The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 05, 1956, Page 4, Image 4

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    O’Neill News
Mr- Charles Bender, Joan
and Jean of Rogers, Ark,, visit
ed in the Don Lyon’s home over
the weekend.
Mrs A O Bauman of South
Gate, Calif, left late Friday af
ter having visited five days with
her sister, Mrs Frank Nelson
The two sisters went by train to
Omaha to reunite with another
sister, Mrs Mary Steyer of Ft.
Calhoun. Mrs. Bauman and Mrs.
Nelson will spend a week with
Mrs Steyer,
Bonnie and Virginia Lawrence
returned Friday from Grand Is
land where they had been visit
ing Mr and Mrs. Howard Holli
day the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. George E Peter
son, sr., went to Norfolk Sunday
on a picnic. Relatives including
Mr and Mrs. Lynn Rundell of
Columbus and his mother, Mrs.
N. R. Rundell, were there
Little Bennie Wetzler returned
Tuesday evening from a three
days* visit with his uncle and
aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wetz
ler of Gregory, S.D.
Mr and Mrs. Marvin Miller
and boys returned Monday, June
18. from a visit in Kansas City,
Mo . with Dr and Mrs. Richard
Owens and family. Mrs Miller
and Mrs Owens are sisters
Red Lenta cane seed. 7c lb. at
Snovie’s Western Auto, O’Neill.
Mrs John G. Stuifbergen and
Linda and Bobby returned Friday
from a five-days’ stay in Nor
folk with her brother, Robert
Rlinn, Mr Minn and children.
Mr. and Mrs. James Reynold
son of Albion were up to see their
daughter - in - law, Mrs. Leigh
Reynoldson, at St. Anthony’s
hospital Sunday.
Saturday afternoon guests of
• . .V DL..I1__ _1. knr
n i ' L/wajuc * miui -
mother and sister, Mrs. Lottie
Lofquest and Mrs. Elmer Allyn,
north of Stuart
Guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
H D. Manson were her brother
in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
L C Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Mer
land Chirk and son and Mr and
Mrs. Roger Currie, all of the El
gin vicinity.
Sending the Fourth at the C.
E Worth homo were to be Mr.
»nd Mrs Adolph Wetzler and
children of Gregory, S.D., Mr.
and Mrs Daniel Page and Bar
bara of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Worth, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wetzler
and family and Mrs Mary Wetz
Mrs. Myrtle Hale of Independ
ence, Mo., is visiting Mi’s. Lulu
Quig for a week. She came to at
tend the funeral of Mrs. Quig’s
mother, Mrs. Amanda Pace.
Red Leota cane seed, 7c lb. at
Seovie's Western Auto, O’Netil.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Miller of
Lincoln arrived Sunday for a
couple of days with their son,
Marvin Miller, Mrs. Miller and
sons Monday they visited rela
tives in Atkinson.
Mr and Mrs. Kieth Shellhase
i»f Atkinson helped his parents,
Mr and Mrs C. G. Shelhase,
celebrate their wedding anniver
sary at a picnic Sunday at Ford’s
park. ,
Earl Hunt went to Omaha on
Friday to get Mrs. Hynt and the
children, who had been visiting
tier mother, Mrs. E. Devereux,
for a week. They returned Fri
day. _________
METHODIST (Page-Iiunan)
Rev. Lisle E. Mewmaw, pastor
Thursday, July 5: WSCS meet
aig. 2:30 p m.; choir practice, 8
P Sunday, July 8: Sunday-school,
to a.m.; worship, 11 a.m., featur
ing holy communion; MYF, 8
P Wednesday, July 11: WSCS
prayer hour, 9 aan.
Thursday, July 12: WSCS
studv course, 2 p.m.
INMAN— , . ,
Sunday, July 8: Sunday-school,
8 45 a.m ; worship, 9:45 a.m., in
observance of victory day and
holy communion.
Wednesday, July 11: Choir
practice and MYF, 8 p.m.
Red Leota cane seed, 7c lb. at
Seovie's Western Auto, O Neill.
