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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1956)
O’Neill News Mr and Mrs. Allen Prescott and family of Dixon were Sun day afternoon callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maryan Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lockwood and family were eve ning callers. Mrs. Rose Davey of Valentine visited Mr. and Mrs. Harden Anspach Tuesday, July 24. A picnic dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Becker Sunday. Present were Mrs. Viola Travers and Mr and Mrs. Henry Travers of Long Beach, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hiatt, Carl and Jean ol Amelia. Mr. and Mrs. James Banks and family spent Sunday in At kinson. Mr. and Mrs. James Donlir and family attended the races in Columbus Saturday. They alsc visited Mrs. Donlin’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dufek re turned Thursday, July 26, from a two week’s vacation visiting relatives and friends in Sheboy gan, Ashland and Milwaukee Wise, and Ironton, Minn. Sunday the Willing Workers 4-H club visited in the Let Brady farm and had a picnit supper in the Niobrara park. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Alien and family of Page and Mr. and Mrs. John Pribil were Sunday ' guests of Mr. and Mrs Mary Dusatko. Mr. and Mrs Frank Clements recently visited their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Robert Clements, and family in Denver, Colo. Mrs. Edna Coyne and Mrs. Nellie Maloney returned from Denver, Colo., Thursday, July 26. where they had been visiting Mrs. J. K. Bautsch. Dr. and Mrs. E. M Gleeson. Ann, Michael and Patrick and Robert Devoy left Thursday, July 26, for Lake Park, Minn., where they will spend a week's vacation. Rev. and Mrs. J. Olen Kennell were callers in the Charles Fox : home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kaiser of Atkinson were Sunday callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Kaiser. Mrs. Harold Jones and family have been visiting Mrs. Eliza beth R. Jones and in the home 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenkins, They will return to their home in Papillion the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. William Beed of j Neligh called in the home of i Mrs. Lois Hartman Monday The John Havelka family at tended a Havelka family reunion in Columbus Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Holz visited in the home of Mr. and ■ —f Mrs L. C Farenholz in Cham bers Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Dean Jeffrey and boys returned Monday from tneir vacation in Colorado. Mr and Mrs. Richard Hovey have been visiting relatives and friends in Minnesota, Iowa and South Dakota the past week Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beckwith visited Mrs. Lod Janousek over the weekend The Beckwiths live in North Platte Sunday callers in the Herman Janzing home were Mr. and Mrs. John Janzing of Stanton. Mrs. Lawrence Haynes and girls called in the home of Mr. j and Mrs. Harold Freemeyer in Page Monday. Mrs. Edna Devereaux of Oma ha visited her daughter and son in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt, and family over the weekend. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gydesen in Omaha were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gydesen and Perry. The Charles Havranek family visited Mr. and Mrs. James Hav ranek and Mrs. Dorothy Bar rett in Atkinson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Puhalla and Mike, Leon and Mary Agnes of Steinauer came Saturday to visit Mrs. John N. Schmit and George Meals of Atkinson and the Joe Babls of Emmet for a few days. Miss Connie Bowlby of Lynch is spending a week's vacation at the Clvde McKenzie, jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shellhase and family of Atkinson were vis itors of his parents, the C. G. Shellhases, to celebrate the younger Mrs. Shellhase’s birth day anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. John Stahlecker of Naper visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shoe maker and family left Tuesday to spend a few days in Omaha. Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Sherbahn and her mother, Mrs. Gertrude McCallum of Wauneta, returned Sunday evening after a month’s vacation at Big Pine resort in Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. John Simon and children were in Omaha visiting relatives for the weekend. Tuesday guests of Mrs. John Schmidt were Mrs. Julia Reifen-1 rath of St. James, Mrs. A. Gub-: net and Donnie and Johnnie of i Randolph, La Vcina Reifenrath of Elkhorn and a priest, also from ] Elkhorn. John Luby, who is with the wind test group, left Sunday for a week’s visit with his wife and children in New Bedford, Mass. Rockets Defeat Spencer Team, 6-4 SPENCER— The O'Neill Rock ets, strong North - Central Ne- j braska day-and-night league en try, defeated the Spencer Town- j ers of the Boyd county league, ] U-4, in a baseball game played] Friday night at Spencer. Larry Heiss, on the mound for] the Rockets, allowed only two hits and whiffed 17 Spencer bats-j men. Summary: R H E O’Neill 200 110 002—6 8 4 Spencer 000 001 030—4 2 4 Batteries: O’Neill—Larry Heiss and Junior Adamson; Spencer— Soukup and Friedrichs. Frank Weibel Dies in Oregon EWING — Funeral services for Fiank Weibel, a former Ewing resident, were held Monday in Kriianu, Ore. He was a son of the late Jo sepn Weioel ot Ewing. .lining uiose attending the fun tiai wire josepn E. oeioel of Ewing, Miss neien Weioel and wumra Schindler, both of Oma ha. Inman News Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morsbaoh and son of Neligh and Mr. and Mrs. bill Morsbaeh and family 01 Clearwater were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Eliz aveta Morsoacn. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morsoach were accompa nied home by Miss Mary Mors bach who will spend a short tune there. Miss Lois Morsbaeh spent a few days last week visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dickie r'ernau and daughter of Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Kiel and lumiiy lett Sunday morning for Texas, called there by the death m Mrs. Kiel’s father. Mrs. W. C. Kelley entertained the Women’s Department of the Reorganized church of Later Day Saints at her home on Tues day afternoon. Mrs. Mabel banks was in charge of the les soon. Mrs. Kelley served re freshments to the group at the close of the afternoon. Mrs. Robert Loomer was host ess to a group of friends Wed nesday aiternoon at a Tupper ware party. Mrs. Hessie Butter field of Orchard gave the dem onstration. Mrs. Loomer served lunch following the demonstra Mr. and Mr. Elmer Rogers who spent the past week here visit ing in the home of their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark left Saturday for Burwell where they will visit in the A. G. Clark home and take in the Rodeo a couple of days and then return to their home in Granite Falls, Wash. Calvin Geary left Thursday for his home in Lyons. He spent the past month here helping his brotiiers Reginold and Haddin put up hay. Joseph Bittner arrived here Friday from Casper, Wyo., and is visiting his brother Paul and his brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Mossman. Robert L). Coventry was dis missed on Friday afternoon from St. Anthony’s hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lusk and daughters Linda and Janet and Mr. and Mrs. James M. McMahn drove to Ainsworth on Friday where they spent the day in the home of their aunt MTS. Matie Jessen. They also visited their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jessen and Linda. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Crosser and family of Sheldon, la., came Friday evening and spent the weekend in the Harry McGraw and Earl Miller homes. They all enjoyed a picnic Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lusk and daughters Linda and Janet left Friday morning for Brookings, S. D., where they spent the night in the home o. ;ir uncle and aunt Mr. and k... Olof Thalle haug and went on to their home in Fargo, N. D. The Lusks were house guests in the home of their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. James M. McMahon from Mon day until Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mattson were Norfolk visitors Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hartigan of Norfolk spent the weekend in the James Coventry and Margy Hartigan homes. Capt Jack Lewis, U. S. A F. stationed at Mountain Home, Ida., was a lunch guest on Sat urday in the James McMahon home. Jack was calling on old friends here Saturday morning. He formerly lived here. Mr. and Mrs. Max