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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1956)
Holt County Agricultural Society OFFICERS LLOYD GLEED, Chamber* PRESIDENT VERN SAGESER, Amelia VICE-PRESIDENT JAMES H GIBSON, Chambers SECRETARY STEVE SHAVLIK, Chambers _ TREASURER DIRECTORS Lloyd Gleed Chambers H6nry Wood _ Ewing Ray Beed Chambers C. V. Robertson Chambers George Rowse _ ...... Chambers T. E. Alderson Chambers Steve Shavlik Chambers Vem Sageser . Amelia Ray Hoffman ....... Chambers SUPERINTENDENTS Henry Wood ... ___ Livestock • Mrs. C. V. Robertson Flowers Mrs. Lou Hubbard.. Needle Art Neil Dawes . _ 4-H Club Tom Lambert_,_ Farm Produce Mrs. Paul Roth __ Pantry Stores JUDGES Beef Cattle Laurence Buller, Lincoln Sheep and Swine Rex Voil, Sioux Ciy Stock Yards 4-H Show _ R. M. Kildee, Fremont Home Economics Mrs. D. E. Powell, Stromsburg Home Economics Mrs. Robert Boeckhenuer, Wayne RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Exhibitors, with the exception of open class livestock, will be furnished with an exhibitor’s ticket without cost, which will let them enter their exhibits, but which will not be good for admission to the grounds. 2. Exhibitors in open class livestock will be charged a nominal en try fee of $1.00 and issued an exhibitor’s ticket which will ad mit the exhibitor to the grounds for the day’s program. 2a. A stall fee of 50 cents per single stall will be charged in the open class. 3. Membership tickets are good for une year. (Continued on page 7.) WATSON HAY CO. Inman Phone I 3-W ‘DEALERS IN PRAIRIE HAY” Congratulations to the ‘56 Fair! FARMERS STATE I BANK I ... of Ewing ... I Member FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP E Total Capital ^ Accounts 1 $100,000 I gi General Banking Services I INSURANCE 1 w Farm Loans — Ranch Loans : ^ I to the 1956 Holt County Fair! I Atkinson Readies for 6th Flower Show ATKINSON — The Atkinson Civic Improvement Garden cluh is planning its sixth annual flow er show on Saturday, August 4, at the auditorium in Atkinson. This years* show will be named “Gladiolus Splendorama.” For the flower show there will be a wild life and conservation exhibit and, in addition, a divi sion for junior exhibits as well as the “glad" specimens and ar rangements. The North American Gladiolus council rosette will be awarded to the champion spike. The North American Gladiolus council silver medal will be awarded to the winner of the greatest number of first prize points in the specimen classes. The Nebraska Gladiolus society rosettes will be awarded the grand champion arrangement and composition. "Everyone is urged to enter their glalioli and flower arrange ments in the show. The entries may be made August 3 from 8 to 11:30 p m., and August 4 from 9 to 11:30 a m. Judging will start, according to an official of the club, at 12 noon. The door will be open to the public from 2 to 9 p.m. The public is invited to visit the flower show. No admission will be charged. The Garden club members will be serving lunch during the afternoon and eve ning, according to Mrs. William Marsoun, publicity chairman. First Fair for New Secretary The 1956 exposition will marts the tirst fair for the new secre tary, James Gibson, as far as of ficial duties are concerned. He took over the many and varied duties of secretary eariler this year after retiring from the farm. Mr. Gibson succeeds Edwin Wink, who had served in the position for a number of years. Mr. Wink spent a portion of the summer in Indiana receiving special training for rural elec trification construction work. Rodeo is the only sport in the nation that gives a national high school championship. Stuart Rest Haven HOME FOR THE AGED AND CONVALESCENT Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nickless, Props. Phone 5571 — Stuart CAMP’S Ben Franklin Store ATKINSON • SCHOOL SUPPLIES • GIFTS Prices to Fit Your Budget i I Norris W. COATS STUART • HARDWARE • FURNITURE • PLUMBING • HEATING • ELECTRIC ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION MORE production from less cows . . . better living standards. Duane Gray Phone 358 — O’Neill (Wilson’s Texaco Sta.) PATTONS . O’NEILL. NEBR. ii. ■■ .i i.i i ■ ... ii — m.i i n > r " —— =^, Win. Krotter Co. ... of O’Neill . . . MINNEAPOLIS ■ HOLME NEW IDEA SALES and SERVICE PONTIAC SALES and SERVICE [West End Store . . . Phone 531 Maytag — Perfection — Hoover A&M IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Home Appliances SALES and SERVICE Complete Line of Farm and Home HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Uptown Store.Phone 496 Congratulations to the 1956 FAIR! k -A