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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1956)
Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) Admissions: March 21 — Ora Caskey, Orchard. 22 — Cindy Walker, Iona, S.D.; Frank Fritton, O'Neill; Susan Lynn Weyhrich, O’Neill; Mrs. Henry Winkler, At kinson; Leona A. Serck, Emmet; o Mary Frances Vitt, O’Neill. 23— Mrs. James Batenhorst and baby girl, Stuart; Sam Taggart, Cham bers; Alfred James. Atkinson; o Mrs. Fred Scheinost, Spencer. 24 —Mrs. J. M. Hodgkin, Chambers. 25—Mrs. Lyman Covey, Cham bers; Louis Taggart, Chambers; Sharon Campbell, Kilgore. 26 — Craig Coleman, Bassett; Mrs. C. o E. Jones, O’Neill; Ambrose Big lin, O’Neill; James Welch, Star; Kelly Fuhrer, O’Neill. 27 — Jac queline Taggart, Chambers; Mrs. Earl Schwenk, Chambers; Mrs. Daniel Flannigan, Stuart; Mrs. Fred Scheinost, Spencer; Mrs. Eldon Ramsel, O’Neill; Mrs. John Kersenbrock, O’Neill. 28 — Mrs. Chester Fees, Campton, Calif. Dismissals: March 21 — Mrs. Robert Shoemkaer and baby boy, O’Neill; Stanley Holly, O’Neill. 22 o —Mrs. Frank Walter, Ewing; Lawrence Murray, O’Neill; Shar on Renwald, Omaha; Mrs. George Janousek and baby boy, O’Neill; Charles Prokop, Bristow; Dorine Gleed, Chambers; Mrs. Ted Blake, Bassett. 23—Cindy Walker, Iona, S.D.; Mrs. D. H. Clauson OTMeill;! Mrs. Vern Wilkinson, Cham bers; Mrs. Floyd Hershiser and baby boy, O’Neill; Mrs. John Frie del, Stuart; Mrs. Henry Winkler, Atkinson. 24 — Frank Fritton, O’Neill: Mrs. Joe Winkler, Em met; Clarence Larsen, Chambers; Mrs. William Vrooman, Orchard. 25 — Edward Campbell, O’Neill; Susan Weyhrich, O’Neill; Mrs. Myrtle Fees, Chambers; Mrs. Russel Herley, O’Neill; Miss Le ona Serck, Emmet; Mrs. Fred Scheinost, Spencer. 26—Mrs. Ly man Covey, Chambers; Mrs. Charlotte Honeywell, Chambers. 27—Alfred James, Atkinson; Mrs. Harry Sullivan, O’Neill; Mrs. J. M. Hodgkin, Chambers; Mary Frances Vitt, O’Neill; Kelly Fuh rer, O’Neill; Mrs. John C. Auman, Orchard; Sam Taggart, Cham bers; Mrs. James Batenhorst and baby girl, Stuart. Still hospitalized: Craig Cole man, Bassett; Mrs. Mae Landis, O’Neill; Mrs. Ada Hamdorf, O’ Neill; Mrs. Mildred Erling, Bas sett; Mrs. Minnie Bay, O’Neill; Mrs. Lois Adams, Chambers; Sharon Campbell, Omaha; Mrs. Earl Schwenk, Chambers; J. H. Hintz, Ewing; Bonnie Crumly, Page; Nancy Fetrow, O’Neill; Mrs. Chester Fees, Campton, Calif.; Mrs. Eldon Ramsel, O’Neill; Mrs.; Marie McDonald, O’Neill; Ora! Caskey, Orchard; Mrs. Warren Miller, Butte; Ambrose Biglin, O’ Neill; Mrs. Fred Scheinost, Spen cer; Mrs. Daniel Flannigan, Stu art; Louis Taggart, Chambers; James Welch, Star; Mrs. C. E. Jones, O’Neill; Mrs. John Kersen brock, O’Neill; Jacqueline Tag gart, Chambers. SACRED HEART (Lynch) Hospitalized: Elmo Barnes, Lynch; Dr. Edwin B. Bradley, Spencer; Mrs. George Classen, Spencer; Mrs. Lettie F. Combs, Lynch; Edward Horst, Butte; Thomas Joura, Monowi; Miss Marie Mahlendorf, Lynch; Miss J.iilian Olson, Bristow; Mrs. Josie Scheinost, Spencer; Mrs. Emil Tejral and baby girl, Spencer; Mrs. Leo Thomson and baby boy, Lynch. Dismissals: March 19 — Mrs. Lloyd Herrmann and baby, Her rick, S.D. 20—Mrs. Earl Storjo fcann, O’Neill; LeRoy Schmitz, r—— i Bonesteel, S.D.; Mrs. George Marshall, Verdigre. 21 — Mrs. Thomas Vlcan, Monowi; Charles j Cireeno, 1 Butte; Master Eugene Storjohann, O’Neill; Baby Kay; Don Herrmann, Bonesteel, S.D. 22—O. E. Stratton, Osmond: 23— August Cahoy, Butte. 24 — Mrs. Leonard Havranek, Lynch; Har old Hargens, Spencer; Miss Aud rey Kaczor, Spencer; Baby Roger Dale Danielson, Bristow; Mrs. Dean Klinetobe and baby, Page; Mrs. Paul Weber, Butte^ 25—Mrs. Jannettie Nelson, Center; Mrs. Dan Chambers, Lynch; Mrs. A. W. Aim, Dorsey. