The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 29, 1956, SECTION 1, Page 7, Image 7

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    Sick & Injured
O’NEILL—Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Hines of O’Neill and Henry
Dickau of Atkinson were in Om
aha Saturday, March 17, where
Mrs. Hines went for a medical
checkup. . . Miss Mariam Tro
shynski and Erwin Murray
drove Frank'Murray to Grand
Island Sunday for an emergency
appendectomy. . . Mrs. Ed Jones
of Chambers was up last Thurs
day to help her daughter, Mrs.
Rolland Weyhrich, who had the
flu. Little Susie Weyhrich was
dismissed from St. Anthony’s
hosptal and is “much better” af
ter a throat infection affecting
her ears. . . Mrs. Ray Lawrence
is “better” after a bad back . . .
Faye Murray had the cast re
moved from her arm Saturday.
... Dr. Robert Langdon resumed
his ttfork Monday, having been
confined to his home for a week.
. . . Frank Fritton resumed work
at Pat’s Bar Monday, having
been off duty a week because
of illness. He spent several days
in the hospital.
LYNCH — Clyde McKenzie,
sr., returned home from Omaha
and is convalescing at his home
here. Mr. McKenzie had submit
ted to major surgery in an Om
aha hospital 10 days ago. . .
Mrs. Thomas Vlcan was released
from the Sacred Heart hospital
Thursday after being a patient
there for several weeks having
suffered an injury to her leg
when a gate fell on her while
assisting with work at the farm
home east of here. . . Mrs. Leon
ard Havranek underwent sur
gery at the Lynch hospital. . .
August Cahoy of Butte entered
the local hospital Thursday. . .
Mrs. Lettie Combs is again a pa
tient at the Lynch hospital. . .
Charles Greeno of Butte is in
the Lynch hospital having suf
fered injuries in a fall from a
ladder. . . Mrs. Phyllis Mulhair
chipped a bone in her ankle
when she tripped and fell on the
cement sidewalk. Local doctors
are caring for the injury
STUART—Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald Schafer took their daughter,
Joyce, to Omaha Friday for a
checkup of an eye condition. She
has improved and is able to at
tend school. Walter Smith, jr., ac
companied the Schafers to Oma
ha and visited with his sister,
Miss Marguerite, who is a pa
tient in Immanuel hospital there.
. . . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith,
sr., went to Omaha Monday to
be near their daughter, Miss
Marguerite, who expects to under
go surgery. . . Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Cowles drove to Norfolk on
Sunday where they met their
daughter, Miss Nancy, who had
accompanied friends there from
o Denver, Colo. Miss Nancy is con
valescing from a broken ankle re
ceived in a skiing accident. She
will be here until Friday when
she will return to Denver where
she teaches.
VENUS—Wayne Hamilton was
a patient at the O’Neill hospital.
. . . Mrs. Francis Montgomery
underwent a major operation at a
Norfolk hospital Monday, March
19. Mrs. Howard Tyler, Mrs. Ce
cil Moser and Mrs. Harold Tyler
are each taking care of one of the
Montgomerys’ three small sons
while their mother is hospitalized.
. . . Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boel
ter of Page took the former’s
mother, Mrs. Carl Boelter, to
Omaha for a medical checkup.
Mrs. Boelter underwent an eye
operation at Omaha last fall.
The Boelters operate the Walnut
telephone switchboard. Mrs.
Boelter will have to go back this
week and undergo a minor oper
ation. . . Donald Caskey was tak
en to O’Neill Saturday after
noon for medical aid. He re
turned to his home the same day.
PAGE — Mrs. Anna Sorensen
suffered two black eyes in a side
walk fall. . . Bonnie Crumly is
suffering a recurrent seizure of
rheumatic fever. Her sister, Lura
Ann, recently submitted to sur
gery. . . F. G. Albright went to
Belvidere SaturdSy in response
to a call reporting that his fath
er, Fred Albright, had submitted
to surgery that morning. Mr. Al
bright is working on construc
tion work out of Sioux City. . .
Marvin Stauffer received a
slight concussion and a scalp
wound that required several
stiches to close Wednesday,
March 21, while working at the
William Scheinost farm. A
tree - logchain - tractor hookup
flew apart and the chain hit him
on the head.
