The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 05, 1956, Image 5
Page News Rev D C Van Slyke of Nam pa, Ida , Rev and Mrs J. K Ctaaaiagham of Lynch, Rev. and Mr* Charles Phipps of Atkinson a ad Rev. and Mrs Duane Lau :*« »f O’Neill were Friday eve ning supper guests of Rev. and Mrs Harry Johnson. Mi and Mrs Vernon Parks and Ronnie were hosts to a fam ily picnic on their lawn Sunday in honor of their guests, Mrs Park's brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Keith Cable and <*v Gregory, of Climax, Colo. Other guests were Mr and Mrs Fritz Brandi and family of Wau >a and the ladies' parents. Pose master and Mrs. B H Stevens, of Page Mi and Mrs R D Copes ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Stevens to Lincoln on Sat urday for a visit over the Fourth nf July with their son-in-law and wife. Mr and Mrs. Cecil Wood, and with their grand ciuldren. Dale Wood and Mrs. Harry Pappas and families. The Stevens will visit two sons, Lee ,nd Wendell, and two daugh •»is, Mrs James Vohl and Mrs. W A Moore, and their families. Routine marked the Wednes day afternoon meeting of the K.NA Kensington at the home of Mrs Hester Edmistcn. Mrs. Les Hinge and Mrs. R D Copes were ,-ucwts. A covered dish luncheon followed the business meeting. Mrs Alta Finch will be the July 11 hostess. Mr and Mrs Lorenz Nissen rnd family departed Friday af ternoon for their home at Wil mington N.C., after a week’s \ acation in Nebraska where they visited his parents. Mr and Mrs. Anton Nissen, and a brother, !>m, and family at Page; a sis ter and family, Mr and Mrs. Hay Eby, and sons at O’Neill, m* a brother, Dale, and family (t Columbus. They were honor ed at a picnic at Ford park at O’Neill on Sunday and a family picnic in the Page park on Thursday evening in honor of their son. Gary Wayne, on his fourth birthday anniversary. Lorem has employment as parts man with the International Har vester at Wilmington Dorsey News The Dorsey aid society met at the Guy Hull home Wednesday. June 27, with Mrs Guy Hull as TTie Redbird Lucky Clover 4-HI club met at the Scottville hall Friday evening for their recreation and safety meeting. Not all members were able to be present. Miss Margaret Kruse spent tl»' w'eckend at her home at Dorsey A very welcome rain fell in the Dorsey community early Sunday morning Mr and Mrs, H. H Miles were business callers at the Osborn home Sunday Mr Albert Carson and daugh ters Mrs. Anna Carson and Mrs. Willard Aim spent Friday in O' Neill Mrs. Carson and Mrs. Aim attended a meeting for 4-H club leaders. Mr and Mrs. Ijcc Brady, sr„ .spent Wednesday evening, June 27 at the Carson sister’s home Mias Ruth Ofcborn accompanied the Albert Carsons home from ihurch Sunday. Mr and Mrs Joe Pavlick of Vcrdigre spent Monday at the Otto Ruzicka home. Mr and Mrs. John Derickson called on Miss Sadie Derickson and Mrs Georgia Butterfield at the old home place Sunday. The ladies are out on the home place for an outing and vacation. Mr and Mrs. Irving ("Bud”) Hughes and daughter of Port land. Ore., visited at the Harold Osborn home Tuesday afternoon, June 26, and were lunch guests then They were to spend the night at the Emmet Slaight home and left for their home the next day. Mr. and Mrs Elmer Alder and family visited at the Grace and Tom Alder home Sunday eve ning. _ Mrs Jones Entertains— Mrs C. E. Jones entertained it a coffee hour Wednesday, June 27, in honor of Mrs. Rich ard Orth of Sacramento, Calif. Mis Helen Sobotka of Inman spent Tuesday and Wednesday, June 26 and 27. with Miss Ixju .Ann Perry. DRS. BROWN & FRENCH — O’NEILL — PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Rockets Finally Beat Ainsworth The O'Neill Rockets won a dmg - dong baseball game from the Ainsworth Towners, 7-6. in Carney park here Sunday eve ning Although both teams are members of the North - Central day-and-night league, the game 1 will not figure in the standings | It was a grudge match — Ains worth having defeated O’Neill, 1 8-7, the preceding Sunday at ! .Ainsworth. O’Neill annex'd in the last | half of the ninth Maynard Mor row. Gene Wolf and Lowell Nes- | bitt got on with one down. Lloyd j Hilligas popped out a long fly1 with Morrow raring home with the tying score. 6-6. Dick Tom linson got a hit through center, with two down, and brought in Wolf with the winning tally. R H E O’Neill 7 10 4 .Ainsworth 6 6 4 Batteries Ainsworth — Brady and Clark; O’Neill — Helmer, Heiss and MeGuinn .