The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 16, 1956, Page 7, Image 7

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    McDermott-Fritz Nuptials Here
Miss Nadine McDermott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dominic
McDermott of O’Neill, and Donald R. Fritz, ton of Mr. and Mrs.
William R. Fritz of Elgin, were married Saturday, August 11, in St.
Patrick’s Catholic church here. Very Rev Timothy O’Sullivan,
church pastor, officiated.—O’Neill Photo Co.
Academy to Start
Fall Term Aug. 27
Sister M. Laurissa to
Go to Rome
(Photo below)
St. Mary’s academy will open
the 19f>6-’57 school term on Mon
day, August 27, with the registra
tion of the freshmen and sopho
mores. The seniors and juniors
will sign up Tuesday, August
28 All pupils are requested to
register, regardless of previous
igning for classes.
There is only one change in
the faculty of the high school.
Sister M. Laurissa. the junior
u-acher. has been transferred
to the International convent of
the Sisters of St. Francis in
Rome, Italy. She will leave
Irom New York on Monday,
August 20. Her sister. Sister M.
Constanoe, will replace her as
iuninr teacher.
Mother M. Agnesine will con
tinue as superior and principal.
Sister M. Emilia will be in charge
of the senior class; Sisters Rose
end Marina will teach the sopho
more and freshman classes, re
spectively. Sister Christiana will
be in charge of the library and
will teach Latin and English.
I>on Templemeyer will again
coach the athletic teams and
teach the commercial subjects.
Miss Alvira Hamm will have the
glee club and the voice depart
ment, while Mrs. F. J. Kubit
schek will teach piano. Mr. Mil
ler will be charge ol the band.
The grade school faculty re
mains unchanged: Sister Mildred,
eighth; Sister M. Michael, sixth
and seventh; Mrs. Jack Arbuth
not, fifth; Mrs. L. Gokie, fourth;
Sister M. Genevieve, third; Sis
ter M. Thoma, second; Sister M.
Rrigid, first, and Sister M. Lau
rita, kindergarten.
Mother Agnesine and Sister
Emilia left on Wednesday, Aug
ust 15, for Buffalo, N.Y., where
they are attending a Franciscan
educational conference. The six
day convention of representatives
of all schools taught by the:r
congregation in the United States
will convene for the purpose of
drawing up a uniform code of
education and a plan of curric
ulum to be introduced into all
their schools in this country.
Sisters Rose, Marina and Gen
evieve will return from Denver,
Colo., on Sunday, August 26.
Mother Agnesine and Sister Em
ilia are expected back the same
St Mary’s academy has taken
- ..—
on a “new look." All olui
rooms and corridors have been
repainted, woodwork haa been
cleaned and varnished, and the
rooms boast of new cupboards,
shelves and reading stands.
Friends of St. Mary’s were re
sponsible for the work and fi
nancing of the redecorction.
Sister M. Michael will leave
for Boys Town Sunday, August
19, where she will attend the
liturgical workshop. Because she
will not return until September
1, the seventh graders will reg
ister on August 30 with all other
grade school students but will
not return for classes until Sep
tember 4.
Time will be made up at a
later date.
Mrs. Bridges to Sing
at Convention—
INMAN—Mrs. James E. Bridg
es, the former Imogene Davis of
Inman, is representing several
states at the national Delta Omi
cron convention to be held at the
Trout-Dale-in-the Pines at Ev
ergreen, Colo., August 12 through
17. Mrs. Bridges was chosen by
the national board of Delta Omi
cron to sing at the convention be
cause of her achievements in mu
sic while attending the University
of Nebraska.
Janet Jenkins of Lincoln and
Lois Panwitz of McCook will
also form a trio with Mrs. Bridges,
to perform for a DO musicale. |
Mrs. Bridges will also be one
of eight at the convention to be
awarded the Delta Omicron hon
or pin by the national president.
Other convention highlights will
be the concerts of guest artists
from Europe as well as the Unit-;
ed States.
Make Plans for
Flower Exhibit—
PAGE — Plans were made
Tuesday for a flower exhibit to
be held at the bank building on
free day when members of the
Page extension club were guests
of Mrs. Merwyn French, sr.
Mesdames Hal Farnsworth and
Harry Harper were leaders for
the lesson on “left-overs with
imagination." Mrs. Edgar Stauf
fer led the music period.
Mrs. William Ragland and
Mrs. Merwyn French, jr., were
guests. Roll call was answered
with “What plastic item have
you enjoyed?" Mrs. Rose Chi
chester plans to have the Sep
tember meeting.
Visits Aunt —
Sr. Benedict Joseph of Hart
ington is a guest of her aunt,
Miss Bernadette Brennan.
On Vacation —
Rev. Thomas Hitch, assistant
pastor at St. Patrick’s Cathode
church, is on vacation.
Sister M Laurissa (left), junior teacher at St. Mary's academy,
will leave Monday for Rome. Italy. She is pictured with her sis
ters. Mrs. Edward Johnson of Omaha and Sister
«, u - a* ■ Qi«tpr Laurissa on the SMA faculty. Sister Lau*
^ *»•
Irene Tierney.
union a» i°°
ALL - MEAT __ _ _
IIRERER5 3.1°°
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GOOD A 0 r
PORK ^ A if
SAUSAGE Lb. RoB .17*
beef Lb i#e
HOCKS Lb. 176
FLOUR_10-lb. bag 98c
STARCH ... Quart 19c
JETS_2 Pkgs. 29c
TISSUE_2 pbgs- 49c
AID__3 pkgs. 10c
WISK_Qt. can 49c
! ORANGE JUICE. 46-oz. can 37c
FLOUR_50-lb. bag 3.79
Mil > iMr
mm 5.49'