The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 16, 1956, Page 8, Image 8

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    -§ . Wedding Photos
Brought to Meeting
0 0 . ■ !
AMELIA — The Helping Hand
o club met Thursday, February 9,
at the home of Mrs. Ralph Rees’.
There were 17 members and one
visitor present After the dinner
the time was spent socially. Each
member was asked to bring their
wedding pictures, which caused
much comment and conversation.
Mrs. William Fryrear and Mrs.
Frank Pierce had charge of the
o contests and games. The next
meeting will be with Mrs. Blake
Other Amelia News
Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Barnett are
enjoying a television set installed
last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Black
more, accompanied by their
daughter, Mrs. Vernon Beckwith,
and family visited relatives in
Iowa on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear
spent Sunday at the home of their
daughter and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Gruenborg, near Stu
Mrs. Julia White spent Sunday
o at Ed White’s.
Several from the Amelia com
munity were in Atkinson Satur
day and attended the opening of
the feed and produce store oper
ated by Jack Gilman and Ed
Mrs. Bessie Burge, daughter,
June, and sons, Harold and Clay
ton, anl Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fisher
were dinner guests Sunday at
Clyde Burges.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Doolittle, sr.,
entertained at a fish supper Sun
day evening. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hansen and
family. John Hansen, Bill Gilman,
Mrs. Gertie Adair, Mrs. Stella
Sparks and Lonnie, and Mr. and
Mrs. Clinton Doolittle, and Sally.
The evening was spent playing
Dick and Tommie Doolittle and
Ronnie Hart were fishing at Dora
Lake Monday. Bus Gilman, Gene
Hansen and Harlan Dierking
went to Pickstown fishing the
same day.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott called
on Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rees and
family near Burwell Sunday af
ternoon. They then drove on to
o ~
Ponton Insurance
Insurance of All Kinds
& Bonds
Phone 106 — Golden Bldg.
John R. Gallagher
First Nat’l Bank Bldg.
Mrs. Margie Sammons went to
Omaha by train Saturday night.
She will return home the early
part of the week, bringing her
daughter, Mrs. Andy Robak and
boys home with her, while Mr.
Robak is away attending school.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blackmore;
and infant daughter, Judith Joan
of Grand Island visited his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Blackmore,
and her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Asa Watson over the weekend.
Their other daughters Louann,
who has been visiting ner grand
parents the past three weeks, re-;
turned home with her parents,
Mrs. Chester Fees and children
of O’Neill visited at the Frank I
Backhaus home Sunday.
Tiie squre dance at the Amelia
hall Friday night was well at
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clemens
and family of Ravinia, S.D., visit-1
ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi
Clemens Sunday.
Misses Evelyn and Shirley
Thompson spent the weekend
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Leon Thompson. They have con
tracted to teach in a two - room
school near Ord for next term.
Mrs. Baine Grubb of Chambers
has been substitute teacher in the
Amelia grade room the past
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Backhaus
and family, Mr. and Mrs. George
Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Boshart of O’Neill were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Lew Backhaus.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge
and son, Calvin, and Miss Delores
Gilg were guests Saturday at the
Charles Coolidge home near
Chambers. On Sunday the group
went to Page to visit at the W. E.
Ragland home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bligh of
Omaha spent the weekend visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Pierce.
Pvt. Calvin Coolidge reached
home Thursday after receiving
his discharge from the army. He
has been at Augsburg, Germany,
since going overseas.
Mrs. Margie Sammons went to
Chambers Thursday afternoon to
visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ned Alderson, who were just re
turning home after an extended
visit with relatives in the west
ern states.
Larry Fix, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Gale Fix, of Scottsbluff is visiting
his grandmother, Mrs. Alice Pre
witt, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Kennedy
and sons, Hale and Harold, and
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Doolittle and
sons, Jack and Bill, were dinner
guests Sunday at the Darrel Slay
maker home in O’Neill. The din
ner was in honor of the Slay
makers small son, Lloyd’s, birth
day anniversary.
Mrs. Ivan Roth of Ponca, and
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Doolittle
visited their mother, Mrs. Elsie
Doolittle, and brothers, Jimmie,
Dennie and Mickey, at Chambers
• 9
13TH PAIR FREE! !§| j
With your Erst purchase of Ruth
— Burry nylon hosiery, you become •
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your purchases. When you’ve bought
12 pairs, you receive the 13th
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you nave purchased. Join today!