Hodgkin entered St. Anthony’s
hospital Saturday for medical
care. . . Mrs. Lyman Covey en
tered St. Anthony’s hospital Sun
day for medical care. . . Mrs. Chet
Fees, sr., returned home Sunday
from St. Anthony’s. . . Sammie
Taggart submitted to an appen
dectomy at St. Anthony’s Friday
L. W. Taggart was taken tc
St. Anthony’s Sunday for med
ical care. . . Clarence Larson re
turned Saturday from St. An
thony’s following major surgery
on Monday, March 19. . . Mrs
Vern Wilkinson returned home
Friday from St. Anthony’s hos
pital following major surgery.
AMELIA — Mrs. J. M. Hodg
kin has been ill and was unable
to attend the Methodist youtt
meeting Thursday evening. She
entered the O’Neill hospital Sat
urday. . . Arlis Edwards, whe
teaches the Keith Barthel school
has been ill with mumps. .
Gerald Edwards, son of Mr. ant
Mrs. Charles Edwards, has als<
been confined with the mumps
Sunday, April 1
and His Orchestra
. . . Florence Lindsey and her
mother were ill with the flu. . .
Mrs. Etta Ott has been ill with a
severe cold and flu but is “im
DELOIT—Mrs. Otto Reimer of
Lincoln suffered 'a broken bone
in her foot and was unable to be
about for five weeks recently. . .
Carolyn Potter returned home
from the hospital in O’Neill on
Tuesday, March 20. She had an
appendectomy Friday, March 16.
RIVERSIDE — Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Fink received word that his
sister, Myrtle Borden of Custer,
S.D., entered a hospital at Rapid
City last week for a major opera
CELIA—David Frickel had two
infected teeth pulled the past
Future Subscribers
COLE—Mr. and Mrs. Claude A.
Cole of Corpus Christi, Tex., a
son, David Charles, weighing 8
pounds 11% ounces, bom Tues
day, March 27, at Corpus Christi.
The Coles are stationed at Cabi
ness naval air base there. The pa
ternal grandfather is Charles V.
Cole of Star. Maternal grandpar
ents are Mr. and Mrs. James D.
Akeson of Archer, la.
KRAMER—Mr. and Mrs. Dell
Kramer of Lincoln, a son, Daniel
LeRoy, weighing 8% pounds,
born Saturday, March 24. Mrs.
Kramer is the former Norma An
derson, daughter of Mrs. Edith
Anderson of Amelia. The Kra
mers have one other son, David.
BATENHORST— Mr. and Mrs.
James Anthony Batenhorst of
Stuart, a daughter, weighing 8
pounds 9 ounces, bom Friday,
March 23, at St. Anthony’s hos
THUKJjOW — Mr. ana lvirs.
Merle Thurlow of Benton Harbor,
Mich., a son, William Lloyd,
weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces, born
Sunday, March 18. Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Thurlow of Stuart are the
paternal grandparents.
TEJRAL— Mr. and Mrs. Emil
Tejral of Spencer, a daughter,
weighing 5 pounds 13 ounces,
born Monday, March 26, at Sacred
Heart hospital, Lynch.
THOMSON—Mr. arid Mrs. Leo
Thomson of Lynch, a son, weigh
ing 8 pounds 7 ounces, born Mon
day, March 26, at Sacred Heart,
hospital, Lynch.
SKRDLA—Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Skrdla of Stuart, a daugh
ter, Cynthia Kathryn, weighing 6
pounds 7 ounces, bom Thursday,
March 22, at Atkinson Memorial
SUKUP—Sgt. and Mrs. Duane
Sukup of Salina, Kans., a son,
Michael Duane, born Thursday,
March 22. Mrs. Sukup is a
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Siders of Inman.
KRUSE—Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Kruse of Lincoln, a son, Ronald
Walter, born Friday, March 23.
Mrs. Hershtd Miles of Dorsey is
the paternal grandmother.
COMFORD — Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Comford of Norfolk a
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Maden
Funk of Clearwater are the ma
ternal grandparents.
OSBORNE — Mr. and Mrs.
Hale Osborne, of Winner, S.D.,
a daughter, Deborah Lou,
weighing 3 pounds 13 ounces,
born Wednesday, March 21, at
Sioux Falls, S.D. The Osbornes
are well known at Chambers.
COOK —Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Cook of Walnut, a daughter, Al
ice Kay, weighing 7 pounds 10%
ounces, bom Sunday, March 18.
Mrs. Cook is the former Carol
Pierce, of Venus. The Cooks now
have two daughters.
