The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 21, 1956, Page 10, Image 10

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    Unexpected Factors
Reduce Attendance
ROCK FAUjS—Pleasant Day
club met with Mrs. Albert Widt
feldt on Wednesday afternoon,
June 13. Only six members were
present, however, due to various
reasons, such as unexpected com
pany, a broken telephone line
and lack of conveyance.
After a brief business session,
the remainder of the afternoon
was spent socially followed by
lefreshments of pie a la m e
and iced drinks.
The next meeting will be in
July with Mrs Neil Hipke.
Other Rock Falls News
Mr and Mrs Joe Curran and
children of Minneapolis, Mmm.
arrived on Saturday at the James
Curran home to spend a
here visiting with relatives and
^ There was a gathering at the
James Curran home orV Su“Jg
at which Mr and Mrs.
Curran and children, Mr. anj
Mrs Francis Curran and girls and
George Curran were P”*®?1
Mr and Mrs. Harold Claussen
and Debbie and Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Gilman were last Thursday a
lemoon callers at the William
^TfS Johnson and Mrs.
Don Hyn<»’ «nd Lynda
Mrs. Lou Brown last rhursday
ovenmg. The Browns are busy
building onto and remodeling
their house. _iHav af
Jake Brown was a tn^ay ai
ternoou ealler at the John Schultz
and Floyd Johnson .
Judy Morraw was an overnight
guest at the Lyle Vequist horn.
Tuesday, June 12 c.nriers
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Sanders
and baby and Duanes '
Mr. and Mrs Floyd Sanders,
were Sunday visitors at the Dale
R"Mr 1 anTeMrs Don Hynes and
I vnda were Sunday dinner
S of Mr. am, Mrs. Ausl.n
Uvnes io O'Neill.
Mrs. Mary Tomlinson was a
H ym^s^home She brought her son.
l!a?ryS to the Hynes ranch where
"“Mr Tnd^Mrs. Henry Vequist
attended the try-out at the £us
Obermire place north of Stuart
^a^lSTLyle Vequist en
tertained at a wiener roast on
Sunday avcnlbg m honor oMhc
daughter, Rda s, iowi "
UmiliJsVi jjrSutKh. John
CTutsch Bernard Pongratz, Harry
l,'answorth, Jim McNulty, Henry
V^mst and Mrs. Celia Grutsch.
Mr and Mrs. Floyd Johnson
and Linda were evening visitors
at the Don Hynes home last
Mr and Mrs. James Curran
wr anci Mrs. Joe Curran and
family visited relatives at Amelia
Monday. ,
Mr and Mrs. Lou Brown and
,hddren and Mrs. Ethel Brown
and granddaughtcr. Melodie of
Atkinson attended the Gbtrmir
trv-out Sunday afternoon. Mrs.
1 frown and Melodie accompanied
them hcwnc and will remain a few
day? S Lou is in Omaha on
Alden Breiner and sons spent
Sunday in O’Neill with Theresa
Breiner and Lois.
Hugh Langan was a caller a
the John Schultz home last
Thursday. _ . _
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Johnson
and Roland and Mr. and Mrs.
John Schultz and gn ls v.cre^Sun^
Edw. M. Gleeson
2d Floor Gilligan
Rexall Bldg.
Ph. 240 - Box 149 - Hrs 8:30-5
V4 Block So. of Ford Garage
Dr. J. L. Sherbahn
Complete X-Ray Equipment
O'Neill, Nebraska
■.. ■ -—— --—-- I
day evening visitors at the Floyd
Johnson home. They enjoyed a
supper served out-of-doors.
Mr and Mrs. Robert Yantzie
were guests of Mrs. Kathryn
Yantzie last Thursday.
Mrs Tom Boyd and family of
Omaha were Friday evening and
Saturday visitors at the Sam
Derickson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derickson
and sons were Sunday dinner
guests of William Derickson, sr.
Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Gallagher
and Pat and Herb Underwood at
tended the Obermire try-out on
Sunday afternoon.
Letter to Editor
Omaha, Nebraska
June 18, 1956
Dear Cal:
I am taking advantage of this
opportunity to drop you a few
lines to personally express my
thanks to you for the nice picture
of my son, Larry, that you sent
to me here at the hospital and
would like very much to have
you express my appreciation to
all of my friends and neighbors
back home throughout that area
who have been so very, very kind
to me in sending letters, cards,
candy, flowers, etc.
I realize that it is impossible
for me to ever be able to expiess
in w'ords what these things have
meant to me; however, I would
I like everyone to know that I have
appreciated it from the bottom
of my heart.
