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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1955)
\\U vV\^ 1»! 'J>/ yV !■/. /'// v\svt' !;////'/ pr^U.^MTMAE FOfTsALE FOR SALE: 1954 Chevrolet 2-ton truck. 5,500 actual miles T.ikp new. Steel boxes, 62x18x18. 1/8 Hoerle Station, phone 2642, Chambers. 34-41 p210 FOR SALE: Purebred Hereford cows, 1- to 8-years-old; also young Hereford hulls—c Bar M Hereford Ranch, O’Neill. __31tf . FOR SALE: 1080-acre well balanced farm ranch. 800-acre improved farm-ranch. 320-acre improved farm. 160 acres, unimproved, N of At kinson. 320 acres, unimproved, E of At • kinson. Abart Company Phone 520 . O’Neill, Nebr. Used Machinery 1949 J-D A tractor. 1946 B John Deere tractor. Letz cutter head with traveling feed table. J-D 10-in. hammermilL Farmhand loaders. Snow plows. Bulldozers. J-D-D oils, greases and batteries. Bale ties, cable. Comfort Cover and Heat Houser Harry R. Smith Impls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Pair of ice skates, $12.75 originally. Will sell for $3.50. Good condition, size 9.- - Henry Phelps, O’Neill. 35p HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator and Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf FOR SALE: Strictly meat type proven Hampshire boars at farmer prices. — John Raster, phone 8 on 4, Clearwater, Nebr. 32-35p FOR SALE: 2 bobtailed shepherd pups, $6 and $4.—Fritz Brock man, Emmet. 35-36p60 USED CARS 1951 4-door Studebaker (Land cruiser). 1950 Studebaker 4-dr. Champion. 1946 Ford tudor. 1951 Ford V8 truck, LWB. SMITH MOTOR CO. “Home of Studebaker” Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars. Big and rugged with ex tra length. — Alfred Hansen, Plainview. 26*1 FOR SALE: 1951 Ford, very clean, radio and overdrive. Low mile age. Four pew tires. I am leav ing for army January 2.—Larry David, Chambers, phone 2421. 34-35p60 BEST BUYS! 1951 Plymouth 4-dr. 1954 Plymouth 4 - dr., radio, heater, Hi-Drive. 1954 Plymouth. Overdrive. 1947 Chrysler 8 New Yorker, 4 dr. 1947 4-door Chevrolet 1955 Plymouth Savoy, 4-dr., 6 cyL powerflite, 6,000 miles Sharp. _ , 1955 Dodge V-8 Custom Royal Lancer (hard-top), completely power equipped including _ au tomatic transmission. lo.wu miles. Sharp. Shierk Motor Co. Phone 430 212 South 4th — O’Neill FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire bred sows and gilts , bred to farrow in Febr., March, or Apr. Vet. vadinated. Very reasonably priced.—Henry Stelling & Son, 2 mi. S„ y4 W. of Orchard, Nebr._35-alt-tf gF.F. US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone.—Con tois Motor Co., Neligh. 39tl hoover SALES & SERVICE WM. KROTTER CO. UPTOWN HARDWARE & APPL Phone 496 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Superflame o i] heater with fan—phone 437-W O’NeilL __33~35c FOR SALE: Registered Brittanj spaniel pups. Males $35, fe males $25.—John H. Kitchens route 1, Atkinson, or 9 mile: north Emmet on E. corfjjd^ FOR SALE: New TV antenm and material for rhombic Tv antenna, cheap.—Floyd E But terfield, Ewing._ 3°P3, Sales & Service NECCHI Sewing Machines Midwest Furn. & Appl. — West O’Neill — 6t GUARANTEED USED CARS 1955 PONTIAC V-8 4-Dr. Deluxe. A demonstrator, 12,000 actual 1950 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. 1950 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Very good body. miles, new car guarantee. 1950 DODGE 4-Dr. Coronet. This car shows excellent care. LOOK AT THESE CHEAPIES— 1947 Chevrolet Panel Delivery. 1949 Ford V8 2-dr. 1946 Pontiac 6 4-dr. WM. KROTTER CO. PONTIAC SALES & SERVICE WEST O’NEILL PHONE 531 FOR SALE: Purebred Ham,, -hire boars, rugged, fast growing, meat type with plenty of length, reasonably priced.—Ed Funk, 9 miles so. of Ewing. 30-35p FOR SALE: Purebred Duroc boars. Extra long meat type. Choice blood lines.—Keith Bid dlecome, one mile north of Ewing. 33-35p85 FOR SALE: Aeromotor wind mills and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-foot sizes. — John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. 7tf FOR SALE: 1953 Plymouth 2-dr., one owner, tires have less than 2,000 miles.—Call J. R. Allen at 504, O’Neill. 34-35p60 FOR RENT FOR RENT: Five-room office, heated, beauty shop, dentist or other business. — Hagensick Bldg., phone 556-LR, O’Neill. 29tf FOR RENT: Modern 2-bedroom home with full basement.—Har ry E. Ressel, O’Neill. 35tf FOR RENT: Furnished and un furnished apts.—A. E. Bowen, phone 515, O’Neill. 6tf FOR RENT: Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co. 47tf FOR RENT: 2 unfurnished apart ments, 3-room. Building for merly occupied by Singer.—O’ Neill Company, Virgil Laursen, phone 434, O’Neill. 30tf FOR RENT: Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O’Neill. 16tf FOR RENT: Fine, all modem 3 bedroom home in Page.—Kieth Abart, O’Neill. 29tf FOR RENT: IOOF store build ing. Also office building, both on South Fourth street. — For information see A. E. Bowen, D. A. Baker or Leon Sargent, O’Neill. 