Too Late to Classify
I WOULD like to say “Thank
you” to each and everyone for
the cards, gifts and visits dur
ir-tft mv rpppnt stav in the hos
pital and since my return home.
Thanks again.—Richard Walt
ers. ^
WANTED: Will do custom round
baling. — Neil Hipke, O’Neill,
20 mi. No. on highway 281 and
4 mi. west. 10-13pll0
FOR SALE: Small flat-top office
desk with type-writer combina
tion stand. Priced reasonable —
Phone 177, O’Neill._10c45
SPECIAL — Oliver Automatic
baler $42::
Mowers—all models.
Sargent loader-stacker.
Farmall Regular.
Farmall 20.
Farmall 30.
WC Allis.
Farmall C.
Farmall Super C.
Loader to fit Ford.
IHC windrower.
M&M windrower.
Sweep for John Deere.
Sweep to fit H or M.
F-20 with 3-rake hitch.
M&M combine.
Allis combine.
t940 1 Va-ton Chevrolet.
1945 lVs-ton Chevrolet.
Stop In and See the
for the latest, get a Gehl Chop
For more time in the field, worl
wi;h IHC Fast Hitch.
5 c Us* for Air Conditioning!
Shclhamer Equip. Co
Phone 570 — O’Neill
TO IMPROVE your com yields o
the future, plant vetch in you
corn now before final cultiva
tion. For vetch seed and in
oculant contact the Holt Soi
Conservation District. 10-11
HOUSE FOR SALE: 4-bedroom
som:-modern, hot and cold wa
ter. on natural gas, in Inman
—Box 115, Inman. 10-11]
M iss Arlene Ruroede,
LaV ern Lngler Wed
i Photo at right)
ATKINSON — St. Joseph’s,
Catholic church was the scene of
a pretty wedding on Thursday,!
June 28, when Miss Arlene Ru
roede, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Ruroede of Ewing, be
came the bride of LaVern Engler, i
son of Mr and Mrs, Gilbert Eng-'
ler of Atkinson
Rev. William Kelligar officiat
ed at the 10 a m ceremony. De
lores Schaaf of Atkinson played
the organ.
Given in marriage by her fa- •
ther, the bride wore a chantilly
lace and nylon net gown with 3 j
I double Peter Pan collar and long
I sleeves, pointed at the wrist. The
j fitted bodice was made of lace j
and buttoned at the back with
I tiny lace buttons. The full, three
! layer skirt was of taffeta covered
with an all nylon net skirt and
topped with a skirt of lace ruffles,
starting at the waist and contin
uing to the floor. She carried a ^
bouquet of red roses.
Mrs. Harry Stokely of Mullen,
a friend of the bride, was ma- j
tron-of-honor. She wore an ice
blue waltz-length gown of nylon
! net over taffeta, and carried a
j bouquet of white asters.
Attending the bridegroom was
I his brother, Laurence Engler
The bridegroom wore a light
I blue suit with a red rose bouton
niere and the bestman wore a
navy blue suit with a white aster
j boutonniere.
Duane Engler and Gerald Ru
roede were ushers.
The bride’s mother chose a
navy blue nylon dress with pink
accessories and the mother of the
bridegroom wore a dusty rose
dress with white accessories.
ijov.11 nuu a win it i \,ui ougv,
A reception was given by the
bride’s parents in the Knights of
Columbus hall for one hundred
guests following the ceremony.
Miss Delores Engler, sister of
the bridegroom, was in charge of
the guest book and Miss Norma
Ruroede, the gifts. Miss Frances
Vitt and Mrs. Edwin Nachtman
poured. Mrs. Alfred Straka, Mrs
Mark Muff, Mrs. Ray Gilg and
Miss Helen Martens prepared the
The bride chose a dress of aqua
and white with matching nylon
duster and white accessories for
their wedding trip to western
Nebraska, after which they will
reside in O’Neill.
Mrs. Engler is a graduate of the
Ewing high school and Norfolk
Junior college. She is employed
as a secretary by the county ex
tension service. Mr Engler at
tended St. Joseph’s hall in At
I kinson and is employed by the
I Standard Oil company.