A representative fiom inc
World-Herald called on me this
afternoon in regard to a picture
which you requested. Of course,
I willingly gave my consent; and
you can expect a picture some
time tomorrow, as I understand
To those who may be wonder
ing about my condition, let me
say that I ain feeling completely
normal and feel that I have re
gained virtually all of my
strength. I am receving the best
of care here and am looking lor
ward to being able to reiuni wu
to O’Neill and vicinity for at
least a short stay.
While I don’t want to oliend
anyone. 1 would like to especially
thank those of my neighbors who
gave so freely and willingly ot
their time in completing my held
work and other jobs that were
necessary at that time.
Respectfully yours,
Ward 6 - East
Veteians Admin. Hospital
4101 Woolworth Avenue
Omaha 5, Nebraska
Raymond J. K-ayl
Heads Boyd K.C s
SPENCER—At a meeting of the
Bovd County Knights of Colum
bus held June 18 at the Spencer
I Community hall the following
officers were elected for the
coming year:
i Raymond J- Kayl, grand
knight; Lawrence A. Kalkowski,
deputy grand knight; Matthew
Reiser, chancellor; Dorald Allen,
recorder; Melvin F. Jacoby,
treasurer; John T. Murray, ad
vocate; Theodore Halbur, War
den; Eugene Hostert, inside
guard; Andy Connot, outside
guard; Frank Weeder, member
board of trustees.
Rev. Edward Gill of Butte was j
appointed lecturer and chaplain
John H. Schmidt of Spencer is
the financial secretary.
A barbeque picnic for boys of
the parish is being planned lor
July 23 at the Ft. Randall rec
reation grounds.
\ Isit in Iowa—
Mi*, and Mi's. Archie Bright
spent last week visiting Mr. and
Mrs.. Gene Adamson at LeMars,
la., Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wun
sehell at Carroll, la., Mrs. Harold
Trieber at Danbury, la., and Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Traver at Sioux
George M. McCarthy spent
Sunday in West Point attending
I a meeting of the Knights of
1 Columbus state officers.
Planning a . . .
in —
| Building
Schools, Etc.
and Cabinet Works
Box 205 O'Neill
-% mm *> % . .v- , . \
Banquet waitresses enjoyed a feast of their own on the Methodist church lawn. Left-to-right
in foreground: Carolyn Wlntermote. Connie Werner. Virginia Smith, Phyllis Fullerton. Marie Os
borne. Wilma Seery and Barbara Wink; two girls in left background: Marlene F.rnier and Fdith
Grimes.—The Frontier Photo.
I ankers in Germany
Army Pfc. Chester Hicks
peeks out the apperture of a
tank during training in Ger
many. Hicks is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Hicks of O-’
Neill. Chester is in the driver’s
position. Lieutenant Miller,
tank coommander, is shown in
foreground. Perched atop is
Pvt. Robert Short, who is as
sistant driver and assistant
gunner. The loader, Robert
Cotter, is inside the tank (not
Beverly McCarthy
Attends Convention
Miss Beverly J. McCarthy of
Omaha, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George McCarthy of O’
Neill, returned to Omaha Satur
day, June 16, from Cleveland, O.
She had attended the 10th an
nual convention of the Commun
ications Workers of America as
a delegate from the Omaha local
of CWA. Three other delegates
from local 7400 (Omaha) attend
ed the convention held in the
Cleveland public auditoricm.
Approximately 1,500 delegates
from the United States and Can
ada were present representing
over 360,000 communications
workers located in the U.S.,
Canada and Hawaii. In addition
to the delegates, there were sev
eral hundred guests, alternate
delegates, members of the ex
ecutive board and committee
The group from Omaha made
me mp Dy air anu iounu ume vo
do a little sightseeing during
their free mornings. They also
attended a baseball game be
tween the New York Yankees
and the Cleveland Indians Fri
day evening at the Municipal
lake-front stadium.
Atkinson Women
to Church Meeting
ATKINSON — Mrs. Blaine
Garwood and Mrs. Byrl Beck re
cently represented the LWML
society of Immanuel Lutheran
church as delegates to the north
ern Nebraska LWML district
convention held at Norfolk.
Nearly 700 women were in at
Rev. Paul Stiege of St. Louis,
Mo., a missionary on furlough
from Japan, was featured speak
er. His talk covered economic
social and reigious aspects con
cerning the Japanese peope.
As its projects for the next
two years, the group voted to
give its mite box offerings to aid
in building a chapel at Douglas,
Wyo. The project for the past
two years was closed by pre
sentation of a check for $10,500
to Rev. Mack of Lander, Wyo.,
A chapel has recently been built
To Attend Wedding
in Wisconsin—
Miss Geraldine Cronin arrived
from Los Angeles, Calif., Sunday.
