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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1955)
Future Subscribers FOCKEN—Mr. and Mrs. Don Focken, Atkinson, twins: Daugh ter, Shirley Maxine, weighing 4 pounds 13 ounces; son, Roger Wil liam, weighing 4 pounds 1% oun ces, born Tuesday, November 22, in Atkinson Memorial hospital. VAN SCOYK — Mr. and Mrs. Dean Van Scoyk of O’Neill, a daughter, Teena Denise, weighing 8 pounds 8% ounces, bom Thurs day, November 24, at St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. HORNBACK — Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Homback of O’Neill, a son, Alan Raymond, weighing 8 pounds, born Thursday, Novem ber 24. at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. WALTON—Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Walton of O’Neill, a son, Kenneth LaVem, weighing 7 pounds 10 ounces, bom Friday, November 25, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. KERSENBROCK — Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Kersenbrock of O’ Neill, a son. Maurice John, weigh ing 6 pounds 8% ounces, bom Sunday, November 27, at St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. MOSSMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Max Mossman of O’Neill, a son, Phil lip Robert, weighing 10 pounds 1 ou~ce, born Tuesday, Novem ber 29, at St. Anthony’s hospital, • O’Neill. J COLFACK — Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Colfack of Page, a daughter, Cindy Faye, weighing eight pounds, born Saturday, No vember 19, at the Antelope Me morial hospital. SCHEINOST — Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scheinost of Spencer, a daughter, Jeanette Marie, weigh ing 6 pounds 8 ounces, bom Tues day, November 22, at the Butte Maternity home. FISCHER—Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin J. Fisher of Emerson, a daughter, Kathleen Wynn, weigh ing 7 pounds 11% ounces, bom Saturday, November 19, at Emer son. Mrs. Fischer is the former Margaret Prill of Page. ALDER-^Mr. and Mrs. Harold Alder of Verdigre, a daughter, Patti Kay, weighing 9 pounds 10 ounces. Mrs. Alder is the former Marcella Chocholousek. ■dti-t't a T?rnrT t n — Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ricciardello of Elba, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 4 -ounces, born Sunday, November 20. Mrs. Ricciardello is the for mer Patricia Ondracek of Verdi gre. Mr. Ricciardello is a former coach and teacher of the Verdigre public school. ° MOSER— Mf. and Mrs. Ray mond Moser of Norfolk, a daugh ter, weighing 6 pounds 6 ounces, born Friday, November 25. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Moser of Norfolk are the grandparents. The Mosers recently moved to Norfolk from ■west of Creighton. MILLER — Mr. and Mrs. Leo Miller of Ewing, a daughter, El len Denise, born Monday, No vember 21, in Antelope Memorial hospital, Neligh. ROSSMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Rossman of Torrence, Calif., a son, Steven LeRoy, weighing 10 pounls 4 ounces, born Monday, November 28. Mrs. Gertrude Rossman of Torrence is the pa ternal grandmother and Mr. and Mrs. ack Dailey of O’Neill are the maternal grtndparents. • McRIGHT—Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McRight of Butte, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 12 ounces, born Tuesday, November 29, at the Butte Maternity Home. O’NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huebert and daughters of Wichita, Kans., spent the Thanksgiving weekend visiting at the Clyde McKenzie, jr., Clyde Streeter and Edna Huebert homes. George Schneider, Marlin and Leo Babutzke of Omaha spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schneider and Mr. and Mrs. William Babutzke. F-hmI sale Saturday. Sponsored by the Methodist WSCS at Shel hamer’s from 10 to 4. 