The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 05, 1956, Page 3, Image 3

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    Legal Notices
(First pub. June 14, 1950)
Julius D. Cronin, Attorney
No. 4133
County Court of Holt County,
Estate of Julia A Ryan, Deceased.
The State of Nebraska, To All
Persons Interested In Julia A.
Ryan. Or In Her Estate, If De
You are hereby notified that
Neil B. Ryan has filed a petition
in this Court alleging that Julia
A. Ryan, a lil’e long resident and
inhabitant of Holt County, Ne
braska, absented herself from her
usual place of residence in O’
Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, on
the 23rd day of December, A.D.,
1948, and has concealed her
whereabouts from her family
ever since, and for a period of
more than seven years. That the
said Julia A. Ryan has property
in this state, consisting of an in
terest in real estate as a joint
tenant with her husband, and a
cash deposit in The O’Neill Na
tional Bank: That petitioner is
the surviving spouse of the said
Julia A. Ryan; said petition prays
that the matter may proceed as
authorized by law to the admin
istration of the estate of Julia A.
Ryan, and the granting of letters
of administration thereon to Neil
B. Ryan, and for such other pro
ceedings looking to the settlement
of the matter and the distribution
of her property as may be just
and proper.
Said matter will come on to be
heard in the County Court Room,
in the Court House in O’Neill,
Holt County, Nebraska, on the
30th day of August, A.D., 1956,
at ten o’clock A.M., at which time
all persons interested may appear
and be heard.
County Judge.
legal notice
(First pub. June 28, 1956)
that a plat of Sanitary Sewer Dis
trict No. 1 of the Village of Ewing
and a schedule of proposed spe
cial assessments of the property
within the District as prepared by
Harold Hoskins and Associates,
special engineers for the project,
are on file in the office of the
Village Clerk and all objections
to said plat or schedule or to any
prior proceedings on account of
error, irregularities or inequali
ties must be made in writing and
filed with the Village Clerk with
ib 20 days after the first publica
tion of this notice or said ob
jections shall be deemed to have
been waived.
You are further notified that
the Chairman and Board of Trus
tees will sit as a Board of Equal
ization in the public library in
the Village of Ewing at 8:00 o’
clock P.M. on July 20, 1956, to
consider said objections and to
adjust and equalize the proposed
assessment with reference to the
benefits resulting from the im
provement and levy special as
sessments therefor. Any objectors
may appear in person or by rep
resentative and submit such ad
ditional information as he may
By: /s/
(First pub. June 21, 1956)
Notice is hereby given that
sealed bids will be received by
the Holt County Board of Super
visors of Holt County, Nebraska,
for the furnishing of all labor and
material for the construction and
repair of all wood, steel and
concrete bridges and culverts in
said County of Holt for the
Budget year 1956-57, as necessity
may require and at the direction
of the County Board of Super
Sealed bids must be submitted
on bidding blanks furnished by
the Department of Roads & Ir
ngation. State of Nebraska, and
must be accompanied by a certi
fied check in the amount of $1,
000.00. said check to be on a sol
vent bank in Holt County, Ne
braska, as a guarantee.
Sealed bids as requested above
will be received up to 11:00 A.M ,
on the 10th day of July, 1956, at
the office of the County Clerk,
at O’Neill. Nebraska, and will be
opened by the Board of Supervis
ors at that time.
The Board of Supervisors re
serves the right to accept or re
ject any or all bids.
Done by order of the Board of
Supervisors of Holt County, Ne
braska, this 18th day of June,
8-10c Holt County Clerk
(First pub. June 21 1956)
Julius D. Cronin, Attorney
Estate No. 4119
In the County Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, June 14, 1956.
In the matter of the Estate of
Clyde McKenzie, Deceased.
CREDITORS of said estate are
hereby notified that the time
limited for presenting claims
against said estate is October 11,
1956, and for the payment of
debts is June 14, 1957, and that
on July 12, 1956, and on October
13, 1956, at 10 o’clock A.M., each
day, I will be at the County Court
Room in said County to receive,
examine, hear, allow, or adjust all
claims and objections duly filed.
County Judge
(First pub. June 28, 1956)
In accordance with the School
Laws of Nebraska, I am required
to make the following described
change in district boundaries: To
annex all of District No. 13 to
District No. 142.
