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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1955)
Future Subscribers BRAUER—Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Brauer, jr., of Stuart, a son, weighing 7 pounds 2 ounces, born Friday, December 16, in a Nor folk hospital. HILDRETH — Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hildreth of Lincoln, a daughter, Susan, weighing 8 pounds born Sunday, December 18, at Lincoln. The Hildreths now have two daughters and one son. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hildreth and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kocina, all of Verdigre, are grandparents. MARQUARDT—Mr. and Mrs. Alan Marquardt of Norfolk an nounce the adoption of three boys, all brothers; Twins—Gary and Gerry, 8-years-old, and Tom my,. 6-years-old. Mrs. Marquardt is the former Lillian Frickel of Atkinson. LAMPERT—Mr. and Mrs. Jer ry, Lampert of Stanton, a daugh ter, born Sunday, December 18. Mrs. Lampert is the former Joan Bauer of the Deloit community near Ewing. VALLA — Mr. and Mrs. Leo Valla of Kansas City, Mo., a daughter, Mary Catherine, born Thursday, December 15, in St. Joseph’s hospital, Kansas City. Mr. Valla is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Valla of O’Neill. SHAIN—Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shain of Ewing, a daughter, Sue Vaulda, weighing 8 pounds $% ounces, born Wednesday, Decem ber 21, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. LINES—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lines of Ewing, a daughter, Irene Lee, weighing 8 pounds 8% ounces, born Wednesday, Decem ber 21, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. HOERLE— Mr. and Mrs. La Vera Hoerle of Chambers, a daughter, Rosemarie Diana, weighing 7 pounds 10% ounces, born Friday, December 23, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. ANGEL—Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Angel of Spencer, a daughter, Nola Jeanne, weighing 9 pounds | 10% ounces, born Sunday, De cember 25, at St. Anthony’s hos pital, O’Neill. RUZICKA—Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Ruzicka of Dorsey, a son, born Sunday, December 25, at the Creighton hospital. John J. Harrington Insurance — Real Estate Income Tax Service Social Security Consultation O’Neill — Phone 19 CAMERON—Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Cameron of Chambers, a daughter, Karen Ann, weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces, born Sunday, December 25, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. PAINE—Mr. and Mrs. Marion Paine of Inman, a daughter, Charlene Marie, weighing 7 pounds '12 ounces, born Monday, December 26, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. SCHAAN—Mr. and Mrs. Willie Schaan of Redbird, a son, weigh ing 6 pounds 15 ounces, born Tuesday, December 27, at the Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. Sick & Injured O’NEILL — H. J. Harte is “showing some improvement” in St. Anthony’s hospital. Mrs. Harte has rented a home in O’Neill where the Hartes will reside. . . Thomas Enright, who has spent the past three months in St. An thony’s hospital, was able to re turn to his home on Tuesday, December 20. Mr. Enright had fallen and broken his hip early in September and has been in the hospital since. . . J. O. Walker is walking on crutches, having suffered a fall on the ice near the downtown section. . . Ben Vidricksen, who ha sbeen hospit alized on two occasions during the past month, returned to his home for Christmas. He is recov ering from pneumonia and is con fined to his home. Mr. Vidrick sen is manager of Harding Cream here. . . Little, Miss Cheri Wan ser of Hartington had a tonsilec tomy Wednesday at St. Anthony’s hospital. She is visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frgnk Froelich. . . Dr. O. W. French is “improved” at St. Anthony’s. . . Ralph Stowell suffered a heart at tack last Thursday at the O’Neill Livestock Market. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital. VENUS — Warren Grueling, youngest son of Mrs. Pearl Groe ling, was taken to St. Anthony’s hospital Saturday. He is suffer ing from diabetes. Warren is a freshman at the Creighton high school. . . Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Door drove to Creighton where Mrs. Dorr stayed with the Dale Dorr children while Mrs. Dale Dorr accompanied Mr. Dorr to Lincoln. Returning heme with them from Lincoln was Dale Dorr, who had been a patient at the Veterans hospital for 3% months. Dale will return to the hospital this week. CHAMBERS — Mrs. Lois Ad ams, who is a patient in St. An thony’s hospital in O’Neill, spent Christmas day at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Grimes. She returned to the hospital that evening. . . Katheryn Rubeck, a patient at St. Anthony’s hospital, spent Christ mas day with her parents ac the John Honeywell home. #• # . O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK . . — Member FDIC — * NOTICE To Motor Vehicle Owners and Taxpayers Temporary change of office business hours for January and j February. Open at 9 o’clock, remaining open during the noon hour and closing