31c Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva sp< a Thanksgiving day in Nor folk, where they were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Winford Castle and son, Johnny. SWITCH TO SQUIRT Never An After-Thirst Guests at Lenz Home— CHAMBERS — Thanksgiving dinner guests in the L. O. Lenz home were Mr. and Mrs. Con Schmidt of Bradshaw; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lenz of Booneville, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beck and Ronald of Leigh; Evelyn Beck of Sidney; Mr. and Mrs. El mer Lenz, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Walter and family and Mr. and Mrs. Don Dankert and family. Guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haake of Clear water, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haake and Marilyn and Dwayne Walter. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) Admissions: November 23—Mrs. Daniel Rakes, O’Neill; James Re gal, O’Neill; Mrs. Lyle Hornback, O’Neill. 24—Linda Darlene Pe ters, O’Neill; Larry Gokie, O’ Neill; James Gokie, O’Neill; Kay Nielsen, Inman; Mrs. Dean Van Scoyk, O’Neill; Jack Taylor, O’ Neill; Mary Lou Sobotka, Inman; Eugene Farr, O’Neill; Cheryl Barth el, Chambers; Barbara Bar thel, Chambers; Mrs. Donald Wal ton, O’Neill. 25 — Mrs. Austin, Searles, O’Neill; Levi Yantzi, O’ Neill; Mrs. Clarence Coleman, Bassett; Marie Miller, O’Neill: Edward Benson, O’Neill. 26—Ben E. Vidricksen, O’Neill; Mrs. D. A. Kersenbrock, O’Neill. 27—Caro lyn Schmeichel, O’Neill. 28—Mrs. E J. Iverson, Bassett; Mrs. Ray mond Klabenes, Chambers; Patsy Lea Beach, Omaha; Duane Saltz, Page. 29 — Mrs. Horace Sholes, O’Neill; Mrs. Ralph Stevens, Page; Mrs. Max Mossman, O’ Neill; H. J. Harte, Inman; Mrs. Berl Waldo, Chambers; Lloyd Wintermote, Chambers. Dismissals: November 23—Mrs. Dick Clark and infant son, O’ Neill; Mrs. Rudolph Johnson, O’ Neill; Mrs. Lester Riege, Page. 24 —Barbara Jean Neal, O’Neill; Sandra Lee McNally, Ainsworth; Gerald Kaczor, O’Neill; Betty Lou Curran, O’Neill; Mary Jo Curran, O’Neill; Mrs. Samuel Derickson, O’Neill; Mrs. Charles Kubart, Atkinson; Mrs. Ed Panowicz, O’ Neill. 25—Mrs. John Simon and infant daughter, O’Neill; Mrs. George Wiseman and infant son, Orchard: Mrs. Eugene Kaup and infant daughter, Stuart; Eugene Farr, O’Neill; Oliver Nelson, Bristow. 26—Mrs. Austin Searles, O’Neill; Kay Nielsen, Inman; Mrs. Harold Donohoe, O’Neill; Barbara Barthel, Chambers; _ i /ni 1_ Tl IT_ i^neryi Daruici, cnamutio,. x^^. Charles Marston and infant daughter, Dorsey; Lyle Cooper, Chambers; Larry Gokie, O’Neill. 27— Marie Miller, O’Neill; Mary Lou Sobotka, Inman; Mrs. Dean Van Scoyk, O’Neill; James Gokie, O’Neill; Elward Benson, O’Neill. 28— Mrs. Donald Walton and in fant son, O’Neill; Theodore En gelhaupt, Spencer; Linda Darlene Peters, O’Neill. 29 — Mrs. Lyle Hornback and infant son, O’Neill; Mrs. Clarence Coleman, Bassett; Mrs. E. J. Iverson, Bassett- Mrs. Horace Sholes, O’Neill. Hospitalized: Ben E. Vidricksen, O’Neill; Mrs. Fred Wood, Page; Mrs. Lucy Whitley, Naper; Mrs. Minnie Bay, O’Neill; Mrs. Lois Adams, Chambers; James Regal, O’Neill; Jack Taylor, O’Neill; Dr. O. W. French, O’Neill; John A. Lansworth, O’Neill; Boyd O’Bry an, Colome, S.D.; Mrs. Raymond Klabenes, Chambers; Mrs. Fora Knight, O’Neill; Carolyn Sehmei cliel, O’Neill; Edwin Axberg, Spencer; Mrs. D. A. Kersenbrock, O'Neill; John M. Silver, Naper; Mrs. Max Mossman, O’Neill- Tom Enright, O’Neill; Levi Yantzi, O’ Neill; Harry Harte, Inman; Pat sy Beach, Omaha; Lawrence Rang, Butte; Ann McManus, O’ Neill; Mrs. Berl Waldo, Cham bers; Mrs. C. E. Stout, O’Neill; Mrs. Ralph Stevens, Page. SACRED HEART (Lynch) Hospitalized: Mrs. Leonard An derson, Bristow; Dr. E. B. Brad ley, Spencer; Mrs. George Clas sen, Spencer; Donald Edwards, Spencer; Mrs. Edward Ertz, Butte; Joseph Fredrickson, Spen cer; Mrs. Fred Kyriss, Butte; Mrs. Eddie Mulhair, Lynch; Mrs. F. H. Naber, Atkinson; Baby Bruce Allen Menkens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Menkens, O’Neill; Mrs. Emil Micanek, Lynch; Lil lian Olson, Bristow; Mrs. Barbara Peklo, Lynch; Baby Martin Fran cis Reiser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Reiser, Spencer; Claude A. Rutledge, Lynch; William Ru zicka, Verdel; Mrs. William Schultz, Naper. Dismissed: November 21—Su san Hoffman, Spencer; Joe Lech tenberg, Anoka. 