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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1956)
‘o 0 d° oo° •«*> » a0° Sick & Injured - • ®o W "• - • o • - - ® a* • ® • # " o g c0 0’XEILL-*-Mi$s Sfidie Derick son entered0 the hospital iff Om .ha Thursday, April 19, where she will undfergb Surgery..*. .< Mrs. Don Petersen was in Sioux Falls, S.D., last week to have a • a.*, put on her back for a slip ped disc. She Teturned home on Saturday. . . Edward M. Galla gher was unable to attend the1 t>ankers’ convention Id Norfolk Monday because of illness. . . Mrs. C. W, Whited and Mrs. Ruth Sawerbrey, both of Omaha, ar rived Wednesday to take care of little Scott Whited while his mother, Mrs. W. C. Whited, is having her tonsils taken out. . . Larry Frisch, son of Mrs. Ethel Frisch, has mumps. . . John Turner, O’Neill trucker and new ly-elected city councilman, sub mitted to an emergency appen dectomy earjy Friday at the hos pital. . RIVERSIDE—Mr*. E. L. Nor wood and Mrs. Dave Pollock vis ited Mrs. Dave Thorin at the Neligh hospital where she is re ceiving treatment for kidney1 stones. She expects to enter an Omaha hospital fur surgery in* the near future. . . Mrs. Ivan Turner was admitted to the An telope Memorial hospital late Wednesday evening, April 18. j Her condition is not much im- ’ proved and she expects to sub-1 mit to surgery as soon as her condition improves. . . Connie j Montgomery, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Mont gomery, has the measles. . . Web Napier and Mrs. Alfred Napier drove to Grand Islartd Friday afternoon and Alfred came home with them. He will return to the Veterans hospital early Monday morning, where he has been a patient the past 10 days to con sult the doctors if he should re main for futher medical care. . . utiAmnuw—iyi i Kt rises was a patient in the Tilden hospital several days last week. He re turned home Sunday. . . . Elwyn Itobertson received a severe in jury to his loft arm Wednesday, April 18, when it was caught in the dirt loader of a piece of road machinery. The accident oc curred near Ewing. He was taken to St. Anthony’s hospital in O’ Neill. . . Mrs. Robert Beed and infant son, Alan Dale, returned j from St. Anthony’s hospital late last week. . . Mrs. Lloyd Winter mote returned Monday from Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Nor folk. The baby was left at the hospital for a couple of weeks and is reported “doing well.’’ EMMET—G. D. Janzing was removed by ambulance Sunday from an Omaha hospital to St. Anthony’s. . . Mrs. Leonard Price of O’Neill and Mrs. P. W. Mc Ginnis visited Mrs. Alex , Mc Connell at the Walter Puckett home on Friday. They found her “very much improved.” Mrs. Ag nes Gaffney and Mrs. McGinnis called on Mrs. McConnell Sun day. . Mrs. Frank Foreman went to Norfolk for a checkup on Friday. . . Mrs. William Serck PAGE—Mrs. Eva Cunningham returned to her home Wednes day, April 18, from St. Anthony’s, where she had been hospitalized. Her condition is “satisfactory" but she will not return to her duties at the hot lunch room at the school. Mrs. Robert Gray is helping Miss Maude Martin in her place. . . Stephanie, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mer wyn French, jr., has suffered from a virus infection the past week. AMELIA — Blake Ott was on the sick list the first part of the week. . . Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McMillen and Mrs. Snelson have been staying with Arlis and Zane Edwards while Mr. and Mrs. Edwards are in Omaha. Mrs. Edwards submitted to sur gery Tuesday, April 17, for re moval of a spinal disc. She is progressing "satisfactorily.” DELOIT— Leon Sisson was a patient at the Antelope Memorial hospital for several days last' week. . . Elsie and Willie Hupp visited Rose Hupp at a Norfolk hospital Saturday. Rose under went sureerv last week. . , Mrs. Ralph Tomjack underwent major surgery at the St. Joseph’s hos viital in Omaha Monday. She will be hospitalized 10 days. DORSEY—Edward Carson en tered Clarkson hospital Wednes day, April 18, and submitted to major surgery on Friday. Mrs. Carson is near him and reports his condition “satisfactory.” His address: Room 535, floor 5, Clarkson hospital, Omaha. VENUS — John Davis. 91, of Niobrara, grandfather of Lyle Davis, broke his hip in a fall at his home Saturday, April 14. Mr. and Mrs. Dvle Davis and Mabel Davis went to visit him. Later he was taken tb a Sioux City hos pital. » GREELEY— Eddie Dugaji. 