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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1956)
Deloit News u o Don Beckenhauer and a itudern ’ efi-sm Norfolk Christian coHegt .•'spent the weekend at * the Claii Utturhaek home and called or the Marvia Fuller and Uenr> Reimct hi>mt' on Saturday after noon. v, c .. c ' Mrs. Otto ReimeV of -Lincoln visited at the home of her par ents, Mr. *and Mrs. E. L Sisson, last week. • ' _ .* Mr. §nd^ Mrs.i Ferdie Hupp and dgpghters went to Omaha., Friday, ito^ttengl the Weddfhg bf Ferdjie’s | youngest sister, Betty. L014 Hupp, | which tobk jjkxfe "in Omaha Sat ! irday. Betty Lou is the ypungest da fghtcr uf Mr and Mrs. Fil’d - | nand Hupp of Norfolk, formerly ■ of this community. Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Spahn , 1 rid Doris Ann and Don went to 'Omaha last Thursday evening to iu rt » young lady friend of the family, who arrived from Ger many that evening. Mrs. Anna Sehi of Elgin at tended the wedding of a Vent eicher girl at Pierce Saturday. Mrs. Ralph Tomjack went to Omaha Inst week where she vis ited at the Ralph Beaudin home. 1 Mrs. Beaudin is the former Dar lene Tomjack. I Mrs. Tommy Kaczor and chil dren visited her mother, Mrs. Sehl, in Elgin on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rcimer and Elayne were Sunday dinner 1 guests at the J. A. Larson home in Ewing. They all called at the Don Larson home in the after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Schra der were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Carnes of Neligh were Sunday, April 15, I dinner guests at the Henry Rei mer home. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Burke and family were Sunday, April 15, dinner guests at the Ferdie Hupp home in honor of Coletta Hupp’s sixth birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimei and Elayne visited Mr. and Mrs, Howard Temple and daughter in Hastings on Saturday, April 14 Mrs. Reimer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Larson of Ewing, returned home with them after having spent two weeks in Ft. Collins and Denver, Colo. Vicki Ray of Omaha is spend ing several weeks at the home ol her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs ! R. M. Tomjack. Mr. and Mrs. Miller returnee *’ • j .. th* o ^ A *1 to the horne'of.,Mrs. Miller's par ents,' Mr. .and Mrs. Watson, Mc Donald, recently.■-Mrs. Miller is .the former Rosetta McDonald. ; Mr. Milieu has been in service in Japan. -The-couple will, soon re turn to California where " Mr. Miller will attend school. ; j >lr.' and Mrs.' Ralph Toihjack and Vicki Ray spent cSunday, Ap ril 15, ,in Om&ha visiting Gene Torhjack, who is in the air ,force And has been stationed^ in Geor gia, He. was”-being sent,to Texas. ■ Mrs. Cali Thiele called on her i daughter, Mrs. Alva Parks, and t*iiby at Neligh hospital Friday,: ! April 13. Lambert Bartak put down an irrigation well on his farm near Deloit recently. Mr and Mrs. Earl Rossow and Henry Reimer made a business trip to Thedford Friday, April 13 Help IT Clubbers I)o Mending— VENUS — Mrs. Bryan Finch w'as hostess to the Help U club j Wednesday, April 18. Dinner was served at noon. The after noon was spent mending. Mrs. | Clara Gurkei of Big Springs was present. Mrs. Vincent Jackson ! received the 'door priae. Mrs. Kenneth Waring furnished the entertainment and presented j a prize which was won by Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser. I The club gave two dollars to i the cancer fund. Next meeting w ill be with Mrs. Clarence Finch , Kubik to California for Training— AS/2c Joseph W Kubik, 28, son of