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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1956)
. Ewing News Joe John Thoendel, who com pleted his basic training at Camp Chaffee, Ark., was home on 12 day furlough visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph i Thoendel. He left by plane from. Norfolk on Thursday for Ft. Hood, Tex., where he will join a heavy armored division. The following Ewingites were shopping in O’Neill on Saturday: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner, Mrs. F.lla Ziems, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Har ris and Bertha, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tams, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Elliot and Patsy. Miss Joanne Thoendel return ed to Omaha Sunday after spend ing a two-week vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Thoendel. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim i went to Verdigre on Sunday where they were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mastalier. In the afternoon they attended the open house party for Mr. and Mrs. James Hildreth at Creighton honoring their 60th wedding anniversary. Sunday dinner guests at the Joseph Thoendel home were J. A. Thoendel, Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Koch of Columbus, Mrs. Anna Thoendel, Mrs. Anna Klein and Al Thoendel, also Mr. and Mrs. Wes Larson and children, Tim and Shirley. DELOIT NEWS Bob Bartak, who is in service, was home on leave recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack and Vicki Ray were supper guests Monday evening, April 2, at the H.’ Reimer home in honor of Mr. Tomjack’s birthday anni versary. Farm bureau met at the Har old Werkmeister home Wednes day evening, April 4. Pie and coffee were served for lunch. Mrs. Eleanor Filsinger and two children moved recently from the Millerville community 4o Coffeeville, Kans. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Filsinger and family moved to their farm in Missouri recently. Deloit had over an inch of moisture in the form of rain, spow and sleet last week. Some farmers are plowing and some are sowing oats. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Larson arrived at the Lariat motel in Ft. Collins, Colo., Monday after noon, April 2. The motel is own ed and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Angus. STUART NEWS Miss Lena Huff of Des Moines, la., and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller and Miss Elaine Greer of Balti more, Md., came Wednesday, Ap ril 4, for a visit at the Fred Zink home. Mrs. Nellie Stephenson and Miss Gardner, both of Omaha, ( sepnt the weekend with the George Minnigs. Mrs. Sephenson | is a sister of Mrs. Minnig. Mrs. Daisy Hulick of Albu- | querque, N.M., is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Laura Yarges, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Engler , went to Mullen Saturday for a 1 weekend visit with their son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Harry Stokely. Enroute they vis ited Mr. and Mrs. John Simons in Valentine. Mr. Simons is a brother of Mrs. Engler. Mrs. Josephine Timmermans returned home Friday from Brocksburg where she had been visiting her daughters and their families, the Tom and Francis Higgins. Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Wilson of Sioux City came Friday and; spent several days with relatives, i They were enroute to their home after spending a vacation in New Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watson were Easter guests of their son in- law and daughter, Mr. and T$rs. Dan Burk, at Ewing. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Watson and family and Mr. and Mrs Stanley Watson and family, all c f Chambers. Used Machinery Bargains! 12-ft. fertilizei spreader. 3-bottom tractor plow. 16-ft. Massey-Harris disc, like new. 2-bottom plow for Ferguson or Ford tractors. . 1946 Ford tractor. 1952 Oliver tractor. Case pickup baler. 15-ft. International disc. 6- ft. combine. International 2-row cultivator. 7- ft. Massey-Harris mower. Small cylinder com sheller. 2-row com planter with wire, j 2—2-row Massey-Harris listers. 5-ft. one-way for Ferguson or Ford tractor. Outlaw Implement Co. West O’Neill 50-51c ---| OPENING RACE First Modified Race on This Track! ★ Bristow Speedway © ★ Sunday, April 15 1:30 PJM. o ,1 © © | < PORK LIVER ___ 2 lb, 29c I {Qjj “ j j J BRAUNSCHWEIGER . Lb. 39c | PORK CROPS ;.Lb. 39c J V J PORK (BOSTON BUTT, WELL TRIMMED) 1C- — --- I U.S. GOV’T GRADED “GOOD” ! STEAK SALE l ALL MEAT WIENERS_3 lbs. $1 PORK HOCKS_Lb. 19c LONGHORN CHEESE _ Lb. 45c ATT TVTF A HP RING BOLOGNA ..... Lb. 39c rTTTT A HV’C DRIED BEEF_Pkg. 33c WHITING FISH_10-lb. box 1.29 o 5 pH o FULL POUND Only _ Plus FREE Snake Whistle! SEE AND TASTE THE GIANT 500 „„ „„ m CHEESE SATURDAY Top starr 1 Top Value Gifts® _sS2._ NASH _ m I MANCHESTER HERSHEY’S CHOCOLATE GALLON CRACKERS .. 2-lb. pkg. 49c CHIPS_2 pkgs. 49c CHERRIES _ Can 79c STOCKTON OLD SOUTH GRAPEFRUIT GOLD NUGGET CATSUP _ 2 for 35c JUICE2—46-oz. cns. 49c CORN __T_3 cans 39c SANTA ROSA NO. 1 CANS DROMEDARY ANGEL FOOD VAN CAMP NO. 2 CANS TOMATOES_3 for 39c CAKE MIX_. Pkg. 39c PORK & BEANS __ 4 for 69c KOVAL /, . MSA M 5ELOT9! n DUNCAN HINES BURNT SUGAR | JERSEY CREAM ■ CAKE MIX_2 pkgs. 59c IF L 0 U R_50-lb. sack 3.39 I DOUBLE LUCK GREEN I DUNCAN HINES SPONGE M BEANS_3303cans35c|CAKE MIX_2pkgs.89c I COKES Each_5c Delicious APPLES — Bn box 3.49 BANANAS -2 lbs. 25c ORANGES — 4-lb. bag 49c | plp|*v HEARTS Pkg. 25c NORTHERN TISSUe 12 r.hs. SPRY 3 l KRAFT ASSORTED — APPLE — GRAPE - JELLIES 6 Jars