_____, ____ O'Neill Drive-In Theater — Opens Sunday, April 15th _ __ _ Sunday - Monday - Tuesday April 15-16-17 Wednesday and Thursday — — — — — — — — — — — April 18-19 JgBBBSBBM Wait Disney’s Glenn FORD • Donna REED ■ I “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" ■•Leslie nielsen FAMILY NIGHT — BRING ’EM ALL FOR ONLY JUANO HERNANDEZ PLUS ADDED SHORTS ONE BUCK Tins is a newspaper story! Wesleyan Group in Prayer Conference PAGE—Guests from the fol lowing congregations of the Wes leyan Methodist church mot at Page Saturday for a prayer con ference: Spencer, Lynch, Nio brara, Venus, O’Neill, Atkinson, Riverside and Bethany. Rev. E. E. Cummings of Spen cer showed an educational film during the session. A basket dinner was served at noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Terrill. Other Page News Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fischer and children of Wakefield were overnight guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Prill. Bob Prill of Fremont also was pres ent. On Sunday the group were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Horn. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Johnston and family of Mountain Home, Ida., arrived Saturday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heiss. They will also visit with other relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Snell and Mrs. Hattie Stewart were Sun day dinner guests in the Roy Stewart home. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock of Ewing were af ternoon visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer were hosts to a group of rela tives last Thursday evening hon oring Mrs. Jerry Allen of Santa Rosa, Calif. Other guests were Mrs. Mina Stauffer, Edgar Stauf fer and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Teg eler. __ Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lamason returned to their home at Page after spending the winter months at Downey, Calif. Their son, Wil son, remained in California. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nelson and Mrs. Harvey Nelson of Tay lor brought Mrs. Anna Thomp son to Page Sunday and were dinner guests at the Art Grass home. Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt Thompson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kelly and Ruth were guests, also. A $5 donation was voted to be given to the cancer fund when the members of the Chatter Sew club were guests of Mrs. Milo Landreth on Friday afternoon. The time was spent visiting and with fancy work. Mrs. John Sor ensen will be the May hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French, sr., Mrs. Lou Heiss and Mrs. Ger trude Deaver of Des Moines, la., visited Mrs. Bertha Reed Sunday evening. Mrs. George Clasey and Mrs. Alton Braddock entertained a group of friends at the Clasey home in honor of Mrs. Jerry Al len of Santa Rosa, Calif. Guests included Mesdames Orville Kemper, Harold Heiss, Robert Gray, Herbert Steinberg, Melvin Smith, Harry Tegeler and Cordes Walker. Mesdames Emma Kemper, John Gray, Carrie Townsend, Hal Farnsworth, Bertha Reed and R. D. Copes gave Mrs. Icie Snyder a housewarming on Friday. Cards formed the afternoon’s enter tainment. The self-invited guests served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and sons were Sunday dinner guests in the home of her grand mother, Mrs. Hester Edmisten. Mr. and Mrs. James Bartak of rnrnan accompanied Glen Blezek to Omaha Friday afternoon where they were guests of Mrs. Bartak’s sister, Miss Ruth Parks. Their children stayed with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Parks, during their absence. Rev. and Mrs. Harry Johnson spent their two-weeks’ vacation with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. E. Borness, at Ossian, la., and visited with relatives in Omaha on the return trip. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tegeler, Mrs. Mina Stauffer and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stauffer and Mrs. Jerry Allen of Santa Rosa, Calif., were Sunday evening and supper guests in the Dale Stauffer home. Mrs. Dora Townsend was a dinner guest of Mrs. Carrie Townsend and a supper and ov ernight guest in the Henry Flem-v ing home at Ewing. The day marked Mr. Fleming’s birthday anniversary. Mrs. Dora Townsend and Mrs. Carrie Townsend were Saturday callers in the Dr. O. W. French said Mrs. Jennie French homes. Elmer Clasey of Columbus spent a few days at Page last week, returning to Columbus on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wilson and son, Jimmie, were Sunday visit ors in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorensen and daughters of Minden were weekend guests in the Soren Sorensen home and visited other relatives and friends. Mrs. Alta Finch was hostess to ! three tables of pitch players on Friday afternoon. Mrs. C. J.! Dobbins earned the high score prize; Mrs. Bert Finley had low score, and Mrs. Antom Nissen received the traveling award. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Hansen and family of Hoskins were Sunday guests in the Tommy Kelly home and evening callers in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kelly. Guests at the Oswald Gold fuss home Saturday evening in honor of their son, Gene, on his birthday anniversary were Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schwager, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schwager, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schwager and Tommy Piersol of Orchard and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zeller, Mrs. Rose Chi chester and son, Elbert, N. D. Ickes, sr., and Denny. At cards Gus Schwager and Elbert Chi chester had high scores and Mrs. Roy Zeller and N. D. Ickes had the low scores. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fink and daughter, Loretta, left Wednes day, April 11, for Pocatella, Ida., where he will report for reas signment for field crew work with a telephone company. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hansen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson were Sunday dinner guests in the Clarence Hansen home at Inman Sunday in obser vance of the birthday anniver saries of Mrs. Clarence Hansen, Mrs. Roy Hansen and her son, Richard, and daughter, Delila. A group of friends surprised Mrs. William Scheinost last Thursday evening. The occasion was her birthday anniversary. At cards. Mrs. Jerome Allen had the high score; Mrs. Art Grass, low, and Mrs. Ben Asher, travel ing award. The self - invited guests served lunch. Mrs. Kenneth Braddock was a guest Wednesday evening, April 4, when the members of the RNA lodge met at the lodge hall for a routine meeting. Mes dames R. F. and Ethel Park served lunch to 20 guests. New P-TA Officers Are Installed The officers for the 1956-57 school year of the Parent-Teach ers’ association were installed on Monday evening at the final meeting of the current term. New officers are: Mrs. Vernon Lor enz, president; James M. Hols claw, vice-president; Mrs. Char les F. Nutter, secretary, and Mrs. Ralph H. Walker, treasurer. A musical program under the direction of Charles B. Houser and Richard C. Smithson was presented. Refreshments were served by the kindergarten mothers. O’Neill News Mrs. Elmer Allyn, Terry and Debbie, Mrs. Lottie Lofquest and Mrs. Vina Munson, all from north of Stuart, were Monday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Philbrick. Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Temple meyer and girls expect to leave Saturday to attend the wedding of her brother, Kenneth Stander. Mrs. Ralph Barnes and chil dren of Amelia visited Mr. and Mrs. Dale Perry Monday. Miss Shirley Ross, who is em ployed in Norfolk by a roofing company, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ross. Mr. and Mrs. John Harte and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Campbell and family, all of Lincoln, visit ed the ladies’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Sanders, over the weekend. Venetian blinds, prompt deliv ery, made to measure, metal or wood, all colors.—J. M. McDon alds. tf Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wayman were Sunday evening callers at j the William Schmohr home. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marcellus and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Parkin son attended the hill billy barn dance in Sioux City Friday. Don’t be sorry. See our wall paper display before you buy.— Scovie’s Western Auto, O’Neill. 45-2c Guests Wednesday, April 4, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Summers were his uncle and nephew, James Ernest and son, Arthur, of Rocky Ford, Colo. They had come to attend the fu neral of Glea Lush of Plainview. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Pat Sullivan were her children1 and their families. Mr. and Mrs. John McGill of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sullivan, Beth Ann and Timmy of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jensen, also Miss Mary M, Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Watson of Inman and Miss Luella Watson of Holdrege were Friday, March 30, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Tomlinson. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Philbrick, formerly of north of Bassett, moved to town two weeks ago. He is a twin brother of Duane Philbrick and is employed at Fetrow’s. You Are Invited to Hear Nationally Known Evangelist Bobby Ray of Denver April 17 — May 6 (Services Nightly, 8:00, Except Saturday) SUBJECTS OF INTEREST “The One Sin That Sends Men to Hell” “Rise and Fall of Soviet Russia According to History Prophecy” “WHY MOST RELIGIOUS PEOPLE WILL BE LOST” “THE TIME THAT JESUS FAILED” “IT PAYS TO SERVE THE DEVIL” PUBLIC INVITED Assembly of God Church O’Neill, Nebr. Evangelist Bobby Ray E. Kirschman, Pastor Telephone 432 ——1 o - ... • Admiral* dual-temp REFRIGERATOR- FREEZER Your best buy! “Up-Side-Down” Dual-Temp puts refrigerator at top, spacious 120 lb. freezer below. Foods don’t trade flavors with exclusive Magic Ray Lamp. No Defrosting Ever! Choice of Sea Mist Green, Primrose Yellow, Shell Pink colors (optional, extra) or Snowy White. Own an Admiral Refrigerator 1 lQ Qk for as little as 1 Vt/eeJ«J (Model DMO) Giant Trado-Ln Imperial Model 6149 Admiral* w automatic ELECTRIC RANGE Compare—and you’ll know this is value! New ATC Surface Unit makes every pot and pan automatic. Enjoy “outdoor style” barbecuing, roasting right in the range with Admiral Rotary Roaster. Unlimited choice of heat settings— not just 5 or 7. Colors optional (extra). Own an Admiral Electric Range 1 QQ Qk for a* little a* 1 JJtJO (Model SEH12) Giant Trade-In Model 14U65 J Admiral, super-speed FREEZER More for your money in every way in this big, family-size Admiral Freezer. Freezes faster be cause every shelf is formed by actual freezing coils! Handy shelves in the door. Storage Bas ket. Matches Admiral Refrigerators in size and color ... use side-by-side or separately. Own an Admiral Freezer I QQ QC for as little as (Model 10U45) Giant Trado4o Wlin v,oior muiit Push-Button Controls Admiral* AIR CONDITIONER Beauty ... Comfort... Right Price. You get all three with Admiral Air Conditioners. New Color-Matic Push-Button Controls for simple, easy operation. Permanent, washable filtera. Super-silent. Precision built to give you the weather you want—when you want it. Own an Admiral Air Conditioner QC for a« little at l**J*00 (Model 75FSS) GE or Sunbeam Sunbeam 1OV2 In. ounoeam Small Appl. Specials: Steam & Dry irons 10.95 Fry Pans_13.95 Deep Fat Fryers-15.95 Toasters-14.95 0 _____ Midwest Furniture & Appliance West FREE Kite for Each Kid” . Attention, Kid»! West O’Neill Accompanied by Parent Phone 346-J Get Your FREE Kite Here • O’Neill ... #