A hearing of said matter will
be held in my office at the Court
House in O’Neill, Nebraska on
July 9, 1956, 10 A.M., when all
interested may appear and be
County Superintendent
(First pub. June 28, 1956)
Julius D. Cronin, Attorney
Estate No. 4128
In the County Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, June 27, 1956.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Mary Wehrstein, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all
persons interested in said estate
that a petition has been filed in
said Court for the appointment
of Den H. Murphy as Adminis
trator of said estate, and will be
heard July 19, 1956, at 10 o’clock
A M., at the County Court Room
in O’Neill, Nebraska.
County Judge
O’Neill News
Mrs. Bertha Hayden of Long
Pine is visiting her sisters, Miss
Maude Rouse and Mrs. Guy
Young, and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wetzler and
family and Mrs. Mary Wetzler
attended the golden wedding
anniversary of Ben’s great aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip
Holngren, in Naper Sunday.
Spending the weekend in
Berestford, S.D., with her sister,
Mrs. Albert Suing, Mr. Suing
and family, were the Dwight
Worcester family.
Venetian blinds, prompt deliv
ery, made to measure, metal oi
wood, all colors.—J. M. McDon
alds. tf
Little Gregg Marcellus, who
has a new little sister named
Candice Ann, is staying with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Williamson, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Whited
and Scott left Tuesday to spend
a week of their vacation in Om
aha. They expect to go to Has
tings from there to spend several
days with Mr. and Mrs. Palmer
Mrs. Helen Hitch and daugh
ter, Miss Barbara, of Omaha
visited their son and brother,
Rev. Thomas Hitch, for five
days. They left last Thursday to
go to Columbus to visit other re
Page, Nebr.
Saturday, July 14th
Admission: $1
I M-Awjj P:J.. 19_5Q I
I Automatic Washer . ... 99.50 I
I 2 Living Room Suites I
I 3930 and 49450 I
I Furniture & Appliance I
We»t O’Neill I
- • » * . j* •
Atkinson Rest
Room Topic for
Club Meeting
CELIA — Celia Homemakers
extension club met Wednesday
afternoon, June 27, at the Leon
ard Chaffin home. Mrs. Perry
Terwilliger was cohostess. Pres
ent were 12 members and a vis
itor. Caroline Frickel. Roll call
was answered by telling a recent
A discussion was held concern
ing Atkinson’s rest room in the
new city hall building. The club
voted to donate a sum of money
to help furnish the rest room
Mrs. Merrill Smith gave a im
port of what she learned at Holt
county government day sessions
in O’Neill. Mrs. Ray Pease pre
sented the lesson “Grandmothers
Are Important People.”
There will be no meetings in
Julv and August. The club will
meet with Mrs Mark Hendricks
in September.
Other Celia News
Mr and Mrs. William Maloun
and Billy and Dorothy Scott en
joyed a wiener roast at the Du
ane Beck home.
Mr. and Mrs. Northorn and
children of Omaha came Monday,
June 25. for a visit at the Lee
Terwilliger home. They returned
to Omaha Saturday.
Mr and Mrs. Perry Terwilliger.
Mary Distcrhaupt and a friend
went fishing at Randall dam on
Joe Hendicks and son, Jim, and
Mark Hendricks were in Free
man, S.D., Friday. They also vis
ited Clyde Prouty at Yankton,
Hillside chapel Bible study was
held at the Harry Mitchell home
last Thursday evening.
Buddy Foeken and Patty Allyn
spent Sunday at the Clarence
Foeken home.
Mrs. Joe Hendricks was a
Monday evening, June 25, visitor
at the O. A. Hammerberg home.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Milner and
son, Murl Leo, of Chester, Pa.,
arrived in Atkinson Wednesday,
June 27, for a visit with his son,
Billy Milner, grandfather, Fred
Mlinar, and other relatives. They
left Sunday afternoon, accom
panied by Billy Milner, for a trip
through Yellowstone. The boys
will return by train and Mr. and
Mrs. Milner will go to the West
coast where they plan to make
their home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mintle
were Wednesday evening, June
27, visitors at the Milton Mc
Kathnie home.
Duane and Jim Mintle were
Saturday dinner guests at the
McKathnie home.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel
and family went to Norfolk on
Monday, June 25, and got their
daughter, Vickie, who had been
visiting the Allen Marquardt
family. David Frickel remained
for a longer visit.