22— Mrs. Patrick Cassidy, Lynch; Mrs. Fred Krug man, O’Neill; John Weeder, Lynch. 25—Baby Michael Bald win, Bonesteel, S.D.; Mrs. Paul Menkens, O’Neill. 26 — Mrs. El mer Kaczor and baby boy, Spen l cer; Mrs. John Selle, Butte. 27— I Miss Barbara Hoffman, Lynch. ~ ———■ Deceased: November 24—Mrs. Chester Ross, 48, Spencer. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: November 21—Tru man Eugene Rossman of Atkin son, medical. 22—Mrs. Dick Rol lins of Star, medical; Mrs. Donald Focken of Atkinson, obstetrical. 23 — Edward Oxner of Stuart, medical. 24—Mrs. Joe Wagman of Atkinson, medical. Dismissed: November 21—H. B. Thompson of Newport; George Syfie of O’Neill. 23 — Mrs. Dick Rollins of Star. 25 — Mrs. Henry Werner of Emmet; Truman Eu gene Rossman. 27 — Mrs. Don Focken of Atkinson; Mrs. Joe Wagman of Atkinson; Ed Oxner of Stuart. Hospitalized: Mrs. Anna Able of Atkinson; Mrs. Anna Dickover of Atkinson; Henry Bauch of Newport; Mrs. Elva Bougue of Atkinson; Focken twins of Atkin son. Sick & Injured VENUS—Mrs. Pearl Groeling returned to her home Friday, No vember 18, after being a patient at the O’Neill hospital for a week. . . . LaVern Held returned home from the O’Neill hospital Mon day, November 21. He was taken to an Omaha hospital for medical aid. Mrs. Held, who was with her husband, returned to her home Sunday. . . There was no j school at the Middle Branch school Monday. Harold Block, | the teacher, was ill. . . Mr. and i Mrs. Harry Caskey motored to Omaha Tuesday, November 22, where Mrs. Caskey will have a medical checkup. . . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boelter returned to their home Tuesday, November 22. They had been in Omaha where Mrs. Boelter underwent eye sur gery November 16. It will be some time before she is able to do any work. . . Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser was taken to the Plainview hospital Saturday, No vember 18. She was able to re turn home that evening. . . Dale Dorr, who is a patient at the Vet erans hospital, Lincoln, suffered a relapse and was unable to re turn home for Thanksgiving, as had been expected. CELIA— Mary Catherine Kil murry accompanied her grand mother, Mrs. P. W. Kilmurry, to Rapid City, S.D., November 21 to be with Mrs. Vincent Allard, who is in a hospital with pneu monia. Mrs. Allard is the former Catherine Kilmurry. She was re leased from the hospital Satur day. Mrs. Kilmurry and Catherine came home Monday. . . Donna Smith and Caroline Frickel were unable to attend school Monday. Donna had hurt her foot and Car oline had the influenza. AMELIA — Mrs. B. W. Waldo planned to enter St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill on Tuesday for major surgery. . . Mrs. Lew Backhaus has been ill with a sore throat. Her doctor lanced it for 5 her one day last week. . . Lew j Forbes, father of Alvin and Ir ! vin Forbes, was able to re j turn to his home at Atkinson on | Wednesday, November 23. He had been seriously ill in the Grand Island Veterans hospital. • CHAMBERS—James Platt was a patient in the Tilden hospital Monday, November 21, where he had X-rays and observation. On Monday, November 28, he went to Omaha for medical care and observation. . . L. V. Cooper sub mitted to minor surgery at St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill the first of last week. He came home Saturday. LYNCH— Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Haselhorst returned from Plain view Saturday where they were called to the bedside of the lat