The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 02, 1956, Image 6

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    Robert L. Sorensen
to Wed Auugst 6
PAGE—Mrs. Cyntnia Vick of
Ow ensboro, Kyannounces the
engagement and approaching
mamage of her daughter. Patsy,
to Robert L>. Sorensen, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Soren Sorensne, sr., of
Miss Vick is a checker at the
Service laundry at Owensboro.
Robert is a graduate of the
Page high school with the class
of 1952, attended Wayne State
Teachers college 1 Vi years and
has been in the service lVa years.
He received his military training
.it Ft. Bliss, Tex.. Ft. Bragg, N.C.,
! and Camp Campbell, Ky.
The wedding ceremony will
1 take place at the Temple Baptist
! church at West Ninth and Ven
able ave, at Owtmsboro Monday
evening, August 6, at 6 o’clock.
Following the ceremony the
couple will leave for Page for a
visit with relatives and friends
Other Page News
Mr and Mrs. Allen Haynes ac
companied Miss Alice French of
O’Neill to Denton Sunday, July
22, where they visited with their
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Haynes, until last
Thursday evening. Miss Viola
went to Denton and brought them
to Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zellers re
turned on Tuesday, July 24, from
Unadilla and Denton where they
visited in the home of their son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Merlyn Rapp, at Denton
and attended funeral services for
Mrs. Zeller’s sister, Mrs. Carrie
Arnold of Wheatland. Colo., held
at Unadilla on Monday, July 23.
They were also guests of her sis
ters, Mrs. Izell Dunkle and Jen
nie Bryant at Unadilla.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Heiss and
family spent three weeks with
! his parents here assisting with
! the harvest. They returned Tues
day, July 24, to their home at
Mrs. I O. Wood entertained a
group of ladies at an early morn
ing breakfast at the Page park on
Tuesday, July 24. Her daughter,
Mrs. Harry Undine, and children,
Joan, Jeanine and Jerry, of Sioux
City were guests and returned to
their home that evening. Mrs.
Alta Finch was the winner of
tne special prizes. Seven other
prizes were drawn. Mrs. F. G.
Albright, whose birthday anni
versary occurred that day, was
one of the seven lucky ones. The
hostess served lunch.
Members of the RNA Kensing
ton were guests of Mrs. Millie
Kelly on Wednesday, July 25,
for a social afternoon spent at
cards and in visiting A covered
dish luncheon followed the rou
tine business meeting. Mrs. Otto
Matschullat will be the August 8
Mesdames A. O. Weber, Elmer
Trowbridge, Forrest Henderson,
Charles Cronk, Merwyn French,
jr., William Ragland, Edgar
Stauffer, Harry Harper, R. F.
Park and N. D. Ickes went to
Orchard on Wednesday afternoon,
Inly 25, as guests of the EUB la
dies aid and enjoyed a book re
view by Mrs. Henry Canonberg of
Bassett on “Who Walk Alone.”
Lunch was served in the church
parlors following the program
during the social hour together.
Mrs. Hester Edmisten was an
overnight guest of Mrs. F. G. Al
bright at the telephone office on
Monday, July 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ruther
ford entertained the following
guests at supper Tuesday evening,
July 24, in honor of his sister,
Mrs. F. G. Albright, to observe
her birthday anniversary. Guests
were Mr. and Mrs. William Neu
bauer, Mrs. Emma Canaday, Dur
an Rutherford and Mrs. Albright
and son. Sterling.
A1 Anson trucked the house
hold effects of the Art McClure
family to Arcadia last Thursday,
where Mrs. McClure will teach
during the coming year.
Mrs. J. E. Smith was hostess
to the members of the Wesleyan
Methodist Missionary group last
Thursday afternoon for a work
meeting. Clothing was repaired
end pressed in readiness to be
sent to distribution centers. Mrs.
R. F Park and Mrs. George Cla
sey were guests. Mrs. Harry
Johnson led the devotions. Mrs.
