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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1956)
Certified List •o o S ° ° ° • ip * o° O g U o . O ^ d3 O o O n of Candidates PRIMARY ELECTION May 15,1956 Holt County, Nebraska I, Kenneth Waring, County Clerk of Holt County, Nebraska, do hereby certify that the following named persons, all of them quali fied electors of the state of Nebraska, have made personal filings or accepted petitions filed for them by other electors and each has fulfilled all requirements of law, and each is entitled to have his or her name placed on the official ballot to be used in the Primaries, May 15, 1956, as candidates for nomination on the ticket and for the office as designated below: NATIONAL TICKET FOR PRESIDENT Republican Residence Democrat Residence DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER ESTES KEFAUVER Gettysburg, Pa Chattanooga, Tenn. FOR DELEGATES AT LARGE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION Republican Residence CHARLES S. REED Omaha MRS EVA BOWRING Merriman LEONARD L. IJVRSON Lincoln ARTHUR JENNINGS HANSON Omaha ARTHUR J. WEAVER Lincoln General Insurance, Lincoln, Nebr. MAX G. TOWLE Lincoln JOHN P. McKNIGHT Auburn ROBERT B. CROSBY Lincoln DEAN G. KRATZ Omaha FAY SMITH Imperial KDSON SMITH Omaha TERRY CARPENTER Scottsbluff HARRY S. BYRNE Omaha FREDERICK H. WAGENER Lincoln ARTHUR J. WEAVER Omaha TED W. METCALFE Omaha MRS. CHARLES J. WARNER Waverly KERMIT WAGNER Schuyler HERBERT J. HUGHES Imperial MRS. GEORGE P. ABEL Lincoln J. LEROY WELSH Omaha WILLIAM A. STEWART Lexington ROBERT R. PERRY Lincoln Democrat Resideace EDWIN MORAN Nebraska City KEITH NEVILLE North Platte P. J. HEATON Sidney JAM FIS C. QUIGLEY Valentine JAMES F. GREFIN Omaha WILLIAM H. MEIER Minden HUGH B. RILEY Fairbury WILLARD E. TOWNSEND Lincoln i i FOR ALTERNATE DELEGATES AT LARGE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION Republican Resilience JAMES M. PAXSON Omaha JOHN S. SAMSON Omaha CHARLES W. DURHAM Omaha HENRY J. AMEN Lincoln REX S. HABERMAN Hastings ANN STUART BATCHELDER Omaha nrmorrai nrsiarnw FREDERICK M. DEUTSCH Norfolk ESSIE DAVIS Hyannis MARY CUNNINGHAM Rulo JESSE F. TEPNER Creighton LAWRENCE BROCK Wakefield FOR DELEGATES TO .NATIONAL CONVENTION—FOURTH DISTRICT Republican Residence W. E. VAN NORMAN Oshkosh ROBERT G. SIMMONS, JR. Scottsbluff MRS. HAVEN N. SMITH Chappell RICHARD R. DEMPSTER North Platte JOHN R. JIRDON Morrill FRANK M. JOHNSON Lexington J. MONROE BIXLER Harrison Democrat Residence EMIL J. BARTA Cozad1 WILLIAM B. QUIGLEY Valentine EDMUND W. HOLLSTEIN Rushville HANS J. HOLTORF, JR. Gering FOR ALTERNATE DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION — FOURTH DISTRICT t T Republican Residence I>emoerat Residence FRANCES R. FOWLER Gering THANE DAVIS Hyannis WILLIAM C. SMITH, JR. L. D. PUTNAM O’Neill Ainsworth FAY C. HILL Gordon ETHEL M. KIRWIN Scottsbluff STATE TICKET FOR GOVERNOR Republican Residence Democrat Residence VICTOR E. ANDERSON Lincoln TED BAUM Scottsbluff EDWIN L. HART Lincoln FRANK SORRELL Syracuse FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Republican Residence Democrat Residence CAR!( G. SWANSON Omaha HARRY ANDREASEN Omaha DWIGHT W. BURNEY STANLEY D. LONG Hartington Grand Island i ERNEST M. JOHNSON Chadron GEORGE E. CORNWELL MARVIN GRISWOLD Lincoln Omaha FOR SECRETARY OF STATE Republican Residence Democrat Residence FRANK MARSH Lincoln V. C. HAVORKA, SR. Randolph FOR AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Republican Residence Democrat Residence RAY C JOHNSON Lincoln ALFRED J. ANZALONE Omaha I JULIUS PETERSEN Omaha _ - ! FOR STATE TREASURER Republican Residence Democrat Residence RALPH W HILL Hebron RICHARD R. LARSEN Omaha DONALD E. LARSON Omaha ALBERT L. GEISSINGER Omaha O o _ L. , FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL Republican 3 0 o° Residence Democrat Residence STRAIGHT TOWNSEND WILLIAM E. GRUBBS Scottsbluff Scottsbluff ° CLARENCE S. BECK ’ North Platte 1 CO ■' FOR RAILWAY COMMISSIONER Republican ° Residence Democrat Residence WILLIAM R. taTLNER Omaha J. G. McREYNOLDS Lincoln PAUL E PETTYGROVE Oxford R. A. McPHERSOl? 