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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1956)
Classified Ads FOR SALE SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile houses, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone.—Con tois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf National Brand Air Conditioners %-TON and 1-TON models. We have a very few of them left that we are willing to sell for y« off the regular retail price with free installation. SEE THEM while they last at— Gambles in O’Neill 13 to 18 USED MACHINERY TRACTORS— 49 B. •49G. ’42 B J-D. 2—''40 B J-D. DISCS— 15-ft. J-D. GRINDERS— Harvey hammermill. J-D 10” hammermill. SPREADERS— J-D 4-wheel, on rubber. MOWERS— No 5 J-D. 7-ft. Massey-Harris tractor. CULTIVATORS— 2—j-D 200, tractor. RAKES— Case, 12-ft. IHC, 10-ft. J-D tractor hay SWEEP. BINDERS— 10-ft. IHC International. 9-ft. J-D windrower, near new. 22-Inch J-D thresher. FARM HAND and OAK SWEEP TEETH Plymouth Binder Twine Ask About Our JOHN DEERE CREDIT PLAN Up to 3Vfc Years to Pay Harry R. Smith Impls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone 562 — O'Neill FOR SALE: Nearly new console radio and three-speed record player combination with record storage space. Call 486-J eve nings.—Ike Van Every, O’Neill, t 14p FOR SALE: Elec, range; oil space heater; folding cot.—John Mc Clcllan, O'Neill. 14tf FOR SALE: Baby carriage, prac tically new. — Mrs. Clarence Strong, O’Neill, phone 717. 14c FOR SALE: Thor mangle, good condition, reasonable. — Mrs. Ed Wilson, phone 134-W, O’ Neill. 13-14c FOR SALE: 1952 Studebaker, good and clean, new rubber, also late model Dodge motor, low mileage. — Marvin Ander son, O’Neill, phone 372-R. I3pl4c FOR SALE SEVERAL WELL-BROKE Saddle Horses Priced right! ONE TRIED PUREBRED Hereford Bull Coming three-years-old, exceptionally good! See These at C Bar M Hereford Ranch 5 Mi. South of O’Neill 12-13-14c FOR SALE: Fryers, 2Vi to 3 lbs. Call evenings. — Mrs. Marion Woidneck, 1 V« miles west of Midway store. 14c40 FOR SALE: Paillard Bolex cam era, case, meter, light, stands, etc. Write Ernest Zeisler, Fair fax, S.D. H-lgp ATTENTION, FARMERS and Ranchers: Salt, any kind, $18 and up. Will deliver large or ders to any vicinity. Located 3 blocks east and 4 blocks north of traffic signal. — Phone 524-M, O’Neill. 51tf FOR SALE: Allis-Chalmers roto baler and model H John Deere tractor. Will trade. — E. W. Reed, Spencer. 5tf FOR SALE: Pierre rye. —Anton Pruss, sr., 3 mi. east, Vi mi. north, Orchard. 12-18p FOR SALE: Genuine border col lies, natural heelers.—C Bar M Ranch, O’Neill.8tf FOR SALE: Magneto telephone, brand new. Reasonable. —Mrs. Robert Martens, Atkinson, phone 5882. 14-15p60 WHETHER you wish to buy, sell or trade, a FRONTIER WANT AD will do the trick! OATS FOR SALE: Approxi mately 6,000 bushels of oats will be available for sale at the O’Neill binslte. Sample may be seen at the O’Neill binslte from 8 a.m., to 12 pm., on August 8. Oats will be divided among farmers requesting them. Price will be “prevailing market price” for day oats are taken out of the binslte. — ASC, O’Neill. 14c Truck Bargains! 1944 K - 5 International LWB truck, will carry 16-ft 1947 Dodge H4-ton truck. 1946 Chevrolet 4-dr. 1949 Nash, 600 model. THESE CARS are in good run ning order, would make Ideal back to school cars. 4 blocks north of library STRONG REPAIR — O’NEILL — FOR SALE: Frvers, 75c.—2 miles east of O’Neill stoplight on 20, Jim McDonald, O’Neill. 14-15p60 COMPLETE Electric Motor Sales Repair Service — Distributor Fairbanks-Morse and Wagner Rebuilding and rewinding up to 100 h.p. Get the most for your dollars in sales and repair w'ork Our modern equipment, factory approved methods and complete stock of motors and parts. Call 243-W — 24-Hour Service Northwest Electric Motor Service O'Neill, Nebr. 3tf Used Car Bargains! 