The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 26, 1956, Page 6, Image 6
Mrs. Virgil Kline Dies in California ° ° • ° % ( # . | ATKINSON—Mrs. V. G. Kline, 72, of Los Angeles, Calif., died unexpectedly Tuesday; March 27. Funeral services were con ducted there Friday, March 30. The late Mrs. Kline was born July 5, 1889, east Of Atkinson, the daughter of Lucian and Henrietta Shcrrick Rnbody. She joined the Methodist church as a child, was reared here, and" on June 18 1909. she married Vir gil G. Kline at Emmet. They be came the parents of three sons. Mr Kline practiced veterinary medicine at Ewing for many years. Surviviors include: Widower Virgil; sons—Harold of Norfolk and Vance of Covina, Cailf.; sis ter _ Mrs H. J. Heuton, Mrs. Fred Hitchcock and Mrs. Jessie Wahl, alt of Atkinson, and Mrs. Frank Ratciiffe o£ California. Mo. , Star News Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Barbara were Sunday dinner guests at the Gerald Waring borne. . Mr and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Barbara called at the Ed Sukup home Sunday for a chat "with ( Mrs. Iioule Sukup and Mrs. George Buerkley of Iowa, former residents of the Walnut com munity. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Sukup are former schoolmates. Mrs. Clayton Nelson treated the teacher and pupils of the .♦ r\ inn rroam tlfld cake last Thursday after school in honor of the birthday anni versary of her daughter, Sherye Marilyn Siders of Inman “ was a visitor at the Gibson school Kriday. She was visiting at the home ot her sister, Mrs. Gerald Snyder. Her parents, Mr. find Mrs. Ray Siders come for her Sunday. ... There will be an uuxillary meeting at the Ash Grove hall Tuesday afternoon. May 1. A dance was held at the hall sat urday evening, Sandhill Jack jnd his orchestra furnishing the music. The Bill Stoural orchestra will furnish music for the dance Kriday, April 27. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Nelson and daughters of Fertile. Ia., were weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Clayton Nelson and family. Eighth graders taking examin ations this week from the Gib son school are Diane and Bar bara Snyder, Barbara Miller and I.arry Kopejtka. flan May Tea— Beacon Neighbors met Tues day evening, Ajril 17, with Mrs.1 l<on Shoemaker. Roll call was answered with an exchange of plants. Cancer collection was taken up and plans for the com ing May tun were discussed. Mrs. Ben Wuyman gave the lesson on sewing machines. * Too Late to Classify r\Jt\ O/UiEi. o 1U iCUWWU planking. Priced the same as common fir. 8’ to 18' lengths.'— Sewell Johnson, Atkinson. 52-1 CARD OF THANKS WE TAKE this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude for the masses, flowers and | many expressions of kindness j shown at the time of the dfath of our beloved wife and moth- | er.—John R. Krotter, Mr. and ' Mrs. Robert Krotter and fam-1 ily. 52c, WANTED TO BUY: A child piav crib on legs—Mrs. Hugh • F Langan, O'Neill. 52c FOR RENT: A five-room base ment apartment. — Archie Bright, phone 25-W, O’Neill. 52c * __ CAIID OF THANKS I WISH to take this means to thank my wonderful friends, relatives and neighbors for their prayers, cards and gifts during my stay in the hospital. Also all the grand people on the hospital staff and Doctor Brown. Your kindness will never be forgoten. May God add his blessing on each of you —Mrs. Dale Perry. 52p50 LOST in O’Neill: A green fishing tackle box.—Jack Bailey, jr., O’Neill. 