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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1956)
I • * ° '■ . ■ » K o o FOR SALE F R SAIJ5: Registered Angus bulls, 3 coming 3-yrs -old; 5 coming 2-yrs -old. These bulls are sired by a good son of Homeplace Eileenmere 487th. Not com fed. but ready to work. — M. W. Hunt, Battle Craek. 51-lc FOR SALE: Used shallow well electric pump and tank; also 3 horse single-phase pump mo tor for REA. —Halva Electric, O’Neill. 51-52c FOR SALE: 1 burglar proof manganese steel time lock safe in excellent condition.—Louis Nelson, Lynch, 51-52c FOR SALE: Prairie hay, baled or loose; also Allis-Chalmers bal er for round bales. Will trade. —E. W. Reed, Spencer. 40tf Used Car Bargains! 1051 Studebaker Commander. 1950 Studebaker Champion. 1952 Customllne Ford 8, tudor. 1948 Chevrolet Smith Motor Co. Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE' Nearly new 14—ft. boat; one 12-horse motor and owe 3 Vi-horse motor, boat trailer. — Mrs. F. P. Ulrich, 3021 Ave., 5, Kearney. 51-52c SAVE DOUBLE —• when you switch to Cooper’s Feeds. Val uable S&H Green Stamps now free with every bag of Coop er’s Feeds. 40 stamps with every 100 pounds. A ton-and a-half will fill a complete S&H book. — O’Neill Feed Store, George Peterson. 52c r wrv oALiCi. waupd^ri. new i a.iu books. All new patterns. Rea sonably priced. See books at my home or will bring them to yours.—D. N. Loy, 629 Everett, O’Ne’jl, phone 433. S8tf SEEDS FOR SALE: Yellow blos som clover; alfalfa; Hartz Hybrid seed corn and Holt county blue grass at Scovie’s Western Auto, O’Neill. 49-56c FOR SALE; Cossack alfalfa seed. State tested — John Pruss, Emmet. 48tf. FOR SALE: IHC 2-row pull-type tractor lister, $100.00. —H. H. Miles, Dorsey. 51tf USED MACHINERY TRACTORS— '51 J-D MT •49 A J-D. 49 B. ’46 B J-D. ’46 H J-D. ’4J B J-D. 2—'40 B J-D. PLOWS— 2—J-D 16-in. J-D 2—14. J-D 3—14. IHC 2—14. DISCS— 15-ft. J-D. GRINDERS— Harvey hammermfll. 240 Letz, cutter head. SPREADERS— J-D 4-wheel, on rubber. New Idea 2-wheel, good. PLANTERS— J-D 290. J-D 999, tractor hitch. IHC, tractor hitch. J-D 730 lister. MOWER—No. 5 J-D. IHC No. 9. CULTIVATORS— 2—MT tractors. 2—J-D 200, tractor. J-D tumble bug scraper, 5-ft Ask About Our JOHN DEERE CREDIT PLAN Up to 3^4 Years to Pay Harry R. Smith Impls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone 562 — O’Neill a, xr* n * T T? . ALaIaa r n rri cto rwl r vu Ui • V-4.vr.V».-a Angus bulls. Heavy boned, well grown 1- and 2-year-olds. Ready for service. Good breed ing. Reasonable prices. —Elm crest Farms, 6 miles south, lVi east of Leigh, Nebr. 51-2c FOR SALE: IHC tractor manure spreader, 2-wheel on rubber, used one season.—Joe Wink ler, Emmet. 51-52p60 FOR SALE: Full-size elec, range; 15-ft. extension ladder; one workbench.—John McClellan, O’Neill, phone 250-J. 51-52p60 FARM MACHINERY Farmall 20. Utility demonstrator. Farmall Regular. 43 fuel H. 49 Farmall C. 48 Farmall C. Farmall 12. , * Farmall 30. 53 Super C sweep. P&O plow oft rubber. Tumble bug Fuel tank with stand. Loader to fit Ford. Listers, several makes and mod els. » , " 4-row Oliver cultivator, like new. Cattle oiler. End gate seeder. Corn sheller. Winch for W.D. Allis. Shelhamer Equip. Co. Phone 570, O’Neill _, FOR SALE: Alfalfa seed and vetch seed. _ Orville Eppen bach, phone 5-F510, O Neill, o o c 51-52p cu •■> c___- — FOR SALE: 1953 Chev. tractor V ° and 26-ft. grain trailer, air, saddle tanks, good rubber. Iden Bros., Gregory, S.D, o phone 418L p #1-1* O j , " . - ° - . ■ X, FOR SALE: Two registered An gus bulls.—Kenneth Van Ev ery, Page. 52-lp60 FOR SALE: $400 Arnana 2-door electric freezer - refrigerator, $150.—H. H. Miles, Dorsey. Sltf FOR SALE- Blond 21" DuMont TV. New at Christmas time. Super trapper antenna, com plete with rotor and roof mount set up. Nearly 1/3 paid for. Want some one to take over payments. — Pinkerman’S TV, O’Neill, call 302. 52c FOR SALE- Girl’s bicycle.—Call phone 466, O’Neill. 