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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1956)
Future Subscribers JOHNSON—Mr and Mrs. C. W. Johnson of Atkinson, a .son. weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces, born i Tuesday. August 14, in the Atkin son Memorial hospital. ZERBE — Mr. and Mrs Ray mond Zerbe of Verdigre. a ion. | weighing 8 pounds 2 ounces, born j Tuesday, August 14, in the Lund- 1 berg Memorial hospital, Creigh ton. BOETTCHER— Mr and Mrs. Robert Boettcher of Butte, a daughter, weighing 8 pounds 9 ounces, bom Sunday, August 12, at Sacred Heart hospital. Lynch. HANSEN—Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Hansen of O’Neill, a daugh ter, weighing 7 pounds 2 ounces, bom Monday, August 13, at Sa cred Heart hospital. Lynch. SCHREIER — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schreier of Verdigre, a son, bom Sunday, August 5, at Plainview General hospital. Mrs. Schreier is the former Enid Bel ka of Verdigre, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Belka. Mr. Schreier is a son orf Mrs. Alice Schreier. BANKS—Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dean Banks of Clinton, la., a son, Alan Dean, weighing 8 pounds 15 ounces, born Friday. August to. Mr. ana Mrs. wunam Richard of Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. James W. Banks of In man are the grandparents. GARWOOD — Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Garwood of Chambers, a daughter, Gala Arlene, weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces, born Mon day. August 6, in the Burwell hospital. Mother and daughter spent a few days at Burwell be fore returning to their home. NAY — Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nay of Lincoln. a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces, bom Thursday, August 9, in the Bryan Memorial hospital in Lincoln. Mrs. Nay is the former Glenna Strong. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew [ Wettlaufer are the great-grand parents. RUGGLESS — Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ruggless of Clearwater, a son, Ronnie LeRoy, weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces, born Tuesday, August 7, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. MURPHY—Mr. and Mrs. Con nie Murphy of Stuart, a son, Ter ry Jay. weighing 8 pounds 5 ounces, born Wednesday, August 8, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. WALTON—Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Waltlon of Atkinson, a son, Richard Lee, weighing 7 pounds, born Thursday, August 9, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. HARLEY—Mr. and Mrs. Cas per Harley of Stuart, a son, weighing 9 pounds 4 ounces, born Monday, August 13, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. SUMMERER — Mr. and Mrs. Carol Summercr of Ewing, a son, Larry Wayne, 7 pounds 7 Vi ounces, born Friday, August 10, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O'Nei’t. FOX — Mr. and Mrs. Wayne _ r o cnn Marlf A I Jin. weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces,, born Saturday, August 11, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. Mrs. Stella Kendall of Hastings and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox, sr., of O’Neill are the grandparents. NEKOLITE — Mr. and Mrs. Danny Nekolite of Newport, a daughter, Debra Lynn, weighing 7 pounds 11% ounces, born Sun day, August 12, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. POFAHL—Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin Pofahl of Ewing, a daughter, Shellie Ann, weighing 5 pounds 6 ounces, born Sunday, August 12, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’ Neill. KELLY—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly of Page, a son, Gilbert Lee, weighing 8 pounds ounc es, born Monday, August 13, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’NeiU. PRIBIL—Mr. and Mrs. Francis Pribil of O’Neill, a son, weighing 8 pounds 7 ounces, born Tuesday, August 14, at St. Anthony’s hos pital, O’Neill. Hospital Notes LUNDBERG MEMORIAL (Creighton) Admitted: August 10 — Roy Smith, Niobrara. 