Diane Tooker came home with
the Victor Frickel family Sunday
and will spend a few days with
them. .
Mrs. Victor Frickel attended
the Lutheran Woman’s Mission
ary league meeting at the home
of'Mrs. Joe Albrecht Tuesday af
ternoon, June 26.
Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun
and Billy, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Milner and Murl of Chester, Pa.,
were last Thursday evening vis
itors at the O. A. Hammerberg
Mrs. Charles Ballon spent
Monday to Tuesday, June 25-26,
at the Perry Terwilliger home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Terwilliger
and his sister, Mrs. Lew Francis
of Denver, Colo., went to Seward
last Thursday to attend the fu
neral of an aunt of Mr. Terwilli
ger, and Mrs. Francis, Mrs. Im
rig, 83. Funeral rites were held in
Lincoln. They returned home
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence focken
and children were Sunday, June
24, visitors at the Herman Kra
mer home. The children attended
the 4-H club meeting at the Kra
mer home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steele
and son of Charles City, la., and
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Steele and
four children spent from Mon
day, June 25, until Friday with
their daughter, Mrs. Lawrence
Smith and family.
Carl Damero was a Wednesday,
June 27, dinner guest at the
Hans Lauridsen home.
Bobby Knudson visited the Ob
ermire children Monday after
noon, June 25.
LeRov Lauridsen visited the
Ray Disterhaupt children Mon
day afternoon, June 25.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ross were
Sunday, June 24, visitors at the
Clarence Focken home.
Clarence Focken worked at the
Cleveland Bible camp last Thurs
day and Friday getting it in
shape for the youngsters.
Charles Dobias was a Monday,
June 25, O’Neill visitor. Mrs. Do
bias and sons were dinner guests
at the D. F. Scott home that day.
Southern Visitors Here—
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Finch and
Miss Fannie Burch of Amite,
La., visited several days last
week in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. H. B. Burch. They also vis
ited other relatives in the sand
hill regions. Mrs. Finch and
Fannie Burch are nieces of Mr.
Burch. They visited Ft. Randal
dam and other points of interest
with Mr. and Mrs. Burch on
Wednesday, June 27. Mrs. Finch
and Fannie are former residents
of O’Neill. This was Mr. Finch’s
first visit to Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva
spent Sunday in Norfolk visiting
with relatives and friends.
*»:>***..arw ii
Physician Dies
Dr. George A. Stevens, 71,
former resident of O’Neill, died
Wednesday, June 20, at Sioux
Falls, S.D., where he had help
ed found a clinic. Doctor Ste
vens had practiced internal
medicine at Sioux Falls 39
years. Burial was at Omaha.
Riverside News
Mrs. Ralph Shrader and Mrs.
Dale Napier entertained a group
of children at the Dale Napier
home with a picnic dinner hon
oring Norman Bomer of Okla
homa City, Okla., who was visit
ing his friend, Gordon Shrader.
Norman left for his home Friday
Henry Emsic accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Fry to Colum
bus Friday. He went from there
to Omaha by bus.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier
and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Fry and children, Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Napier and Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Fry enjoyed a barbecue
steak supper at the Duane Jen
sen home in Newman Grove
Tuesday evening, June 26. They
helped Betty and Dale celebrate
their wedding anniversary. Low
ell Jensen also showed some
pictures taken in Korea while he
was serving overseas in the ar
my. , . ,
Mrs. Leo Cleveland and Lana,
Gerald and Evelyn Ruroede and
Mrs. Lionel Gunter were in O’
Neill Friday afternoon. Mrs
Cleveland, Gerald Ruroede .and
Mrs. Gunter attended the 4-H
leaders’ meeting at the assembly
room in the courthouse.
Raymond Schmidt and Bruce
Fletcher were in O’Neill on busi
ness Thursday morning.
Robert Montgomery attended
a soil bank program in °’N^*
Tuesday evening, June 26. On
Wednesday evening, June 27,
Dewitt Hoke, Norman Pollock,
Grant Mott, George and Lor
raine Montgomery accompanied
him to a meeting at Clearwater.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Mosel
took their daughter, Mona, also
Catherine Bauer, Maxine Noff
ke, Doris Ann Spahn, to Wayne
Sunday evening. Geraldine
Bauer accompanied tnem as w*
as Norfolk.