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: March 21 — John Gray, Council Bluffs, la., medical; Ivan Dickerson, Atkinson, med ical. 22—Mrs. Lawrence Skrdla, Stuart, obstetrical. 24—Mrs. Alex McConnell, Emmet, medical; Ben Collins, Johnstown, medical; Joe Dvorak, Atkinson, medical. 26 — Mrs. Harry Van Fleet, Atkinson, medical. Dismissed: March 19— Donny Lee Olson, Byrwen, 111. 20 — Anna Brayton, Stuart. 22—Shirley Halstead, Atkinson. 23 — Mrs. Frank Boehme, Newport; Mrs. Albert Lawrence and son, Atkin son; Minnie O’Connell, Emmet; Ivan Dickerson, Atkinson; John Coufal, Stuart; Sandra Lee Davis, Atkinson; Linda Sue Davis, At kinson. Hospitalized: Ronald Stems, Atkinson; Ed Scofield, Atkinson; Irvan Christon, Newport; Mrs. Alex McConnell, Emmet; Ben Collins, Johnstown; Joe Dvorak, Atkinson; John Gallagher, Atkin son; Mrs. A. B. Sorey, Atkinson; Mrs. Lawrence Skrdla and daugh ter, Atkinson; Mrs. Harry Van Fleet, Atkinson. MNO Club Meets at Marcellus Home— The MNO club met Tuesday evening at the Melvin Marcellus home. Mrs. Richard McLain, pres ident, was absent. The vice-pres ident, Mrs. Joe Tennis, took charge. New members admitted were: Mrs. Max Mossman, Mrs. William Mattern and Mrs. Weston Whit wer. The club now has 16 mem bers. Special committee chairmen ap pointed were Mrs. Arthur Grass, health; Mrs. Lawrence Haynes, legislature, and Mrs. Melvin Mar cellus, Mrs. William Mattern and Mrs. Robert Stevens, “shut-in” group. Mrs. William Bowker and Mrs. Lawrence Haynes gave a demon stration on pastry, featuring indi vidual pies. Next meeting will be at the Leonard Davis home on Tuesday, April 24, with Mrs. Melvin Mar cellus and Mrs. Max Mossman as hostesses. Mrs. Bernard Schmitz and Mrs. C. R. Foree will give the lesson on “Sewing New Fab rics.” Great Horned Owl Described at Meet— The Eagle Creek 4-H club met at the home of Gene O’Neill on Sunday, March 18. Members voted to make a con tribution to the national 4-H cen ter. This money will be taken from the club fund. Carol Ann and Tommy Drueke were voted into the club as new members. Gene O’Neill gave a demonstra tion on the building of a bird food shelf. Members displayed bird feeders that they had made. Next meeting will be on April 15 at the home of Betty and Ma ry Jo Curran. Roll call will be to display a migration calendar. Each member is to bring a bird house that they have made. Vincent Ernst will give a demonstration on the building of a bird house. Gene O’Neill pointed out the parts of a bird. To do this he used a great horned owl with a wing spread of 38 inches. Gene had killed the owl last winter. —By Vincent Ernst, reporter. Two New Labor Assistants Named— The following changes in Ne braska state employment repre sentation have been announced for Holt county: O’NEILL— Kenneth Stolp, of fice manager at the ASC office, succeeds William Miller, the for mer office manager. CHAMBERS—Thomas E. New house, owner of Newhouse Sun dries, replaced Ed Wink, former owner. The Newhouse phone is 2236. Mr. and Mrs. Robert David s o n spent Thursday evening with her brother, Frank Ferris, in Inman. ■ ■—-■-I A large crowd witnessed the presentation oi the O’Neill high school junior class play, "Des perate Ambrose,” on Friday evening. Locale of the western comedy was Dead Man’s Gulch hotel. The director was Mrs. Louis Reimer, jr. Cast in eluded (left to ngnt;: Judy oanaers, uonaia jylc Kenny, Loma Marcellus, Bennett DeVall, Judy Liddy, Russell Thomas, Mardelle Gaskill, Kenneth McKim and Merle Jones.—O’Neill Photo Co. Picture was snapped during ground-breaking ceremonies at First Presbyterian church. Dotted line in foreground indicates boundary between two-story fellowship hall (to be built on right) and single-story Sunday-school unit on left.