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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1956)
Future Subscribers HARMON Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Harmon of San Diego, Calif., twins, a son. Rodney Ray, weighing 4 pounds 12 ounces, and a daughter. Rhonda Kay, weigh ing 5 pounds 13 ounces, born Thursday, June 28, in San Diego, the couple's first-born. The fa ther is the son of Mr. and Mrs M. L Harmon, the mother, the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Milo Landxeth of Page Mr. Harmon is in the navy and is stationed at San Diego. FILSINGER — Mr. and Mrs. George Filsinger of Portland, Ore., a son, Bradley William, weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces, born Thursday, June 21. Mr. Fil singer is a native of O'Neill and is employed by a telephone com pany at Portland His father. Joe Filsinger, was employed as a water commissioner here for a number of years. WARING- -Mr and Mrs. Mau rice Waring of Des Moines, la., a son. Michael Anthony, weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces, born Friday, June 29 The Warings have one other son The paternal grand parents are Mr and Mrs. Ken neth Waring of O’Neill, formerly of Page. The mother is the for mer Celine McLaughlin of Win terset, la. AMES Mr and Mrs. Dale Amis of Norfolk, a son, Stephen J., born Saturday, June 30, in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. The family now consists of one son and three daughters The Ames family formerly re sided in O’Neill. M ARCELLUS—Mr and Mrs. Billie Marcellus of O’Neill, a daughter, Candice Ann, weigh ing 8 pounds 6*4 ounces, bom Friday, June 29. at St. An thony’s hospital in O’Neill. BUTTS—Mr and Mrs. James Butts of Chambers a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces, born Tuesday, July 3, at St. An thony’s hospital in O’Neill. COOK—Mr. and Mrs. William Cook of Bloomfield, a son, weigh ing 6 pounds 8 ounces, bom Mon day, July 2, in the Lundberg Me morial hospital. ROBINSON — Mr. and Mrs. Kermeth Robinson of Creighton, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces, born Saturday, June 30, in the Lundberg Memorial hos pital. SMITH Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith of Creighton, a son, weigh ing 4 pounds, 13 ounces, bom Sunday, July 1, in the Lundberg Memorial hospital. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) Admissions: June 27 — T. M. Rose of Mills; Mrs. Don Bernt of Stuart; Mrs. Elmer Strong of O’ Neill; Oscar Coleman of Bassett; Mrs. Merle Armstrong of Stuart. 28—Mrs Louis Held of Orchard; Jack Riley of O’Neill; Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson of O’Neill. 29—Mrs. Billie Marcellas of O’Neill; Bev erly Linquist of Star; Mrs. Bill Ernst of O’Neill. 30 — Mrs. El verton Clark of Sloansville, N.Y.; July 1 — Eld Boyle of O’Neill; Mrs. Art R%ser of Butte. 2 — Mrs. Archie Tuttle of Ewing; Mrs. Leonard Peterson of O’ Neill; Mrs. Carrie Borg of O’ Neill; Bryon Jones of O’Neill. 3—Mrs. James Butts of Cham bers. Discharged: June 27 — Mrs. Joe Kunz of Stuart. 28 — Mrs. Eugene Hoerle and baby boy of Ewing; Ray Muzzy of Fremont; Mrs. Lowell Nesbitt and baby boy of O’Neill; Mrs. Don Bernt of Stuart. 29—Mrs. Merle Arm strong of Stuart; Carolyn Dono hoe of O’Neill. 30—John Lans worth of O’Neill Jack Riley of O’Neill. July 1 — Mrs. Robert Berigan of O’Neill. 2—Mrs. El ton Clark of Sloansville, N.Y.; Oscar Coleman of Bassett. 3— Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson of O’ Neill: Beverly linquist of Star; Bryon E. Jones of O’Neill; T. M. Rose of Mills; Mrs. Billie Mar cellos and baby girl of O’Neill. Expired: June 3—Eld Boyle of O’Neill. Hospitalized: Mrs. Anna Sor ensen of Page; Mrs. Mae Landis of O’Neill; Mrs. Elmer Strong of O’Neill; Mrs Lois Adams of W. F. Finley, M.D. Downey Building O’NEILL OFFICE PHONE: 28 Edw. M. Gleeson DENTIST 2d Floor Gilligan Rexall Bldg. Ph. 240 - Box 149 - Hrs 8 30-5 !