0 “Omaha CHARLES VOGT, JR. Liberty | ° r, 00 „ “ o° o I* «, n O o t 1 : CONGRESSIONAL TICKET FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS FOURTH DISTRICT • 0 p ° Republican Residence Democrat Residence HOWARD F. EBY St. Paul CARLTON W. LAIRD | A. L MILLER Kimball Scottsbluff NON-POLITICAL TICKET FOR CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT Name Residence Name Residence I ROBERT G. SIMMONS Lincoln FOR MEMBERS OF THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION FOR THIRD DISTRICT (Four-Year Term) Name Residence ' Name Residence . HAMILTON F. MITTEN Fremont I FOR MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE FOR TWENTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT Name Residence Name Residence FRANK NELSON O’Neill FRED J. JUNGMAN Atkinson JOHN A. TEN BORG Atkinson HUGO C. SiELER Butte ____ DISTRICT JUDGES FOR FIFTEENTH DISTRICT Name Residence, Name Residence D. R. MOUNTS O’Neill! - REGENTS OF UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA FOR SIXTH DISTRICT Name Residence Name Residence FRANK M. JOHNSON Lexington JACK ELLIOTT Scottsbluff ROY E. BLIXT Arnold PUBLIC POWER AND IRRIGATION AND RECLAMATION DISTRICTS FOR DIRECTOR CONSUMERS PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT — DISTRICT TWO (Full Term) Name Residence Name Residence GUY STINSON Norfolk | FOR DIRECTORS ELKHORN RURAL PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT (Full Term) Name Residence Name Residence WALTER W. WAGNER Tilden WILLIAM REEVES Madison M. W. HUNT Battle Creek HAROLD A. KREBS Neligh FOR DIRECTOR ELKHORN RURAL PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT (Four-Year Term — To Fill Vacancy) Name _ Residence I Name Residence EVERETTE TIEDGEN A. H. LEWIS Battle Creek Battle Creek i FOR DIRECTOR NORTH CENTRAL NEBRASKA RURAL POWER DISTRICT SUBDIVISION FOUR (Full Term) Name Residence Name Residence FRITZ C. ROKAHR Orchard, COUNTY TICKET FOR COUNTY JUDGE Non-Political Residence l Non-Political Residence LOUIS W. REIMER O’Neill FOR JUSTICE OF PEACE Republican Residence I Democrat Residence H. W. TOMLINSON O’NeillI • i RALPH H. WALKER O’Neill | FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR—SECOND DISTRICT * Republican Residence Democrat Residence ELMER EDMISTEN Page M. V. LANDRETH Page CHARLES W FOX O’Neill ART TOMLINSON Inman! FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR—FOURTH DISTRICT Republican Residence I Democrat Residence FRANK CRONK Page FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR—SIXTH DISTRICT Republican Residence Democrat Residence I A. M. BATENHORST Stuart DELEGATES TO STATE CONVENTION ESSlTSckensa “S DrnmrM ETHEL COLE O’Neill DELEGATES TO THE COUNTY CONVENTION 3ft & Republican Residence Democrat Residence HERMAN GANS Atkinson ence MRS. ROBERT LEMUNYAN Atkinson IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the County of Holt, State of Nebraska, this 20th day of AJiril, 1956. 0 “V 0 'C'\. KENNETH WARING o° County Clerk (SEAL) 0 °°r> o° f V a r‘\\ •!' O r-3 " ° O o _ ° c ? o c* ° Av o h f o • o -q o _ Q , o * • ® . o 0 3 r‘ b 0 o o ° 3 0 ou O U,C“C -,„9 o e O > o o 0 o 0 u «0 n oc o O c° O o ,0 °o ° I, e r.. o o O c o o •’ . ° o° & ° 1. "o , ** ° - ° " . c; "°o ■ . f W "Uncle Willie*’ Boettcher (seated in center, with beard) Sunday was honored by relatives, friends and parishoners of the Immanuel Lutheran church of Spencer on his 90th birthday anni versary. His sister, Mrs. Minnie Ehrlich, 88, is seated beside him.—The Frontier Photo. Uncle Willie’ At 90th Milestone (Continued from page 1) to Boyd county and to the Rose bud, recalls the government land lotteries, and helped establish Immanuel church, of which he is a charter member. Sunday’s affair marked the first time all members of the family were together for a num ber of years. Mr. Boettcher’s family in cludes: Sons—Adolph of Bone steel, S.D., Walter of Spencer, Robert of Rutte; daughters-—Mrs. Henry (Martha) Brunmeier of Fremont and Mrs. Hamilton (F.l la) Kimmel of Omaha; sister— Mrs. Minnie Ehrlich, who lives with her daughter, Mrs. John Kaczor, north of Spencer. Both Mr. Boettcher and his only living sister, Mrs. Ehrlich, a widow, enjoy good health and have keen minds. They both have vivid memories of pioneer life in Boyd county. "Uncle Willie” has two great-grandchildren. They are the children of Mrs. John Frink of Lincoln. The Boyd nonagenarian doesn’t bother to offer advice to young people on how to get along. ‘‘They wouldn’t go through what we had to put up with,” he explains. Legal Notice (First pub. Apr. 12, 1956) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT No. 4058 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF HUGH McMAN US, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu liisri ui anu ti v i ui 11 — nal account and discharge, whicti