Smith served lunch. The August
meeting will be with Mrs. Owen
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Terrill and
daughter, Marilyn, took Jerry to
Miltonvale, Kans., on Wednes
day, July 25, where they visited
until Saturday. Jerry remained
until Sunday then returned to his
college work at Marion, Ind.
Owen Davis Leaving
Soon for Europe—
STAR — Owen Davis, son of
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Davis, was
honored at a picnic dinner Sun
day at Ford's park in O’Neill. He
will soon leave for Europe.
His mother will accompany him
to New York and will visit her
son, Lyle, who was injured re
cently in a parachute jump.
To Be Maid-of-Honor
at Denver Wedding—
The Misses Marde and Barbara
Birmingham and Lorraine Si
monson left Wednesday to attend
the wedding of a college class
mate in Denver, Colo.
Miss Marde Birmingham will
be maid-of-hoonr.
Visiting Yellowstone—
VENUS— Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Pospeshil spent last week vaca
tioning in Yellowstone national
park at Mammoth hot springs.
Mrs. Stuti Chairman—
Mrs. Joe Stutz was chairman of
the dessert-bridge held Wednes
day evening at the Country club.
Miss Barbara Becker arrived
Saturday to visit her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Becker, until
Monday. She is emlpoyed in Kan
sas City, Kans.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cronin and
family of Chicago, 111., are visit
ing her mother, Mrs. R. R. Morri
Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Philbrick
and family attended a picnic on
Sunday, July 22, in honor of her
brother and his wife, Airman and
Mrs. Alvin Lofquest, and son,
Chuckie. The picnic was held at
the Rollo Berry farm north of
Stuart. The Lofquests have been
transferred from Denver, Colo.,
to Biggs air force base. El Paso,
Tex. They left Wednesday, July
Ewing Soldier on
Leave from Germany
Honored at Picnic
DELOIT—On Sunday a picnic
! was held in the Neligh park in
I honor of Kenneth Lee, who is
; home on furlough from Germany.
The following were present:
Kenneth, Anita and Vitrus Lee;
i Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson of
i Neligh; Mr. and Mrs. Fred
i Harpster, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
i Harpster and sons, all of the
Ewing community; Mr. and Mrs.
L W Reimer, Miss Frazier and
Mrs. Richard Nelson, all of O’
Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lu
ben and Donald of Clearwater;
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reimer of
Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Temple and Twila and Wendell
Starr of Hastings; Mr. and Mrs.
i Dewey Brittell of Norfolk; and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer and
! Elayne.
Other Deloit News
Doris Ann Spahn and Elayne
Reimer came home from Wayne
college on Friday—the end of the
eight-weeks’ term. Elayne return
ed for an additional three weeks.
John Rossow left Friday for
South Dakota where he will be
employed at the Henry Sturek
Earl Rossow and Henry Rei
mer were in Burwell Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Temple
and Twila and Wendell Starr of
Hastings visited Sunday at the
Reimer home.
Mr. and Mrs Otto Reimer of
Lincoln were supper guests on
Saturday at the Melvin Rexin
Susan Huffman of Bassett vis
ited her cousins, Zoe Ann and
Becky Huffman, at the Huffman
ranch last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Temple
and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Temple
attended the wedding of Caro
lyn Temple last Thursday at
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Schrunk
and daughters called at the How
ard Temple home in Hastings re
Ewing News
Mr. and Mrs. Eld Urban and
Mr. and Mrs. Vearl Tuttle and
family were Sunday dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Johnny Honyewell at Cham
Dr. and Mrs. William Ross
left Monday to go to Smith Cen
ter, Kans. At Norfolk, they
met their daughter, Dr. Margaret
Ross, who came by plane from
New York City to Omaha on
Sunday. She recently completed
a medical course and has been
attending a Bibical seminary in
New York. This fall she will go
to the Mayo clinic for a study
on internal medicine.