RUZICKA — Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Ruzicka of Verdigre, a
‘ -»-v_ intiifrhmtf 7
bUil, JL/Uanu wvw, ^-j
pounds 2 ounces, bom Sunday,
March 18. Maternal grandmoth
er is Mrs. Tillie Zerbe, of Creigh
ton. Paternal grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzicka of
NELSON—Mr. and Mrs. Nel
son of Davenport, la., a son,
Dana Lyle, weighing 7 pounds
3 ounces, bom Tuesday, March
13. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Nelson of
Verdigre are the paternal
FERNAU—Mr. and Mrs. tes
ter Fernau of Naper, a daughter,
weighing 8 pounds 8 ounces,
born Friday, March 23, at the
Butte Maternity home.
CERNY—Mr. and Mrs. James
Cerny of Naper, a son, weighing
8 pounds 6% ounces, born Sun
day, March 25, at the Butte Ma
ternity home.
REIMAN — Mr. and Mrs.
James Reiman of Anoka, a son,
weighing 7 pounds 4 ounces,
bom Monday, March 26, in the
Butte Maternity home.
FERNAU—Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Fernau of Bell Flower, Cal.,
a daughter, Debra Ann, weigh
ing 7 pounds, born Tuesday,
March 27. Mrs. Fernau is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Podany of Butte and the
baby is the first great grand
child of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester
Zakrzewski of O’Neill.
McNALLY — Mr. and Mrs
Harold McNally of Ainsworth, a
son, weighing 6 pounds, born
Tuesday, March 27. Mrs. McNal
ly is the former Connie Lou
’ Williams. They have another
’ daughter, Sandra.
■i noble — Mr. and Mrs. Joe
1 Noble of Star, a daughter,
1 bom Tuesday, March 27, at the
■ weighing 5 pounds 15 ounces,
Sacred Heart hospital.
Mrs. Calkins
Is Hostess—
The Friendly Neighbor club
met Tuesday at the home of Mrs.
Harold Calkins with Mrs. Frank
Eppenbach as co-hostess. Mem
bers answered roll by giving their
birthplace. Bard Hanna was cho
sen shut-in for the month.
Mrs. Clay Johnson, jr., gave the
second half of the lesson on pas
tries. Mrs. Don Hopkins won the
“what’s in the box?” contest.
Next meeting will be at the home
of Mrs. Joe Sivesind.
Mrs. Thomas Blake and Mr
and Mrs. Lee Blake Sunday vis
ited Thomas Blake, who is in i
hospital at Kearney.
Coach Witte and the Chambers high sports royalty: Leonard J. Brown, king, and Mary Ellen
Gillette, queen.—O’Neill Photo Co.
___? -
To Wed in May
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. McClurg
of Atkinson announce the en
gagement and approaching mar
riage of their daughter, Miss
Mildred lone (above), and Max
L. Tyler, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Tyler of Creighton.
Miss McClurg was graduated
from Atkinson high school in
1951 and Hastings college in
1955. She was a member of the
Kappa Rho Upsilon sorority and
Alpha Chi national Ijonorary
society. At present she is teach
ing mathematics and English in
junior high and high school in
Shickley. Mr. Tyler attended
Creighton high school and is
now employed by the BOC, Inc.,
at Hartington. A May 27 wed
ding at the Presbyterian church
in Atkinson is planned.
Riverside News
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fink,
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Fink and
family of Fremont, Mr. and Mi's.
Ben Miller of Star were Sunday
dinner guests of Bert Finks.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim'Pollock call
ed at the Allan Pollock home
Sunday afternoon.
Rev. and Mrs. Will Ross called
at the S. Schlotman home
Thursday afternoon. They ate
supper with Mr. and Mrs.
George Montgomery.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Biddle
come visited at the Lionel Gun
ter home Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader
and Doug, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn
Fry, Jack and Sheila, shopped in
Norfolk Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rol Hord and
Duane; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Na
pier and children; Mr. and Mrs.
Dewitt Hoke, Janell and Clay
ton; Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gun
ter and Paul were dinner guests
Sunday at the Steve Shavlik
home in Chambers to a farewell
for Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gesch
and family of Lincoln, who plan
to move soon to California. Oth
er guests were: Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Switzer of Clearwater; Mr.
and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter of Ew
ing; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nelson
and Jimmy of Plainview; Myron
Shavlik of Lincoln and Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Hubbard of Cham
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier and
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fry visited at
the Duane Jenson home in New
man Grove Sunday. Mrs. Fry
stayed to help with the house
work at the Jenson home for a
few days.
