The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 22, 1955, Page 12, Image 12

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    Future Subscribers
LUND — Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Lund, a son, David Craig, weigh
ing 6 pounds 2 ounces, bom
* Tnursday, December 15, at an
Ord hospital. Mrs. Lund is a for
mer Page resident. She is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard
KENNEDY—Mr. and Mrs. Du
* ane Kennedy of Ainsworth, a son,
John Duane, bom Friday, Decem
ber 16, at Ainsworth. The father
is a brother of Mrs. William Sor
ensen of Page and was reared at
• Page. Maternal great-grandpar
ents are Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Loy
. of O’Neill.
ASHER-^Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Asher of Racine, Wise., a daugh
ter, Mary Lea, born Sunday, De
cember 18, at Racine. Mr. Asher
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Asher of O’Neill.
HELD—Mr. and Mrs. William
Held of Chambers, a daughter,
Charlene Marie, weighing 6
pounds 8'^ ounces, born Thurs
day, December 15 at St. An
thony’s hospital.
CURTIS—Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Curtis, jr., of Omaha, a daugh
ter, Ami Renee, weighing 6
pounds 10 ounces, born Thursday,
December 8. Mrs. Curtis is the
former Beatrice Sokol of Verdi
gre, a sister of Mrs. Ralph Brook
houser of Orchard.
BORG—Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne
Borg of La Habra, Calif., a daugh
ter, weighing 8 pounds 1 ounce,
bom Sunday, December 18. The
Borgs have one other daughter.
They are former O’Neill resi
dents. Mrs. Borg is the former
Maxine Bauer of Ewing.
HAMILTON — Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Hamilton of Fairfax, S.D.,
a son, weighing 8 pounds 9 ounces,
bom Saturday, December 17, at
Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch.
THOMSON — Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Thomson of Lynch, a son,
weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces, born
Friday, December 16, at Sacred
Heart hospital, Lynch.
GALLAGHER—Mr. and Mrs.
John R. Gallagher of O’Neill, a
son, weighing 7 pounds 2%
ounces, born Friday, December
16, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’
SALAK — Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Salak of O’Neill, a son, weighing
6 pounds 2 ounces, born Sunday,
December 18, at St. Anthony’s
GREEN—Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Green of Chambers, a son, Leslie
Dale, weighing 9'pounds 4% oun
ces, born Monday, December 19,
at St. Anthony’s hospital.
HOFFMAN — Mr. and Mrs.
James Hoffman of Atkinson, a
daughter, Carolyn Kay, weighing
7 pounds 8 ounces, born Wednes
day, December 14, at Atkinson
Memorial hospital.
WALLACE—Dr. and Mrs. Har
old G. Wallace of Atkinson, a son,
Daniel Knox, weighing 8 pounds
12% ounces, born Thursday, De
cember 15, at Atkinson Memorial
WALLINGER — Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Wallinger of Stuart, a
daughter, Vicky Lynn, weighing
7 pounds 2 ounces, born Saturday,
December 17, at Atkinson Me
morial hospital.
BEIERLE—Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Beierle of Columbus, a daughter,
Jackie Lee, weighing 7 pounds,
bom Monday, December 12, at
Columbus. Mrs. Beierle is the
former Mary Jo Roth of Cham
Altar Society
in Yule Party—
St. Patrick’s Altar society held
a combination Christmas party
and business meeting last Thurs
day evening at St. Mary’s acad
emy here. A Christmas theme
was used and gifts were distrib
Very Rev. Timothy J. O’Sulli
van was the speaker.
Mrs. Edward Gallagher won a
prize in a guessing game and Mrs.
Leona Shoemaker won a special
Sick & Injured
O’NEILL — Ralph Van Buren
returned home Sunday from a
Sioux City hospital. He had sub
mitted to surgery there Tuesday,
December 13 — his third major
operation. . . Miss Lavonne Thorin
returned to her duties at the Or
chard State Bank Monday, hav
ing been absent two weeks be
cause of illness. . . Little Patricia
Gettert, eight-months-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Get
tert, has been suffering from a
throat infection. . . Very Rev.
Timothy O’Sullivan is ill in St.
He expects to be dismissed from
the hospital today.
Herley Jones was dismissed
from the Lutheran hospital. . .