52p25 Salesman Wanted MOORMAN MFG. CO. . . . larg est and fastest growing com pany of Us kind . . . needs salesman in west Holt county. Home nights. Group Insurance, hospitalization, pension and retirement, profit-sharing and social security. Car needed. Married man between 30 and 45 preferred. Write me in con fidence 'at onpe. — Lorenz G. Reipbig, 107 No. 10th St. Nor .. folk, Nebr. * 52-la ' EwngNews 1 Mr and Mrs. Ed Pruden of Phillipsburg, Mfl . were honored guests at a family get - together Sunday at the home of his bro ther- in-Law and sister, Mr. ahd Mrs. Ben Larsen. Others present wora Mr. and Mrs. Thomas | Coleman and t\vo daughtors of Neligh; Mr. and Mrs. Don Alle rnang ar,d two sans, Mrs. Mae Pruden, Mrs. Esther Prater, ail. of Clearwater; Mr. and Mr*. J Jamw Prudm and daughter. Fern, Mr. and Mrs. John Pruden and Sam Burtwistle, all of Ew ing. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pruden and family accompanied by Mrs. Julian Schmidt and son, Terry, picnicked at the Neligh park on Sunday. Ed Ih-uden was a weekend callor at the home of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs. I Robert Pruden, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson j were Sunday dinner guests at the home of their daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wilson at Elgin. Callers at the Olson home Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs Allan York' of Stanton. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Kaczor j and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kaczor and family, Joe Kaczor, Mrs. Eva Kaczor and daughter, Irene, were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kaczor and family. Mrs. Jerry Torn jack and chil dren and Mrs. Richard Edwards and daughters went to Neligh last Thursday where the young sters received polio shota. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Taylor of Oakdale spent Sunday at the nf fVtnir enn-in-lnand . daughter, Mr. ' and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack and family. Mrs. Archie Tuttle entertained Mrs. Jerry Tomjack and children and Mrs. Richard Edwards, Ca thy and JoAnn at a coffee hour on Saturday afternoon Henry Baum, sr., and his son, Henry, ir., and also his daugh ter, Dianne, all of Lincoln, spent the weekend at their home in Ewing. Mrs. Kit tie Fry spent several days last week with her sister,) Mrs. Mark Hemenway at Clear-1 water. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk were her brother and sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Leo Spittler, and son of Norfolk. ( Mrs. Lee Spittler and daugh ter, Rosalie, spent the weekend in Omaha where they were) guests of Mr and Mrs. Richard1 Spittler. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk were) Friday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Funk: at Elgin. Miss Judy Jefferies accompan-i ied by two classmates, the. Misses Delores Patach of Schuyler and Marie Nowak of Fullerton, spent, the weekend with her parents, j Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Jefferies. • The girls returned to Omaha on Sunday. Callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter on Suu -1..n/l.. nn/J Kffrr A l\fin UUJ ** v» v »»** • ■ -- Nelson and Jimmie of Plainview. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter, Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner and Mrs. Allan Pollock, sr., all of Ewing. Mr*. Charles Zabka returned Friday to her home at St. Ed ward. After sending several1 days with her mother, Mrs. Joe Hintz. Miss Sandra Dierks and her classmate. Miss Sandra Liven good of Creston, la., returned to Omaha on Sunday after spend ing the weekend • with Sandra’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks. A family dinner party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Watson McDonald on Sun day, April 15, in honor of Mr. I and Mrs. Jerry filler of Long Beach, Calif. Those present, be- j sides the honored guests, were' Mr. and Mrs. Merle Angus of. Milford and Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard McDonald and family of Ewing. Miss Helen Rotherham of Lin coln was a Sunday guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Rotherham, and family. The General Missionary socie ty of the United Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs. Keith