at 4 o’clock. License plates to go on sale January 3rd. Bring or send all copies of the tax statements which you will receive before January 1. Bring or send along the 1955 registration certificates and amount of tax and license fee. In clude 25 cents for postage on all passenger car plates, 3 cents for trailer plates and 10 cents for truck plates. Fee for all pas senger cars $8.00. Only one plate will be issued to all trucks. This one plate to be mounted on the rear on all straight trucks and pickups and on the front on truck-tractors. For all trucks, pickups and panels being issued a commer cial license, it is compulsory that an empty weight certificate be presented before a license tan be issued. This ceritficate must show the name of owner, kind of truck or semi-trailer, engine or identification numebr, date, and must be signed by some scale attendant, and the weight. Tractor and semi-trailer must be weighed separate. Weight certificate blanks are being mailed out to all commercial truck owners. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. J. ED HANCOCK County Treasurer PAGE — Mrs. Hugh Holliday has been under the doctors care the past week with a near-pneu monia condition. . . Mrs. Bertha Reed has been ill with a severe chest cold and under the doctors care. . . Bobby, the year-old-son of Mr. and Mrs. Neven Ickes, jr., suffered from a bad case of stom ach flu over the Christmas week end. . . Harvey Cullen, who has spent months in a critical condi tion from an attack of spinal meningitis and complications, returned home Friday from an Omaha hospital and is “feeling and looking quite well again”. He had been hospitalized in both O’Neill and Omaha. STAR — Mrs. Await Spangler spent several days in O’Neill with her mother, Mrs. Bowden, who was ill. . . Warren Groeling, 14, grandson of Mrs. Hulda Miller was admitted to St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill, Saturday, De cember 24. He is a son of Mrs. Pearl Groeling of Orchard. EMMET — Mrs. Alex McCon nell’s health is improving. She is able to be up and around. She is staying at the Walter Puckett home at Atkinson. . . Mrs. Henry Werner is a little better and is up and around. CELIA — The children of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel stayed at the Connie Frickel home while their mother was in the Atkinson hospital from Sunday, December 18, until Thursday. RIVERSIDE — Johnnie Miller took his mother to a Neligh hos pital for a checkup after she fell at her home on Friday. She re turned to her home on Saturday. INMAN—Herbert Nielsen re turned from Omaha Tuesday morning, December 20, where he spent a week in the Methodist hospital recovering from surgery. Bosn, Harder Open O’Neill Motor Mart Ray Bosn and Dwight Harder have formed a partnership and opened the O’Neill Motor Mart at 219 West Douglas street, the for mer location of Wick’s Body Shop. The firm will sell new and used cars and trucks and is identified as Holt county’s newest non franchised dealer. Parents of Slain Woman Formerly Lived at Stuart STUART — The parents of a slain Lincoln woman formerly lived at Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Morrison, jr., of Des Moines, la., were the parents of Mrs. Nan cy Parker, 22, murdered Lincoln housewife. They resided in Stuart about 35 years ago. The father of the murdered woman was a musician with the Walter Savage Amusement com pany. The slain girl’s mother is the former Joy Miller of Stuart, daughter of Mark Miller, a pio neer blacksmith. The young housewife’s husband, Darrel Parker, 24, city of Lincoln forester, signed a statement he killed his wife. Later, when ar raigned, he pleaded innocent. Too Late to Classify FARM MACHINERY Double unit Globe milker, new model. Winch, short singer, center mount, $125.00. 1950 John Deere MT. 1948 IHC C. 1949 IHC C. 1950 Allis WD. 1950 Ford tractor. Farmall 30. 1941 IHC H. 1943 IHC H. Good used cream separators. Shelhamer Equip. Co. Phone 570, O’Neill CARD OF THANKS I WISH to thank Doctors Wilson and Langdon, nurses and Sisters at St. Anthony’s hospital for the care accorded me during my hospitalization, and espe cially do I want to thank Rudy Morrow and Fred Moor for their blood donations. 35c50 MRS. FRED SALAK TRUCKS FOR SALE 1954 Ford F-900. 1952 Ford 2-ton. 1948 Chevy %-ton. Shelhamer Equipment _O’Neill, Nebr. Royal Theatei — O'NEILL. NEBR. — Thurs. Dec. 29 Family Night Frederick Brisson presents THE GIRL RUSH Color by technicolor in Vista Vision. Starring Rosalind Russell, Fernando Lamas, Eddie Albert,1 Gloria DeHaven with Marion Lome, James Gleason. Family admitted for 2 adult tick ets; adults 50c; children 12c Fri.