11—Mrs. Bill Vakoc, Verdigre. 12—Earl Tracey, Osmond; Dale Dorr, Creighton. 13, —Mrs. Robert Hladik, Creighton; Mrs. Jeanette Nelson, Center; Dale Newhoff, Pierce; Mrs. Ray mond Zerbe, Verdigre. 14— Mrs. Jack Shanek, Niobrara; Mrs. Lee Ballard, Center. Dismissed: August 8—Mrs. Joe Forejt, Niobrara. 10—Mrs.. Rob ert Porter and son, Creighton. 12 — Mrs. Marvin Herbert and daughter, Winnetoon. 13— Dale Dorr, Creighton. 14 — Mrs. BUI Vakoc, Verdigre. Make Visit Here— Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Bratt and daughter of Cheyenne, Wyo, were here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Damero, and brothers, Carl and Lyle, and families last week. They left for home Monday morning. Mrs. Bratt is the former Virginia Damero. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Femau at Neligh were Mrs. F. S. Brittell and Carol. MARRIAGE LICENSES Donald Raymond Fritz. 23, of Elgin and Nadine Margaret Mc Dermott, 22, of O'Neill, August 10. John Charles Christ, 21, of Peru and Joyce Merle Miller, 23, of O’Neill, August 10. Jimmy Wilson returned from Omaha by train Saturday after visiting the past week at the George Sedlacek home. Sick & Injured O’NEILL — Elmer Hagensick went to Lincoln Monday for medical attention for his right knee, which is infected. . . Miss Jeannette Fricke, 15 - year - old daughter of the William Frickes: returned from a two-weeks’ va cation Friday and Saturday had her appendix taken out an hour after she entered St. Anthony s hospital. . . Tom Watson of Rap id City, S.D., a former resident, entered an Omaha hospital to have a lung removed. . . Mrs. Catherine Kinbeiter. 77, who has made her home here with her daugther, Mrs. Ben Gilligan, suf fered a stroke Wednesday, Aug ust 8, and is in an umana nospi tal. . . Mrs. Loren Nelson re turned Sunday from an Omaha hospital where she had submitted to major surgery. . . Sue Gonder mger, 10, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gonderinger, sun mitted to an appendectomy on 1 uesday at 5 p.m., at St. An thony’s hospital. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone returned home Satur day from a weeks' vacation in Iowa. While there, Mrs. Cone fell from a flight of 13 steps breaking her wrist and dislocat ing her shoulder. She also was scratched and bruised. . . The 79 year-old mother of C. R. (“Bob’ ) Hill is in a Lincoln hospital with a broken hip. Her condition is “poor.” Her home is at Hebron. AMELIA — Mr. and Mrs. Leo Marcellus and daughter, Linda, went to Rochester, Minn., Thurs day where Mr. Marcellus will go through the clinic concerning u:t ear ailment. The Marcelluses are visiting here from Pico, Calif. . . Bernard Blaekmore received a bad cut on his knee when he junified from the hay rake while working in the hay field. It re quired six stiches to close the wound. . . Jimmie Young, son of Mrs. Clifford Clements, was hos pitalized a few days last week. He was taken suddenly ill with convulsions and was rushed to the O’Neill hospital. He was re leased Sunday. PAGE — Mrs. Thomas Kel’y submitted to emergency surgery for appendicitis Friday at St. An thony’s hospital. . . Dr. Rex Wil son of O’Neill wds called early Saturday morning to the bedside of Mrs. Roy Wilson, who suffered a severe heart attack . . . Mrs. I.. G. Bernholtz returned ( to her name Saturday after treatment at St. Anthony’s hospital. . . Mrs. Bertha Reed returned from Ro chester, Minn., on Sunday. She had gone there for clinical diag nosis. Miss Viola Haynes took her to Rochester and remained with her until she w'as ready to come home. . . Mrs. Buv Wanser re ceived a concussion when she fell at her home. She received a scalp w'ound and suffered blood loss. She was taken to St. An thony’s hospital for treatment. CHAMBERS — Mrs. Anna Morthorst of Norfolk is a patient in a Norfolk hospital. She enter ed the hospital because of a heart ailment and while there fell and injured her hip. Mrs. Morthorst is well - known at Chambers where she lived for several years. . . . L. O. Lenz returned recent ly from Norfolk where he had been a patient in the Lutheran hospital. . . LeRoy Holcomb came home the latter part of the week from St. Anthony’s hospital where he had been a patient for several days with an infection. VENUS—Donald Kinnison re ceived a cut behind his ear on Tuesday when a jack gave way under a machine on which he was working in the hay field. He received medical attention at O’ Neill. . . Ralph Brookhouser re ceived a badly cut forefinger on his left hand while changing sickle sections Saturday, August 11. . . Connie LeMasters, 4, re ceived a badly cut finger when she got it in a pickup door. STUART — Mrs. Henry Tim mermans returned home from the Atkinson Memorial hospital last weekend. Her daughter, Mrs. John Kirsh, who has been help ing out, returned to her home at Burke, S.D., Saturday. . . Mrs. Z. X. Marshall underwent sur gery on her eye at Clarkson hos pital in Omaha on Tuesday, Aug ust 7. She expected to be hos pitalized a week. LYNCH—Frank Weeder, a pa tient in St. Joseph’s hospital in Sioux City the past 10 days, un derwent major surgery Thurs day, August 9. He is getting along satisfactorily. Mrs. Weeder re turned home Saturday having been near him. . . Guy Barnes has been suffering with a bad case of ivy poisoning. CELIA—Paul Focken, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fockin, was operated on for appendicitis at Atkinson Memorial hospital Friday. . . Sunday evening Mrs. Benny Braun took her son, Gary, to Omaha for an eye operation. Bonnie Braun is staying at the Jake Braun home while her mother is gone. SPENCER—Mrs Alvin Hav ranek of Spencer was taken to an Omaha hospital for treatment. Mrs. Havranek is the former Miss Betty Halva of Lynch. EWING — George Burke, who has been a patient at St. An thony's hospital in O'Neill, was able to come home on Thursday. O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Jacox and three children of Scottsbluff spent Saturday here visiting at the Tom Enright home. Mrs. Ja cox, formerly Johanna Engle haupt of Spencer, was a former teacher here in the public school. Mr. and Mrs. George Sedlacek and Mary of Omaha visited over the weekend at the Floyd Wils>n and John Pribil homes. Beverly Brittell visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Crosser, in Tekemah the past week. Out of Old Nebraska . . . Swimming Once for Men, Boys Pioneers Splashed in Buffalo Wallows During these hot summer days, Nebraskans by the thou sands take advantage of mod ern versions of the “old swim ming hole.” The increasing number of fine swimming pools to be found throughout Nebras ka provide significant additions to the state’s recreational facil ities, and illustrate another area in which present day Nebras kans are much better off than were their pioneer forbears. During the pioneer period, swimming was a sport general ly reserved for men and boys. Bathing suits usually were pro vided by nature, but the seclu sidn offered by the average swimming hole provided ade quate privacy. Buffalo wallows, ponds, 1 creeks and rivers served as swimming holes. Conditions, particularly in the buffalo wal lows and the ponds, were far from sanitary, but young and old splashed about in sometimes mucky, stagnant pools, com pletely oblivious of their germ ladened surroundings. Sometimes the girls went swimming, too. Mollie San ford Dorsey, who lived near Tecumseh, wrote the follow ing in her diary for July 27, 1867: "About the only employment we have now outside of our housework, is to help to destroy the potato bugs that are eating up the vines. That, and playing in the creek to keep cool. We are tanned awfully and look a little rough, I know. The little boys have