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CALL 30 today ... or any day . . . for our j
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WE SPECIALIZE in promptness, courtesy
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ment, plus highly-killed, experienced
and conscientious operators are your as
surance of the very finest in —
Phone 30 O'Neill
Mrs. Buddy Eugene Cloyd, nee Dorothy Louise Donohoe . . . Feb
ruary bride in O’Neill church rite.—O’Neill Photo Co.
- __ _ .. 'tfS
Golden Rod Club
Hears Judge Mounts—
The Golden Rod extension club
met Wednesday, February 8, at
the home of Mrs. Ed Sevcik with
14 members and one guest pres
After the business meeting,
Mrs. Phil Cohn and Mrs. Oliver
Ross presented the lesson on deep
fat frying.
Mrs. Richard Minton and Mrs.
Gerald McDermott served re
Valentines were exchanged.
A special meeting was held on
Wednesday, February 15, at the
home of Mrs. Cohn. Judge D. R.
Mounts was guest speaker.
Next regular meeting will be
held March 14 at the home of
Mrs. A. J. Jilg.
249 Register for
Annual PC A Meeting
Two hundred forty-nine per
sons registered for the 22d annual
meeting of the O’Neill Production
Credit association held in O’Neill
at the Royal theater on Thursday,
February 9. Following a dinner
served at the M&M cafe, the bus
iness meeting was held with
President D. C. Schaffer in
Feature of the meeting includ
ed a report to the stockholders
by Ott Oberg on the activties and
business transacted by the board
of directors and the executive
committe during 1955. Annual
report revealed the O’Neill PCA
ended the year with 383 mem
bers and $902,000 in loans out
The members elected Ott
Oberg of Ericson to serve on the
board of directors for another
:erm of three years. Other di
rectors include D. C. Schaffer of
O’Neill, C. F. Clark of Burwell,
Otto Krupicka of Spencer and
Ray Siders of Inman.
The association serves fanners
ind ranchers in Boyd, Holt, Gar
:ield and Wheeler counties.
Ewing News
Guests at the home af Mr. and
Mrs. Jerry Tomjack on Sunday
were her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Taylor, and daughter,
Phyllis, of Oakdale, Mrs. Ben
Taylor of Tilden and Mrs. Mer
win Murray of Neligh.
Little Cathy Tomjack returned
home Sunday from Oakdale
where she had spent the week
with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Raff and
Robert of Orchard were Thurs
day evening guests at the home
3f Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hamilton.
Mrs. Elvin Hamilton and
daughters spent Sunday at
Creighton visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Hamilton. Mr.
Hamilton spent the day fishing at
Savins Point. Other from Ewing
ilso fishing here were Bob Ep
penbach, Frank Noffke and Stan- \
ey Bartak.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoag accom
panied by Mrs. Jessie Angus were I
:ntertained at dinner on Sunday
it the home of Mr. and Mrs.
rrancis Hoffman and family at j
vfeligh. !
Dorothy Donohoe
Bride of Iowan
St. Patrick’s Catholic church
was the scene of the wedding of
Miss Dorothy Louise Donohoe,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Donohoe of O’Neill, and Buddy
Eugene Cloyd, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Vurl Cloyd of Sidney, la.
The 10 a.m. ceremony was per
formed by Very Rev. Timothy O’
Sullivan, church pastor. The or
ganist was Miss Rosemary Ral
aiizyk of Omaha. The soloist was
Mrs. Donald Tigges of Carroll,
la. She sang “Ave Maria” and
“On This Day.”
The bride, who was given in
marriage by her father, appeared
in a gown of white silk taffeta
trimmed with seed pearls and iri
descent sequins at the low cut
neckline, long sleeves tapered to
bridal points at the wrist and the
full, gathered skirt fell into a
short train. Her fingertip veil was
draped from a seed pearl coronet.
She carried a cascade bouquet of
feathered carnations and red de
light roses. Also a white pearl
rosary, a gift from the bride
Maid-of-honor was Miss Karen
Donohoe. Bridesmaids were Miss
Patricia Mullen and Miss Marga
ret Donohoe. They were ident
ically gowned in ballerina frocks
of red crystalette. They wore
matching crowned hats and white
gloves and carried cascade bou
quets of white poms.
The bridegroom was attended
by a friend, Marty Maher of Sid
ney, la. Groomsmen were Perry
Cloyd of Sidney, la., and Donald
Donohoe of O’NeilL James Dono
hoe and Ray Donohoe, brothers
of the bride, were ushers.