An outdoor barbecue was
held Thursday evening at the
Floyd Napier home honoring
Connie Montgomery’s first birth
day anniversary. Other guests
were her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lorraine Montgomery, Larry ,
Gary and Linda, Mr. and Mrs.
Lynn Fry and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Napier.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Conner
visited at the Will Robinson
home Saturday afternoon.
The Happy Hollow 4 - H club
met at the George Ruroede home
Friday evening to go on a hay
ride. On returning from the hay
ride Clayton Hoke and Doug
Shrader gave a demonstration
on making a bird feeder. Then
the group enjoyed a wiener
roast with lunch of cake, coffee
and pop.
Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Ahlman
and family visited with the Wil
mer Mosel family Sunday after
Gerald Ruroede met Norma
Ruroede at the bus depot in
Norfolk Wednesday evening. She
came up from Omaha to attend
the Thursday morning wedding
of her sister, Arlene, to Lavern
Engler held at the Catholic
church in Atkinson. Others at
tending were Mr. and Mrs.
George Ruroede, Gerald and
Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. James
Meyers and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Wilmer Mosel and Patty, Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Scheer, Neal,
Dennis and Faye, Mr. and Mrs.
George Montgomery, Mrs. M. G.
Helmricks and Laura, Fred and
Marvin Scheer. Norma Ruroede
returned to her work in Omaha
early Friday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Anderson
of Newman Grove and Mr. and
Mrs. Harris Dean Anderson of
Dayton, O., called at the Earl
Pierson home Wednesday after
noon, June 27.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Conner
visited at the Alfred Conner
home Thursday evening.
Paul Shierk
Insurance of All
Custom Line
ss low ss |
$500 I
• New NATIONAL HOMES available In O'Neill’s North
Heights addition, or on your own town or country lot any
where in the area. Numerous floor plans and designs from
which to choose. Low monthly payments.
Phone 150 Phone 548 M
Thoendel Uotne
Scene of Dinner—
EWING—Guests attending the
rehearsal dinner at the Joseph
Thoendel home Friday evening,
June 22. were Mr and Mrs.
Metlvin Stamp and family. Mr
and Mrs Weslyn Larson and
family. Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Spahn, Jack Rosno. Mrs. Mick
Hobbs. Miss Winifred Vandcr
snick. Mr. and Mrs J. H. Don
oghue and son. Carroll of Fre
mont and Miss Lois Gablenz of
| Columbus.
Mrs Jim Tinsley and Mrs.
Lyle Mitteis prepared and serv
ed the dinner.
New Presbyterian
Minister Ordained
ATKINSON — Rev. Curtis W.
Barnett was ordained at the First
Presbyterian church here Sunday
evening. He is the new pastor at
the church here.
His father. Rev. Gayle S. Bar
nett. minister of the Brookline
Presbyterian church at Chicago,
111., preached the ordination ser
The ordination service, ini
charge of the Niobrara presby-1
tery- started at 8 pm., and was
followed by the formal installa
lion service. At the close of the
service the newly-ordained min
ister pronounced the benediction.
Nlr. Barnett, a native of Chi
cago, was graduated from Mc
Cormick seminary in Chicago
with a bachelor of divinity de
gree May 3, 1956. He and his wife
moved here June 13.
(First pub July 5, 19561
In accordance with the School
Laws of Nebraska, I am required i
to make the following described
: change in district boundaries: SVi
See. 13 and SF,'4 Sec 14, Town
ship 32, Range 12 to be detached
from District No. 14 and attached
to District No. 27
A hearing of said matter will
bo held in my office at the Court
house in O’Neill, Nebraska on
July 17, 195b. 10 A M when all
interested may appear and be
County Superintendent
<ajHS» jin li-RWOt*
Re9ulor 6« Vol«e.
O little, V« «•’ 0 'choice ^ wV**
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A very special price on a blanket to give, to own, to
cherish for many years to come. Cloud-soft, deeply
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CaKAua — namU1* ft ■%
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Rayon-Nylon Plaid
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In Six Exciting Now Colors!
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Warm, fluffy, washable, moth
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Warmth Plus Lasting Baauty
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Natural Insulation In this
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Nylon, rayon, ond cotloni
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