1955 Commander hardtop, dem onstrator. .951 Studebaker Commander. 1950 Studebaker Champion. 952 Customline Ford 8, tudor. 1948 Chevrolet. 1950 */2-T. Studebaker pickup. 1952 Hfe-T. long wheelbase Ford truck. Smith Motor Co. Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Scratch pads. * for 5c.—The Frontier office. tf HALVA'S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator and Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf SEED — SEED~ LEOTA RED CANE SEED, homegrown, 7c per lb. SCOVIE’S Western Auto, O’Neill TELEVISION IF ITS GOOD reception you want, then it's “Coronado” you need! See the picture on a CORONADO and compare the performance and price. You'll save money, get a better guar antee . . . and, much more pleasure! Coronado TV, plus experienced GAMBLES installation can’t be beat. 13 to 18 FOR SALE: Spring fryers, heavy breed, 3 lbs. and up, $1.— Ed Burival, O’Neill, 3 mi. north, Vi east of Drive-In theater. lltf USED CARS 1953 Ford with radio, heater and overdrive. 1948 Chevrolet club coupe. FULL LINE OF AUTO PARTS Qualified Mechanics LOWEST HOURLY RATES We work evenings to get your job done! Hometown Motor Co. O’Neill (Formerly Shierk Motor Co.) FOR SALE: Heavy fryers (White Rock), $1 each.—Mrs. William Grothe, jr., Emmet, 1% mi. west on highway 20. 13-15p85 AERIAL SPRAYING and dust ing for weeds, corn borer, and alfalfa defoliation. — Bruce Fletcher, phone 27-F12, Or chard. 12-15p FARM MACHINERY Gehl field cutter. Cae field cutter. Overshot stacker—near Page. Valley elevator. American stacker-loader. Sargent stacker-loader. Dearborn mower, extra good. M&M combine. Allis combine. Farmall regular. Farmall 20. Farmall 30. Super A. Super C. Tilt-top trailer with winch. 1945 1 Vi-ton Chevrolet. R185 truck tractor. Shelhamer Equip. Co. Your International Dealer Phone 570 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Used clothes rods from clothing store. Could use in home closet. — Mary Mc Manus, O’Neill 13-14c FOR RENT: Five-room modem house, $35 a month. — Call 179, O’Neill. 14tf MOTHER IS ILL Mr. and Mrs. Elias Timmerman and Mrs. Dick Timmerman, all of Hastings, came Saturday to see the ladies’ mother, Mrs. Clar ence Whaley, who has been ill. Mrs. Elias Timmerman remained here with her. The others re turner to Hastings on Sunday. O’NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. George Mc Carthy and Jimmy went to Gree ley Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Ondracek. Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Wichman and family spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bouska of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Re vell and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mc Kenzie, jr., attended the Oliver Pratt funeral in Sioux City Fri day. * Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Sevcik and family went to St. Paul ov er the weekend to visit his mother, Mrs. Mary Sevcik, and her grandmother, Mrs. Anna Massbach. Mr. and Mrs. Arden Anderson and family of Butte were Sun day dinner guests of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Schmitz. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Shellhase visited their son and family in Atkinson and attended the hay days. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk plan to attend the wed ding in Springfield, S. D., of her nephew. Winston Stahlecker, and Miss Kay Mann. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENT Architectural designing, planning, estimating and drawing. Robert J. Krotter GRADUATE ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEER O’Neill, Nebraska Phone 531 or 285-J 3 6 Months to Repay on Real Estate LOANS $ 1,000 or less $25.00 to $1,000 on Furniture or Auto, Made on our regular monthly re payment plan and on a Special plan for farmers. CONFIDENTIAL PERSONAL SERVICE Central f inance Corp. C. E. JONES, Mgr. Phone 14 O’Neill 2tfc I LOAN money on farms and ranches.