A breakfast was given at the
Town House by the bride’s par
ents for members of the wedding
party. A reception for the couple
was held at the home of the bride
for over one hundred guests.
For traveling, the bride chose
a dark tweed suit with black ac
The bride is a graduate of St.
Mary’s academy and St. Cathe
rine’s school of nursing. She has
been employed here by Doctors
Wilson and Langdon.
The bridegroom was graduated
from Sidney (la.) high school. He
has served in the armed forces.
Among out - of - town guests
were: Mr. and Mrs. Vurl Cloyd,
Mrs. Ned Shiffer and Roger Shif
fer, all of Sidney, la.; Mr. and
Mrs. Perry L. Cloyd, Mr. and Mrs.
Gene Glasgow, Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Hickey, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Glasgow, all of Thurman, la.;
Nancy Looker, Winnie Smith,
Joan Cotter, Darty Maher, Marty
Maher, Lou Moss, Mr. and Mrs.
LeRoy Potter, Donald Graham,
John Joe Uhl and Rosemary Ral
ajizyk, all of Omaha; John Na
pier, Mrs. Harry Lampert, Pat
Bauer and Jerry Rotherham, all
of Ewing; Mary Lou Burberisk of
Sioux City; Shirley Moorehead of
Nebraska City; Helen and Kay
Kaiser, both of Valentine; Mrs.
Ralph Cloyd of Tabor, la.; Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Bohlen of Perci
val, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Tigges and Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Maystadt, all of Carroll, la.; L. J.
Troshynski of Atkinson; Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Prouty of Spencer; Bern
adine Byers of Council Bluffs, la.
To Test Drive the 1956 Chevrolet!
to be awarded the winner
Saturday, February 18th
Chevrolet — Oldsmobile — Cadillac
Rural Schools
Contribute $519
Holt county rural school pupils
contributed $519.18 to the 1956
march of dimes campaign, accord
ing to Miss Alice French, Holt
county superintendent of rublic
instruction, who directed the
drive in rural schools.
Teacher, district number and
amount for each school follows:
Mrs. Guy Hull, 1, 2.40; Florene
Harris, 3, 5.09; Geraldine Court
ney, 4, 5.22; Barbara Cleary, 5,
3.28; Mrs. Clara Peacock, 8, 4.17;
Karen Donohoe, 9, 4.80; Regina
Warnke, 10, 2.70; Mrs. Dennis
Kaup, 11, 4.00; Mrs. Arthur O’
Neill, 14, 5.20; Vera Ernst, 15,
2.00; Arlene Walters, 16, 7.00;
Patricia Pierson, 17, 4.30; Lucille
Mitchell, 20, 5.40; Mrs. Grace
Weichman, 22, 4.90; Mrs. Mary
Park, 23, 5.80. ’
Ruth Young, 32, 3.20; Audrey
Henderson, 33, 3.90; Mrs. Doris
Spann 35, 3.00; Phyllis Welsh,
36, 3.00; Dolores Boyle, 37, 2.80;
Mrs. Lucille Pinkerman, 38, 3.00;
Karen Stelling, 39, 6.00; Mrs. Vir
ginia Damero, 40, 2.60; Barbara
Cunningham, 41, 1.11; Neta Ma
ben, 46, 7.20; Alice Page, 48, 3.00;
Janet Vonasek, 49, 4.60; Harold
H. Block, 50, 3.30; Marilyn K. De
Losh, 52, 3.00; Mrs. Margaret
Chace, 53, 6.80; Kay Johnson, 55,
5.00; Bernice Kallhoff, 56, 4.57;
Elmer Saltz, 57, 3.60; Mrs. Betty
Lofquest, 58, 2.80; Mrs. Walter
Pease, 59, 2.00.
Norma Timmerman, 60, 1.80;
Melba Dobrovolny, 62, 3.60; Mrs.
Elmer Wandersee, 65, 3.10; Mrs.
Alpha Kirkland, 69, 6.10; Mrs. El
sie Doolittle, 71, 2.23; Mrs. Ruth
Roby, 73, 2.00; Mrs. Lydia Med
calf, 76, 6.00; Doris Bogue, 77,
3.59; Donald Fullerton, 79, 1.98;
Mrs. Dorothy Sanders, 80, 2.60;
Janice Prewitt, 81, 3.40; Janet
Hull, 86, 5.70; Mrs. Ardath Coday,
87, 1.20; Mrs. Ruth Hansen, 88,
7.57; Clayton Drueger, 89, 5.25;
Cleta Murray, 90, 2.40; Doris
Henderson, 91, 4.06; Theresa Ull
rich, 92, 3.60; Stanley Pickering,
93, 2.40; Mrs. Ileen Lee, 96, 1.60;
Betty Spangler, 97, 6.84; Pauline
Goldfuss, 98, 4.53; Mrs. Ethyl
Linville, 99, 3.00; Beverly Carson,
100, 2.20; Mrs. Marie Shellhase,
101, 6.73.
