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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1956)
Future Subscribers GRIM—Mr. and Mrs. Telford Grim of Verdigre, a son, Todd Lindsay, weighing 9 pounds 12 ounces, born Thursday, August 2, at the Plainview hospital. Mrs. Grim is the former Marlene Mas talir, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mastalir. Mr. Grim is a son of Mr and Mrs Elmer Grim of Ewing. BRUNNING — Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brunning of Hastings, a daughter, Rochelle Kay, weigh ing 7 pounds 13 ounces. Mrs Brunning is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs Charles Russell of Lin coln, formerly of Page, and a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jud Russell of Page KEYES—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keyes of Inman, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 1 ounce, born Monday, August 6, at the Neligh Memorial hospital. DE GROFF—Mr and Mrs. Bert DeGroff of O’Neill, a son, Mar vin Edwin, weighing 5 pounds 14 ounces, born Saturday, August 4, in the Atkinson Memorial hospi tal. MATHERS — Mr and Mrs. Emery Mathers of Butte, a daughter, Marjorie Lynn, weigh ing 12 pounds 8 ounces, born Saturday, August 4, in the At kinson Memorial hospital. BRAUN—Mr. and Mrs. Hans Braun of Atkinson, a son, Daryl Lee, weighing 7 pounds 15 ounc es, born Sunday, August 5, in ’ the Atkinson Memorial hospital. HERBERT — Mr and Mrs. Marvin Herbert of VVinnetoon, a daughter, Roberta Lee, weighing 7 pounds 1 ounce, born Wednes • day, August 8, in the Lundberg Memorial hospital, Creighton. RENINGER — Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reninger of Columbus, O,. a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces, born Tuesday, July 31. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Reninger and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter of Chambers. CARR—Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carr of Spencer, a daughter, weighing 5 pounds 13 ounces, born Friday, July 3, at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. WILSON—Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Wilson of Verdel, a son, weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces, born Wednesday, July 1, at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. BREYER— Mr. and Mrs. Ev erett Breyer of Butte, a son, Randall Everett, weighing 9 pounds 4 ounces, born Saturday, July 28, at the Butte Maternity home. STOWELL—Mr. and Mrs. Rex Stowell of O'Neill, a son, weigh ing 7 pounds ounce, born Monday, August 6. at St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. LINES — Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lines of Inman, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 7% ounces, born Tuesday, August 7, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. WREDE— Mr. and Mrs. Vcrn Wrede of O'Neill, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 6 ounces, born Tuesday, August 7, at St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. KROPP—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kropp of Ewing, a son, weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces, born Tues day, August 7, at St. Anthony’s O’Neill. BRAUN—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Braun of Creighton, a daughter, weighing 8 pounds 9 ounces, born Friday. August 3, in the Lund berg Memorial hospital, Creigh ton. Premium Additions A number of changes and ad ditions have been made to the official Holt fair premium list since its publication last week by The Frontier. Changes related to the home economics projects include the following: Let’s sew (choose any 3)—Pot holder, apron, tea towel or pin cushion, each blue, 35c; red, 25c; white, i Oc. Making cakes and pies—Cher ry pie, blue, 75c; red, 50c; white, 35c. No icing on cakes. Hows and whys— Four baking powder