The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 09, 1956, Page 8, Image 8

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    - _ -■
Rev E G. Smith of O’Neill,
Friday, August 10: Ladies’ Aid
Sunday. August 12: Worship
service, 3 p.m.
Norman Walter of Chambers
will be ordained into the minis
try and commissioned as mission
ary to Formosa. Mr. Walter is a
June graduate of Concordia sem
inary, St. Louis, Mo. Rev. H.
Koppelmann of the foreign mis
sion board will conduct the rite
Rev. L. Dale of Pratt, Kans., will
preach the sermon. The Atkinson
congregation is invited. Lunch
will be served at 5 p.m. Every
one is requested to bring sand
wiches and either cake or jell-o.
Rev. C. P. Turner, pastor
Sunday, August 12: Sunday
school, 10 a.m.; preaching ser-;
vice, 11 a.m.; young people’s
meeting, 7:30 p.m.; preaching,
following the young people’s
Prayer meeting and Bible study
will be in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Ernst Wednesday
evening at 8 o’clock.
METHODIST (Chambers)
Sunday, August 12: Sunday
school, 10 a.m., E. R. Baker, su
perintendent; worship, 11 a.m.
Rev. Leon Foster of Wayne
preached Sunday, August 5.
There will be worship services on
Sunday, August 12. On Sunday,
August 19, the new minister,
Reverend Myers, will be in
charge of services.
Rev. E. Kirschman, pastor
Sunday, August 12: Sunday
school for all ages, 10 a.m.; wor
ship service, 11 a.m.; youth ser
vice, 7 p.m.; children’s service, 7
Midweek service Wednesday, 8
Rev. Duane Lauber, pastor
Sunday, August 12: Sunday
school, 10 a.m.; worship service,
11 a.m.; Wesleyan youth, 7:30
p.m.; adult fellowship, 7:30 p.m.,
evangelistic service, 8 p.m.
Prayer service, Thursday, 8
Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor
Sunday, August 12: Sunday
school, 9:45 a.m.; worship ser
vice. 11 a.m.
Ey«s Examinee
Glasses Fitted
Phone 2101, Spencer, Nebr.
John R. Gallagher
First Nat’l Bank Bldg.
Alice’s Beauty Shop
(In Former Apparel Shop
Phone 263 — O'Nelli
Rex James, evangelist
Sunday, August 12: 3ible
school, 10 am.; preaching and
communion, 11 am.; evening ser
vice, 8 p.m.
Bible study in O’Neill at 8 p.m.,
Wednesday and at 8 p.m. Friday
in the Chet Larson home near
A special service will be held
tonight (Thursday) with Broth
er Dale Knowles from the Boise
Bible college as the speaker. All
are invited to this service.
Camp at Ponca state park will
begin next Sunday night. A
number of young people from
here will attend.
Revival services will be held
from August 26 through Sep
tember 7. Erwin Marshall of Eu
gene, Ore., will conduct the ser
Don Hesse of the Christian
Children’s home in Boise, Ida.,
will tell of the work there on
Wednesday night, August 22, at
6 o’clock.
METHODIST (Page-Inman)
Rev. Lisle E. Mcwmaw, pastor
Thursday, August 9: WSCS
study course, 2 p.m.; junior choir
practice, 4 p.m.; choir practice,
8 p m., followed by MYF council
Sunday, August 12: Sunday- ^
school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; i
MYF, 8 p.m.
Wednesday, August 15: WSCS
prayer hour, 9 a.m.
Thursday, August 16: WSCS
meeting, 2:30 p.m; junior choir
practice, 4 p.m.
Thursday, August 9: WSCS
meeting, 2:30 p.m
Friday, August 10: Official
board meeting, 8 p.m., with an
niversary and haying project
committees meeting also.
Sunday, August 12: Sunday
school, 8:45 a.m.; worship, 9:45
a.m.; MYF play practice, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, August 15: Choir
practice and MYF, 8 p.m.
(RED, Ewing)
Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor
Sunday, August 12: Worship
service, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday-school,
11 a.m.
Regional Deaths
Charles A. Richardson
Richardson, formerly of Neligh
and former Brown county sheriff,
died unexpectedly Monday, July
30, of a heart attack. Funeral
was held Friday, August 3. Sur
vivors: Widow—Alice; four sons
and daughters, including Mrs. C.