Biddlecome on Thursday, April 19. A devotional period opened the meeting, which in-1 eluded songs, scripture reading 'and prayer by Mrs. William j Ross. Mrs. Norma Napier was leader. For the lesson, topics; were given by Mrs. Ralph Shra der. Mrs. Daie Napier, Mrs. Ar-i chie Johnston, and Mrs. Verl Tut tle. Mrs. Dale Napier conducted j the prayer cycle. Mrs. Ralph j Shrader, who attended the Pres-1 byterial conference at Summer-J field. Kans., gave a report. The spring rally tor the youth of the Presbyterian church was held Saturday at Lincoln. At-' tending from the Unnted Pres byterian church were: Sandra $nd Douglas Shrader, Russ«ll Napier Paul Gunter. Sharpn Johnston, Linda and Sherry Tut tle, MiUnp Biddlecome, Diana Shrader. They were accompan-’ ied by Mrs. Vearl Tuttle and' son, Jerome, and Mr. artd . Mrs. Leo Millet. • O. P _° • » ----- O’NEILL : DRIVE-IN THEATER ° ^-• .* oVrI..SAT.. APRIL 27-2*. .*-. DOUBLE fKAjTKE , ** * ° I "o “STORMY’* — A Horse Makes Good - / . “POSTMARK FOR DANGER — A Thriller - . .**■ , ° o « o°» _t I_:_-i—. • ■ - SUN.-MON.-TI ES. APRIL 29-30, MAY 1 ) | " i i ■>■>3 C | , WED.-THURS., MAY 2-3 FAMILY NIGHT ‘•LONG JOHN SILVER” — Added, Shorts' i Bring ’Em All — $1.00 . * « ‘ A i • ' • • * * r * l • ,* ... ' 8^ ■' f * . v - ** V > . +' . fi ,/ ■ J». . ^ » ' • Mr. and Mrs. Holliday ... to receive friends on Sunday at their home. To Wed in June Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Johnson of Atkinson announce the en gagement of their daughter, Kay .Arlene (above), to James N. Puckett, 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Puckett of Atkin son. Miss Johnson is teaching i a rural school near Page and j last year attended Wayne State j teachers college. She was grad- , uated from Atkinson high school in 1954. Mr. Puckett was graduated in 1953 and is now . employed in ranching on his fa ther’s ranch south of Emmet. The couple is planning a Jum. wedding. Dorsey News Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wiley and Mr, and Mrs. Howard Marston drove to Grand Island Saturday to spend the weekend at the Marvin Wiley home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carson left Saturday morning to attend the funeral of Mrs. Carson’s uncle, who resided near Rush ville. They returned home late Sunday evening. Among those attending the class play In Verdigre Friday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cihlar, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Cihlar and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta. Several from around Dorsey and Redbird attended the ama teur contest held in Bristow on Friday night. The entertainment was “very good.” Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Krugman, Mrs. Howard Graham and Mrs. Harold Osborn attended the 4-H ban quet held at Atkinson Monday evening. Mrs. T. J. Graham spent sev eral days at the Osborn home last week. -— Skit Substitutes for Minister— PAGE—Because of illness, Rev. ' Lisle Mewmaw was unable to 1 conduct the Sunday morning ser- I vices at the Page Methodist i church. Members of the WSCS put on a skit, “The Challenge of the Cross,” during the morning service. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone and, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klingler went to Tekamah Sunday to vis it Mr. and Mrs. John Tipton. They returned Monday. Thespians Present Stage Program Here| The National Thespian society piesentod a' eomeffy program at the.O’Neiil school auditorium on Tuesday evening, sponsored by j Miss Viola E. Haynes, assisted i by Miss Esther Kinhier. . , , Tho program consisted of “The Lost Collar Button,.’'a neaf-Greek tragedy in • three scenes; “The Cimel and the Vampire,” a pan-1 ‘tojnimfeJ,. and “Wilbur’s. .Wild | Night,”""a “farce m o^e act.. . ► •* • © ° ■ © *• t. *■ - Parisian Setting for School Banquet CHAMBERS — The glamor of Paris was transferred to the American Legion hall in Cham bers Friday night when the an nual Chambers junior-senior ban quet took place. With Don Mikkelson as master of-eeremoiVes, a program was presented. Talks were made by Supt. L. J. Eckdahl, Faculty Memhpr Ralph Fluent and the presidents of the junior and sen ior classes. Dick Young and Duane Walter sang “The Lord’s Player.” A quintet composed of Dick Young, Harold Farrier, Betty Hoerle, Ed ith Grimes and Beverly Master son, sang “I Love Pairs.” Betty Hoerle gave “Any Town Is Paris When You’re Young,” as a solo. Zane Edwards and Beverly En elhaupt were crowned king and fjueen of the senior class. Mothers of the members of the junior class prepared the food, the sophomores acted as waiters and waitresses for the patrons of the §idewalk cafe arranged in Parisian fashion. Following the banquet, the group enjoyed a prom in the gymnasium. Seniors of 1956 are Ronald Chipps, Mary Ellen Gillette, Zane. Edwards, Carolyn Winter mote, Jennie Halsey, Viona Bur gett, Leonard Brown, Beverly Engelhaupt, Cleone Beed, Sam Taggart, Dale Woods and Ber nard Grimes. Thiele-Anson Nuptials Here Leland Anson of O’Neill and Miss Virginia Thiele of Elgin were married at St. Patrick’s Catholic church here Wednesday, April 25, at 9 a.m. Mr. Anson is employed at the Council Oak store. Ewing News Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tams and Mr. and Mrs. Hans Peterson went to Ft. Randall, S.D., on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Garhart and children of York were week end guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Cloyd On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Cloyd, Judy and “Hutch,” ac companied by their guests, Mr. and Mrs. George Garhart and family of York, went to Plain View to spend the day at the home of Mrs. Cloyd’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Timmer man. Mrs. Marie Beelaert entertain ed at Sunday dinner her son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Vermilyea of Sioux City at a 1 o’clock dinner on Sunday. After noon guests at the Davis home were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aus tin of Plainview and Mr. and Mi-s. Gerald Austin and family of Norfolk. A group of ladies was invited to the home of Mrs. Waldo Davis on Friday evening for a party. Mrs. Jessie Butterfield of Orch ard was in charge of the games and contests. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis went to Tilden on Sunday, April 15,. to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Witters. Other Deloit News The primary election will he at the Pofahl school on Tues day,’ May 15. ftfcirg Brewster, teacher at Suftpyside school, spent Tuesday night, April 17, with Elayjde Rei ■raert* *! ..'Ralph Tomjack spent the wfeekepd in Omaha. * a Frontier for printing! , Celia News ' • . ■* Lawrence Smith attended the1 .soil conservation meeting for' pastors and laymen at O'Neill Monday, April 16. Mr and Mrs. Earl Schlotfeld and Layton of Lyons brought cattle for the J. V. Johnson ranch Saturday and were overnight visitors at the John Sicheneder home. They also visited the Ed ] Rausch ‘fdmilv before returning home Sunday. Mr. end Mrs. C. S. Morsett of Royal spent Sunday, April 15, i with their daughter. Mrs. John Sicheneder, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sicheneder were af 'ernpon visitors. Hfr. and Mrs. William Spann' were Wednesday evening, April . 