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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1956)
Plans June Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Sire of Butte have announced the engagement of their daughter, JMiss Marjorie Ann (above), to Richard D. Johnson of Spencer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Johnson. Mr. Johnson is em ployed by the Wm. Krotter Co. of Spencer. Miss Sire is attend ing Wayne State Teachers col lege. A June wedding is plan ned. Roch Falls News Mrs. Jess Benson and Mr. and Mrs. Walt Brassfield of Owanka, S.D., came to the Blake Benson home on March 8. The latter left that day but Mrs. Benson remain ed. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derickson and sons visited at the Bob Lar son home Wednesday, March 7. . Mr. and Mrs. Bob Yantzie spent from last Thursday until Satur day with Mrs. Kathryn Yantzie. They all called at the Sam Der »• ickson home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and children spent Tuesday evening March 6, at the Lou Brown home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and Lyda were evening callers at the Don Borg home Friday, March 9. Pete Donohoe did some elec trical work at the James Curran home Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stems and Evelyn called on Ronald Stems at the Atkinson Memorial hospital Monday. Miss Evelyn is spending the week at the home of her brother, Edward. Series of Moves Noted— Mr. and Mrs. Dale Curran and family moved Saturday to the south part of town. Mr. and Mrs. James Storms moved recently to the house va cated by the Dwight Worcesters. The Worcesters moved into their new house north of the Marlin Wichman home. The Cecil Bakers moved to a house near Fords park and Mr. and Mrs. John Lee Baker moved into the Cecil Bakers’ new home. Mr. and Mrs. William Mack, jr., and daughter will move into a North Nebraska Builders’ home being completed in the Northern Heights addition. Mr. Mack has joined Gambles. The family comes from Des Moines, la. Frontier for printing! ■ ' “ ' __ — - “OLD RELIABLE” MARKET REPORT Tuesday, Mar. 13th Cattle receipts: 1774 head. Fair weather and rising tem perature brought out a large crowd for this week’s large auction. All classes of cattle sold on a sharply $0.50 to $1.25 cwt. higher market. Cat tle of the lighter weights con tinued in best demand. Bulk of the choice steer calves sold from $20.50 to $22.25 cwt. Bob Clifford topped the heifer calf market with a long string of his usually fancy kind selling at $18.65 and averaging 465 lbs., other heifer sales ranged from . $16.50 to $18.25 cwt. Several loads of yearling steers were offered this week with most sales ranging from $17.00 to ■ $18.50 with the lighter weight offerings selling on up to $20.00 cwt. Two straight car loads of 685 lb. steers weflt at $18.35 cwt. Yearling heifers again in short supply with sev • * eral ’packages selling from $15.00 to $16.45 cwt., with a few on up to $17.00 cwt. i Butcher cattle sold fully • $L00 to $1.25 cwt. higher with calmer and cutter kinds selling fron' $8.75 to $9.50. commercial cows $9 50 to $11.00 and best beef "tows from $11.00 to $13.25, vie latter price paid for some hei*erette kinds. Breed * ing cows \ 'ere in good demand with severa." strings of Here „ ford cows se.hng from $120.00 to $143.00 p’sr head. Two bunches of An^us cows sold from $132.00 tr# $143.00 per head. Registers# Angus bulls from $235.00 |6 $400.00 per head. * NEXT AUCTION: TUES DAY, MARCH 20th. Listings for next week’s sale are still light/So if you would like to ccuflkign your cattle for next gfeek’s auction, you may be j "sure of a good spot in the sale. ' Phone 5141 Atkinson and book your cattle where buyers and f sellers have preferred to meet for 35 years. Atkinson Livestock Market Phone 5141 Atkinson, Nebr. . * Redbird News Mr. and Mrs. Harold Halstead went to Pae to a farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Park on Friday evening. They