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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1956)
Belzer - Burival Nuptials Read At St. Patrick s (PhoUi at right) Miss Mary Belzer, daughter of Mr and Mrs Carl Belzer of O' Neill, and Clifford Burival, son of Mr and Mrs Frank Burival of O’Neill, were married in St Pat rick’s Catholic church at 9 o’ < lock. Wednesday morning, June 27 Rev Thomas Hitch officiated at the double-ring ceremony be fore an altar decorated with vases of asters Bonnie Burival sang ‘ Ave I Maria,” accompanied by Sharlene Shoemaker at the organ. The bride, given in marriage by her father, appeared in a floor - length white nylon lace gown, and carried a white prayer book covered with white feather ed carnations Her veil was held by a crown of pearls. Roseanna Underwood of Nor folk, a friend of the bride, served as maid-of-honor She wore a lavender ballerina-length gown ,«nd carried a bouque of lavender asters James Burival, cousin of the bridegroom, was bestman The mothers of the bride and bridegroom wore corsages of white daisies. Following the ceremony, a breakfast was given by the bride’s mother for 50 guests at Slat’s Supper club On the bride’s table was pi act'd a three-tier wedding cake and a centerpiece of white daisies Mr and Mrs Burival are mak ing their home in O’Nejl! Wind Causes Damage at Deloit— DELOIT— Tin- community re ceived over a half inch of rain Monday, June 25 There was a strong wind which blew down trees and small buildings in the Urban and Loeske neighborhood that night. Another shower of rain fell on Friday evening and a fourth inch Sunday morning Farmers are cultivating the corn for the last time and putting up oats for hay. The hay crop is expected to be short. Other Deloit News Richard, John and Web Napier were helping at the Glenn Harp stor home Friday and Saturday. A water system was installed. Earl Rosow and H Reimer were in Burwoll Friday. Mr, and Mrs Harold Werk meister, Darold and Judy arriv ed home from California last Thursday. A farm bureau picnic was en joyed at the Frank Bohn farm home Sunday evening The HEO club will meet with Mrs Ralph Tomjack in July. Mr and Mrs. Earl Rossow and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer were Ainsworth visitors Wednesday, June 27. They called at the Clint Miller and Hans Galbert homes. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack took their son. Gene, to Omaha on Saturday from where he will go to Denver, Colo., for further training. Jackie Kallhoff spent last week at the home of his grandparents. Mr and Mrs G. A Bauer. Roger Fuller, grandson of the late Frank Sehmiser, was mar ried at St. John’s Catholic church on Saturday. A priest from Om aha was in charge The bride was also from Omaha Mr and Mrs Leo Funk and Vera Dell spent last Thursday at the Kenny Ziska home in Atkin son Mrs. Clifford Burival . . Marv Belzer before her mar riage.—O'Neill Photo Co. Lightning Destroys Farm Buildings AMELIA—The Amelia com munity received a 1 V-i inch rain fall Monday evening. June 25. Wind and hail did slight dam age. The mail-carrier from At kinson, Dwight Kenny, lost all the buildings on his farm, ex cept the house and barn by fire, caused by lightning. Mrs. James Chapman of Santa Barbara. Calif., and Mrs. Phyllis ) Peg!in and children of Fairmont, ■ Minn , visited their grandpar | ents, Mr. and Mrs. George i Withers, Monday afternoon. Mrs. i Chapman is a daughter - in - law of Mrs Withers. Other Amelia News Mr and Mrs. Glenn White were supper guests Tuesday evening, June 26, of her parents, Mr and Mrs. S. C. Barnett. It was Mrs White’s birthday anni versary. Mrs. Ralph Rees was a supper guest at Mrs. Stella Sparks Tuesday evening, June 26. Mrs. Lew Backhaus called on Mrs. Edith Andersen Tuesday afternoon. June 26 Caroline Backhaus visited over Wednesday night, June 27, in O’Neill with Eldara Sierk and also had some work done on her car while there. Mr. and Mrs. Art Kaiser and his father, Richard Kaiser, visit ed relatives at Hardin, Mont., the past two weeks. Mr Kaiser planned to make an extended visit there with his sons, Vent I and Chester. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Veseio and j i family of Omaha visited with | their sister and family, the Lloyd Waldos, the early part of ihe week. Rev. and Mrs. L. Hansberry of Trenton came Wednesday and visited friends in the Amelia and Chambers vicinity. Rev. Hansberry filled the pulpits at the Amelia and Chambers Meth- j odist churches on Sunday morn- | ing. Kathy Doolittle visited over the i weekend at the Jim Bilstein home. Mr. and Mrs. Art Waldo and family left Wednesday, June 27, for their home at Sidney, Mont., after a visit with his brother, B. W. and Mrs. Waldo, and at the Ackles home near Burwell. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hiatt re ceived word of the birth of a daughter to the former Ruth Mulligan on June 3. Mrs. Art Doolittle and Mrs. Bob Adair and their families helped Mrs. Edgar Peterson celebrate her birthday anniver sary. Wednesday evening, June 27. The ladies took pie. cake and ice cream for lunch. Mrs. Julia White returned home Wednesday, June 27, from Spearfish, S.D., where she had spent several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Braddock. Leave for Idaho— The Misses Mary Lou Uhl, Jeanne Cole, Elizabeth (“lbs”) Shaeffer, Mary Froelich, Barbara and Marde Birmingham left Sun day morning for a 10-days’ stay at Sun Valley, Ida. O'NIUl NEWS Mrs. Lester Perry and Lou Ann, who had been visiting in the Richard Perry home, return ed Friday to their home in Oak land, Calif Mr and Mrs C E. Melena and Mr and Mrs Max Marshall attended the boat races at Nio brara Sunday. They had a picnic I m the park in the afternoon Mr and Mrs John McC-arwlle and family are leaving Sunday. July 8. for a week’s vacation in Minnesota. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Young and family of Ravenna left last Thursday after a four-days’ visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs Austin Hynes. Mr Hynes is a pa tient at St .Anthony’s hospital I and you’ll see QUALITY! ■_■ NEW 5 PIECE DINETTE SET THAT Regular H59o0 Value GIVES THE GREATEST DOLLAR VALUE Beautiful up-to-the-minute atyle with quality features out of the ordinary. 36"x30* "Surfwood*’ plastic table top defies burns, stains. .oad alcohol. Heavy gauge black tubing legs with bras* trim. Exclu de steel ball bearing slide "opens with a touch instead of a tussle" Chairs are covered in easy-to-clcan Coronet toast colored plastic. Triple cushion foam rubber seats. Solid 5 ply curved padded back*. _AB1C , . r|, , ,nr Staialea* steel self leveling floor glide* to protect your floor*. TABLE and 4 CHAIR) 0^ A ON FINE QUALITY SILVERPLATE Largo, beautiful serving piece* in the famous "Gen •MOO** pattern. Heavy silverplate that will add boanty to your uble. Matching service for six or sight also available. Ask about these complete sets! A. COLD MEAT FORK 'Uotl* &l*Ut B. BERRY SPOON + C. PIERCED DESSERT SERVER Jp ^ T D. ORAVY LADLE regular $i VAIUR Biglin's PHONE M O'NEILL iiniHiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiimiifiiimiimiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiHiNfiiiHn 160-Acre Holt County Farm and Personal Property AS WE HAVE purchased a grocery store in Spencer, Nebraska and are taking possession at once, we will offer our farm and personal property at public auction, on the premises, located 4 miles north from the northeast corner of Atkinson, Nebr., on State Highway 11,2 miles east and one-fourth mile south; OK south of Butte on Highway I 1 (highway marked with harm Sale sign), on — N inday, July 16th Sale to Start at 12:30 P.M. Lunch on Grounds Improved 160-Acre Farm L~*!? movements I Double Crib and r h*y ^ 24X26-ft.^drive. I Barn, 25x60-fi h„ u »ou~, ,0,32-ft. c«W?aL!.0x36'ft Poultry I closed. battle Shed, 22x32-1, . n R£A,M.„a.„„„ I Twelve acres LAND / ^zz,z°t^^^z:zZi:"d pasture I Holt County, NeCka' ^"^'P ^Ranjzf * used» °« place. TERMS OF SALE 1 wenty percent down on date of sale; balance upon delivery of deed and abstract. Immediate possession to purchaser when terms of sale are completed. Fifty percent of purchase price of real estate will be car ried back. Purchaser can arrange for lease for balance of this year on an additional 320 acres now under lease for one-half the hay crop. No cash rent involved. This lease land complements the land to be sold and the 320-acres have been leased for several consecutive years by the present owners. Puchaser to have possession and have benefit of all crops and pasture of both deeded land and leased land. Purchaser must also comply with lease now on leased land. INSPECTION An inspection of the premises gladly arranged by contacting the owners, who reside on the premises or the auctioneer-broker. I 41 - Head of Cattle - 41 | 15—MILK COWS, Milking Shorthorns and Jerseys All milking now. freshen again this Fall and Winter 8—Yearling Shorthorn HEIFERS 1-Blue Koan HtlrtK, 2-years-old, from good milk cow 4—Yearling Shorthorn STEERS 3-Yr.-01d Saddle Horse, gentle — Set Harness — Saddle — Good Cattle Dog — 10 Hamp. Feeder Pigs I 2—Doz. Chickens — Some Geese (young and old) I I Machinery and Equipment | H Farmall, new sleeves and pistons Reg. Farmall with booster buck, booster scoop attached 238 IHC Cultivator 25V IHC Power Mower 15-Ft Woodbine Disc 10-Ft. Power Binder Rubber Tire Wagon Box 12-Ft. Hay Rake Steel Wagon, Rack 8-Ton Wadon Hoist, hydraulic 32-Ft. Challenge Elevator with dump and motor IHC Com Planter with 160 rods wire GI 2-Row Com Picker, mounted J-D 10-ln. Hammer Mill GI 2-Row Picker, not complete GI Single-Row Pull-Type Picker 1941 V2-T. Chev. Pickup Hand Com Sheller 2—Rolls Slat Cribbing 2— Rolls Wire Cribbing 3— Hog Troughs 3—Feed Bunks 4 -Steel Stanchions 40 -Used Bridge Plank, 16-ft. long Some Used Lumber P osts Several Fuel Barrels Lots of Shop Tools Miscellaneous Articles Household Goods I Kitchen Cabinet Antique Love Seat and Chair Rocking Chair 1HC Cream Separator with electric motor Chest Drawers 3—5-Gal. Cream Cans 8-Gal. Cream Can Milk Pails, Etc. ; Many Other Miscellaneous Items TERMS ON PERSONAL PROPERTY, Strictly Cash. ^A ROY and ELAINE FORBES - OWNERS COL. ED THOR1N, O’Neal, Nebr., FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Auctioneer-Real Estate Broker Atldnson, Nebr., Clerk