Moss man and family of Norfolk spent the weekend in the Ernest Brunck horst and Leo P. Mossman homes. Miss Yvonne Smith of Norfolk spent the weekend in the K. F Smith home. She is enjoying a weeks vacation from her work at the telephone office in Nor folk. She returned Monday after noon. Ivan Couch of Auburn spent Sunday here. He is employed with a road construction crew at Auburn. Mrs. Vaden Kivett and Clay ton Krueger arrived home Fri day from Wayne where they completed the summer course offered by the *Wayne State Teacheds College. Mrs. Kivett will teach the 7tth and 8th grades in the Inman Public school this year. Mrs. Lena Overocker of Nor folk was a house guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Tom kins from Friday until Monday w'hen the Tomkins motored her to her home. Mr. and Mrs. John Alder and sons were Sunday dinner guests in the Frank Kopejtka home and afternoon callers in the home of Ray and Goldie Alder. Lynch News Pfc. Richard Dye of Camp Pen dleton. Calif., is spending several days’ furlough with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jehorek. He also has been visiting his parents at Butte. Mrs. Harold Bennett and Miss Pauline Mulhair visited friends in Butte Monday, July 23. Mr. and Mrs. Vince Jehorek spent Tuesday, July 24, with Mrs. Hilda Effley at Creighton. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Audiss of Butte visited at the Merle Sieler home last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Maly visited with Mrs. Maly’s mother and brother, Mrs. Antonia Scheda and Frank, near Fairfax, S.D., Wed nesday, July 25. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stewart of Sinclair, Wvo., are here visiting at the Don and Art Stewart homes. Mrs. Don Walker and daugh ters of Butte were Lynch shop pers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Prchal and baby returned to their home at Storm Lake, la., after spending the July 21-22 weekend here with relatives. Lydia Neurenberger of Roches ter, Minn., visited Boyd county friends here recently. Lydia is a native of Lynch and moved to Rochester 35 years ago. Mrs. Abbie Wright of Richland, Wash., spent two weeks visiting her brother, Scott Gray, and family and sister, Mrs. Lloyd Spenser, and Mr. Spencer. Mrs. Martin Jehorek spent last Thursday afternoon with Mrs.. Dennis Kube. Mr. and Msr. Walter Munter of Omaha are here visiting at the Alvin Knapp home. Mr. and Mrs. August Kalkow ski attended the Fernau-Osborn wedding at Butte Sunday, July 22, and also motored to the Her man Schochenmaier home in Bonesteel, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Jordan of Butte visited with William Jor Jan at the Lynch hospital. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Koscan of Butte visited relatives here Sun day, July 22. Miss Lillian Berger of Norfolk spent several days here the past week. Mrs. John Tarr of Butte spent the past weekend at the Delbert Wade home. Rev. Walter Neth of Clarks visited Tuesady at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Washechek. Mrs. Washechek is his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Porter and family of Columbus visited his parents, the C. W. Porters, over .he weekend. Page News Mrs. Thomas Knudsen's moth er, Mrs. N. C. Schrum, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cal\«r\ all of Manning. Ia . were Monday July 23. to Friday guests in the Kp.udson home. Mrs. J. O. Ballantyne and daughter, Faye Irene, left Mon day morning for Chicago, 111., where they will be guests of Norris Ballantyne while await ing the coming of Jimmie Bal lantyne, who will arrive during the week. He will recieve his separation from the army at at Camp Sheridon. 111., the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Landis and children of New Plymouth. Ida., arrived Thursday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Russell, and with his mother Mrs Mae Landis who has been at St. Anthony’s hospi tal the past seven months i were Saturday dinner guests of | his brother-in-law and sister, i 1 Mr and Mrs. Harrison Bridge at O’Neill, and overnight guests in the home of her brother-in law sister, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Spann at Atkinson. They left Sunday morning for their Idaho home. Members of the EMC card club had a theater party Wed nesday, July 85th, at the Page theater and