27tf PIANO: Small piano may be had by local party with good cred it. Low monthly payments. Dis count for cash. Must be sold soon. —Write Credit Manager, box 584, Sioux Falls, S.D. 35-36c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Good 100-acre im proved farm near O’Neill.—Geo. C. Robertson. O’Neill. 45tf FOR SALE: Farms and ranches, city property, building sites.— O’Neill Company. 25tf Legal Notice (First pub. Dec. 15, 1955) NOTICE OF HEARING Notice is hereby given that the O’Neill Production Credit Asso ciation and the Elkhom Valley National Farm Loan Association have filed their petition with the City Council of the City of O’ Neill, O’Neill, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Adjustment, to amend the Zoning and Building Ordi nances of the said City of O’Neill, to allow the construction, by said petitioners, of an office building, to be located on the South Half (S%) of Lots 7 and 8 in Block 14, Original Town of O’Neill, said property now being zoned resi dential and requiring certain set backs. The prayer of said petition being to zone said property for business use and to waive said setback requirements. Hearing will be held on the 3rd day of January, 1956, at the City Council Chambers in O’Neill, Ne braska. at 8:00 P.M., at which time all objections to said amend ment will be heard. A. MARCELLUS, Mayor O. D. FRENCH, City Clerk 33-35c Gillette Home Best Decorated i CHAMBERS— The Chambers ; Garden club sponsored a window decorating contest for homes in ' the community. Judging was done 1 Saturday evening, December 24. Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Gillette won first and Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Reicks won second. Prizes were $5 and $2.50. Mrs. Robert Turner of Grand Island was the judge. Thursday Evening Hosts— Thursday evening, Decembei 22, guests at the Russell Yusten home were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd t Johnson and Louis Peters. MISCELLANEOUS AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Farm Sales a Specialty Phone 207 — O'Neill NEED CASH? Small monthly payments, loans up to $1,000.— O’Neill Company, Virgil Laur sen, phone 434. 25tf Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 _O’Neill L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in aU kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. GOOD NEWS — EXTRA XMAS MONEY — Salesmen, house wives, farmers—in fact, anyone interested in making money for Xmas can go right to town — spare time—on our new amaz ing Scotch-lite mail box sign that shines at night. Also house numbers, door plates. Ideal for retired persons on pension. Pleasant, interesting job that pays good money. No selling ex perience required. Hurry, hur ry. It’s a honey of a deal. Free sales outfit. —Illuminated Sign Co., 2942 First ave., S. Minne apolis, Minn. 35-37 SEWING MACHINE Sales & Service We Repair All Makes. Free Estimates. MIDWEST Furniture & Appl. West O’Neill 22tf IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured? —See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 44tf WE NEVER SLEEP A PHONE CALL brings us on the run. Phone 404-W. Used car parts, car repairing, elec tric and acetylene welding, body shop. Strong’s Repair Shop VERNON STRONG, Prop. North Seventh — O’Neill J. F. CONTOIS Real Estate Broker O’NEILL — PHONE 363 YOUR BONDED Singer repre sentative is now located in O’ Neill. For authorized sales and service, Singer sewing machines and vacuum cleaners, call or write George Brewster, O’Neill, phone 435-LW. 31-35c240 MONEY TO LOAN IF YOU WANT a farm or ranch loan see us, as we are agents for the Equitable Life Assur ance Society of the United States. J. F. BRADY CO. Atkinson, Nebraska 22-25tf O’Neill Company Insurance - Real Estate - Loans VIRGIL LAURSEN Box 275 — Phone 434 25tf O. E. ("Oakie”) DAVIDSON Plumbing & Heating “The Best Work for the Least Money” GAS WATER HEATERS & FURNACES Phone 126 - O’Neill HUNT’S Plumbing & Heating COLEMAN BLEND AIR FURNACES — Gas or Oil Kohler, American & Briggs PLUMBING FIXTURES Paw Paw for Your Septic Tank Water Systems Gas & Electric Water Heaters Phone 399 — O’Neill We Give Gold Arrow Stamps At Your Service In REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE KIETH ABART Phone 209, O’Neill 28tf L-O-A-N-S 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term PRE-PAYMENT PRIVILEGES ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS’N O’Neill, Nebr. TEACHER MOVES CHAMBERS—Mrs. Elsie Doo little and children moved Friday from Amelia to a house in West Chambers. Mrs. Doolittle is teach I ing south of town. CARDS of THANKS WE WISH to express our sincere thanks to those who helped in any way during the sickness and death of our beloved hus band and father. Especially do we thank those who sent flow ers and memorials, brought in food, those who spoke words of comfort, both at home and church. In fact, each and every one who contributed in any way to help during our sad bereave ment. Should troubles come to you, may you be blessed with the same kind of treatment.