Chambers News
The Methodist youth fellowship
group had a swimming party at
Ford’s park in O’Neill Sunday
j evening.
Mrs. John Wintermote enter
tained at dinner on Sunday Rev.
and Mrs. L. R. Hansberry of
Trenton and Mr. and Mrs. Guais
W intermote.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kirkland of j
Burwell were Sunday guests of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Waller. The Raymond Walter and
Wayne Smith families were eve
ning guests there.
Weekend guests in the Ralph
Blair home were Mr. and Mrs.:
Ben Blair and two daughters, Mr.
and Mrs. Dean Blair and one
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank;
Sasek, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hull
and daughter, Kathy, Mr and!
Mrs. Dale Hull and son, Randy,
all of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. C. O.
Selders of Royal Oak, Mich.; Mr
and Mrs Clarence Selders of Red
Oak, la. Present also on Sunday j
were Mr. and Mrs. Duane Blair
of Bartlett, Mr. and Mrs. John
Blair, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wid
den and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin j
Nachtman, all of Chambers.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stahley J
and children of Milford spent
several days last week visiting '
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. |
Alderson of Crambers, and her
sister, Mrs. Lee Sammons, and j
son, Bill, of Amelia. Mrs. Stahley j
was formerly Frances Alderson. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Jackson
and daughter of Bremerton, I
Wash., came the first of last week
for a two-weeks’ vacation with
relatives. They are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. William Reninger and
Mr and Mrs. Clarence Wyant
The ladies are Mrs. Jackson’s sis
ters. ,
Rev. L. R. Hansberry oi Trcn- i
ton former pastor of the Cham
bers and Amelia Metnoaisi
churches, and Mrs. Hansberry,
spent last week calling on friends
in the community. Reverend I
Hansberry preached at both!
churches Sunday morning.
Mrs. Kenneth Barthel. Barbara
and Cheryl visited in the Calvin
Barthel home south of Amelia on
Sunday. ,, ,
M. J. Fagan spent the weekend
of June 23 with his family. Mon
iday. Mr. and Mrs. Fagan and.
ehiidren, accompanied by Mrs.,
L W Taggart, drove to Omaha
where the latter visited her
daughters, Miss Mary and Miss,
Jacqueline Taggart. They drove
from Omaha to Sioux City w'here |
Mr. Fagan remained to resume j
his work. The others returned
that evening. Enroute home they,
encountered the severe storm
which struck this vicinity. Near
Wayne they found water running
through the car.
The Prairie Maids 4-H club
met Tuesday, June 26, at the
home of Elaine Dankert. The
project was judging muffins.
Each girl brought a sample of
the article she had been working
on — sandwiches, corn bread and
snickcrdoodles. Barabra Barthel
reported on her trip to 4-H camp
nt Halsey.
The Prairie Wranglers 4-H club
. met at the Bayne Grubb home
Tuesday. .Tune 26. Calves were
judged and games played.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Damme
drove to Grand Island Saturday,
June 23. to meet their son, A/lc
Marvin Damme, who came to
spend a 30-dav leave with his
f parents. Following his leave he
- ■ ill be sent to Alaska where his
. brother, Kenneth, is stationed.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowers of
I N'orfolk came Sunday, June 24,
. to spend the day with her broth
1 or and sister-in-law, Mr. and
. Mrs. William Reninger. The
• Bowers and Reningers had a pic
. nie dimer Sunday at the C. N.
> Wyant home near Amelia.
Mrs. LaVern Engler . . . June bride in St. Joseph’s Catholic
church rite —O’Neill Photo Co.
Showers Boost
Pastures, Crops
Most of Holt Gets
Showers during the past seven
uays have helped refresh pastures
i and given a boost to growing
I crops.
Rain fell at O’Neill between
5:05 and 5:55 pjn., on Friday,
netting 42 of an inch officially.
The rainfall diminished north of
O’Neill to .10 at the Fred Lind
berg farm and .05 at the Frank
Nelson farm, 23 miles northeast.