biscuits, four clover leaf j rolls. All foods are to be wrapped in Saran wrap. Do not wrap baked goods while hot. Additions in agricultural sec tion: . , . REA (advanced)— Display of electrical equipment for produc tive, labor saving and other use ful purposes made in an advanc ed rural electrification project. Examples— pig brooder, motor table, chick brooder, etc. Blue, $1; red, 75c; white, 50c. Wiring panel 24x22 inches, rigid material. Made according to plans shown in advanced wiring club material Panel may be one of the following three: a. Single pole switch; b. three-way switch; c. complete wiring system. Blue, $1; red, 75c; white, 50c. Light unit for indoor or out door use. This may be a portable lamp, portable light, study cen ter, decorative light, or some other similar article. Blue, $1; red, 75c; white, 50c. Corn club—6 ears of corn, blue, 75c; red, 50c; white 25c. Display of three stalks of corn, same as for 6 ears. Tractor club — Display board 24"x32” of failed tractor parts which show the importance of proper maintenance. Must in : elude not less than three nor more than five different items. Each to have WTitten statement showing cause of failure. Blue, $1; red, 75c; white, 50c. Award Distribution The Holt county 4-H awards committee met Monday, August 6 to distribute the many special awards which have been given by individuals and firms for 4-H exhibitors at the Holt county fair. Distribution was made among the various projects that are to be exhibited. Businesses responsible for the special awards include: Clark and Mattson, Inman; Maureen and Elwin Smith, In man Telephone Co.; Watson Hay Co., Inman; T. J. Hutton, Inman depot agent; T J. Davis Oil Co., Inman; Louis Kopecky, sr., In man; Ed Chudomelka Garage, Inman; Camp’s store, Atkinson; Red and White, Ewing; Chambers State bank, Chambers; Farmers State bank, Ewing; Heuton Pro duce, Atkinson; K.B. Market, Ewing; Bill Turner. Chambers; Thompson’s Cafe, Chambers. C. F. Gillette & Sons, Cham bers; Dankert's Service, Cham bers; Taylor Motor Co., Cham bers; Burge Farm Supply, Cham bers; Harley Hardware, Cham bers; Co-Op, Chambers; Elkins Produce, Chambers; Harley Pro duce, Chambers; Hill’s Variety, Ewing; Platt Oil Co., Phillips 66 distributor. Gambles, Atkinson; Gambles, Ewing; Hoskinson's, Atkinson; Gibson’s Store, Ewing; Wilson Drug, Atkinson; Daas, Chambers; Miller Store, Chambers; Dobbs Circle rood store. Chambers; Spences’s Market, Atkinson; Park Avenue Market, Chambers; Council Oak, Atkinson; Cleary’s, Atkinson; Shavlik’s Hardware, Chambers; Newhousc Drug, Chambers; Keatings, Atkinson; West Lumber and Coal, Ewing; Shaines Firestone Store, Ewing. Campbell’s Lumber Co., Atkin son; Schultz Drug Store, Atkin son; Reninger’s Appliance, Cham bers; Galyen’s, Atkinson. Special Awards One of the special awards con tests added since the special fail edition is the Chambers Ameri can Legion beef weight gain contest. A $25 bond will be awarded the 4-H member whose baby beef has registered the greatest daily gain since the first j of the year. Second prize is $10 cash award. Twenty-three mem bers made 29 project entries at the first of the year. Only the one best entry of each contestant will be considered in the competition. As previously planned, the entries must be weighed at the Dankert weighing s t at i o n in Chambers on Monday, August 13, which is fair entry day. A roster will be on hand at the station on which to enter the closing weight of every properly identified beef. The contestants 'should also keep their weight tickets in case a re check is necessary. Smith & Son Distributing Co. of O’Neill will award to the top girl in the clothing projects a $150 coupon which may be ap plied on the purchase of a new Adler-matic sewing machine, desk model 107. B. H. Wilson s ‘Glad Entry Show Winnqr ATKINSON — B. H. Wilson, owner-operator of Wilson’s drug store here, displayed a “Royal Stewart” gladiolus stalk at the sixth annual gladiolus and flower show held here Saturday at the Atkinson school auditorium, and his entry was judged the best specimen. The Atkinson Civic Improve ment Garden club sponsored the show. Mr. Wilson also received the North American Gladiolus coun cil rosette. G. E. Morgan received the North American Gladiolus coun cil silver medal for displaying the greatest number of first prize points in the specimen class. Mr. Morgan also displayed a section devoted entirely to seedlings which he has raised. The Nebraska Gladiolus soci ety rosettes awarded for the grand champion arrangement and composition were given to Mrs. M. W. Ellenwood and Mrs. R. F. Griffin. Other first place winners in special divisions went to Miss Demarus Wefso, corsage; Mrs. Fred R. Mack, niches (entries limited to club members only), and Roy F Griffin. “Don’t Fence Me In” (entries for men only). Hear Recorded Version of Concert— INMAN — Leonard Sawyer of Royal presented the band in an outdoor concert last Thursday evening. During intermission Mr. Saw yer played some of the recorded numbers of the massed band con cert at Clearwater last spring. Pre-Opening Day to Be August 31— Pre-opening day for all rural teachers of Holt county will be held at the O’Neill public school auditorium Friday, August 31, at 9 a.m., according to an announce ment made by Miss Alice L. French, county superintendent. i - -■ i 300 Cattle Expected Today • There will be around 300 head of cattle at the reg ular weekly sale today (Thursday) at the O’Neill Market It’ll be a mixed market featuring stockers, feeders, some yearlings, light yearlings and the usual amount of butcher cattle. a There will be from 100 to 200 head of feeder pigs in the hog sale starting at 12:30 p.m. The managers urge you to get those hogs in early. O’Neill Livestock Market Phone 2, O’Neill _ _—_ ! • • ,,, • r. n % *o ® * ' 1, • * • • « • " « 0 « • , • • •6 : , e \ * v •'•••• Sick & Injured LYNCH—Mr. and Mrs. George Weber of Butte consulted Lynch doctors on Monday. . . Mr. and Mrs Harold Wickersham were in O’Neill Wednesday. August 1, to get their baby son, who had undergone surgery at the O’Neill hospital serveral days before. . . Reports from Mrs. Frank Vo macka, sr., who is now a patient in the Gregory, S.D., hospital, are that she is “progressing nicely." Mrs. Vomacka suffered a broken pelvic bone some time ago and spent several weeks in a Sioux Falls, S.fc . nospital. She was transferred to the Gregory hos pital last weetc. O’NEILL—Bonnie Krugman, 5, girl slipped and fell at the wad ing pool and receded a cut on her head After a few whimpers she went right back to the pool to swim despite the gash . . Har ry Lansworth, who returned from St. Vincent’s hospital in Sioux City Tuesday, July 24. is “im proving.” . . . Mrs. William An derson was transferred by am bulance on Saturday from St. Anthony’s hospital to Clarkson hospital in Omaha where she will submit to surgery. EWING—Mrs. Pauline Noffke accompanied Mrs. Frank Noffke to Neligh last Thursday for a physical checkup. . Laurie Jo, the small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eacker, came home Monday from the hospital. She received treatment for a severe cold. . . Mrs. Dwight Schroeder | came home Friday from St. An thony's hospital where she had been a patient for a few days. DELOIT—Becky, young daugh ter of Mr and Mrs. Stanley Huff man, fell and fractured her col larbone recently. . . James Wulf is convalescing at the Veterans hospital in San Diego. Calif., fol lowing a case of spinal menin gitis. He is '•improving” and will have no ill effects CHAMBERS — L. O. Lenz of Chambers is a patient in the Lu theran hospital at Norfolk. . . Mrs. Ernest Thorin was called to Ewing Friday evening by the ill ness of her father, W. H. John son. Mr. Johnson was taken to St. Anthony’s hospital Saturday. STAR—Mrs. Bill