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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1956)
O'Neill News Mr. and Mrs. William W. Mc Intosh and sons were Sunday dinner guests in Madison at the at the home of her brother, Rich ard Beatty, Mrs Beatty and son. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parks, sr., of ‘Stuart were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parks, Jr. Mr. and Mrs Andrew Wettlauf er were in Page over the weekend visiting their son. Gerald Wett laufer. Also present were Mrs. Harold Strong and Terry and Mrs. Lawrence Stevens of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. L. W Larson of Tilden were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Weston Whitwer and sons. Monuments of lasting beaut; made hv skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer. — Emmett Crabb, O' Neill. phone 139-J. 37tf Mrs. Morris Kirkpatrick and Danny went to Elgin last Thurs day to visit Kenneth Bergstrom. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Kenfield of Julesburg, Colo., are arriving on Sunday to attend the kindergarten program at the O’Neill public school. Their grandson, Norman Ramsel, is a member of the cast. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watson were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Watson and daughter of Chambers. Mrs. Helen Rourke attended a meeting in Fremont Sunday. Mr and Mrs. C. E. Worth and Charles went to Gregory, S.D., on Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ad olph Wetzler and family. Venetian blinds, prompt deliv ery, made to measure, metal or wood, all colors.—J. M, McDon alds. tf Mr. and Mrs John Simon and family and Miss Mary Helen Benze spent the weekend in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hile of Co lumbus visited Mr. and Mrs. George Janousek and family over the weekend. Miss Blanche Callahan of Minot, N.D., is visiting Mrs. John Schmidt and Sister M. Perpetua of St. An thony’s hospital. DR. DONALD E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Eyes Exnmlnod Glassea Fitted Phone 2101, Spencer, Nebr. John R. Gallagher Attorney-at-Law First Nat’l Bank Bldg. O’NEILL PHONE 11 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Connors and sons of Greeley were week end guests of her mother, Mrs. M J Wallace Mr. and Mrs E. F. Quinn were in Atkinson Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Verzal. Don’t be sorry. See our wall paper display before you buy.— Scovie’s Western Auto. O’Neill. 45-2c Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Burgess and Miss LaVeta Lehn will leave for Omaha Sunday where they will attend the Nebraska State Dental convention next week. Larry Parks and Hilda De seive of Atkinson took Lyle Fox to Grand Island Saturday, where he left for San Francisco, Calif. Mrs. Ruben Redlinger of Ew ing was a dinner guest of Jean ette Dericksor. Saturday. Mrs. Howard Newton and Mrs. Carl Schenzel visited in the D. R. Douglass home Monday after noon. William Bowker went to Tex as Friday on business. He return ed Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sivesind and children were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gydeson and son. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Marts visited in the Dr. E. M. Gleeson and Robert Devoy homes Mon day. Wanted to Buy: Horses of all kinds.—Buv Wanser, Page. 48-51c I Mrs. Jasper Hitchcock. Omaha, I came Monday for a week’s visit j with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I William Anderson. Visitors in the F. S. Brittell | home last Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller of Inman, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Brittell and girls of Neligh, Mrs. Bessie Burge and daughter, June, of Emmet and Mrs. Arnie Mace of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. William Hubby, Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Thorten of Neligh visited Mrs. Carrie Born Friday evening. Lloyd Maynard of Bend, Ore., is visiting