Mrs. Grace Briggs returned
Monday from a seven weeks’ va
cation. Accompanied by her
daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Vaughn
of Omaha, they went to Los
Angeles, Calif., where they
spent two weeks with Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Briggs and family.
At Corvallis, Ore., they were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hoy
Briggs also for two weeks. Up
on returning to Omaha, Mrs.
Briggs visited relatives at Stan
ton, la., and Nebraska City.
Mrs. Daisy Briant of Diablo,
Calif., accompanied by her son
in-law, Frank Schueart of Al
liance, were overnight guests at
the home of Mrs. Hannah
Tuttle on Friday. They left Sat
urday morning for Norfolk.
Mrs. Myrtle Kimes of Clear
water spent the weekend with
her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Billings.
Mr. and Mrs. ISarl Billings
spent from Sunday to Tuesday
at the home of their daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs..
Robert Dunaway, and family at j
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoajf and
family, who were enroute to
their home in Omaha from a va
cation trip in Colorado were
guests Thursday and Friday at
the homes of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Hoag, and her
father, Perry Saiser.
Miss Lucile Rotherham spent
the week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Rotherham. Miss
Rotherham is a teacher in New
Mexico and is spending the sum
mer vacation with relatives in
ENving and vicinity.
Miss Hazel Ruby and her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Everett Ruby,
returned Friday from a trip to
Wyoming. They visited relatives
at Gillette and Buffalo and en
joyed several sightseeing trips.
--7 i
• Chicagoans Visit—
ATKINSON—Mrs. Orville So
ger, two daughters and one son
have been visiting Mr and Mrs
Frank Soger and Mrs. Ruth
Barnes. They arrived by rail. Mr.
Seger arrived last Thursday to
join his wife and children and
will visit here several weeks. He
is employed by the Miller
Amusement Co., in the service
Mr. Gillespie Feted —
Mrs. Eldon Wood of San Ga
briel, Calif., entertained at a
family dinner Monday evening,
July 23, in honor of W. B. Gil
lespie, on his birthday anniver
sary. Mrs. W. B. Gillespie also
was hostess at a dinner in honor
of her husband.
Ready Baby Clothes
for Shower Use
EWING — One of the mission
projects of the Women’s Gen
eral Missionary Society of the
United Presbyterian church is
the collection of clothing for a
mission at Frenchburg, Kv. Mem
bers also will purchase material
to be made into baby clothes for
Presbyterial showers.
The mission group met last
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Forrest Henderson. Six
teen members answered roll call.
Lesson topics were “Opportun
ities Unlimited” and "Indian
Americans Coming into Their
Own.” Pamphlets on temper
ance were distributed.
5,364 Books Lent
in ’55 by Library
EWING — New sections of
shelving will be added to the
Ewing public library this year.
Purchase of a reading table for
boys and girls also was discussed
at the annual meeting of the li
brary board held last week.
Seventy-four new books were
added during 1955 and 225 books
from the Nebraska library com
mission were made available.
Adults borrowed 2,785 books and
boys and girls borrowed 2,579—a
total circulation of 5,364.
These magazines are provided:
Coronet, Ladies Home Compan
ion, McCall’s, Foreman and Ten
2 Guests Present
When Matrons Meet
EWING — The Past Matrons
club and the Star Kensington
were entertained Friday after
noon at the home of Miss Ina
Bennett. Fourteen members were
present. Guests were Mrs. Flora
Young of Orchard and Mrs. Lee
Wood of Ewing.
Fancywork and visiting were
the past time. Lunch was served.
Royal Theater
Thurs. Aug. 2
Family Night
Mario Lanza in
The thrill of his matchless
voice and the quivering excite
ment of James M. Cain’s best
seller The story of a farm-hand
who won fame as a singer and
nearly lost his soul as a man. Co
starring Joan Fontaine, Sarita
Montiel, Vincent Price.