Only a few sprinkles fell at
Chambers but the Everett Jar
man ranch, 6 miles southwest of
Chambers, received a light
shower. The Royce Brown ranch
in Wheeler county reported .20
and the Will and Herman Schip
man ranch, on the Holt-Wheeler
line, received a quarter of an I
Showers were received about
the same time in the area west
from O'Neill to Newport. Ains
worth, however, was skipped.
Ewing also was missed but
Clearwater and Neligh reported
showers up to a half - inch.
Creighton received a half-inch.
More crop - making showers
fell early Sunday in this portion
of the state—rains that could be
classified as general in character.
Showers started in O’Neill
about 6:30 o’clock and officially
netted .23 of an inch.
The Spencer hydro - electric
dam attendant reported .30; the
Thomas Greene ranch, in north
ern Holt, a quarter of an inch.
Joe Pritchett, residing 14 miles
northeast of O’Neill, said Sun
day’s showers netted about a
quarter of an inch. The Pritchett
place, which had been very dry,
had received .50 on Friday after
“Corn looks good,” Mr. Pritch
ett declared. “Small grain suffer
ed from the dryness but some
might fill out yet.”
The showers have aided pas
ture conditions considerably.
Other early Sunday rainfall re
ports :
Lynch, 1.00; Bristow, .50; Ne
Ilgll, .ZJ. inui luirv. .t'o, ucuuc«
(near Lincoln), 1.25; Chadron,
.91; Burwell, .09; Valentine, trace,
i Scattered showers were report
ed at Battle Creek, Tilden, St.
Edward, Atkinson, Creighton, Ce
dar Rapids, Primrose — all in
; varying amounts.
Once again the Ainsworth re
gion was short-changed—no pre
! cipitation there.
Weather summary:
Hi Lo Prec.
j June 28 89 54
June 29 96 67 .42
June 30 88 65
, July 1 83 61 .23
! .Tulv 2 82 61
I July 3 81 59
Page News
Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen,
sr„ and Mr. and Mrs. William
Sorensen and family, all of Page,
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Soren
sen and daughters of Minden
were Sunday evening, June 24,
guests for homemade ice cream.
Rex James, evangelist
Sunday services: Bible school,
10 a.m.; preaching and commun
ion service, 11 a.m.; youth meet
ing, 7 p.m.; evening preaching
service, 8 o’clock.
Bible study is each Wednesday
night here in O’Neill at 8 o’clock
and in the Chet Larson home
near Chambers each Friday night
at 8 o’clock.
All people are cordially invited
to attend all the services of the
Church of Christ.
Petersen Buys
9.000- Arre Ranch—
ATKINSON—Charley W. Pet
erson of Atkinson has complet
ed negotiations for the Lazy
TMW ranch located 25 miles
| northwest of Pierra, S.D. The
9.000- ranch was purchased from
1 Kirk Johnson of Ft. Worth, Tex.
Bill Bowker of O’Neill, ranch
: representative for Byron Reed
! Co.. Omaha, negotiated the sale.
METHODIST (Chambers)
Sunday. July 8: Sunday-school,
. 10 a.m., E. R. Baker, superin
! tendend; worship, 11 n.m.
Loon Foster with his mobile
unit will conduct services at the
'urch Sunday, July 8.
Red Lenta eane seed, "c lb. at
Scovie’s Western Auto, O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray and
Mary spent the weekend in
Schuyler visiting Mr. and Mrs. D.
E. Nelson, formerly of O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Don McKamy and
f: mily planned to go to Norfolk
to visit Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Frank for the Fourth.
Mrs. S W. Stevens returned
last Thursday from a five-days’
stay in Hartington with relatives.
Mrs. Lod Janousek and her fa
ther, Albert Rathovic, returned
Monday from North Platte where
they had visited since last Thurs
day with Mrs. Janousek’s son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Beckwith, and family.
The RSS club met ai the home
of Mrs. John Grutsch Wednes-1
day afternoon, June 27, for a
social gathering. Lunch was
served. j
Mrs. Robert Kryger of Neligh J
is spending the Fourth of July
holidays in the L. A. Burgess
Mrs. Gene Wolfe and children
returned Tuesday after a three
days’ stay in Norfolk with Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Hansen and family.
