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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1956)
The Dexters . . . the bride is the former Dorothy Pokorny o| Elyria. Dorothy Pokorny, Lawence Dexter Wed at Burwell Miss Dorothy Pokorny, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Po komy of Elyria, became the bride of Lawrence Dexter, son of Mrs. Olive Dexter of O'Neill and A. E. Dexter of Murdo. S.D., in a marriage rite performed on Saturday morning, July 28, in the Methodist parsonage at Bur well. Rev. A. J. Hindman of ficiated in the 11 o’clock single ring ceremony in the presence of members of the immediate fam ilies. The bride chose for her wed ding an aqua linen suit with which she wore white accessor ies and an orchid corsage. Miss Kathryn Hoffman of Ew ing was maid-of-honor. She wore a white printed organdy dress white accessories and a white carnation corsage. The bridegroom wore a light CARDS of THANKS WE WISH to take this means of expressing our appreciation to all who sent Ed and me cards, letters and gifts while we were in the hospital. Also we thank those who put up the hay and the ladies who furnished and prepared food for the men. Thanks again for the prayers, cards, letters, flowers, mem orials, lunch served at the church, and other gifts at this i time. We are deeply grateful for all these acts and express ions of sympathy. —M rs. Ed Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Donald Green. 14p50 THANK-YOU friends and rela tives for your many cards and letters. Thanks to Drs. Wilson and Sucha and the wonderful staff at St. Anthony’s; and a most grateful “thank-you” to each Of my blood donors — Duane Sukup, A1 Anthony, Eugene Van Every, Kathy Matthews.—Mrs. Arthur (Bill) I Hibbs. 14c WE WISH to thank our neighbors and the fire department for i their quick work in putting out the fire in the barn. Thanks again to each and everyone.— MR. AND MRS. BERNARD MILLER AND CARL MILLER. 14c50 WE WISH to express our deep est gratitude to all those who were so kind during Harry’s long illness and at the time of his death. Mrs. H. J. Harte Mr. and Mrs. John W. Harte OUR SINCERE thanks to all who helped us at the time of moth er’s death.—The family of Mrs. C. H. Chambers, ar._14c blue business suit with a white carnation boutonniere. Herman Pokorny of Elyria served as bestman. Immediately following the ceremony a dinner was served at the Pokorny home to the members of the immediate fam ilies. A reception was held in St. Mary’s hall in Elyria between 2 and 4 o’clock. One hundred guests attended. The bridal party’s table was centered with a three-tier wed ding cake decorated in pink-and white. Large bouquets of glad ioli and other garden flowers were arranged throughout the hall for the event. The bride attended Ord high school where she was graduated with the class of 1956. The bridegroom has been em ployed on the Ed Dexter ranch near Amelia for the past five years, but will henceforth be employed at the West River Sal vage Co., Murdo. The couple will be at home in Murdo after Aug ust 1. Sick & Injured PAGE — Jess Bolin of Lin coln, son-in-law of Mrs. Hester Edmisten, submitted to knee surgery Monday. . . . Marilyn Parks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Parks, has been taken to Omaha after 10 days of hos pitalization at St. Anthony’s. . . . Charlene Fusselman received a left wrist fracture Monday eve ning. She fell from a teeter totter and was taken to Ne ligh for attention. O’NEILL—Dr. F. J. O’Connell entered the Veterans hospital at Grand Island Sunday. . . . Dr. W. F. Finley was dismissed on Monday from St. Anthony’s hos pital where he had been a pneu monia patient five