—.... Chambers; Claude Rutledge of Inman; Garrett Janzing of O’-1 Neill; Mrs. James Butts of Chambers; Harry Harte of O’ Neill; Austin Hynes of O’Neill, Mrs. Archie Tuttle of Ewing: Mrs Bill Ernst of O’Neill; Mrs. Art Reiser of Butte; Ed Coolidge of Ewing; Lloyd Rubeck of O’ Neill; Mrs. Leonard Peterson of O'Neill; Mrs. John Gallagher of Inman; Mrs. Thomas Harding of O’Neill; Mrs Carrie Borg of O’-! Neill; Mrs Louis Held of Or chard ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: June 26—Mrs Floyd Spence. Atkinson, medical; Mrs. Charles Schaaf, Stuart, medical. 30—Mrs Everett Hale, Atkinson, medical: Mrs. John Seger, Stuart, medical; George Henry Wads worth, Stuart, medical. Dismissed: June 27 — Mrs. Charles Schaaf, Stuart, medical; Mrs. William Wilkinson, Atkin on, medical: Mrs. George King, | Stuart, medical. 29—Mrs Floyd ; Spenee. Atkinson, medical; Gene i Couch, Inman, surgical. July 1— ! Mrs. Ronald Hunter and son, At kinson, surgical. Hospitalized: George Wads worth, Stuart, medical; Mrs: John Seger, Stuart, medical. Mrs. Frank Bochme, Newport, medical. Mrs. Otto Smith, Atkinson, acci ,dent, Mrs. Anna Keebaugh, New i port, medical; Mrs. Everett Hale, Atkinson, medical. SACRED HEART (Lynch) i Hospitalized: Mrs. Ralph Al ford, Enid, Okla.; Dr. Edwin B. Bradley, Spencer; Mrs. George Classen, Spencer; Baby Rochelle Marie Elsasser, Spencer; Larry Dean Haun, Spencer; William Jordan, Butte; Herman Land holm, Bristow, Miss Lillian Ol son, Bristow; Mrs. Gustav Rem ter, Bristow; Mrs. Martha Schindler, Lynch; Baby Rhonda lyn Carol, Lynch. Dismissals: June 25—R. Avoy, Spencer. 23 — Mrs. J Loukota and babv boy, Gross. 29—Thomas Thomsen, Anoka. 30—Baby Vicki Lynn Kubek, Bristow. July 1— Frank Svoboda, Lynch; Mrs Frank Svoboda, Lynch. Expired: June 28—Peter Nel son, 72, Spencer. Sick & Injured PAGE — Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wood came to the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick ; Copes last Thursday and took | their children to their home at Battle Creek. Mr. Wood expects to be assigned to the Veterans hospital at Lincoln for treat ment. He underwent surgery at Rochester. . Raymond Heiss lost the end of a finger working with a mower. A jack slipped. . . Mrs. Anna Sorensen is “improv I ed" and is hospitalized. . Dan, J small son of Mr. and Mrs Dick 1 Trowbridge, has his right leg in a cast He fractured a bone at play. . Miss Maude Martin is caring for Mrs. Nora Hender son. Mrs. Mabel Shobe sub mitted to surgery in Sioux City. CHAMBERS—Ed Harvey un derwent surgery Friday at a Ro chester. Minn., hospital for the removal of a fungus growth from a lung. Kenneth Barthel drove to Rochester, Minn., Sunday to bring his mother, Mrs. Louis Barthel, and his sister, Mrs. Glen Johnson of Burwell, home. Mrs. Barthel had been hospitalized at Rochester about a Week and Mrs. Johnson had been staying near her. Duane K Miller and sis ter, Mrs. Don Gartner, accom panied by their father, K. W. Miller, of Neligh visited Mrs. K. W Miller at a Sioux City hos pital Sunday. Mrs. Miller had a knee cap removed. . . Ronnie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wal ter, fell Sunday while playing and broke his arm. AMELIA — The children of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Moses are all ill with whooping cough. Mrs. Katie Barthel accompanied by a son and daughter, went to Rochester. Minn., last week, where Mrs. Barthel entered the Mayo clinic. . Edward Coolidge, son of Mr and Mrs Ray Coolidge, has been in the O’Neill hospital with an injured leg he received while ; riding horses. . . Mrs. Ed White | has been on the sick list from high blood pressure. . Mrs. Nettie Rilstein has been “poorly” late ly EWING — Lee Ann Pruden is recovering from an attack of mea sles. . Mrs. Ebben Grafft, who has been at the Antelope Memo rial hospital for a checkup, was expected home during the week end Sis Ebbengaard returned Saturday from Antelope Memo rial hospital. Neligh. ORCHARD — Lucille Cooper, daughter of Mrs. James Cooper, submitted to an appendectomy at Creighton. . Pete Cooper has returned from a Norfolk hospital. Bondell Henderson is in a Norfolk hospital, having had