\insworth-(’hanrt>ers Set CHAMBERS The postponed j first - half game between the Ainsworth and Chambersj North - Central league entries, will be played at Chambers to-1 night (Thursday) The tilt was | originally scheduled for May 27 j and was rained out. I Winner will share with O’ Neill and Bassett the first-half crown Rockets to Stuart Second - half play in the North - Central loop will start Sunday. The Rockets will play at Stuart, Ainsworth at Cham bers and Atkinson at Bassett Newly-Ordained Man Weds in Kansas CHAMBERS—Mr and Mrs. J W. Walter attended the wedding of their youngest son, Norman Walter, and Miss Donna King at Hoisington, Kans., on June 17. Norman graduated last spring from Concordia Lutheran semi nary at St. Louis, Mo. < otTVing «t> utrauuan »u h»a wedding was Reverend Walter's brother, Dr. Floyd Walter of De- j troit, Mich. Twin brothers of the bridegroom. Ivan Walter of Hoi sington and Irven Walter of Ma pleton, la., were the groomsmen. Lyle Walter of Chambers, eld est brother of the bridegroom, was head usher, assisted by a friend of Reverend Walter from St. Louis. The occasion brought together the parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walter, their five sons and one daughter, Mrs Dick Brion of Ne ligh, for the first time in 10 years. Reverend and Mrs Walter spent a week in the Colorado mountains before going to St. Louis for the summer session at the seminary preparatory to go ing to Formosa as missionaries. French Family Bark from Michigan— PAGE—Mr. and Mrs Merwyn French and daughter, Bette, have returned from a month’s vaca tion. They visited Mr and Mrs. Duane Dorr and family at La peer. Mich., where the Frenches welcomed a new grandson, Brion Duane Dorr. Thev visited Niagara Falls, N.Y.. and Buffalo, N.Y., where they had dinner with Rev. and Mrs. Sam McKeown. They were guests of Howard Bryan, former ly of Page, at a cabin on Lake Cayuga. They located the house in which all six children in the or iginal French family were born, including Merwyn’s father, George. Arrival of Twins Dominates Talk— PAGE — Mrs. Milo Landreth was hostess to the members of the NOK club on Thursday for an afternoon of visiting and needlework. The day was made a special occasion because ol the arrival of twins, a boy and a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond I Harmon at San Diego, Calif. Mrs. ; Harmon is the Landreth’s only j L-hild. The twins have been nam ed Rodney Ray and Rhonda Kay. After that announcement, j | all other news became trivial. Visitors at Lynch— LYNCH — Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stouffer of Elm Creek spent sev- j eral days the past week with the ! former’s brother, William Stout- I for, and Mrs. Stouffer. ] Visit in Florida— Connie Kurtz, Mary and Lois | Brown of Grand Island are leav ing the end of the week with , Mr and Mrs. Cecil Brown of I Hastings for a trip to Florida. ^ 11 Friday-Saturday July 6-7 DOUBLE FEATURE “BLACK JACK KETCHUM” A good Western “NIGHT HOLDS TERROR” A vicious horror story Sunday-Monday-Tuesday July 8-9-10 A Walt Disney all-cartoon feature. Bring all the kids and your dog It’s a family picture. Short subjects added. Wednesday-Thursday July 11-12 FAMILY NIGHTS “30 SECONDS OVER TOKYO” Adventure in the sky Also Shorts — Bring ’Em All. 1 Back • • ' 1 «* • KING SIZE $139 | CHEER, pkg. I HONOLULU LADY PINEAPPLE (T* ^ JUICE, 3 46-oz. cns. 5 JL FAB, pkg. 51 CONTADINA ENEMA TO r JUICE, 3 46 oz. cns. -1^ I Video STRAWBERRY—10-IE* lr* ,m PRESERVES, 4 for 51 CAL TOP—No. 2>/j Cans (T* 4 PEACHES, 3 for 51 DEL MONTE FRUIT — 30.5 Cans £ qf COCKTAIL, 4 for 51 VAN CAMP—No. 2Vi Caas <T» M Pork & Beans, 4 for 5 1 LAKE MILLS ^ CORN, 8 303 cans 51 ROSED ALE r* PEAS, 7 -303 cans 51 I symfiiony frozen straw- ( MR. FARMER!! We are still over-supporting the egg price! Last year this time you were getting 24c a dozen. The Outlaw is now paying 27c for your eggs. (No dealer eggs bought.) I — cSUNKIST LEMONS I Lb_ ♦♦ __ ♦ H ICEBERG | I LETTUCE H»d IS«| I WATERMELONS ( lCANTALOUPE i2c\ ft ** ::-! i! CALIFORNIA ELBERTA 17-LB. LUG j IPSACHSS 2*° «« X! ♦ ♦ ♦♦ .. • ♦ j, II REAL GOLD CONCENTRATE SUMMER | ^ I 6 Oz. ! j Csuis. SHEFFIELD’S DILL PICKLES Qt. 29c 1 WHOLESUM FROZEN ORANGE 1UIE Can 49c % MISSION GREEN BEANS 2 cans 25c I DUNCAN HINES CAKE 9 Yellow — White 9V A } Devil’s Food Jggp \jf 9 BOETJES MUSTARD „ 2 jars 19c I PILLSBTURY 9