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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1956)
Inman Rebekahs in Regular Session INMAN — Arbutus Rebekah lodge met for a regular session I Wednesday evening, August 8, at the I OOF hall. Mrs. Hazel Lorenz, noble grand, was in charge of the meeting. Mrs L. R. Tompkins and Mrs John H. Mattson were hostesses and served lunch at the close of the meeting. Other Inman News Mr and Mrs Donald Keyes have named their new daughter Joyce Renae. Mrs. Jennie Crosser entertain ed the LL club at her home on Wdnesday afternoon, August 8. The time was spent socially after which Mrs. Crosser served re freshments. Mr. and Mrs David Morsbach and girls returned Monday night from a short vacation spent in Rapid City and Chamberlain, S.D . where they visited relatives. Miss LuElla Watson and her sister, Mrs Virgil Tomlinson, and two daughters of O’Neill drove to Omaha Friday returning that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Cronk and daughter, Jane Ellen, of San Bernardino, Calif., arrived here on Saturday for a visit in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gallagher and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cronk of Page. Mr and Mrs. Don Lockwood and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Woodrow Gaugh enbaugh home. Mr and Mrs. Justin Butterfield and family moved Saturday from the old Peter Ryan place east of town to the Earl Wright farm northeast of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gallagher and family will move to the Ryan place soon. Mrs James McMahan attended a stated meeting of Symphony chapter, OES, at O’Neill la..’ Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Max Mosstnan and children of Norfolk sprnt the weekend in ’he Ernest; Brunckhorst and Leo Mossman homes. Mr. and Mrs G. E. Hartigan of Norfolk spent Saturday night and Sunday in the James Coven try and Marye Hartigan homes, | Miss Beverly Smith, who has j spent the past two months in Sterling, Colo., where she has been employed, arrived home on Saturday to get ready for school. She will be a senior this year. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lorenz, Loren and Laureen and nephew, Larry, left Friday morning for Minneapolis, Minn., to visit Leon ard Lorenz, a patient at the Vet erans hospital there. They arriv ed home Sunday evening. Leon ard was able to come with them for a few days’ stay. Miss Mildred Keyes left Friday for Omaha where she will visit relatives for a few days. Mr and Mrs. Dean DeLong anJ family of Omaha are spending a few days vacationing in the home j of Dean’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong. Miss Lucy Cunningham has re turned from Chadron where she spent the summer. Lucy will be a senior this year. Little Michael Green of Sioux City spent the past week in the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton. He went home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Banks and family left Sunday for the Oz arks in Missouri to visit Mr. Banks’ mother. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGraw attended a picnic of the RLDS church in Clearwater Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Clifford Sawyer and son, Michael, drove to Arca dia Sunday to visit her parents and also her sister, who is here from the East. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Gaugh enbaugh and family were visitor? in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Fick and family on Sat urday evening. August 4. This was in honor of the birthday an niversaries of Mrs. Gaughen baugh and Georgia Lou Fick. The evening was spent watching fV. Birthday cake and ice cream were served. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Gaugh enbaugh were Sunday aftert oon and supper guests in the h< me cf the Dan Snyder family at Atkinson. __ Ewing News Miss Ina Bennett, who has spent the past 10 days with re- j latives ui Lincoln and at Fair bury, returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud and their daughter-in-law. Mrs. Paul Doud, and daughter went to Ne ligh Tuesday, August 7, and were guests for supper at the Paul Doud home. On Friday the Douds were guest at the home of Mrs. Mabel Caubarns at Neligh. John Black arrived home Fri day from Seattle, Wash., and will spend a 30-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Black and family. He is in the navy. Mrs. Wilda Carr and daugh ters, Mary Catherine and Connie, returned to Holdrege on Sunday where they were overnight guests of her sister, Mrs. Wilda Carr, and family They left