-Sat. Dec. 30-31 KENTUCKY RIFLE On giant wide screen and Pathe color starring Chill Wills, Lance Fuller, Cathy Downs, Jeanne Cag ney, Jess Barker, Sterling Hallo way. Live all the excitnig adven ture of these people from the hills of Kentucky forging a new trail to the West! Adults 50c; children 12c; matinee Sat. 2:30. All children under 12 free when acompanied by parent Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Jan. 1-2-3 20th Century Fox presents Clark Gable, Jane Russell and Robert Ryan in THE TALL MEN Color by DeLuxe, cinemascope. In the wonder of stereophonic sound. The tall men stood tall . . . fought tall . . . loved tall . . . and one man towered above them all! Wide as the Texas skies . . . lim itless as the Montana peaks . . . here comes the saga of the tall men and the women who loved them! Adults 50c; children 12c; matinee Sun. 2:30. All children unless in arms must have tickets ■ 1 Celia Schools in Yule Progr ams CELIA—Miss Lois Adams and pupils of Celia school staged a Christmas program Wednesday evening, December 21. The pro gram was followed by a pie sup per which netted $14.20. The teacner, Mrs. Lyle Dam ero, and pupils of McKathnie school had their Christmas pro gram last Thursday afternoon. The teacher served a lunch after the program. The Hendricks school, Mrs. Emil Colfack, teacher, had their Christmas program Friday after noon at the school. Other Celia News Leon Hendricks left Saturday to join his wife for Chistmas at the Ralph Ernst home in Milton vale, Kans. They were expected home Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks were at the farm while he was gone. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and family were Christmas supper guests at the Nels Colfack home in Atkinson. Billy Focken helped Alex For sythe Saturday and Sunday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer berg were Friday visitors at the William Maloun home. Temperatures have been mild with quite a little thawing snow since the winter season made its formal debut. The Earl Schlotfeld family were Sunday evening visitors at the John Sicheneder home. Stanley Johnson spent Christ mas with relatives in Lyons and Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. John Sicheneder and daughter visited her aunt, Mrs. Rose Schneiderbauer, at Butte Wednesday, December 21. Duane Beck was a Saturday visitor at the Maloun home. Earl Schlotfeld was a Wednes day morning, December 21, visit or at the Ray Pease home. Alex Forsythe was a Friday dinner guest at the Connie Frickel home. Alex Forsythe spent Christmas day with the Ted Baumeister family at O’Neill. The Joe Hendricks and Law rence Smith families and Leon Hendricks attended the program at the Wesleyan Methodist church in Atkinson last Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and Shirley were Saturday visitors at the Adolph Arp home at Butte. Alex Forsythe took the Clar ence Focken children to Atkinson Saturday afternoon so they could attend the Christmas party for the children at the Presbyterian church. Christmas dinner guests at the Joe Hendricks home were the Mark Hendricks family, Mr. and Mrs. Omer Poynts and the Connie Frickel family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease and son, Bob, spent Christmas day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Spann. Donnie Frickel arrived Tues day, December 20, from Wayne where he is attending school to spend Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel, and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun and Billy spent Christmas day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A, Hammer berg. Sunday dinner guests at the Milton McKathnie home were Mrs. Blanche Rouse and son, Marvin, Mrs. Emma McKathnie,’ Mildred Keyes, Karl Keyes, Miss Elsie Kruger, Mrs. Fioyd Keyes, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen and family of Inman, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Risor and family of O’Neill, Maude Rouse, and Mrs. > Bertha Hayden of Colorado. Darel and Kay McKathnie, children of Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKathnie, were in the Metho dist church program in Atkinson Friday evening. To Oklahoma— District Judge D. R. Mounts and wife are spending the Christ mas holidays in Oklahoma. META’S Beauty Parlor 4 Blocks E., 2 N. of Stoplight. PHONE 102 — O’NEILX. JUICE E. GMPEFRBIT 10 h 39c FR|||T_No * can 33c JUICE FROZEN ORANGES .2 dozen 49c STRAWBERRIES .Pk*. 27c OUR FAMILY CRANBERRIES-lb- 19c PORK and BEANS_ 2 303 cans 29c BEANSr j ■ GROUND BEEF ..Per lb. 29c HAMS — Whole or Half-Per lb. 49c PICNIC HAMS ---Per lb. 27c BEEF QUARTERS — Fronts... Hinds ...37c BEEF RIB I SWANS DOWN ANGEL FOOD CAKE MIX_Pkg, 45c BULK DATES__ 2 lbs. 49c JELL-0-3 pkgs. 2 5C POPCORN_2 lbs. 35c CHOCOLATE CHIPS Pkg. 23c OUR FAMILY SWEET PICKLES_8-oz. jar 23c RED MARASCHINO CHERRIES_4-oz. jar |7c TIDE_Reg. pkg. 29c PAPER NAPKINS_Pkg. 15c MAS • > ' 31$ ROTTER:cs 59$ ll: SSSSS cookies . ~ ir 2 $OJMf 2 ci 2 9$ AffEE Z, 89 $ mmMkMmmk doughboy $^9 A A ^ILw wilf 50-Lb.. Bag_9 dS • Sr Cf I ■ PRODUCE HATCHERY feeds " I WE ARE INTERESTED IN HATCHERY FLOCKS AT THIS TIME - ESPECIALLY WHITE LEGHORNS I Plesae contact us if interested in selling eggs for hatching purposes. We will supply roosters if needed. (NUTRENA) POULTRY — HOG & CATTLE FEEDS (DAVID HARUM) I TANKAGE — 100 Lbs-$4.50 EGG CRUMBLES — 100 Lbs_$3.95 SOYBEAN MEAL — 100 Lbs-$3.95 BEEF CAKE — 32% Cubes — 100 Lbs. __$3.75 I CUDAHY MINERAL — 100 Lbs-$4.95 40% HOG BALANCER — 100 Lbs_$4.95 . Cash For Your £t || m | aa a a a aa aa Cash For Your CREAM - EGGS MltLHAMtK POULTRY - HIDES | SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL. SUPER MARKET COUNTRY PICKUP ON POULTRY! o