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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1956)
Future Subscribers GARWOOD—Mrs. Dale Gar wood of Amelia and the late Mr Garwood, a son, Russell Dale, weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces, bom Sunday, July 22, in the Burwcll hospital. The infant’s father was killed last November in an aircraft accident. The mother is the former Marveline Cuatt of Amelia. BENTZ—Mr. and Mrs. William Bentz of Spencer, a son, Gustav Joe, weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces, bom Saturday, July 28, in Sa red Heart hospital. Lynch. WHETHAM — Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Whetham of Spencer, a son, weighing 6 pounds 9 ounces, born Friday, July 27, in Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. RADAR—Mr. and Mrs. James Radar of Omaha, a son, Stanley Gregg, weighing 8 pounds 10 ounces, born Monday, July 30. Mrs Radar is the former Ava Jean Shearer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Shearer of Stuart. BREECE—Mr. and Mrs. James Breece of Creighton, a son, weighing 8 pounds, born Sunday, July 29, in Lund berg Memorial hospital, Creighton. RAYER—Mr. and Mrs. William Rayer, jr., of Creighton, a son, weighing 7 pounds Va ounce, bom Saturday, July 28, in Lund berg Memorial hospital, Creigh ton. FETHEJ1STON — Mr. and Mrs. Marlee Fetherston of Stuart, a son, Robert Marlee, weighing 6 pounds 10 ounces, bom Satur MARKET REPORT “The Old Reliable” .July 31 Auction Cattle receipts 556 head. Cloudy skies throughout the day seemed to be the story also in the cattle trade as most classes suffered some price losses. Butcher classes were the hardest hit with most kinds selling fully $1.00 cwt lower than a week ago. Stock ers and feeders were mostly $0.50 cwt lower, primarily on the lightweight offerings. He avyweight steers and feeding heifers were in good demand and showed little change over recent sales. Indiana, Iowa, South Dakota and Nebraska buyers spared for the re placement cattle while good rains were reported in prog ress in much of the Central Com Belt area. Good to choice steers sold from. $17.00 to $18.50 cwt., comparable quality heifers lar gely from $15.00 to $16.25 per cwt. Choice feeding heifers from $14.50 to $15.75 cwt. The quality of the offerings was below that of a week ago and only a few packages of the most wanted heavier weights were on offer. Beef cows $9.50 to $11.50; commercial kinds $8.75 to $9.25 while canner and low cutters sold from $7.75 to $8.50 cwt. Bulls fully $1.00 cwt. lower, largely $11.50 to $13.00 cwt. SPECIAL NOTICE We have changed the date of our First Special Carlot Auction to August 21st, one week later than planned. Thence we will hold Special Carlot Auctions every other week thereafter. We can still use consignments of feeder heifers for this sale. Remem ber the change in date — August 21st. Phone 5141, At kinson. and book your con signments. Atkinson Livestock Market ATKINSON, NEBR. I"——— day. July 28, in the Atkinson Memorial hospital. HAN US— Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Hanus of Omaha, a daugh ter, Karen Marie, born Tuesday, July 24, in Omaha. The mother is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos eph Winkler of Eknmet. BUTAU — Mr. and Mrs Edgar Bulau of Atkinson, a son, Rod ney Edgar, weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces, born Saturday, July 28, in Atkinson Memorial hos pital. GALLAGHER— Mr. and Mrs. James Gallagher of O’Neill, a daughter, Debra Ann weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces, born Satur day, July 28, in St. Anthony's hospital. JANZING—Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Janzing of Atkinson, a son, Steven Joseph, weighing 7 lbs. 8 ounces, born Saturday, July 28, in St Anthony’s hospital. Hospital Notes — ST. ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) Admissions: July 25—William McKathnie of Atkinson; Mrs. W. E Wulf of Ewing; 26—Dr W F. Finley of O’Neill; Mrs. Clar ence Whaley, O’Neiil; 27—Mrs. Don Clyde of O’Neill; Fred Frit ton of O’Neill; Mrs. A. L. Lowery of Chambers; Marvin Timmons of Scotia; Max A. Karo of Stuart; Mrs. Bernard Janz ing of Atkinson; 28—Mrs. James Gallagher of O’Neill; Mrs. Jen nie Eppenbach of O’Neill; 29— H. Schacht, O’Neill; Lett Johnson of O’Neill; Laurence G. Slay maker of Atkinson; Mrs. Edwin Hubbard of Chambers; Carl Johnson of Bristow; Jackie Wichersham of Lynch; 30—Char les Artus of O’Neill; Letta Con rad of O’Neill; Mrs. William An derson of O’Neill; Alice Page of O’Neill; Margie Finch of Page; 31 — Mrs. Dwight Schroeder of Ewing. Dismissals: July 25— Mrs. R. Ferris of O’Neill; Mrs. Louis Zastrow of O'Neill; 26—William McKathnie of Atkinson; Mrs. Dale Smalley of Butte; Mrs. Earl Schwenk of Chambers; 27— Robert Coventry of Inman; Rob ert Beelaert of Page; H. J. Harte of O'Neill, expired; 28—Max O. I Karo; Mrs. Clarence Whaley; 29 — Mrs. Don Clyde of O’Neill; Frank Backhaus of Amelia, ex pired. 30—Carl Johnson of Bris- j tow; Charlie Artus of O’Neill; James Zidko of Spencer; Dr. W. F. Finley of O’Neill; 31—Henry Schacht of O’Neill; Marilyn! Parks of Page; Danny Morrow of O’Neill; Mrs. James Gallagher and baby girl of O'Neill. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admissions: July 23 — Arthur Waldman of Amelia, medical; I 24—Mrs. Louis Shald of Stuart, obstetrical; Mrs. Frank Harring ton of Omaha, medical; 26—John Anderson of Atkinson, medical; Frank Keating of Atkinson, med ical; Mrs. Henry Timmerman of Stuart, surgical; Mrs. Evan Gar wood of Atkinson, obstetrical; Mrs. Lizzie Pelcer of Atkinson, medical; Mrs. Percy Mentzer of O’Neill, medical; Gary Kaplan of Stuart, accident; 28—Mrs. Edgar | Bulau of Atkinson, obstetrical; Mrs. Marlie Fetherston of Stuart, obstetrical; 29 — Mrs. Estella Bachman of Stuart, medical; Miss Glenda Warner of Amelia, surgical. Dismissed: July 23—Mrs. Rob ert Leder of Atkinson; Mrs. Jos eph Krobot of Stuart; 24—Mrs. Bessie Tomsik of Atkinson; Miss Shirley Ready of Stuart; 25 — Mrs. Robert Thomas and son of O’Neill; 28—Gary Kaplan of Stu art; John Anderson of Atkinson; Mrs. Frank Harrington of Oma ha; Mrs. Dewayne Tasler and son of Atkinson; Mrs. Louis Shald of Stuart. SACRED HEART (Lynch) Admissions. Mrs. William Ben tz of Spencer; Dr. Edwin B. Bradley of Spencer; Mrs. Mary Classen of Spencer; Mrs. Floyd Fast of Butte; Larry Dean Haun of Spencer; Mrs. Katie Hrbek of Verdel; Mrs. Harry Johnson of Bristow; William Jordan of But te; Miss Lillian Olson of Bris tow; Mrs. Calvin Pratt of Bris tow; Mrs. Oliver Ross of O’ Neill; Mrs. George Weber of Butte; Ed Whetham of Lynch; Harrison Row, jr., of Spencer; ~l Mr*. Lloyd Whetham of Spencer; Mrs. Arthur Wilson of Verde! Dismissals: July 24—Mrs. Wil lard Van Buren and baby boy of Spencer; 27—Vernon Wfendt of Bristow; 28—Mrs Willard Teadt ke and baby boy of Bristow; Mrs. Joseph Micanek of Lynch; 29— Joseph Birmeier of Lynch. LUND BERG MEMORIAL (Creighton) Admitted: July 27—Roy Smith of Niobrara; 29—Mrs. Maude Pratten of Creighton; W’alter Haskin of Royal; Mrs. William Rayer, jr., of Creighton; 29 — Mrs. James Breece of Creigh ton; 30—Mrs Edward Brahn of Creighton; Mrs Paul Huddle- j ston of Laurel; Mrs. Harry Han sen of Niobrara; Mrs. Julius W’agner of Creighton; 31—Ken neth Farnik of Verdel; August 1 —Mrs. Cecil Falter of Creigh ton. Dismissed: July 27—Mrs. Rob ert Porter and son of Creighton; 29—Baby Cecelia Marie Shefl of Winnetoon; 31 — Kenneth Farnik j of Verdel; Mrs. Joe Frohner of j Creighton; Baby Paul William j Huddleston of Laurel, expired; August 1—Roy Smith of Nio brara. __ FIREMEN SUMMONED O’Neill firemen were sum moned at 2:25 p.m., Monday to j the Carl Miller farm near Mid- | way where spontaneous combus tion had started a fire in the■ burn. The Millers and neighbors