The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 10, 1956, SECTION TWO, Image 15

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    Mrs. Lovilla Anson
beted by Group
IVERSID&—Mrs Lovilla An-!
son was surprised on her birth
da. anniversary Wednesday eve
ning, May 2. when the neighbors
i ii'i - to help here celebrate the
V, I'on I,ii,on and family, Mr
■ Mi Bill Lofquest and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and
, 11 \. Mr and Mrs. Walter
Spangler and family, Mr. and
«lrs. Kenneth Hill and family |
i : *
invited guests.
Other Riverside News
he Happy Hollow 4-H club
i> at the Melvin Scheer home
Sunday afternoon and went on a
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Miller and
lamily visited Tuesday evening.
Mav 1, at the Lynn Fry home.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Pribnow
:,nd Maranna of Cedar Iiapids.
Mr and Mrs. Walter Woeppel
Thursday, May 17
Sponsored by —
1 MR. and MRS.
and Mrs Edith MacClanahan,
were dinner guests on Sunday at
the Earl Pierson home They
helped Maranna celebrate her
fifth birthday anniversars The
honored guest had two birthday
cakes. Mr. and Mrs Will Conner
and Mr and Mrs Dave Anson
called in the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mont
gomery visited at the Johnny
Miller home last Thursday eve
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier and
niece, Nancy Napier visited in
.\i m Gnu i S r jr.i.ii r th
Duane Jensen home. They
brought little Miss Janice Jensen
home for a few days’ visit while
her parents, Mr and Mrs. Du
ane Jensen, were in David City
where Duane was attending an,
auctioneers' convention.
Glenda and Dennis Napier vis
ited their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs Rol Hord. Tuesday after
noon, May 1.
Mr ,ind Mrs. Web Napier were
dinner guests Sunday at the
Adolph Bartak home.
Mrs Alfred Napier. Mrs. Dale
Napier, Mrs. Melvin Napier. Mrs
Dave Anson, Mrs. Kenneth Hill
end Mrs. Don Larson, members
of the Seek and Share project
club, attended the tea given at
Elgin Tuesday afternoon, May 1,
for extension flubs in Antelope
Mr and Mrs. Rudy Ahlers vis
ited Tuesday evening. May 1. at
the Lionel Gunter home
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgom
ery visited at the Henry We
henkel home in Orchard Sunday
. fternoon
Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson
and family visited Sunday at
the Elmer Pahl home in Oak
Mr. and Mr* Melvin Napier
and Carol Ann and Daisy Mil
ler were supper guests at the
Bill Lofquest home last Thurs
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier and
Janice Jensen and Mr and Mrs
Wayne Fry and family were
dinner guests at the Bill Fry
home Sunday.
The children of Mr and Mrs.
Dale Hall of McPherson, Kans ,
were visiting their grandpar
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink,
I- . • week They returned home
Some school terms are ending
this week. The alumni banquet
will be held Tuesday evening.
Mav 15, at Ewing
Mr »nd Mrs. Lynn Fry and
children visited Sunday after
n n at the Floyd Napier home.
Mr ind Mrs Willie Shrader
and family called at the Lynn
Fry home last Thursday evening
The Richard Napier family ate
Sunday dinner at the Ralph
Munn home.
Dale and Richard Napier and
Bill Fry were at Pickstown, S.D.,
on business Monday, April 30.
Mr and Mrs. Bill Hobbs and
family called at the Bill Lofquest
home Sunday.
Joanie, Steve and Becky Miller
called Saturday at the Wilson
Spangler home.
Wayne Turner spent Sunday
with Ronnie Mott.
O’Neill News
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones visit
ed Mr. Jones’ brother, Hilmer
tones, at Hordville Sunday. They
also visited Mr. and Mrs. Enoch
Peterson at Polk.
Mrs. George Hansen entertain
ed the Pinochle club Sunday
night. Mrs. Frank Grenier got
high prize: Mrs. Dave Loy. low.
and Mis. Robert Schultz received
the traveling prize.
Mr and Mrs. Marvin Strong
visited friends and relatives here
over the weekend. They are from
Alliance. , , „
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Worcestn
were Saturday night guests of
Mr and Mrs. Charles Houser.
Mr and Mrs. Emil Weyhrich
were dinner and supper guests
Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Rolland
Weyhrich. '
Mr and Mrs. John Schleusenei
and sons. Merle and Lyle, of Or
1-hard visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Sivesind Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Lowell Nesbitt
and son left Sunday morning for
Fullerton to visit his uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Nes
bitt. Another uncle trom Idaho
was there visiting.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Watson were
Mr and Mrs. Stanley Watson
and Teresa of Chambers
Guests Saturday evening of
Mr and Mrs. Ed Krugman wcie
Mr and Mrs. William Schmohr
and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Loren*
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Whited
and Scott went to Orchard Sun
day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ardell
Bright and son.
