Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1956)
Page News Mrs. Ivan Turner of Ewing was in charge of the Sunday morning and evening services at Wesleyan Methodist church in the aDsence of the pastor, Rev. Harry Johnson, who is on va cation at Ossian, la., Mr. and Mrs. Gene Terrill and family of Laurens, la., were weekend guests in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Terrill. 3 Mrs. Oswald Goldfuss went to Atkinson Monday to the home of her mother, Mrs. Pauline Poess necker, to care for her this week. Roll call was answered with “My Favorite Pie” when mem bers of the East Side Kountry Klub were Wednesday after noon, March 21, with Mrs. o Frank Cronk Mesdames Melvin Carson, Harold Kelly and Elmer Wiseman were guests. The lead ers, Mrs. Dale Stauffer and Nor ma n Saltz, demonstrated the making of lemon fluff pie. The April lesson on new fabrics will be given by Mrs. Roger Bowen and Mrs. Harold Kelly at the home of Mrs. Alfred Conner. The hostess served lunch. The year books were completed at this meeting. Wanted to Buy: Horses of all kinds.—Buv Wanser, Page. 48-51C . Mrs. Harold Asher and Mrs. Edd Stewart earned low scores Thursday evening when the members of the auxiliary en tertained the American Legion at the hall in honor of the 37th ■ birthday anniversary of the Le gion. High scores were held by Mrs. Otto Matschullat and Don Nissen. Lunch was served to 43 guests. o Members of the EMC club were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen will c be the April 6 hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Pruess and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Trease were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Powell of Alliance were overnight guests Sunday in the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshyn ski. They were enroute from at tending a state bowling tourna ment at Fremont to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert and family were Sunday guests of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn at De loit. Mrs. Nell Stevens, sister of J. I. Gray, went to Omaha last week with her son, Dale, to visit another son, Ivan Stevens. She has accepted a position there. Elmei Reed accompanied Leonard Sawyer to Page Wed nesday, March 21, where he vis ited with his brothers-in-law and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haper. Mrs. Charles Cronk was hos tess to the Get-Together club Friday* for fancywork and visit ing. Mrs. C. J. Dobbins was a guest. The hostess served lunch. Mrs. Roy Grubbs will be the April 6 hostess. Jepthah chapter of the Eesterii Star Kensington met Friday af ternoon with Mrs. Dora Town send. Those in attendance were Mesdames R. G. Rockey, Harriet Welke, Grace Briggs, Elmer Bergstrom, William Spence, Ma tilda Conner, Aubrey and Lee Wood, Wilbur Bennett and Hen-’ ry Fleming, and the Misses Ina1 Bennett and Fern Pruden, all of Ewing, and Mesdames Ray Snell,1 Anton Nissen, Merwyn French, jr., and Stephanie, and Frank Belmar, all of Page. A resolu tion was passed to send a purse of money to the destitute Ma sons behind the iron curtain in Germany. Group singing was enjoyed with Mrs. French at the piano. Mrs. Ray Snell will be the April 27 hostess. Outdoor games were played Thursday evening when Frank Beelaert’s Sunday-school class met at the Robert Nissen home for a weiner roast. Songs were sung around the camp fire. Raymond Heiss, lay leader, was in charge of the Sunday morning services at the Metho dist church in the absence of the pastor, Rev. Lisle Mewmaw. Merwyn French, jr., read the sermon “Concerning the Collec tion”, given by Dr. Gerald Ken nedy when he was pastor of St. Paul’s Methodist church at Lin coln. Special music in keeping with Palm Sunday was render ed. The lesson topic “Practice the Presence of God” by Brother Lawrence was reviewed by Mrs. Merwyn French, sr., for the study class of the WSCS Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Raymond Heiss. On Friday, March 30, the WSCS will con clude the lesson study and the study topic will be “A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life.” r