had the blaze extinguish ed be- j tore the firemen reached the scene. No damage was done to1 the barn. 350 to 475 Cattle Expected Today There will be between 350 and 475 head of cattle on the docket today (Thursday) for the regular weekly sale to be held at our market. We’re expecting around 150 head of cows, several part-loads of 450- to 475-pound steer and heifer calves, and a few heavy yearlings. The balance of the run will be - mixed consignments of cows, steer and heifer calves. Today’s hog sale will start at exactly 1 o’clock. The managers urge you to get those hogs in early. It won’t be long now until the hog sale will get underway at 12 o’clock instead of 1. There will be around 200 feeder pigs here today. O’Neill Livestock Market Phone 2, O’Neill FARM AUCTION I LIVESTOCK - EQUIP. - MACH. At the farm located on Hwy. 11, 28 miles north of Burwell OR 30 miles south of Atkinson, on — WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15 Sale to begin at 12:30 P .M. — Lunch on the grounds. 62 HEAD OF CATTLE—10 milk cows, 3 to 6 yrs.; 5 milk ing now, 1 to freshen soon; 52 stock cattle, including 1 reg. Angus bull, 17 mos.; 21 Angus cows, calves heifers and steers; balance misc. kinds. One matched team sorrel mares, age 9 and 10; 15 laying hens; 2 pr. guineas, and 14 young guineas; about 50 bales choice alfalfa hay; some grass seed. MACHINERY—Farmall reg. tractor on rubber; 2-bot. gang plow*; 14 blade disc; hay wagon; underslung, 5^ in. beams; trail mower and hitch bar; manure spreader; 2 wh. trail.; ’48 Ford pickup; separator; brooders; lawn mower, etc. SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS Kenneth & Edith Weller, Owners Cummings & Cummings Aucts. - Bank of Burwell, Clerk o - * " AFTER INVENTORY CLEARANCE!] DURING OUR INVENTORY WE FOUND ADDITIONAL SUMMER STOCKS OF MERCHANDISE WE MUST < CLEAR AT A FRACTION OF THE ORIGINAL PRICE i | Shop Our Bargain Tables for REAL BARGAINS as Listed Below * For Men SIMMER DRESS STRAWS . .$1 WORK STRAWS . .44C MEK'S WESTERN STRAWS 99C SHORT SLEEVE MENS SHIRTS ■ .$122 For Women ! Large Assortment of Playwear, Peddle Pushers « Shorts and Halters $1 J bathing suits .. $344 ; While They Children i _lBIGTab,es of Sun Suits, Crawlers, Bathing Suits ! 4 A ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A A A A A A- AP» Ah Ah A Ah ^A A Ah Ah Aft Many Items Too Numerous to Mention < r--Bggmaaa :bhbtobmb^=71 FRESH TENDER JUICY SKINLESS WIENERS 33C 4^1 POUND ^P W A ^ 'U -—. - „ ../ \ 1 gg 1 CHOICE BEEF _ LOVES M a roasts j. '• ! 1 3 IX Li y C LX / MADE FROM JACK A JILL Kg B _ " ^ :i ^ FRESHLY GROUND PURE BEEF fljV ■g fresh sliced sliced wafer thin KCB g SIDE PORK «*33c DRIED BEK v^ 23c g & i FRYING CHICKEN || KHH I Fresh Frozen gg I 1V« LB. PKG- -T--1 Cj| f=~7T—^ ' " , Kraftmma/ei moore dinner «=*> ,Jor a ^|( sistn ip n h rtCTi BEEF *n-' JI | _ mm... II STEW HU JUICE 35. • CHARMIN BRAND BATHROOM TISSUE CHARMIN “ • CROWN PRINCE BRAND DOG AND CAT FOOD _ 000 FOOD'-80* GOLDEN VALLEY PURPLE PLUMS IN SYRUP PLUMS ^I9c DOLE PINEAPPLE , • # - KRAFT KRAFT MAYONNAISE SWISS CHEESE Si_—79‘ ,_43* KRAFT . KRAFT rum unjrr ' wiiadeithw cream CHEEZ WHIZ CHEESE !inor .59* IS_39* ______ _____ OUVE - PIMENTO «4 MARGARINE CHEESE SPREAD is_i31* _25f M I 1 PIE MIX.- .33* ESW A OUR FAMILY TOMATO §3 NEW PACK juice.. 3 »l“ J>!f FRANCO-AMERICAN 1 SPAGHEni .2 ™ 29‘ DUNCAN HINES WHITS g CAKE MIX.- —.35c ft CAKE MIX...”^37‘ ...., ■ -Sol5dCr. READ'S BRAND RUSSIAN DRESSING Excellent 8-OZ. Cole Slaw K»TTUl- 33c L- LB. PETER PAN ~ PEANUT BUTTER ORANGES SSXF??..«*. 29* SMOOTH or CHUNCHY ™-- ^3* APPLES Cooking Applts 2 LBS. I RAIN DROPS DIAPER SWEET O-Cello ™E S™ DEODORIZES MATERS SPONGES IV. LB- IV. LB. MM( WKL-Z# ftg-~-£H SBS-- Jj9C L'-n ... ■■■■ L..—........... ■ I... .. " ----- \ DIAMOND SimnH11* CRACKER**' I | VALLEY | PAPER PLATES 1-Lb- Box ~ 28c ORANGE DRINK Sunshine CANDIES -ill SJSLT-_15* pitg- —TZ 29c I yjSi-25*1