Eddie Connors is returning to
his home in Greeley after the
Fourth of July. He has been vis
iting bis grandmother, Mrs. M. J.
Wallace, for 10 days.
Mr and Mrs. Joel Lyman and
children of Shoshone, Wyo., for
merly of O’Neill, stopped to visit
the Marvin Miller’s on their way
to Norfolk to visit relatives. Mr.
Lyman was principal of O’Neill
high school.
Guests for the Fourth of Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Switzer were to be
her brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Schinck of Bruns
wick. and Mrs. Faie Weinberger
of Seward. Weekend guests will
be Mrs. Switzer’s brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
Hixson of Crookston.
Dick Stuifbergen is visiting his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
T. Blinn. at North Platte.
A Whaley family gathering
was held Saturday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wha
lev. Out-of-town guests were
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Porter and
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Porter, all
'll v^icjgmuu.
Clyde Hull of Johnstown vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones
Thursday, June 28.
HN Jerry Verzal of Atkinson
left Sunday for duty in a naval
hospital in San Diego, Calif., af
ter spending a 19-day furlough
with homefolks.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whaley and
Sheri Lee of Rendondo Beach,
Calif., arrived at the home of
Mrs. Alice Ross Tuesday, June
26. They spent the week visiting
relatives and friends in the O’
Neill and Creighton areas.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loomis and
Mrs. .Tosie Anderson of Spencer
and Miss Rosemary Storjohnn of
I Chamberlain, S.D., were Sunday
dinner guests of Mrs. Minnie
Charles Houser spent the
weekend in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E Jones cele
brated their 43d wedding anni
versary by inviting a number of
friends to dinner at the Town
Regional Deaths
Ira B. Pendergast
gast, 80, uncle of Mrs. A. E. Bow
en of O’Neill, died of a heart
attack Sunday morning, July 1
He was the father of 10 children.
Funeral services were conducted
at 2 p.m., Tuesday, July 3, from
the Methodist church here. Mrs.
j Pendergast, 65, suffered a frac
! lured hip in a fall several months
: Mrs. Bert Henning
Party Honoree
ATKINSON— Mrs. Bert Hen
ning was honored with a surprise
party on her birthday anniver
sary last Thursday evening at her
home near here. The following
-If-invited guests were present:
Mrs. Eva Orothe. Mr. and Mrs.
Rilile Grofhe and Fred and Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Grothe, all of
Bmmet; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Russel Yusten and Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Dcnsberger, all of O’Neill;
Alio" Henning of Kelso, Wash.,
! and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Henning
and family.
Games and cards were played.
The guests served a lunch of ice
: cream, birthday cake and coffee.
Leonard Lorenz
Fund Increasing
(Continued from page 1)
Legion auxiliary; Mrs Esther
Downey, O’Neill.
Mr and Mrs Gurney Drayton.
Orchard' John F Dick. O'Neill;
Mr and Mrs. James P Gallagher.
Inman; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lor
enz, O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs D A. Kersen
.nick, O’Neill; Max Wanser. E\v
ng; Ruby Holcomb. Chambers;
O’Neill Livestock Market. O'
Neill: E. C. Weller, Atkinson;
Charles Sorensen. Minden; Mr.
4-id Mrs Floyd Whitaker, Cham
bers. M F. O’Donnell, O’Neill;
Fred Wells, O'Neill; Spolts-Ray
Lumber Co., O'Neill; Mr and
Mrs Emmett Crabb, O’Neill; Mr
md Mrs. Albert Carson, Redbird;
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Brewster,
O’Neill, Shelhamer Equipment
company and employees, O’Neill.
Art Cowperthwaite O’Neill;
Mr and Mrs. Weston Whitwer.
O’Neill; Mr, and Mrs. L. Kirwan,
W h i t t i e r , Calif.; anonymous;
Frank Nelson. Meek rt . O’Neill:
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Reimer, sr ,
William H. (’’BiU”) Bowker,
O’Neill; William A. Miller, O’
Neill; Bernard Lorenz, O'Neill;
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gallagher,
Inman; Mr. and Mrs. Don Peter
son, O'Neill.