will be for hearing in this court on May 2, 1956, at 10 o’clock, A.M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 50-52 (First pub. Apr. 19, 1956) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4105 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, April 12, 1956. < In the matter of the Estate of < Floa R. Lautenschlager, Deceas- , ?d CREDITORS of said estate are , aereby notified that the time ( limited for presenting claims \ against said estate is August 10, , 1956. and for the payment of | lebts is April 12, 1957, and that ] >n May 10, 1956, and on August j II, 1956, at 10 o’clock A.M , each j lay, I will be at the County i Court Room in said County to j -eceive, examine, hear, allow, or id'ust all claims and objections i July filed. I ( LOUIS W. REIMER, 1 Countv Judge, ir BOUNTY COURT SEAL) 51-lc t -- i Julius D. Cronin, Attorney First publication April 26. 1956. 3 NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 4111 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, April 20, 1956. In the Matter of the Estate if Mabel A. Krotter, Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate hat a petition has been filed in ;aid Court for the appointment )f Donald W. Krotter and John l. Krotter as Joint Administra tors of said estate, and will be leard Mav 17 1956, at 10 o’clock t.M, at the County Court Room n O’Neill, Nebraska. 0 o LOUIS W. REIMER ° o County Judge COUNTY COURT SEAL). 52-2c 00 c c I ... - O ° J ° Q li- Ji. o <• * p- » o :* \> « o 0 ^ • • o o » c“' ‘ .p w o«s '• 0 ‘ ® Stanley Johnson Surprised on Birthday CELIA—Darrel and Kay Me- ' Kathnie were Wednesday, April 18, supper guests at the John Sicheneder home. That evening the following surprised Stanley Johnson with a party on his birthday anniversa ry at the John Sicheneder home: Mr. and Mrs. Charley Tasler, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young, Vernon Rothchild, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bausch, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stanley of Seattle, Wash, (who nre visiting her brother, Ed Bausch, and other relatives), Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Naber, Mr. and Mrs. John Schwindt and Venita, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Goldfuss and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sicheneder, Mr. and Mrs. James : Sicheneder, Mrs. Lorraine Won dercheck and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKathnie and family. Other Celia News Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck were last Thursday morning visitors in Fairfax, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun and son were Wednesday eve ning, April 18, visitors at the Dorothy Scott home. Mrs. Victor Frickel and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman attended the Im manuel Lutheran Ladies Aid meeting at the church Tuesday, April 17. Frank Kilmurry, Duane Bock, LeRoy Hoffman, Charles Dobias and Alex Forsythe helped with rattle for William Maloun and D. A. Hammerberg Wednesday, April 18. All were dinner guests at the Maloun home. Mrs. Beck helped Mrs. Maloun. Several members of the Celia h'omemakers extension club Helped serve lunch at the Fred young sale Friday, April 20. Mr. and Mrs. George Beck vere Sunday dinner guests at he Duane Beck home. Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun and son vere afternoon visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Omer Poynts vere Saturday supper guests at the Mark Hendricks home. The Pinochle club met at the Charles Dobias home on Friday wening. High bids were won by Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack; high icores bv William Maloun and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman: low scores — . « m __1 jy LSX.ll l>UU VAflUU-rw anu *-•*»*** Holfack. Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKath ne last Thursday went to Bel grade to atend the senior class •>lay in which his daughter, El en. appeared. Darrel and Kay VTcKathnie stayed in Atkinson vith their grandmother, Mrs. imma McKathnie. Stanley John- ■ on also went to Belgrade to at end the play. Miss Ellen Mc <athnie is his niece. Mrs. Milton McKathnie at ended the Guild meeting at the Jeorge Frohardt home Monday ;vening, April 17. Ulene Johnson, who has been visiting the Lauridsen families or some time, returned to Sut on Sunday with Leonard Wesse nan of Pierce, who came the day >efore and spent the night at the Ians Lauridsen home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lauridsen nd family were Sunday after loon visitors at the Hans Laur dsen home. Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman, together vith officers of other extension lubs near Atkinson, met with Irs. Camp and Mrs. Warren on "uesday evening, April 17, at he Nite & Day cafe to discuss Ukinson’s new rest room. Buddy Focken took a load of oung people to Norfolk Sunday Money to Loan — on — \UTOM OBTLES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance Corp. d. E. Jones, Manager O’Neill Nebraska " *" 1 - — I ■ Ml • . , * > > ° ^ H (■ '5 • Q • O l , ... •«. " i ‘ ? <P -J » c °° ° ° C •*> o. for a youth meeting, including fatty Allen, Billy Focken, Judy Schaaf, Connie and Gary Hitch cock. Mrs. Victor Frickel attended an Immanuel Lutheran Mission ary league Christian growth in stitute in Spencer Wednesday, April 18, at the church. Frank Kilmurry and Charles Dobias helped Emil Colfack on Monday, April 16. Mr. and Mrs Clarence Focken, the twins and Dannie were Sun day afternoon visitors at the Le Roy Hoffman home. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck were last Thursday evening visitors at the Alvin Hesier home. Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Victor Frickel home. Duane and Jim Mintle were Monday evening, April 16, visit ors at the Hans Lauridsen home. WSt'S Plans llrrakfast. Bum mace Sale— ATKINSON- AixLvn members of circle 3 of the Atkinson Meth odist WSCS met at the O. A. Hammerbefg home Wednesday, April 13 Mrs Will Taster was Co-hostess. It was decided to hold a breakfast May 2 from 7:30 aan. until 12 30 p.m.; also a rummage sale, beginning May 21. Next meeting will ho with Mi's. l>ick Braun with Mrs. Marjorie Rick-* endifer as co-hostess. Mr. and Mrs Cecil -Grenier and Hattie Kindlund were sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs James Donohoe Sunday, April 15. RKPORT OF CONDITION OF Chambers State Bank uf Chambers, Nebraska, Nebraska Charier No. 637, at the close of business on April 10, 1956 ASSKTS Cash balances with other banks, includ ing reserve balances, and cash items in process of collection $222,081.00 United States Govern ment obligations, di rect and guaranteed 200,000 00 Obligations of States and political subdi visions 997 50 Loans and discounts (including $1,035.56 overdrafts) 334,829 23 Bank premises owned $ 1,000.00, furniture and fixtures $500 00 1,50000 TOTAL ASSETS $759,407.73 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of ships, and corpora tions $670,309.76 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 25,596.47 TOTAL LIABILITIES $6*5,906.23 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital* _ $ 25,000.00 Surplus 26,000.00 Undivided profits . 12,501.50 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ._$ 63.501.50 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS _$759,407.73 ♦This bank’s capital consists of: Common stock with to tal par value of $25,000.00 I, Keith J. Sexton, Cashier, of the above named bank, do here by certify that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. KEITH J. SEXTON CORRECT—Attest: G. H. Adams, Lloyd Gleed, Directors. ! Hail Insurance! Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Co. of Iowa Zimmerman i INSURANCE AGENCY Ewing, Nebr. — Phone 82 Any Utensil is AUTOMATIC with THIS N EW "Thermal-Eye" GAS m range ONLY $23950 During Spring Roojp Showing You name it . . . sauce pan, frying pan, even an old tin can becomes an automatic controlled-heat utensil with Univer sal’s Thermal-Eye top burner. Foods can’t over-cook, boil over, burn or scorch. I Look at these OTHER Features: • Copper-Tone Appointments • Automatic Oven Lighter • Individual "Hypodermic" Burner Pilots • "Reci-File" Rotating Recipe Chart • Glass Oven Door Two reasons for trading NOW I Liberal trade-in allowances now in effect. 2 Buy now and get your choice of one of - three handsome kitchen aids—value to $30.00. A $ for Cooking GAS IS BEST Universal Ranges can also be purchased through your local gas appliance dealer. i k s W \ MTTTTTvfW^ (\ \ 1 k I I , T M | I •|,ltT.r J - W I \ ^hpvbbbbvmpihBhAiIhumbhMmK w ) For Dependable GAS Service ° °° " 0 0 0 OO O o o , 9, o ° <!> O O j>° o s ■•• ' a o° 0 • ° o o ° ° o o0 ^ ° ,C° o § 0 ° «, °CC '•••> °0.o O ° %.. . °8 o°"° °° 8 ,, °0' o O # a o O *• v 0 » o . Cb n o C ^ o ° c °o o ° o ° ° c £ c r n 0t o o o „ ^oo.o^o O oo O o° o O ° °° 0 0°900 0 ^' 0 9 4 w O .. ,1 ft o n v O o uO X? rr Cn ft O