Mon day for their home at Wichita, Kans. Mrs. Lena Tomjack of Spring field, who has been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Tomjack. left Sunday to visit at the home of Mrs. Don Cameron. Mrs Everett Jarman of Cham bers and her daughter, Mary Ringel, of Omaha were guests Wednesday afternoon, August 8, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. An- | ton Tomjack. Mrs. Rose Bauer and children called at the Gottlieb Bauer home on Sunday afternoon. Miss Joellyn Eacker has com pleted a summer course at the University of Nebraska and is! now vacationing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker. M rc I j Woods and rhild ren of Lincoln are spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rotherham. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sanders and family of Dixon are spending their vacation in Ewing with her j parents, Mr. and Mrs Floyd Lee, J and with his mother, Mrs. Caro line Saders. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright and family moved from their home near Stafford to Ewing on Thurs day. They will occupy the Roc key residence near the Public Telephone building. The Wrights have three children to attend the I Ewing school. Mrs. Gene Ruby began work ! this week at the Ewing Co-op creamery as an assistant. She will be on duty during the after noon hours. Mrs. William Spence and son, Lyle, accompanied by Ronald •totherham, went to Lincoln re cently and made arrangements to. the boys to enter the Univer sity of Nebraska this fall. Thursday evening guests at the home ef Mrs. Hazel Kimes were her daughter, Mrs. Merle Fil singer, and son. Monty, of Ew ing and Mrs. Lawrence Rutledge of Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rockey took a sightseeing trip up into Minnesota this week, returning home on Thursday. They report plenty of rain in the state and crops looking good Miss Karen Tuttle accompanied her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tuttle to their home in Cherokee, la., for a two - week’s vacation. She has a paper route in Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle were weekend guests of his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tuttle. The Misses Bernadine and Geraldine Rotherham returned on Sunday, August 5, from a two-weeks’ vacation spent with their brother, James Rotherham, annd family at Colorado Springs, Colo. Bernadine is employed in Neligh and Geraldine taught school the past year. They are | the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. j Roy Rotherham. - — Select Delegates for LWML Rally CHAMBERS—The Ladies’ Aid of St. Paul's Lutheran cnurch met Wednesday, August 8, at the church with 12 members and Rev. E. G. Smith of O’Neui pres ent. The lesson was in the form of a round table discussion win the pastor as chairman. Mrs. H. C. Walter conducted the business session. Plans were discussed and committees appointed for the ordination service Sunday. The following delegates were appointed to attend the Lutheran Woman’s Missionary league rally' to be held in Atkinson n Sep tember: Mrs. Jake Hoerle, Mrs. A1 Dierking, Mrs. Victor Harley and Mrs. John Buhlman. Lunch was served by Mrs. II. C. Walter, Mrs. Vernon Harley and Mrs. John Buhlman. Shows Champ Female at Colorado Fair CHAMBERS— Bonnie Grimes daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grimes of Eaton Colo., recently j showed the grand champion Hereford female at the Weld county fair held at Greeley, Colo. She also received a trophy1 foe the champion pen of chickens. Miss Grimes, a sophomore in high school, had entries in *hree | 4-H projects. Her steer placed j seventh in strong competition. She is a granddaughter of Mr and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter of J Chambers. Mr. Carpenter if a breeder of purebred Shorthorns1 at his Chambers ranch. Chambers News Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Aldersoi and sons. Gary and Mark, came Tuesday, August 7, from Timber Lake, S.D., where he is employ ed, for a visit with relatives and friends. Jacqueline Taggart returned to her work in Omaha the first of the week after spending a two weeks’ vacation with her par-. ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Taggart, | and brothers, Sam, Lonnie and Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Theis of Winside spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene DeHart, and sister, Shirley. They also visited other relatives and friends. Mrs. Theis attended a shower in Amelia Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Peltzer and family and Mrs. Walt Feihu of Nampa, Ida., who have been visiting relatives around Stanton and Pilger, came to Chambers on Friday. The Peltzers were over night guests in the A. A. Walter home. On Sunday the following relatives gathered at the Ruben Peltzer home in honor of the Marion Peltzer family: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Woehler and daugh ter of Pilger, Mr. and Mrs. Irven Peltzer of West Point, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hankins and Lonnie Wood of Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Walter and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith, Dean and Judy, all of Chambers. Mrs. Feihn visited Mrs. Elmer Wandcrsee and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Carson. Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olson, Rickey and Joyce of Redwood City, Calif., and Allan Reyner of Bro ken Bow came to attend 'he Jeanenne Backhaus and Lloyd Hoerle wedding. The former are the parents of Mrs. Roy Back haus. Charles Olson is her broth er and Mr. Reyner her grandfa ther. Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Dale o, Pratt, Kans., visited friends in Chambers over the weekend. They were guests in the J. W. Walter home. Reverend Dale preached Sunday at the Lutheran church at the ordination service for Norman Walter. t _A._I. « i Liignining uwuujrcu « w. hay on the Lyman Robertson place west of Chambers and one on the Clarence Fry farm south of town last Thursday night. It also struck a tree near the the ater in Chambers. Phyllis Kiltz, who attended the University of Southern Cali ifornia during the summer, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kiltz, before returning to her teaching position in the Janesville, Wise., high school. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter enjoyed a picnic dinner with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens, and family at Atkinson Sunday. Also present was Mrs. H. O. Stevens of Atkinson. The gioup attended the Midget basball game in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Mann left1 Friday morning for their home, at Cleveland, O., after visiting | her mother, Mrs. Nellie Starr. j They also visited her brothers and families at Arnold’s Park, la., West Point and Grand Island. ) Mrs. Charles Hart and son, Ro land, left last Thursday for their home at Bismarck, N.D., alter spending some time with her j parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Moss, and her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grimes, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Okey Sandburg and children of Fonda, la., came Friday for a visit with her broth er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jarman. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Walter of Boyd, Minn., visited his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walter, over the weekend and attended the ordination ser vices for Rev. Norman Walter. The Eli Walters were callers in the A. A. Walter home Sunday. Letter to Editor O’Neill, Nebr. Here is a story I think will show how things are going in the ?ood old U S A. A man walks into a lunch ■oom, sits down. A grandma with i small child come in, sits down n front of him. The man orders » sandwich and coffee. Grandma orders a roll and a glass of milk tor the child; pie and coffee with .'ream for herself. The waiter brings the orders. \nother man steps in and drinks ;he milk, picks up the pie while grandma is putting the cream in aer coffee, walks out. The first man witnesses the A’hole thing and keeps still. Handouts for some w'hile oth ?rs turn their backs. J. E. VAN E^ERY Mrs. Web Napier, Alfred Napier Are Feted at Dinner RIVERSIDE—A birthday din ner was served at the Richard Napier home Sunday in honor of his mother, Mrs. Web Napier, and brother, Alfred Napier! Other guests, Web Napier and Russel, the Alfred Napier family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harpster and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and girls and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier. Other Riverside News Mr. and Mrs. Lei* Fink and sons of Page called at the Bert Fink home Saturday. Larry Hand of Edison was calling on friends in the River side community Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Walter Miller, Mrs. Howard Miller and Altha Lou, Ronnie Mott, Fay Doty and Eugene Kleckner attended the Free Methodist camp at Ansley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lofquist and family took in the Shrine circus and barbecue at Norfolk Tuesday evening, August 