Legal Notice (First pub. Dec. 8, 1955) TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY board OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA WE, the undersigned, being the owners of the land adjacent to the proposed road, hereby peti tion your honorable body to grant and establish a County Road, de scribed as follows to-wit: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of Section 17 in Township 32, Range 13, West of the 6th P.M. in Holt County, Nebraska and running two miles west be tween Sections 17 and 8, and sec tions 18 and’7, in Township 32, Range 13, and then south five miles between Section 18 in Township 32, Range 13, and Sec tion 13, in Township 32, Range 14, and between Section 19 in Township 32, Range 13 and Sec tion 24 in Township 32, Range 14 and between Section 30 in Town ship 32, Range 13, and Section 25, Township 32, Range 14, and be tween Sectoin 31, in Township 32, Range 13, and Section 36, in Town ship 32, Range 14, and between Section 6 in Township 31, Range 13 and Section 1 in Township 31, Range 14. All west of the 6th P.M. in Holt County, Nebraska, said road connecting State High way 11 with County Road. A hearing will be held on this road petition on December 27, 1955 at 2:00 o’clock. KENNETH WARING County Clerk 32-34c (First pub. Dec. 22, 1955) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT No. 4011 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF J. W. REITZ, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final ac count and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on January 11, 1956, at 10 o’clock, a.m. LOUIIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 34-36c (First pub. Dec. 22, 1955) NOTICE OF SCHOOL LAND LEASE SALE Notice is hereby given that the Board of Educational Lands and Funds of the State of Nebraska, or its authorized representative, will offer for lease at public auc tion on the 10th day of January, 1956, at 1:00 o’clock P.M., at the office of the County Treasurer of Holt County, in O’Neill, Nebras ka, the following educational lands withip said county: DESCRIPTION SEC. TWP. RGE. W% _ 36 33 12 Said sale may be adjourned from day to day until all lands have been offered. No sale will be final until approved by the Board of Educational Lands and Funds, and the Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. BOARD OF EDUCATIONAL LANDS AND FUNDS ROBERT D. HIATT, Secretary 34-36c (First pub. Dec. 8, 1955) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4071 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, December 1, 1955. In the matter of the Estate of Victoria Woods, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is March 29, 1956, and for the payment of debts is De cember 1, 1956, and that on De cember 29, 1955, and on March 30, 1956, at 10 o’clock A.M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 32-34c (First pub. Dec. 15, 1955) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL No. 4078 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF GEORGE O. MIT CHELL, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the pro bate of the will of said deceased, and for the appointment of Cora Wilma Eppenbach as Executrix thereof, which will be for hearing in this court on January 5, 1955, at 10 o’clock AJVI. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 33-35c To Spend Holidays Here— Ed Campbell will arrive Satur day to spend the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Camp bell. The ideal gift ... a subscrip tion to The Frontier . . . enjoy ment for all the family! For Low Cost Premiums in financially responsible Insurance Companies making prompt loss adjustments See or Write: L. G. Gillespie Insurance Agent, , O’Neill, Nebr. In business for the past 62 years Or phone residence 218, 315 South First Street, or 114; Gillespie Radio Shop Official Proceedings of the ! Holt County Supervisors O’Neill, Nebr. Oct. 26, 1955 Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. Vll members present. Motion by Frickel, seconded by Bmst, that the Clerk^n the Treas urer's office be raised to $185.00 'or the months of November, De rember, January and February. Motion carried. Motion by Barthel, seconded by romlinson, that the following :laims be allowed on the Unem ployment Relief fund in payment pf same. Motion carried. -leary’s Market .