—The Frontier Photo. Engaged Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Pucelik of Spencer announce the engage ment and approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss JoAnn (above), to LeRoy Modine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Modine of Colome, S.D. The couple plans a June wedding. Miss Pucelik graduated from the Spencer high school and attended Mid land college at Fremont. She is employed by the Northwestern Bell Telephone company at O’ Neill. Mr. Modine is a graduate of the Colome high school and has served in the navy. At pres ent he is employed in Colome. Black Friday Dates Set— The Holt County Aberdeen Angus Breeders’ association board j of directors met at the E. L. Mi ner home Saturday. The sale dates I for the annual Black Friday sale were set for October 12 at Atkin son and October 19 in O’Neill. A special 4-H sale will begin at 11 o’clock and the sale of com mercial cattle will start promptly at 1 o’clock. Cattle are to be sold in the order that they arrive at the sale bam. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Upton and Stevie were guests at this meet ing. Mr. Upton is the state Aber deen-Angus association secretary and treasurer. Mrs. McLeod Feted on 82 Anniversary— Mrs. Mary McLeod was hon ored at a dinner party Friday at the M&M in honor of her 82d birthday anniversary. The hostesses were her three daughters, the Mesdames Mark Fangman of Omaha, C. J. Gatz and H. J. Lehaus. Other guests besides members of the immediate family were Mrs. P. J. Donohoe, of Bone steel, S.D., and Mrs. Gladys Ox ford. Many friends called in the af ternoon and Mrs. McLeod re I ceived many cards and gifts. A/lc and Mrs. J. F. Bangs drove to Omaha Sunday from where Airman Bangs left for McGuire AFB, N.Y., Monday to return to the Azores. He will return to the U.S. the latter part of July to re ceive his discharge from the air force. Mrs. Ted Shirmer arrived from Lincoln last Thursday to stay at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McClellan. Mrs. Shir mer’s husband left for the navy Wednesday, March 21. The local draft board and clerk, Mrs. W. H. Harty, attended an all-dav district meeting at Nor folk Tuesday. New Comedy Chosen by Ewing Seniors— EWING—Rehearsals for “My Little Oscar”, Ewing high school senior class play, which will be presented April 5, are a part of each day’s schedule. Members of the cast are Sharon Schmidt, Ron Rotherham, Bob Koenig, Catherine Bauer, Lyle Spence, Virginia Latzel, Irene Kaczor, Mary Miller, derome Bahm, Mi lan. Welke, Clarabel Mlnarik and Lynette Helmrick. Mona Mosel is student director. “My Little Oscar” is one of the year’s newest comedies and offers many hearty laughs. Com mittees: Advertising—Bob Hobbs, Bob Stamp, Leonard Hawk, Al len Petersqn, Jerome Kallhoff, Dorrence Hobbs and Richard Wright; tickets—Dorrence Hobbs Richard Wright; features—Max ine Noffke, Vera Del Daniels, Iris Van Ostrand; properties — Robert Kreiziger, Bob Stamp, Bob Hobbs; make-up—Dorrence Hobbs, Eugene Koenig; ushers— Vera Del Daniels, Richard Wright, Iris Van Ostrand, Ro bert Kreiziger. Other Ewing News Dinner guests Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee were Mr. and Mrs. John Tom jack of Ewing. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. an'd Mrs. Loyd West on Tnursday were her brother-in i law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Logan Thoene and daughter, Shelly Ray, also her mother, Mrs. Gus Perlensein, all of Bonesteel, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd West and family spent Sunday at Creigh-I ton visiting at the home of his! parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd West, sr. The Misses Anna and Thressa Bauer, Mrs. Frank Noffke and Mrs. James Rotherham called on Gottlieb Bauer at his home Monday afternoon. Mr. Bauer has been ill for some time. Dewitt Hoke was elected