i Holt Corn Growing Champs Otto F. Lorenz of O’Neill (left) recently was proclaimed coun ty corn growing champion at a banquet held at Grand Island in honor of Nebraska corn growing champions. His yield of 83.37 bushels per acre was the top yield in Holt county in the 1955 na tional selected five-acre DeKalb corn growing contest. Unable to attend the banquet was runnerup winner Clarence Gokie of O’ Neill with a yield of 74.11 bushels per acre. Harlow Schwisow of O’Neill (right) took third place with a yield of 51.69 bushels per acre. O’Neill News Clyde McKenzie, jr., and Doug las spent Saturday and Sunday visiting at the Clyde McKenzie, sr., home in Lynch. George Janousek took his moth er-in-law, Mrs. Earl Hile, to her home in Columbus Sunday. Mrs. Hile helped with the Janousek children while Mrs. Janousek was in the hospital with their new son. Mr. and Mrs. James Storms en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Mark Storms and son of Keya Paha, S.D., on Sunday. Accompanying them were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ly ons and family, also of Keya Paha, who visited Sgt. and Mrs. James R. Lyons and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Brewster and family were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Nelson, and family of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Switzer vis ited Sunday south of Clearwater at the home of Mrs. Leona John son. They are old neighbors. Mrs. William A. Strong attend ed the 50th wedding anniversary of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hauser, in Elgin. Wanted to Buy: Horses of all kinds.—Buv Wanser, Page. 48-51c Dale McKenzie of Oakland, Zalif., Victor McKenzie of Spen jrd, Alaska, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Revell spent last rhursday at the Clyde McKen rie, jr., home. The two McKen 'ies departed for their respective iomes after spending two weeks iere. Mr. and Mrs. Orvill Dye and ’arnily of Neligh visited Saturday it the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Stowell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Hiatt of Sock Springs, Wyo., spent the ?ast week with the latter’s sister, Wrs. Otto Sprague. Mrs. C. C. Golden returned Sunday from Omaha where she lad visited four days. Carnival skating party Easter Sunday at Neligh Rink. 48p Charles and James Froelich oined their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Villiam J. Froelich, in Chicago, 11., over the weekend. All re urned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Parker >f north of O’Neill visited Mr. and drs. Carl Lorenz Monday. Jack Gatz plans to leave for j J.s post in Hawaii Monday after | pending his leave with his par- I nts, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and amily of Brunswick spent Satur iay at the Clyde McKenzie, jr., iome. The Smiths will soon move o Ogallala. Hub Will Aid Jiabetic Child— Beacon Neighbors Extension dub met Sunday, March 18, vith Mrs. Ed Wayman. Business meeting opened with roll call, answering with a favorite pork iishes. The club plans to help finance a diebetic child at sum mer camp this year. John Hic Itey displayed the scrap book af last year’s achievements and was given the job for the com ing year. The lesson on pastry was de monstrated by Mrs. Delbert Ro bertson and lunch, with St. Pat rick’s theme, was served by the hostess. __ ----—— Mrs. Karl Keyes Shower Honoree— INMAN—Mrs. Karl L. Keyes was honored at a post-nuptial shower Tuesday evening, March 20, at the Methodist church. The ladies chorus sang and a skit was given by Mrs. E. E. Clark, Mrs. T. D. Hutton, Mrs. James E. Kelley with Miss Mil dred Keyes as narrator. Mrs. Keyes received many gifts to use in her new home. Refreshments were served. Inman News The Inman Worker’s Project club met Wednesday afternoon, March 21, at the home of Mrs. Linelle Butterfield. Mrs. Vernon Lorenz was in charge. Mrs. Karl Keyes and Mrs. James M. McMahan presented the lesson “Easy as Pie”. They made.a le mon fluff pie using pastry made by the paste method, also tart shells and other pastries using pie