days. . . .Miss Esther Kinnier, O’Neill high school teacher, is recovering from a fractured hip. She fell two weeks ago near the Lohaus Mot or company. EWING—Mr. and Mrs. Theo dore Schueth and her sister, Mrs. George Walter, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schueth of Humph iey to Sioux City on Thursday. Mrs. Theodore Schueth had a physical check-up. . . . Frank Bollwitt, who has been a patient at Our Laly of Lourdes hospital at Norfolk, was able to come home on Wednesday, July 25. INMAN—Mr. and Mrs. John Alder and sons and Miss Norma Kopejtka drove to Omaha Fri day to get their 6-weeks-old son Randy Dean, who has been a patient at the Immanuel hospi tal since he was three days old. He is doing fine after undergoing surgery twice. LYNCH — Mrs. Floyd Fast of Butte is getting along “fairly well’’ at Sacred Heart hospital. - 1 O'NEILL LOCALS M. J. Golden, accompanied by his grandson, John Miller, left Monday. July 23, for Smyrna, AmiaaaaiyyuMMyyMMMUMiaaiMi j Term, for a three-weeks visit with Capt. and Mrs. J. T. Butch er and daughter. Mr and Mrs. Alvin Vorce and Sheryl and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Harmon went to Norfolk Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Worth and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wetzler and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Adolph We tiler and children in Gregory. S. D., Sunday. Last Thursday, Mrs. Queen Dowden and Mrs. Harry Harper of Valentine stopped to see Mrs. Vannie Newman on their way to Norfolk. SPECIAL Cara Nome “Fast” Permanent Buy one at regular price of $1.50 (plus tax) and receive one absolutely FREE! Desert Flower Cream Deodorant INTRODUCTORY OFFER FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Reg. $1.00 Size - Only 50c ° Plus Tsx .------—V Canning? Cold Packin? Freezing? • We have M-A-C Anti-Oxidant • Use it on fresh fruit • Use It when freexing • Helps stop browning • Protects color and flavor New Way to Kill House Flies! No Fumes — No Spray - Light — Easy to Handle SIMPLY scatter it. Use it on floor or ground, on sills, on level surfaces. Designed for use around barns, pens, poultry houses. Satisfaction Guaranteed on Money-Back Basis d-CON FL1-CON '•*'- IWMWi Gilligan’sRexall Drug Phone 87 — O Neill BOILING PORK I BEEF Lb' 17c HOCKS 1" 19c ! PORK CUTLETS _ 49c BRAUNSWAGER I! SOMETHING NEW AND DIFFERENT — SMOKED » ALL MEAT OLD FASHIONED | WEINERS 3 c'Id_1.00 RING BOLOGNA 39c I** POUND ARMOUR THICK SLICED BACON 2 !X. 79c BACON SQUARES >”~ 23c Cbasrub^ounSAVUIGS"^ Not M one or two limited week ...wkeiTqoa skf> k«efw end specials but everyday low prices DI 11C an added appreciation bonus ri UJi ■ ■ TOP VALUE STAMPS FRESH FROZEN 5TRfllU BERRIES r I ■ I WOVEN TOILET nssuE '“sr HAPPY HOUR COFFEE fomo IFRO-JOY NO LIMIT 49c NO LIMIT ' Flaming Red I TOKAY : GRAPES 1 *1 SUNKIST LEMONS -10 for 29c j| NEBRASKA RED WATERMELON - per lb. J%c 11 Last Call On Apricots Another Semi-Load Of PEACHES Lugs and Bushels Lowest Price In Town MOUNTAIN VIEW GALLON < | PLUMS Gallon_ ___69c I RECEIPE ! | MARSHMALLOWS 'St. 19c BLUE RIBBON COLORED ! | NAPKINS 2 ST.__25ci; TRIX 2 KT._25c !| VELVEETA ! | CHEESE pound .. 29c I j MISSION I | GREEN BEANS 2 E,"_29c snack !; CANNED MEAT £._35c REAL LEMON—LEMON LIME AND | ORANGEADE L01_25c i| PLANTERS i | PEANUT BUTTER £_.59ci; BAKERITE ! | SHORTNING 3 £ ... 79c SUNNY SMILE !j APRICOTS cNoVA_29c i SUMMER DRINK I ■ GRAPETTE Bottle_ . 10c 1 WHITE TAG GALLON j I CHERRIES Gallon_ 89c I ROYAL ;! GELATINE 4 ET._25c ;i VET'S ] ! DOG FOOD 3 ET._29c |; PILLSBURY'S ] ! FLOUR 10 J51._95c i! Save Top Value Stamps For Top Value Gifts One Stamp for Every 10c Purchase .. ccvTTTTgaa j !