Lynn Fry helped the Vic Van
dersnick family move southwest
of Ewing on Tuesday, March 20.
Vic will work for Dave Burke
this year.
Floyd Schlotman and Frank
Montgomery came Saturday
evening from Valpraiso, to visit
at the S. Schlotman home, re
turning home late Sunday after
noon. Frank Montgomery spent
Saturday night at the Geoge
Montgomery home.
Mrs. Leslie Herley and daugh
ter of Clearwater called at the
Joe Tomjack home Friday after
noon. In the evening Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Tomjack, Mr. and
Mrs. John Tomjack, Margaret
Strickland and family were sup
per guests at the Frank Hawk
Mr. and Mrs. John Tomjack
and Margaret Strickland left
Saturday morning for their
home at Malbeta after spending
a few days at the Joe Tomjack
home and attending the fuHeral
of Mrs. Ed Connelly at Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz ac
companied by Evelyn Stannard
took Mrs. Mark Fangman to her
home in Omaha Sunday. Mrs.
Fangman was here to celebrate
the 82d birthday anniversary of
her mother, Mrs. Mary McLeod.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Perry
left Wednesday for Falls City to
visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
. Maurice Cavanaugh, sr., Quentin
■ and Marvin and Mrs. Garry Lech
i and son for over the Easter holi
Nashland Rites
Held at Osmond
Woman Leaves 197
PAGE—Funeral services for
Mrs. Hilda Charlotte Nashland,
93, who died Friday, March 23,
were held at the PresDyterian
church at Osmond at 2 p.m.,
Monday with Dr. H. Kimmer in
Bonnie Smith and Betty
Brunckhorst sang “The Lord Is
My Shepherd” and “Beyond the
Sunset”, with Gretchen Kimmer
at the piano.
Mrs. Nashland was born at
Lenhofda, Sweden, May 23,
1862, and came to America in
1887 to work for her brother,
who lived at Omaha. After she
arrived her brother became ser
iously ill and was sent west for
his health. Later he died, leaving
his sister alone as a stranger in
a strange land.
She was united in marriage to
Olaf Nashland in 1889. To this
union five children were born.
A son died in infancy and a
daughter, Mrs. Tom Moore, is
also deceased.
Mr. Nashlund died in Novem
ber, 1916. Since that time she
has made her home with her
daughter, Mrs. Ervin Kratochvil,
at Osmond where she died. Mrs.
Nashlund had been a Pierce
county resident for 43 years.
Survivors include: Daughters
—Mrs. Ervin Kratchvil of Os
mond and Mrs. H. Sandau of
South Sioux City; Fred Nash
lund of Page; 96 grandchildren;
98 great-grandchildren, and two
great-great-grandchildren; seven
step gandchildren; one sister in
One sister in Sweden died in
December at the age of 91.
Mrs. Nashlund was baptized
and confirmed in the Lutheran
faith in Sweden.
Pallbearers were six grand
sons — Marcy Sandau, Elvin
Moore, Gerald Kratchvil, Don
ald Nashlund and Gene and
Marvin Schumcker.
Burial was made in the Os
mond cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Anspach
of Lincoln came to spend the
Easter holidays with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harden Anspach.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel A. Baker
returned Sunday from Rock Is
land, 111. Mr. Baker attended an
automotive trade school for a
week in the Bear Factory there.
Mr. and Mrs. James Foreman
and boys of Battle Creek visited
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bates Sat
Mr. and Mrs. William Ander
son, Mr. and Mrs. Peters, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold McKim, Owen
Parkinson and family were sup
per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Billy
Marcellus Sunday. After supper
they viewed slides of Germany.
Sports Royalty
Crowned During
Chambers Banquet
CHAMBERS — The Chambers
high school students were enter
tained at a sports banquet Tues
day night, March 20.
Jimmy Cavanaugh was toast
master for the program which in
cluded: Song, “Take Me Out to
the Ball Game,” by everyone; “I
Went to Your Ball Game,” by
Leonard Brown, Zane Edwards
and Bill Young; talks by the
teachers—Miss Euwer, L. J. Eck
dahl, Ralph Fluent and William
Witte; song, “Mr. Touchdown, Our
Boys,” by Carolyn Wintermote,
Mary Ellen Gillette, Irene Brown
and Darlene Harley; skit, “Ma at
the Basketball Game,” by Ruth
Ann Damme, Ardell Edwards,
Virginia Smith and Karen Kruse.
