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY’ COURT SEAL) 15-17c (First pub. Aug. 16, 1956’ Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT No. 4078 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF GEORGE O MITCHELL. DECEASED THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of fi nal account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on September 5, 1956, at 10 o’ clock AM. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 16-18 (First pub. Aug. 16, 1956) William W. Griffin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT No. 4090 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF NANCY M. KURTZ, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of fi nal account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on September 5, 1956, at 10 o’ clock, A.M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 16-18 (First pub. Aug. 9, 1956) NOTICE Any teacher who retired before 1945 and who has taught in Ne braska Public Schools for at least twenty years, please send your name and address to your coun ty superintendent of schools. Please respond promptly. 15-17c Mr. and Mrs. Rex Stowell have named their new son Michael Eugene. > IMM wM GETTING OP NIGHTS Pahs hi BACK, MIPS, UBS TMnh, LOSS Of VIGOB If you are a victim of these symptoms then your troubles may be traced to Glandular Inflammation. Glandular In flammation is a constitutional disease and medicines that give temporary relief will not remove the causes of your troubles. Neglect of Glandular In flammation often leads to pre mature senility, and incurable malignancy. The past year*men from 1,000 communities have beer successfully treated here at the Excelsior Institute. They have found soothing relief and a new zest in life. The Excelsior Institute, devoted to the treatment of diseases peculiar to older men by NON-SURGICAL Methods, has a New FREE BOOK that tells how these troubles may be corrected by proven Non SorgieaJ treatments. This book may prove of utmost impor tance in your life. No oblige tioa. Address Exeelsior In sNtuts, Dept. W-ll, Bnslsisr Springs, Missouri. CARDS of THANKS 1 I WOULD like to use this oppor tunity to thank all my kind neighbors and friends for all the acts of kindness, cards, let ters and words of encourage ment that 1 have received since my accident. It is impossible to express how much 1 have ap preciated all of tir is but I would like each one to know that I am very grateful.—Leon ard Lorenz. 16p O’Neill News Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Lofflin were his sister, Mrs. George Woods, and Mr. Woods of Glenwood Springs, Colo., and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. DeHart of Ord Mr. and Mrs. Carl Widtfeldt visited at the John Damero home in the Pnoenix community last week Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie, jr , were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Clyde McKenzie, sr., at Lynch. The Misses Carolyn and Joan McKenzie returned with them after spending a week's vacation with their grandmother. Mrs. Phyllis Hinkle and her mother. Mrs. Nina Rust of Chad ron, and her aunt, Mrs. Susan Kintz of Forest Grove, Ore., vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Esty Nelson Sunday and Monday. Mrs Rust is Mrs. Nelson’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Baker returned Sunday, August 5, from «, two-weeks’ vacation in Seaith, Wash., where they visited Mrs. Baker’s brother and sister and friends. Eugene (’’Ike”) Van Every left Sunday for Perry, la., to assume his new position as manager of a Gamble store. Mrs. Van Every and boys plan to move at the end of this week or the he ginning of next. They were Friday sup per guests of the George Van Fverys, his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waring were Sunday supper guests at Page at the Clarence Finch home. Wendesday, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harwell and family of Kansas City, Mo., arrived to visit Mr and Mrs. W. Henry Lofflin and Jo Lee. Mr. and Mrs John Cuddy and Hilly of Sioux Falls, S.D., came to spend a two-weeks’ vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Asthony F, Stanton. Their oilier children, Jimmy and Mary Cath erine, have boon visiting their grandparents and will return with their parents. Little Luann Wetzler of Greg ory, S.D., is staying with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wetzler, while her parents, the Adolph Wetzlers, are on va cation. STORZ BREWING COMPANY, OMAHA, NEBRASKA, U S A. HOLT COUNTY STATE AUDITOR’S REPORT As Provided by 23-1610 J. ED HANCOCK. COUNTY TREASURER FROM 4-1-55 TO 5-17-56 LEDGER BALANCE 3-31-55 _ 706,470.90 Tax Miscellaneous Disburse- Balance Collections Collections ments 5-17-58 1,641,264.38 1,023,642,18 2,499,295.99 872,081.47 Fees & Commissions to General Fund 20,053.94 CASH j Office Banks Investments Item 3,851.99 693,214.48 175,000.00 15.00 872,081.47 KENNETH WARING, COUNTY CLERK FROM 5-1-55 TO 5-31-56 Fees Unremitted 4-30-55 _ 4.00 Paid County Treasurer _ 7,159.28 Regular _5,209.86 State Treasurer_2,161.10 Title_ 4,091.00 Unremitted 5-31-56 4.50 9,304.86 9,304.86 COUNTY BOARD Edward N. Flood, No. 1 Arthur W. Tomlinson, No. 2 Clarence Ernst, No. 3 Frank Cronk, No. 4 Kenneth L Bartbel, No. 5 A. M. Batenhorst, No. 6 Alex Frlokel, No. 7 FISCAL BUDGET YEAR 1954-1955 Balance 0-30-55 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATION $166,245.00 Expended _$153,126 81 $13,118.19 County County County Mail Route Road Bridge Road-Bridge Road 1954-55 Budget Appropriation _150,000.00 70,000.00 32,000.00 70,000.00 Expenditures Labor_ 39,240.08 12,890.53 739.75 13,729.73 Repairs Sc Supplies_ 28,005.18 3,185,14 1,430.40 430.40 Gas & Oil_ 18,177.47 1,267.34 254.73 638.10 Gravel Sc Clay_3,181.75 _ _____ 3,500.96 Equipment Rental_ 24,990.90 _ 1,303.50 31,090.76 New Equipment_ 28,313.70 _ 22,675.00 _ Material_ 4,555.03 _ 194J7 Lumber_ 29,537.90 __ Culverts_ 9,930.13 _ _ Contracts_ 1,207.65 __ Freight_ 4,751.00 __ County Equipment Rental____ 12,010.50 Miscellaneous_ 110.13 744.68 273.92 _ Total Expenditures_142,019.70 08,070.00 20,077.30 02,207.07 Unexpended Balance 6-30-55 _ 7,380.34 1,923.94 5,322.04 7,73X33 Machinery Lease Contracts on File—12; Balance Due, 5-31-50_1_48,172.33 HOWARD D. MANSON, CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT FROM 4-21-U TO 5-17-66 Over Fees Trust Funds paid Cash On hand 4-18-55_ 87.65 Appearance_6,776.36 3.50 Office _ Ncne Reported_1,816.40 Insanity _:_ 8440_Bank_6,96841 Over-Remitted 4-16-55 _ 14.00 Judgment_ 10.40 3.00 —. Paid Co. Treas. __1,770.05 Naturalization _ 36.00 _ - Miscellaneous _ 740 _ Cash Long_46 On Hand_ 120.00 - - - 6,85646 6.50 Uncollected Fees are listed In detail in audit Recommend immediate collection and correction of Fee Account LOUIS W. REDCKrTCOUNTY JUDGE FROM 4-26-55 TO 5-17-66 Over Fees Fines Trust Funds paid Cash Unremitted Probate _ 3,678.08 _ Office _ 12647 4-19-56__ 5.00 _ Civil_ 156.43 445 Cetf. Deposit_8,681.47 On hand 4-19-55 138 80 _ Condemnation_ 16.30 _ Bank_ 28340 Reported _4,240.33 4,712.50 Criminal_19.60 _ Cash long___ 4.49 Paid Co. Treas. 4,188.88 4,692.50 Birth Reg._ 6.50 - - On hand 5-17-56 195.25 20.00 3,876.85 445 LEO S. TOMJACK, COUNTY SHERIFF FROM 4-26-55 TO 4-86-66 Fees Distress Warrant Report 8-31-55 Unreported 4-19-55_115.70 Received _55,525.17 On Hand 4-19-55___11.75 Collections _22,436.26 Reported_181.50 Uncollected ____,,33,088.91 Paid Co. Treas. _._ 306.45 - Unremitted_2.50 - % Collection—40.41% ALICE L. FRENCH, COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT FROM 4-20-55 TO 5-17-56 Balance 4-19-55 Receipts Paid Out Balance 5-17-56 200.86 1,838.29 1,930.96 Bank_108.19 Not Posted 20.20 On Hand 20.20 The statutory report herein made is compiled from the books and records of Holt County. The ex amination was made at my direction and under my supervision as provided by law (Section 23-1606, R.R.S. 1943). The above report Is a true and correct summary of the report on file in my office. Copies of such report have been furnished to the County Clerk and County Attorney for filing in their respective offices. Dated at Lincoln, Nebraska, this 31st day of July, 1956. RAY C. JOHNSON Auditor of Public Accounts