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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1956)
Legal Notice (First pub. July 26, 1936) Charles E. Chace, Attorney notice of hearing or PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT No. 4053 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF HERBERT J. HAMMOND, DECEASED THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a !>etition has been filed for final >*ttlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of fi nal account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on August 15, 1956, at 10 o'clock, A M LOUIS W. REIMFR County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 13-15 (First pub. July 26, 1956) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4128 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, July 19, 1956. In the matter of the Estate of Mary Wehrstein, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are nereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is November 16, 1956, and for the payment of debts is July 19, 1957, and that on August 16, 1956, and on No vember 17, 1956, at 10 o’clock A.M , each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 13-15c (First pub. August 9, 1956) NOTICE “The residents of Antelope, Atkinson, Belle, Chambers, C leveland, Coleman, Conley, De loit, Dustin, Ewing, Emmet, Fair view, Francis, Grattan, Green Valley, Golden, Holt Creek, In man, Iowa, Josie, Lake, McClure, Paddock, Pleasant View, Rock , Falls, Sand Creek, Saratoga, Scott, Shamrock, Sheridan, Shields, Steel Creek, Stuart, Swan, Verdigris, Willowdale, Wyoming precincts. Holt County, Nebraksa, » are hereby notified that the Nebraska Department of Agr«culutre, Bureau of Animal Industry and the United States Department of Agriculture, An i mat Disease Eradication Branch, are holding a public hearing at the Court House at O’Neill, Ne braska, on August 29, 1956, at 2:00 p.m., for the purpose of making Antelope, Atkinson, Belle, Chambers, Cleveland, Coleman, Conley, Deloit, Dustin, Ewing, Emmet, Fairview, Fran cis, Grattan, Green Valley, Gold en. Holt Creek. Inman, Iowa, Josie, Lake, McClure, Paddock, Pleasant View, Rock Falls, Sand Creek, Saratoga, Scott, Sham rock, Sheridan, Sheilds, Steel Creek. Stuart, Swan, Verdigris, Willowdale, and Wyoming pre cincts a Brucellosis area and to determine that the petition is suf ficient to satisfy the statute and comply with State Statute 54 766 02 to 54-766 05, inclusive rel ative to establishing a certified Bruecllosis Area. All objections will be heard at this time.” Animal Disease Eradication Branch D. F. Weiring, DVM Veterinarian in Charge Nebraska Bureau of Animal Industry J. L. George, DVM State Veterinarian 15-17 (First pub. Aug. 9, 1956) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4134 In the County Court of Holt i County, Nebraska, August 2, 1956 j In the matter of the Estate of Margaret M McCarthy, Deceas ed. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is November 30, 1956, and for the payment of debts is August 2, 1957, and that on August 30, 1956, and on December l, 1956, at 10 o’clock A M , each day, I will be at the I County Court Room in said Coun ty to receive, examine, hear, al low, or adjust all claims and ob jections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 15-17c Lynch Altar Society Meets at Micanek’s LYNCH—Mrs. Lorie Micanek was hostess to the Altar society last Thursday with Mrs. Ray Al ford and Mrs. Leroy Purviance as co-hostesses. Fifteen ladies were present. Shirley Lewis of Monowi and Mrs. Delbert Hasel horst and baby were visitors. Mrs. Don Allen presided at the meeting. Plans were made to present an entertainment the j forepart of September. Mrs. Ray Alford, Mrs. Don Simpson and Margaret Stenger ' won prizes during the social hour. Other Lynch News Leo Kalkowski came home on Friday from Ft. Riley AFB for a few days’ leave. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Levi and family of Lindy visited relatives here Sunday, July 29. The Melvin Long family vis ited at the Robert Whetham home at Spencer Sunday, July 29. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moody of Armour, S.D., spent the weekend visiting relatives here. Maxine Jehorek of Omaha spent the weekend with her par ents here. She returned to her work Monday morning. Lt. and Mrs. Delbert Hasel horst and baby of Chicago, 111. are here on a 30-day leave, en route to an air base in San Fran cisco, Calif. Mrs. Russell Angus and chil dren of Spencer were visitors here last week. Mrs. Goldie Berg of Palm Springs, Calif., visited in Lynch last week She is spending her vacation with her mother, Mrs Clair Van Hove, and daughter. Janet and Virginia Cassidy re turned home to Ft Randall, hav ing spent their vacation here with relatives. Clare Conroy and son of Sioux City were here Saturday looking after business matters. Mr and Mrs Wallace Moffett and son, Russell, accompanied by Miss Alice Moffett (sister of Wallace) of Iowa are in Wash mgton state visiting Wallace's brother, George Moffett, and family. The George Moffett fam ily lived in Bristow in the late 20’s. Mr. Moffett was a rural school teacher and carpenter. . Willard Placek and Martin Jehorek, jr„ attended the Bur well rodeo Wednesday, August 1. Mrs. Dennis Kinney of Spencer was a Lynch visitor Monday, July 30. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swoboda and family were in David City last Thursday visiting at the parental homes there. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Streit. Elaine. Stanley and Marlene at tended the Burwell rodeo Friday, then went on to Sidney to spend the weekend at the Herbert Ross meier home The Glen Hull Construction company is now working at the Gavins Point (SD.) dam where they have a dirt moving job. O’Neill News Henry Troshynski of Detroit, Mich., left Sunday, July 29, after having visited his brother, Mike Troshynski, and family and other relatives in Atkinson and Page. Henry and his brothers held a picnic at the Dan Troshynski's in Page All the six brothers ex cept Jack of Detroit, who had visited here recently, were to gether Mr and Mrs. Will Caywood of Savannah, Ga. and Mrs. Grace Pippitt of Missouri Valley, la., are visiting with Mr and Mrs. Roy Lowry for a few weeks. Marilyn Fetrow visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs Dale Fet row. over the July 28-29 week end. A family dinner was held at the home ol Mr and Mrs D. N Loy Sunday. July 29, honoring Robert Lawrence, who is home on furlough from the Great Lakes Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawrence. Mrs. Emma Lawrence and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lawrence and family. Robert is a son of Mr. and Mrs Ray Lawrence. 9-ROOM HOUSE S CONTENTS AT AUCTION in Ewing, Nebr. SATURDAY, AUGUST 11 — 2 P.M. This house is within 2 blocks of postoffice and near school. This 9 room house with bath is in good condition, equipped with natural gas and 50-gal. elec, water heater. House repainted last year. Is on cor ner lot of block 4. Can be seen any time by contacting owners, broker or auctioneer. TERMS: 25% down on date of sale; balance upon delivery of mer chantable abstract and title. Terms available. Owners selling in or der to liquidate and move to other climate for health reasons. Personal Property To be offered on premises—Dining set (table, buffet, 6 chairs), bed with springs and mattress; dresser; cupboard; steel utility cabinet; 2 stands; oil burner; 5 chairs; dishes; bedding; cooking utensils, fruit jars; lawn mower; 3 lengths garden hose; garden tools; davenport and chair; double set bunk beds; 9x12 wool rug with mat; 3 chairs; breakfast set; mattress; many other articles too numerous to mention. MR. and MRS. WALTER CHR1STON Max VVanser, Auct. — A. G. Hill, Broker — Willie Shrader, Clerk I NOTICE A bonded SINGER SEW* ING MA CHINE, representative is now located at 213 North Second St., in O’Neill. For All Sales & Service on all Makes of Machines or Vacuums DALE HUDDLESTON - - Phone 678 r—■ 1 '""k. SINGER SPECIAL! I A Brand New Electric Portable H (Complete) H $99.90 I SAVE $50 on Automatic Zig-Zag- R ing Machines. ■ AND, look at this one! S SAVE $70 on Automatic Cabinet R Models I THIS MONTH ONLY Call NOW! .... Phone 678 I WELCOME TO 64TH ANNUAL HOLT COUNTY I j! MONO A V- TUESDA Y- WEDNESDA Y- THURSDAY (Entry Day) (Judging Day) (Entertainment Days and Rodeo Each Evening) MJGII5I 13 ■ 14 ■ • FUN & ENTERTAINMENT T HERE’LL be a barrel of fun for everyone at the 1956 Fair. Plen ty of policed parking . . . picnic area . . . it’s educational and entertaining. THE FAIR OFFICERS have spared no expense to make it truly a memorable Fair for each member of the family. Come early . . . stay late . . . bring your friends. “Well Be Seein’ You at the Holt County Fair!” * ★ PREMIUM EXHIBITS AWARDS GALORE ★ ★ You’ll find exhibits galore at the Fair—the showplace of Holt County. Four-H and Open Class entries in all forms of live stock, farm, school exhibits, garden produce and handiwork. This is the one time in all the year when Holt countyans and their neighbors may view in fine, impressive array the best that our soil has to offer. R0DE0 UNDER THe UGHTS! MANN Wednesday and Thursday Evenings.August 15th — 16th I down'extraordinary' ! YOU’n T*”6** * **"* be“e[ rodeo under the |j8h‘s' A hundred bucking bronco., countie.* i guaranteed laughs untamed steer* and calves . . . a show produced by one of the master showmen of the midwest— i aplenty! j Walt Plugge of Bartlett. Rodeo starts at 8 p.m. Improved lighting and seating facilities! CARNIVAL & MIDWAY I Featuring the B WALTER LAURENCE SHOWS I Good, Clean Wholesome Fun for Everyone! fl GAMES OF SKILL — FERRIS WHEEL — KIDDIE RIDES I SIDE SHOWS — PONY RIDES I BASEBALL ^ Wednesday, August 15th CHAMBERS vs. ATKINSON Thursday, August 16th CHAMBERS vs. STUART DANCING Under the Stars! Popular “Surprise” Band (Wednesday, August 15th) Jess Geyer & Orchestra (Thursday, August 16th) GRAND LIVESTOCK PARADES I WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15th_1:30 P.M. I THURSDAY, AUGUST 16th_1:30 P.M. I Traditionally one of the highlights of the Holt County Fair! ||