5, sen of Mr. and Mrs. Don Dugan, suffered severe burns on his left foot and "lei* la* Thursday.. His foot got caught ifi h burning, pa per milk carton while his moth er was burning trash. LYNCH—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Courtney and Mr. and Mrs. Clar-j ence Kolunrf. were in Norfolk1 last week where Mrs,. Courtney had > a ■ growth removed from her cheek. She is.*, ‘‘getting along •fine.”* . * . * *. *- ® . ’* .,? * EtV'ING—Several families in Ewing are having a siege of . fpepsles in their homes. •. • 1 present Wedding Gift' to Member— Riverside Community 4-H club! u held a meeting at the home of | Charles Mahoney. A wedding; gift was presented to James Schneider. Next meeting will be held at the Ed Boyle home May 11.—By Matthew Beha, jr., re porter. 1 Engagement Told— EWING—Mr. and Mrs. Marc us Snyder of Ewing announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara, to Dorrence Hobbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs of Ewing. The wedding date has been set for Sunday, May 13. On, *0O» • „ • * • • • **> . *• .. " .» » e 0 ° • ° OO* 9 * • O a O0 Mitchell Rite* ‘ ‘ *j /Held at Orchard ORCHARD—William T Mit iheli, 77, who died Saturday af ter a several month? illness* was buried Monday in the Orchard cemetery. Rev. Waller MiUetl of ficiated The late Mr Mitchell was bom , January 30, 1879, at Cedar Rap ' ♦** 0: •r ' ° ° o * o'" S O o . e 9o ids, la.; "he came to Brunswick when he was 3-years-old, was tnarned to Susan Koaflp on Oc tober' 18, 1899 . • Survivors include: Widow — Susan; daughters— Mrs. Gecrge Bonge and Mrs. Donald Park ihufst, both of Orchard, Mrs. Donald Rabe of Madison; gojis— Leo, Harold and Theroil, all of Orchard, and Joyce of Prescott, Ariz. ADd page Mr. and Mrs. Hal Farnsworth were Monday, April 16, to Thurs i day guests In the homes of his . sister,. Mftjs Minnie Farnsworth, at Omaha and his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Malmsten, at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jackson of Rrifhswick visited Mr. and Mrs. I Clarence Stevens on Wednesday, April lg. Mr. Jackson is Mrs. Stevens’ brother. O” 0* Mrs. Robert Stevens spent the weekend in Lincoln and Kansas City, Mo. Her brother-in-law, | Clifford Shane of Kansas Cityt brought her .home to O’Neill bn Monday. Tommy and Jeffery ! Sfevens were guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Ralph ' Stevens, af Page during their mother’s absence. All officers except one were | fe-elected for tfte coming year when the WSCS met last Thurs day lor an afternoon of work and study. Mrs. Lisle MewmaW witf elected “ spiritual life secretary 1 and Mrs. Harry Rarper was cho ! sen recording secretary. Mrs. Lou HeiSs had the devotions and the lesson in “Reading Good 'Books.” ' Mrs Melvin. Smith and Mrs. Alta Finch served lunch. Mr. .and Mrs. Otto Matchullat were Sunday visitors in the Fred Horstman home at Osmond. Mrs. Hofstman is a sistex of Mr. Mat stfoullat # m • _ benefit party — 14 If 1IIJK STAR—The benefit card party held Tuesday evening, April 17, at the Ash Grove hall wxsr wall attended. There were 19 tables in progress. Mrs. Yfillram , Han sen and Mr* and Mrs. Bob Sholes were m charge. Musical Program— The Women’s club Jnet Wed nesday evolving at the H. I* l*ind Werg home Richard C. Smith son’s students presented a mu sical program. MHJTLAW ■ TOP VALUES* TOP VALUE STAMPS! PORK LIVER . .. 2 lbs. 29c ALL MEAT WIENERS_3 lbs. $1 SLICED " BACON ENDS... 3 lbs. 49c CUDAHY’S DRIED BEEF_pkg. JJc BOILING —« BEEF ..._Lb. 19c PERCH nsH_Lb. 35c PORK CUTLETS _ Lb. 39c ALL MEAT RING BOLOGNA __ Lb. 39c BEEF HEARTS_Lb. 19c SHORTY SUMMER SAUSAGE, lb. 49c H.S. GOOD PRIME RIB STEAKSLb. 49c ROBERTS rK<* COTTAGE CHEESE — 19c !(100% Pure) POUNDS COLLEGE INN I PENICK WAFFLE CHILE _...... 2 can* 39c | SYRUP .24-oz. jar 45c ^ _ - - IWr»\ I 50-Lb. I Sack ft OLD SOUTH 46-OZ. CANS | LIFEBUOY I GRAPEFRUIT JUICE .... 4 for $1 I SOAP _1 3 reg. bars 26c M HAASE STUFFED I BRACH’S CHOCOLATE COVERED ft OLIVES . 3 jars $1 | CHERRIES 2 boxes $1 I NORTHERN W LIQUro LUX I BAKER’S CHOCOLATE | SOAP Can 29c jj CHIPS 2 pkgs. 45c 1 i NAPKINS 2 pkgs. 27c | CLOROX . Qt. 18c \l8jSP? 1ABLL KC.AL/I 0 41*-.. X^CQk’ -SWEETHEART • B . . (Made by KOOL-ADE) SOAP - 3 reg. bars 23c I KOOL-SHAKE 3 pkgs. 19c "SUNSHINE TJD-BIT . %’ * * 4 . V. j*B . ALL 8c MARSHMALLOWS Pkg. 23c | CANDY BARS .1.3 Bar 4c DUNCAN HINES CAKE . * • 1 • • ♦ . , • * . . WINESAP 1 APPLES 4 Cello 54c I PASCAL ( CELERY SSE /9« 1 JUICE I ORANGES 4 gi 39« I YELLOW *1 ONIONS «•* ^*t); SiHi_99c I INDIAN RIVER LARGE SIZE 1 PEFRUIT to fer 49c ( WE STILL HAVE SOME VARIETIES OF •: I * JV SEEDSPUDS I [^■n j * I ®BH ' 1 ■* ■** vwhk fl nl^. H ■ I k I hA aX A 0 o O o O - ?. v; . ' . •* * ' . * . . ’• • . 4 ’ * : • ‘ - ... • %r *B "* ** % ^ , • o ^ •* • < V . « * • * • * - ..." - *