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 9tf L-O-A-N-S 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term PRE-PAYMENT PRIVILEGES ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS’N O’Neill, Nebr. Kelly’s Plumbing YOUR HEADQUARTERS for plumbing and well supplies, plumbing fixtures, Geneva steel kitchens, water systems, water softeners, septic tanks, . root proof sewer pipe, wind mill heads and towers, pump jacks, well points, cylinders and leathers. If it pertains to plumbing or wa ter supply, we have it! Located 5 blocks south of the New Deal Oil Station, O’Neill. 43tf HU NT’S Plumbing 6c Heating COLEMAN BLEND AIR FURNACES — Gas or Oil Kohler, American Sc Briggs PLUMBING FIXTURES Paw Paw for Your Septic Tank Water Systems Gas Sc Electric Water Heaters Phone 399 — O’Neill We Give Gold Arrow Stamps FRANK BEELAERT Page — Phone 25-F-23 AUCTIONEERING Specializing in Livestock Farm and Ranch Sales 37tf O’NEILL COMPANY Insurance - Real Estate - Loans VIRGIL LAURSEN Box 275 — Phone 434 25tf AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Farm Sales a Specialty Phone 207 — O'Neill O. E. (“Oakie”) DAVIDSON Plumbing & Heating “The Best Work for the Least Money” GAS WATER HEATERS & FURNACES Phone 126 — O'Neill CATTLE BREEDING rarely stands still. Increase the value of your herd quicker with Cur tiss Candy sires and keep your feed for another cow. — Call 469-LJ, Duane Gray, O'Neill. lOtf L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in aU kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetyleqe welding. IF YOU want to borrow money, write to R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 9tf HOOVER SALES St SERVICE WM. KROTTER CO. UPTOWN HARDWARE St APPL. Phone 496 — O’Neill FARM LOANS. — R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 9tf SPECIAL NOTICE THE SHELHAMER Equipment Co. parts dept, will be open during the harvest and haying season from 7:30 to 9:30 eve nings, to accomodate emergen cy breakdowns. AFTER HOURS check the sign on the door for partsmen tele phone numbers. Shelhamer Equip. Co. O’Neill Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill 11 MONEY TO LOAN IF YOU WANT a farm or rancl loan see us, as we are agent for the Equitable Life Assur ance Society of the Unite< States. J. F. BRADY CO. Atkinson, Nebraska 22-25t AT YOUR SERVICE IN REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE KIETH ABART Phone 209, O'Neill 28t REAL ESTATE IS YOUR insurance costing tcx much? Are you properly in sured? —See Ed Thorin, agt O’Neill, Nebr. 44t FOR SALE 3-bedroom home near Ford’i park, $5,000. Improved 480-acre farm in N.E Holt county. 560-A. in Page vicinity. 160-A. 6 mi. NE Atkinson. Abart Company Phone 520 — O’Neill 48t FOR SALE: Five-room house, 1 lots. Also model A Ford car.— P. V. Hickey, O’Neill. 6t: FOR SALE: Platted lots and acre ages.—Harry E. Ressel, O’Neill phone 548-M. 4fltl FOR SALE Land and Business 2100-Acre improved and balanc ed ranch. Capable of handling 200 cows. Only modern service station in an up and coming town. Gross ed $76,000.00 last year. 960-Acre improved ranch. Priced right. Contact: C. E. McVay, Broker Life Insurance and Ranch and Farm Loans O’Neill 12—13c DISTRICT 27 School For Sale THIS SCHOOL bldg., 20 ft. a 36 ft., will be offered at auc tion at 2 p.m., on Monday August 13. ALSO two outdooi toilets, coal shed (10 ft., x 12 ft.), some used lumber and posts, six plastic curtains, stone water jar, some old books, blackboard, map case. Marion Woidneck, Secretary COL ED THORIN, O’Neill, Auctioneer 13-15c 3-Bedroom Home FOR SALE IN O’NEILL, modern, basement, two-car garage. Has good fi nance arrangements. Ed Thorin, O’Neill Auctioneer-Licensed Real Estate Broker - Insurance _ 12-13c Farm, Flome, Ranch LISTINGS TWO-BEDROOM home, modern, good location, garage, base ment, on pavement. Immediate possession. Has loan that can be assumed. INQUIRE about these improved places in the O’Neill region: 880-acre ranch 200-acre farm 320-acre farm 160-acre farm, Fall possession 480-acre combination farm ranch Ed Thorin, O’Neill Auctioneer - Licensed Real Estate Broker - Insurance _ 12-13c FOR SALE: Coffee shop in Bonesteel, S.D. Low overhead, building rents. Contact— Theo Wesselmann Qualm, Bonesteel, S.D._ 13-15p HOUSE FOR SALE: My home In Ewing, located first house north of Rockey Implement. Priced to sell.