R. (“Bob”) Hill of O’Neill.
Mrs. A. Marcellas
Entertains Guests—
Mrs. Ted Keeney and sons of j
Bellaire, Tex., planned to arrive!
in O’Neill early this week to vis- J
it her mother, Mrs. Alva Marcel
lus, and also her cousins,
Mrs. Emmett Carr and family
and Mrs. Leo Marcellus and fam
ily, who are visiting here from
California. Mrs. Keeney is the
former Mary Minahan.
LYNCH—Charles M Mulhair,
son of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy D.
Mulhair of Lynch, is among
those who graduated from recruit
training July 28 at the naval |
training center. Great Lakes, 111.
"Queen of the Picnic"
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hull and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hull of Johnstown sit by as Mrs. Delia
Helen Harrison is crowned “queen of the old settlers’ picnic” by master-of-ceremonies, Allan
Martin.—The Frontier Photo.
Lynch News
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jehorek
visited friends and relatives in
Gregory, S.D., the first of the
Albert Dahlberg, Peter Mul
hair, Albert Kalkowski, Herman
Heiser and Anton Kalkowski
were Creighton visitors Tuesday,
July 31.
Mr* and Mrs. William Stauffer
entertained relatives from Page
Little Lynn Streit spent the
past weekend with his uncle and
aunt, the Lori Micaneks, while
the rest of the family attended
the rodeo at Burwell Friday,
then went on to Sidney to visit
the Herbert Rossmeier family.
Mrs. George Lee and children
of Creighton spent the past week
here with relatives.
• Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vonasek
and daughters of Verdigre spent
Sunday here with relatives.
Casey Jones of Sioux City was
a business caller at the Albert
Kalkowski home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Stouf
fer spent Monday evening, July
30, at the Gladys Spencer home.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jehorek
attended the Burwell rodeo on
Wednesday, August 1.
Mrs. George Lee and children
spent Sunday at the Bill Stouf
fer home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nemec of
Spencer spent Sunday at the
Martin Jehorek home to visit
with their granddaughter, Miss
Maxine Jehorek of Omaha, who
spent the weekend here.
Mr. and Mrs. Vac Jedlicka
spent Sunday afternoon at the
Vince Jehorek home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ifrbek of
Dorsey visited at the William
Havranek home Sunday.
Mrs. Irva Schollmeyer of Sher
idan, Wyo., visited at the Wilmer
Crawford home the past week.
Mrs. Lewie Christensen re
turned home from Deshler where
she had visited a daughter and
her family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barnes visit
ed relatives in Norfolk last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Schissler of
Sioux City viisted the Ronald
Carsons recently.
Mr. and Mrs, Dwight Micanek
and family visited at the Edward
May home near Verdel one day
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hoff
man and family of Norfolk are
spending their vacation at the
Frank Weeder home, also with
relatives in Spencer.
Pat Cassidy visited at the Dan
iel Kirwan home near Ft. Randall
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeder
siient several days in Sioux City
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Hoy
and daughter were O’Neill visit
ors Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Wells were O’
Neill visitors Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Allen and
family returned home Tuesday,
July 31, from a 10-day vacation
trip to the Ozarks.
Mrs. Ray Hoffman of Norfolk
visited at the Mike Stenger home
Wednesday, August 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Courtney
were in Burwell Friday.
Hustlers Place in
Norfolk Dairy Show
Holt county had several entries
in the district dairy show held
in Norfolk Wednesday, August 1.
Charlotte, Mary Lou and Jerilyn
Luebcke and Randall Stauffer,
all of the Page Eagle Hustlers,
were entered.
Their Guernsey and milking
Shorthorn entries were awarded
several blue and red ribbons.
Reiser Completes
Repair Course—
BUTTE—Pvt. Hai'old D. Rei
ser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo E.
Reiser of Butte, recently was
graduated from the track vehicle
repair course at the army’s ord
nance school, Aberdeen proving
ground, Maryland.
Reiser entered the army last
February and completed basic
training at Ft. Chaffee, Ark.
Donna Rae Asher is a guest
at the M. E. Asher home at Val
entine this week.
Venus News
Miss Janice Prewitt and Mrs.
Gene Thompson are attending
the teachers' refresher course in
O’Neill this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Johnston
and Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus
were Sunday dinner guests of
Mrs. Edith Andersen.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees took
care of Petersons store Saturday
while they attended the Burwell
Mrs. John Mohr and Mrs. Har
vey Hanson drove to Grand Is
land last Thursday to meet Mrs.
Hanson’s sister, Mrs. Hazel Ben
son of Seattle Wash. Mrs. Han
son and daughter, Carol, and
Mrs. Benson went to Jackson,
Minn., to attend a family reun
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adair were
Sunday owning supper guests
at the home of Mrs. Adair’s sis
ter. Mrs. Leonard Dusatko, and
family of Emmet.