52c FOR SALE: Rosebud Speedway Ve mile dirt track, well equip ped, lights, concession stand, sound system, plenty of bleach ers, good location.—Iden Bros. Body & Repair Shop, phone 4161, Gregory, S.D. 52-lc FOR SALE! 30 Hereford cows, some with calves at side; also purebred black Angus bull, 2 years-old. — Vernon Henery, Neligh. 51-52c SAVE SI200.00 at MARK’S TRAILER SALES, GRAND ISLAND, NEBR. on this one! Almost new 1956 45-ft. Custom Mobile Home priced at only $3250.00. 51-52c HAVE DEKALB seed corn on hand at Dankert’s Service at O’Neill. Also have Nebr. Cer tified Reliance grain sorghum. —R. H. Strong, DeKalb deal er, Chambers. 51-52p60 USED CARS 1951 Plymouth, 4 dr,, radio, heat er, good buy at $350 1953 Ford with radio, heater and overdrive. 1950 Studebaker Champion, ra dio, heater and overdrive. Ex ceptionally clean. 1951 Chevrolet deluxe with heat er and powerglide, very clean. FULL LINE OF AUTO PARTS Qualified Mechanics LOWEST HOURLY RATES We wwk evenings to get your job done! Hometown Motor Co. O'Neill (Formerly Shierk Motor Co.) SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile houses, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone.—Con tois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf FOR SALE: Cossack alfalfa seed; 99.20 percent pure; 93 percent germination.—Guy L. Johnson, phone 5 - F - 30, 11 11 miles northeast of O’Neill. 51-52p6C FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars, reasonably priced. Ready for service.—Henry Stelling <5i Son, 2 ml. south, % west of Orchard, Nebr. 44tl FOR SALE: Nice 3 - bedroom home, full basement. Garage.— See Ponton Agency, O’Neill. 44 tl FOR SALE: Fryer chickens, alive or dressed. — Norbert Clark, phone 513-M, O'Neill. 51-2p HOOV E R SALES & SERVICE WM. KROTTER CO. UPTOWN HARDWARE & APPL Phone 496 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Madison vetch; red clover seed. State tested. Very good.—Leon Beckwith, Emmet, 48tl run west coast lumoer at substantial savings.—See Lloyd Gibson, east of O’Neill Live stock Mkt. 49-52pl 1C FOR SALE: Grimm alfalfa seed —Otto Lorenz, phone 18-F11, O’Neill. 50tl ATTENTION, FARMERS and Ranchers: Salt, any kind, $16 and up. Will deliver large or ders to any vicinity. Located 3 blocks east and 4 blocks north of traffic signal. — Phont 524-M, ONeill. 51tl C. 17 McVAY Agent for EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA O'Neill, Nebr. 45tl HALVA'S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator and Motor W.ndtng New and Used Motors tor Any Job 250 Used Machinery Bargains! 12-ft. fertilizer spreader. 3-bottom tractor plow. 16-ft. Massey-Harris disc, like new. 2-:bottom plow for Ferguson oi Ford tractors. 1946 Ford tractor. 1952 Oliver tractor. Case pickup baler. l#-ft. International disc. 6- ft. combine. 0 Interriational ■ 2-rovy cultivator. 7- ft. Massey-Harris mower. Small’ cylinder com sheller. 2-row corn planter with wire. 2—2-row Massey-Harris listers. 5-ft. one-way for Ferguson o Ford tractor. ( - Outlaw Implement Go ,, u * ’ West OtNeill 50-5 b Daily Lincoln Star ‘ By Mail 6J/2 Weeks $ 1 YOU’LL GET Blondie, Orphan Annie. Ripley’s Believe It or Not, Grin and Bear It, Dr. Al ber E. Wiggam, Steve Canyon, Bobby Sox. David Lawrence, Stewart A 1 s o p , Associated Press, Wire Photos, Weather Reports, Markets, Radio Pro i grams, D r Alvarez, Nancy, Sports, Raymond Moley, Nor man Vincent Peale, H. I. Phil lips, Roscoe Drummond, Rob ert S. Allen, Angelo Patri, Mutt and Jeff, Abbie and Slats. Tarzan, Jane Arden, Mopsy, Poitns for Parents, Life's Like That, Little Debbie, Curly Kayoe. Crossword Puzzles. With the LINCOLN JOURNAL you get the Sunday practically free for some papers charge as much for daily only, as the Journal does including Sunday. By-mail offer in Nebraska and Northern Kansas — outside of Lancaster County — 6 Vi weeks $1.00 daily, 8 Vi weeks Daily and | Sunday $2.00, a year $7.00 daily, with Sunday $11.00. Order direct or through our otfice. 52c FOR SALE: 1951 Plymouth sta tion wagon.