Fine Food* Reasonable Rates
Mgr. Frank Klein Res. 2-1006
(Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement)
Mrs. George P. Abel
Former United Stairs Senator
To the Republican National
Let’s Back Ike
"Peace. Prosperity. Progress
For Everybody"
\x\ Mrs. George P. Abel
Nebraska Born-Nebraska Trained
Har ability la proved.
Her judgment la round.
PICKLES 16-oz. jar 23c
BROWN BEAUTY, Molasses Sanee 26-Ox. Can
PORK & BEANS..... 23c
PEARS... No. 2h can 35c
CHARMIN' 60-Count
FLOUR . 50-lb bag 3.69
OLEO_Lb. 19c
CANDY... 10-oz. pkg. 29c
ORANGE JUICE 2 for 29 c
TOMATOES . Per tube 19c
POTATOES ...10 lbs. 49c
GRAPEFRUIT __ 5 for 33c
APPLES_3 lbs. 45c
ORANGES.Doz. 39c
Meat Dept.
BACON_Lb. 39c
GROUND BEEF . 2 lbs. 59c
BEEF ROAST.... Lb. 33c
RIB ROAST .... Lb. 43c
PORK LIVER 2 lbs. 25c
Your Friendly
*• . . !
FREE PARKING at Rear of Store;
° ° O - o O oo
o o o
U°° _^
g _ o o " o oo
0°rt°0° o Q Q r>, O
r o OO-Oci o 0 - n
-O •’ ‘ o c ■■ .. 0 • * . . \ • - °
Plans June Wedding
S. D. Shaw and Dorothea
Shaw announce the engage
ment ot their daughter. Leila
Mae (above), to Joseph C
Kamphaus of Amelia. He is
the son of Mrs. Juliana Kamp
haus of Amelia and the
late Joseph Kamphaus. A
June wedding is planned.
O’Neill News
Mr. and Mrs. D A Kersttn
Urook and family and Mrs. M. J. I
Wallace went to Grand Island on J
Saturday to attend the first com
munion of Eddie Connors Sunday.
They returned in the afternoon.
C. H. Switzer’s brother and
his wife from Meadow Grove
were here Sunday to see him. He
was recently discharged from
the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weaver
and children went to Steele City
Friday to spend the weekend
wjth his parents, Mr and Mi's.
Earl Weaver.
Little Danny Watson, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Watson of
Chambers, arrived Sunday to
spend a few days with his grand
mother. Mrs. Gordon Watson,
chile his father was moving
cattle. His grandfather helped,
Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs.
Roy Worth and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Lindberg, Roger Rosen
krans and) Bob Strong attended
a Gideon rally in Wausa.
L-4. iVl. IVltM 1 llllitlt .tiiv* 1
Saunto were in Pine Bluffs, Wyo.,
Friday and Saturday.
Msr. D. H. Clauson entertained
the MM club Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Christine Williams re
turned Tuesday, May 1, from
spending a week in Ainsworth to
get acquainted with her new
grandson, Mark William McNal
ny, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
McNally. Little Sandra McNally
has measles.
Mrs. Ada Spangler and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Lorenz spent Sunday
in Sioux City with Mr. and Mrs.
Orville White. Mrs. Lorenz and
Mrs. White are sisters.
St. Patrick's Altar bake sale
Saturday. May 12, 10 till 4, at
Shelhamer’s Jack and Jill- 2c
Mr. and Mrs. Gene McKenzie
and family of Tulsa, Okla., spent
from Friday until Sunday visiting
relatives in O’Neill and also at
the Clyde McKenzie, sr., home
in Lynch.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. DeHart of
Ord spent the weekend with Mr
and. Mrs. W. H. Lofflin and
Mrs. Hollis Surfet of Muncie,
Ind., arrived Sunday to visit her
brother, Fred H. Holsclaw, Mrs.
Holsclaw and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Sherer
of Orchard came up to see little
Eruce Ann McKamv in her kin
dergarten play Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schenzel
were weekend guests in Mitchell
of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Green and
family, formerly of O’Neill.
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
George Janousek were her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hile of
Mr. and Mrs. Eorl Houts of
Atkinson w'ere Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. G.
Southfork Company
Builds New Line
AMELIA—The Southfork Te
lephone company is building a
new line north of Amelia.
Hiemie Frahins and Ralph
Adairs will put in new phones
and will be put on this line.
Other Amelia News
Mrs William Fryrear attend
ed the extension club tea at
Stuart Saturday. She was a
guest of her daughter, Mrs. Rr-,
nest Gruenborg.
The card party sponsored by (
the Altar Society of the Catholic
church was well attended.
There were 22 tables
Ralph Rees and lu.s son. Bob,
returned the latter part of la>t
week from a trip into Minnesota.