Ben Vidrickson, manager of
Harding’s, is “getting along fine”.
He reentered the hospital here
Monday, December 12, after hav
ing suffered a relapse from an
earlier pneumonia attack.
Mrs. Fay Miles returned Satur
day from Omaha where she had
been near her husband, who is
seriously ill in the Veterans hos
pital. She will return to Omaha
today (Thursday) to remain near
him over Christmas.
INMAN—Herbert Nielsen went
to Omaha Tuesday, December 13,
where he submitted to surgery at
the MeJhodist hospital on Wed
nesday morning. Reports from the
hospital are to the effect that he
is making a satisfactory recavery.
. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Harte
retrned Tuesday evening from
Lincoln where they spent a week.
Mr. Harte is again confined to St.
Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill. . .
Kenneth Coventry drove to Sioux
City on Sunday to visit Mrs. Co
ventry, a patient in the Methodist
hospital there.
AMELIA — Ed White was ill
Sunday night and was taken to
the doctor in Atkinson Monday
morning. . . Mrs. B. W. Waldo
was able to be in Amelia Satur
day evening. It was her first visit
since her recent hospitalization in
CHAMBERS — L. W. Taggart
came home Friday, December 16,
from St. Anthony’s hospital where
he had been a patient for over
a week. . . Katheryn Rubeck is
a patient at St. Anthony’s hospital,
ROCK FALLS—Mr. and Mrs.
Sammy Derickson called at the
Levi Yantzi home on Saturday
evening. Mrs. Derickson was ill
recently and had paid a visit to
the doctor’s office.
LYNCH—Neal Bjornsen receiv
ed several cuts about his face last
week. The cuts required stitches.
He tangled with a bulldozer last
Thursday while clearing snow
from the road.
SOUTHFORK — Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Woeppel were called to
Albion Thursday due to the ser
ious illness of his brother, George
Woeppel, who is in the hospital
DELOIT—Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Miller took their son, James, to
a doctor in Neligh last Thursday.
He is ill with asthma.
EMMET—Mrs. Alex McConnell
is staying at the Walter Puckett
home. She is suffering from gall
bladder trouble and is quite ill.
VENUS—Dale Dorr is still at
the Veterans hospital at Lincoln.
He has not yet seen his new baby
Ewing News
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks went
to Omaha on Friday to get their
daughter, Sandra, and Judy Jef
feries. The girls will spend their
holiday vacation with homefolks.
Miss Diana Baum, who attends
the University of Nebraska, ar
rived home Wednesday, Decem
ber 14, and will spend the holi
day vacation at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Baum. sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tuttle,
whose ranch home was recently
destroyed by fire, have moved to
the residence of Mrs. Vee Berg
strom. The Tuttle family have
been living with her mother, Mrs.
Vera Anson.
Move to Omaha—
Mr. and Mrs. Lew White and
Mrs. Miana Hubenka moved to
Omaha last week.
Eyes Examined
Glasses Fitted
Vhone 2101 Spencer Nebr
Hospital Notes
Admissions: December 14—Mrs.
Arlan Miles, O’Neill; Rita Lydon,
Ewing. 15—Mrs. Lester Raff, Or
chard; Mrs. William Held, Cham
bers; Charles Cay wood, O’Neill;
William Rumbaugh, Des Moines,
la. 16 — Ritchie Lockwood, In
man; Irene Collins, O’Neill; Mrs.
William Dexter, Amelia; Mrs. J.
R. Gallagher, O’Neill; Charles
Hill, jr., O’Neill. 17—Mrs. Fred
Salak, O’Neill; Mrs. Charles
Stout, O’NeilL 18 — Mrs. Duane
Summers, O’Neill. 19—Mrs. Don
ald Ruroede, Ewing; Mrs. Donald
Green, Chambers; Mary Kathleen
Clark, O’Neill. 20—James Hubei,
Ewing; Larry Davis, Ewing; M.
H. Horiskey, O’Neill; Carroll Pea
cock, O’Neill; Mrs. Marjorie Fag
an, Chambers; Mrs. Mae Landis,
O’Neill; Mrs. Oscar Hansen, Em
met; Mrs. Francis Musil, O’Neill;
Mrs. Don Lines, Ewing; Mrs. R.