—Phone 351-J, O’ Neill. 52-2p MISCELLANEOUS O. E. ("Oakie”) DAVIDSON Plumbing & Heating “The Best Work- for the Least Money” GAS WATER HEATERS & FURNACES _1 7a rvM=.:ii 1 i 1VJ1IC I ^ W vv t "-.II CATTLE BREEDING rarely stands still. The bull can take you backward or forward. Cur tiss Candy bulls will take you forward. Call 469-LJ. —Duane Gray, O'Neill. 50-lpll0 _ L-O-A-N-S 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term FRE-PAYMENT PRIVILEGES ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS’N O’Neill. Nebr. * HUNT’S Plumbing & Heating COLEMAN BLEND AIR FURNACES — Gas or Oil Kohler, American & Briggs PLUMBING FIXTURES Paw Paw for Your Septic Tank Water Systems Gas Se Electric Water Heaters Phone 399 — O’Neill We Give Gold Arrow Stamos ANNOUNCEMENT Architectural designing, planning, estimating and drawing. Robert J. Krotter GRADUATE ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEER O’Neill, Nebraska Phone 531 or 285-J AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Farm Sales a Specialty Phone 207 — O'Neill MONEY TO LOAN IF YOU WANT a farm or ranch loan see us, as we are agents for the Equitable Life Assur ance Society of the United States. J. F. BRADY CO. Atkinson, Nebraska 22-25tf FOR CONCRETE, cement block, brick and stucco work, see Dom McDermott, phone 437-J, O’-! Neill. 51tf Kelly’s Plumbing YOUR HEADQUARTERS for plumbing and well supplies, plumbing fixtures, Geneva steel kitchens, water systems, water softeners, septic tanks, root proof sewer pipe, wind mill heads and towers, pump jacks, well points, cylinders and leathers. If it pertains to plumbing or wa ter supply, we have it! Located ' 5 blocks south of the New Deal Oil Station, O’Neill. __43tf Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured? —See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 44tf WE NEVER SLEEP A PHONE CALL brings us on the run. Phone 404-W. Used car parts, car repairing, elec tric .and acetylene welding, body shop. ' ° • Strong’s Repair Shop X VERNON STRONG, Prop. North Seventh —■ O’Neill Or, ., ■' 1 r - * . ^ :? ^ O ’ *,r' V 0 0 • .C O . . » o ^ ''- A “•* l° O r . ’’ . „ - r. MONEY TO LOAN I HAVE just returned from a 5 months’ trip to Florida. I am back in my office again In O’ Neill, Ncbr. I HAVE several people that have money they want me to loan out for them. They want me to loan it on Farms and Ranch es and City Property. One man has $20,000 to loan on ft Ranch. One man has $8,000 to loan on City Store Building or Resi dence. One man has $3,000 to loan on a Farm. One man lias $10,000 to loan on Land. I can loan this money at reasonable rates of interest. IF YOU want to borrow money on your property, please give me a chance to figure with you. See R. H. Parker O'Neill, Nebraska 52tf NEED CASHT Small monthly payments, loans up to $1,000,— O’Neill Company, Virgil Laur sen, phone 434. 25tf L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding At Your Service In REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE KIETH ABART Phone 209, O’Neill 2»tf WANTED WANTED: 300 yearlings for a creek and well pasture.—C Bar M Hereford Ranch, O’Neill. 51 tf WANTED' 50 head of cattle to turn on baled hay. 2 weeks’ feed, good fences and plenty of water.—M. B. Higgins, O’ Neill. 52c FRANK BEELAERT Page •— Phone 25-F-23 AUCTIONEERING Specializing in Livestock Farm and Ranch Sales 37tf $500 TO $800 per month, plus a bonus twice a year. Represent ing WHITE CROSS plan. No previous experience necessary. You will receive complete training. Contact or write in quiries to S. O. Sampson, 132 So. 13th, Lincoln 8, Nebr. 52-1 WANTED: 1,000 steers or 70C cows to pasture until Nov. 1. Abundance of grass and water. —Ken Halligan, Ft. Pierre, S.D., c/o Rankin Ranch. 50ti WANTED: Pasture for 17 head of yearlings. — Mrs. John P. Pribil, O’Neill, route 1. 52-lp60 WANTED: Housekeeping or will care for elderly couple.