Decker to Speak at Commencement EWING Commencement ex ercises for the graduating class of I9.56 from Ewing high school will be held at the school an- , ditotium on Wednesday evening, M.i following girls at a slumber party at her home Saturday night Annette and Kay Rother ham. Ann Rotherham, Marie Davis, Judy Tinsley and Patty Elliot. A midnight lunch was served. Guest, at the Arthur Kroop home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs Mason Moritz and son of Norfolk Ewing News The schoolmates of Bertha Harris and her teacher, Mrs., Beulah Black gave a hnndker-’ chief and fruit shower for Bertha at her home after school on Tuesday afternoon, April 24 It was a suprise for Bertha, who has tx-en confined to her home since Aped 19, when she broke her leg while playing at school She can get about with the aid of crutches and is making satis factory progress, Mr and Mrs, Dick Brion and family were Sunday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Richard Edwards and daughter; Mr. and Mrs Richard Edwards and » . ' Pay ‘ . • Pay Sizr * ‘ List Save Only* Size . . List . Save’ Only* 640xl.» 27.85 .11.14 J7.80 6*0x15 . il4.10 13.64 21.80 670x15 V * 29.50 11.80 18.95 670x15 • . 36.15 * 14.46 22.95 . 710x15 ' • 32.35' 12.94 ., 21.93 710x15 . 39.65 * 15.86 25.60 760x15 35.'*5 14.28 24.20 .-760x15 * 43.45 17.38 28.20 800x15 .. 39.45. 15.78 27.20 800x15* 48.35 19.34 31.20 CREST TRAVELER TIRES 1045 Brand new tires—not recaps or seconds. H 600m]6 9 month road hazard guarantee. - | ||| plu, Tax, 670x15 SIZE List Price 16.75... 12.95* . _ , » • Lut Price 15.25 „ •Pric#s plvt hit and racoppabla exchange tire. Add 1.50 if tira is not racappabla. Ws years. » . Jr * °u,ri9h* Price FAA Hurricane ■/ £*— | W G..oup i-ai t ’T'■**•■ *••••■..7TB • - \. %Srrr*»»« M* u • Extra Amp. Mr. Capacity* \ cell*. ".°* .no dead J °. • Durable Harcl Robber Cate \ 4 *^~?‘9? * I A big’ $10 bill for 'ypur crld4 1., ^.f°y • I ’ obattery°on .a trad^-in for an J\ t ONLY’ ■ * 1J o F-60^ ^3 extra if no bad cells. u~ ^ '■ at 4 I , » ej-rio jo t i • » —l-*"11* I " ' •’>-■> o *» o ° Waterproof—20 lb. test. Great for casting— solid - glass, plastic hand'e. A27 nm I I 1 J CASTING PLUG ]' 44< Choose from 12 assorted plastic plugs. AJ7M0I I TACKLE BOX 50, 4A( ] v°,u',a“V , Metal pocket model holds ! hooks, plugs. 6Va"xVA' mrrZu • '** "w.-',V:T. :*parish.’ . i \ isit Nephew— V. ’ , Mr: ahd Mbs. D. H. Clauson’* | left Sunday for. Junction* City, Kans., ’to visit Mrs. ClauSon’s nephew, S/Sgt. D. L. Shaw, and. family, They, returne’d home • on Wednesday. Encounter Bad Storm on Atlantic RIVERS ID E The George Montgomerys received a long dis tance phone call from their daughter, Beverly, and her hus 1, J 'tin W Love, s,1 that they had arrived in Now York Monday, April 21?, after a nine-day boat trip. A bad storm had occurred while they were in mid-ocean. Private Love received his dis charge from a camp near Brook lyn, N Y. They arrived at the home of his parents, at Buffalo, N Y , Wednesday, April 25, where they plan to spend the summer. Other Riverside News Mrs. Bill Fry and Mr and Mrs. Dale Napier attended the band concert at Clearwater Friday. The Leo Miller family ate Sun day dinner at the Ora Switzer homo. Mr and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke, Jancll and Clayton enjoyed the band concert at Clearwater on Friday evening. Mrs. Robert Martin and chil dren called on Mrs. Wayne Fry last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napie> and daughters visited the Wayne Fry home Friday evening. The CYC program which was to have been presented at the Riverside church Sunday was postponed until May 21. , Debbie Pollock of Neligh spent a couple days with her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock. Becky Miller ate dinner with her Friday. Ml. aiiu ivii.