$15.00 Council Oak Store . 5.00 3oufal Market . 57.60 fred Lockwood . 25.00 Norfolk State Hospital_ 16.25 Pelcer & Spence Food Store 10.00 Mrs. Roy Thurlow . 25.00 Mrs. Lenna Wolfe . 3.00 Council Oak Store . 18.00 Zoufal Market . 11.75 Humphrey Grill . 25.00 Lester Marks . 10.00 Pelcer & Spence Food Mar ket . 30.00 rhad E. Saunders . 50.00 Marie Wehrly . 60.00 Motion by Frickel, seconded by Barthel, that the following claims pe allowed pn the Medical Fund n payment of same. Motion car ried. Drs. Brown & French.$24.00 Brown Drug . 32.20 Illara Fuller . 36.49 Uenoa Haven . 39.95 Dr. H. C. Henderson. 33.00 Christine Hoffmeister .... 30.51 Dr. N. P. McKee . 10.00 D’Neill Drug . 2.35 Beger Funeral Home . 4.00 rhompson Nursing Home.. 29.95 ^nna Weller . .... 21.10 lames E. Ramsay, M.D. .. 12.50 \tkinson Rx Pharmacy ... 5.47 Dr. W. F. Finley. 5.00 Dilligan Drug . 3.45 Denoa Haven . 29.95 Dhristine Hoffmeister . 44.90 Dhristine Hoffmeister .21.61 Dr. N. P. McKee . 3.00 Dr. James E. Ramsay . 4.00 rhompson Nursing Home .. 99.70 Mrs. Roy Thurlow . 27.20 Wilson Drug . 58.36 12:00 Noon. On motion the board adjourned until 1:00 P.M. O’Neill, Nebr. Oct. 26, 1955 1:00 P.M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present. 1:30 P.M. This was the time set for the Road Petition as present ed by Bob Mick, concerning the opening of section line, com mencing at the SW corner of Sec tion 29 and the NW Corner of Section 32, Township 29- Range 14, running East for a distance of 1 mile to connect with Highway No. 11. After discussion on proposed Dpening of such road, due to lack if interest shown on the part of the petitioners, motion was made iy Frickel, seconded by Tomlin son that the petition be tabled un til Nov. 23, 1955 at 2:00 P.M. Mo tion carried. Motion by Ernst, seconded by romlinson that the following Res ilution be adopted. Motion car ried. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, it is deemed in the public interest that a public road be established on the Sec tions lines, described as fol lows: Commencing at a point on the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34, in Township 29, North, Range 11, West of the 6th P.M. in Holt County, Nebraska, run ning thence West on the Section lines approximately three-quar ters mile to terminate and in tersect State and Federal High ways No. 20 and No. 275 as now located and constructed, and, WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Holt County to establish said road without a petition there for, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be, and he is in structed to issue a commission to the County Surveyor to view said proposed road and report on the expediency thereof, and that upon the receipt of such Report, the County Clerk shall take such further proceedings in the matter as may be requir ed by law for the giving of no tice for the establishment of said road, the notices to owners and occupiers of land to file claims for damages, and the appointment of appraisers, etc., and report his doings thereon to this Board. A roll call vote thereon result ed as follows: Aye: Ernst, Tom linson, Flood, Batenhorst, Barthel Nay: None. Whereupon the Chair man declared such Resolution duly passed and adopted. Motion by Frickel, seconded b> Tomlinson that District No. 3 be given permission to trade Motoi Graders subject to the approval of the Board. Motion carried. 