—Box 274, Atkinson, Nebr. 51-52p O’NEILL COMPANY Insurance - Real Estate - Loans VIRGIL LAURSEN Box 275 — Phone 434 25ti WANTED: General sewing anil altering; also baby sitting. — Phone 407-LM, O’Neill. 51tf FOR SALE; Leoti red cane seed. State tested. 94% germination, cleaned and bagged at 8c per pound.—Paul Schmidt, Spen cer, phone 2266. 52t! RESPONSIBLE male or female, from this area, wanted to ser vice and collect from automat ic cigarette machines. No sell ing. Age not essential. Car, ref erences, and $645 up to $2150 working capital necessary. 7 to 12 hours work per week to start. Income can run up to $200 to $600 monthly. Possibili ty full time. For local inter _*♦ —: „ 1 ~ #1,11 r-\ O V _ ticulars. Write P.O. Box 5429, Lake St. Station, Minneapolis 8, Minn. 52c Salesman Wanted EXCLUSIVE Panchlsed territory open in your locality now by old reliable manufacturer. You can start your own business without an investment. Yout pay Is far above average, Your future is unlimited. Re peat business for years tc come. This is the highest qual ity farm line in the midwest Home nights. Must have a car EXperience not necessary Write Sales Manager, 701 So 42nd St., Omaha, Nebr. 52-lc WILL TAKE in 100 yearlings tc pasture—Elrnest Wright, Red bird. 51-52p6( WANTED: Ranch man with fam ily.—Jim Matthews, O’Neill. 51-52p5( REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Farms and ranches city property, building sites.— O’Neill Company. 25t FOR SALE 3-bedroom home in North Heights $9,800. - 3-bedroom home near Ford’: park, $5,000. Abart Company , Phone 520 — O’Neill 48t E'OR SALE: Two. 3-bed roan houses in Spencer. — Harrj James, phone 3651, Spencer. 50- h o ■’ » • - - " " S’ « <• C. .-.C .s t. •? c:- * o O . r O Q. .** a i o o FOR SALE: Three-room house, 14x34, and one-room, 12x14, to be moved.—Reverend Johnson, Page. 51-52c 7 Residential Properties RANGING from two- to four bedrooms, all sections of town, on and off pavement. INCLUDING two - story, nine room former McManus house (now owned by Methodists). Located one block south of bus depot. Corner location, south and east fronts. Ideal for busi ness or residence. One of bet ter locations in city. Terms can be arranged. HAVE SOME good pasture land listed for sale. HAVE INQUIRIFS for good farms and ranches in this area. ED THORIN REAL ESTATE BROKER Auctioneer - Insurance “Specializing in Farm and Ranch Auctions" Phone 207 — Hagensick Bldg. O’Neill, Nebr. 52c FOR SALE: Grocery store. Gro cery stock at inventory list price. Building and fixtures can be leased.—James Grocery, Spencer. 50-lc FOR SALE: Recreation hall — three pool tables and beer in Bassett, Nebr. No competition. Priced for quick sale. Contact Phillips Real Estate, Bassett, Nebr. 52-lc r on orvuo i . now occupied by REA. Posses sion after June 1.—F. J. Dish ner, phone 37, O'Neill. 51tf FOR SALE: Platted lots and acre ages.—Harry E. Ressel, O’Neill, phone 548-M. 46tf FOR SALE: 3-bedroom, all mod ern home, with basement and oil furnace, garage with cement driveway. 1 Vi lots. — Jane Judge, phone 458-W, O’Neill. 52tf cards^TthaniS I WISH to thank all my old and new friends, my family, and relatives for the cards, letters, gifts and visits. To all the hos pital staff for their care and thoughtfulness, while a patient there. Am very grateful to all of you.—Mrs. Margaret White. 52p50 I WISH to thank all my friends and relatives who sent cards, letters or visited me while I was in St. Anthony’s hospital. Also thanks to the entire hospital staff and Doctor Finley for the care given me. I am truly grate ful.—Mrs. William Grothe, sr. 02c I WISH to thank all my friends and relatives for their calls and gift*, while I was a patient in St. Anthony’s hospital. — Je rome Gilg. 52c WE WISH to express our sincere appreciation and thanks for the kind expressions of sympathy following our recent bereave ment.—The family of Ellwood Horrocks. 52c I WISH to thank my relatives and friends who sent cards or called on me while I was hos | pitalized. Also thanks to Doc tors Wilson and Langdon, the nurses and hospital staff for the fine care given me.