She and her sister, Mrs. P. B.
Harty, left Monday > for Green
Bay, Wise., to attend the wedding
of the latter’s son, Thomas Harty,
and Miss Carol M. Vander Kelen
on Saturday, June 23.
Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Cronin, J.
D. Cronin and Mrs. W. H Harty
left Wednesday to attend the
Mrs. Don Berg and three chil
dren of Sterling, Colo., arrived
Saturday for a vi«dt with her
mother, Mrs. William J. Biglin.
Mr. Berg will arrive later.
Riverside News
Dinner guests of Walter Mill
ers Sunday were Mr. and Mrs
Howard Miller, Mrs. Edna Lof
quist and Mrs. Lillie Meyers.
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Switzei
entertained at an anniversary
supper Tuesday evening, Junt
12, in honor of Rev. and Mrs
Ross and Mrs. Ora Switzer. The
two families havc been mar
ried the same number of years.
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Schlotmar
and Floyd Schlotman of Val
praiso attended Mrs. Nell Con
ners funeral Saturday morning
They visited at the S. S. Schlot
man home Saturday afternoon
returning to their home latei
that day.
The Jolly Workers club met al
the Wilbur Bennett home Thurs
day afternoon. They embroirder
ied tea towles, quilted and tied
a comforter for the histess. Mrs
Emily Johnston, one of the first
members of the club, was pre
sented a corsage. The club will
meet with Mrs. Kitty Fry in
Lucille Rotherham visited al
the Bill Loiquists a few days Iasi
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink visited
at the Dave Pollock home Thurs
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Woslag
er and family called at the Walt
er Miller home Wednesday, eve
ning, June 13.
Ralph Pollock of Seattle.
Wash., arrived in Omaha Satur
day morning by plane and was
accompanied to the Dave Pollock
home on Sunday by Mr. and
Mrs. Rodney Pollock and Phil. A
picnic dinner was served at the
parents’ home. Rodney Pollocks
returned to Omaha Sunday while
Ralph remained to visit old
friends and relatives a week
Alberta, Cleo and Ruby But
ler of Omaha visited over the
weekend with the Switzer fam
ilies and Leo Millers. They were
Sunday dinner guests at the Leo
Miller home Saturday and Sun
day dinner guests at the Ora
Switzer home. Other guests were
the Wendell Switzer family and
Leo Miller family and Jay But
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown of
Omaha were overnight guests at
the Joe Tom.iack home Saturday.
Mrs. Albert Kallhoff of O’
Neill helped Mrs. Joe Tomjack
with housecleaning in town
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Pribnow
of Cedar Rapids came to gel
their daughter. Maranna, Satur
day afternoon. She has been vis
iting the past two weeks with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs
Earl Pierson.
The Happy Hollow 4-H clut
met with Owen Schmidt Friday
evening. They plan a hayrack
ride and a wiener roast for Fri
day evening, June 29.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Switzer
took Mrs. Switzer’s father, James
Gunter, out for a ride Sunday
Dan Bruner of Norfolk is vis
iting a few days at the Wil'
Shrader home.
Quite a few of this commun
ity attended the dinner at the
United Presbyterian annex hon
oring Rev. and Mrs. John Gra
ham and family of Eau Claire
Pa. Rev. Graham was pastor o
United Presbyterian church £
few years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink visitec
Lee Finks at Page Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry an<
family visited Harold Milnar o
O’Neill and Jim Bartaks of In
man Saturday.
Mrs. Maude Lawrence of BlaL
has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
Web Napier, and other relatives
the past week.
On Thursday evening Wayne
Frys entertained Rev. and Mrs.
Ross at a supper. Other guests
were A1 Gibson and Mrs. Bill
Fry. Bill Fry had accompanied a
group fishing a couple days in
South Dakota. He reports a good
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and
family and A1 Gibson spent Sun
day at the Lou Vandersnick
Joanie Emsie of Omaha will
spend most of vummei vacation
ivilh grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Fry.
Mr. and Mrs Milford Wehen
kel of Neligh stopped at the Ro
bert Montgomery home while on
their way to visit another son
in-law and daughter, near Long
Pine Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tomjack ate
Sunday dinner at the Floyd Lee
home. *
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fry and
granddaughters, Joanie Emsic,
Rita and Nancy Napier, Mr. and
1 Mrs. Floyd Napier, Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Napier, were dinner guests
Sunday at the Ixirraine Mont
gomery home.