5:00 P.M. On motion the boarc adjourned until Nov. 22, 1955 a1 10:00 A.M. KENNETH WARING County Clerk FRANK CRONK Chairman O’Neill, Nebr. Nov. 14, 1955 10:00 A.M. Holt County Board of Super visors met in special session witl the Mayor and City Attorney anc Engineer concerning County Bus iness. Motion by Batenhorst, second ed by Barthel, that Frickel b< given permission to trade Crawle; Tractors, subject to approval o the Board. Motion carried. 12:00 Noon. On motion th< board adjourned until Nov. 22 1955 at 10:00 A.M. KENNETH WARING, County Clerk FRANK CRONK Chairman O’Neill, Nebr. Nov. 22, 1955 10:00 A.M Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment All members present. Minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved as read. The finance committee reported that the fees from the various of fices have been remitted to the County Treasurer as required by law. Motion by Batenhorst, seconded by Barthel, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the General Fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Atkinson Graphic, pub lishing fees .$374.41 A. M. Batenhorst, salary.. 118.75 Bricker Typewriter Co., office supplies.78 Geo. E. Collins, salary .. 162.00 Consumers Public Power District, electric service. 139.82 Clarence Ernst, salary_118.75 Edw. N. Flood, salary .... 118.75 Alice L. French, postage & postcards . 19.97 Alice L. French, institute fund . 200.00 Alex Frickel, mileage .... 50.76 L. G. Gillespie, bond fees 578.50 John Grutsch, salary ... 233.00 J. Ed Hancock, salary_ 300.00 J. Ed Hancock, Co. Treas urer, postage & freight charges ... 13.06 Carolyn Hiatt, salary .. 200.00 International Business Ma chine Corporation, office equipment . 340.00 Esther E. Kaiser, salary . 166.00 Howard Manson, salary .. 266.00 Kay Martin, salary . 166.00 James Mullen, salary _ 191.00 Nora Mullen, salary .... 200.00 News Printing Service, of fice supplies . 32.33 Norfolk Office Eqpt. Co., office supplies . 3.08 Florence C. Ponton, insur ance premium . 60.00 rveuneiu cz company, or fice supplies . 80.20 Louis W. Reimer, Co. Judge, postage . 3.00 Arlene Ruroede, salary .. 166.00 Ophelia Sessions, salary .. 200.00 The Standard Register Co., office supplies _611.19 Leo S. Tomjack, salary .. 230.00 Leo S. Tomjack, jailor fee 45.50 Mrs. Leo S. Tomjack, sal ary & matron fee _ 54.00 John J. Underwood, salary 116.54 Kenneth Waring, salary .. 300.00 Wm. F. Wefso, salary_ 300.00 Ailene Wilkinson, salary 200.00 Kenneth L. Barthel, salary 118.75 A. M. Batenhorst, mileage 49.50 City of O’Neill, Water De partment 7.50 City of O’Neill, Water De partment . 11.75 Geo. E. Collins, mileage .. 30.20 Frank Cronk, salary . 118.75 Frank Cronk, mileage .... 49.14 Clarence Ernst, mileage .. 24.00 Alice L. French, salary . 300.00 Alice L. French, mileage.. 45.99; Alex Frickel, salary ... 118.75 Frontier, publishing fees . 17.75 I William W. Griffin, salary 208.00 I John Grutsch, Service Of ficer, mileage & ex penses to Service Offi cers’ School 39.60 Esther Harris, salary _ 225.00 Esther Harris, postage_ 4.00 Holt County Extension Ser vice . . 272.89 Journal-Star Printing Co., office supplies . 8.24 Joy Kennedy, salary _185.00 Howard Manson, Clerk of Dist. Court, court costs. 32.00 James Mullen, mileage .. 52.00 Mabel McKenna, salary .. 166.00 Norfolk Office Equipment Company, office supplies 4.92 Northwestern Bell Tele phone Co., telephone service . 237.80 Louis W. Reimer, salary. 325.00 Charles Richter, salary .. 225.00 Servall Towel & Linen Co., services rendered . 6.50 Stephenson School Supply, office supplies .1.42 Stephenson School Supply, office supplies . 38.56 Leo S. Tomjack, prisoner board 92.75 Leo S. Tomjack, mileage 168.00 Arthur W. Tomlinson, sal ary .118.75 Arthur W. Tomlinson, mileage . 39.68 Joyce Waller, salary .... 133.00 Kenneth Waring, Co. Clerk, p>ostagg . 6.00 Wm. F. Wefso, Co. Asses sor, office supplies.59 Mrs. Elvon Hamilton & Mrs. Mattie Weller, i uamages ui opening sec tion line ., .... 