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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1956)
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Goldfuss . . . will reside in O’Neill. —O’Neill Photo Co. Hospital Notes LUNDBERG MEMORIAL (Creighton) Adfriittcd: August 2 — Mrs Walter Clare, Creighton; Judith Thompson, Creighton. 3 -r— Mrs Kdward Braun, Creighton. 6 — Mrs. Jeanette Nelson, Center. ' —Louis Frank, Verdigre; Mrs Marvin Herbert, Winnetoon. Dismissed: August 1 — Mrs William Rayer, jr„ and son Creighton. 2—Mrs Maude Prat ten, Creighton; Mrs. James Breoce and son, Creighton. 3— Mrs. Harry Hansen, Niobrara Mrs. Julius Wagner, Creighton Mrs. Cecil Falter, Creighton; Mrs Martha Burt, Creighton; Mrs Fred Horseman, Winnetoon. 4— Mrs. Paul Huddleston, Laurel. 5 -Judith Thompson, Creighton. 7 Mrs. Edward Braun and daughter, Creighton. 8 — Mrs Jeanette Nelson, Center; Louis Frank, Verdigre. Chambers News Mrs. M. J. Tracy and son, John, of Moorcroft, Wyo., visited recently with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daas. Mrs. Ruth Green of Marsland accompanied by the Misses Edith and Mabel Kinney of Elgin, were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neilson and Mrs. Halloway Mrs. Green was returning home from Franklin where she and Edith Kinney had attended a re union of former academy teach ers and pupils. The Misses Kin ney will visit their nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Athol Fuller, at Hay Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hoffman and family and Mrs. Elmer Wan dersee visited relatives at Brad shaw Sunday. Mrs J. W. Walter attended the Lutheran Woman’s Missionary league board meeting Tuesday at Atkinson. Mrs. Walter is zone treasurer. Susan Thomson accompanied Vikki Dobbs to Ainsworth Sun day to visit a week with Vikki’s relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner and family of Grand Island, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Adams of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. William Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Thomson, Susan and Jean Marie of Cham bers attended the 60th wedding anniversary picnic for Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson at Ford’* park in O’Neill Sunday.. Regional Deaths Thomas J. Dempster ORCHARD—Thomas Jefferson Dempster, 84, longtime resident of the Laurel community, died here early Sunday, August 5, at the home of his son, Oliver. Sur vivors include two daughters and three sons. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones at tended a Nelson family reunion at Stromsbcrg Sunday. U .' . V V f ! ■> LL :.^L ..kL P Plans Fall Wedding PAGE—Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelly announce the engage ment of their daughter, Mar lene Elizabeth (above), to Hen ry Schneider, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schneider of Ex eter. Miss Kelly is employed by the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph company and Mr. Schneider works for the West ern Electric company at Lin coln. The touple plans an ear ly fall wedding. , • • * • *•* McDonald-Goldfuss Nuptials at Orchard PAGE—Rev. Walter Seefeldt pastor, officiated at the 6 pm wedding of Miss Sharon Kay Mc Donald to Eugene Goldfuss in a simple single-ring ceremony in t ‘he sanctuary of St. Peter’s Lu i theran church at Orchard Sun | day, August 5. I The bride is the daughter of J Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDonald of Pierre, S.D., and the parents of , the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. I Oswald Goldfuss of Page. The bride, given in marriage ; by her father, was gowned in a white linen-weave orlon sheath gown featuring a V neckline, ac cented by lapels and having a rhinestone and bead trimmed in sert. The gown was street-length and her accessories were white. Her short wedding veil was held by a white hat and she carried a colonial bouquet of roses. Miss Pauline Goldfuss, only sister of the bridegroom, served as bridesmaid. She wore a char- ( coal street-length dress accented by a corsage of pink carnations, j Charles F. Waterman acted as bestman for the bridegroom. Each wore a conventional style business suit and the men of the wedding party had white carna tion boutonnieres. The bride’s mother wore a dress of powder blue and black print taffeta while the mother of 1 the bridegroom wore a navy blue crepe dress. Their accessories j were white and they wore carna- ' tion corsages. j Werner Poessnecker, uncle of the \ bridegroom, presided at the organ . and played the wedding music. \ Guests were the immediate . relatives of the couple. | Following