Mrs. Vern Sageser and Mrs.
Julia White attended the film
and farewell luncheon for Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Sexton at the
Methodist church in Chambers
Sunday evening.
Charlie went to Ewing Saturday
Mrs. Emmett Carr, Karen and
to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fisher and
daughters, Elaine and Dorothy,
and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge
and family attended the camp
meeting at Ansley Sunday.
Mrs. Ed White, Mrs. Julia
White and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge
attended the shower for Jeanine
Backhaus at Chambers Saturday.
Mrs. Margie Sammons and Bill
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Gilman Friday eve
Everett Wilkins
Dies at Bassett—
STUART — Mrs. Roy Rhodes
rceived word Monday, July 30,
of the sudden death of her broth
er, Everett Wilkens of Bassett.
Mr. Wilkens had undergone sur
gery and had been hospitalized
in Omaha. Funeral services were
held in Bassett on Wednesday,
August 1.
Walter Ubben New
Inman School Head
INMAN—Supt. and Mrs. Walt
er Ubben and daughter of Edgar
| arrived here last Thursday.
Superintendent Ubben will
head the Inman school this year,
I replacing Supt. Gerald Nelson,
: who will teach at Oxford.
Other Inman News
Livelle Butterfield left Sunday
morning for Oxford, trucking the
furniture of Gerald Nelson to
that place. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
j and sons will make their home
1 at Oxford during this school
I year.
j Mrs. Anna Smith entertained
j the Royal Neighbor lodge at her
| country home Wednesday after
i noon. August 1. A social time fol
lowed the regular lodge session
Mrs. Smith served refreshments,
Mrs. Robert Gray was hostess
I to a group of ladies at her coun
: try home Friday afternoon. Re
1 freshments were served
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fowler of
| Omaha were guests in the home
i of their sister, Mrs. Lena Butler,
j Tuesday evening. July 31 The
Fowlers were enroute to Mon
tana to spend their vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kelley and
family of Omaha spent several
days the past week visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Kelley, and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach
and daughters, Lois and Mary,
left last Thursday morning for
Rapid City, S.D., where they
spent a few days in the home of
their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Morsbach.
They were also making the ac-1
quaintance of their new grand
son. Miss Margaret Pruss of O’
Neill is taking care of the lock
er plant during their absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A Cov
entry and sons, Ronald and Bob,
left last Thursday morning for
Denver, Colo., to visit a few days
in the Francis Dempsey and Mrs.
Robert Colman homes. They were
accompanied by Mrs. Elizabeth
Ticknor, who was called here
from Denver by the death of her
uncle, Harry Harte. Mr. and
Mrs. Coventry and Bob returned
home Sunnday evening and A/2c
Ronald Coventry went on to Mc
Chord AFB in Washington. He
had spent a couple of weeks’
leave here with his parents and
other relatives.
Mrs. E. L. Watson and daugh
ter, LuElla, left Friday for Om
aha to spend a few days in the
home of their son and brother,
W. W. Watson, and family.
A number from Inman attend
ed 4-H share the fun night at
Stuart Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hartigan of
Norfolk spent the weekend here, j
Miss Kay Coventry, who spent
the past week in the Hartigan
home, returned home with them
Mr. and Mrs Ed Magnuson
and two sons of Tiskthva, 111.,
were weekend guests in the
country home of Mr. and Mrs. E.
E. Clark,
Rev. and Mrs. Edward Holub
and son of Stapleton were Sat
nurday afternoon guests in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Eewis Ko
peckv, sr Reverend Holub is a
nephew of Mrs. Kopeeky and has
been a minister in the Presbyte
rian church at Stapleton for
many years.
Norbert Clark spent a couple
of days at the Burwell rodeo last
week and also visited his father,
A. G. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry,
Kay and Bill, Mr, and Mrs. G. E.
Harligan and Mr and Mrs. Ar
thur Tomlinson attended the pic
nic Sunday in the O'Neill park
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Tomlinson, who were celebrat
ing their 60th wedding anniver
Five members of the Inman
MYF attended the sub-district
rally at the Atkinson Methodist
church Sunday. They were Lun
elle C. Tompkins, Anna Mae and
Georgia Marie Herold, Ruth
Anne Hansen and Brenda Col
man. Harvey Tompkins took the
girls to Atkinson.
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Washable Frocks
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B. Smart Dan River plaid
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Dainty Little Dresses for
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