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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1955)
Emmet News _ The George Brainard family were guests at Floyd Brainard’s Christmas day. Mrs. Mary Lewis entertained at a dinner at her home Tuesday, December 20. Guests were Mr. . and Mrs. Carroll Claussen of Bur .‘lington, la., and the Lee Gilman family of Amelia. « Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hoxsie of Blair were dinner guests at the Gilbert Fox home Monday. Roland Wills, student at Wayne State college, came home Tues day, December 20, to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wills, and broth ers, Art and Gerold. Gerold is now home from the service. The Howard Newton family visited at the William Newton home on Friday evening. Floyd (“Red”) Dennis of South Dakota •was a guest there Saturday. Mrs. Agnes Gaffney was a din ner guest at the Ed Flood home in O’Neill on Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kloppen borg, Patricia and Robert were guests of her parents, Mr. and ,lrs. Leo Wortman, at West Pom!, trom Saturday evening until Monday afternoon. Oliver and Homer Maring were guests at the Ray Hoffman home Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge of Amelia and the Glen Burge chil dren were guests of Mrs. Bessie Eurge and June Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Glen Burge were Sat urday overnight guests of Mrs. Bessie Burge. • Guests of Mrs. Mary Lewis and brother, Rudy, on Christmas day were Mr. and Mrs. John Claus sen, Mr. and Mrs. William Claus sen, the Ed Claussen family and Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brainard visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Focken at Atkinson Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Brockman, Connie and Jerry were guesls of Mrs. Maude Goos of Sargent on Christmas day. Mrs. Bessie Burge and June vis ited Mrs. Elsie Slattery and Charlie Harding, both of O’NeiM, on Sunday afternoon. Dr. Steven Wallace of Wahoo, Harold Connors of Greeley and Dale Kersenbrock of O’Neill vis ited at the Robert Cole home on Monday morning. Callers at the G. Owen Cole home Christmas day were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole of O’Neill, Mrs. John Conard and Mary Lou and James Bridges of Omaha. Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eob Tomlinson of Star Christmas day were Mr. and Mrs. Max Gre nier of O’Neill, the Albert Sipes family of Seward, Bill Tomlinson of Grand Island and Susan and Dennis Tomlinson of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. John Conard and daughter, Mary Lou of Omaha, and Mrs. P. W. McGinnis were Christmas day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. South of In man. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Winkler of Rapid City, S.D., came Satur day evening to spend the Christ mas weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler, and also to visit her parents at Spen cer. Mrs. G. Owen Cole entertained a few guests at coffee Tuesday, December 20, in honor of her mother, Mrs. Milton Bock of Bur lington, la., and Mrs. Guy Cole of O’Neill. The Anthony O’Donnell fam ily of O’Neill were Christmas din ner guests of the Raymond Rich ards family. Guests of the Leo Welchman family of Stuart Christmas day were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Winkler of Rapid City, S.D., and Ed Winkler and daughter, Mary Alice. Guests at the Arthur Humpal home at Atkinson Christmas day were the Robert Cole family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gaylor and daugh ters and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schaaf and daughters. Mrs. Ralph Antisdel of Norfolk spent Sunday and Monday visit ing at the Henry Patterson home. SP/3 Gerold Wills arrived home Friday afternoon from San Fran cisco, Calif., where he has been stationed for several weeks since returning to the States. He had been overseas for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox were guests at the Bob Tomlinson’s from Saturday evening until Mon day morning. The Wayne Fox family spent Christmas day at Hastings at the home of Mrs. Fox’s mother, Mrs. Stella Kendall. John Kee spent Friday visiting at the Wayne Bates home. Mr. and Mrs. James Foreman and sons of Battle Creek spent Sunday afternoon at the Wayne Bates home. The Foremans had been dinner guests at the Frank Foreman home. John Kee and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bates of O’Neill were Christmas dinner guests at the Wayne Bates home. Mrs. John Kee is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Livings of Sioux City. Mrs. William Newton called at the Dean Perry home last Thurs dav. The Ervin Kloppenborg family of Cozad were Christmas day guests at the Henry Kloppenborg home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abart and Dercy were Christmas eve guests at the Keith Abart home in O’Neill. Miss Rosemary Babl of Omaha spent the Christmas weekend vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babl. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Babl and daughters of Holdrege are spend ing a week visiting at the homes of Mrs. Vannie Newman of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babl. Frank Harrington and Miss Norma Lou Foreman of Omaha spent a few days visiting Miss Foreman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foreman, Merle and Jean. Gary Babl, the Bernard Dusatko family, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Babl and Jim Smith were Christ mas dinner guests at the Joe Babl home. Church Overflows— EWING — St. Peter’s Catholic church was filled to overflowing for the Christmas eve midnight mass conducted by the Rev. P. F. Burke, church pastor. Ciiristmas carols were sung. A. E. Spittler and Mrs. Kermit Jefferies were organists. The Frontier for commercial printing. ■Ml .. ~ —I Perfect Attenders Receive Gifts— VENUS—Mrs. Ora Caskey held the annual party for the Help U club at her home on Wednesday, December 21. She served a Christmas dinner at noon. There were 16 members present. In the afternoon those losing the attendance contest entertain ed. Various games were played and many prizes were awarded. Each received a gift from the grab bag. Mrs. Ethel Waring and Mrs. Bryan Finch each received a gift for perfect attendance records during 1955. Mrs. Waring also received the door prize. Mrs. Vincent Jackson will have the January 4 meeting. Regional Deaths Frank Hrbek VERDIGRE—Frank Hrbek, 83, died Monday, December 19, in the Plainview hospital. He had been in failing health for some time. Services were held Friday, De cember 23, from the ZCBJ hall at Verdigre. Survivors include Wid ow—Christena; nine children; 22 grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren. Rev. A. H. Schleef CHAMBERS — Rev. A. H. Schleef, former pastor of the Lu theran church in Chambers, died Monday, December 19, at his home in Ft. Smith, Ark. Services were held Wednesday, December 21, at Ft. Smith. Survivors in clude: Widow — Meta, two sons and two daughters. Mrs. Emanuel Uhrenholdt CLEARWATER—Mrs. Emanuel Uhrenholdt, 68, died Saturday, December 17, in the Norfolk Lu theran hospital. Survivors in clude: Widower — Emanuel; six children. Inman News Douglas Jackson, who attends Chadron State Teacher’s college, arrived here on Wednesday, De cember 21. to spend the holidays. Howard Jackson and daughter, Jeannie, and son, Billy, from Buhl, Ida., arrived on Thursday and will spend the holidays visit ing in this locality. Miss Beatrice Gailagher has ar rived home after spending the past two months in California visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry, Kay and Bill left Thursday for El Paso, Tex., to spend the Christ mas holidays in the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Pvt. and Mrs. Graydon Hartigan. Supt. and Mrs. Gerald Nelsen and two sons left Friday morning for Sheridan, Wyo., where they will spend their vacation with re latives. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Youngs left Friday morning for Indepen dence, Mo., to spend Christmas with their son-in-law and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Youngs, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutton and family and Miss Vicki Sue Hutton of Omaha arrived Friday evening to spend the Christmas weekend in the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton. They returned to Omaha on Monday. Miss LuElla Watson, a reacher in the Holdrege schiol, arrived home to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. W atson. Harlan Moore and niece, Judy Moore, of Lincoln arrived Satur day and spent Christmas in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moore and Mrs. Anna Clark. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark drove to Sioux City Saturday to meet their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tjersem, and ' two daughters of Maywood, 111., who will spend the Christmas holidays in the Clark home. Mr. and Mrs. to Cnuuomelka left Saturday for Grafton to spend Christmas in the home of tueir son-m-iaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stuckey, and cimaren. Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach and daughters, Lois and Mary, spent Christmas day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morsbach and son at Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. James Allen, Jim my and Leslye left Saturday for Omaha to spend Christmas with Mrs. Allen’s parents. Christmas evening dinner guests in tne home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Siders were their sons in-law and daughters: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Juracek and family of Orchard; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell and daughter, Debbie, of Harvard; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snyder and family of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. William Hibbs and fam ily of Star, and Miss Marilyn Siders. Christmas guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cunningham were Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ells worth and three children of Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. Ter rance Cunningham and children of Chadron. Apprentice Lyle Kopejtka and Oscar Eaton from the Great Lakes naval training station Chicago, HI., arrived here the first of the week to spend a 15-day furlough with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kopejtka and Mr. and Mrs. John Ruther. Mrs. Sarah Sholes, Rufus and James, Mrs. Violet Sholes, Ralph and granddaughter, Suellen, were Christmas dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hawk of Ewing. Kenneth Coventry drove to Sioux City Sunday and had Christmas dinner with Mrs. Co ventry at the Methodist hospital. Frontier for printing! South Fork News Mr. and Mrs. James Hawk vis ited their son, Harold Miliken, and family at Norfolk on Wednes day, December 21. Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hawk and family were Mr. and Mrs. John Slizoskie and family, Mrs. Violet Sholes, Mrs. Sarah Sholes, James and Ralph Sholes, Miss Shirley Hawk and Jack Hawk of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Kaczor and family were guests of Mrs. Eva Kaczor in Ewing for Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chmiel and family and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chmiel spent Christmas day with the daughter and sister in Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woeppel had as their Christmas dinner guest Russell Woeppel, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Burke and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson, and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Pribnow and daughter of Albion. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Fleming ate Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fleming and family at Oakdale. The women of the neighbor hood enjoyed a Christmas pro gram Friday afternoon at school district 108. Everyone enjoyed the program of dialogues and songs. Misses Ester and Suzie Slizoskie spent Christmas week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slizoskie. Jack Hawk, Shirley Hawk, Esther and Suzie Slizoskie return ed to Omaha Monday afternoon after spending the weekend with their parents. Return from Minnesota— Mr. and Mrs. Ken Benson re turned Tuesday from Minneapo lis, Minn., where they had spent Christmas with Mr. Benson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ben- - son. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stutz and family returned early Tuesday af ter having spent Christmas v/ith Mrs. Stutz’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Oik, at Petersburg. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Strong and son, Gary, arrived late Sat urday from Sidney to spend Christmas here with relatives. Mrs. Strong and son will remain here until Friday. ~~. ' .—I DANCE Bobby Lane’s Orchestra playing MIDWEST’S ENJOYABLE MUSIC Butte Legion BALLROOM Sunday, January 1 JOIN US FOR YOUR NEW YEAR’S PARTY AT THE LEGION CLUB The Legion Club wants to take this opportunity to t thank you for your support during the past years and to WISH YOU A JOYOUS AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! DON’T FORGET THE DOOR PRIZES! Ponton Insurance FLORENCE PONTON, Prop. Insurance of All Kinds & Bonds Phone 106 — Golden Bldg. r—--7 ’Twas The Week After Christmas And all over the lot, Were dozens and dozens of cars to be bought. The Boss looked ’em over with a curl of his lip. And lashed the poor salesman with a long blacksnake whip. “You blankety-blanks,” he said with a sneer, “Are they going to sit here the whole blasted year? You’d better get busy as sure as you’re bom. You’ll eat these used cars come New Year’s morn!” The salesmen got up from their knees with a sigh, “We’ll see that they sell, sir, or die in the try.” So the boss drew his pencil and marked the cars down, To prices below any car lot in town. The salesmen all know you don’t need much cash, ’Cause we can finance you as quick as a flash. This week is the time, don’t wait until fall, We’d like to make this a Happy New Year for all! Here Are a Few SAMPLE BARGAINS: 1’55 Chevrolet 4-Door I Lovely 2-tone green, less than six months old. K • Has overdrive __ $1595 | « .: \ • io«1/Nt 1951 Kaiser 1955 yrTon 4 Door Pickun Very clean and low mile ** age. Drive it—you’ll like Factory closeout at the it. Has overdrive and sensational low price of many other extras! $1295 $295 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM BENSON'S i Chevrolet — Oldsmobile — Cadillac (Formerly Lew White Motor Co.) PHONE 100 O’NEILL r&H H r I K- COUNCIL OAK VIILL CONTINUE TO PROMOTE THE SALE OF PORK, BEEF, AND ANY OTHER SURPLUS COMMOD ITIES TO HELP OUR FAUMER AND - RANCHER FRIENDS. 2- COUNCIL OAK CUSTOMERS WILL ^ RECEIVE PRICE BENEFITS, ON THESE, A WO OTHER COMMODITIES, TO ENABLE 1 THEM TO SAVE MORE ON THEIR GROCERY J tILLS THAN EVER BEFORE. fll o • • o JF 1 * | I « • • ' o • f 1 o ! I o • « . 1 I 1 pomp i p»«gg$bf j .COffHMAKBl.-ipJ I GRAPE 1 |JUJ*i P i VEVlUS FLIGHT I B frosted deviEsfood || I cookies M| I §§ l-LB. BAG*...BE m i || | mmaBamSMM 1 PALMOLIVE - W 1 p SOAP LZ S/Zf 274 |jp il CMNMtX f «*£* UK 1 B bouquet its®*.~w 1 I ||i VEL BEAUTY BARw*'W4 || 1 FAB' O/AN. P/CG..—-774 || I |p VEL, GIANT TK.Gr.-—774 | ^ jtw&MmWjg U. S. GRADED “GOrD” BEEF CHUCK ROASTS- | RIB or LOIN END pORK SAUSAGE 17c PORK 5AU^A^fcLB. 1 I For the New Year Party PICKLE - PIMENTO or MACARONI-CHEESE BREADED CHOPS l-OA|i“ SHRIMP PREMIUM CHILI» « - 29c W II SI IITII ARMOUR’S STAR I0-OI. M ] BRAUNSCHWEIGER m. Jg SJC BBS r" 39*. 11 PULL FLAVORED mM. GOLDEN RIPE —THE IDEAL FRUIT-TOPS FOR SALADS.. PRUIT CUPS. AND DESSERTS SPECIAL! 2 “s* 25c ■. -. k o LUSCIOUS g% ■ |in* RED GRAPES 2 29* j RED PONTIAC lA AA« \ POTATOES 10,33 1 o ■. I ———I I—— II ■■ K WHITE or RED t GRAPEFRUIT 1 6icr 25c I VRIbP, SOLID HEADS HEAD LETTUCE - "° O Q°Q ^ | i