relatives and is staying with Mr. and Mrs. George Mott. W’ayne King to Return to Ainsworth— AINSWORTH— The incompa rable Wayne King with his gold en saxophone and world famous orchestra will play a return en gagement at the JK roller rink, one-half mile east of Ainsworth on U.S. highway 20, Monday, May 14. This return engagement at Ainsworth is being sponsored by the Ainsworth fire depart ment. Throughout the country, Wayne King continues to be one of the foremost names in the music business. At the Ainsworth en gagement, this world famous or chestra will feature King and his saxophone, Jim Hayes and Bar bara Becker. Qp/uOSuJcJ End-of-Month Savings for You! Come Early! I SHEET BLANKETS 60x76 cotton plaids. Plenty of wear in i these. Each--97c GARMENT BAGS Jumbo size, full 54” zipper. Holds 16 gar ments. Made of heavy vinyl plastic. Each..99c TRAIN CASE | Practical 11x6x6 case. Mirror and tray, j Two-tone finish. (Plus tax) j Each-1.88 HOUSE SUPPERS Ladies’ cotton print with terry cloth lin ! ing. Soft padded sole. 4 to 9. ' Pair —.97c I SACK TOWELS : Unhemmed 33x38 size. Bleached white, j Stock up on these! 4 far $1 ° _ ' « • _ NYLON FABRIC I Baby pucker type. Plain colors. White, red, green, pink, navy and maize. j 39” width. 2 Yards_$ 1 PUSSE Printed cotton plisse. 36” width. Patterns ; for young and old. Yard_39c 1 TERRY CLOTH ; ! Sturdy absorbent cotton. 36” width. Has || many home uses. Six wanted colors. (Yard-89c FABRICS One group assorted cottons. Prints and plains. Staple and novelty patterns. Values to 79c yard. 3 Yards.99c MEN'S T SHIRTS Quality knit cotton. Nylon reinforced | neckbands. White. Stock up now! BABY WEEK SPECIALS! * <* o o® • ! 0 o • * • • c . Beautiful soft ‘ Estron’l blankets. 36”x50” size., , QUILTED BLANKETS 2.97 ! o 0 0 0 o 0 ,; *»o o * ° •' o O *o 0 « o s » Soft cotton two-piece diaper sets for the cradPe crowd. Plas- ° niAPPP tic panties. Roomy sleeveless top. White with blue, red U y/i s Ul/il L»H JLld or green trim. 9-18 mos. Each ... .. . . *7 § ^ ° °o \ 0 ° %. o 0 ° ° oTo o o° ° ■ i TlMa IMAPFP^ First quality 20”x40” gauze diapers. They dry fast and fold 0 . IfliiTLuVu without bulking. One dozen to box ■ . .-I... _ ° j ? 0 0 , ^ ° _ _' A 1 .. " $ " t f ° j - 4 ‘ o . * «-,*»’•* vt *1 1 . •* A ti u «• '* “ •> r. •' • & " ■ d J^c 1 ’• •, ^ ■ C \ \ ' V * ^ ^ * o C W / f‘ ** on ** ■Hfifl_ni8 District 27 Pupils Visit The Frontier Miss Caroline Backhaus, teacher, and her 10 pupils from district 27, north of O’Neill, Mon day visited The Frontier, the “Voice of The Fron tier” radio studios and other points of interest in the city. Front row (left-to-right): Terry Langan, Kathryn Devall, Linda WoidnecK, t>naron An son and Wayne Rouse; back row—Larry Nelson, I Jijnie Fox, Tommy Drueke, Carol Ann Drueke, I Leo Fox and Miss Backhaus.—The Frontier Photo. Lynch Airman Gets Top Award for EM LYNCH—A/lc Leo Louis Kal kowski, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Kalkowski and a clerk-typist in the officers’ rec ord section of his air base, has been selected “outstanding air man and top enlisted man for the month of March.” He received praise from his supervisor, T/Sgt. R. H. McGill, who pointed out that “Kalkow ski’s skill and efficiency have helped to raise his section’s av erage rating to one of the best.” Sergeant McGill stated Kal • kowski "needs little or no super vision.” Kalkowski is assigned to the 802d air base group, headquarters squadron. Benefit Party Well Attended LYNCH — A mother-daughter banquet was held in the First Methordist church basement Tuesday, April 17. The men of the church served the dinner. Lynch News Mr. and Mrs. Bob Whetham of Spencer visited at the Ed Whet ham home Sunday, April 15. Kenneth Stewart has received his discharge and is now at the Art Stewart home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Darnell tnd i family of Omaha spent last week ! with relatjp/es here. Mr. and Mrs. George Thayer returned to their home in Hoop er after a week’s visit here Erly Craig of Herrick, S.D., spent the weekend here with re latives. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Halva spent Friday evening at the Wallace Courtney home. Mrs. Anna Lewis of Monowi spent last week with her daugh ter, Mrs. Gerald Lee, and family. Miss Clara Kohler of Fullerton spent Thursday at the Vince Je horek home. She also looked af ter land interests here. Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Lee and sons visited with the Dale Spencer family in Spencer Sat urday. Rev. Charles Phipps of Atkin son, Wesleyan Methodist church conference president, conducted the third quarterly business meeting of the church and pray er meeting at the Dr. C. B. Ira home last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie girbek °f Opportunity were Lynch visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Havranek and children of Spencer spent Sunday at the parental Joe Hal va nome. Mrs. Virgil Sherman and chil dren of Monowi were Lynch callers on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Barta spent Sunday evening at the home of their son, Gordon, and family. Mrs. Cal Conklin called on friends in Bristow Tuesday, April 17. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ducker and family spent Sunday at Joe Kounovoskys in Verdel. Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Lee and sons called at the William Stauf fer home Tuesday, April 17. Miss Glendora Hull of Denver, Colo., is here visiting at the Glenn Hull home. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Miles of Dorsey were Lynch callers on Saturday. Robert Devoy Attends Veterinary Conference— Robert Devoy of Gilligan’s Rexall drug store returned Sat urday from Sioux City where he attended a dealers’ conference sponsored by McKesson & Rob bins, Inc., wholesale druggists, in cooperation with Globe Lab oratories, manufacturers of vet erinary products. Mr. Devoy and other delegates received certificates presented by James M. Hanlon, McKesson’s division manager at Sioux City, stating that the dealer’s knowl edge of the animal and poultry health field has been broadened and improved by his participa tion in the conference. About one hundred dealers, in cluding some from bordering states, attended the meeting in the Warrior hotel. I»u iiuuui ru uii Service Separations— Mr. and Mr. Joe Sivesind and family went to Orchard Sunday to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Curt Schleusener where Merle and Lyle Schleusener were honored at a party to celebrate their dis charges from the army and navy, respectively. Merle had been in Germany and Lyle in the Philippines. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schleusener of Orchard, were also present. O’NEILL LOCALS Miss Marlene Harrington was honored Sunday at a birthday anniversary dinner at her home. Guests included Kay and Mary Graham, Dave Maughane and Ronald Karr. Rev. and Mrs. J. LaVerne Jay attended the 75th anniversary celebration , of the Methodist church held Sunday at Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Van Voor hees of Los Angeles, Calif., are here visiting at the Guy Young home. They are enroute to Sag inaw, Mich. SWITCH TO SQUIRT Never An After-Thirst ummmSammmmmlmtmSmm r, , .• u •r' I) J ‘f " „0‘ •:" ^ Attend Bankers' Conveniton— Among those attending the dis ; trict meeting of the Nebraska Bankers' association, held Mon day — arbor day — at Norfolk l were: Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Cronin, ! Mr. and Mrs. O. D. French, Mr. I and Mrs. Woodrow Melena, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grady and Miss 1 Helen Vitt, all of the O'Neill National bank; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bright and Mr. and Mrs. John C. Watson, all of the First National bank of O’Neill; H. J. Birming ham, president of the First Na tional bank of Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Homer F. Mullen of O’Neill. Edward M. Gallagher of the First National bank here was ill and was unable to attend the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Phil brick and family were Sunday dinner guests of her sister, Mrs. Elmer Allyn, and Mr. Allyn, north of Stuart. In the evening they were supper guests of Mr. Philbrick’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Philbrick. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Philbrick i and family. Chambers News Mrs. Cecil Bogue and children of Atkinson visited Sunday with her brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Kenenth Werner, and family. Mrs. Burl Waldo returned on Monday from High Island, Tex., where she has been visiting her son-in-law and daughter. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Kalb, and fam ily for about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kirkland of Burwell were Sunday dinnerj guests of her parents, Mr. and j Mrs. A. A. Walter. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walter and children and Mr and i Mrs. Wayne Smith and family. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gibson were the following relat’ves: Mr. and Mrs. Will Woxberg, Mr. and Mrs. Har old Denman and Miss Edith Lar son of Genoa; Mrs. Charles Lind bloom of St. Edward; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Day of Ponca; Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Day of Grand Island; Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Wal ling and two children of Ewing; Henry Rudolph of Spalding and Rose Marie Gibson of O’Neill Mr. and Mrs Herman Cook and Mrs. John Wintormote went to Ord Sunday to visit their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Katnoun, ana i family and to help their grand daughter, Susan Rathbun, cele brate her birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Sexton and Nadine visited his parents at Hadam, Kans., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis (“Bus”) Young and daughter of Kearney were weekend guests of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young, and boys and his broth er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Hoerle, and chil dren. Mr. and Mrs Jack Taggart and daughter of Waterloo, la., were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright, and brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wright, and Arlis. Mr. and Mrs Raymond Beed went to Stuart Saturday to help their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kaup, move from town to their farm a mile from Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter and father, Myron Carpenter, spent Saturday in Atkinson with the formers’ son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dobbs and family were in Sioux City las! Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Walter and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. A1 Dierking and father, John Walter. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Damme and family drove to Clearwater Sunday where they were dinner guests of his brother and sister in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Les Damme. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beirle anti son, Jacque Lee, came Saturday from Columbus and visited until Monday afternoon with her par ents, Mr and Mrs. Paul Roth. Mi amt Mrs 1. W Taggart took their daughter, Jacqueline, back to Omaha where she is employed, last Thursday. They returned Friday. Jacqueline had spent a couple weeks here fol lowing an appendectomy at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. Mrs. Raymond Beed, Mrs. Glen Grimes, Mrs. Anna Albers, Mrs. E. H. Medcalf and Mrs. J. M Hodgkin attended the district meeting of the WSCS of the Methodist church held in Plain view Monday, April 23. Mrs. C. E Tibbets drove to Winner, S.D., Monday to attend a shower for the new baby daughter of her nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Hale Os borne. Robert Adams. Jerold McClen ahan, Alston Rasmussen, Hud McCloskey and Professor Rogeir, all of Grace Bible Institute in Omaha, came Sunday for special services held at the Memorial Baptist church, both morning and evening. Dinner was at the church. Bob Adams is the son of Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Adams and Jerold McClenahan is the .son of Mr. and Mrs. Omar McClenahan of Chambers. Alston Rasmussen formerly lived here. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thorin visited their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Wintermote, at the Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk on Sunday. Earlier in the week Clarence Young. Herman Cook and Donald Stroug, all of Chatn bers, went to Norfolk to give blood for the new Wintermote baby. Mr and Mrs. Vernon Harley and family visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Roth at St. Libory Sunday and also attended the Seward choir singing at Ravenna. (First pub. Apr. 19, 19561 Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE or HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT No. 4*65 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF RUBEN J EL STON. DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given Wait a petition has lieen filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of final account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on May 9, 1956, at 10 o’ clock, A.M. LOUIS W. RE1MER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 51-lC Raymond & Mildred Seiler’s CLOSING-OUT SALE At the W P. El ley (arm located Ms mile north of Wheel-In Motel, Atkinson, Nebr. Saturday, May 5 Starting at 1 P.M. — Terms: Cash 14 HEAD OF CATTLE—Purebred Wise. Shorthorn heifer, fresh soon; Holstein cow; 2 crossbred heifers; 10 head of Hereford cows and calves, 3- to 5-years-old. HORSES—2 work horses, smoothmouth, well broke; green broke saddle mare, 5-yrs.-old, with saddle; Shetland pony, well broke, and youth saddle. 3 sets harness, iair eommion MAYING EQUIPMENT—Complete line: Tractors, stacker, mowers, sweeps, sickles, etc.; other ranch machinery. Complete Line Shop Tools — 1949 Yi-Ton Pickup 1941 Fprd — Some Household Equipment Keating Implement Co. will sell a big line of used tractors, trucks, farm equipment, appliances and misc. equlpt’. RAYMOND & MILDRED SEILER Col. Ed Thorin of O’Neill, Auctioneer & Real Estate Broker First National Bank of Atkinson, Clerk ■ • I U. S. NO. I FLORIDA SEEDLESS _GRAPEFRUIT 3l.s 25* EXTRA FANCY WASHINGTON ^_ WINESAP APPLES i „ 27c j «U.O BUNDLE OF 2 LARGS STALKS California Celery Hearts.25‘ NEW GREEN ... U. S. NO. I TEXAS CABBAGE » 6C WHITE OR YEUOW BERMUDA ONIONS s.... 25c 4 m l 1/ /M |^K W i\fi ■! ml ^^mgEm i +1 f I WA W J «a 1 i «J ^^^KnS GUARANTEED TO PLEASE ^ _ . ROBIN COFFEE ,.85* MOTHER S BEST FLOUR so,,. 3.39 NEW ECONOMY SIZE _ _ Baker's Chocolate Chips . . . 12-OZ. 3 3 I Pillsbury s Cake Mixes.*«*« 27c MIX OR STICKS _ _ Pillsbury's Pie Crust .... 2 9-OZ. PKGS. 3 3 I CUAIFKID'S TASTGOOO H f\r CHEESE SPREAD :.«59* HOOCH'S KST f\r ELBO MACARONI .. 39c ! FIG BARS .».auo-. 29* • . o • • • ® * . T I IMON . . . SUGAR . . . ASSORTED SANDWICH BANNER COOKIES 29* VISTA OYSTER CRACKERS «S 19 „ ° ° 0 „ „ „ o °° 0 ° 3 o O o , ° 0 o o oo ° °o° | " • »* o £ °°c „ * : t „ "■ ' , <• * 4** S *> ' • * "it _ • , • o c ‘ c ‘ , • *? n , , * x «; o . r V \A* 4- •• c V- * «c ” * f O ^ * _ "* -•* * \ .* 4th Street Market Phone 93_We Deliver THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY _APRIL 26-27-28_ i;i i,i l I i, GERBER;S" - 4 Strained Baby Foods | CANS 49C l CREAM of WHEAT., 34« BIB ORANGE JUICE. . 19‘ IVORY SOAP . . PERSONAL SIZE BAR 06c HYGEIA NURSERS COMPLETE.a-OZ. 17‘ _H MANCHESTER OR SUPREME 4* _ Fig Bars 27' LUSK A _ Polly Pops bag 27' BLUE LABEL . . . 5-LB. m Karo Syrup . 59 j SUNSHINE FUOCjf _ _ Sandwich.45* LUSK *_ LEMON OBOPS ■AG Jmt kingan's :.. n-oz. aa. Chop Beef 29* hr' PILLSBURY'S | Angel Cake Mix i 8c OFF PACK 39‘ fficssa U.S. Federal Graded Choice BEEF ROAST >wift Sweet Rash BACON. Boston Butt PORK ROAST* ,. VII - Meat • *• . BING BOLOGNA fresh GROUND BEEF ° ° ° ° 3 , ’ °C \ . '* . , ' \ 1 ,i " O \ r • *' ’ *%» « 't* ' A * .» • •f V f/* n