church school superintendent and chairman of the commission on education at the fourth quar terly conference held Monday evening at the Methodist church with Rev. J. Laveme Jay of O’ Neill presiding. Guests on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis were her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Hoge Hickman of Deadwood, Ore., Mrs. Edith Hickman, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore and Kenneth Davis, all of Oakland, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon arrived Sunday from Denver, Colo., and are guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson. The Chris- > ..ons plan to spend a week in Ewing and vicinity. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Boll- > witt. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson visited their son - in - law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wilson, near Elgin Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rother ham and family were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Lofquest and and family. Mrs. Aclrain Sliva and Mrs. R. G. Rockey were guests on Sun dav at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rockey. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pruden went to Neligh where they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coleman and j family. Mrs. Ella Zeims accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Van Horn of O’Neill and Mary Clemens of i Orchard to Sioux City on Satur day. Mrs. Agnes Bartak, who has been a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Vance Bennett, and family at Plainview, is back at her home in Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Laxson and Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner were O’Neill shoppers on Saturday. Livestock Talks Are Heard— PAGE—Members of the new ly-organized breeding heifer club under the leadership of Walter Fick and Ray Siders were guests of the Eagle Hustler’s 4-H club at the home of Bob, Brenda and Becky Beelaert. The beef animal projects under the leadership of Frank Beelaert were discussed. Talks were given by Robert Van Horn, Evert Miner, Ray Siders and Roger Bowen. The Beelaerts had their show herd on exhibition. Material for the com ing year was distributed. Lynch News Miss Dorothy Mulhair of the University of Nebraska is here for a week’s visit with her mother, Mrs. Phyllis Mulhair, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Jones of Sioux City returned to their work here after several weeks’ stay in Sioux City where Mr. Jones was recuperating after surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Moody and sons were O’Neill visitors Satur day. Mrs. Hannah Streit of Madison was a weekend visitor here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swoboda and family visited last week with Mrs. Swoboda’s relatives in Da vid City. Mr. and Mrs. George Courtney and family were O’Neill visitors on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Haselhorst were Sunday guests at the Henry Vonasek home west of Verdigre. COMMUNITY (Stuart) Rev. D. D. Su, pastor Westminster fellowship will meet tonight (Thursday), at 7 o’clock at the church basement, followed by choir practice at 8 o’clock. Cleveland Presbyterian church will hold joint services with the Community church on Good Fri day at 7:30 p.m. A special Easter Sunday service with the Easter cantata, “The Song of Easter,” by the Stuart and Cleveland choirs will be held Sunday, April 1, at 10:30 am. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clements visited in the home of G. A. Bauer of Ewing Thursday, March 22. 