^. urwi,y riciwn Torrington, Wyo., visited at the Earl Pierson from Friday until Saturday. Friday evening they and their hosts visited at the Marvin Pribnow home ne;u- Ce dar Rapids. Sunday, .Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tomjaek accompanied the Frank Hawk family to O’Neill to help Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kallhoff celebrate their 25th wedding an niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie llerley iook Mr. and Mrs. Tom iack home, Mr. and Mrs. Rol Hord, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clay ton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mont gomery, Mr. and' Mrs. George Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter and Paul gathered at the Lorraine Montgomery home on Wednesday evening, April 25, to help Lorrain celebrate his birth day anniversary. Fourteen Happy Hollow 4-H club members attended morning services at St. Peter’s Lutheran church at'Orchard Sunday in ob servance of 4-H Sunday. METHODIST (Chambers) Rev. J. M. Hodgkin, pastor Sunday, May 6: Sunday-school. 10 a.m.. Eugene Baker, superin tendent; worship, 1.1 a.m., rural life Sunday and soil stewardship theme will be used. Baptismal service and recep tion of new members will be ob served Sunday, May 13 (moth er’s day). * - . 3 , • Winners Named— Bridge Winners at ’the Chez »-Mari club .meeting held Mon day ,«t .Mrs. Q 'Owen Cole’s home "hi Emmet were the Mes-' dames George 'Harfimond, John V. Baker and John- H. # MeCar vilie. • ■ • , * . ,-— ■ To' Norfolk— Roy Vcrzal of Atkinson and E. F. Quinn’, went to Norfolk Mon day on business: j O’Neill Saddle Club j Sponsoring Smitty & His Jumpin’ Jax ! I • \ O’Neill | Legion j Ballroom i Thursday, *; May 10 j . j o; ADMISSION: SI PER PERSON j ° ° °o Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S (O'NriU) Admisisons: April 25— Tommy Angel, Spencer; Arvid Larsen. Norfolk; Mrs Ted Eggert, O’ Neill; Mrs Earl Rlinn, North Platte; Mrs \V C, Whites!, O' Neill. Paul Kamphaus. Amelia. 26 -John Gallagher. Inman. Mrs Raymond ftly. Amelia; diaries Switzer. O’Neill; Donald Bowen, O’Neill; Rita Claire Murray, O’ Neill; Craig Coleman, Bassett; Mrs. Ralph George. O’Neill; Rob ert Richardson, Jamison; Mrs. Eugene Halsey, Chambers; Char lene Havranek, O'Neill; Henry Schluetrr, O’Neill. 27 — Lionel Siefken, O’Neill; Dawn Calkins, O'Neill, Mrs r.vie Dierks, Swing; George Burk, Ewing; Susan Weyhrich, O’Neill 28 Mrs Walter Hornback, Spencer. 29 Patrick Perry, O'Neill; Mrs Tonev Kislev, Lake Andes. S.D. 30—Mrs Don Ruroede. Ewing; Mrs Norman Trowbridge, Page; Katin Lieb. O'Neill. May 1 Mrs. Orville Morrow, O'Neill: Mrs. Raymond Calkins, O'Neill; Mrs. William Grutsch, O'Neill; Mrs Ola Ermer. Chambers Dismissals: April 25— Donald Brown. Bartlett; John Turner, O' Neill; Arvid Larsen. Norfolk; , Elsie Cork. Page. Mrs. Mary ' Denim, O’Neill: Tommy Angel, Spencer; Mrs. Vern Grenier, O’ Neill. 26 Mrs. William Mack, I O’Neill: Harry Walsh, Chambers; Mrs A W Carroll, O'Neill: Bob Yantzi, O’Neill. 27- lyirs W. C Whited. O’Neill; Mrs Boyd Bovlter and baby girl, O’Neill; i Id 111 ii ni|M utun, miKUH, » vi Slaymaker, Atkinson; Mrs. Law i rence Urban, O’Neill; Mrs. Glen ! Gotti rt, O’Neill; George Burk, j Fwing. 28 Donald Bowen, O’ j Neill; Mrs. Raymond Bly, Am • clia Mrs. Eugene Halsey. Chhrh bers; Robert Richardson, Jflm I Don. Mrs Kenneth Caskey, O’ i Neill 28 John Gallagher, In man. Mrs Ted Eggert and baby boy, O’Neill; Mrs. Lisle Mow mav\ and baby girl. Page; Mark Jeffery Cohn, O'Neill. 