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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1956)
funk-Thiele Nuptials Read at St. John s DELOIT—A pretty double-ring ceremony was held at St. John’s Catholic church on Wednesday, August 8, at 9 a m., when Miss Vera Dell Funk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Funk, became the bride of Philip Theile, son of the late Peter Theile. Rev. Alfred Hoesing sang the nuptial nigh mass. David Sehi and Jerry Theile served. Organist was Mrs. Mark Sehi and Jack Funk was soloist. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a iloor length gown of chantilly lacc and nylon net. The bodice fea tured a V neckline, both front and back, with a tiny edge of net and scallop trim of lace, and buttoned down the back. The full circular skirt was made of nylon tulle over satin and was accent ed at the hipline with a lace bustle trimmed with nylon net, under which deep net ruffles ex tended to the hem on each side. A headpiece trimmed with pearls .and sequins held the fingertip veil which was trimmed with lace to match the gown. The bride’s bouquet was an orchid surrounded by white fea thered carnations. She wore a matched set of earrings and necklace of rhinestone with a touch of blue, a gift from the bridegroom. Mrs. Kenneth Ziska, sister of the bride, was matron-of-honor and Mrs. Herman Starman, sis ter of the bridegroom, waa bridesmaid. Miss Elaine Funk, niece of the bride, was junior bridesmaid. All wore ballerina length dresses of blue taffeta un der nylon net, and carried white carnations. The flowergirl was Sheila Zis ka, niece of the bride, and the rtngbearer was Danny Hemen way, nephew of the bridegroom. The flower-girl's dress was fash ioned exactly like that of the bride. It was made by her pa ternal grandmother, Mrs. Chanes Ziska of Atknsion. Ronnie Hemenway, brother-in law of the bridegroom, was best ' man. Clarence Funk, brother *>: i the bride, acted as groomsman All the men wore blue suits will white carnation boutonmeres Kenny Ziska and Hermit j Starman were ushers. The bride’s mother chose a na vy blue two-piece dress witt pink accessories. She wore : corsage of pink carnations A wedding breakfast was serv ed at the William Sehi home witi Mrs. Sehi and Mrs. Andrew Mueller assisting. A noon dinner was held at the church parlors for about on« hundred guests and a receptior in the afternoon for about 175. The four-tier wedding cak« was baked by the aunt of the ortde and bridegroom, Mrs. Car! Theile, and was served oy Mrs Clarence Funk. Mrs. John Raster aunt of the bride, poured. Mrs Ronnie Hemenway, sister of the bridegroom was in charge of the guest book. For her going away dress, the bride chose a blue nylon gowr with white accessories. Mrs Theile was graduated from St Mary’s academy with the class of 1955 and taught s rural school in Wheeler count} the past year. Mr. Theile is engaged In farm ing southwest of Clearwater. Those helping with the wed ding dinner and reception were the Mesdaraes Albin Thramer, Mark Thramer, Alex Thramer, Ludwig Tagel, C let us Muff, George Walter, Carl Ernesti, John Kneivel, Bill Kneive>, Frank Miller, J. Mlnarik, Clar ence Shavlik and Peter Kaster Waitresses were Corrine Muel ler, Carol and Judy Kaster, Shar on Leahy, Winnie Vandersnick, Patty and Joan Sehi, Lois Kaczor, Margaret Mary Funk and Alberta Price. Mrs. Rudy Funk had charge of the decorating of the churcn parlors. Cletus Muff and Alex Thramer were in charge of re freshments. A wedding dance was held at Summerland on the same eve ning for a large number of rela tives and friends. The bride and bridegroom went to Denver, Colo., on their wedding trip. I iidden Key Is Shower feature AMELIA — Miss Donna Rae Peterson was honored at a show er Sunday afternoon at the Amelia hall. Mrs. Oscar Peterson, Mrs. Ed Jungman, Mrs. Art Doo little and Mrs. Ralph Rees spon sored the shower. Mrs. Gloria Doolittle, Mrs. Bob Adair and Mrs. Ralph Adair had charge of the program. The bride-to-be was presented a treasurer chest of gifts without a key and it was her duty to find the key, while the audience gave the clue as to whether she was getting closer or farther from the place where it was hid den by singing “Shes looking for the key" in loud or soft tones. There were six guests present. A lunch was served. Donna Rae invited everyone to her wedding to Winfred Hatch on August 22 at the Amelia Catho lic church at 6 a.m. Mrs. Calvin Coolidge Shower Honoree AMELIA — Mrs. Calvin Coo lidge was honored at a post nuptial shower Saturday after noon at the Amelia Methodist church annex. There were about 65 guests present. The shower was sponsored by Mrs. Vern Sa geser. Mrs. Blake Ott and Mrs. Margie Sammons had charge of the program. The story