Mrs. Thcrsa Kubik of O’ Neill, recently left Ft. Riley, Kans., for five weeks of tank i training at Camp Irwin, Calif, j Kubik entered the army in April, 1953, and completed basic train ing at Ft. Eustis, Va. Graduates from School— Pvt. Kenneth L. Taylor, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor of O’Neill, recently was graduated from the army’s artillery and guided missile school at Ft. Sill, Okla. Taylor entered the army in July, 1955, and completed basic training at Camp Chaffee, Ark. * > > > > I >1 jin Gambles Furniture Department; 4TWO-PIECE LAWSON STYLE SECTIONAL; ^ Made to Sell for 229.95 I I Search everywhere-you’ll never find greater beauty and 5 luxurious comfort at such a low price! Lawson style sect,anal Our Regular P | has deep button-tufted back and -ide modern orms. me 189.95 | 4 modem frieie fabric with lurex ,n your cho.ce of 9 9 4 toast or turquoise. Bo* style cushions are reversible. Select yvr Ail y I ! hardwood frames have double doweled and glued icmts A U i and heavy comer blocks. Here’* a beaut,ful sectional that for yOUr old 9 4 eseets the needs of todays home and budget living room set 60.00 P - r < For This Beautiful Sectional You Pay Only_129.95 * No Down Payment — $2.50 Per Week — Payable Monthly P * _—___ I i __ i ifTTOSITTTTTriM * 9 * 9 -PIECE CHROME DINETTE SET » «, » *9 *g 8 - * » , # • _ 9 * J « 9 * * I • Genuine Platinum Walnut ) Lifetime Plastic Table Top t • New Slenderized Chrome * Tubing for that New Look 9 • Three-Inch Foam Rubber 9 Scats k , • Self Edge Table Apron, Ball | Bearing Noiseless Slides, " Douglas Fir 7-ply Table Top k Gore, Cam-Action Table Lock, „ Hardwood Chair } " Backs, Duran Covered, . plus many other features. 9 • Size 36x48, Opens to 60-In. 9 • With Either Grey, YeUow ) or Chartreuse Chairs | > ; This “Haddon Hall” Aristocrat Set! J * *.* By Chromcraft — Only _ 89.95 •• J | *o We Allow You for Your Old Set„- 30.00 * . | J For This 5-Pc. Dinette You Pay Only-59.75.. ‘ | | U»e Our Thrifty Payment Plan! I ^ No Down Payment—$1.50 Per Week, Payable Monthly ^ o n°i • 9 i J * I 9 * •— ' « fc O <«■ w w ,w • » •i *Cl C _ ‘ , , •* \ •* a ■ .. 0 O , I. * - t , : - ■ C .* C w o <« - „v C a ' • 1 ■’ ’■ •• o’ V 4- *V. . O ° 1 .• '* : .. o , Mrs. Gordon H. Weyermuller ... an April bride. Ron Frickel Sets Pole Vault Record Atkinson Wins Holt Track Title STUART— The Atkinson high school was top scoring school in the Holt county track meet held here last Thursday. Ronnie Frickel of Atkinson set a new record for the county when he made 10’ 8^2” for the pole vault. Inman, 3 7/10. Atkinson’s total score, 58; St. Joseph’s of Atkinson, second with 44 1/5 points; Ewing had a score of 39 1/5; St. Mary’s, 33 1/5; O’ Neill, 28t£; Stuart, 20 1/5, and Inman, 3 3/10. Summary: Shot: 46’ 3!V’—D Hobbs, Ew ing, 1st; Slattery, St. Joe, 2d; D. Carl, Ewing, 3d; B. Burival, O’ Neill, 4th; J. Tomlinson, O’Neill, 5th. Broad jump: 19’ 8t£”—J. Slat tery, St. Joe, 1st; Frickel, Atkin son, 2d; L. Seger, Stuart, 3d; Tooker, Atkinson, 4th; Holly, St. Mary’s, 5th. Pole vault: 10’ 8M>’*—Frickel, Atkinson, 1st; Davis, Atkinson, 2d; N. Kelly, Inman, 3d; Fock en, Atkinson, 4th; D. Stracke, Stuart, and C. Couch, Inman, 5th. Discus: 117’—Hobs, Ewing, 1st; Slattery, St. Joe, 2d; Potter, Ew ing, 3d; Burival, O’Neill, 4th; Se ver Atkinson. 