—Mrs. Dora Ros no, Ewing. 14-16pl00 FOR SALE: 2-bedroom house on 50’ lot, close to school, church and town. Nice yard, desirable neighborhood, 717 East Benton st. Call 312 day time or 486-J evenings.—Ike Van Every, O’ Neill. 14p LOST & FOUND STRAYED from Cone pasture north of Middlebranch: 2 Here ford yearlings branded lazy H over bar right hip. — Notify Ivan Cone, O’Neill. 8-9pl0tf To California— W. B. Gillespie and son, Gary, and Mrs. L. G. Gillespie took Mrs. Eldon Wood to Grand Island Wednesday, July 25, from where Mrs. Wood took a train for her home at San Gabriel, Calif. O’NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Hem mingway and Gary of Moses Lake, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. A1 Skinner of Hay Springs and Mrs. Tom Wilson visited Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Wettlaufer Wednesday, July 25, and last Thursday. Mrs. Wilson, who is Mr. Wettlaufer’s sister, also vis ited her sister, Mrs. Tess Mur ray. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller and family left Friday for their home in San Bernardino, Calif., after having visited her parents, Mr. and Mr. C. E. Worth, and other relatives for three weeks. Gary Landberg of Randolph ipent from Friday until Monday it the Clyde Mclven^, ^r., home. WANTED i ___ , , _ ! WANTED: Elderly woman wants | house work or care of older couple.—Box 274, Atkinson. _ 10-17p WANTED: Hay or alfalfa to bale. Cash or shares. — K. C. Hunt, r O’Neill. 5tf • WANTED: Woman for work days. Modern home, 14 mi from O’Neill. — Mrs. A1 J. Sauser, phone 587 - J12, O’ • Neill, after e p.m. , WANTED: Experienced middle aged lady wishes general house work. 313 E Everett st O’Neill. 14p35 WANTED: Man with good rep ( utation to work his home area. Age or experience no handicap. —Write Milt Doolittle. 2605 4 , 13th st., Columbus, or phone 5429 mornings. 14c OPPORTUNITY t WITHIN the radius of this news paper. Live man wanted to sell savings plan. Top contract with vested renewals guaranteed. We will train CENTRAL STATES HEALTH AND ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION 216 Strand Building Sioux Falls, S.D. 14c WANTED: General sewing and altering; also babv sitting. — ; Phone 407-LM, O’Neill. 51tf ■ r -—-~'7 | WANTED: 1,000 steers or 70< cows to pasture until Nov. 1 Abundance of grass and water — Ken Halligan, Ft. Pierre S.D.. c/o Rankin Ranch. 50t WANTED! A BOOKKEEPER, experienci desired but not necessary must be able to type. Furnisl own transportation and fcx able to start work at once Call or see Leigh or Verr Reynoldson, O’Neill Livestocl Market. 14i FOR RENT 1 _______ FOR RENT: 2-bedroom home modern; 1 - bedroom home modern; apartment (base ment), all redecorated. Lots foi homes. — O’Neill Co., Virgi! Laursen, phone 434. 12-13c FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O'Neill. 16t( FOR RENT: Modern 6 - roorr house. —Call Edna Coyne, ph 535, O’Neill. 13t, FOR RENT. Furnished and un furnished apts.—A. E. Boweo phone 515, O’Neill. 6tl FOR RENT: 3 houses.