The climax of the evening was
the crowning of Leonard Brown
and Mary Ellen Gillette as king
and queen of sports. Captains of
the year are: Football—Sam Tag
gart; basketball—Zane Edwards;
co-captains of volleyball—Carolyn
Wintermote and Cleone Beed.
Awards were given for football,
basketball and volleyball.
Albert Hauser, Wife
Wed Half Century
ELGIN— Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Hauser of Elgin observed their
golden wedding anniversary Sun
day, March 25. They held open
house at the American Legion hall
in Elgin. More than one hundred
relatives and friends gathered.
They are the parents of six
children: Mrs. Reed Mummert of
Clearwater, Mrs. John Steskal of
Ewing, Mrs. Ernest Arehart of
Elgin, Raymond Hauser of Neligh,
Mrs. Clifford Neal of Lawrence,
la., and Wayne Hauser of Mineola,
There are 23 grandchildren dnd
30 great-grandchildren.
Mrs. William Bowker went to
Grand Island Sunday to visit
her husband, who is a patient at
the Veteran’s hospital.
Compete in S.C.
Stock Judging
O’Neill and Atkinson high
school Future Farmers of Amer
ica teams participated in the
1956 invitational vocational agri
culture livestock judging con
test held Friday, March 23, at
Sioux City.
One hundred seventeen teams
from Nebraska, Iowa, Minne
sota and South Dakota were en
tered. The O’Neill team scored
2,740.36 points out of a possible
3,200. The Atkinson team tallied
2,435 points out of 3,200.
Top five teams were: First—
Tekemah; second — Jackson,
Minn.; third — Hawarden, la.;
fourth—In wood, la.; fifth—Lu
verne, Minn.
> -
Members of the O’Neill judging team: Front row—Archie Ju
racek and Edward Krugman; back row—Robert Burival, Vernon
Carpenter (instructor) and Kenneth Backhaus.
Members of the Atkinson high judging team: Dick Sweet, Gar
old Hitchcock, Joe Conner and Eddie Prussa. The instructor is
Laurence Lange (rear left).
Landreth, Burival
Buy Farm Land
PAGE—Henry Burival dispos
ed of his land and personal prop
erty at public auction on Friday,
March 23.
The farm home, consisting of
120 acres, became the property of
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Landreth and
completes a half section of land
for the Landreths. They already
owned the other 200 acres of the
tract. The consideration was $72
per acre.
Frank Burival was the purchas
er of the northwest quarter of the
half section one mile east of the
farm home. This was the quarter
with the irrigation well and it
brought $98 per acre. The remain
ing quarter of land offered sold
for $55 per acre to Harold Sum
Mr. and Mrs. Burival will make
their home in California.
Col. Ed Thorin of O’Neill was
Stuart News
Mr. and Mrs. Don Everingham
and sons left for their home in
Idaho Falls, Ida., on Friday after
spending two weeks visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Rhodes and his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. B. Everingham at New
Mr. and Mrs. William Ober-|
mire and family of Atkinson
were Sunday, March 25, supper
guests of the G. L. Obermire
Sunday guests at the George
King home were Mr. and Mrs.
Gale King and family of Valen
tine; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Se
ger, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. Seger
and son, all of Newport; Fritz
Seger and Mr. and Mrs. Leo
King, all of Atkinson, and Miss
Donna King of Redfield, S.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Paxton
will drive to Crete today
(Thursday) to bring their son,
Larry, home for his Easter vaca
tion from Doane college.
Miss Donna King of Redfield,
S.D., spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Kenneth Batenhorst, Frank
Hamik and Pat Murphy, stu
dents in the University of Ne
braska, are spending the Easter
vacation with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Batenhorst, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Hamik, sr., and Mr.
and Mrs. Clement Murphy.
Mary, Maureen and Philip
Keating of Atkinson are staying
with their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Batenhorst,
while their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Keating, and
grandmother, Carrie Keating,
visit n Chcago, 111., with Pat
Keating, who is attending sem
inary there
Mrs. James Nachtman receiv
ed word Monday, March 25, that
her father, Adolph Elis of Ver
del, had died suddenly.