—Mrs. Oliver Ross. 52p50 MANY THANKS to all who help | ed and offered help in any way during my illness. Your thoughtfulness will not be for gotten.—Marvin Richter. 52rR0 MANY THANKS to the mem bers of St. Monica’s Guild for all the time and effort pilt forth to make our meeting an j entertaining one, and for the grand cooperation throughout the year.—Mrs. Delbert Rob ertson. 52p50 WE WISH to express our heart felt thanks to our relatives and friends for their help during the illness and death of our beloved husband, father and grandfather. Also thanks for the many masses, gifts of food, floral offerings and expressions of sympathy.—The J. B. Don ohoe family. 52p I WISH to thank all my friends and relatives, who visited me while I was in St. Anthony’s hospital; also for the nice cards, letters and beautiful flowers and the good care I received from the nurses, Sisters and Doctor Wilson. I also thank •* Rev. E. Smith for his visit.— Mrs. Ben Miller. 52p50 MY SINCERE thanks to all who so kindly remembered me in so many different ways during my recent illness. I am truly grateful to each one of you.— Mrs. C. V. Robertson. 52c Iowans Guests Here— r Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Doerning • and boys of Emmetsburg, la., I formerly of O’Neill, are expectfed today (Thursday) to spend a couple of days as guests of Mr and Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson. FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished ind un furnished apts.—A E Bowen phone 515, O’Neill ktf FOR RENT: A furnished apart ment; also sleeping room with private bath.—Marie Salisbury, 129 F, Clay, O’Neill, phone 324-W after 5 p,m. 52-lc FOR RENT: 5-room house with basement.—Meta Gruhn, phone 102, O’Neill. 50-51 FOR RENT: Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Co. FOR RENT: Nice business of fice, 4 rooms—Elmer Hagen sick, phone 556-LR, O’Neill. 48tf FOR RENT: Good store building, modern, and gas heated fur nace. Good for any kind of business.—-See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 52tf FOR RENT: Sanders for flow and furniture. — Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co. 47tf FOR RENT: New two-bedroom apt —Phone 126, O’Neill. 48tf FOR RENT: Two bedroom apart ment with bath, heated. Close in.—Phone 556-LR, O’Neil]. 42tf FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O’Neill. I6tf FOR RENT: Three-room, com pletely modern house with ga rage; also one five-room semi modern house.—Ramon or Ar delle Bright, O’Neill, phone 232. 52c ■ n n/\i rtTrv l,uj i oz ruunu LOST: Small white rat terrier dog, Butch, tag 66, droopy ear. Please advise if dog is dead or alive. Belongs to small boy. —Moore Hotel, O’Neill. 52p3,"> Riverside News Mr. and Mrs. Darrol Switzer and family of Omaha were weekend guests at the Switzer and Leo Miller homes in honor of Mrs. Ora Switzer’s birthday anniversary. Guests besides Dar rol Switzer family were the Wen dell Switzer family and Ora Switzer family and Ora Switzer. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Amos Switzer of Clearwater and Mr. and Mrs. Norris George also called in the afternoon. Johnny Miller’s mother, Mrs Anna Miller, spent Sunday at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink visited at the Lee Fink home near Page Sunday. . .1. and Mrs. Johnnie Miller and family spent Wednesday, April 18, visiting the Richard Miller family at Oakdale. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and family spent Wednesday eve ning, April 18, at the Louis Van dersnick home. A few Riverside ladies helped Mrs. Hattie Doty celebrate her birthday anniversary Wednes day afternoon, April 18. A lunch was served in her honor. Mrs. Earl Pierson visited her mother, Mrs. Edith McClanahan, in Orchard Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Good and daughter, Janice, of Clearwater visited Sunday afternoon and were supper guests at the George Montgomery home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mont gomery visited Saturday at the S. S. Schlotman home, returning to Valpraiso late that evening. Mrs. Eva Kaczor and Mike Nickolite visited at the Joe Tom jack home Friday evening. Leo Miller took his church school class—Russel Napier, San dra Shrader, Milton Biddlecome, Linda Tuttle and Paul Gunter—to the youth rally in Lincoln Satur day held in the First Presbyter ian church with Rev. J. D. Gib son as pastor. Others attending from the church in Ewing were Jerome Tuttle, who was accom panied by her mother, Mrs. Vearl Tuttle, and her class: Douglas Shrader, Sherry Tuaale, Diane Shrader and Sharon John ston. They returned to Ewing early Sunday morning. Mrs Melvin Scheer and daughter, Faye, shopped in O’ Neill Saturday. Mrs. Edna Lofquist and Mrs Myrtle Meyers shopped in Nor folk Tuesday, April 17. On Wed nesday, April 18, Mrs. Lofquist returned to Neligh where she has employment, after spending a few weeks at her home in Ew ing. Kittie Fry visited at the Mark Hemingway home a few days last week. MOVING TO ORCHARD Bright’s Red & White grocery store on South Fourth streel closed Sunday and Ardell Bright, the proprietor, is moving his family to Orchard. The Brighte purchased the Red & White from Robert Schulz about five years ago. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Shollhase spent the weekend at their son, Keith’s farm. The younger Mr and Mrs. Shellhase went to Co rad to visit an army friend. HOTEL LINDELL 0 Q LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 1 ^ Flos Foods RoosonobU Rotoo Mft. Frank Kloin Ron. 2-1006 ' d«. , n 4 n & v * 0 3 ■. ' O r„ ' O ■ ' * » * u O ■ '■ . - .»<• °o ’• , , 6 • . , o » . . O .. O’Neill News Mrs. Emma Zimmerle oC Butte visited Mrs. W. S Kirkland Tuesday. Thursday, April 19, visitors in the Harry Larson home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Finkle of Plaioview, Paul Peters of Wayne, and Sam Liddell of Omaha. Mrs. Vern Tarr and children of Colome, S.D., and Mrs Fred Olsen of Omaha arc spending a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike London. Mrs. Carl Lorenz visited her mother, Mrs. Ada Spangler,1 Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stowcll and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lorenz were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ritts Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Harry Larsen and daughters spent a recent weekend in Red Oak, la., visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Axel Lantz. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dailey and J Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schmidt 1 visited at the H. E. Coyne and Mary Schmidt homos Sunday. Mrs. George Padrnos of Lake Andes, S.D., is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Petersen and family. A family dinner was held Sun day in the Herbert Kaiser home in honor of S/Sgt. August Kai ser. He left Monday for Los An geles, Calif., where he will be stationed. Rev. and Mrs. J. LaVerne Jay, Mrs. Louis Reimer, sr., Mrs. Clay Johnson, jr., Mrs. Guy Beck with and Mrs. A Lively attend ed the Woman’s Society of Chris tian Service meeting Monday at Plainview. Sally Arm Hunt was honored on her birthday anniversary last Thursday. A party was given by her mother and attended by a few of Sally’s friends. Minnie Higgins was a Sunday dinner guest in the Carl Schmidt home near Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harding and son of California came Mon day to visit friends in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huber had Sunday dinner with Mrs. Huber’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Barcus, at Wewela, S.D. Mrs. Joe Sobotka returned fiom Hastings on Sunday after spending a week with her daugh ter, Mrs. Lloyd Simmons. Mrs. G. D. .Janzing of Emmet was a weekend guest of Mrs. Francis Schoenle and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Towle and family of Norfolk visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Towle, here Sunday. Mrs. D. C. Schaffer returned Saturday from Lincoln where she as a Cowbelle helped the beef promotion sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. Pete Becker of Ashby left on Monday after spending the weekend at the H. J. Birming ham home. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Green and family and Mrs. Clarence Rey noldson, all of Albion, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook of North Platte were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Reynoldson and fam ily. Mrs. Edwin Thorin, who has been in Omiiha about 10 days, and Miss LaVonne, who went down Sunday, are expected back today (Thursday). Mrs. Thorm had gone to Omaha to be with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Delbert Edwards, who underwent an eye operation. Weekend guests of Mr. and j Mrs. Howard D. Manson were I her mother, Mrs. Sidney E. An | derson of Elgin, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Briggs of North Loup. ' ' BECOMES MEMBER Lester Boshart has been elect ed to membership in the Ameri can Aberdeen-Angus association at Chicago, 111. Mr. Boshart was among the 11 purebred Aber deen-Angus breeders from Ne braska elected to membership during the past month. Mrs. E. E. Wentworth LONG PINE Mrs. F. E. Went worth, 70, died suddenly Wed nesday, April 11 Funeral ser vices were held Saturday, April 14. Mr and Mrs. Anne E. Mace, jr., and family were Sunday sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ma* Jeffers and girls of Chambers. “OLD RELIABLE” MARKET REPORT Tuesday, April 24, 1956 AUCTION Cattle receipts 1382 head. Receipts proved to be larger than anticipated despite the threatening weather. Prices generally were steady with last week’s auction with only spots showing weakness in the stockers and feeders. Hutchor cattle fully steady and in good demand. There were several oUt-state buyers on hand and a broad demand from local buyers which resulted in one of the most active sales in re cent weeks. Steers weighing from 400 to 500 lbs. sold mostly $19.00 to $22.00. Com parable weight heifers fully steady in strong demand at prices from $16.00 to $17.85 cwt. Light weight yearling steers from 550 lbs. to 650 lbs. mostly $17.50 to $20.00. Heav ier weight largely from $18.00 to $19.00 with some of the plainer small packages of these steers selling above last week’s auction. No loads of heavy 2-ycar-old cattle were offered. 800 to 700 lb. helfera bulking from $15.00 to $17.10 with a few above the latter figure. Butcher cattle sold on an active market with beef cows from $10.25 to $12.50; canners and cutters from $9.00 to $10.25 cwt. Bulls from $12.75 to $14.00 cwt. j NEXT AUCTION TUES DAY, MAY 1, 1956 — Phone 5141, Atkinson, and list your consignment so that they may be included in our advertising. Remember, it costs you noth ing extra. Whether your con signment be 3 head or 100 head you will receive the same consideration at ‘‘THE OLD RELIABLE.” Atkinson Livestock Market Phone 5141 Atkinson, Nebr. See how power washing saves you up to 1 hour a day m? ■. nbimkmi ■ * I with a Try a McCormick power-washer ______ cream separator • Universal series See how you can eliminate motor.. . °perates twice-a-day scrubbing with or frO-tyc^'current^ ^-washing . cleans. sterilizes, and drys itself in e Gearless, oilless only 3 minutes without be operation ing taken apart. Extra close e Direct drive .. . skimming gets all the but motor and bowl terfat . . . gives you bigger operate as one unit cream checks. Call now for e All metal parts in a free demonstration and contact with milk 10-day trial. See how a ore stainless steel McCormick power-washing cream separator can pay for itself fast ... in time and L cream saved. Shelhamer Equipment Co. — O'NEILL, NEBR. — I o 4 „ 1 . ** ; 6 ' g . „ „ *5 ' » '• ‘,o ,0 »r c ’ > . ’ o o ■" . .. . i O a 1 O ^ nr ■. • > ' 0 ' 'c c no0 tin' ° o ’ c ?. r'°n