H. Shain, Ewing.
Dismissed: December 14—Mrs.
George Hemenway and baby girl,
Orchard; Mrs. Frank Searles, O’
Neill.. 15 — Mrs. Bob Erwin and
baby girl, O’Neill; Mrs. Bolish
Iwanski, O’Neill; Mrs. Lester
Raff, Orchard. 16 — John Lans
worth, O’Neill; Jerry Hickey, O’
Neill; Mrs. Arlan 'Miles, O’Neill;
L. W. Taggart, Chambers; Mrs.
Duane Wynia, Butte. 17 — Mrs.
Frank Soukup and baby boy, O’
Neill; Sharon Renwald, Omaha;
Mrs. Robert Hornby and baby
girl, O’Neill; Larry Ruegge, O’
Neill; Mrs. William Dexter,
Amelia; Mrs. William H. Bowker
and baby boy, O’Neill; Mrs.
Frank Soukup and baby boy, O’
Neill. 18—Terry Gallagher, Em
met. 19—Mrs. William Held and
baby girl, Chambers; Thomas En
right, O’Neill. 20—William Rum
baugh, Des Moines, la.; Irene
Collins, O’Neill; John Vitt, O’
Hospitalized: Carroll Peacock,
O’Neill; James Hubei, Ewing;
Ritchie Lockwood, Inman; Mrs.
Robert Ferris, Inman; Rita Ly
don, Ewing; Lionel Siefken, O’
Neill; Mrs. Minnie Bay, O’Neill;
Mrs. Lois Adams, Chambers;
Charles Caywood, O’Neill; James
Regal, O’Neill; Dr. O. W. French,
O’Neill; Ben Vidricksen, O’Neill;
Charles Hill, jr., O’Neill; Mrs. Ri
chard Shain, Ewing; Mrs. Don
Lines, Ewing; Mrs. Donald Green,
Chambers; Mrs. C. E. Stout, O’
Neill; Mrs. J. R. Gallagher, O’
Neill; Mrs. Fred Salak, O’Neill;
H. J. Harte, Inman; Mike Horis
key, O’Neill; Kathy Rubeck,
Chambers; Larry Davis, Ewing;
Lawrence Rang, Butte; Ann Mc
Manus, O’Neill; Sam R. Robert
son, O’Neill; Mrs. Mae Landis,
O’Neill; Mrs. Donald Ruroede,
Ewing; Mrs. Marjorie Fagan,
Chambers; Mrs. Oscar Hansen,
| Emmet.
Admitted: December 12—John
Gallagher, Atkinson, medical. 14
—Mrs. James Hoffman, Atkinson,
obstetrical. 15—Charles E. Mc
Clurg, Stuart, medical; John
Moses, Atkinson, medical; Mrs.
H. G. Wallace, Atkinson, obstetri
cal; George Syfie, O’Neill, med
ical. 17—Mrs. Robert Wallinger,
Stuart, obstetrical. 18—Mrs. Vic
tor Frickel, Atkinson, surgical. 19
Ed White, Amelia, medical.
Dismissed: December 12—Mrs.
Raymond Kemick and son, Atkin
son. 13 — Mrs. Max Hamik and
daughter, Atkinson. 14—Mrs. Ed
Rezac and son, Atkinson. 15 —
Mrs. Robert Peregoy and daugh
ter, Atkinson; Joe Kramer, Atkin
son; Mrs. Anna Weichman, Stu
Hospitalized: John Moses, At
kinson; John Gallagher, Atkin
son; Leonard King, Stuart; Mrs.
Robert Wallinger and daughter,
Stuart: Anna Ahle, Atkinson;
Mrs. Elva Bogue, Atkinson; Mrs.
Victor Frickel, Atkinson; Charles
E. McClurg, Stuart; Mrs. H. G.
Wallace and son, Atkinson; Mrs.
James Hoffman, jr., and daugh
ter, Atkinson; Roger Focken, twin,
weighs 5 pounds, Atkinson; Ed
White, Amelia.