170.00 Motion by Tomlinson, second ed by Batenhorst, that the Coun ty Treasurer be instructed tc re fund the overpayment of taxes on Capital Stock, pursuant to pro visions in Legislative Bill 129, to the following banks: Tri-County Bank, Farmers State Bank, Chambers State Bank and Page Cooperative Credit Association. Motion carried. Motion by Frickel, seconded by Barthel, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Road Fund in pay ment of same. Motion carried. Gene Adams, labor 236.00 American Gear Co., parts 22.45 Les Andrus, hauling clay. 318.75 Melvin Andrus, hauling clay .. 393.75 John Angus, hauling grav el 54.00 Arbuthnot Oil Co., gas 25.12 John Bonenberger, hauling gravel 54.00 Ed Brandt, road labor . . 233.25 Fritz Brandt, hauling grav el . 60.00 Ken Cadwallader, hauling gravel 27.00 Andy Clark, labor . 3.50 ( CJark & Mattson, repairing I & supplies 113.94 Glen Cobb, supplies & re pairs .. 429.91 Continental Oil Co., sup | plies 126.32 ; Chas. F. Crowley, labor 30.75 ' D. A. Lubricant Co., sup plies - .. 123.58 , Dankert Service, supplies 108.84 , Geary Enbody, hauling gravel ... 67.50 Frank Determan, labor .. 24.00 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment C., machinery rent al . 318.00 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment C., machinery rent al 230.00 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., repairs .. .. 96.26 . Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., parts. 40.85 Galyen Motor Co., supplies & repairing . 37.16 Tom Alder, labor. 67.50 Les Andrus, hauling grav el . ... 67.50 Melvin Audrus, hauling gravel .. 67.50 John Angus, hauling clay. 315.00 Delbert Anson, labor . 262.50 Albert Ballard, repairs & supplies .... 70.10 John Bonenberger, hauling clay 315.00 Fritz Brandt, hauling clay 386.25 Bill Brewster, diesel fuel 169.68 Central Supply & Equip ment Co., tire chains .. 79.89 Fuchs Clayton Machin ery Co., supplies ... 4.24 Consumers Public Power Dist., electric service .. 2.00 D. A. Lubricant Co., sup plies .. .. 104.45 D. A. Lubricant Co., sup plies 72.39 Finkbine Bros. Lumber* Co., supplies .... 77.28 Geary Enbody, hauling clay. 375.00 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., repairs .. 17.15 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., repairs & re pairing .. .. .. 1199.68 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., repairs & re pairing .. . 334.93 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., parts . 104.12 Foree Tire & Supply Co., parts . 11.60 Floyd Gettert, labor 52.50 Gillette & Son, supplies & repairing 229.93 Harley Hardware, supplies 8.50 Halva Electric, repairing 12.001 Albert Holbrook, labor 259.88 Kansas-Nebr. Natural Gas Co., gas service .60 Wm. E. Kelley, cat & pa trol operator ... 250.95 Knowles Chev. Co., sup plies & repairing - 16.28 Lamason Garage, welding services . 25.80 Mid-States Lubricant, sup plies .. . o*.u3 Motor Parts, Inc., parts... 10.20 Eli McConnell, labor .... 240.45 Harry McGraw, hauling culverts .. . 5.00 Lyle McKim, patrol op erator ... 50.40 Nebr. Tractor & Equip ment Co., machinery rental .. 646.82 Nebr. Tractor & Equip ment Co., repairs and re pairing • •. 50.80 Niobrara Valley Electric Membership Corp., elec tric service .. .. ... 1.30 Frank Noffke, welding services .. .... 39.93 Asa Norton, hauling grav el .. 27.00 Ray Norton, driving truck 85.00 O’Neill Auto Supply, sup plies & repairs.144.91 Page Oil Co., gasoline & diesel fuel .. 180.64 Fred Roberts, labor. 261.80 Art B. Sanders, patrol op erator 233.65 Austin Searles, labor . 101.85 Servall Towel & Linen Co., services rendered . 3.36 Standard Oil Co., supplies 70.31 Frank Tracy, motor patrol operator 264.56 Norman Ulrich, labor .... 40.00 Henry Vequist, gravel .... 26.80 Wicks Body Shop, repair ing 27.50 Lloyd Otto, repairing . 4.50 Floyd Gettert, loading clay 243.00 Gilligan Drug, supplies . 13.50 Milo Gorgen, hauling snow fence .. . 7.50 William O. Hansen, mov ing trees . 5.00 T. M. Harrington, supplies 13.50 Johnson Hiway Service, supplies .. .. .. 