7. Raymond Turner returned home Sunday from Ft. Knox. Reverend Turner and Wayne spent the weekend at Ansley at the Don Larson home during their absence. Wayne Fry family, Shirley Miller and children, Web Alfred and Richard Napier families, Rol Hords, Archie Johnstons. James Gunters, Wilbur Bennets. Ralph Shraders, Ina Bennett, David Shrader, Rev. and Mrs. Ross and Margaret Ross, Douglas and San dra Shrader attended the United Presbyterian Sunday-school pic nic Saturday in the Riverside park at Neligh. Neal Jensen and Mrs. Duane Jensen, Anna Marie and Janice of Newman Grove were also present. The Misses Alberta, Cleo and Ruby Butler of Omaha were weekend guests of the Switzer family. They were Sunday din ner guests at the Wendell Swit zer home, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer, Jay Butler and the Leo Miller family were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napier at tended a seed corn meeting and dinner at Norfolk Friday. Norma Ruroede of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schell of Kimball spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. t George Ruroede. Mrs. Schell was 1 formerly Dorothy Ruroede. Other Sunday guests were Mr and Mrs. f Melvin Scheer and family, Mr. i - and Mrs. Leo Cleveland and ' children and Mr. and Mrs. James > Movers and family. Mrs. Hazel Kimes, Dean and t Dal and Mrs. Walter Woepple r and five grandchildren visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson n Tuesday evening. August 7. t Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock ac- * companied the Art Busshardt c family of Neligh to Omaha Wed- ' nesday, August 8, and were din ner guests at the Rodney Pollock « home and 6 o’clock supper guests n at the Dale Raasch home l Riverside clubbers in Aehievement Program— v RIVERSIDE—Tin- Happy Hoi- t low 4-H club had an achievement program Friday in the United a Presbyterian church annex. a Members plan a roller skating j party at Neligh Thursday eve- a ning, August 23. Faye and Dennis Scheer and a Paul Gunter took their dairy j calves to Holt county fair and Paul plans on staying at the fair- f grounds. v A Nephew Graduates with Honors— Mrs. Paul Shierk left Friday to attend the graduation of her ne- j phew, Winston Stahleeker, at v Springfield. S.D. He received a| bachelor of science degree, cum laude, the only such honor in his class. He also completed four years’ work in three. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stahleeker brought Mrs Shierk home. Jimmy McCarthy Is 9-Years-Old— Jimmv McCarthy, son of Mr. and Mrs. George M. McCarthy, i celebrated his ninth birthday an niversary Sunday at a theater party. Afterward the 10 iittle guests were served refreshment'' at the McCarthy home. _ I Co-Hostesses— Co-hostesses at the last of the fortnightly Country club dinners to tie held Sunday, August 19, are the Mesdames Marlin Wichman and W. C. Whited. A turkey din ner is to be served. Mrs. Drayton Entertains— Mrs. Alfred Drayton entertain ed Circle 11 of the Presbyterian Women’s association today (Thursday). Expecting to spend the week end in Hastings to visit relatives are the Eugene Schmcichel fam ily. __ News Mrs Austa Crabb and daugh ,-rs. Miss Jean and Mrs. Owen iavis, are visiting in Oklahoma Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Golden and randson, John Miller, returned unday from Smyrna. Tenn., .here they visited their son-in • iw and daughter. Capt. and Mr<. . T Butcher, and daughter. Mrs. lolden had been in Florida for a l\v months visiting her mother. Monuments or lasting beaut; jade b; skilled craftsmen of he J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu lents from the factor; to th onsumer. — Emmett C'rahb. O' eilt. phone 139-J. 37ti Mr. and Mrs. Darold Shierk of ioux Falls. S.D., spent last 'hursday and Friday at the ome of their uncle and aunt, tr. and Mrs Paul Shierk. Mr. and Mrs, C. G. Shellhase ere at the Glenn Butterfield ome for Sunday dinner. Mr and Mrs. William Frieke nd family returned Friday from1 week's vacation at the lakes in linnosota and a week with rel tives in Iowa. Mr and Mrs Emmett Crabb re visiting various points in lorth Dakota. Venetian blinds, prompt deliv ry, made to measure, metal 01 ood. all colors.