O’Neill News
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bulks
and children of San Diego, Calif.,
: arrived Monday for a visit with
Mr. Burks’ mother, Mrs. Laura
Burks, and with Mrs. Burks’
mother, Mrs. M. P. Sullivan.
Mrs. E. F. Quinn and her
daughter, Mrs. Ray Verzal of
Atkinson, returned Saturday
i from San Diego, Calif., Jerry
Verzal. who is in the navy there,
gl ctUUHltm IIUII1 iui jJMliau iJV.nuui,
He returned home with them for
a 19-day furlough, after which
he will report for duty at the
naval hospital at San Diego.
Mrs. D H. Clauson returned
Sunday from Spearfish, S.D.,
having visited in the home of
| her brother-in-law', H. F. Plank,
! for several days.
Dinner guests Sunday of Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Sauser were
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ries of
; White Lake, S.D., and their son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
j Mrs. Sylvester Venteicher, and
| family of Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Goree of
| Long Pine spent Friday and
Saturday visiting the George
McCarthys and other relatives.
George McCarthy and son, Jim
my, and Roy Goree spent Friday
afternoon fishing at Ft. Randall
Mrs. Donald Rossmeier and
children of Wolf Point, Mont.,
: were Wednesday, June 13, over
night guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Gydesen and son.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hansen
went to Lake Andes, S.D., to fish
, on Sunday. Mrs. George Hansen
j stayed with the chiTUren.
Craig and Byron Foreman of
Battle Creek visited their grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Bates, over the weekend.
Mrs. F. S. Brittell and girls
visited Mr. and Mrs. Dickie Fer
; nau in Neligh from Sunday, June
10, until Thursday, June 14.
Mrs. Paul M. Walker, who at
tended the graduation of her
; daughter, Mrs. Henry F. Schleu
I ter, from the University of Ne
braska on Monday, June 11, went
to Fremont to visit for a few days
1 on her way home.
Mrs. Mike London’s brother
[ and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. John
Rohde of Cheyenne, Wyo., spent
a week visiting her and Mr. Lon
don and other relatives and
■ friends. They left Tuesday to
250 Catde Expected
• Around 250 cattle are expected tor the regular sale
today (Thursday) at the O’Neill Livestock Market.
I There will be 25 fine yearlings coming In from Spencer,
1 weighing around 600 pounds; also one nice consignment
! of 450 to 500-pound steers, and several other consign
ments of mixed yearlings, heifers and steers. Quite a
few grass cows are expected with the balance of the
seasonal offering ranging from mixed calves to yearling
• There will be a special offering today of four well
broke saddle horses, consigned by Cland Dailey.
• Hog sale starts at 1 o’clock. The managers of the
O’Neill Market urge you to get those bogs In early,
before the midday heat, to avoid the truck line and en
able the workmen at the market to oool down those hogs
before sale time.
O’Neill Livestock Market
Phone 2, (VNeill
Venus News
There were 99 in attendance
at a family gathering held at the
ZCBJ hall in Verdigre. Sunday,
I June 17, in honor of M/Sgt and
1 Mrs. James A. Border and fam
ily of Anahiem, Calif., Mrs. Lou
Small Rita and Harry of Detroit,
1 Mich., and Mrs. Charles Curtis,
and family of Omaha, who are
visiting at the Ralph Brookhouser
home. A picnic had been planned
but rain drove the party indoors
Miss Anita Brookhouser left
for Omaha Monday, June 18,
after spending the weekend at
the home of her parents, Mr
and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser.
She is employed there.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Bartz and
sons left for their home at Mid
dle Point, O., Monday, June 18,
They had visited a week at the
home of Mrs. Bartz's brother-in
law and sister, Mr. and Mrs
Donald Kinnison.
Page News
Wilson Lamason arrived Fri
day from California where he
attended college. His parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Lamason, re
turned from Downey, Calif., in
time to commence farming oper
ations and left Wilson there to
complete the school year.
The members of the young
adult Sunday-school class held a
regular social meeting at the
i age pain tor a picnic supper
Sunday evening. The July and
August meetings will also be
picnic style at the park.
Attends Banquet
at Oakland—
Mrs. John Grutsch returned
i home Sunday after having spent.
several days in Oakland.
She attended a mother
daughter banquet with her
daughter at the First Covenant
Mission church. The banquet
was sponsored by the Ladies aid
of which Mrs. Stevens is chair
Mrs. Laurence Ring of Wake
field was guest speaker.
