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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1956)
Elmer Allyn Heads Holt SCS Supervisors The Holt soil conservation dis trict supervisors met in regular session last week. Present at the meeting were Merwyn French, Elmer Juracek, Clarence Ernst, Harvey Krugman (newly-elect ed member) A. Neil Dawes, county agent and C. R. Hill, un it conservationist. The board was reorganized with the following officers elect ed: Elmer Allyn of Stuart, chair man; Clarence Ernst of O’Neill, vice-chairman; and Elmer Jura cek of Star, secretary-treasur er. Final arrangements were made for a countywide meeting of clergymen to be held on Monday, April 16, at 10 a.m., in O’Neill. This meeting will be open to the public and anyone interested is urged to attend. Special invitations are being giv en to all the clergy and one lay . man from each church. The morning will be devoted to viewing a tree-planter in op eration, inspecting some terraces and waterways, see an establish ed shelterbelt and a native pas ture that was seeded several years ago. The noon meal will feature movies, short talks and general discussion. Anyone desiring to attend should contact the local SCD of fice and make meal reservations. The district supervisors are en deavoring to contact every church group in the county. If a church group is riot contacted, it will be because of oversight and a contact from that group will . be appreciated. The purpose of this meeting is to better acquaint church people with the work of the soil con servation district, soil conserva tion service and to encourage them to observe soil stewardship week, May 6-13. Electric Wiring Talk Is Heard— The fifth regular meeting of the Grattan Flats 4-H club was held at the Roy Wayman home. The meeting was called to order by Morris Pongratz. All mem bers were present. Roll call was answered by each member by giving an idea for future roll calls. Richard Ernst gave a talk on electric wiring. He told us how to find a short or an overload. Douglas Fredrich gave a demon stration on applying a tourni quet. Our leader, Mrs. Homer Ernst, demonstrated what to do for a baby that is smothering or drowning. The stocker - feeder leaders, Leonard Lorenz and Fritz Brock man discussed with us the points to keep in mind when selecting calves. Barbara Wawtnan and Velda Ernst played two piano duets: “Under the Double Eagle” and “Short’nin Bread”. The next meeting will be at Fritz Brockmans April 16.—By Connie Jean Brockman, newsre porter. Orchard Man Expert AA Gunner— ORCHARD—Army Pfc. David L. G. Willats, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willats, route 1, Orchard, recently qualified as expert in firing the 120-mm. an ti-aircraft artillery gun at Mis awa air base in Japan. Private Willats, a mechanic in battery D of the 40th anti-air craft artillery brigade’s 753d battalion, entered the army in October, 1954, and completed ba sic training at Ft. Bliss, Tex. He arrived in the Far East in March, 1955. Willats is a 1955 graduate of Orchard high school. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WD-Mary Uhl to Norbert H. Uhl 3-13-56 $1 Lots 4-5 6-31 & 32 Blk A-Goldens Subdi vision, O’Neill. WD-Joseph P. Gans to Ira M. Ready and wf 4-2-56 $5,000-Lot 14 Blk 5-Western Town Lot Co 1st Add-Stuart. WD-Lewis Kopecky to LeonR. Tompkins 4-2-56 $75-part of lots 1-2-3-4 Blk 1-Inman. . WD-Mary Dusatko to .Pauline Benze 4-4-56 $1700-SWyi 35 29-12. „ ,, WD-Mary Dusatko to Gerald ine Schoenle 4-4-56 $1600-NWy4 35-29-12. Ivan Minshalls Moving to O’Neill— The Ivan Minshall family, who have been making their home on the Art Johnson place south of Springview, have mov ed east of O’Neill, where they have purchased a farm. Everett Siders has returned to his home near Glen Rock, Wyo. He had been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bartos and family since November 21. He came here when he left the hospital at Cas per, Wyo. Mr. Siders had been hurt in a tractor accident. William Davidson came home from California last Thursday to visit Mrs. Robert Davidson. Wanted to Buy: Horses of all kinds.—Buv Wranser, Page. 48-51C NOTHING in the hair NOTHING in the eyeglasses NO CORO down the neck NOTHING on the body A FREE TEST In Your Home or O’NEILL HOTEL GOLDEN I Thurs., Apr. 19th || 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. For Free Booklet Write: 618 Kilpatrick Bldg. ■ Omaha S 8 ° Star News _ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Benash and family of Beatrice visited a. ._ ._. the past week at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hibbs and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ger ald Snyder and family. Mrs. Benash is a sister of Mrs. Hibbs and Mrs. Snyder. There will be a teen - age dance at the Ash Grove com-1 munity hall, Friday evening, April 13, with each one to bring a cake or sandwiches for re freshments. The Jokers of Ry thm will furnish the music. Mr. and Mrs. Lysle ‘Johnson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hamilton and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jay LeMasters were supper guests at the home % of Mr and Mrs. Max LeMasters and family last Wednesday to honor the birthday anniversaries of Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Hamil ton. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Arbo were Sunday visitors at the Fred Timmerman home. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Revell vis ited at the Gerald Snyder home recently. __— 1-*---*-““ ¥ j BRAND NE1V ITEMS ■ j j IN OUR SENSATIONAL i > < > < i i i I > < > 1 - k | ) ] Quantities Limited! Shop Early For Best Selections | i . . J 22x44” Cannon < Bath Towels | 89c VALUE! ) 44c d If perfect these big thirsty | towels would sell for 89c. g Slight irregularities so tiny " that you hardly notice them. 4 Popular colors. Limited quan tities. J $2.39 Value! 70x90” ! Sheet Blankets j 1.66 g Creamy white blanket with soft, thick and fleecy nap. Firmly " stitched non-ravel edges. Bargain! i “Fruit of the Loom” i Handkerchiefs ( BUY THEM BY THE DOZEN! J 12 for „1.00 4 Our best selling handkerchief g for men! Good quality cotton. * Large 18x18” size. Hemstitch I ed. Bargain! | 59c Value! < Boy’s Fancy | STRETCH Anklets 5 39c 1 Perfect fitting, long wearing anklets. Sturdy nylon construction | for extra wear. Save 20c a pair! d__ I Men’s “Scott Craig” BRIEFS 69c VALUE! 44c Our best seller! 100% comb ed cotton yarn. Popular rib knit construction. Styled for comfort. White. Sizes 30 to 38. A _ * I Men’s Husky J Work Socks l 39c VALUE! < 3 for 59c ' Slight irregularities do not ( impair their wearing qual g ity. Every pair easily a 39c * value if perfect. Random or | Grey. m mm mm im mm mm mm mm mm ’ Bojr’s Popular ( Tee Shirts > J 55o VALUE! J 3 for $1 | j Boys’ and Junior Boys’ ^ " sizes 4 to 8 and 10 to 16. f f Ribbed nylon-sewn collar. | 1 Special! Boy’s Knit | BRIEFS » 59c VALUE! I 3 for $1 } Our best selling boys’ brief! I Full cut, strongly reinforc- . ed. Every pair wrapped in r cellophane. White. Sizes 6 | to 16. " C w w w w w w w* _1 I MEN’S NYLON 9 J S-T-R-E-T-C-H \ « Anklets > I 75c VALUE! 9 \ 44c ! f Fit smooth as a glove. P g Smart summer patterns in k 1 long wearing nylon stretch 9 d anklets. One size fits all! I ^^F ^^F ^^F ^^F ^^F ^^F ^ I 1 MISSES’ | “Blue Bell” ) Denim “Jeanies” J $2.49 VALUE! 1.88 ; Rugged 9-oz. denim jeans » with zip closure. Sanfor- " ized (will not shrink more I than 1%) and vat dyed. | Girl», Imported i Cotton Blouses [ | $1.39 VALUE! J 99c j g Beautifully styled and tai " lored. Excellent quality cot- ) g ton broadcoth in a good se- ^ ™ lection of styles and colors, r (I Sizes 7 - 14. While they | g last! wwwwwwww^i? * 4 Cotton Plisse ^ ! Half Slips ! 4 $1.49 VALUE! * ! 88c ; ( Terrific savings on these * g easy to wash, quick-drying, I ’ no iron half slips. White, t f shadow panel, " FAMOUS “PEPPERELL” I Keceivmg ( Blankets > 69c VALUE! I 44c ! Downy - soft and cozy- I warm. Firmly whipstitched . edges. Completely wash- f able. Pastel colors with | ( contrasting striped borders. " WWWWWWWW* Cotton Chenille Bedspreads $5.95 VALUE! 4.44 Beautiful multi-color over lay on colored grounds. Vat dyed and fast colors. Com pletely washable, needs no ironing. Popular colors. Husky Feather ( Pillows ! " $2.49 VALUE! I ! 1.77 ! ^ Sturdy linen finish ticking " | with corded edges. Full 21 | ■ x 27” size filled with chick " en and turkey feathers. I f Bargain! v ^ w w -mr ^ ^ w ^ I Sturdy Cotton ) j Lunchcloths j $2.49 VALUE! | ! 1.67 ! | Sturdy cotton sailcloth with | ■ vat dyed colors. Wide se- | " lection of patterns. Our | best seller! N P (..ww.w.wJ Cotton Loop < Twist Rugs f $1.98 VALUE! : 1.66 " Loop twist rugs that wash. ^ Good looking all the time. g Non-skid back. Vat dyed. ^ Popular colors. ggy „ jPBHpHBHBIWgWyil.fP^P9HpM4' HL y JMn| MpBMB. Non-Iron Cotton ' Plisse Slips $1.98 VALUE’ 1.27 Beautifully trimmed with ny lon embroidery. 4-gore con struction, shadow panel. Sizes 32-40. Special! i U d 111*n Ii 1 ih a-TOTM i Famous Patricia Nylons! Reg. 98c pair! I 48c j Sheer 60-Gauge, 15 Denier black seam stockings with an attractive h Sylph heeL New Spring colors. Every pair perfect. Each in cello- * phane envelope. I PHBBBvpppraFfsiipn » 1-T^ iH-1 fH il-1 m n » » Women’s Hollywood BRIEFS 59c VALUE! 3 for-1.00 Fine 2-bar tricot knit. Elastic legs and waistband. Our best selling panty. White. w Rayon Marquisette ' J Curtain Panels ! $1.29 Value! [ * I I Our best seling marquisette panel. Tailored with the well-known " Hemrite side hems and deep 4” bottom hems. 40x81”. Bargain. ) _ ... fc ESfflfflHEHHS! • » Giant Bleached I Flour Sacks » 35c VALUE! ) 4 for ...1.00 : Top quality long wearing P bleached sanitary white. Full fc 100 pound size. 36” square. I WAUAH UiJTWHUmiJcJ VUU* I J • I