of Calvin’s life was revealed to the bride during a telephone conversation. During 1he “Queen for a Day” program the bride was selected to receive all the gifts. A luncheon of ice cream, cake and tea was served. Mrs. Coolidge is the former Delores Jilg of O’Neill. Mrs. Eva Backhaus Feted on Birthday AMELIA—A number of ladies gathered at the home of Eva Backhaus Thursday evening, Au gust 9, to help her celebrate her birthday anniversary. The evening was spent visiting and guessing games. A luncheon of jello and cake was served. Present were: Mrs. Vem Sa ge ser, Mrs. Blake Ott, Mrs. Floyd Adams, Mrs. Ralph Rees, Mrs. S. C. Barnett, Mrs. Delia Ernst, Mrs. Emma Lindsey and Mrs. Frank Pierce. Mrs. Delia Ernst, Mrs. Lindsey and Florence were supper guests there earlier in the evening. Fifteen-foot Deepfreeoe, 5-jr. guaranteed, only $248 at Scovte'i Western Auto. O'Neill. 18-lie Mrs. PhiUp Thiele, nee Vera Dell Funk ... to reside near Clearwater.—O’Neill Photo Co. Sits in President’s Chair Ben Gilligan (seated) of Gilligan’s Rexall Drug at O’Neill, is shown with John Bowles (left), president of the Rexall division of the Rexall Drug company, and Edwin H. Vick, franchise de partment manager, during Gilligan’s recent visit to the Los An - geles, Calif., world headquarters of the Rexall company. Mr. Gil ligan, his wife and their son, Tim, returned late Friday from a 3 *6-weeks’ visit in Southwestern states. Celia News Mr. and Mrs. John Ross spent Saturday in O’Neill on a business trip and visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and family viisted the Duane Reck home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack spent Sunday at the Nels Colfack home in Atkinson. Mrs. E. W. Samms, Dickie and Carla of Wichita, Kans., and Mrs. William Maloun visited at the Duane Beck home Tuesday. Mark and Joe Hendricks went to Mullen last Thursday to attend the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Leona Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Troshynski and family of Omaha spent Thursday, August 2, at the Frank Kilmurry home. Mr. and Mrs. John Ross and son, Dorothy Scott, Mrs. Duane Beck and Sheryl were Tuesday visitors at the William Ma'.oun home. rais. Duu vjuumewsKy ana daughters, Jean Marie and Lu cille, of Omaha visited from Sunday until Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Frank Kilmurry. Pvt. Edward Ross left last Thursday evening to return to camp. He had spent his furlough i with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ross. His address is Pvt. Edward J. Ross, US55555138, Co. B„ 2nd Battalion, MTC BA MC, Ft. Sam Houston, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks were in Plainview at the Chester Larson home Sunday, August S. Diane Samms spent Monday with Mary Catherine Kilmurry. Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun and boys, Mrs. E. W. Samms, Carla and Dickie visited the Kil murry home in the evening. Mrs. E. W. Samms, Diane, Carla and Dickie spent from Sun day until Tuesday at the William Maloun home. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg were Sunday dinner and supper guests. Mrs. Charles Dobias and sons, Roger and Rodney, Dorothy Scott and Billy Milner were Sunday dinner guests at the D. F. Scott home in Atkinson. The boys play , ed ball in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reiser and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chaffin and family were Sundaj dinner guests at the Joe Hend ricks home. Mr. and Mrs. John Ross <md Eddie visited last Thursday at | the Hans Braun home. Bobby and Leroy Lauridsen I visited from Tuesday, August 7, | until Saturday at tha Louis Lauridsen home. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck vis ited at the George Beck home in Atkinson Sunday. Miss Shirley Colfack visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack. She is em ployed in O'Neill. Dayle Focken spent the week end at the Irvin Forbes home in Amelia. Sand Creek Livewires 4-H club met at the Clarence Focken home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack at tended a family reunion at Plcks town, S.D., last Thursday. Buddy Focken and Jerry Hig gens visited the Clarence Focken home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken visited at the Francis Hanel home Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack spent Sunday evening at the Nels Colfack home. Frank Disterhaupt went to Pillager, Minn., to visit his son, Ray, Sunday. He returned Satur day. «*r _ _i m sr a — ..a ***«. «*mt Mtuivt 4M VA Portland, Ore., spent Wednesday, August 8, at the Emil Colfack home. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Arp of Butte were Wednesday, August 8, visitors at the Emil Colfack home. Lonnie Disterhaupt did chorea at the Frank Disterhaupt home this week. Sunday dinner guests at +he John Ross home were Mr. and Mrs. Benny Braun and family. Lieb Graduates from Signal Schoel— ATKINSON — Pvt Jack M. Lieb, son of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lieb of Atkinson, recently was graduated from the army's southeastern signal school. It Gordon, Ga. He completed the school’s 10 weeks’ power equipment main tenance course. The course train ed him to install, operate and service motor - driven signal equipment. Lieb entered the army last March and completed basic train ing at Ft. Chaffee, Ark. Plan Study of Wind Test— The Holt county Rural Youth held a regular meeting Friday in the courthouse assembly room. Mrs. Joe Dufek presented a talk on first aid. Sliders were shown and reports were given of state camp at Ponca state park. Guests were Janice Scholz, Lois Puckett and Elvon Anderson. On the pro gram for September will be a wind test study and a hay ride. —By Audrey Henderson, report er. Newlyweds Feted in Page Park PAGE—With the exception ol the Charles Sorensen family ol Minden, the Soren Sorensen, sr, family welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Robert L, Sorensen at a family reunion at the Page park Sun day. Mrs. Sorensen is the former j Patsy Vick of Owensboro, Ky„ and they are spending his leave here with relatives following their marriage August 6. Those present were Mr and Mrs. Russell Sorensen and Patty of Creighton. Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Connery and son of Chadron, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, jr„ and daughters of Star. Mr. ard Mrs. Bill Sorensen and children, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Sor en Sorensen, all of Page, and Mr. Clayton Messner and daugh ter. Lita Rhe of O’Neill. Other Page News Mrs. Kenneth Braddock, Mrs. Donald Braddock and daughter, Marsha, and Mrs. Richard Bux ton, all of Omaha, were Sunday to Thursday, August 5-9, visitors I in the William Buxton and Alton j Braddock homes at Page and the F. F. Heiter home at O’Neill. Miss Effie Stevens entertained Mrs. Herbert Steinberg, Mrs. Al ton Braddock and the Misses I Marie Heiss and Alice French at ! supper at her apartment at O’ ; Neill tost Thursday evening, j Mrs. John Lamason and Miss Vi ola Haynes were unable to be i present. ivirs. ueorge Page led the les son study on the 10th to the 18th verses of the sixth chapter of Ephesians, last Thursday after noon at the home of Mrs. Owen Parks. There were 10 present. Mrs. Page will be the September 13 hostess. A farewell picnic was held at the Page park for Mr. and Mrs. Walter Christon, who are leaving ing soon for Rockford, 111., be cause of Mrs. Christon’s health. Those present were Harold Heiss, Orville Kemper, Herbert Stevens, Frank and Joe Beelaert, Dan Troshynski, Neven Ickes, sr., Neven Ickes, jr., and Harry Harper and their families and Mrs. Rose Chichester and son, Elbert. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Goldfuss entertained a group of neighbors last Thursday evening in honor of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Goldfuss. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zeller, Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French, sr., and Bette, Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French, jr., and Stephanie, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beelaert, Joe, Don, Kenny and Jaynie, Elbert Chichester and Mr. and N. D. Ickes and Denny. Lunch was served and a gift presented to the newlyweds. The last Thursday afternoon session saw the close of the les son study “Christianity in a Rev olutionary World,” led by Mrs. Edgar Stauffer. About a dozen ladies were enrolled for the study class. Completes Two Weeks’ Stay in Omaha— Miss Connie Menkens has just returned home from a two-weeks’ stay in Omaha. She went there with her brother, Jimmy P. Menkens, wo is working in Oma ha, also Louie Hostert, Francis Cahoy and Richard Kyress, all of Butte and Robert Stamp of Ew ing. All but one returned Friday. Robert stayed in Omaha. I"' — Graduates from Army’s Course for Cooks— CLEARWATER — Army Pvt. Lyle J. Haake, son of Henry C. Haake of Clearwater, recently was graduated from the Fifth army food service school’s eight week cooks’ course at Ft. Riley, Kans. Haake was trained to prepare food on troop trains, in mess halls, on trucks and in the field. He is assigned to company B of the 62q engineer batta lion. Haake entered the army in Jan uary, 1955, and completed basic training at Ft. Ord, Calif. The 19-year-old soldier is a 1954 graduate of Neligh high school. O’NEILL LOCAL Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grage spent Sunday in Norfolk visiting then daughter, Mrs. Fred