Hospitalized: Dr. E. B. Brad
ley, Spencer; Mrs. George Clas
sen, Spencer; Paul Drobny, Ver
digre; John Ficenec, Spencer;
Mrs. Gerald Hamilton and baby
boy, Fairfax, S.D.; Mrs. Ida Noble,
Star; Theodore Norwood, Lynch;
Miss Lillian Olson, Bristow; Mrs.
Barbara Peklo, Lynch; Mrs. Frank
Thomson and baby boy, Lynch;
Sidny Zink, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Aldon Zink, Lynch; Baby
Douglas Duane Boschult, son of
Mrs. Roylin Boschult, Lynch.
Dismissals: December 12— Al
bert Lee Brady, Monowi; Mrs.
Martha Pahl, Bristow; Henry Lu
demann, Naper; L. L. Keeler, An
oka. 13—Mrs. Lloyd Herrmann,
Herrick, S.D.; Richard Smally,
Butte. 14—Mrs. Maude Mclrvin,
Putte; Mrs. Fred Kyriss, Butte. 15
Mrs. Martha Schindler, Lynch;
Mrs. William Ludemann, Spencer.
16— Harold Gene Micanek, Lynch.
17— William Ruzicka, Verdel. 19
Mrs. Roylin Boschult, Lynch; Al
ice Fay Halstead, Redbird.
CDA Holds Christmas
Party at KC Hall—
The Catholic Daughters of Am
erica held their Christmas party
Tuesday evening at the Knights
of Columbus hall. A 7 o’clock
dinner was served by the com
mittee to 60 members. Rev. Karl
Kucera and Rev. Thomas Hitch
were guests. Gifts were exchang
ed. Cards were played with Rev
erend Kucera winning high in
pinochle and Mrs. Grover Shaw
winning high in pitch. Mrs. Clara
Hickey won the door prize.
Too Late to Gassify
FOR SALE: 60-ft. lot, 105 Fre
mont st., O’Neill.—Ruth Har
nish, O’Neill. 34c
WE WISH to express our sincere
thanks to those who helped
during the accident, sent beau
tiful flowers and brought food.
Also thanks to the American
Legion auxiliary of Clearwater
for the dihner and lunch. We
will always remember Rev.
Lee Brigden for his prayers and
kind words during the recent
loss of our loved one, Oscar
Pruden.—The brothers and sis
ters of Oscar Pruden, Mrs. May
Pruden and children. 34c
LOST: Purse containing approx.
$25 Monday night between
point three miles west of drive
in theater and seven miles
north. Reward. — Mrs. James I
Earley, sr., O’Neill. May be left
at Frontier. 34p50
FOR RENT: 3 bedroom house,
105 Fremont st., O’Neill.—Ruth
Hamish, O’Neill. 34c
Atkinson Library
Gets $10,000 Bequest
ATKINSON — The Atkinson
public library has received a gift
of $10,000 from the estate of a
former resident.
The bequest is from the estate
of Mrs. Mary M. Swingley, who
lived in Atkinson many years be
fore her death at Leaf River, I)}.,
in August, 1954.
C. D. Bertolet of Leaf River,
Mrs. Swingley’s brother, is execu
tor of the estate and has sent the
check to the library. The library
board will meet soon to consider
how the gift shall be used to im
prove the library’s facilities.
Mrs. Swingley was the widow
of the late Fred H. Swingley, who
was an officer of the First Na
tional bank here 42 years. Mrs.
Swingley was a bookkeeper at the
bank many years and later was
a member of the board of direct
ors and a stockholder.
School Boy Visited
by St. Nick—
RIVERSIDE —Lee Scheer,
young Ewing school boy, who last
week was dismissed from the
Plainview hospital, Saturday en
tertained a distinguished visitor—
none other than Santa Claus him
Santa had been to Ewing to dis
tribute treats for youngsters and
took time to call on Lee, confined
to a hospital bed at his hime.
Lee has had other visitors, too:
Jackie Mosel, teacher, and pupils
from Lee’s school; the Wilmer
Mosel family, and ithers.
Shower Honoree—
SPENCER — Miss Ethel Pap
stein was honored at a personal
shower at the home of Mrs. Har
old Hume here Friday evening.
Mrs. Hume and Miss Beverly His
erote of Bristow were co-hostess
es. The evening was spent playing
games and informally. Luncheon
was served,
Frontier foi printing!