Gayle Siebert, 102, 4.40; Mrs.
Chloe Adams, 107, 9.00; Mrs. Mil
dred Tams, 108, .22; Mrs. La
Vonne Pribil, 111, 2.60; Mrs. Ken
neth Barthel, 115, 5.65; Connie
Lydon, 118, 8.80; Mrs. Ramona
Randol, 119, 5.00; Barbara Stur
ek, 120, 1.49; Diane Hoffman, 122,
0.70; Thelma Young, 127, 4.80;
Mrs. Helen Harvey, 128, 2.41;
Patty Bauer, 131, 10.00; Floyd
Butterfield, 134, 7.50; Mrs. Gene
vieve Klabenes, 135, 1.00; Mrs.
Edna Coats, 136, 3.00; Mrs. Irene
Tunender, 141, 2.20; Mrs. LaDona
M. Whetham, 142, 2.40; Ida
Schmuecker, 143, 3.00; Sylvia Lo
seke, 146, 7.50; Isla Mae Ruda,
147, 2.90; Mrs. Leonetta Doolittle,
148, .60; Mrs. Marjorie Genung,
155, 5.00; Lorraine Farrier, 156,
and Kathryn Hoffman, 212, 44.25.
Helen Thomas, 157, 2.65; Mrs.
Etta Serck, 159, 2.27; Mrs. Gen
evieve Forbes, 163, 2.65; Jeanene
Backhaus, 165, 5.80; Mrs. Lori
lee Seger, 168, 5.00; Christine
Krysl, 169, 6.00; Verna J. Fox,
170, 2.40; Carole Enbody, 172,
2.20; Jacquette Mosel, 173, 130;
Mrs. Frances McClure, 174, 3.55;
Mrs. Helen Ballagh, 176, 3.50;
Mrs. Ruth Spath, 178, 1.80; Leone
Fix, 180, 2.10; Mrs. Pauline Kro
bot, 183, 5.00; Mrs. Genevieve
Mitteis, 196, 1.20; Mrs. George
Kohle, 205, 3.60; Mrs. Feme Liv
ingston, 206, 4.60; Mrs. Rimmie
Gans, 210, 4.22; Mrs. Lydia Gil
man, 211, 2.70.
Lois Finch, 213, 2.73; Joan Lan
gan, 215, 1.20; Cecilia Peter, 216,
3.92; Mrs. Birdie Fullerton, 222,
3.30; Arlis Edwards, 226, 2.30;
Mrs. Rachel Van Conet, 227, 3.80;
Duane Carson and Mrs. Etha
Walters, 228, Amelia, 10.20; Bette
Mahony, 229, 2.40; Mrs. Jean
Clanton, 232, 2.10; Mrs. Dale Gar
wood, 233, 10.00; Kay F. Dvorak,
237, 5.00; Mrs. Janet Fryrear, 238,
6.00; Mrs. Mae DeLong, 241, 3.38;
Betty Osborne, 242, 2.20; Elsie
Pokomy, 243, 2.40; Shirley De
Harte,. 245, 4.00; Mrs. Emil Col
fack, 246, 3.00; Elayne Reimer,
18%, 4.52. Miscellaneous, 5.55.
Lois Adams Weds
John D. Langan
SPENCER— Miss Lois Adams,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Adams, beciime the bride of John
D. Langan at a nuptial mass in
St. Mary’s Catholic church at
Spencer at 9 am., Thursday,
February 9. Rev. William Foster
officiated at the double-ring cer
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a ballerina-length
gown of imported hand-clipped
Chantilly lace and nylon tulle over
slipper satin. The moulded bodice
was styled with a scalloped scoop
neckline, long sleeves tapering to
a deep point over the wrist and
fastened with tiny lace buttons at
the back. The full skirt featured
a panel of lace at the front and
tiers of lace. A matching lace pla
teau cap with pearl trim held her
shoulder-length veil of import
ed French illusion. She carried a
bouquet of roses on her prayer
Miss Jo Ann Adams, maid-of
honor, wore a ballerina-length
gown of white lace over light
blue taffeta. The fitted strapless
bodice was topped with a cut
away jacket. The full bouffant
skirt featured silk braid trim.