25 Present for Mission Meeting— STUART—The Women’s soci ety of the Community church met last Thursday afternoon at the church basement with 25 members and a visitor, Mrs. C. D. Farr, present. The devotionals were given by Mrs. Charles Moses and Mrs. Ray Greenfield. Quarterly mis sionary day was observed by Mrs. Jane Cobb and Mrs. George Hitchcock. The society voted to sponsor the janitor work for the church for the remainder of the year. A lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Stanley Cobb, Mrs. Wesley Cobb and Mrs. Wilber Moon. Emmet News Les Perry and children of Bird City, Kans., and Mrs. Ray mond Calkins of O’Neill visited the Dean Perry family Saturday. David Cole celebrated his sixth birthday anniversary Wednesday, March 21. He served ice cream to the school children. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMil lan and girls of Newport visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McMillan Sun day. Les Perry and children of j Bird City, Kans., visited Mr. and , Mrs. William Newton Saturday. I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kloppen borg and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wayman went to Hastings Sun day. Mrs. Frank Searles, Mrs. Hom er Ernst, Mrs. Roy Wayman and Mrs. Fritz Brockman went to Bas sett for a 4-H club meeting last Thursday. Mrs. John Lee Baker of O’Neill visited Mrs. G. Owen Cole last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patterson were Sunday dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Burgess of O’Neill. A card party was held Sunday j evening at the Catholic church. Winners were Mrs. Schelkopf, first, and Mrs. John Janzing, sec ond high in pitch; Charles Shaw, high, and Mrs. Clements, second, in the pinochle games. Mrs. Mike Troshynski won the door prize. Mrs. Wayne Fox and Mrs. Her man Grothe were visitors of Mrs. G. Owen Cole Tuesday afternoon, March 20. A surprise birthday party was held at the Harry Werner home on Sunday night in honor of Har ry’s birthday anniversary. Guests were John Conard, Dean Perry, Dale Kersenbrock, G. Owen and Robert, and Guy Cole. Pinochle was played and a lunch was served. Mrs. Antisdel of Norfolk spent ! Wednesday evening, March 21, at the Patterson home. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and ' daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Max Grenier, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tom linson and Nina of Grand Island were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson of Star. Mr. and Mrs. John Kee of O’ Neill visited the Wayne Bates family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Foreman and sons were Saturday guests of the Wayne Bates family. Mrs. Charles Abart was a Monday guest of Mrs. Wayne Bates. Mrs. E. Etherton and Mrs. George Winkler and children called on Mrs. Mary Lewis Sunday. Mr. and Msr. Floyd Brainard called at the George Brainard: home Sunday. .ciddie ii.tmngton spent the weekend with his grandparents in Atkinson. Visit in O’Neill— The Misses Jean and Mary Head arrived Sunday to spend a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Head. Miss Jean is a lab technician at St Joseph’s hospital in Omaha and Miss Mary attends Creighton university. Too Late to Classify FOR RENT: New two-bedroom j apt.—Phone 126, O’Neill. 48tf FOR SALE: Heavy Nemaha oats. — Earl Eppenbach, 5 miles northeast of O’Neill. 48p35 FOR SALE: Sweet clover seed.— Jim Ruther, Page. 48-50p85 FOR SALE: Madison vetch; red clover seed. State tested. Very good.—Leon Beckwith, Emmet. 48tf LOST: Angora tom cat, few white hairs on tip of tail and throat. Reward.—CaU 585-J13, O’Neill. 48c FOR SALE: Cossack alfalfa seed. State tested — John Pruss, Emmet. 48tf. FCR YOUR TFXSEED »y bred seed corn, — see Elmer (“Buck”) Edmisten, Page. 48-50p85 FOR RENT: Nice business of fice, 4 rooms.'—Elmer Hagen sick, phone 556-LR, O’Neill. 