Miss Henrietta Coats is spend
ing the Easter vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norris
Coats. ;
Amelia News
Jim Van Every of O’Neill was
an overnight visitor at the
Frank Pierce home on Wednes
day, March 21. Mr. Van Every
was a resident in Amelia many
years ago and was employed at
the Amelia Butter factory.
Mr. and Mrs. Merton Fisher of
Bonesteel, S.D., and Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Fisher were guests
Sunday at the home of their
sister, Mrs. Will Thompson, and
Mr. Thompson.
King - Showalter
Nuptials at O’Neill
STUART—Miss Jackie E. King,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Cadwallader of Stuart, and Wil
lard U. Showalter, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Showalter of Butte,
were united in marriage in a cere
mony performed by Rev. Ernest
G. Smith at the Christ Lutheran
church in O’Neill at 3 p.m., Sun
day, March 18.
The bride wore a red nylon
suit with white accessories and
was attended by her friend, De
ann Weber of Stuart, who wore
a red and white nylon dress.
Ronnie Neuwald of Dustin,
friend of the bridegroom, served
as bestman. The bridegroom and
his attendant wore business suits.
Following the ceremony, a wed
ding supper was served at the
home of the bridegroom’s parents
for 14 guests. The wedding cake
which centered the table was
baked by Mrs. Lawrence Kaup of
The newlyweds will be at home
to their friends at the Willis Pet
erson ranch, where the bride
groom is employed.
! Sunday, March 18, guests in the
Herman Cook home included
Eula Wintermote of Ft. Collins,
Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Rath
bun and children of Ord; Mrs.
John Wintermote and Mr. and
Mrs. Kieth Sexton and Nadine of
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bar
nett and daughters, Ardith and
Connie, came Wednesday, March
14, from Greeley, Colo., to spend
a few days visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett, at
Amelia and her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. E Alderson, at Chambers.
PLAN NOW to use
our income tax ser
WE SOLICIT your business
We will be pleased to assist
you—farmers, ranchers, busi
Ponton Insurance
Phone 106 — O’Neill
Golden Hotel Bldg.
Riverside News
Mr. and Mrs. Verl Gunter and
family and Mrs. Cal Reimer and
children of Crookston spent Sat
urday night at the Will Shrader
home, calling on the Lionel Gun
ter family Sunday morning. They
were dinner guests at the Archie
Johnston home. Other guests were:
Mrs. Ernily Johnston, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Shrader, Eddie and Al
ice, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wett
laufer and Gary, Mr. and Mrs.
Willie Shrader and family and
Mrs. Gertrude Daniels, Shirley
and Charles, all of Ewing; Alex
Kallhoff and Theodore Kloke,
both of Norfolk. The dinner was
in honor of the birthday anniver
saries of Will Shrader, Marilyn
and Barbara Johnston.
Kittie Fry ate dinner with the
Lynn Fry family Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Spangler
and family and Wayne and Ray
mond Turner watched television
at the Grant Mott home Friday
Mrs. Melvin Napier and Daisy
Miller called Saturday on Mrs.
Leo Miller.
Mrs. John Wunner spent Wed
nesday, March 21, at the Bert
Fink home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rother
ham and family spent Sunday at
the Bill Lofquest home.
Reverend Turner and Wayne i
were guests Sunday at the Grant I
Mott home.
Mrs. Turner and son, Raymond,
were at Page Sunday. Mrs. Turn
er ministered at the Wesleyan
Methodist church there.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer ate
Sunday dinner at the I.eo Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller
called at the Blanche Hemenway
home Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and boys
of Page visited at the Don Larson
home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar of
O’Neill visited at the Wayne Fry
home Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Conner
were honored guests at a dinner
Sunday at the Bill Robinson home.
(Last week’s news)
Mr. and Mrs. D^le Napier spent
Sunday at the Floyd Napier home.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner, Mr.
and Mrs. Loren Jeffries and Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Steams brought a
basket dinner and shared it at the
D. E. Conner home Sunday. They
helped Mrs. Conner celebrate her
79th birthday anniversary. The
ladies are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wehenkel
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mont
gomery were dinner and supper
guests Sunday at the George
Montgomery home.