pastry. The April meeting will be in the home of Mrs. Kenneth Coventry. Mrs. Butter field served refreshments. There were 11 members present. Postmaster and Mrs. B. H. Stevens of Page were Monday evening guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan. Mrs. Harvey Tompkins, Lin elle and Roger and Mrs. Anna Smith spent Wednesday, March 21, in Grand Island. Paul and Joe, Bittner drove to Lincoln on Saturday and spent the weekend visiting in the home of their sister, Mrs. Hazel | McGrail, and daughter, Virginia, i Mrs. James M. McMahan spent | Thursday in O’Neill where she j attended a school of instruction! m <he afternoon coelucted by Mrs. Ruby Larson of Wolbach, district supervisor for the Order of Eastern Star. Dinner was r ved st th Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coven try and sons, Mr. and xVIrs. Leo Harte, Joe Donna and Tommy, were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and family. Horace Keil of Plattsmouth spent the weekend here with his ilv Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tomp kins and Mrs. Cora Caldwell drove to Ainsworth on Sunday where they attended the concert by the Wesleyan university band at the new auditorium. The Inman band motored to Atkinson Monday afternoon where they heard the Nebraska Wesleyan band, which appeared at the Atkinson publ\: school, j Drivers taking the band mem- | bers were Supt. Gerald Nelson, , Melvin Michaelis, Leonard Saw- , yer, Mrs. Ira Watson and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins. Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach and girls attended church ser vices Sunday morning at Clear water. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morsbach of Neligh and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morsbach of Clearwater spent Wednesday, March 21, in the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Mors bach. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Siders at tended the Angus sale in Colum bus Tuesday and Wednesday, March 20-21. College Group Arrives for Easter Among college students arriving home for the Easter holidays, are: University of Nebraska at Lin coln: Mrs. Henry F. Schleuter, Richard Bohn, John Bohn (grad uate school), Ted Lindberg, Eliz- : abeth Schaffer, Charlotte McVay, Bob Holsclaw, Jeanne Cole, Du ane Booth. Nebraska Wesleyan university, Lincoln: Marilyn Lindberg. School of Commerce, Omaha: Carolyn Moseman. Wavne State Teachers, Wayne: Patricia DeBolt. University of South Dakota, Vermillion: Don Lanman, Joe So botka. Creighton university, Omaha: John Joe Uhl, Don Becker, Don jraham, Gerald Wills of Emmet. Duchesne college, Omaha: Mary Ellen Froelich. St. Mary’s college, Omaha: Ma ~y Lou Uhl. St. Mary’s college, Xavier, •Cans.: Rosemary and Ellen rorkle. Mt. St. Scholastica college, \tchison, Kans.: Shirley Leahy. ——— ■ » Amelia News Mrs. Alice Prewitt and sons, Dean and Lynn, have been look ing over some of the new homes built in Chambers recently. They expect to start construc tion on a new home on their ranch northwest of town. Their other house had been destroyed by fire several years ago, and since that time they have lived in Amelia. Keith Greenstreet of Lincoln was an overnight visitor Friday wth his grandmother, Mrs. F. C. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith of Maxwell visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. \f. Waldo Fri day. Mrs. Waldo and Mrs. Smith are sisters. Miss Radee Wickman and her friend, Dick Brau, of Omaha came Friday and spent the weekend visiting her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce. They returned home Monday. Julius Belew and son, Marian, were up from Stanton to attend tne ramer Coolidge sale. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman and Marcia visited Mrs. Wid man’s mother, Mrs. D. L. Fan cher, Eunice and Virgil, near Ainsworth Saturday. Pvt. Don Peterson called his parents from New Jersey Mon day evening, March 19, telling them he was leaving sometime Tuesday, March 20, for Frank fort, Germany. They had expect ed to leave by plane Monday, but the flight was grounded on account of the snowstorm there. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Forbes and boys were Norfolk callers Saturday. Miss Connie Gilman was a dinner guest at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Stella Sparks, Friday and visited school in Amelia that afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed White, Mrs. Julia White, Harry White and son, Glen, attended the funeral of Mrs. Charlie Barnum in Chambers Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Paul Fisher accompanied her sister, Mrs. Clarence Dam me, of Chambers to Tilden last Thursday. Lawrence Thompson has been visiting his brother, Leon, and sisters, Mrs. Raymond Kenny and Mrs. Tenus Madsen. He was an Amelia caller Friday. Dale Fullerton, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton, was able to return home the early part of last week. He had been staying with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fullerton, since his release from the hospital. Mrs—Stella Sparks and Mrs. B. W. Waldo were O’Neill call-j ers Tuesday, March 20. Cpl. Harold Dexter, home on! leave from Japan, was a supper | guest at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bly, Sunday evening. His moth er, Mrs. Olive Dexter, of O’Neill was also a guest. Harold expects to return to Japan next week. Mrs. Amy Slaymaker of At kinson, Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Hart and Lora Lee of O’Neill visited at the Dick Doolittle home Sunday. Amelia’s assessor, R. E. Bly, was at work here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Withers bad Wick Wyant repair their flowing well Saturday. Several from the surrounding school districts attended the rur al school meeting in O’Neill last week. Among those attending were: Mrs. Glenn White, Mrs. Ed White from the south dis trict, Ralph Adair and Pete Frahm from the Gilman district and Mrs. John Moore, jr., and Mrs. Harvey Hansen from the Charlie Peterson district. Pvt. Robert J. Fritton, son of vlr. and Mrs. Fred Fritton, has leen transferred from Camp Chaffee, Ark., to Ft. Polk, La. He vas graduated from a radio school March 9. Mrs. Claude Elliott’s Mother Expires DELOIT—Mrs. Claude Elliott’s mother died in California last week. Her body was returned to Nebraska for burial. Other Deloit News Mr. and Mrs. Lew Belling and son of Orchard were Sunday guests at the Fred Harpster home. The following were dinner guests on Sunday, March 18, at the Glenn Harpster home: Mr. and Mrs. W. Napier and Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and family. Mr. and Mrs. Larson and Mr. and Mrs. H. Reimer were Sunday visitors at the Don Larson home. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and sons I of Page were also guests, j Mr. and Mrs. R. M.' Tomjack made a trip to Dallas, S.D., on Wednesday, March 21. They vis ited at the Harry Jewell home while there. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon ar rived from Denver, Colo., on Sun day. They plan to be present at a family dinner on Easter at the j Henry Reimer home. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reimer of I Lincoln plan to be guests on Eas ter Sunday at the Melvin Rexin i home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack were visitors at the Ewald Spahn home Monday evening. Elayne Reimer called on Mrs. E. L. Sisson Friday afternoon. The past week was a typical March week with much wind and chilly weather. Abandoned Fire Flares Up— AMELIA—A serious fire was prevented at the S. C. Barnett home Tuesday, March 20. They had been burning weeds near a water outlet. Thinking the fire was out, they had left it, and it spread to some hay that had been packed around the water-! works. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Berry, who were working in their own yard discovered the fire, and quickly got it under control without damage to pro perty. Guests at Bly Home— AMELIA — Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bly were Mrs. Olive Dexter and Har old and Jerry, and Dick Tomlin son, all of O’Neill; Miss Kathryn Hoffman of Ewing; Mr. and Mrs. Herman and Dorothy Porkorny of Ed Dexter, Laurence Dexter, Elyria and Mrs. Richard Harley and family of Chambers. Wanted to Buy: Horses of all kinds.