30— Lionel Siefkon. O’Neill; Mrs. Lawrence i Jonas O’Neill; Dawn Calkins. O’ Neill. Mrs John Gallagher. In man; Susan Wcyhrieh, O’Neill. May l Charlene Havranek, O' Neill; Henry Schlucter, jr., O’ Neill; Rita Claire Murray, O’ Neill 2- Mrs. Marlin Wichnutn, O’Neill. Still hospitalized: Mrs. Mae Hindis. O'Neill; Craig Coleman, Bassett; Kathy Lieb, O’Neill; Mrs. Minnie Bay, O’Neill; Mrs. Lois Adams, Chambers; Mrs. Raymond Calkins, O’Neill; Gar rett Janzing, O’Neill; Fred Hols tlaw, O’Neill; Patrick Perry, O' Neill; Mrs. Norman Trowbridge, Pige; Mrs. Lyle Dierks, Ewing: Mrs. Orville Morrow, O’Neill; Mrs. Don Ruroede, Ewing; Mary Dougherty, Inman; Mrs Ralph George, O’Neill; Charles Switzer. O’Neill; Mrs. Toney Kisley, Lake Andes, S.D.; Mrs. Walter Horn back, Spencer; Mrs. William Grutseh, O’Neill; Mrs. Lavern Stevens, O’Neill: Mrs. Earl Blinn, North Platte; Mrs. Fred Firmer, Chambers; Mrs. Marlin Wichman, O'Neill. SACRED HEART (Lynch) Hospitalized; Dr. Edwin B. Bradley, Spencer; Mrs. Mary Classen, Spencer; Mrs. Lettie Combs, Lynch; Mrs. Bcrnadine Dopheide, Butte; Mrs. Otto Holmberg and baby girl-. Bristow . Clyde McKenzie. Lynch; Miss Lillian Olsen,. Bristow; Mrs Jo seph Rihanek. Monowi; Ernest Ruff. Bristow. Mrs Joseph Slechta. jr.. and baby girl. Lynch, Michael Stenger. Lynch. Mi ^ Jim Svatos. Lynch. Dismissals April 23 A W Aim. Dorsey. Mrs. Jannettie Nel son, Center; Mrs. Jerome Do pheide, Butte. William Blitzkie. Spencer; Mrs Delbert Scott and 1 baby boy. Butte. 24 Claus Steli. ir.. Butte; Mrs Emil Micanck. Lynch. 25— George Baumeister. Butte. Michael Langan. O’Neill 26 Jack Bowlby. Lynch; Master John Jambers, Spencer; Babv Bruce Dopheide. Butte. 27 -Baby Larry Haun. Spencer; Mrs Frank Cranford. Lynch; Mrs. Floyd France, Lynch. 28—Mrs. Henry Martin and baby girl. Napcr. 29 Master Paul Hargens, Speneei ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: April 25 Mrs. Shel don Duvall, Atkinson, obstetrical. - Milo Hupp, Atkinson, medical 26—Mrs Sarah Miller. Spencer, surgical: Marvin Hutler, Nkpcr. accident. 27—Mrs. Mamie Sam mons. Amelia, medical; Mi> Dorothy Kaup. Atkinson, surgical: Mrs, Clement Cleary. Atkinson, medical 2K Mrs. Alvin Wodigc. Emmet, medical; Clyde N,ilson, Atkinson, medical. 29 Mrs. Stanley Thompson, Amelia, ob | stetrical. Dismissed: April 23 Joe Dvorak, Atkinson 24 Mrs Mike M. Langan, Stuart; Ed Scofield. Atkinson; Mrs. Herman Knunei Stuart; Mrs. Bill Krysl and son. Stuart 25 Mrs. Raphael Pettin ger and daughter,.Emmet. 27 1 •» «_ Cl_^1. n„..L KT Mrs. Arthur Givens and son, | Stuart; Marvin Butler. Naper. Expired April 25 Mrs Laura 1 Yarges, Stuart 27- Fred Kap perman, Bassett; Mrs Mamie Sammons, Amelia Hospitalized: Mrs Clement Cleary. Atkinson; Milo Hupp, 1 Atkinson; Clyde Nilson, Atkin son: Mrs Alvin Wedige, Emmet Mrs. Agnes Slaymakor, Atkin son; Mrs. Sarali Miller, Spencer Mrs Herman Schrader, Atkinson Mrs. Sheldon Duval] and daugh ter, Atkinson; Mrs S t a n 1 e > Thompson and daughter. Amelia. Mrs Dorothy Kaup, Atkinson SMA Seniors Make I our o( Denver Forty-one seniors of St. Mary's academy, accompanied by Sr. M Einelia and Sr. M. Christiana parents and friends, left Friday for Denver, Colo., for their an - rual “sneak” trip. Two students, Sharon Campbell of Valentine and Norma O’Bryan of Winner, S.D., who were ill, were unable to make the trip. The SMA seniors joined other | groups on a conducted tour and I also attended the Ice Capades. Parents arid friends who also went were: The Mesdamcs i George McCarthy, James Mur phy, Ralph MeElvain, John J Harrington, Jack Everitt, John 1 Donohoe, Sylvester Zakrzewski. Jark Murphy and Miss Charlene Boyle and Mrs. J. P. Murphy and Miss Alvara Ramm of Stuart, the Misses Beverly McCarthy and Gertrude Steffens of Omaha, Mrs James Gallagher of Inman, Mrs. Kaster of Clearwater and Mrs. Haysacker of Rushville. -- THE SEASON’S FIRST Stock Car Racing — Norfolk KING’S SPEEDWAY Sunday, May 6 SI,000 in Prizes — Strictly Stock Gate* Open 6:30 P.M. — Races at 8 P.M (weather permitting) Adults—$1 tax paid — Under 12—50c GIVE HER THE BEST! DESERVE KINDNESS ft • / * f * POPULAR : COLORS Sii« AAA fhrw C, 4 thru 10 o „ . C 1 0 i . * IHF Glov-Ett IEI I LAST WEEK’S WINNER | I MRS. NEIL IIII’KE of O’Neill, Nebr. I ■ v. “I . ' r SBORNE’J^ NORTH-CENTRAL NEBRASKA’S FINEST SIIOF: STORE 421 E. Douglas — O’Neil! & - . . «... i. , .... ,i 'j » «. di Ub«' *• ° ,-A ° o