48tf Celia News Caroline Frickel was a Friday overnight guest of Shirley Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck were Wednesday evening, March 21, visitors at the LeRoy Hoffman home. Mr. and Mrs. George Beck spent Sunday at the Duane Beck home. Alex Frickel and Charley An derson of Lincoln, who was a weekend guest at the Frickel home, were Sunday dinner guests at the LeRoy Hoffman home. Edith Chaffin spent Sunday with the Lawrence Smith chil dren. R. M. Pease of O’Neill spent Sunday with the Ray Pease family. Mrs. Leon Hendricks and Mrs. Connie Frickel were last Thursday visitors at the Paul Nelson home at O’Neill. Garold and David Frickel spent Sunday afternoon with Roger and Rodney Dobias. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith were last Thursday O’Neill visit ors. Vera Ernst of O’Neill and Craig Connell of Mariaville were Sun day afternoon visitors at the Leon Hendricks home. The Joe Hendricks family were Friday evening visitors at the Jess Hupp home. Mrs. Donald Focken and sons, Jerry, Alvin and Kenneth, and the twins, Roger and Shirley, spent last Thursday with the Clarence Focken family. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chaffin and family and Charles and La Vern Phipps were Sunday dinner guests at the Joe Hendricks home. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman atended the pot-luck supper at the Legion club last Thursday eve ning. Jack Smith spent from last Thursday evening until Sunday evening with Paul Focken. Frank and John Fundus, Harry Mitchell and Mrs. Leonard Chaf fin were last Thursday morning visitors at the Joe Hendricks home. Mrs. Charles Phipps and sons were last Thursday overnight guests at the Joe Hendricks home. They returned to Atkinson Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith and family were Friday evening visitors at the Lee Terwilliger home. The Connie Frickel family were Sunday dinner guests at the Gene Hickok home in Atkinson. Alex Frickel was a Wednesday morning, March 21, visitor at the Ray Pease home. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and Shirley were Friday evening vis itors at the Frank Kilmurry home. uorotny bcott was a rriaay morning visitor at the LeRoy Hoffman home. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer berg spent Saturday at the Wil liam Maloun home. Visitors that afternoon at the Maloun home were Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck and Dorothy Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heiser and son, Gerald, were Saturday eve ning visitors at the Duane Beck home. The Mark Hendricks family and Mrs. Omer Poynts left last Thurs day for McPherson, Kans., to vis it their son, Robert Hendricks, and family. They planned to re turn home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Mitchell, Sharon and Ronnie were Sunday dinner guests at the Emil Colfack home. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman were Wednesday, March 21, Butte visitors. He attended the auction and she visited her sister, Mrs. Bennett Smith, also a nephew, Conrad Smith, and his wife. Rog er and Gary Hoffman were supper guests at the Charles Dobias home that evening. Mrs. Victor Frickel and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman attended the Im manuel Lutheran Missionary < league meeting Tuesday after noon, March 20. Dorothy Scott was a Wednes day, March 21, supper guest at the William Maloun home. Alex Forsythe and Paul Focken were Saturday morning visitors at the William Maloun home. Crippled Children Group Formed— BARTLETT — Members and officers of the newly-organized Wheeler county committee of the Nebraska Society for Crip pled Children have been an nounced by Mrs. Conrad Loseke of Erickson, ccunmittee chair man. Other officers: Mrs. Dick Fos ter of Erickson, vice-chairman, and