5th. High jump: 5’ 5^”—Slattery. St. Joe, 1st; Frick el, Atkinson, 2d; Backhaus, O’Neill, and Stracke, Stuart, tied, 3d; Hobbs, Ewing, D. Schaaf, St. Joe, Seger, Stuart, Schmidt, St. Mary’s, and Couch, Inman, tied. 120 high hurdles: 16.8—Frick el, Atkinson, 1st; Tooker, Atkin son, 2d; Johnson, St. Mary’s, 3d; Slattery, St. Joe, 4th; Davis, At kinson, 5th. 100-yard dash: 10.6—Donohoe, St. Mary’s, 1st; D. Hobbs, Ewing, 2d; Slattery, St. Joe, 3d; B. Hobbs, Ewing, 4th; Koenig, Ew ing, 5th. 880-yard run: 2:09.5—Schmidt, St. Mary’s, 1st; Brewster, Stuart, 2d; Craig, St. Mary’s, 3d; Ross man, Atkinson, 4th; Heumesser, Ewing, 5th. 440-yard dash: 53 — Backhaus, O’Neill, 1st; Butterfield, Atkin son, 2d; Slattery, St. Joe, 3d; Se ger, Stuart, 4th; Koenig, Ewing, 5th. 180 low hurdles; 22.5—Slattery, St. Joe, 1st; Friekel, Atkinson, 2d; Anderson, Atkinson, 3d; Bige low, Stuart, 4th; Schaaf, St. Joe, 5th. 220-yard dash: 23.5—R. Dono hoe, St. Mary’s, 1st; Backhaus, O'Neill, 2d; D. Hobbs, Ewing, 3d; B. Hobbs, Ewing, 4th; Ander son, Atkinson, 5th. Mile: 4:55—Faust, St. Joe, 1st; M. Young, O’Neill, 2d; Payas, Atkinson, 3d; Tomlinson, St. Ma ry’s, 4th; R. Young, O’Neill, 5th. 880 relay: 1:38.2—Ewing, St. Mary’s, St. Joe, Stuart, Atkinson. Mile relay: 3:43.6— Atkinson, Stuart, O’Neill, St. Mary’s, Ew ing. Beverly Jane Chace Bride of Chicagoan ATKINSON — Miss Beverly Jane Chace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Chace of Atkinson, and Gordon H. Weyermuller, son of Mrs. G. H. Weyermuller and the late Mr. Weyermuller of Law rence, Kans., were married at Howes Memorial chapel in Ev anston, 111., 4 p.m., Saturday, Ap ril 14. Dr. James C. McLeod, dean of students at Northwestern university, was the minister. Sixty persons attended. Decorations in the chapel in cluded two vases of snapdragons and chrysanthemums with lemon leaves, at the altar, with seven branch candelabra on each side. The bride, given in marriage by her father, appeared in a white ballerina-length lace and tulle gown with a satin cumber bund and short sleeves. She wore a shoulder-length veil of white illusion falling from a lace Juliet cap. She carried a cascade bou quet of white camellias and ivy and wore a single strand of pearls. Miss Lois L. Lafferty served as maid-of-honon She appeared in a ballerina-length dress of azure blue taffeta, princess style, with short pleated cap sleeves and a self-bustled bow at the back. She carried a cascade bou quet of yellow carnations. Donald A. Lewis of Peoria, 111., served as best man. Mrs. Warren W. Kreft sang “The PTayer Perfect” and Ma lotte’s “The Lord’s Prayer.” The organist was Gerald Crawford. He played Lohengrin’s “Wedding March” (processional) and Men delsshon’s “Wedding Marcn vre- ; cessional). Ernest Nordlinger was usher. Following the ceremony, a re ception was given by the parents at the Orrington hotel in Evan ston. For going away, the bride chose a green linen dress and a beige coat and hat. They went to Nassau for their wedding trip. Mrs. Weyermuller was gradu ated from Atkinson high school and attended Northwestern uni versity at Evanston. She has been employed as a secretary of the American College of Surgeons. Mr. Weyermuller, a graduate of the University of Kansas who did graduate work at Rutgers, Co luhmbia and Northwestern uni versities, is associate editor of the Putnam Publishing company in Chicago. They will be at home at 50 East Cedar St., Evanston, after May 1. _ Edw. M. Gleeson DENTIST 2d Floor Gilligan Rexall Bldg. Ph. 240 - Box 149 - Hrs 8:30-5 | r * i Ponton Insurance FLORENCE PONTON, Prop. Insurance of All Kinds St Bonds Phone 106 — Golden Bldg. .. DANCE.. AT O’NEILL AMERICAN LEGION AUDITORIUM AND BALLROOM ; . PRESTON LOVE and His Orchestra :•••>' ..v>. ••• Saturday, April 28th . % ° oo0°o« , ° ° °e o ‘ o Admission: $1 Per Person VPDiiHB^HppMpappiPlPMMPB ? 1 . i n o O '■ “■ , . , , c , ° o - «•' O, o , t c* .