18 visitors at the Ray Pease home. Mr. and Mrs: Waiter Pease and family were last Thursday evening visitors at the Ray Pease home. . , '• Amelia News Mrs. Stella Sparks and Lotmie wore Sunday evening guests of Mr and Mrs. Marvin Doolittle. Mrs. GerUe Adair writes from Honolulu where she is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ted Price, that she likes the country and climate and is enjoying herself. Mrs B. W. Waldo, who is vis iting her son-in-law and daugh ter Rev and Mrs. Bob Kalb, and j family at High Island. Tex., states she is having a ‘ grand time and seeing lots of scenery The flowers are in full bloom, but Mr. Waldo states Nebraska can also boast about flowers in bloom as they found two daffo- i dtls in blo>om at their place. Mrs. Matthew Beha Joins Club— MNO club mot Tuesday eve ning at the homo of Mrs. Leon ard'Davis with Mrs. Melvin Mar eellus and Mrs. Max Mossman as hostesses. ... Mrs. Richard McLain presided, j Fifteen members answered roll t call. 1 First half of lesson, “Sewing New Fabrics," was given by. Mrs C. R. Foree and Mr?. Ber nard Schmitz. Mrs. Matthew Be ha is a new member. The club wiU meet May 22 at the'home of Mrs. Max Mossman. Methodists Learn About Conference— INMAN—Laymen of the Meth odist church took charge of the Sunahv morning service in the absence of Rev. Lisle Mevvmaw. Harvey Tompkins presented a talk on the general conference which ’ convened in MinneapoiLs, Minn., Tuesday, April 24. Others who participated in the service were Karl Keyes, Mrs. Melvin Lorenz, Mrs. Woodrow Gaughcn enbaugh and Mrs. Harvey Tomp kins. Bill Pruss Chosen Club Denner— Cubs of den 1 met at 7 pun.. Wednesday, April 18. Before the meeting thfe den played ball. We elected new officers: .Bill Pruss, denner; Jimmy Sullivan, assistant denner; Richard Bazelman, treat secretary; Larry D. Lieb, news reporter. ' ... Richard BazeUnan furnished candy bars for lunch.—By Lar ry D. Lieb, reporter.' Brownies Make May Baskets— Brownie troop II held a meet ing in Mrs. Reed Herley’s home Monday, April 23. The nine mem bers present made May baskets and a mother’s day card. The hostess was Jo Ann Miles, who served cup cakes. The Brownies’ next meeting will be May 14.—By Dianne Gil lespie, troop scribe. Club Has 17 Members— CHAMBERS — The Prairie Maids 4-H club met at the home of Mrs. Wayne Smith Monday, April 16. Elinore Porter, Arliss Wright and Elaine Dankert join ed the club, making a total of 17 members. Next meeting will be held at the home of Myrtle Bur gess on May 1.—By Linda Rowse, news reporter. Pay Toward National Fund— CHAMBERS—The South Fork Community 4-H club met recent ly at the home of George Fuller Ion. Each member paid 10 cents to the national foundation fund 1 Next meeting will be held at the home of Raymond Beed May 17. j —By Phillis Fullerton, news re- j porter. Lyous-Ford Nuptials in Ne.Yada—* Miss Alta Mae Lyons, daugh-1 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Don O. Lyons | of O’Neill, and Don Fbrd of Ainsworth, son of Mr. aud Mrs. J Everett Clinton of Reno, Nev., were'married Sunday, March 27, J at Reno, it has been announced. The newlyweds are residing on a ranch near Reno. ATTEND FUNERAL .CHAMBERS — Mr. and Mrs. Clarence young and Mr. and Mrs. LaVcrn Hoerle attended fu neral services for Mrs. Young's uncle. Will Mitchell, at Orchard Monday, April '23. •“John Dankert 2-6-56 $25- Part of gEJ/4 20t26«-12 •/ - • Thespians at play-. . . Lila Dailey, Nina Burival. Mary Fetrow, Roger Niemeyer, Robert Burival; James Rodman and Ivan Kaiser.—The Frontier Photo, r “ . '' 1' ’ . . “• : J V.- i* f p . • ^ , t * . j ♦ Captures Coot This long-beaked member of the mud hen family (above) recently was captured at the ' Joe Cunningham residence by Vern Grenier, jr. (below). The lad took the fowl to State Game Warden Fil'd Salak, who identified the bird as a coot.