Walker, and family. Mrs. Ronald Borg and children were Sunday guests of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. August Kra mer, in Stuart. Mrs. Harold Williamson and Mr. and Mrs. Orville MiKim vis ited Sunday with Mrs. William Anderson, who is in Clarkson Memorial hospital in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bates, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bates of Emmet, attended a Schaffer family reunion in Norfolk Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sauser left Saturday for Mississippi where they will visit their son and daughter - in - law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sauser, and family for two weeks. They were to visit relatives in Missouri en route. Mr. and Mrs. James DeWolfe of Gordon were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak. Mr. DeWolfe is Mrs. Jaszkowiak's brother Mr. and Mrs. George Sedlacek and Mary of Omaha visited over the weekend at the Floyd Wilson and John Pribil homes. Returning from a trip to the Ozarks Monday was Mr. and Mrs. Earl Farr. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Bacon at Madison, 111., and Mrs. Maude Sessler and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Williamson in Kansas City, Kans. Mrs. Paul Fischer of Amelia and her two daughters. Miss Dor othy and Mim Elaine (right) were among the hundreds viewing school exhibits at the fair on judging day.—The Frontier Photo. Two-Day Irrigation Tour Next Week Hoi county will be the site at an irrigation tour on Monday, August 20, and Tuesday, August 21. t>n Monday, the tour ■* ill be near Atkinson. The group will meet in front of Brady's in At kinson at 9 a.m. On Tuesday, the tour will start is O'Neill at the courthouse at 9 a,in., and will include the eastern part of the county. Three stops will be made each day and several demonstrations will be given by John Decker, extesnion irrigaiton specialist Graduates from Tactics Coarse— STUART—1 /Lt. John P. Obrr niire, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Obermire of Stuart, graduated on August 7 from the army aviation tactics course, army aviauoa scrool, at Ft. Rucker, Ala. Lieutenant Obermire is mar ried to the former WUheinalaa Irene Ruther of O'Neill. Brother Ivo Arrives— Brother Ivo Regan, A SC, Is as sistant headmaster of Gilmour academy, a preparatory school. Gates Mills, O. He arrived Mon day to visit his mother, Mrs Fred Grage, and with other rel atives. He will return Saturday. DR. DONALD E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examinee Glasses Fitted Phone 2101, Spencer. Nebr. John R. Gallagher Attorney-at-Law First Nat'l Bank Bldg. O’NEILL PHONE 11 FREE WEDDING DANCE Amelia Hall Wed., Aug. 22 DONNA PETERSON WILFORD HATCH EVERYONE INVITED! O’NEILL Monday — August 27 AUSPICES O’NEILL JAYCEES “Favorite Show of the West" TEX CARSON §g? —Featuring— JUMBO 3rd Ur(M( Elephant la Captivity. SEE MOTHER AND BABY G0RI1A Only one on tour this year - T tofts., fmty Chmt tomtit Q/6AMT/C MfAfAGtXtF See Elephants, Camels, Llag Sears. Apes, Monkeys, It*. ea shew grounds at It a. m. FUBt jtfaUAMTIMArTMtrWtff atlRPORMANCU... ADMISSIONS^,*/ «B AEG AIN PRICES TO ALL" Planning a NEW HOME? • HOME BUILDING • CHURCHES, • COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION We’d be pleased to FREE estimates for you! ’ [O’Neill Construction & Cabinet Works FHONE 205 GERALD MONK. Prop. O’NEILL I MB Friday Saturday August 17-18 DOUBLE FEATURE “GHOST TOWN” A Good Western “WHITE ORCHARD” A Woman's Adventure Sunday-Monday-Tuesday, Aug. 1 9-20-2 I \ JoeiMtfFcA TECHNICOLOR [ T-LvJ Ji A True Historical Feature Taken tn Texas — Added Short* Wednesday-Tliursday August 22-23 FAMILY NIGHTS “LONG JOHN SILVER” A Pirate’s Life Story — Brin* ’Em All, 1 Book I 4th Street Market Phone 93 - -- -- -- -- - Air - Conditioned - -- -- -- -- We Deliver VAN CAMPS i|| PORK and BEANS 1 NO. 2 CAN_ .15e M = uuaaam^Z£iimmij£m CALIFORNIA VINE RIPENED ■ CANTALOUPE lb JO GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS »-25« CALIFORNIA HEAD LEnUCE_10* COLORADO CARROTS —.—IQ" NEBRASKA RED POTATOES* *63* GRAPENUTS FLAKES — 21' WHITE HOUSE APPLE SAUCE —15* Stokley’s Cream Golden Corn —17* SWIFTS PREM ~~35> Kraft Aaerican or Phil«rtJ Ch—r ” 29* Assorted Sandwich Cookies . 29* COLGATE DENTAL CREAM_65* MISSON EXTRA STANDARD SHOT PEAS 7wa sot cans ... .*1 • 00 ■__j _ — REAL GOLD ORANGE - BLEND - GRAPE or TROPICAL PUNCH CONCENTRATE 6-02. CANS..00 ! .... ... ... I I nonnmaNHUw FISH STICKS .... moNOt new mozm CATFISH FILLETS. ■ PHONO! HWH noun CODFISH FILLETS.. Pure Fresh GROUND BEEF-3 lbs. $1 PORK LOIN ROAST _ Lb. 49c Cudahy Puritan SLAB BACON_ Lb. 39c Cudahy Chunk Style Braunschw’ger, 11-oz. 35c Cudahy Puritan MINCED HAM _ Lb. 39c Rib End PORK CHOPS_Lb. 39c _