Mr. and Mrs J. L Smith, Ur
bana, O.; Leo T. Adams, Atkin
son; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Flood,
O’Neill: Mr. and Mrs. F W. Hen
drick, O’Neill; Maring Bros., Em
met: Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Linauist,
Star; W. C. Kieekmann, Aurora;
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson,
O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Bright, O’Neill; J. C. Penney Co ,
O’Neill; John Sobotka, Inman;
Frank Beelaert, Page; anony
mous: Bob C. Cooper, Omaha;
Ernest M. Beaver, Deaver. Wyo.;
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby, O’
Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Juraeek, Star; Mr. and Mrs. L.
A. Becker, O’Neill: John and]
Emma Conard, Emmet; E. H.
Farnsworth, Page; Fred Heer- ,
mann, O’Neill; Harry T. Moore,
Inman; Ira H. Moss, O’Neill; F.
N. Cronin. O’Neill: C. C Berg
strom, 3465 Sprague st., Omaha;
Robert Bergstrom, 131 Carol ave.,
Santa Cruz, Calif.; Anna L. O’
Donnell, O’Neill; M. F. Gribble,
Chambers; L. M and Emma
Merriman, O’Neill; Martina G.
Distfber, O’Neill; Gordon R. Lor
enz, O’Neill.
George and Mary Kubik, Star. !
David E. Bowen, Page; William,
Derickson, jr., Star; Charles W.
Ridgeway, 1209 Pando ave,. Col-;
orado Springs, Colo.; Leo Buri
val, O'Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Orville
L. Olson, rt. 1, Oakland; Joseph
Schmidt, O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs.!
James Conway, O’Neill; Mr. and1
Mrs. John D. Pruss, O’Neill; (
George**H. Jones, O’Neill; Elden [
Butterfield, O’Neill; Mr. and;
Mrs. Carl Widtfeldt, O’Neill; Mrs.
Grace Isberg, O’Neill; John M.!
and Pearl Grutsch family, O’
Neill; Kenneth Coventry, Inman;
Victor Harley, Chambers: L. R.
Tompkins, Inman; Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Kiltz, Chambers; Loretta
Hynes, O'Neill; George Rowse,
Chambers; C. M. Morse, Tilden;
Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Kennicott,
O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn
Anderson, O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Kopecky, sr., Inman: Mr. [
and Mrs. Henry Pruss, O’Neill;
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Retke, Inman;
Emma Lidgett, Chambers; Loyd
Angus, Ewing; Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Marsh, O’Neill; Mr. and
Mrs. II D. Gildersleeve, O’Neill;
Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Van Voorhis,
O’Neill; Melvin J. Bell, Cham
bers; Alice M. Potter, Lincoln;
Arthur J. Hammond, Omaha;
Mary E. Carney, O’Neill; Leland
Clark, Elgin; William Joyce
TT. , 4 „ 4 .. • Ton P
Beemer; Rev. M. H. Grosenbach, I
Gordon; John P. Conway, O’Neill;!
anonymous; Kathleen Warnke,
O'Neill; Lyle Abney, Inman; Emil
Gruhn family, O’Neill; Delmar
Spangler, Star; Mary Faulhaber,
O'Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mc
Kim, O’Neill; Grover Shaw, O’
Neill; Agnes C. Hickey, O’Neill;
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak,
O’Neill; Bernard Rohde, O’Neill;
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Mellor,
O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Dusatko and children, Emmet;
Cyril Peter, Chambers; Francis
Anderl, Inman; Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Gokie, jr., O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vitt, O’
Neill; Duane Gray, O’Neill; Joe
Koci, Chambers.
William G. Kraft, O’Neill;
Elizabeth Colman, Inman; Ev
erett E. Miller, rt. 2, Albion; Mr.
and Mrs. C. D. Walters, Cham
bers; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Col
man, Inman; Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Hickey, O’Neill; T. M. and Janet
Gallagher, Inman.