Cub Pack Holds
STUART—The three packs of
Cub scouts held a pack meeting
after school at the scout hall with
their mothers as guests.
Awards were given to the
scouts and Leo King, Lloyd Papke
and Billie Schafer eoch received
a den chief card.
Cupcakes, punch and coffee
were served. Mrs. Jane Cobb,
Mrs. G. L. Obermire and Mrs.
Myron Papke are the den moth
Other Stuart News
Fred Mitchell came from Lin
coln Saturday to spend two
weeks’ vacation with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Berlin Mitchell.
Frank Hamik, Kenneth Baten
horst, Pat Murphy, Henrietta
Coats and Grace Allyn, all Uni
versity of Nebraska students, ar
rived home Friday for the holi
Mr. and Mrs. Carey Goodwin
of Amarillo, Tex., spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Moses.
Emil Olday departed for Seat
tle, Wash., Monday, December 12,
where he will join Mrs. Olday,
who was called to Seattle the
first of November to care for her
brother, who is ill.
Larry Paxton, student in
Doane college at Crete, arrived
home Friday to spend the holi
day with homefolks.
Don Fuller, student in Wayne
State Normal college, came home
Tuesday to spend the holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Fuller.
Mrs. Blanche Brayton of Red
Oak, la., is visiting her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Brayton and daughters.
A/lc Mark Kaup arrived Fri
day, December 16, from Texas to
spend a 15-day leave with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Kaup, jr. Airman Kaup is enroute
to an Illinois air base.
Tune in . . . “Voice of The
Frontier” . . . Monday, Wednes
day, Saturday, 9:30, WJAG.
300 Boys, Girls
at Free Show
EWING — Saturday, December
17, was Santa Claus day in Ew
ing. Over three hundred boys and
girls attended the free show be
ginning at 1:30 o’clock in the af
ternoon at the Eldorado theatre.
After the show was out young- 0
sters found Santa waiting for
them at the town square, where
each was given a bag of treats.
This event is sponsored each year
by the Ewing Commercial club.
Visit Omaha—
Misses Doothy and Patricia 0
Donohoe spent the weekend in
Omaha visiting friends.
j 5 To each of our won- „
derful customers we
/ ^ extend a heartfelt
y^ wish for a very
Z ^
0 J Dean’s
' Barber Shop
| Good Health ... |
Much Happiness |
$ and continued
| prosperity if you’ll f
| plan now to vote |
• ft in ’56! ^
1 L. D. Putnam f
I & Sons |
_ — —I I I — I , I — ——. — — — —I —— — I —I ———I———I—I-— j
I May your Holiday |
be rich with joy'
and may the com*
{ ^ yea, brin* |
& you success and |
I real happiness. |
— O’NEILL — 1
the mellow beer!
Next time the moment’s right, pour yourself a round
of mellow Country Club beer. It’s so smooth—and
so refreshing! Just one taste will tell you why so many
folks every day ask for “Country Club—the mellow
beer.” Why don’t you try Country Club today?
At your tavern or store in bottles,
cans and in handy six-pack cartons.
Per Ca.i
" I 11— :
jim—Mmua*——WiMiW—> >ift»aaaaoaw
To Every Home — To Every Heart |
We’re sending a sleigh-load of Christmas wishes. May Santa 3
fulfill your brightest expectations and may the warm glow of m
the Holiday Season remain to brighten your memories M
throughout many months to come. Our sincerest wish ..."
“A Merry Christmas to Everyone” *
In both our O’Neill newspapers dated Dec. jjj
I 5 th you will find our full page ad listing 3
our Special Holiday Values. These prices jg
remain in effect through Sat., Dec. 24th.
. it
Just Three More Shopping Days! |
Don’t Wait! — Come in Now! §
See Our Fine Selection of ' \
GEESE-.-Per lb. 39c
STRAWBERRIES_2 pkgs. 40c
PEAS_2 pkgs. 29c
CRACKERS - 2-lb. bos 49c
TOMATO SOUP Per can 10c
ALL 5c
CANDY BARS---«(• 25*
PAPER NAPKINS_2 pkgs. 29c
TOILET TISSUE— 4-roll pkg. 27c
LARD - - -2lbs.25c
. PHONE 593 |