Family admitted for 2 adult tick
ets; adults 50c; children 12e
Fri.-Sat. Aug. 3-4
Filmed in Pathe Color. Starring
David Wayne, Keenan Wynn,
James Barton, Jick Backus, Mar
cia Henderson. The gun . . . the
woman ... the wild Sierras!
Adults 50c; children 12c; matinee
Sat. 2:30. All children under 12
free when accompanied by parent
Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Aug. 5-6-7
Paramount presents Bob Hope,
Eva Marie Saint, George
Sanders in
With Pearl Bailey in the sur
prise performance of the year.
Polor by technicolor. So warm!
So hilarious! So appealing! It
tops “The Seven Little Foys" in
feeling. Bob Hope plays “Pops"
igain in a performance that’s
tops for his entire career! And
Eva Marie Saint co-stars in a
ielightfully different, glamorous
ole! •
\dults 50c; children 12c; matinee
Sun. 2:30. All children under 12
’ree when accompanied by parent
Indies Aid Holds
Regular Meet —
EWING—Mrs. Ed Hoag was
one of the hostesses for the La
dies Aid society of the Evangel
ical United Brethem church of
Orchard when members met on
Wednesady afternoon. July 25,
for a regular session.
A feature was a report on the
book, “Those Who Walk Alone “
by Perry Burgess, presented by
Mrs. Henry Cannenberg of Bas
sett One hundred heard the re
port Guests were in attendance
from Page, O'Neill, Neligh, Plain
view, and Ewing.
Besides Mrs. Henderson, those
attending from Ewing were Mrs.
John A. Wood, Mrs. J. L. Pru
den, Mrs. Waldo Davis, Mrs. H.
K. Harris, Mrs Ralph Eacker,
Mrs. Dewitt Gunter, Mrs. Jessie
Angus, Miss Ina Bennett, Mrs.
Willie Schrader, Sandra and
IXiuglas, Mrs. Ralph Schrader.
Visits Creighton —
Mrs. W. H. Harsy spent the
weekend in Creighton with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Kevin Kocina, and
Visit Halsteads—
PAG E—Sunday afternoon and
evening calelrs in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Halstead
were Mr and Mrs. Donald Park,
Mrs. Belle Mott, Mr and Mrs.
Harry Park and Mrs. Clara YVat
terman and son, Arthur, all of
Page, William Van Gent of Ad
ams, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hal
stead amt family and Mr. and
Mrs. Loon Mellor and Delores, all
of Redbird.
Pictures will be shown on —
Thursday Evening, August 2nd j
Page Legion Club
... of the MINNESOTA FARMS that j
are for sale in Dodge, Steel, Olmstade j
and Mower counties.
"The Friendly Realtor”
Slower SW»fc Hotel Special
Mattress and Box Spring
luxury hotel comfort at budget pricel
•'Body balance" 209 coil unit for relaxed
jpmiiKHiiuin sleep. Sag-proof. Pin striped cover. Mat
of OHO of tress and box spring, full or twin.
America’s Luxury *£!"” olon*-3,M ... .
ReSOlt Hotels Englander "Coronet" mattress .. 39.75
Full Size Bookcase Bed, Triple Dresser
229.95 VALUE ITQ^
Pay just 17.95 Down I M Jm
Modern Limed Mahogany X
• Get New Bedroom Beauty at Savings I
• Rubbed, Polished Hi-gloss Top Finish I
• 5 Ply Tops, Fronts on Hardwood I
• Oak Drawer Sides, Backs, Bottoms ■
• Clear ’/j" Plate Glass Mirror Tilts I
Limed Mahogany BLi?RissEREST
249.95 VALUE lOO^
Pay just 19.95 Down I #
Bookcase Bed and Dresser Suite
'JE33 139.95 VALUE
Pay just 10.50 Dawn I er
■H^Pl ® Sleek Modern Design, Banded Tops 1
* Six Coat Finish, Flush End Panels I
• Lustrous Polished Hardware Accents I
• Drawers are Dovetailed, Dustproof I
# Smooth Running Drawer Guides I
Walnut Veneer Panel Bed, Chest,
[Double Dresser — ^
179.95 VALUE lxQ“
1 Draw. 19.50 Pay i».t 13.95 Down NW f
Money to Loan
— on —
Central Finance
C. E. Jones, Manager
O’Neill Nebraska
Northeast Corner
of 4th & Douglas
Phone 167
Eyes Examined-Glasses Fitted
Office Hours: 9-5
Monday thru Satudray
r-- ■ ■ ■ ..