th ceremony, a re ception was held in the church | parlors. Members of the Lutheran Ladies Aid served refreshments. | The bridal table was centered ’ with a three-tier pink and white i wedding cake decorated with \ roses and topped with a minia- i ture bride and bridegroom. The \ guest tables were centered with j bouquets of garden flowers. Mrs. | McDonald and Miss Pauline , Goldfuss assisted the bride and I bridegroom at the gift table. After the recepuon me icm- ■ lives gathered at the Goldfuss ' home for an informal evening | together. , , . __ 1 The bride received her educa-1 J lion at Onawa. Ia., while the 1 bridegroom is a graduate of the J Royal high school. Since his, I graduation he has been engaged 1 in farming. At the close of the I farming season the young couple j expects to take a trip to Ca for- I nia. In the meantime they wdl be , at home at 705 East . j street, O’Neill, where the bride- 1 groom expects to operate a truck- j ing business later in the season. 1 .Social Security \ Man Coming— i Martin A. Gundlach, field rep- 1 resentative of the Omaha office l of the social secruity administra- I tion, will be at O’Neill in the as sembly room in the courthouse basement Thursday. August 16, and August 30, at 9 a.m. He will assist retired individ uals who wish to file claims for old-age insurance benefits, as well as those who wish to file claims for survivors’ insurance oenefits. Those persons wishing to rue claims who are self-employed should bring copies of their 195o ax returns. Those who are em ployees should bring copies of form W-2 showing annual earn ings. Miss Murray Feted on Birthday— Miss Etta Murray was honored at a birthday party held Wednes day evening, August 1. Guests were Delores Hamik, Evelyn Da- | vis, Lois Murray, Priscilla Hols claw, Mrs. Larry Fernau and Marge Weichman. Mrs. L. V. Versaw of Lincoln spent the July 28-29 weekend here visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McElvain. MARRIAGE LICENSES Eugene Oswald Goldfuss, Page, 23, and Sharon Kay McDonald, Pierre. S.D., 17, August 3. Philip P. Thiele, 21, and Vera | Dell Funk, 19, both of Clearwa ter, August 4. Kenneth Arthur Hoerle, Cham bers, 18, and Jeanene Kay Back haus, O’Neill, 18, August 8. Carolyn Hiatt left Friday for a 10-day vacation at points of in- | terest in Colorado. 1 Page News Mr and Mrs. Richard Hollidav, Diane and Kathy of Scottsbluff were honored guests at a card party at the Neven Ickes, jr., home. Present were Mr and Mrs. — Richard Heiss, Mr and Mrs, Sor en Sorensen, jr., and Kathie, Mr and Mrs. Keith Kennedy, Mr and Mrs. Norman Trowbridge and Mrs. Howard Brummett. The Hollidays wefe on vacation at home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. H. S. Holliday, the past week. They returned to their home Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Jack Passmore and Anne of San Diego, Calif., who have spent the past 10 days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snell, and with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs W W Waller, and fam ily at O’Neill, left Monday morn ing for their home. They will vis it Yellowstone park and other points of interest on the way. Mr ar.d Mrs Waller and family spent Sunday at the Snell home in a farewell visit before their depar lure. Mr. and Mrs E H. Farnsworth, Mr and Mrs Carl Max and Lewie Bernholtz were Wednes day night. August 1, guests at the L F. Knudsen home for a picnic supper honoring the birthday an • niverasry of Rebecca Knudsen that day and Carl Max's the day before. Miss Jo Ann Braddock of Hastings left Monday. SPUDS U.S. No. 1 ^ Bushel EL888TAS \ 17-LB. LUGS 199 9 BILL'S BEST 100% PURE ROIII I I CRESCENT CELLO SLICED _ Baton - v U.8. GOV’T GRADED “GOOD" roast' lb. 35c U.S. GOV’T GRADED “GOOD” PRIME RIB STEAIC lb- 49c [ END CUT CHOPS lb. 35c PORK LIVER ....... 2 lbs. 35c SUMMER SAUSAGE ..... Lb. 39c SLICED BACON ENDS_2 lbs. 29c ARMOUR’S PORK SAUSAGE_Lb. 39c LEAN, MEATY BOILING BEEF.._Lb. 17c I I CONCENTRATE.... 3 for 49c B-Z STRAWBERRY PRESERVES_2 ^ 49c KINO SIZE LIQUID (SAVE 35c) W1SK--Can $1 VAN CAMP * NO. 2 CAN8 PORK & BEANS... 3 for 4§c LUX SOAP_3 reg. size 25c ALLAN TOMATOES_2cans 29c TEA PARTY SALAD DRESSING .... Qt 35c CANTADINA TOMATO JUICE, 46-oz. can 33c CAL TOP PEACHES. 3 No. 2\ cans 89c BOETJES MUSTARD_3 jars 25c HI - C 46-OZ. CANS ORANGE-ADE_2 59c STARKIST TUNA FISH_2 cans 59c SAC CITY CORN_4 cans 49c DEL MONTE 46-OZ. CAN GRAPEFRUIT JUICE.. Ea. 29c DELSEY TOILET TISSUE ... 2 for 27c KLEENEX... 2 200-count 29c HEINZ DILL PICKLES_Jar 29c KOOL-ADE ..... 6 pbgs. 29c SURE JELL_2 ^ 29« ATI AC LIDS_2 pkgs. 29c Libby’s Frozen PIES BEEF — CHICKEN TURKEY J » 19c