are moving to a farm northeast of Page. Mrs. Vigo Christensen visited her daughter, Mrs. Guy Pinker man, and family over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mellor and Delores visited Bill and “Grand ma” Hull Wednesday, March 7. Clifford Wells took Delores Fern to Page Sunday. She will prac tice teach this week under Mrs. Mary Park. Mrs. Fay Pinkerman went to Omaha Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mellor and Delores and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Halstead visited in the Lucian Loock home Monday. Eddie Carson consulted doctors in Lynch Monday. i - Dr. and Mrs. Rex W. Wilson, I Joan, Patty and Bobby attended the Ice Capades in Omaha Satur day. They returned home Sunday. Miss Birmingham Is Honored— Miss Mary Louise Birmingham was chosen “Miss Lurline” aboard the SS Lurline enroute to Hawaii for a vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Birmingham A contest is held on each voy age. The Birminghams landed in Hawaii Saturday. They plan to start home April 2. O’NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Wett | laufer had as their guests last Thursday and Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stevens of Ft. Hood, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Herley at tended the Ice Capades in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Weyhrich ; and family attended the Ice Ca I pades in Omaha. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Pat Gallup of Omaha and returned Monday. Mrs. William White, Mrs. James Earley, Mrs. Charles Fox and Mrs. Fred Appleby were in Sioux City Monday. Mrs. Donald Prill returned from Norfolk with her infant son. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Simonson and Mrs. Thomas Donlin, jr., of Bristow left last Thursday for Rochester, Minn. Monday night dinner guests at the Ivan Cone home were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wilson and daugh ters, the occasion being the Wil sons’ 13th wedding anniversary. *,u t "NOBODY"1 Undersells THE NEW OUTLAW I vc Hum r 28* BACON — Cudahy’s Gold Coin_3 lbs. $ 1 * PORK STEAK — Lean, Mealy_Lb. 33c PORK UVER___ 2 lbs. 29c ( RING BOLOGNA - All Meal..Lb. 39c | REPEAT BY POPULAR DEMAND U.S. Gov’t Graded Beef U.S. GOV’T GRADED GOOD BEEF ROAST Lb._33c ARMOUR’S STAR PORK SAUSAGE Lb._i_ 19c H AND G WHITING FISH 10 Lb. Box-1.19 Why Take LESS Than the BEST?? There is only one impartial grading of beef. The Outlaw handles only U.S. Gov’t Grad ed Beef! Don’t take less! Remember, your stomach has a price tag on it, TOO! So buy with confidence for LESS at the Outlaw! BEEF QUARTER SALE U.S. GOV’T GRADED “GOOD” Fronts_27c Hinds..... 37c PORK Boston Butt Lean & Meaty Lb_ I ■ - -j Shop the Outlaw and POCKET the SAVINGS! Shop the Outlaw and POCKET the SAVINGS! Shop the Outlaw and POCKET the SAVINGS! TIDE_Pkg. 27c I Mother’s Best FLOUR, 50-lb. sack 3.59 SYRUP-Penick Waffle.24-oz. btl. 39c | CHERRUES - Brookland_Gal. 79c I , . I; _ •' . * VAN CAMP JUMBO NO. 2Vi CANS | BEET PORK & BEANS-4 for 98c I SUGAR_5-lb. sack 49c BRACH’S CHOC. COVERED 1 CHERRIES_Box 59c | NAVY BEANS__5 lbs. 59c r DUNCAN HINES 1 CARNATION BURNT SUGAR_Pkg. 2$c MILK_ SUNSHINE TID-BIT 92 SCORE FRESH CREAMERY > MARSHMALLOWS_Pkg. 23c BUTTER_ i GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 4 46-oz. cans $1 I CHEESE.2-lb. box 65c ■ WB ■ JOHNSON’S SALMON_ Lb.can49c I WAX„ Pt. can 59« - Plus 1/3 Extra FI V f V M Made by Meadow gold \ j| FREEZE x * Half - Gallon ... ' COMPARE PRICES AND POCKET THE SAVINGS \ RED SPUDS Iceberg Lg. Head LETTUCE 12c Washed and Waxed— \ Red 10 Lbs. SPUDS 39c Pascal Lg. Stalk CELERY 12c Winesap 4-Lb. Sack APPLES 49c 100-Lb. 99 Sack_ HAPPYVILLE PEAS ! I GOLD NUGGET CORN [I DOUBLE LUCK GR. BEANS Cans, [I MR. FARMER!! If Don’t Take LESS for Your EGGS!! I SUPPORT OUR NEW HIGH PRICE EGG PROGRAM! | Bring Your Eggs a* am For Your M to the OUTLAW! FARM I We Are Paying_ w w V FRESH ■ EGGS Subject to Change Without Notice! I % No Dealer Eggs Bought! #