— The Frontier Photo. - » • % O’Neil! News Mr. and Mrs. John Stahlecker ’ and family of Naper were Sat-' urday dinner guests at the Paul §hicrk home. Mr. and Mrs. John Blake, Mr. and Mrs. James Donohoe and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grenier were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Hattie Kindlund. Mrs. Guy Young has returned from a visit with her son’s, Har old of Mankato, Kans., and Stan ley, who is with the soil conser vation district at Smith Center, Kans. Mrs. H. M. Christensen and twins left for Oakland, Calif., on j Friday. She will sail for Japan May 12 where she will join her husband. Mrs. Edna Coyne ac companied Mrs. Christensen to Denvgr, Colo., where she will visit Mrt. J. K. Bautsch. Mr. and Mrs\ William J. Froe lich and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Birmingham plan to leave Friday for Omaha to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Foxley. The Froelichs will depart for Chicago, 111., and from there will go to Louisville, Ky„ to attend the Kentucky derby. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pierson of Torrihgton, Wyo„ arrived on Tuesday for a week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Mott And other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davlin attended the funeral of Mrs. John Krotter in Spencer Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk went to Marshall, Minn., Sunday to visit in' the Harold Benson home. Mr. Shierk returned Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Weyh rich and family went to Cham bers Sunday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jones. Other guests were Mrs. Gretchen Jones | of Overton, Mr. and Mrs. Leon ( Jones of Lexington and Mrs. Ray Grubb and boys of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Petersen I dro\/e to Grand Island Saturday j to meet Mrs. Petersen’s mother, Mrs. Z. A. Marsh of Redlands, i Calif., who wlil remain until af ter Don Petersen’s marriage to Miss Lois Harder. Inman News Mrs. Harry McGraw enter tained the RLDS women’s de partment Tuesday, April 24, at an 8:30 o’clock breakfast. The regular business meeting was held. °" Sunday evening visitors at the Donald Keyes residence were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pruss and Verna of O’Neill, Myron F. La pointe of Ottumwa, la., Arthur Gibbs of Independence, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. ‘Pat Cook and family of Greeley Mrs. Elmer Rogers of Granite Falls, Wash., arrived S.unday to visit her mother, Mrs. Anna Clark, who is “not. feeling well' ; also her ■ brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moore. Mrs. James E. Kelley and son, Nepl, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kelley drove to Grand Island Friday afternoon Where they spent the weekend - with James" E Kelley and topk in th'e races. Mr. ahd Mrg. Harlan Nielsen of j 7rand rsland spent the weekend here in the home of Harlan's j parents, Mr. and Mrs.- Herbert | Nielsen, and Kay. . * „ .« ^ *« « a' '«»-_»_» * —T , « , , ?. , •• < 3 DR. II. p. GlLDERSLEEVfc I OPTOMETRIST ' I^prtl\east Corner r '' " of 4th & Douglas / .. O’NEILL, N-EBR. . ■ .. , ' • Phon'e 167 ■Eyes Exarhinedi-Glasses Fitted Office Hours: 9-5 Monday thru Satudray Member Absent ... ’ .. J ,0 Because of Illness— The Grattan Hustlers jftet , at he C. R. Hill home Sunday, Ap ril 22 Roll call was answered by naming birds. AJ1 members pres ent except Donald Eppenbacn, who was sick Richard Hill showed his dairy heifer. The Junior leader show ed some of the stronger points to look for in picking a dairy heifer Paul Krugman showed how to make a rope halter.—By Keith Krugman, reporter. Junior High Pupils Visit Lincoln— INMAN — The seventh and. lghth grades of the Inman pub lic school and their teacher, Mrs. Rose Kivott, drove to Lincoln on1 Thursday, April 19, where they visited several, points of interest, including the state .capitol. M iking the trip were the 11 nupils comprising the two grades, Mrs. Kivott, Livelle Butterfield. Vaden Kivott and Elmer Krue ger. the three latter providing the transportation. Adult Fellowship Hears About Bees— INMAN—The Methodist adult fellowship held a meeting last Thursday evening. Members of the fellowship from the O'Neill hurch were guests. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beilin, beekeepers, gave a discussion on beekeeping and honey extracting The quarterly conference was held Friday evening. A film was shown. Rev. J. LftVerne Jay conducted the business. Tomlinson Named President— Dick Tomlinson was named president of the O’Neill Rockets baseball team at a meeting Fri day. Fred Appleby and Allan Van Vlock were chosen to assist in the management of the 1956 baseball team. Players will appoint a manag er. New equipment will be pur chased and fund-raising methods were discussed. Hear Report on Hastings Meeting— CHAMBERS — Better Ways chib met at the home of Mrs. Ed win Hubbard Tuesday, April 17. Nine members were present, Mrs. Wayne Smith gave <a report on her trip to Hastings. Mrs. Lloyd Milligan. and Mrs. Frank Tracy gave the lesson. The May meet ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Richard Fees. Kellar Club Gives to Cancer, ARC—' CHAMBERS—Kellar club met Wednesday, April 18, in the home of Mrs. Louis Harley. Mrs. Ned Alderson was co-hosteSs. Sixteen members, one visitor and three children were present. | It was decided to’give $5 to the cancer drive and $5 to the Red Cross. METHODIST t Chambers) Rev, J. M. Hodgkin, pastor Sunday, . April at: Sunday schoolf TO a m., Eugene Baker, sdperinteridentlo worship, )i The Chambers WSCS ladies wove guests of the Bethany ladh's Wednesday, April 25, * Baptismal service and recep tion of members will be observ ed on mother's day. May 13. Sunday, May 6. will tx< given to Hie soil stewardship program at the 11 o’clock service. In the evening a special colored film v, ill be featured. o . *- --- Inman Workers Meet with Mrs. Coventry— INMAN -Tli«* Inman Workers project chib met Wednesday. Ap ril 18, for a regular sossion at the country home of Mrs Ken neth Coventry. A covered dish dinner was enjoyed by the group at mnin. , The leaders, Mrs. F. E. Keyes ;mcf Mrs. Albert Reynolds gave the lesson An the satisfaction of being hble to ele;ui and adjust your sewing machine. Twelve ummbers were present. Seniors to Okoboji— INMAN—The senior class of the Inman high school and Supt. Gerald Nelson left early Friday morning for Lake Okoboji, la., on their annual sneak day. They arrived home early Sunday after noon. INMAN NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cov entry and son, Bob, drove to Omaha Saturday and spent the weekend with their brother and .fames Pinkerman, jr., and fam- • sister - in - law, Mr. and Mrs, l,v. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Mc Mahan and Mrs. John H. Matt son attended the annual meeting of the Holt county chapter of the National Foundation for Infan tile Paralysis in O’Neill Wed nesday evening, April 18. Presbyterian rummage sale in Odd Fellows building. April *6. 27 and 28. 51-5* AT STUD HANK AQHA Sorrel Double-Bred Grandson of King r 234 Fee: $25.00 STANDING AT C Bar M Hereford Ranch CERTIFIED HYBRID SEED CORN Come to SCOVIE’S for HARTZ Seed Com —the Best Flats . . . lowest price in town! Save on 5-Bu. Lots! WE SAKE A REPLANTING AGREEMENT ,^\11 Early Hybrids: IOWA 306 — StY>WA 4249 — IOWA 4397 — HARTZ 2? m HARTZ 44 WESTERN AUTO STORE . . . O’Neill — ‘ ‘SCOVIE’S' ’ —1 . , * a , * \ 'J \ . f, ■ 3 /6et more mrkdontK 'with this HIU WIDTH ) < manure fork on your J ^FARMHAND Loader M MANURE FORK • • . (Wirt. Oravwl Plata) DETACHABLE SCOOP .. * . . * * * „ r.* « B f " Lifts up to 3,OOQi pounds at a bite with speed and ease ... goes on and off in a >iffy with simple 2-pin mounting. Just slip special Gravel Plate on Manure Fork when handling dirt, gravel or sand. Detachable Scoop fits quickly on Manure Fork, takes loads up to 33 cubic feet. Farmhand Loader’s setf-leveling action balances • load, prevents spilling. “Wrist-Action’* eases load into • .. place, just where you want it. See it now! - • ; * * . Vi ••?••• • * . •• .. ^Fanllliaild HYDRAULIC LOADER* ’ HARRY R. SMITH IMPLEMENTS < ‘ ,t O’Neill _ Phone 562