been, for sport, be smearing their faces with the black mud that settles in the bottom of the creek. They dis covered it took the tan and sun burn off. We hailed the discov ery with delight for here was a cosmetic so available and cheap as dirt. “So one day last week we donned our bathing suits and sneaked off to the creek. Doing our heads up in cotton hand kerchiefs to save our hair from contact, we plastered our faces ihickly over with the black mud and sat on the banks for it to take effect . . . .Although we found ourselves a few shades whiter, 1 think we will not try it again soon.” Frequently the newspapers carried accounts of drowning. The Missouri was particularly treacherous. Generally, pioneer Nebras kans had a difficult time of it trying to find a good swimming hole. Frontier for printing! Real Estate Transfers WD—Frank Osborne to James M Havranek Jr & wf 6-14-56 $3,- i 500- Sl; lot 9 Blk 51- MeCaffer tv’s Add- O’Neill QCD — Leslie R Uhl. et al to! Luella A Parker & Hus 4-17-56 $1- Lot 6 Blk A- Goldens Sub i division- O’Neill WD — William H Melcher to Bertha and Shirlev Ann Melcher 5-15-56 $1- Lot 10 Blk 15- Pio neer Townsite Co 1st Add- Ew ' in* County Court Roland Reynolds, overweight on capicity plates, $10 and costs $4. August 10. Willard M a m m e 1 (Barber Transportation), Rapid City, S.D., I overload on axle, $70 and costs : $4; August 10. Russel O. Borg, O’Neill, speed ing, $17.50 and costs $4; August 1? Arresting Officer. D J. Fi ala. , ‘ * " Howard M. Jackson of Stow City, speeding, $10 and costs $4 August 10 Alphonso G Pritchett of O’ Neill. reckless driving, $:’& anc costs $4; August 10. Dennis Kallhoff of Rljrin speeding, $10 and costs $4 Aug ust 14. Richard Thompson, overwetgh on capacity plate, $10 and cost. $4; August 10. Police Court George A. Bricnacek of How ells, failure to stop and yielc right of way, $15 and costs $4 August 10. James C. Buckles of Mernman 1—overweight, $150, 2 — ov« t axle. $250; 3—overweight, $180, ■( -overweight on capacity plate $10 and costs $4, August 10 Charles W. Strong of Omaha speeding, $10 and costs $4, Aug ust 15. Fred Lee White, speeding. $:C and costs 4; August 8 KRAFT CARAMELS O Q FULL POUND . Mm Jr JfaVp H Low,Low PRICES _ - I Cjacks" 2 PKS 1 5 c Prize in Every Package ta flu* *6?M. Srm Stamps g THURS., FRl. AND ..T., Aug. 16 - 17 - 18 FIRST IN FAVOR AND FLAVOR HERSHEY CHOCOLATE SYRUP HERSttmiS I ^lil®DRESS!NG^« MR Jnl m frm f'jll <?uart Q&P& BETTY CROCFERS GOLD MEDAL STARKIST GR LABEL CHUNK STYLE TUNA = -I BISQUICK CROCKER S .Ox° 45° T r A Tender Leaf Half CQr I L n Orange Pekoe. Pound 0 J pink can! pink liquid!pink magic! CUIIQQ CTFAK GLOSS WAX' 59c 1J IV I l Jr 1J ftj I |_ II II ClIANi A WINDOW A MINUtll PINT ’ PLEASMOR CIRCUS I PEANUTS B Plain or 12-Oi. A f < j Pailel _ PKG. 43 I O CANTALOUPE BANANAS FRESH VINE RIPENED GOLDEN RIPE Thick Walls ol Golden Meal Good Size, Solid ■ 6C 1 2s 29c Good Quality Beef Round Steak Cut Thin For Frying I POUND Good Quality Beef CLUB STEAKS ..u 59' Fresh, Lean Cuts PORK STEAK.u 45c Swift’s Fully Cooked PICNICS.Lb. 39c Fresh Smoked HAM HOCKS.u. 27* Tender, Juicy SKINLESS WIENERS ..u. 43* j Welch' comics I ON Q NEW 3-BOTTLE I CARTONS OF Welch’s j tBEEF CHOP-SUEY NO. 303 57c _Wilsons Brand_ VIENNA SAUSAGE.4£19c MOR SSr4.,2£41« "BIF" ssrd..”£35c B.V. EXTRACT.J,/\£37‘ m CORN BEEF HASH.M£3S* H 8 POUND TIN ES . . . flay tim* of day I vfl r^do^ joy tide 1 ay** 32* 75* 33* 79’ iht MMM M _ M MltM ————— - miw CHEER OXYDOL WITH I LEACH LARGE GIANT LARGE GIANT 29 33* 79* 34* 81* Sunshine Cocoanut CHOC OLA IX DROP £1 COOKIES NABISCO FROSTED k C MACAROONS ^oz^fo jk -KRAFT BRAND i ARGO 4 CORN STARCH 1 1 I C( BOX . I O ARGO MHACLE WHO GLOSS STARCH SANDWICH £x .15* SPKEAD MADISON COUNTY UfATEDIlEI AIIC TRUCK LOAD JUST ARRIVED Priced to Sell W A I E 1% Ifl E L V R ) Every Melon Guaranteed NUTRENA BEEF CAKE “16 HEAVY MOLASSES Only $67.00 Per Ton l_mmmmmm * .*.’••** . • * Iff) ft nutrena “°‘ Fsm>u