The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 29, 1955, Page 3, Image 3

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    First Graders Greet Santa in School Room
First graders at the O’Neill public school
greeting Santa during his visit to the various ele
mentary grades included: Foreground (back to
camera)—Ramona Kennell, Steven McMonigal,
Danny Strong and Marvin Dawes; others (facing
Santa or facing the camera, left-to-right): Linda
Jenkins, Dan Clyde, Kathryn Felton, Andy Riffey,
Ellen McKay, Virginia Johnson, Donna Colfack,
Terry Garhart, Pat Davidson, Janet Carrico, Shar
on Hoxsie, Linda Rae Coats, James Whaley, Char
lotte Knepper, Larry Strube and Patty Hand.—The
Frontier Photo.
Ewing News
Mrs. Eva Kaczor entertained at
a family dinner party on Christ
mas. Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Eddie Kaczor and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Kaczor and family, Joe
Kaczor and Joelyne, Mr. and Mrs.
John Kaczor and children, all of
Ewing, and Mr. and Mrs. Tony
Kaczor of Omaha.
Weekend guests in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bergstrom
were his brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bergstrom
of Omaha. Guests on Christmas
day at the Bergstrom home were
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Turner, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Hoffman and family, all of Ne
A/2c Max Angus arrived Fri
day to spend the holiday week
end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Angus. He is now
stationed at Smoky Hill air base
at Salina, Kans.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Angus en
tertained their family on Christ
mas day. A dinner was served at
1 o’clock. The afternoon was
spent informally. Present were
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Angus of
Milford and A2/c Max Angus of
Salina, Kans. Evening guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Watson McDonald
and daughter, Virginia.
Mrs. Elizabeth Angus was a
dinner guest on Christmas at the
home of her son and daughter-in
law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Angus.
Pvt. Leo Spes of Camp Chaffee,
Ark., spent the holiday weekend
at the home of his mother, Mrs.
Spes. Other guests on Christmas
day at the Spes home were Mr.
and Mrs. B. Terney and family of
Sioux City and Mr. and Mrs Mor
ris Rogers and family of Neligh.
Mrs. Terney and Mrs. Rogers are
daughters of Mrs. Spes.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wood and
family of Lincoln and Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Gragert and family
of Elgin spent the Holiday week
end with the parents of the la
dies, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rother
Guests at the Floyd Lee home
during the holiday weekend w'ere
Merle Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Brown of Omaha and Mr. and
Mrs. Curley Sanders and family
of Dixon.
Christmas day guests at the
’’ome of Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Jef
feries were her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. B. Krachie also her sis
ter, Mrs. Vlasta Rachwitz and
threee sons and Miss Paula Jef
ferson, all of Omaha.
Guests on Christmas day at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nof
fke were his mother, Mrs. Paul
ine Noffke of Ewing, and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Noffke and family of
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tanck of
Norfolk were holiday weekend
guests at the home of their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Aubrey Wood. Miss Vina
Wood was a dinner guest also on
Christmas day at the Woods
A turkey dinner with all the
trimmings was enjoyed at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ol
son on Christmas when all their
children were home. Present
were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wilson
of Elgin, accompanied by their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Blair, also of Elgin; al
so Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Olson
and family of Clearwater, Mr.
and Mrs. Greer Clark and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Allan York, all
of Stanton. Pvt. Thomas Clark
stationed in New Mexico, sur
prised his grandparents by ar
riving to spend Christmas day
with them. After dinner, Mr. and
Mrs. Allan York left for Charles
ton, S.C., where they will visit
at the home of their daughter
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tuttle left
Monday to return to their home
at Cherokee, la., after spending
the holiday weekend with ms par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tuttle.
Other guests on Christmas day at
the Tuttle home were Mrs. Han
nah Tuttle and Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Tuttle and daughter, Leo
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pollock and
Patsy entertained their parents
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sturbaum and
Mr. and Mrs. James Pollock, at a
dinner on Christmas day.
Donna Strong of O’Neill is
spending her Christmas vacation
at the home of her grandmother,
Mrs. Eula Eppenbach.
A family get-together was held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eb
ben Graft on Christmas day. A 1
o’clock dinner was served follow
ed by an informal afternoon.
Guests were their son. Lisle Graft
and family of Omaha, and also
their daughter, Mrs. Wilbur
Spangler and family of Ewing.
The Graft family gathered at
the parental home on Christmas
eve for a gift exchange. Present
were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Spang
ler and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Lisle Graft and family of Om
— n • T_T. nr, TirVtrt
lVllbS DUlUilC out uviiviivu, --
is employed in Omaha, spent the
holiday weekend with her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Jefferies, and other relatives.
Pfc. Bob Knapp of Edsmont,
Pa., is spending a holiday fur
lough with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Pat Knapp. He will return
to Edsmont on December 28.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack
entertained the following guests
on Christmas eve at their nome:
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Knapp, Pfc.
Bob Knapp, Grover Shaw, Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Hintz.
The L. A. Hobbs home was the
scene of a Christmas eve party
when Hie family gathered for the
exchange of gifts. Refreshments
were served. Present were Mr.
and Mrs. John Turay and family,
Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yelli
and family, Mrs. Mick Hobbs and .
daughter, Dorrence, and Bob
Hobbs, all of Ewing. Several
members of the party also attend
ed the midnight mass held at St.
Peter’s Catholic church.
Guests for Christmas dinner at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Hobbs were Mr. and Mrs. Wil-,
liam Hobbs and family, Mr. and
Mrs. John Turray and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Yelli and family,'
Mrs. Mick Hobbs and daughter. i
May your success and
happiness be increased
during the coming year
and future years)
Hammond Abstract
The laughter’s ^ ,
light, the candle’s bright ...