— Mrs. George Syfie, sr., Miss Violet Syfie, Mr. and Mrs. Ad rian Mitchell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Angus and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Syfie, jr., and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Schoberg and family. 35p50 I WOULD like very much to shake hands with each of you for just a moment while I say “thank you,” which I feel from the bottom of my heart. As I probably can not do that for some time I take this means of expressing my appreciation to all of the many, many folks who have been so helpful and so thoughtful of me and mine. May you every one be richly rewarded for all your kindness and good wishes. The world is full of sunshine and friends and good neighbors and I hope that I can be one of those good neighbors to every one of you and always that you may each get your full share of sunshine and that you know how much it really means to me when I say “thanks, thanks, thanks.” 35c S. R. ROBERTSON WE WISH to express our sincere and heartfelt thanks to all of the relatives, neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness shown us at the time of the death of our beloved mother, wife and sister. A spe cial thanks for the spiritual bouquets, flowers, cards, visits and to all those who offered a helping hand in any way. These many kind deeds have helped us to endure our sorrow. Your kindness and thoughtfulness will never beforgotten. May God bless you all.—Tom Mur ray, Demaris and Cleta Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams. 35p50 I WISH to take this means to ex press my sincere gratitude to my relatives and friends who remembered me with cards, flowers, gifts and many ex pressions of kindness. Your con sideration will long be remem bered and cherished. God bless you all. MRS. THOMAS DONLIN __50c WE SINCERELY want to thank each and every one for all the cards, gifts and personal con gratulations Saturday, Decem ber 24, in helping to make our golden anniversary day a day we will never forget. Thank you so much. MR. AND MRS. ARTHUR FLUCKEY 35p50 WANTED $325 PER MONTH SALARY PLUS BONUS One of the fastest progressing companies in its field will have a representative interviewing men who hold the following qualifications: 1— Age 20 to 50. 2— Own automobile in good con dition. 3— Willing to be away from home Monday through Friday. Home every weekend. 4— High school education. 5— Available for immediate em ployment TRAINING; no ex perience is necessary. Thorough training is given by Company and pay begins with training. Apply in Person INTERVIEWS At Golden Hotel Wed., Dec. 28, 5-8 P.M. Thurs, Dec. 29, 9-11 A.M. Mr. Pirtle Stuart News James Chaney, a student in the University of Arkansas, is spend ing his holiday vacation here with his mother, Mrs. Earl Chaney, and other relatives. Edwin Sweet of Omaha, a med ical student, spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Elsie Sweet. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sweet and family of Lincoln spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Elsie Sweet, here and with Mrs. Sweet’s parents in Valentine. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkens, Orley Wilkens and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wilkens of Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Wilkens and Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Wilkens of Burton, and Dan Moody of Ainsworth were visitors at the Roy Rhodes home last Thursday. Miss Nan Cowles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowles, came Friday from Denver, Colo., to spend the holidays here. Miss Cowles teaches journalism and English at Kepner junior high school in Denver. A2/c and Mrs. Robert Fox and son of Baltimore, Md., are spend ing their Christmas leave here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Seger, and in O’Neill with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Engler ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidt of O’Neill went to Om aha Wednesday, December 21, where they met their son, John, and Donald Ziska, son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Ziska. The boys attend high school at Our Lady of the Ozarks college at Carthage, Mo., and are spending their vacation with homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rhodes of Lincoln spent Saturday night and Christmas day with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson went to Lincoln Saturday to spend Christmas with their son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burden, and family. Second Lt. and Mrs. John Obermire and family have been transferred from Camp Chaffee, Ark., to San Marco, Tex., where Lieutenant Obermire will report to Gary air force base. Eugene Timmermans of Lin coln spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Tim mermans. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mata of Obert spent Christmas and sev eral days of the holiday vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moses. Mr. and Mrs. James Scott and Gregg and Joe Obermire, all of Lincoln, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Obermire and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Hen ning and family and Mrs. Mary Henning of Atkinson were also Christmas day guests. Robert Henning of Atkinson was a Sunday night guest of the G. L. Obermire family. Mrs. Pete Foxworthy and child ren of Petersburg spent last Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. Dorlin Lockmon and Denny of Norfolk spent Sat urday night and Christmas day with relatives here. Marvin Mitchell, student in Norfolk Junior college, and Miss Vesta Mitchell of Butte came Sat urday evening to spend Christ mas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Berlin Mitchell. Miss LaVonne Schmaderer of Omaha and Gerald Schmaderer of West Point spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alois Schmaderer. Warren Mitchell, student in the University of Nebraska at Lin coln arrived here Monday, De cember 26, to spend the remain der of his vacation with home folks. Miss Marcia Bigelow of Valen tine and Miss Sharon Bigelow of Omaha returned to their work Monday after spending Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Bigelow. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hipke and family spent Christmas day with his mother, Mrs. Sophia Hipke, near Johnstown. Christinas Guests at Yusten Home— Mr. and Mrs. Russell Yusten spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Henning of At kinson. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Henning and family of Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Farr and family of O’ Neill. Tune in “Voice of The Fron tier”, thrice weekly! O’Neill Motor Mart' 219 West Douglas St. — O’Neill STOP! Before you buy any car or truck, new or used, any make, any model, see RAY BOSN or DWIGHT HARDER Save yourself hundreds of dollars NOW in West O’Neill! Holt County’s Newest Non-Franchised Dealer! WE BUY.WE SELL F H A Allocates Additional Million The farmers home administra tion has recently allocated an ad ditional million dollars for pro duction and subsistence loans to Nebraska farmers, according to information received from Sen. Carl T. Curtis (R.-Nebr.) Senator Curtis said that Sen. Roman Hruska (R.-Nebr.) and he had kept in continuous touch with the farmers home adminis tration and they are informed that the farmers home adminis tration can extend loans in many of the situations where the farm er is in financial difficulties. “We are aware of the distress in Nebraska,” said the senator, “and we expect to seek an addi tional allocation of funds if it is needed when the present funds are exhausted.” The individual farmer should make his inquiry through his local farmers’ home administration office. “It appears,” said Curtis, “that many individual farmers and some of the local banks have not been given the information as to what government loans are avail able.” Carrie Holloway at 93d Milestone CHAMBERS — Mrs. Carrie Holloway observed her 93d birth day anniversary at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neilson. Dinner guests were Mrs. John Winter mote, Miss Eula Wintermote and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cook. Af ternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Grimes. Other Chambers News Miss Phyllis Kiltz arrived Fri day from Janesville, Wise., where she is an instructor in the high school. She is spending the holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kiltz. Miss Kiltz was delayed several hours because of a train wreck which occurred only a few minutes ahead of her train. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cook of Bartlett spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. John Kellar. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Sammons and children and Mr. and Mrs Roy Miller and family spent Christmas in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Miller. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Grimes had as their guests on Christmas day her mother, Mrs. Lois Adams; their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grimes, and family; their daughter and son-in-law, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coolidge and Kenneth, James Grimes and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kiltz. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bell and Lana and Mrs. Reed Bell spent Christmas in the home of Mrs. Melvin Bell’s mother, Mrs. Hattie Richardson, at Ord. Other mem bers of the Richardson family were also present. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neilson and her mother, Mrs. Carrie Holloway, were Christmas dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Hodgkin. Mrs. C. E. Tibbets drove to Ne ligh Sunday to spend Christmas with her sister, Mrs. Genevieve Bell, and Mrs. C. J. Bamum. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens, Cherilyn and Terry of Atkinson and Myron Carpenter of Cham bers were Christmas day guests in the E. R. Carpenter home. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thorin left Saturday for Cheyenne, Wyo., to spend Christmas with their son, Charles Thorin, and his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thorin, and family Mr. and Mrs. James Kirkland of Burwell, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith and children and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walter and Linda spent Christmas eve and had sup per Christmas night in the A. A. Walter home. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walter and Linda were Christmas day dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones, in O’ Neill. Wed in California Miss Elizabeth Gilbert of Wellmington, Calif., became the bride of Pvt. Leon L. Urban, son of Bert Urban of O’Neill, on Sunday, December 18. The cer emony took place at Stanton, Calif., where Private Urban is now stationed. Celia News Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Focken and children left early Monday, December 26, for Missouri where they plan to make their home. Her sister Mrs. John Ross, and Mr. Ross are now living in the Focken home. William Maloun helped Hans Braun and the Fock ens move their goods last Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Terwilliger and sons were Sunday evening visitors at the Milton McKathnie home. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Beck. Other guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Quigley and Larry of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine Lockmon and sons, Mr. and Mrs. James Baten horst and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson, all of Stuart; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mlinar and Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mlinar and Mrs. Joseph Mlinar. Christmas day guests at the D. F. Scott home in Atkinson were their children, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dobias and sons, Miss Dorothy Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Livingston. Mrs. Lawrence Smith and pa trons of Hillside chapel held their Christmas program and party at the Joe Hendricks home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Sicheneder and Gail Ann spent Christmas day at Creighton with Mrs. Sich eneder’s grandfather, Charles Raff. Most of the Raff families l were home for Christmas. Venus News Spending Christmas day at the o Dale Dorr home at Creighton were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dorr. Dennis Von Seggern arrived home from Wayne Tuesday, De cember 20. He is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Von Seggern, and family. Dennis will return Tues day to resume his studies at the Wayne college. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey and sons spent Christmas day at the Verlyn Gibbs home at O’Neill. Mrs. Donald Miller, who teach es the Grimton school, and Miss Ruth Miller, who teaches the Boelter school, had their Christ mas program last Thursday eve ning at the Grimton school. A good-sized crowd attended. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey had for their Christmas guests their three sons and daughters-in-law, the LaVern and Kenneth Caskeys of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Caskey of Grand Island. Anita Brookhouser accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cihlar and Mrs. Harold Cihlar to Grand Is land last Thursday from where Mrs. Paul Cihlar left for Wash ington state where she will visit with her parents, the Emil Blocks, and her brothers and sisters, for mer residents of Holt county. The others returned by way of Co lumbus and Norfolk. At Norfolk they met Miss Barbara Cihlar, who arrived there from Omaha that day. Barbara has employ ment at Omaha. She is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cihlar. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Strope, sr., held their Christmas dinner at their home Saturday. All their children and their families were present. Guests Christmas day at the Marlin Tusha home at Creighton were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tusha of Verdigre and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Finch went to Norfolk Sunday where they spent Christmas day with their daughter, Shirley, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhous er spent Christmas night at the Emil Bartos home. Time in “Voice of The Fron tier”, thrice weekly! * *tVtGSS .. TO EVERYONE! •. IPs no triclc out of a hut when we wish this heartfelt « greeting to our many wonderful friends-HAPPY NEW YEAR! Arbuthnot Oil Co. • % - JACK ARBUTHNOT, Prop. w- - • — O’NEILL — IQRQRN f’C GIGANTIC _1^ CJ AFTER-CHRISTMAS ryfw/oftep^ The Shoe with the Magic Sole You step on. air SAVE 1/3! SAVE 1/3! SAVE 1/3! SAVE 1/3! SAVE! YOU SAVE UP TO $4.00 ON EACH PAIR! nyrp Includes every pair of UiUY Shoes racked for easy Airsteps in our stock 400 selection ... no lay- I . . . not merely clear- aways ... all sales ance of odds and ends. PAIR! I final OSBORNE Family Shoe Store om