They were looking for cattle to
buy. 1
The prayer conference held
Saturday at the Bethany Free
Methodist church was well at
Mrs. Alice Prewitt and sons, |
Bean and Lynn, bought windows
for their new home, which they'
are having built on the ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Baekhaus
and Mr. and Mrs. Earnie John
ston plowed garden and planted
ootatoes for Mrs. Edith Ander
Mrs. Milton Clemens, Mrs. Ed
White, Mrs. Elmer Coolidge,
Mrs. Vern Sageser, Mrs. Link
Sageser, Mrs. Ralph Rees, Mrs.
Frank Baekhaus and Florence
Lindsey attended the extension
club tea in Chambers Friday af
ternoon. Mrs. Guy Blake attend
ed as a guest of Mrs Link Sag
eser. They are members of the
Amelia Progressive club.
Andy Robak drove up from
Omaha Saturday morning to get
his wife and family, who spent
the past week with her mother,
Mrs Margie Sammons, and her
brother. Bill.
Ml' and Mrs. hod Aoair ana
Jerry and Mr, and Mrs. Ralph
A lair were Sunday dinner
guests of Mrs. Stella Sparks and
Mrs. Vernon Berry went to
Grand Island Saturday, return
ing home Monday. While there
she visited her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. August Boltz, and on Sun
day attended the wedding of a
girl friend.
Mrs. B. W . Waldo attended a
lea of the extension clubs at
Chambers Friday afternoon. She
went as a guest of her daughter.
Mrs. Ken Werner.
Mrs. Emma Lindsey accom
panied Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott
to Omaha Saturday and spent
the time visiting her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. P. 1..
Strengor. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott
visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Art Waldman went to Lincoln
Saturday to visit his brother and
sister there.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fisher
visited Mr. and Mrs. Merton
Fisher near Bonesteel, SD.
Mrs. Julia Kamphaus went to
Omaha Sunday to consult a doc
tor about her eyes.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Burgett
and Wayne attended baccau
lerate services in Chambers Sun
day evening. Their daughter Vi
ona is a member of the graduat
ing class.
Mrs. Julia White left Wednes
day, May 2, enroute to Spearfish,
S.D., to visit her daughter, Mrs.
Frank Braddock and Mrs. Brad
dock. She visited in Atkinson
with Mrs. Jennie Adams, and
went on by train the next morn
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Doolittle
went to Howells Saturday where
they visited her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Leon Skula. They re
turned home Sunday. Mrs. Elsie
Doolittle and boys stayed at the
ranch while they were away.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott drove
to Omaha Saturday afternoon to
take Blake’s mother there to
board a plane for Arlington, Va.
Mrs. Ott left Omaha about 8:30
Sunday morning and would ar
rive at the home of her daughter
j Mrs. Burton (Opal) Kiltz, ap
I proximately five hours later.
- .
See how power washing
saves you up to 1 hour a
f m\! •. ■ k
I with a
Try a McCormick power-washer
- cream separator
• Universal series gee how you can eliminate
motor... operates twice-a-day scrubbing with
on 'J5 v“"' AC 25 power-washing . . . cleans,
or 60-cycl. current sterilizes, and drys itself in
e oearless, oilless on]y 3 minutes without be
operation ing taken apart. Extra close
e Direct drive ... skimming gets all the but
motor and bowl terfat • . . gives you bigger
operate as one unit cream checks. Call now for
e All metal parts in a free demonstration and
contact with milk 10-day trial. See how a
ore stainless steel McCormick power-washing
cream separator can pay for
itself fast ... in time and
cream saved.
Shelhamer Equipment Co.
O — O’NEILL. NEBR o° „
° 0 o 80 0 -o
O * . * "U °C
» • ;• n ° • O
Rock Falls News
Guests at the Floyd Johnson
home Wednesday. May 2. were
Mr and Mrs Harry Tuell of Ap
tos. Calif., Mr and Mrs Dan
Rakes and baby. Danila, Mr. a- .1
Mrs. John Schultz and Debbie
and Gordon Johnson. Tire eve
ning was spent playing cards
Mrs John Schultz and daugh
ter* spent Puesdaj evening, Mb'
1. at the Lloyd Gallagher home
while John went to town.
Mrs. Marie Lewis and brother,
Henry Claussen were Sunday
dinner guests at the home of
their brother and wife. Mr and
Mrs William Claussen
The Lyle Vequist familv en
joyed an evening of TV on Fri
day at the Henry Vequist home
Mrs. Lyle Vequist visited her
mother, Mrs. Celia Grutsch, and
Mrs. Orville Morrow at St An
thony's hospital on Wednesday,
May 2.