Msr. Gracfc Betts, Omaha; Mr.
and Mrs. Harry H. Thomsen,
Page; anonymous; Mrs. Fred Lip
pold, box 224, Rnadolph.
Total todate (12 o'clock noon
Tuesday, July 3) 52,798.50
Little Judy, Jane and Colleen
Parker of Butte are visiting their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Parker, this week.
200 Cattle Expected
• There will be an estimated two hundred head of
cattle at the regular Thursday, July 5, sale to be
held here. The offering will Include stock steers and
heifers, butcher cattle and cows.
• The hog sale will start at 1 o’clock and will include
around two hundred feeder pigs. Please bring the
hogs in early in order that they can be watered and
properly cared for.
O’Neill Livestock Market
Phone 2, O’Neill
#n^HK9HBHSHHMIHMHHH^ w *^"1 v*
Studying the weather facsimile charts coming in from Washington. l>.t\. are: Standing—Or. Mort
on Ilarad, project director, and Peter fiiorgio, i »re< aster: kneeling—Joseph Hess and a member
of the Sixth weather squadron from Oklahoma City, Okla. (hack to camera).—The Frontier Photo.
Visitor from Oregon
Feted at Supper
I’AGE — A gathering of old
neighbors, friends and relatives
honored Mrs. Orinda Bengston
wit ha picnic supper Thursday
evening at the Page park
Those in attendance were: Rob
ert and Calvin Harvey, Alvin
Heese, Clarence Dobbins, Clar
ence Stevens, Herbert Stevens,
Roy Cunningham, Charles Cronk,
Otto Matschullat and their wives,
Earl Rodoway, Mesdames Ethel
Waring, Ethel Park, Alta Finch,
Frieda Asher, Hester Edmisten,
Eva Cunningham and Alma Tcg
eler, all of Page; Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Heese of Orchard.
On Friday. Mrs. Bengston’s
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Harvey, took her
to her home of the ladies’ sister,
Mrs. Dan Stauffer, and family at
Elm Creek, enroute to her home
at Eugene Ore.
Inman News
Sunday evening dinner guests
in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Keyes were Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Caster of Norfolk and Mr.
and Mrs. Henrv Pruss and family
of O’Neill.
The women’s department of
the RLDS held a pie and ice
cream social and a parcel post
sale, last Thursday evening at
the locker plant. Proceeds were
added to the church treasury.
Ralph Sholes is on vacation
this week from the Bell Tele
phone company.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brobjorg
and son, Norris, of Baltic, S.D.,
were weekend guests in the home
. v iff.. lit.,,, TI HAoHcnn
U1 11A.I . HI l« *»*• •>. w •». ...
John and Ernest served in World
War II together. The men did a
lot of reminiscing together.
Mrs. Lena Butler arrived home
Monday from Bassett where she
spent a week visiting in the
home of her son. Vere, and fam
Monuments of lasting beauty
made by skilled craftsmen of
the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . mono
ments from the factory to the
consumer. — Emmett Crahh. O’
Neill. phone 139-J. 37tl
Albert Reynolds drove to Om
aha Wednesday, June 27, to bring
his father and mother to their
home in Neligh. Mr. Reynolds has
been a patient in an Omaha hos
pital the past several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Ermand Keyes
and family and Mr. and Mrs. F
E. Keves spent last Thursday in
Walthill visiting in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clark and
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gillahan
and daughters left last Thursday
evening for their home in Law
rence, Kans., after spending a
couple of days in the homo of
Mrs. Gillahan’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Leo P. Mossman.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. South. Mrs
John H. Mattson and Mrs. James
M. McMahan attended the funer
al of Mrs. Amanda Pace at the
Presbyterian church at O'Neill on
Friday afternoon.
Miss Vicki Sue Hutton of Om
aha spent the weekend in the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. D. Hutton.
Harlan Moore of Lincoln spent
the weekend in the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Moore. On Sunday Harlan took
his parents to Omaha where they
were to spend a day visit i n c
friends and then entrain for I-os
Angeles, Calif., where they will
visit their son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ruben
stein, and family.___
Eyes Examine
Glasses Fitted
Phone 2101, Spencer, Nehr.