The bridesmaids were Mrs.
Fritz Lechtenberg and Miss Kath
eryne Bentz. They wore gowns
identical to that of the maid-of
honor and carried bouquets of
yellow carnations.
Thomas Langan, brother of the
bridegroom, was bestman. Fritz
Lechtenberg and Donald Cizek
were the bridegroom’s other at
Ushers were Ben Bazelman and
Roman Filips, both of O’Neill.
Flowergirls were Patricia
Keeffe and Lois Hamilton. They
wore matching white nylon dress
es trimmed with lace. They car
ried red carnation bouquets.
Terry Langan was ring bearer
for his brother’s wedding.
For her daughter’s wedding,
Mrs. Adams chose a charcoal suit
trimmed with black. The mother
of the bridegroom wore a navy
blue dress. Both wore red cor
At 12:30 o’clock dinner was
served to 80 guests at the Com
munity hall. A reception followed
at 2 p.m. Miss Eljen Adams had
charge of the guest book. Mrs.
Gerald Hamilton cut the wedding
cake. Mrs. Clara Miller poured.
Miss Vlasta Cizek and Miss Joan
Pucelik had charge of the gifts.
A wedding dance was given in
the Spencer Community hall.
Mrs. Langan was graduated
in 1950 from Spencer high school.
Mr. Langan was graduated from
St. Mary’s academy in 1949.
After a short wedding trip the
couple will make their home in
Church Notes
METHODIST (O’Neill-Emmet)
Rev. Glenn Kennicott, pastor
Thursday, February 16: Prayer
circles to meet at 9:15 a.m., at
Dawes home and 10 a.m., at Bates
Friday, February 17: World day
of prayer service at Wesleyan
Methodist church, 7:45 p.m.
Sunday, February 19: Junior
choir practice, 9:15 a.m.; Sunday
school, 9:45 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.
Monday, February 20: Interme
diate MYF, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, February 22: Les
son from the book, “Five Spiritual
Classics,” at the church, 2:301
p.m.; choir practice, 7 p.m.; sen- j
ior MYF, 8 p.m.
Thursday, February 16: WSCS
at Walter Meier home, O’Neill, 2
Sunday, February 19: Chil
dren’s Sunday-school and wor
ship, 9:30 a.m.; adult Sunday
school, 10:30 a.m.
Tuesday, February 21: Fellow
ship night at G. Owen Cole home,
7:30 p.m.
Come to Gilligan’s for quick cold relief!
ANAPAC TABLETS—For fast, 4-way relief from discomfort at
all stages of your cold.
TRIPLE ACTION COUGH SYRUP—Penetrates deeply to re
lieve minor bronchial irritations, soothe simple sore throat
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NASOTHRICIN NASAL SPRAY—Relieves “stuffed up” head
and contains antibiotic Tyrothricin to fight bacteria growth.
SUPER PLENAMINS—Help build your resistance to colds. 11
vitamins and 12 minerals in one daily tablet. One tablet
provides more than the minimum daily requirement of all
vitamins with known minimums.
ALSO many other items for the relief
of coughs and colds.
For Limited Time Only
Chocolate - Covered Cherries
Reg. 79c_NOW ONLY 59c
Now is the time to watch out for SCOURS in those new calves.
Don’t be caugrht unprepared. Be ready. We carry a complete
line of SCOURS remedies. >
Gilligan’s Rexali Drug i
Phone 87 — O’Neill 3
Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor
Sunday, February 19: Sunday
school, 9:45 a.m.; worship service,
11 a.m.
Monday February 20: Bible
study, 3 p.m.; Men’s council din
ner, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, February 22: West
minster youth fellowship, 6:30
p.m.; choir practice, 8 p.m.
Thursday, February 23: Mem
bership training class, 7 p.m.;
Lenten service, 8 p.m.
(RFD, Ewing)
Sunday, February 19: Worship
service, 9:30 aan.; Sunday-school,
10:30 a.m.
Tuesday, February 21: Bible
study at the Daryl Walling home,
7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, February 22: Wom-t
en’s society meeting, 2 p.m.
Alice’s Beauty Shop
(In Former Apparel Shop
Phone 263 — O’Neill
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t*oa ‘*ee Pfe^e today . . . owa
this finest solid silver proudly f©y
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$27.50 (Inc. Fed. Tax)
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