Mr and Mrs Guy Beckwith
were Sunday afternoon and eve
ning visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
William Claussen
Evening callers at the lX>n
Hynes home on Thursday,“May
3. were Mr. and Mrs John
Schultz and girls.
Neighbors assisting Henry Ve
quist with his cattle on Mon
day included Don Sterns, James
and Ardell Curran, Lyle Vequist,
Wesley Taylor, Lou Brown, Dan
Hakes and Duane Sanders.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Brown attend
ed the alumni banquet at St
Mary's on Sunday evening.
There were 12 original class
mates of Mrs. Brown and Mrs.
Hynes present.
The John Schultz family called
at the Frank Schultz home on
Friday evening, May 4.
Mr. and Mrs. William Claus
sen were afternoon callers at the
James Lauridsen home on May
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs John Schultz were Mr.
and Mrs. John Kersenbrock, Mr
and Mrs. Gordon Johnson and
Rusty, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Schultz and children and Mr.
and Mrs Floyd Johnson and
Mr and Mrs O J Drilecke
and children were Monday eve
ning visitors at the 1 ami Brown
Mr and Mrs. Albert Sterns
spent the wax-kend in Sioux City
v idling their son-in-law and
daughter. Mr and Mrs Jim
Moss, and new gran on They
returned h<»me Mond; y ev enins
Mr, and Mrs. Francis Curran,
,\1 iiy Jo and i.iiecne Nelson
were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs James Curran
Linda Johnson was an after
noon and supper guest oi the
ljovioll Johnson family on May
Mrs. Kathryn Yant i was a
Sunday dinner guest of her
daughter, Mrs Sam Derickson,
and family.
Mr and Mrs Sam Derickson
and sons were Monday evening
callers at the James Curran
Sunday dinner guests of the
Blake Benson family were Mr.
and Mrs. John Grutsch, sr , and
sons, Maurice and F.lwin and
Mrs. Mamie O’Neill. In the af
ternoon they all went to Spen
cer to attend the kindergarten
graduation exercises of which
Timothy Benson was n member.
Timmy is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Benson of Spencer. Their
daughters, Beth and Peggy camej
home with their grandpa tents to j
spend a few days.
Mrs. Mamie O’Neill spent
Sunday and Monday at the home
of her daughter, Mrs Blake Ben
son and family
Mr and Mrs. Kiehnrd London
and family of Spalding were
Sunday guests at the home of his
parents, Mr and Mrs. Mike Iain
don. |
Mr. and Mrs. John Simon and j
family and Morgan Ward went U>
Norfolk Sunday,
Rev Clement Ryan, SJ. spent |
Saturday here. He is on the fac- |
ully at Creighton university in j
Church of Christ
Bible School Skirts—
The dally vacation Bible
school of the Church of Christ
\vi close Friday, May IS Koch
day the school will begin at 10
.1 m. and will close at 3 p.m
Bitch child is to bring a lunch
for the noon meal Drinks will
be furnished by the church for
the noon meal.
Five classes are planned. Nur
sery. beginners, primary, junior
a:ni intermediate Subjects will
include Old Testament heroes
Old Testament prophets, life of
Christ and life of Paul, as well
as classes of general instruction
There will bo plaque (tainting,
supervised fivreation, and spe
eial classes oi choruses Teach
ers include Mrs. Pauline Lcisc.
Mrs Benny Johring, Mrs lX>n
aid Franklin, Mrs Milton Suitei
Miss Marge B rewster, Miss
Chcrriann Knepper, Misses Ver
na and Phyllis Larson and Mi
and Mrs. Hex James
A program will be given Fri
day. May 25. at 8 p,m., to demon
strate what has been accom
plished during the week.
"Wo are making no age restric
tionsund wish for all to attend
and take part." Bvangelist
James explained.
1 hr Rainbow V alley
Boys I
Western ,V Old Time Musie
Sunday, May 13th
Admission: 50 cents
I_ I fo
Qucck H6** &&***
NO-IRON Cotton Batiste
Dainty Duster!
A. No - iron batiste styled
ith dainty rows on rows of
i gathered nylon tulle. Candy
! cotton colors. S-M-L.
Shorty Gown!
r ■ * •
1 rim
B. Easy - to - launder
batiste in pastel
shades. Sizes S-M-L.
Cool Carefree f
j C. Gathered nylon
trim. Pink. blue,
maize, mint. S-M-L.
Made to give you longer wear!
The ultimate in hosiery. 60 gauge, two thread
construction for much longer wear. Won’t sag
or bind. Give you action free movement with
no strain. New spring shades with dark seams,
beigetone and biushtone. Short, average, tall.
The perfect Mother’s Day Gift!
GO-gauge 15-denier sheer loveliness with
leg-slmmng dark seams. New soft sum- !
mer shades of beigetone and blushtone.
o > *Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. ^ I