Obermire Kodeo
Acclaimed Success—
STUART — Obermire's annual
ranch rodeo attracted a large
crowd Sunday afternoon, June
17. Profesional and amateur sad
dle bronc riding, calf roping,
high school bareback riding, ex
hibition steer riding and exhibi
tion bareback riding, plus an ed
ucated mule act, furnihed the
afternoon’s entertainment.
Executive Meeting
Is Held—
PAGE—An executive meeting
of the WSCS officers was held at
the home of Mrs. Harold Heiss.
Plans were made for the new
quarter of the new year. Mrs.
Edgar Stauffer reported on the
planning meeting of district of
ficers held at Plainview.
Dick Gaskill
to Alaska—
Dick Gaskill, son of Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Gaskill, who has been
stationed in Texas, returned
home Thursday, June 14. for a
30-day leave, after which he
will go to Fairfax. Alaska.
Frontier for printing!
II --- - ’ =
Chambers News
Mr and Mrs. Verle David and
family left early last week for
Riverton, Wvo. where he has em
ployment. A group of friends
gathered at their home one eve
ning for a farewell party.
Word has been recieved that
Miss Neva Jarman, who has been
visiting her aunt in California,
has secured a secretarial position
Mr and Mrs Owen Dorothy
and family of Riverton, Wyo.,
left Sunday for home after a j
visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hamilton of j
Monmouth. 111., visited briefly
with Chambers relatives Sunday.
They were enrouto home from
Vancouver, Wash., where they
attended the 45th wedding anni
\ersary of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R M. BritteH. Mrs. Rrittell
is a sister of G. H. and Jimj
Kieth Halsey, Gleeson Grimes I
nd Gail Holcomb returned re
lentlv from Liberty, Mo. Kieth
had been selected by the local co
op to attend a co-op youth camp
at Liberty. The other boys ac
companied him with Lawrence
Tangeman as driver.
Mr. and Mrs Raymond Walter!
and children spent father’s day |
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Preston Jones, at O'Neill.
Attending a Walter family re- I
union Sunday in Grand Island!
were Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Walter, |
Dwayne and Roger, Mr and Mrs. I
n t> ... __ J M.. i
Elwyn Robertson and family, «'J1
of Chambers; Mr. and Mrs. Del
bert Robertson and children of
O'Neill. There were 45 present.
Others attended from Grand Is
land. Valentine. Plymouth, Oma
ha, Holbrook and Arapahoe.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hankins of
Stanton visited her brother-in
law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. A.
A. Walter, Sunday. Also present
were Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Pelt
ier of Chambers, a brother and
sister-in-law of Mrs. Hankins.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith and
family were evening callers.
METHODIST (Chambers)
Sunday, June 24: Sunday
school, 10 a.m., E. R. Baker, su
perintendent; worship, 11 a.m.
There will be a worship service.
Dr. J. LaVeme Jay of O'Neill,
district superintendent, delivered
the message at the morning wor
ship service Sunday. James Dan
iel Prill, infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. Don Prill of Gettysburg,
S.D., received baptism.
The Woman’s society will have
a work meeting at the church to
day (Thursday).
Rev. Howard E. Claycombe,
Friday, June 22: Farewell get
together, 8 p.m.
Sunday, June 24: Nursery class,
Sunday-school and teen-age Bible
class, 9:30 a.m.; divine worship,
10:30 a.m.
Monday, June 25: Voters’ meet
ing, 8 p.m.
Herr for Anniversary—
Mr. and Mrs. Seri Coney and
family of Minneapolis, Minn.,
visited the D. F. Murphy family
Saturday evening enroute to
Fairfax, S.D., in honor of Mr.
Coney’s father’s 84 birthday an
Terry Dailey returned to her
home at North Platte alter
spending the past two weeks
with her grandparents, Mr and
Mi's. W P Dailey.
Mr. and Mrs Glenn Gettrrt
were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs Carl C.ettert at Atkinooc
Rex W. Wilson,
Robert M. Langdon.
128 VV. Douglas St.. O’Neill
Phone 138
Northeast Corner
of 4th Ik Douglas
Phone 187
Eyes E\amined-Glasses Fitted
Office Hours: 9-5
Monday thru Satudray
— Atkinson —
FrJ.-Sat. June 22-23 j
— also —
m LmlU U wcte!
June 24-25-26
Wed-Thors. June 27-28
****** - --— j
.. ■ -*1
Nospes Piano & Organ Fair!
O’Neill, Nebraska
I! _______
for for for
the Ladies the Kids the Gents
Be Sore to SEE and HEAR the New Revolutionary
If You Are Considering a Piano or Organ
Be Sure to See Us!
Omaha, Nebr. — 1512 Douglas St.