Mrs. Ray Lichtenberg of Spalding, secretary and treasurer. The membership includes Mrs. Bea Foster of Erickson; Mrs. Ev erett Schuler, Mrs. Allan Ken nedy, Mrs. G. T. Titterington of Bartlett and Miss Alice Butler of Spalding. The committee is conducting Wheeler county’s first Easter seeil campaign, funds will be us ed to serve the handicapped in the area. Halsteads Entertain— REDBIRD — Sunday dinner guests in the Harold Halstead home were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Park of Star, Mr. and Mrs. Lu cian Loock and family of Spen cer, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mellor and Delores, Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Halstead of Page, Hershal Halstead, Chrlotte nd Bobby of Atkinson, and Rex, Claranna, and June Carson of Redbird. “OLD RELIABLE” MARKET REPORT Tuesday, Mar. 27th Cattle receipts 1,443 head: Although snow and rain kept many buyers at home, buyer interest was sufficient to ab sorb the large offering at steady prices. Choice cattle were in least demand with steer calves selling in a range of $19.00 to $22.00 and heifer calves of comparable quality sold from $16.75 to $18.00 cwt. Choice yearling steers, weigh ing 620 lbs., topped at $20.00 with the bulk of the 550 to 600 lb. kinds at $17.75 to $18.75. Plainer kinds from $16.00 to $17.00 cwt. Cows held all of the recent advance at $9.50 to $10.50 for canners and cutters, and on up to $12.50 for top fat cows. Butcher bulls from $12.50 to $13.75 cwt. Breeding cows from $110.00 to $135.00 per head. Recent moisture is bound to help the market on good re placement cattle, so if YOU HAVE ANY TO SELL, CON SIGN THEM NOW FOR NEXT TUESDAY, APRIL 3d, AUC TION. We can use all the cat tle we can get from here on until grass. We think you will be pleased with the price they bring. OPEN Easter Sunday 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Dinner Menu Spring Fried Chicken ° ; • SI Baked Ham $1 Tom Tom Cafe — O’Neill — o Be an early bird a this Spring! SHOP NOW for your garden and lawn tools and be ready for those lovely Spring days just ahead. • RAKES (several types and sizes) • LAWN & GARDEN HOSE, SPRINKLERS, NOZZLES, etc., in several grades and sizes • ELECTRIC AND GAS POWERED LAWN MOWERS • HOES, FORKS, SHOVELS, HAND TOOLS OF ALL TYPES Scovie’s Western Auto — O’Neill — 500-600 Cattle Expected Today • There will be between 5;'° and 600 head of cattle on the market today (Thursday m connection with our regular weekly sale, but much depends upon weather condtilons. • There are a number of nice consignments already in. There will be 60 head of 500-pound steer calves; 32 head of lighter steer calves, and, if weather straightens, there’ll be a number of other nice consignments. Good day to get some cattle. • Hog sale starts at 12:30 o’clock. O’Neill Livestock Market Phone 2. O’Neill DR. DONALD E. DAVID - OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Phone 2101, Spencer, Nebr Atkinson Livestock Market Phone 5141 Atkinson, Nebr. ( \ • * l EASTER For Grown-Ups Wondering what to give this Easter? Get Pangburn’s Milk and Honey Chocoaltes, the nation’s favorite candy anytime. See I our large display. PANGBURN’S CANDY Toys for the kiddies for Easter: Chickens, ducks, rabbits — soft, washable, some rubber, some vinyl. SPECIAL! Shulton “Desert Flower” Toi let Water. Limited quantity. 2-oz. bottle —a saving at only_75c Enjoy new vigor with SUPER PLEN AMINS! One daily tablet provides more than the minimum daily requirement of all vitamins for which minrmums have been set, plus B12, Folic Acid, Liver Concentrate, and 12 Important minerals. Get SUPER PLEN AMINS — NOW! JUST RECEIVEVD ... a new shipment of delicious nuts —ideal for Easter, for snacks, for parties. Gilligan’s Rexall Drug Rhone 87 — O’Neill