METHODIST (Page - Inman) Rev. Lisle E. Mewmaw, pastor PAGE: Thursday, December 22: Christ mas cantata practice, 7:30 p.m. Friday, December 23: MYF car oling, 7 p.m., followed by a party. Saturday, December 24 (Christ mas eve): Christmas cantata, “Carol of the Bells”, by Rogers, —_____ . * CHRISTMAS T. M. Harrington O’Neill SADDLES — SHOE REPAIRS 8 p.m., with special offering for choir robes. Sunday, December 25: (Christ mas day): Church school, 10 a.m.; warship 11 a.m. Wednesday, December 28: Pray er Circle, 9 a.m. INMAN: Friday, December 23: Christ mas cantata, “A Gift For Heins,” 8 p.m., with annual Christmas of fering for world service. Sunday, December 25, (Christ mas day): Worship, 9:30 a.m.; church school, 10:30 am. Wednesday, December 28: Choir practice and MYF, 7:30 p.m. JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES (O’Neill) 127 South 4th street Friday, December 23: Theocrat ic ministry school, 7:30 p.m.; ser vice meeting, 8:30 p.m. Theme: “Building Up Confidence.” Sunday, December 25: Watch tower study, part II of “Jehovah Is in His Holy Temple.” Wednesday, December 28: Bible book study, 8 p.m., using the book “You May Survive Arma geddon into God’s New World,” chapter V, “A-do-nay Comes to His Temple.” All lovers of righteousness wel come. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hamik spent Sunday in Stuart visiting Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hamilton. Ponton Insurance FLORENCE PONTON, Prop. Insurance of All Kinds & Bonds Phone 106 — Golden Bldg. — • • m « • 9 r OF THE SEASON! May we extend a truly sincere wish, for a Merry Christmas and may every good thing be your* during tha coming New Yearl SPELTS-RAY LUMBER CO. O’Neill, Nebr. o | HINTS for your ... | I Last-Minute Shopping | LEATHER BILLFOLDS | For a lasting gift that will be greatly appreciated. We have a | selection of the handsome AMITY quality Leather Billfolds. | Give that man on your list . . . something from our wide selection of— LIGHTERS — PIPES | SMOKING ACCESSORIES 1 /ii-ij i n i casco Children s Books „ . n , * Walt Disney Heatlilg Pad J if Big Golden Books A practical gift ... in the exclusive “Designer” ★ others fabrics. Up from . 25c Fully Guaranteed Visit Our Cosmetic Department— I w WE HAVE many lovely sets from the leading manufacturers. ^ i? Come choose without delay . . . sure to please HER on || ^ Christmas mom! 4- p Something for the Home § 3»iS!^S!2s2s^2!SiSjatS!21aSlSjS<3i3tS!ak3lStaaiSj2!3t3l»fSatSiaXSt2i3t5tS;S!Si>2-.S'S3}2<; I 1 lE i tf £ s? jr f | r U ¥ | IS It's an old and cherished custom to wish you a Merry Christmas with the |( hope that your New Year comes brim full of happiness and all the good things in life. iEby’s Conoco Service 24-Hour Taxi Service Phone 365 Second & Douglas Date Fixed for Annual Meeting RIVERSIDE—The annual con gregational meeting of the Unit ed Presbyterian church will be held Wednesday, December 28, at 7:30 p.m., at the church annex. The Christmas program will be at 7:30 o’clock Christmas eve at. the church. The Women’s Missionary society met last Thursday for an all-day meeting and election of officers for the coming year. Alice Shra der joined the society. Other Riverside News Bad road conditions prevented neighbors and relatives from helping Mr. and Mrs. George Montgomery celebrate their 29th wedding anniversary Wednesday evening, December 14. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Pribnow and Marianna of Cedar Rapids called at the Earl Pierson home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Montgomery and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ndpier, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and family enjoyed an oyster supper at the Z. H. Fry home Saturday. The occasion was in honor of the 36th wedding an niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Z H. Fry and the birthday anniversa ries of Z. H. Fry and Mrs. Lor raine Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery spent Monday night, Decem ber 12, at the Wilbur Mahood home in Orchard. The roads were drifted so the Montgomerys were unable to go home after spending the day in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Napier and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier attended the WJAG radio station open-house at Norfolk Wednes day, December 14. Claude Elliot’s class of boys and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke’s class of girls from the Ewing Methodist church enjoyed dinner Sunday at gsa& TO OUR MANY FRIENDS! /* O’NEILL H STYLE jyif SHOP » the Hoke home. Mrs. Elliot and family were also guests. Pvt. David L. Eby, who is sta tioned at Fitzsimmons army hos pital, Denver, Colo., is spending 10 days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Eby. LISTEN — TO — NORRIS SCHROEDER ON KVHC 12:45 PM. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27 Mr. Schroeder relates his experiences of his trip to Europe and describes European argciulture. This is a tape recorded broad cast of the speech Mr. Schroeder gave at the Area Meeting of the National Association of Soil Conservation District Super visors held in O’Neill last June. Sponsored by— Holt Co. Soil Conservation Dist. And Forgive Us Our CHRISTMASES A mother was putting her little girl to bed. It was time to say her prayers. Childlike, the girl lisped the first four petitions of the Lord’s Prayer. She was not quite sure of the fifth, and so in her innocence she prayed, “and forgive us our Christmases.” Millions of Americans will need to pray that prayer on December 26. If ever there is a season being desecrated by great masses of our popu lation, it is the season which the Christian Church has set aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Will yours be a Christmas with Christ in it? Through out the length and breadth of our country the invitation is being sounded, “Come hither, ye faithful, triumphantly sing!” . . . “O come, let us adore Him!” •Will this Christmas find you kneeling in humble faith at the manger of Christ? Or will you be one of those who will have to pray . . apd forgive us our Christmases?” o # CHRIST JZutheran ^ 7th and Clay Strnnli ; Phon* 460 *•¥. E. O. Smith, pcrtdrj I At the . . Open Mon., Dec. 26— 9 ’til Noon | I Fourth St. Market I I Phone 93-W — We Deliver | I I | and every one of I you a Merry Christmas! | CALIFORNIA — Cello Wrapped 2 Lg Stalks | CELERY HEARTS _ 25c In Cello | CRANBERRIES_Lb. 19c | U.S. NO. 1 RUSSET In Mesh Bag | POTATOES ..._ 10 lbs. 59c tn 9 H gg I? I 9 S' 1 9 9 9 I Sf 9 » LOUISIANA U.S. NO. 1 | YAMS _ Lb. 10c I MIXED NUTS ... Lb. cello 49c 9 S? ROBIN I COFFEE_Lb. 84c | DEL MONTE I PUMPKIN.. 2 No. 303 cans 25c (VICTOR 4 2/3-Oz. Can COVE OYSTERS_37c I I LARGE CALIFORNIA WALNUTS Pound_49c | OCEAN SPRAY 2 No. 300 Cans | CRANBERRY SAUCE .... 37c s Strained or Whole p POWDERED or BROWN SUGAR-Lb. box 13c | LINDSAY MEDIUM RIPE OLIVES_Tin 29c 1 SUNKIST NAVEL | ORANGES 2 lbs_27c f FANCY PEANUT BRITTLE _ Lb. 29c S MIXES or FLAVORS CLIQUOT CLUB 2 qt*. 35c f ROBIN HOOD . | FLOURJ 50-Lb. Bag_ j FRESH GROUND BEEF_3 lb*. $1 1 MINUTE TENDER STEAK - Lb. 69c j ,. * CUDAHY PURITAN HAMS, 12-14 lb. avsr. _ Lb. 49c 1 Shank Half or Whole jj CUDAHY 2 Vowmis j BACON ENDS & PIECES 39c | CUDAHY PURITAN MINCED HAM _Lb. 39c 1