4 „ |
everywhere there’s cheer; may it be
a happy and prosperous
New Year!
Phone 42 O’Neill
O’Neill News
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore re
turned Monday after spending
Christmas with her brother-in
law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. L.
A. Serk, at Denver, Colo. Mrs.
Ray Eidenmiller remained in
Denver for a longer visit.
Miss Marilyn Fetrow spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Fetrow. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Cronk and family,
''Tr. and Mrs. Warren Cronk and
family, all of Page, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Wortman and family of Ne
ligh and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Lorenz and family of Inman were
Christmas dinner guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hansen and
family of Norfolk spent Christ
mas with Mr. and Mrs. E. N.
Christmas dinner guests at the
Charles Fox home were Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Belzer and boys and
Jack Hollenbeck.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Passieux and
daughter, Linda, left Tuesday for
Camp Carson, Colo., where he is
stationed. ,
Ed Gatz arrived Wednesday to
spend the Christmas holidays
with relatives.
Monuments of lasting beaut)
made by skilled craftsmen of
the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu
ments from the factory to the
consumer. — Emmett Crabb, O’
Neill, phone 139-J. 37tl
Mrs. John C. Gallagher and
Jerome, Douglas Shaw, Bernice
Gied and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pas
sieux were Christmas dinner
guests at the William Gallagher
A/2c Robert Fox and family
came Sunday, December 18, from i
Femdale, Md., to spend two
weeks visiting their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbur Seger at Stuart
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox.
Mrs. Jennie Gibson and Mrs.
Edith McClenahan of Chambers
are visiting this week at the
Lloyd Gibson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gilg and
family of Omaha and Mrs. Mary
Gilg and Woody of Atkinson
were Christmas dinner guests at
the Francis Gilg home.
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Gillespie
and Mrs. E. J. Eby, all of O’Neill,
and Robert Eby of Omaha were
Christmas dinner guests at the W.
B. Gillespie home.
Mrs. L. A. Carter entertained
several guests Saturday in honor
of the birthday anniversary of
Mrs. Goldie Hereford.
Mrs. Robert Devoy and Mrs. E.
M. Gleeson visited Thursday at
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grenier
spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Sawyer and family
at Ainsworth.
Report of Monday, December 26, Sale
180-240 lb. butchers, bulk 11.25-12.05; only 5 sales below 11.25.
240-300 lb. butchers, 11.00-11.90. Lt. butchers to 10,50. Sows to
500 lbs., 7.20-8.15. Feeders to 160 lbs., 8.80-9.05. One bunch
light pigs, 5.20 each. Boars, 15.50-25.00 each.
Will have regular sale Monday, January 2nd.
For Top Market Prices; For Sales and Service, Consign to
Verdigre Livestock Market
W. LLOYD BRADY, Owner and Mgr.
Phone 86 Verdlgre
Sturdy bleached muslin for your beds. You
can’t miss these thrifty values.
72x99 1.34 81x108 1.64|
Sparkling white, so smooth, so comfortable to sleep on. Very practical,
too. Because they're full 128 count muslin. Firm, evenly balanced §
weave for years of wear. Bargain prices!
Twin _ 1.54 Double ... 1.64
Money Bak Pillow Cases, 42x36 _ ... 37c
Money Bak Colored Sheets Give You Added Beauty at Extra Savings!
Add a touch of softness to your bedroom with these ^ ^
shades of pastel sheets. Delicate colors: Yellow, green, 1f>Q dr 3 jL/L r>*11 /i Qf
rose, blue and lilac. Handsome savings. OlXlUo- raSsa ■ w r lllOW Vlases _
Make it easy with Money Bak fitted colored sheets, double _2.14; Twin__ 1.94
Doncale Percale Sheets
Low investment in high quality!
1x108 - jL.99 Cases-49^
itted sheets, double _ 2.14
r Doncale sheets are luxurious 140 count bleached percale,
extra strength and long wear. Smooth and neat. You can’t
y better. Guaranteed to please!
- -
First quality Cannon
bath towels. Save!
Bath fifip
Heavy weight, woven dobby
border, made of fine cotton
yarns. Solid pastel colors.
Hundreds of rows
of closely-tufted
Chenille 3.99
No background,
thick bodied
spread. Full or
twin bed size, in
beautiful new
Special purchase on
low pile cotton rugs
Large 21 x 34 size,
fringed. Has latex
non-skid back. An as
sortment of new col
ors. What a buy!
Sleepy-soft, with nylon,
tiny rosebud print
Cover _
■ .
Full cut pillows are filled with I
Dupont’s 100% virgin Dacron. I
36” famous make print. Some
with crease resistant finish.
Special purchase. Savings for
you! %
Yard ..... 34c
Sack Squares 70!i95, whUe M blMkets
30x30 ^p^^^ Semi-bleached. Serged edges.
5 for_5#^ Stock UP!
Makes dish-drying easier, also p ** BV
used for polishing, dusting. L.ut>U_M M
Unhemmed edges. B“ * * ®
Warm, Colored
Sheet Blankets
Size H CIO
70x95 ... JL
Durable cotton, whipped edges.
In colors of rose, blue, green
and yellow.
SACK TOWELS, 30x30 _ 4 for 99c
Bleached flour sack towels. Hemmed.
Money Bak latex foam rubber pillows.
DOWN PILLOWS — Save!..... Each 4.77
Doncale down-filled plump pillows. Art ticking covered.
Bright patterned cotton blanket. Approx. 60x80. Ideal
for car or home use.
36-inch outing flannel. Dark stripes.