- ' -P
Wind Testers
Await Weather
Tlu- Air FoPce-Cambridge re
search center wind testers are
standing by waiting for Mr. Wea
| therman himself.
All is in readiness for the 1956
tests but nature hasn’t been will
' mg to cooperate.
There are 40 scientists and air
force personnel here awaiting the
go signal. Each day the teletype
facsimile weather machines are
studied carefully.
About nine families of wind)
testers are in the city and will
spend most of the summer here.
Downtown headquarters for
Project Prairie Grass are in the
Ryan building on South Fourth
street. Colleges and universities
represented are Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Texas
A&M college and the University
of Wisconsin. The college groups
are under air force contract for
study of certain problems.
Burney at Stuart;
Neligh to Celebrate
Acting Lt.-Gov. Dwight Burn-!
oy of Hartington will speak at j
Stuart’s “old-fashioned” Fourth I
j of July celebration in the Com
| rninity park.
Entertainment also will include
j movies, baseball game, evening
; program—an i ire — pi us hutj
and other entertainment.
More ambitious celebrations
are planned at Neligh and Long
| Pine Seven midget racing events
! have been scheduled at Neligh,
i $1,500 worth of fireworks, and
j Hans Sehimdt and Bill Melby. j
! uationally-famous wrestlers, will
clash. There wil be a midway and
i a dance in the evening
The Martha community is plan
, mng its traditional Fourth cele
! bration.
O’Neill parks will bulge with
picnickers and the municipal
swimming pool is expected to
draw throngs of “stay-at-hom
The state highway patrol will
i be at full strength on the high
ways to curb speeding. There
were no deaths on Nebraska
j highways on independence day,
Saturday, Mrs. Leigh Reynold
; son’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Gross, and Mrs. Wayne Mig- 1
j nerv and Kay, all of Albion, came
I to see her at St. Anthony’s hos
1 pital.
Ponton Insurance
insurance of All Kinds
& Bonds
'l Phone 106 — Golden Bldg.
■■ ————————
Mr, and Mrs. Richard C
Smithson were honored at a pic
nic supper Saturday evening at
the Charles Beilin home. The
hosts were the members of the
young adult fellowship
Miss Libby Latta of Omaha ar
rived Tuesday to visit the H. J
Mrs C. G. Shellhase attended
the Garden club meeting in At
kinson last Thursday It was held
at Mrs. Earl flouts' home
Mr. and Mrs. Leland C. Barrett
of Lincoln came for the Fourth
to spend two weeks with their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr
and Mrs. Edwin Sevcik, and
Mr.-'. Noel Long and ehildrun
of Colton, Calif., left Friday after
having visited her parents, the
S. R Robertsons, for two weeks
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Orth and
children left last Thursday for
their home in Sacramento, Calif.,
after having visited her parents,
the George C. Robertsons.
The O’Neill city council will
receive bids not later than Fri
day, July 13, for a four-door po
lice vehicle equipped with stan
dard transmission, fresh air
heater, six- tube radio, power
u'incr nil hath air cleaner. oil
filter, RH sun visor, heavy duty
brake lining, heavy duty front
and rear springs, heavy duty
shook absorbers, heavy duty ra
diator, heavy duty fan, 50 amp
heavy duty low cut-in generator
Bids arc to be filed with the
city clerk. Any and all bids may
be rejected.
City Clerk
Fri.-Sat. July (>-7
Sun.-Mon.-Tues. July 8-9-10
Wod.-Thurs. July 11-12
For Sale ... At Our Door!
TERMILK is one of the most econom- |
ical — and profitable — hog feeds
available. Why put expensive commer
cial feed into your hogs when EVEN
BETTER results can be obtained FOR
One Gallon of Condensed Butter
milk Makes 20 Gallons of Rich,
Nutritional Buttermilk.
COME IN . . . let us discuss your hog I
feeding problems with you! You’ll save;
you’l! be pleased!
Phone 84 AT THE TRACKS O'Neill