• 1 n . •' o ,4 ■ J * s . " - • ° -J Methodist i Pur-innun, Rev Iasle E. Mewmaw pastor PAGE: Thursday, April 26: CH p i r iw-actice, 8 .p.m. \ \ 0 ° /, o '-Friday,Aprii 27: Fourth quar tel ly confteqneg^ 3 ptijft. AU offi cial , board members pk'asb at tend if visible. Any others \yho wish to attend are also urged to do so. « Sunday, April 29: Church school, 10 a m., worship,; sub-district young adult rally at Chambers, l 45 p.m.; MYF, 7 30 p.m. , *. Tuesday. May 1: King’s Daughters meets with Mrs. Ivan Reiss, 3 p.m. Wednesday, May 2: WSCS prayer hour, 9 a m. Thursday, May 3. WSCS an nual May breakfast. JNMAN: Thursday. April 26: WSCS meeting, 2:30 p.m. Sunday, April 29; Morning ■ ■> , worship, 9 45 o’clock with fifth I Sunday offering for world ser i wiee; church, sc ho.oi, »0:45; Young adult ' sub-district rally .it Chambers, 1:45 p.m. 0 Wednesday, May . 2: Choir practice, and MYF. ,7:30 pffn. • <’ Hear Concordia Choir at Ravenna— CH"AMH*RS . Mr, and Mrs. Victor Harley, actosopanied by Mrs. Elsie Doolittle, Miss Kath ryn Hoffman and Miss Loraine Farrier, drove to Ravenna Sun day to bear the Concordia a oa pella choir from Seward. The . Harleys’ daughter, Vivian, *. a 1 member of the choir I They have recently returned from a tour of the Georgia and 1 Florida area and are now tour ing the state of Nebraska They will rang in Madison Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. Ralph Colburn stayed at the \V. S. Kirkland home after ■i = 0 o a o u „ coming from the hospital Wed nesday, April 11. She returned to0 her home Sunday. , 4 <• - C CHIROPRACTOR As Block So of Ford Garnge .' r» . Dr. J. L. Sherbahn * Complete X-Ray Equipment O'Neill, Nebraska Rex W. Wilson, M.D. Robert M. Langdon, M.D. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS 128 W. l»ou*las St., O'Neill Phone 138 Weekend SPECIALS! AT THE COUNCIL OAK STORE HEAD LETTUCE. 2 Ig. heads 25c PONTIAC «r C OBBLER POTATOES... 10 lbs. 59c EX. FANCY DELICIOUS OR WINESAP APPLES_3 lbs. 39c FLORIDA NO. 1 WHITE GRAPEFRUIT__ 5 for 29c GRAHAM CREAM COOKIES, 10t-oz. pkg. 29c DUNCAN HINES—White. Yellow, Devil’s Food CAKE MIX ..Pkg. 23« OREGON BLACK No. 303 Can BING CHERRIES.... 23c WILSON 12-Oa. Can CHOPPED BEEF .... 29c CHARMIN — White 4-Roll Pkgr. TOILET TISSUE...... 29c BLUE RIBBON (Limit 2) 0LE0 ... Lb. 19c GOOCH’S BEST FLOUR . 50-lb. bag 3.39 NEW SUMMER CANDIES_Pkg. 29c BANQUET FROZEN PIES_L^4 for 87c MEAT DEPARTMENT ARMOUR’S STAR SMOKEO PICNIC HAMS.... Lb. 29« MORRELL SUCED BACON „ Lb. 39c MORRELL CELLO SKINLESS FRANKS, lb. 39c ARMOUR’S CRY-O-VAC RING LIVER SAUSAGE. Lb. 39c SWIFT’S ESSEX SUMMER SAUSAGE, lb. 49c BEEF ROASTS... Lb. 33c GROUND BEEF _ 2 lbs. 59c PORK STEAK ... Lb. 35c PORK ROAST ... Lb. 29c Plenty of FREE PARKING at Rear of Our Store! | . ’\ .o . * = • • c • -* „ *# Now you can have up to 225 h.p. in all Ford Fairlane and Station Wagon models ... up to 202 h.p. in all Customline and Mainline models! 225 horsepower and # Ford’s new 225-h.p. V-8 engine -n "l/% proved its power at Kingman, ^^B I bJi ■ Arizona, where it broke 30 world f k^¥ 1 i_ speed marks. This mighty engine . gives you instant passing, lickety A split getaways and mile-melting ■ performance. YOU get more GO I for y(,ur dougbl And you can LJk /kl f I now have the 202-h.p. Thunder* ^ 0) bird V-8 in any Fora. m Jl^TT'O PERFORMANCE made it the largest-selling “eight”! J/\JJL CL V O LOHAUS MOTOR CO. Phone 33 O’Neill, Nebr. 9 e 0 o O ” •> C • c • ? O " O °o » O ,, ‘t> IF YOU’RE INTERESTED IN AN A 1 USED CAR BF SURE TO SEE YOUR FORD DEAEKH't •° r " o " » ° '°»0 o * oo ■ •, .*•••■?•• * •• , ; - ; ; o * ° _ 1 .. o r ' . » - , • , i O <. O ,j.r. ‘ ‘ , 1 V . . o ° o o 1 o .. .