—J. M. Mcl>on Ids. tf Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Benda nd sons of Los Angeles, Calif., nd his mother, Mrs. Charles enda of Platte, S.D., were eekend guests of his brother in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs Roy J. Shelhamer, and family Mr. and Mrs. Benda and sons had spent two weeks at the farm at Platte and left Monday for their home. Mrs, Helen Brown of Gretna went to Omaha to pick up her grandson, Jim Reimer. enroulo to the Louis W. Reimer. jr„ home where Mrs. Brown will visit for a week. Jim had been visiting in Omaha. Mrs. Richard C. Smithson. Mrs. Leona Shoemaker. Mrs. Leo Mullen, Mrs. Harry Petersen, Miss Alice French and Miss FUr ence Ponton went to Spalding on Saturday for dinner and to visit Miss Esther Kinnier. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Reynoldaon visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs James Reynoldson, in Albion on Sunday. PHONE US your news . . insure publication by reporting it early Money to Loan - Oil — AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT furniture Central Finance Corp. C. E. Jones. Manager O'Neill Nebraska '""I DRS. BROWN & FRENCH — O’NEILL — PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Alice’s Beauty Shop (In Forme)- Apparel Shop Location) Phone 263 — O'Neill 30th ANNUAL WHEELER COUNTY FAIR RODEO BARTLETT. NEBR. TUESDAY THRU THURSDAY August 28 - 29 - 30 (Tuesday is entry day: entries close 9 a.m„ Wed.) amateur rodeo— Wednesday night and Thursday afternoon; Gus Obermire of Stuart, producer. Five events. GRAND PARADE— Thursday . . . "Share-the-F'un” acts . . . dancing. TRI-STATE SHOWS— Will be on the grounds. Music by the Wheeler County High School Band. FREE admission to the grounds. DANCING— Wednesday and Thursday evenings in the fair grounds pavilion. --—— Pre-Season Sale! SAVE ON PERFECTION STOVES! uar-.:/r* ! BUY NOW . . Try it FREE and feel the SAVE MONEY . .. pTr'eec" PAY LATER... TION—the only heater | with the oil-saving By buying our stove supply ear- "Midget” Pilot, "Reg* ly we are able to pass on great ulaire” for warm floors, savings to you—the purchaser— t-v r. j .Li on all models of Perfection Oil Dyna-Draft to end chim and Gas heating stoves. All of ney troubles —plus the Perfection stoves listed are IO-YEAR GUARANTEE! current models — this is no old model clean-up sale! , Write Your Own Payment Plan OIL HEATING STOVES 1 Model Size Reg. Price Sale Price SAVE H 809 —38,000 BTU, 2 to 3 Rooms $ 65.95 $ 52.50 $13.45 ' H8I8G—60,000 BTU, 3 to 5 Rooms $129.95 $ 99.95 $30.00 H 819B—65,000 BTU, 4 to 6 Rooms $209.95 $169.95 $40.00 with Dynadraft Controls H 823G—78,000 BTU, 5 to 7 Rooms $209.95 $169.95 $40.00 J with Blower GAS HEATING STOVES Model Size Reg. Price Sale Price SAVE X 930U—30,000 BTU, 2 Rooms $ 99.95 $ 79.95 $20.00 X 965U—65,000 BTU, 4 to 6 Rooms $146.95 $111.95 $35.00 X 966U—65,000 BTU, 4 to 6 Rooms $ 169.95 $129.95 $40.00 More models similar in price while they last. Load up that old stove that was giving you heating trouble last winter—bring it in and be prepared to trade. THIS SALE ENDS AUGUST 31, 1956 WM. KROTTER CO. HARDWARE & APPLIANCE Edw. M. Gleeson DENTIST 2d Floor Gilligan Rexall Bldg. Ph. 240 - Box 149 - Hrs 8:30-5 Paul Shierk INSURANCE AGENCT O’NEILL, NEBR Insurance of Ail Kinds Solid Silver Bonus! 3uy 3 get I Free A Gift of an International Sterling Place Setting Value *2550^to *36™^,* (J AU •tATTMNI MAO! M UU Now, for the first time In Sterling history, you get a place setting FREE when you buy THREE 5-pc. place set tings in lovely International Sterling. This wonderful money-saving plan brings you lifetime pride in setting your table with precious solid silver...not just a few pieces but enough to entertain 4 people graciously. Your choice of 15 deep sculptured patterns in International Ster ling of luxurious weight. You'll treasure it forever. Offer ex pires August 31, 1956. “'ONE' ; ‘"TWO"- ) -rr. "TIE"|ar„ . Pay only $0.00 a w»ek on any purchase MciNTOSH JEWELRY | — O’NEILL — Less Homework for Mother with WASH N’ WEAR PLAIDS Little Penney price for ma chine-washable Dan River® * cottons, Dri Don finished to jiffy-iron or get away with no ironing! 7-14. 3-6x, 2.98. “You Saw Me in Life” GIRLS’ SWEATERS WARM ORLON CARDIGANS COME THROUGH SUDS TRUE TO SI/E! Penney’s nifty, thrifty vrlon sweaters wash in minutes, need no blocking . . . never shrink, 'if never stretch. And they keep true to their glowing colors, too! Sizes 7 to 14. AS SEEN IN LIFE! ■» * i Carefree Dri-Don finish in DAN RIVER PLAIDS! Now Wash 'n' Wear... all a boys' favorite woven plaids! j Toss ’em in a washing ma chine ... they jiffy iron in minutes or take none at all! I I . - . . .... — wu BOYS’ TROUSERS Long Wearing! Machine Washes! RAYON - NYLON “GABS”! Cut down on mending, cleaning bills with ^ Tenney's long - wear, machine washable UU “gabs”! Smartly styled with self matching "B* belt! Sl*es 10 to 20 Sizes 4 to 10 3.98 {