Friday afternoon the children
of the Riverside school district
had a party for their teacher, Miss
Jeanne Welke. Other guests were
Judy and Jody Fry, Mrs. Don
Larson, Mrs. Bill Lofquest and
Mrs. Lynn Fry and Mrs. Leo Mil
ler. They served two birthday
cakes with jell-o and potato
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fry called on
Lizzie Angus at the Lloyd Angus
home Friday.
The Free Methodist Missionary
society met with Mrs. Walter
Miller Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer visit
ed at the Amos Switzer home in
Clearwater last Thursday eve
Mr. and Mrs. Estel Cary and
family of Omaha called at the
Wayne and Bill Fry homes Sun
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thramer
were supper guests Sunday at the
Victor Vandersnick home.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Napier
and Carol Ann and Mrs. Daisy
Miller visited the Walter Millers
Friday evening. Ice cream and
cake were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emsic and
three girls from Omaha visited the
Bill Fry family Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Pollock,
Norman and Wayne ate dinner at
the Bert Fink home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and
family visited the Bus Napier
family Friday evening.
Lowell Jensen, who is station
ed in Korea, called his parents by
telephone that he would be ar
riving in the States soon.
To Meadow Grove—
Mr. and Mrs. William McIn
tosh and sons plan to leave Sat
urday evening for Meadow
Grove to spend Easter with his
mother, Mrs. Maud McIntosh.
They will attend an E a s t e r i
breakfast at the LeRoy Novotny'
home in Meadow Grove.
Kretchman Buys
Deines Ranch
William Kretchmann, who lives
south of Atkinson, has purchased
the 1,900-acre John Deines ranch
for $49,250. The Deines ranch,
formerly known as a portion of
the Lemmon ranch, is located 20
miles north of Atkinson.
One section of lease school land
was included in the transaction.
Deines, who lives at Orchard,
purchased the property from Mr.
Rasmussen in 1946.
O’Neill’s company D, 195th
tank battalion, Nebraska national
guard, Monday evening enlisted
five more members—raising to 76
the enlisted strength of the com
pany. Enlistments have been
steadily increasing the unit’s
strength since October. After 105
enlisted men have been placed on
the rolls a “waiting list” will be
established, according to M/Sgt
E. W. Kramer, chief non - com
missioned officer.
O’Neill News
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Price visit
ed their son, Herbert Price, at
Lynch Sunday, March 25.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Porter of
Orchard were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brill and
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Vinzenz
were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kirkland at
Ralph Young and daughter,
Thelma, visited in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Crabb
Miss Beverly McCarthy of Om
aha arrived Wednesday to spend
Easter with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George M. McCarthy, and
Miss Lorraine Simonson of
Omaha arrived SOnday to visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E.
Simonson, for the Easter holidays.
Mrs. Ralph Barnes and children
of Amelia visited Monday at the
home of Msr. Iva Hopkins.
Pat Gallagher was a dinner
guest of the Floyd Johnson fam
ily Tuesday, March 13.
Mr. and Mrs. William Claussen
called on Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Johnson, Monday, March 12.
Many from the Venus com
munity attended the pancake
day at Orchard on Saturday.
March 24.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waring
and family were Saturday eve
ning, March 24, dinner guests at
the Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Boelter
home at Verdigre.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ulhair.
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Risinger and
the Grosse brothers entertained
at the Grimton school P-TA Fri
day, March 23. There was a nice
attendance. Lunch was served. *
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim were
Saturday, March 10, dinner guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elden
Butterfield of O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim visit
ed Friday, March 9, at the George
Hamilton home at Orchard.
Art and Gerald Spittler of Ew
ing visited Mr and Mrs. Jerome
Spittler Sunday.
PHONE US your news . . . insure
publication by reporting it early.
John R. Gallagher
First Nat’l Bank Bldg.
Sorrel Double-Bred Grind—
of King P 234
Fee: $25.00
C Bar M
Hereford Ranch
I For Yoor
Easter Sunday Dining..
BREAKFAST_9 ’til 11:30 A.M.
Minted Fruit Cup or Tomato Juice
Crusty Fried Mush — Bacon Curls
Maple Syrup — Butter
Fresh Blueberry Griddle Cakes
* Ham or Bacon
Maple Syrup — Butter
Fresh Country Eggs — Bacon or Ham
Enriched Toast — Butter — Plum Jelly
$1 Per Person
SUNDAY DINNER __ 12 Noon ’til 3 P.M.
Complete Menu
_12:30 A.M. ’til 1:30 A.M.
$1.50 Per Person
Phone 273 for Reservations