—Gall An na Bell Asimus, phone 210, O’ Neill. I2tl FOR RENT: House, 5 rooms, na tural gas, basement. — Marie’s Beauty Parlor, O’Neill, phone 102._14-15c 11 FOR RENT: Sander for floor and furniture. — Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co. 47tf ! FOR RENT: Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. ; O’Neill News Mr and Mrs William McIntosh I left Saturday for Chicago, 111., ; where they were to spend a week ' on business. George Clift departed Monday for California to visit his mother. He made the trip by car. Mrs. Edna Devereaux and her mother, Mrs. Ida Tuveson, returned to their homes in Oma ha after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt and family from Fri day until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stolp and son. accompanied by Mrs. Stolp's sister. Miss Kay Tom jack of Rock Springs, Wyo., vis aed Mr. Stolp's father, Orville Stolp, in Creighton over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Blinn of North Platte arrived Saturday for a few days’ visit with their daughter, Mrs. John Stuifbergen, and children. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kirkpat ' rick and Danny visited Mr. and i Mrs. Lyle Davis and family of Page Sunday afternoon, and also with the L. G. Summers family at Page. Mr. and Mrs. George Van Ev i ery Sunday visited in Ainsworth at the home of her brother, Os car Bradley. The latter left for Alaska where he will work for I a soil conservation unit Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ralph Tooker and family attended sup per at the Robert Tooker home Wednesday. Mrs. Ben E. Vidricksen and children and Mrs. E. W. Kramer and children expect to attend tne Shrine circus m Norfolk on Monday. Their husbands are with the national guards. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Waring and family of Fairbury and Mrs. Ethel Waring of Page were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waring. Mrs Olive Watson of Lincoln is visiting relatives in O'Neill this week. (First pub. August 2, 1956) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, JULY 31. 1956. In the matter of the Estate of Dennis A. McCarthy, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Julius D. Cronin as Adminis trator of said estate and will be heard August 23, 1956 at 10 o’ clock A M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 14-10 Buy top quality fitted SAVE WORK'] sheets for MORE comfort... THEY STAY MADE. NO WRINKLES! MONEY BAR BLEACHED Twin Double 1.64 1.74 MONEY BAR COLORED Twin Double 1.94 2.14 DONCALE BLEACHED Twin Double _ 1.94 2.14 SAVE NOW! on flat sheets Luxurious, long-wearing sheets! Money Bak bleached sheets, 81x99_ 1.79 Money Bak bleached sheets, 81x108 __ 1.99 Money Bak bleached cases, 42x36 _ 44c Money Bak colored sheets, 81x108_2.49 Money Bak colored cases, 42x36 _ 52c Doncale bleached sheets, 81x108_2.49 Doncale bleached cases, 42x38_ 62c Big thirsty terry towels... big bargain prices! Plain with cam border I BATH TOWEL 22x44 64c HAND TOWEL 16x28 44c WASH CLOTH 12x12 24c Heavy, long - duty, absorbent terries in colors of marine, pink, aqua, blue, sungold, green amthyst white. SAVE! SAVE on fitted mattress pads... 3.99 39x76 _ 54x76 -4.49 Designed to hug your mattress ever smooth. 18 Inch sanforized skirt. In dividual cello bagged for more protect ion and comfort. I -- These work saving wonders fit so smooth. You need never worry about them pulling out or bunching. Buy these top quality fitted sheets NOW and SAVE! i 72 x 90 Peggy Pepperell blanket in rayon and nylon blend. Buy now! This beauty has 6 inch acetate satin binding. Completely washable with much less shrinking. Piece dyed, brighter wash-fast colors. You’ll want to own this blanket in red, blue, rose, turquoise, harvest, maize, green or lilac. ■■■ Sheet Blankets Bleached white cotton, 70x95 1.98 Colored, 70x95_ 2.29 Plaid Sheet Blankets 60x76 cotton plaid EACH _ 1.00 Double Blankets 5% Wool, 95% Cotton. Acetate Rayon Binding. Assorted I’laids M EACH ....... _ ... 4.98 Hemmed Tea Towels 30x30 Size, 5 for- 99c —.— — .... i BIG SPECIAL ON PILLOWS Downcrest Feather Pillows 2.93 )onfield Down Pillows 5.95 Buy two for 5.50 Buy two for _9.00