79.78 Kansas-Nebr. Natural Gas Co., furnace & installa tion . . 425.00 A1 Kloppenborg, supplies. 37.59 Leo Kramer, welding ser vice .. 3.25 Wm. Krotter Co., supplies 90.82 Lohaus Motor Co., repairs & repairing 121.18 Missouri Valley Machinery Co., repairs & repairing 32.21 Herman McDaniels, labor 5.00 Lyle McKim, patrol oper ator .. ... 15.75 IN ear. Tractor <& equip ment Co., machinery rental ... 760.52 Nebr. Tractor & Equip ment Co., parts .. 2.64 Nelson Brayton, supplies & parts ... 145.20 Niobrara Valley Electric Membership Corp., in stallation of electric line at clay pit. 48.98 Northwestern Bell Tele phone Co., telephone service .. 10.95 Asa Norton, hauling clay. 470.00 O’Neill Auto Supply, re pairs .. .. 41.43 Vincent Osborne, machine hire 1127.00 Blake Ott, oil & gas . 24.90 Myron Papke, hauling gravel . 33.75 Myron Papke, hauling clay 393.75 Rockey Implement, parts 4.50 August Schwager, clay & gravel 200.00 Calvin Seger, labor . 245.70 Shaw Oil Co., supplies ... 120 29 Robert Shoemaker, labor . 5.00 R. D. Stevens, motor grad er operator . . 245.50 Clede Trobaugh, labor ... 158.00 Dewain Ulrich, labor 250.50 Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co., snow fence & posts .. 136.80 Motion by Ernst, seconded by Flood that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Bridge Fund in payment of same. Motion car ried. Edgar Bulau, labor 133.00 Central Supply & Equip ment Co., bridge bands & pipes 1847.40 Lester Porter, labor . 180.50 Joe Burda, labor .... 162.45 Ed Humpal, supplies & parts .. . . 288.00 Earl Porter, labor.142.50 Anton Weichman, labor 190.30 Motion by Batenhorst, seconded by Barthel, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Road ^"’dge Fund in payment of same. Motion carried. American Gear Co., parts 6.55 Fehrs Tractor & Equipment Co., repairs & repairing 47.42 Ed Jones, hauling culverts 12.50 Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co., repairs & repairing 44.85 Kenneth Werner, supplies 5.00 Ed Brandt, elegrader oper ator 78.00 Galyen Motor Co., gas . 136.78 Floyd Gettert, labor . 55.50 Knowles Chev. Co., parts.. 4.70 Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co., repairs & repairing 10.18 Loo Kramer, welding ser vices & repairs 53.50 Motion by Barthel, seconded by Flood, that the following claims oe allowed and warrants ordered irawn on the Mail Route Fund Ln payment of same. Motion car ried. Uary Arp, labor . 10.50 Marvin Focken, labor . 12.50 lalyen Motor Co., gas 136.78 Edwin H. Hubbard, hauling clay 106.50 Wm. Krotter Co., gravel & supplies ...112.20 Pollack Sand & Gravel, clay & hauling & loading clay 975.00 Kenneth Cadwallader, haul ing gravel 51.00 Fred Fundus, labor .... 28.50 John Hawk, clay & gravel 100.00 Paul Kaup, labor .273.00 Eli McConnell, labor . 22.05 Austin Searles, labor . 54.60 Jasper Winkler, gravel 10.00 5:00 P.M. On motion the Board adioumed until Nov. 23, 1955 at 10:00 A.M. KENNETH WARING County Clerk FRANK CRONK Chariman Full Attendance for Yule Party PAGE—All members of the : HOA club were present Tuesday afternoon, December 13, when they were guests of Mrs. Harry Van Horn for their Christmas party. Mrs. Robert Van Horn, Mrs. Calvin Harvey and Mrs. Richard Asher, who was a guest of Mrs. Harold Heiss, were guests. Heart sisters were revealed and officers were elected. Mrs. Harry Lampert, sr., will be president and Mrs. Vernie Finley, secretary and treasurer, for the ensuing year. Other Page News Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heiss and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Asher and family of Powell, Wyo., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss Tuesday evening, Decem ber 13, for a waffle supper. A/3c Walter Rutherford arrived Saturday for the Christmas holi days at Page with his parents, Mr. anl Mrs. Homer Rutherford. His parents met him at Laurel. He will report to the Scott air