Hibbs came home Tuesday, July 24, from St. Anthony's hospital where she had submitted to surgery a week ear lier Her sister, Mrs Gerald Snyder, cared for her infant son while she was in the hospital. AMELIA Floyd Adams spent a few days in Creighton last week where he was taking chiro practic treaments. . . Art Wald man was able to return home from the Atkinson hospital on Wednesday, August 1. He is able to get around some on crutches DELOIT—Mrs. W. E. Wulf re turned home from the O'Neill hospital Wednesday August 1. Mrs. Wulf had fallen a week be fore and suffered a kidney in jury. CELIA — W. R. Greenwood. 2474 Ogden, San Bernardino, Calif., formerly of Celia, who underwent major surgery recent ly, has returned home from the hospital. STUART — Mrs. Mary Gesir ;ech, mother of Mrs Lloyd Thurlow, went to Lincoln Tues day, July 31, for a medical checkup. VENUS— Miss Margie Finch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch, underwent a minor op eration at St Anthony’s hospital Tuesday, July 31. INMAN—Mrs. Albert Kopejt ka was dismissed from St. An thony's hospital in O'Neill on Saturday. She had been a med ical patient for a few days. SPENCER—Mrs. Arthur Doty submitted to major surgery ear 1\ Wednesday in St. Anthony’s hospital. Her condition is "good." DORSEY—Miss Sadie Derick son has returned home after hav ing consulted doctors in CHnaha concerning her eyes. EMMET — Derold Perry was sick with influenza Monday. NOW AT FT. KNOX BUTTE—Pvt. Duane L. Reiser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Reiser, who had been stationed at Ft. Chaffee, Ark., and Aberdeen, Md., proving grounds, where he had eight weeks of schooling, is now at Ft. Knox, Ky. His ad dress is Pvt Duane L. Reiser RA17451823, tHh Ord Co. CR-C, 3 Ord. Batt. t2nimo), Ft. Knox, Ky. Frontier for printing! _ — I, — Jack & Jilt Meats Are Guaranteed to Please or Your Money Cheerfully Refunded CUT FROM GOOD QUALITY BEEF SIRLOIN STEAK .u.69c FRESH MADE, EXPERTLY SEASONED PORK SAUSAGE...u. 27' FRESH CUTS FROM LEAN BOSTON BUTTS PORK ROASTS.39' DELICIOUS SMOKE FLAVOR SLICED BACON. .«£ 35l FRESH SMOOTH AND SPREADY BRAUNSCWEIGER.u. 35' Good $avrsf, fJaJ\ ecu; with WmonOH oc n. 33* ^ Price* Effective Thun. - Fri. - S*t., Au*u»t 9-10-11 . / 74 A Chicken Dinner-Aikuaysa Winner/ ^ rmED-BROILED-BARBECUCDSALAD^ /«-([/' |*| It | m ... conpublt cleaned ad I | H^| ■ COP OP. -Slock yoor hoewr" with [ tpickling 1 — — li |r tUo®_ I %. 14* _I FRENCH’S WHOLE CLOVES_ne-ir FRENCH'S BRAND STICK CINNAMON .’ST 23‘ NORTHERN BRAND BATHROOM TISSUE 19 i B " rTcH CHICKEN #«...eotfr ' El BUTTER-W w „a»poon P'PP" Short.nlng 1 Chick*". dro.'*m g ♦***Poon'P P ^ drain. Sh*ke L-T 5§gf:Is8^i “ .*" v WAXED PAPER _ WAXTEX crwe¥uts 27* MY.-OZ- PIG. 'roll 1 QC BRANfUKES 26* SNOW CROP 8 H0RTUERN9& V^ FRESH TASTY GOLDEN VALLEY BRAND ■PT1 JK<»Vi ^^BEBitfibflL' V$1 BANQUET BRAND SALAD PEARS IN SYRUP OUR FAMILY BEANS WITH HICKORY SMOKED PORK TALL NO. 300 TIN w 9 M I OSCAR MEYER BRAND _ _ LUNCHEON MEAT. 3 Tto» 89C GOOD QUALITY REFRESHING M TSS TOMATO JUICE __3 89c “* CATSUP___3’^ 69c & TOWNE PRIDE £._.19* OUR OWN VANILLA ! ICE CREAM.1/2 sal 59* RICH CREAMY MALTED MILKS swxbar !9c I-HI II-I I, tmetaunc BLUE BARREL CAL*°H Wfrnm ‘BtI IW liquid EfiHIlilJIliig STARCH lAUMDtT SOAR «t_27 Sk-17* I _ I 1 ifr 89* 1 a GOOCH'S BEST SHELL • MACARONI f; LB. CELLO «Ae PEG.-IT WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF POULTRY - HOC - CATTLE FEEDS 16% HEAVY MOLASSES BEEF CAKE - Pellets_Per Ton $67.00 HOG FATTENER_Per Ton $73.00 AT THE PRESENT MARKET PRICE FOR GRAIN THIS FEED WILL SAVE YOU MONEY! 40% HOG. BALANCER .... Per Ton $100.00 TANKAGE — MEAT SCRAPS — BONE MEAL *•,**. * * , •*.* • , * • *» • . . ' *. . * • •,****•.•• » *' • , • . • * * # .. . * • . We will cull your laying flock at no cost to you. Just call or write us when you are ready. ALWAYS THE TOP MARKET FOR YOUR j CREAM - POULTRY - EGGS II