—Buv Wanser, Page. 48-51c F.lkhom Club Meets— Elkhom extension club met last Thursday at Mrs. Tess Protivin sky’s home. It was a special ses sion in parliamentary procedure given by Mrs. Clay Johnson, sr. Mrs. William Kraft and Mrs. D. N. Loy served refreshments.—By Mrs. Vem Grenier, reporter. - Donohoe Const. Co. CAT — SCOOP — DOZEK Dormor or Elevated Grader Work John E. Donohoe, Phone 447W “Jim” Donohoe, Phone 478W o o R.H.PIERCE irrigation systems Put water to work lor you... j PROFITABLY! Portable irrigation systems have o proven time and again that growers who use irrigation properly make o asore profit. Eliminate fear of drought • • • lighten your work... stop erosion ...make water go gen aral. increase yields and profits. It is mot unusual for sprinkler irrigation to «p yields from 33»/3% to 45% the •rat season used. R. H. PIERCE irri gation systems are designed to meet al. the above requirements. Don’t wait any longer...see your PIERCE dealer today and get set for a great profit year. “Wtc» E-Z Lock" Fittings are precisely **d*Mrsd, light-in-weight, rolled steel) I H LATEHAL COUPLER — Press-ln Instollation. Extra wide apron. X PIERCE VALVES —Three-unit /-fct-Y-*^. assembly for trouble-free operation. V f CONTROL TEE VALVES — Positive control for separata (JP-QQ line operation. PIERCE SUCTION SET AND ADAPTER — Light weight assembly—flexible lolnts. •n as a call far demonstration or come la mot see the complete R. H. PIERCE line. ° Marcellus ImpL — West O’Neill — Phone 5 Gro - Coated SEEDS SEE US FOR if NX3 Alfalfa. The new blend ] of the best hardy alfalfas. if Essex Rape. Imported. if Northern Ranger Alfalfa. if Nebraska Hardy Alfalfa. if Fancy Y.B. Sweet Clover. | if Red Clover. c if Brome — Sudan. if Vetch — Sorghums — c Grasses. 1 t “SPECIAL MIXED SWEET CLOVER” ( At a Bargain! All Gro-Coated ( FERTILIZER All Grades 33%% NITROGEN — 0-45-0 Quarry Lime Spread, $7 per T. Any Place in Holt Co. West Lumber & Coal Co. Phone 7 — Page, Nebr. picture yourself.... [ * lovelier than ever in the Easter parade . . . Your crowning glory ... a smart hat to give your Easter 1 ensemble the right finishing touch. We show just two from our collection of whites and important Easter colors. ; priced from 2.98 to 6.98 Others to 12.95 ; * HATS FOR THE LITTLE MISS 1.99 to 2.99 By i RANLEIGH and WILSHIRE 1 1 _ We Give TOP VALUE ' stamps The Apparel Shop ________ WINNIE BARGER BERNICE ELKINS DRS. BROWN & FRENCH — O’NEILL — PHYSICIANS & SURGEON8 Paul Shierk INSURANCE AGENCY O’NEILL. NEBR - Insurance of All Kinds Res. Ph. 835 MARIE’S Beauty Parlor 4 Blocks E., 2 N. of Stoplight. PHONE 102 — O’NEILL DR. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE OPTOMETRIST Northeast Corner of 4th & Douglas O’NEILL, NEBR. Phone 167 Eyes Examined . Glaeaee f'ttteo Ifflee Houra t*_6 Mon. tbru Bat USED I TRUCK TIRE I Original Hi-Treads I New Retreads I 750x20 1000x20 I 825x20 1000x22 I 900x20 1100x20 I O’KEEFE Tire Sales I Sioux City, Iowa V i^j-. ■’■' f,:" *"•: KnnnHHBBp THAT LIGHT, LINEN LOOK! % 4 « Saddle-Stiched two-tone suit! The latest in box - style suits! I 10.95 Finest linen - weave rayon in a two-piece box-style suit! Con trasting color, saddle stitched jacket, solid narrow-line skirt, in verted pleat in back. Moss and lime. All at tractive color combi nations. 8-18. LOVELY LINGERIE made by Lorraine! Luxurious Nylon Slip □ Fashioned for value! Super quality 40 denier opaque nylon tricot. Soft dainty trim top and bottom of fagoting lace. Beautifully tailored slip. White. New Sheer Nylon SILHOUETTE HOSE! 60 gauge 15 denier All first quality hose in beautiful spring shades of beigetone, blushtone. Save! 51-gauge 15 denier.69 66-gauge 15 denier.98 Sheer-stretch.98 Super stretch .. 1.25 ' "" i'" ..*112| Coro Jewelry 98c 1.98 Plus tax Jewelry of distinction! New spring styles in all types. Choose yours now! Spring Handbags In Smart Styles for You! Accent your costume with our handsome handbags in an array of colors and fab rics. Come in, choose. _ •