base, Belleville, 111., on January 2. Second Lt. Carroll French of Big Springs, Tex., has arrived for holiday leave. He accompanied Joan Braddock from Lincoln, ar riving Sunday evening. Miss Braddock is a nurse at Lincoln General hospital and is on a short leave. Mr. and Mrs. Neven Ickes, ]r., and family were Meadow Grove visitors Sunday in the home of his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Braun, and daughters. Mrs. Harry Harper led the de votions and the Christmas lesson when the members of the WSCS met last Thursday afternoon at the church; parlors. Routine busi ness was handled. Mrs. Raymond Heiss and Mrs. Hattie Carson were hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray and Veldon were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Gray in celebra tion of Mr. Gray’s 83rd birthday anniversary. The Page Methodist Sunday school presented its Christmas program Sunday evening to a large crowd. Primary, junior and intermediate departments partici pated. „ _ , Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes, sr., and sons, Lionel and Denny, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Rose Chi chester and son, Elbert. Lynch Juniors Present Play— LYNCH — The Lynch Junior class presented a class play, “Ga briel Blow Your Horn”, Wednes day and Thursday evenings. 14 and 15, in the school auditorium. The cast included: Carl Weed er, Pat Mahon, Carol Norwood, Dorothy Purviance, Rex Carson, Kay Christensen, Harlan Heiser, Kathryn Mulhair, Jimmy Eiler, Marveine May, Sally Shaw, and Rosalie Thomson. Tune in “Voice of The Fron tier”, Mon., Wed., Sat., 9:30 a.m. Lynch News Mrs. Lois Harris returned home from Mitchell, S. D., Monday. De cember 12. She had been visiting relatives there. Her son, Robert, motored to Mitchell after her. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hull spent the past week in Omaha on a business and pleasure trip. Martin Jehorek, jr., spent sev eral days this week visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nemic at Spencer. Clarence Moody and Joe Rihan ek attended the county officers’ convention at Omaha last week. Anton Kalkowski and Carlie Darnell were business visitors in O’Neill Friday. Mrs. Earl Moody spent Sunday evening, December 11, visiting with Mrs. Hornback’s father, Jack Pritchett. Lawrence Hay, Inez Gallop, Mary Jane Stewart, Evelyn Stew art and Geraldine Spencer, all of Lynch, each killed a deer last week. mr. and Mrs. Eddie Heiser and family were recent visitors in Ne ligh. Mrs. Gladys Spencer and son Arden have moved into town from their farm east of town. The Sunshine extension club held its annual Christmas party at the Glenn Davy home Thurs day afternoon. Games were play ed, gifts were exchanged and luncheon was served at a late hour. Bad Roads Restrict Meeting Attendance EWING—Due to drifted road conditions only nine members were present at the meeting of the Missionary society of the Free Methodist church held Fri day afternoon at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Ivan Turner. Mrs. Don Larson, who had charge of the devotions, read the “Christmas Story”. The lesson period was conducted by Mrs. Howard Miller. Topic concerned the work of missionaries in the 1 diffrent fields and was presented by each member, using “Tidings”, the missionary pamphlet, for in formation. Instead of exchanging gifts by members this year, a child? gift was purchased. These were box ed and sent to the Life Line Children’s home at Kansas City, Kans. Thursday Club in Gift Exchange— EWING—The Thursday bridge club held its Christmas party Thursday afternoon, December 15, at the home of Mrs. R. O. Rockey. The home was gaily decorated for the holiday season. All mem bers were present. A 1 o’clock luncheon was ser ved, the candle-lighted table was also decorated in the season’s col ors. The prizewinners of the after noon games were Mrs. Maud Brion and Mrs. Lyle Dierks. There was an excnange of Christmas gifts. Mrs. John Archer was elected president, Mrs. Earl Billings, sec retary. Retiring officials are Mrs. Perry Saiser and Mrs. William Spence. It was voted to take a gift to the hostess for «he meet ings in 1956. Names were drawn for turns in entertaining the club. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WD—Irma Froelich to John C. Watson & wf 7-19-55 $1000- Lot 11 and West 15 ft lot 12 Blk 50 McCafferty’s Add- O’Neill WD—Melba E Spath to John Blair & wf 10-14-55 $2500- Lots 1 & 2 Blk “A”- Chambers WD—Jennie Eppenbach to Nor ris C George & wf 12-13-55 $7200 Nwy4 l- Nwy4swy4 1-30-11 WD — John D. Holliday to Thomas M Holliday 8-6-55 $1 NEy4 25-28-9 WD—James Kubart to Lorris L Osborne - Rinnie A Gans & Ai med a K Barry 12-16-55 $1- Lot 1 Blk A- Neeley’s Add- Atk- Re serving life estate WD—James Kubart to Charles H Kubart & Harlan W Kubart 12 16-55 $1- All Sec 35- SEy4- E% NWy4 14- N%SWy4 13-29-15 Reserving life estate St Mary’s Alumni f ANNUAL DANCE $ i 1 © _ « y I American Legion Ballroom — O’NEILL — 8 | jj | Monday, December 26th f I | Music by— | I ACES OF RHYTHM ORCHESTRA f S 2 % Admission: $1 Per Person . S Chambers Legion Plans Beef Awards CHAMBERS—A $25 U.S. sav ings bond first prize and $10 cash second prize will be awarded on a 4-H baby beef rate of gain record. The Chambers post of the Ameri can Legion is establishing the con test for baby beeves to be shown at the Holt county fair at Cham ber in August, 1956. Rules require that the calves to be entered be weighed on a regularly inspected scales on De cember 31 and recorded on a standard weight ticket The dead line to have the weight ticket for each calf and entry in to Stanley Lambert of Ewing, chairman, is January 15, 1956. In the event some 4-H’er is un able to weigh his or her calf on the prescribed date, he should weigh within three days of that date. The contest will be decided on a gain per day basis. Final weights will be made by the con testants at the Dankert weigh station in Chambers on entry day of the fair. No individual may receive more than one award in 1956. County Agent A. Neil Dawes urges boys and girls carrying baby beef pro jects to enroll. O’NEILL LOCALS Mrs. Nellie Baker returned last Thursday to her home in Casper, Wyo., after spending the past month visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hiatt and Carolyn were Tuesday, December 13, evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. A Baker. Mrs. Ronald Borg entertained six little guests Monday after noon at a party honoring the third birthday anniversary of her son, Daryl. 9 © I W I w ^ i i i I I • May the joy and happiness of s ..... 0 Christmastide abide with you. May the story of the infant Jesus be a constant inspiration. Let us pray that Peace On Earth, Good Will Toward Men wiB be true for. jg &0 time. This is the fervent hope from all members of our staff. S CENTRAL FINANCE CORP. | C. E. JONES, Mgr. | Phone 14 O’Neill § mmmmmv.. - - - mmkLi hrishnas is a thousand things It’s a winter’s night, and an angel song ... a giant star, and a tiny stable ... a manger, and straw, and swaddling clothes. Christmas is a chime... a boy soprano, and Silent Night... carolers, and The First Noel... the tinkle of a bell on a sleigh, of a coin in a cup. Christmas is Dickens, and Scrooge, and Tiny Tim. It’s holly on the door, a candle in the window ... the scent of pine, and the sparkle of tinsel, Christmas is red and green, and blue and silver. Christmas is white, o • Christmas is cards, and ribbon, and tissue paper. It’s a trip home, an open latch, and a handclasp. It’s giblets, and biscuits . . . cranberries, and mincemeat pie. Christmas is cold and warmth . . . forgiveness, and a smile. Christmas is a prayer ... a renewed plea for an ancient hope . . . For Peace ort Earth, Good Will Toward Men. BENSON'S , * % Chevrolet — Oldsmobile — Cadillac (Formerly Lew White Motor Co.) PHONE 100 O’NEILL