all her teeth removed last Thursday. VENUS—Mrs. Agnes Hamilton underwent a major operation on Friday, June 22, at Savannah, Mo. Her condition is “good.” Her daughter, Charlene, is with her. ---—-I » O -3 ’ DELOIT — Mrs. B A Cratty underwent major surgery at the Antelope Memorial hospital in Neligh Wednesday, June 20 RIVERSIDE — Mrs Ivan Turner is rapidly recovering from a recent illness and is ex pected home in the near future. National Guards Get Promotions— Recent promotions for enlisted men in company D, 195th tank battalion, Nebraska nation a guard, have been announced: To specialist third class— Richard E. Cook, Gail L Heiser Vernon L. Held, Kenneth L Huston, Donald J Larson James T Luekcn. Harvey L Sorensen, William W. Strope Gail N Theye, James D Luft Myron D Schnabel To private first-class — Larn D. Emory, Roland L. Hornback Norman R F. Lauts, Bernard D Lorenz. Herman C Meyer, jr. Wayne R Root To specialist second - class — Cpl. James E. Fleming, Virgil E Holz. To sergeant—Charles D. Bell in, Kenneth L. Haas, Richard D Johnson. NEW HOME COMPLETED EWING— Mr. and Mrs. Gai Boies are moving this week ti their new home, which is east o Main street. They have com jiletely remodeled and also buil an addition onto this residence Mr. and Mrs. Boies have mad their home for a number of year in the living quarters of thei service station. Try The Frontier on your nex printing order! Burial Rites Here for Nonagenarian Amanda Pace Dies in Florida Funeral services for Mrs. Amanda Pace, 97, a former O' Neill res,dent who died June 24 at Miami, Fla., were conducted here Friday, June 29. at First Presbyterian church Burial was in Prospect Hill cemetery. Pallbearers were Arlo Hiatt, Harold Burge. George Weingart ntr, Maurice Grutsch. Frank , Clements and Vince Suchy, Rev .1 Olen Kennell officiated. The late Mrs. Pace was born January 2. 1859, at Galena. 111.. . a daughter of the late John and Nancy Richey. She was one of , six children. As a young girl she moved nith her parents to Missouri. In 1877. she married Elva • Hammers at Rockport, Mo. Three children were born to this union: Mrs. Lila Collins of Eugene. Ore., who died last year; Charles Hammers of Miami. Fla., and I Mrs. Ethel Whitlock of Woodland , Mills. Calif. Mr. Hammers died r in 1885 . | On February Hi, 1889, at Rock t port, she married James Pace. They became the parents of three ?; children: Mrs, Lulu Quig of O' s Neill; George of St. Joseph, Mo., r and Ruth, who died at a young age. In 1913 the Pace family moved t to Brunswick, Antelope county, and in 1917 to O’Neill. Mr. Pace, who farmed 12 miles southwest of here, died in 1924. Last year Mrs. Pace, accom panied by Mrs Quig. went to Mi ami to spend the winter. Mrs Pace suffered a fractured hip in a fall April 6 The hip mended satisfactori ly and doctors told relatives they were amazed by her re covery and her alert mind Her death was caused by complica tions of advanced age. Survivors include two sons, two daughters, five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Among those attending the fu ll, ral from a distance: Mr and Mrs. George Pace and Mrs Ken neth Hogan, all of St Joseph, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. J. R Rice. Ste phen and Timothy of Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. Myrtle Hale of Independence. Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Gene AUmond of Holdrege. Church of Christ Groups Hold Picnic EWING The Ewing and Clearwater congregations of the i Church of Christ held a picnic at the Ewing park on Sunday fol I lowing the worship hour of each church. A basket dinner was | served to about one hundred per I sons. In the evening, the Ewing „rbtip went to Clearwater where members attended a youth rally CHAMBERS—Douglas Jarman | returned Sunday by train from ' Lake Okoboji and other points in. Iowa where he had been visiting about a week.' Red I.eota cane seed. 7c lb. at Scovie's Western Auto, O’Neill. Rally Attracts Youth from Nearby Cities, Towns PAGE — The congregation of the Wesleyan Methodist church