Commercial type building at Third and Douglas
streets, 45’ x 170’, with good boiler, steam type, blower
type radiation, heavy duty wiring, plate glass front. This
building is suitable for any kind of business. Parking lot
in the rear, 75’ x 135’, can be purchased with the building
as well as an addition to the west of 32’ x 56*.
On a long-term lease, would consider making altera
tions to suit lessee.
——— |
Half block of warehouse lots, with 6-ft. “non-climb’*
fence topped with barbed wire, with one frame ware
house with self-supporting roof, two 9-foot doors at each
end of building, metal clad, 36’ x 190’. Another warehouse,
28’ x 40’, frame, and metal clad, with planked raised floor
at loading height. Would consider lease on this property on
term basis.
The above properties can be purchased with a low
down payment, and terms on the balance at reasonable
rate of interest.
If interested in the purchase or lease of these properties,
inquire of or contact
Phone I 52 — P.O. Box 387
to Block So. of Ford Garage
Dr. J. L. Sherbahn
Complete X-Ray Equipment
O'Neill, Nebraska
Paul Shierk
Insurance of All
480-Acre Improved Holt Co. Ranch
On the Premises j
1:30 O’clock P.M. j
LOCATION: 14 miles southwest of Kwing; 15 miles south
east of Chambers, and 21) miles southeast of O’Neill, Nebr.
THE LAND: 480 acres traversed by Cash Creek, of which
10 acres is sub-irrigated. The pastures are level to gently
rolling. Water and shelter are the best. Currently there
are 38 acres in alfalfa and bromegrass, 12 acres of corn, 60
acres native hay meadow, 100 acres creek bottom pasture,
200 acres upland pasture. The improvements include mod
ern 3-bedroom house, with living room, kitchen and full
basement. All buildings are wired by REA; daily mail ser
vice; one mile to school; telephone. It is only 5 miles to
Bethany Presbyterian church. Other buildings include Ga
rage, Corn Crib and Granary; 2 large Cattle Sheds; Poul- j
try House; steel clad Barn; cemented Storm Cave. The
fences are in fair to good repair. This unit is watered by
2 wells and windmills.
TERMS: 25% down payment day of sale; 25% March 1st,
1957, at which time possession will be given. Balance can
be carried on a long-term loan with attractive terms. War
ranty deed and merchantable abstract furnished the buy
GENERAL COMMENT: Mrs. Christianson has been rent
ing this property since the death of her husband and has
now decided to sell the ranch. Here is a fine opportunity
for someone to make a good buy. If intersted in seeing the
ranch before sale day, contact any of the brokers or auc
tioneers, or call on Mrs. Christianson, who will be at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Bill Hubei, located 1 mile
south of the place selling.
Two heavy duty cabling racks; hay rack; two-wheel trail
er; manure spreader; disc; feed bunks; two set of new
barn door tracks; lots of shop tools and some furniture.
Ernie Weller and Dean Fleming, Aucta.
Phone: Atkinson 5142
Ron Shonka, Phone 7541, Atkinson,
or Mike Shonka, Burwell, Nebr.,
From Now Till Frost We Offer New Gas Service Lines
As Follows:
Now is the time to get that
New Gas Line Installed!
Please Contact Our Office Today!
Natural Gas Company, Inc.