a 6 o’clock dinner at the Coenen cafe Friday evening in lieu of giving prizes during the year. Members meet every two weeks on Friday evening. Guests were Messrs. Otto Mat schullat, Clarence Dobbins, Clar ence Stevens and Anton Nissen. Mrs. Lloyd Fusselman was hostess to the members of the Bid or Bye club and their guests Wednesday, July 25, for an af ternoon of bridge. Guests in cluded Mesdames James Finley, Jerry Asher and Alton Bradock. Mrs. Cordes Walker had high score and Mrs. Melvin Carson received the traveling award. Mrs. John Lamason will enter tain the group August 8th. The contract Bridge players I met at the home of Mrs. Melvin Roach last Thursday for an eve ning of cards. Mrs. John Lama son held high score. Mrs. Alton Braddoek will be the August 9th hostess. The Get-Together club mem bers were guests of Mrs. IJ>w renee Johnson at Royal on Fri day for an afternoon of visiting. Post master R. H Stevens left Saturday for Leadville, Colo., where Mrs. Stevens has been earing for the mother and new grandson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Stevens. NOTICE A bonded SINGER SEWING MA CHINE representative is now located at 213 North Second St., in O’Neill. For All Sales & Service on all Makes of Machines or Vacuums DALE HUDDLESTON - - Phone 678 I sin SPECIAL! I A Brand New Electric Portable ■ (Complete) li $99.90 I SAVE $50 on Automatic Zig-Zag- H ing Machines. If AND, look at this one! §1 SAVE $70 on Automatic Cabinet || Models |g THIS MONTH ONLY Call NOW! .... Phone 678 4TH STREET MARKET Phone 93 — We Deliver ' ^ i PURE FRESH — GROUND BEEF _3 lbs. 1.00 CUDAHY PURITAN — SLAB BACON _ lb. 39c RIB END — PORK CHOPS _ lb. 43c CUDAHY PURITAN — MINCED HAM _ lb. 39c CUDAHY PURITAN — SUMMER SAUSAGE_ lb. 39c TENDER-GROWN — FRYERS_lb. 49c • t CASH SAVERS FOR THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY AUGUST 2-3-4 BANANASss».... 2«25c . !■■■■■ »■ ■■■ ■ ■ I ■ ■■» FANCY CALIFORNIA LATE 4^. ELBERTA PEACHES.u 15c CALIFORNIA...SOLID...RED RIPE TOMATOES KMI SALADS OC SANOWICHfS.LB. MmJL FANCY SOLID HEADS CALIFORNIA * HEAD LETTUCE.ul 10 UREP GRAPES.. 2 us 35* Sn CRISP...TENDER ^ « a. jL CARROTS.2 CCU.0 PACKAOtS mL IS JUICY CALIFORNIA * ■. Ift-SUNKIST 15c ^ DUTCHESS APPLES , lb 12c DEL MONTE HALVES PEARS.2 53* STOKELY’S CUT GREEN BEANS.2 can5? 41* STOKELY’S HONEY POD SWEET PEAS ....2 *&g 41* THE OAT CEREAL WITH THE HOLE CHEERIOS . .tAMC 10H-OZ. PACXAQt 23* PRINCE CAT AND . DOG FOOD. .4 I5-0Z CANS 37* GOOCH’S BEST ELBO MACARONI.m emo 39* HERSHEY’S BREAKFAST COCOA.;V;......... full pound can 59* BANNER -.-.-rir VANILLA WAFERS FULL POUND CELLO 29* SUNSHINE FIG CAKES .. . . .. mv4-oz cello 3 5C HEINZ 57 SAUCE.♦ ♦tB-ozbottleZ9e, I Troubled with GETTING UP NIGHTS Pains in BACK, HIPS, LEGS Tiredness, LOSS OF VIGOR If you are a victim of these symptoms then your trouble? may be traced to Glandulai Inflammation. Glandular In Hammation is a constitutiona lisease and medicines thai <ive temporary relief wil lot remove the causes o 1 ■our troubles. Neglect of Glandular In lamination often leads to pre nature senility, and incurabh naligmancy. The past year men fron 1,000 communities have beei successfully treated here a the Excelsior Institute. The} have found soothing relief ano a new zest in life. The Excelsior Institute devoted to the treatment ol diseases peculiar to older mer by NON-SURGICAL Methods has a New FREE BOOK that tells how these troubles ma\ be corrected by proven Non Surgical treatments. This book may prove of utmost impor tance in your life. No obliga tion. Address Excelsior In stitute, Dept. W-ll, Excelsior Springs, Missouri. Ponton Insurance FLORENCE PONTON, Prop Insurance of All Kinds & Bonds Phone 106 — Golden Bldg. r - • : to. cma/w the proof of the^pie- XS& Delicious new bar...the finest ice cream...the finest chocolate coating! Try one! ..—, NATIONWIDE SHEETS 63 x 99 SHEETS 1.59 72 x 108 SHEETS 1.64 81 x 99 SHEETS 1.64 81 x 108 SHEETS 1.77 42 x 36 CASES 39c FULL BOTTOM — FITTED SHEETS . 1.77 PENCO SHEETS 81 x 99 SHEETS 1.89 81 x 108 SHEETS 2.09 42 x 36 CASES 47c PENCALE SHEETS 81 x 108 SHEETS 2.19 42 x 38'/2 CASES 54c NATIONWIDE COLORED SHEETS Orchid — Pink — Nile Green — Maize SHEETS, 81 x 108 _2.49 CASES, 42 x 36 _52c BIG PRE-SEASON SAVINGS On Neil Fall SCHOOL COTTONS SAVE! Select their next-semester wardrobes NOV/! 2-25 3.OO SIZES 4 TO 6X SIZES 7 TO 14