at Page served supper to those in attendance following the vouth rally in progress in the afternoon. Youth attended from Niobra ra, Atkinson, Lynch, O’Neill, Riverside. Amelia, Venus and Page Rev. Duane Lauber of O’ Neill was in charge of services and Rev Van Slyke was guest pcaker. The evening services conclud ed an eight day evangelistic service here with Rev D. C. Van Slyke of Nampa, Ida., guest speaker, and Rev J K. Cun ningham of Lynch in charge of the song service. A "good sized" crowd was in attendance throughout. Former Residents Injured in Crash CHAMBERS — Mr. and Mrs Clarence Young recently received cord from their daughter, Mrs Lee Mitchell of Boise, Ida., stat ing that the family had been in volved in a car accident. Another | or struck theirs broadside at an i intersection. One daughter, Judy, received a broken nose and the I other daughter, Theresa, a gash I mi her head which required titches. The Mitchells are for mer Chambers residents. Mrs. Reed Herley’s Brownie troop held a picnic in Ford’s park Tuesday, June 26. I'Unnuv* Mcctin* Scheduled— The summer meeting of the Holt county home extension council wall be held at 1:30 p.m , Tuesday. July 10, in the assembly room of the courthouse. This is the meeting to be devoted to pro gram planning for 1957. ASSEMBLY OF GOO (O’Neill) Rev E Kirschman, pastor Sunday, July 8: Sunday-school for all ages, 10 a m ; worship. 11 am.; youth service, 7 p.m.; chil dren’s service, 7 pm; evangelis tic rally. 8 p.m. Midweek service Wednesday, 8 pm. County Court John Robert Rice of Kansas City. Mo., speeding, $10 and costs $4; June 29; arresting Officer R. L. Gude. Paul Wayne Snider of McMin iville, Ore. speeding, $10 and costs $4: July 2 Fred C. Dobrovolny of Atkin son, speeding, $22 and costs $4; July 2; arresting Officer Sgt. R. R. Shorney. Thomas L. Houlton of Beres ford. S.D . speeding. $10 and costs $4; July 2. Benjamin Halley, driver for Southern Freightways, Inc., over gross on interior group of axles, $50 and costs $4: June 30. Ivan G Wright of Ewing, speeding, $25 and costs $4: June 29 Davis C. Bowers of Traverse City, Mich., speeding, $17 and costs $4; June 30. Roman Robert Oleksiak of Un iondale, N.Y., speeding, $10 and costs $4. June 30 Rufus Stiner Solomon of Sioux City, speeding, $10 and easts $4; June 30. Norman J. Siechta of Ells worth, Kans , overload on sxte, $50 and costs $4, June 29 Mark Charles Huber of O’Neill, .speeding, $10 and costs $4, June 29 Dan Harold Hoien of Norfolk, [speeding. $16 and costs $4; July n POLICE COI’RT Francis Murray, running stop sign, $1 and $1 costs; July 1. jtTTTfTTiTTl . i V ..DANCE.. t | American Legion Ball Rcrzn j — O’NeiU — | Saturday, July 7th Music by LEE BARRON AND HIS ORCHESTRA Admission: $1 Per Person --—--* - -^—*— i ■■ t I Brew Along... to Faster Savings PRICES EFFECTIVE THl R. • FKL ■ SAT, JULY 5-6-7 (tum if f KARO ~~ ■£& BLUE LABEL SYRUP 0 Pi«t 10< g +**>-It If MAZOLA COOKING SALAD OIL MMott ■■ k39* 75* FRESH ORANGE FLAVOR I | SPRY w* “■PKG PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING ^ ^-99* C 1_ . m^i/shus!\ m 1 B GOLDEN VALLEY 1_| |_I Kj CHEESE «59cI JVtCY PORK SHOULDRR WITH TENDER HAM, SUPERBLY SEASONED ' Kg SPAM 3 - *1 GOLDEN VALLEY FRESH SALAD DRESSING DRESSING z37cn LEMONADE 2-25c| H LINiT .EQ LIQUID STARCH yl ql. 25* vi cat. 45r M LINIT( gSjl LAUNDRY STARCH £14* o' 38c NIAGARA LAUNDRY STARCH £_19* OUR FAMILY CATSUP TALL 14 OZ. BOTTLES 5—*joo NEW! ALLPURPOSE V C ‘ BREEZE Y i VIES CANNON ^ ^ 1 FACE TOWEL IN < * ^ Tk ^EACH LABGE PEG. 1 lEfiULAJI SIZE CUAT ECONOMY F1EE CANNON ss,,S3aR«. 77c 25*21*37’ I _, t«x I SAVE 20* rinso - on quart size can LIFHUOY 3 S 25* 4 A Lf._32 TOILET SOW /I fj ff : ,75*113^*^11 2S25* l^j-yc^jg i33 ft® FREE 1 MINIATURE ROAD SIGN Gives you a now IACM Breakfast Cup Lift specially marker PACKASEOP . . cny time of day I Wl r“ _ pound VARIETY uuC TIN 9 UT FROM , STEAK fsPICED LUNCHEON fa __39* El CUDAHY'S NUT WOOD SHORTIES 1R2 SUMMER SAUSAGE »>-49* PARSON’S PEAR SHAPED SUDSY AMMONIA CANNED PICNICS FULL « C Tli^ QUART X. D C -- ■ ■ - - ■ -*