ter’s mother, Mrs. Mary Bess mer, 88, who had been taken to the Plainview hospital. She suf fered a fall which resulted in a fractured hip bone. DELOIT—Mrs. Tommy Kaczor is convalescing at her home after being hospitalized. . . Jack Rosno has been employed at the Ralph Tomjack home. Mr. Tomjack has been under a doctor’s supervision. INMAN — Kay Nielsen and Mary Lou Sobotka entered St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill on Thursday evening. Both submit ted to tonsilectomies on Friday. ATKINSON — Henry Bausch was released from the hospital here Tuesday and taken by am bulance to Rest Haven at Stuart, where he will reside. SOUTHFORK — Mrs. Frank Slizoskie spent last week in Om aha visiting her son, Charlie Sli zoskie, who was a patient in the Clarkson hospital. METHODIST (O’Neill & Emmet) Rev. Glen Kennicott, pastor O’NEILL: Friday, December 2: Dorcas circle meets with Mrs. C. S. Por ter, 2 p.m. Meetings every two weeks until further notice. Saturday, December 3: All church bake sale at Shelhamers, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Much more is needed to pay for the new rest rooms. Your help is needed. Sunday, December 4: Junior choir, 9:15; church school, 9:45; worship, 11 a.m.; sub-district sen ior MYF rally at the Amelia Methodist church, 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, December 7: WSCS study of Indian Americans, 2:30 p.m., at the church; intermediate MYF, 6:45 p.m.; choir practice, 7 p.m.; senior MYF, 8 p.m. EMMET: Sunday, December 4: Morning worship and children’s church school, 9:30; adult church school, 10:30. CHRIST LUTHERAN (O’Neill) Rev. E. G. Smith, pastor Thursday, December 1: Wal ther league, 8 p.m. Young people will prepare Christmas seals. Friday, December 2: Men’s club, 8 p.m. Saturday, December 3: Confir mation classes, 2:30 p.m.; Sunday school program rehearsal, 3:30 p.m. Sunday, December 4: worship 9 a.m.; holy communion; Sunday school, 10 am. Monday, December 5: Adult in struction, 8 p.m. Wednesday, December 7: Mid week advent service, 8 p.m. O’NEILL’S Bogus Dollar Days! AND AUCTION Thursday — Friday — Saturday December 8-9-10 The business places of O’Neill will give a Bogus Dollar for each dollar purchased during the above three days. The Bogus Dollar to be used to purchase merchandise donated by the merchants of O’Neill. Auction at O’Neil! High Auditorium SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10 — 10 P.M. * AUSPICES f A CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 0 Riverside News Rev. and Mrs. Turner had as their Thanksgiving guests then son, Raymond, and family of Al ma. Their son, Wayne of Central college at McPherson, Kans., was also a weekend guest. The Ora Switzers ate Thanks giving dinner at the Amos Swit zer home in Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. George Mont gomery were dinner guests at the Wilbur Mahood home Sunday at Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgom ery ate Thanksgiving dinner with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Heny Wehenkel, at Orchard. Guests at the Victor Vander snick home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vandersnick and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Mick Hobbs and Vicki Lynn. Thanksgiving guests and where they were: Billy Lofquest and family and Edna Lofquest at Stuart; Jim Pollock’s at Joe Stur baum’s; Johnny Miller’s at the home of his mother, Mrs. Anna Miller; Howard and Walter Mil ler’s at Page; Art Bushardt’s and Kenneth Pollock’s at Dave Pol lock’s; Bill Fry’s at Frank Em sic’s in Omaha (they were ov ernight guests at the Duane -Jen sen home in Newman Grove); Wayne Fry’s at Ralph Huffman’s near Chambers; Wilson Spang ler’s at the Gail Wilcox home near Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mott spent a few days Thanksgiving week at Valentine visiting at the Rich ard Taylor home. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Switzer entertained the Olmsted families of Neligh Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Conner ate dinner Thursday at the Will Ro binson home in Orchard. Other guests were Mrs. Joyce Lee and family Mr. and Mrs. Verl Gunter and family of Crookston were guests at the Will Shrader home Thurs day. Other guests were Mrs. Ger ald Wetlauffer and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Will Shrader, Eddie and Al ice, Mrs. Kittie Fry and Mrs. Vic Vandersnick and family. Verl Gunter went back to Crookston Thursday evening, returning Sa turday. The Gunter family re turned to Crookston Sunday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Kimball of Osmond spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Robert Cook. O’NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. George Janousek and family and Mrs. Lod Janou sek spent Thanksgiving in Co lumbus in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hile. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janzing were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the George Shald home in Stu art. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hull of Niobrara were Friday guests at the Preston Jones home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk re turned Sunday afternoon after spending the Thanksgiving week end with relatives at Marshall and Pipestone, Minn. They re ported temperatures as low as 12 degrees below zero there. Mi-, and Mrs. Kenneth Juran and son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kahler at Bone steel, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Janzing of Atkinson visited Monday af ternoon at the Herman Janzing home. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hull and family of Sioux City were Sun day guests at the Preston Jones home. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Smith and family spent the weekend visit ing relatives in Sioux City and Westfield, la. Pvt. Eugene Janzing is now i stationed at Camp Chaffee, Ark. Mr. and Mrs. Don Fridley and girls of Ainsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walter of Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Devall and girls were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the Preston Jones home. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Crumly were afternoon callers. Esther Harris spent the week end with Dr. and Mrs. Darold May and family in Omaha. Francis Murray and Allen Mar tin of O’Neill spent Sunday, No vember 20, in Omaha where they attended the Ice Revue. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE Small tricycle, very good condition, reasonable; 5 pr. of lined rust color drapes; 5 pr. green and gold; 4 pr. gold, beige and brown. Good condi tion, very reasonable.—Mrs. Ed Wilson, phone 134-W, O’Neill. 31c50 FOR SALE: 1 pr. ice shoe skates, size 12 price $10, men’s, new. —Mrs. L E. Ryan, Neligh, Nebr. 31p25 MILK COWS FOR SALE: Four milking Shorthorn and two Holstein milk cows, either fresh now or will be very soon. __ Richard Heiss, Page. 3lp35-32c NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR LI CENSE TO SELL AT RETAIL BEER BY THE DRINK Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of November, 1955, William Belik, whose address is O’Neill, Nebraska, filed his ap plication with the City Clerk of O’Neill, Nebraska, for an On and Off Sale Beer license, on the fol lowing described premises t,o wit: Lot 25, Block 22, original town of O’Neill, Nebraska. Size of room 22x40. Hearing will be held on said application by the Mayor and City Council of O’Neill, Nebras ka, on December 6, 1955, at 7:30 p.m., at the city council room in O’Neill, Nebraska, at which time the Mayor and Council shall re ceive competent evidence for and against granting said license. Dated this 15th day of Novem ber, 1955. O. D. FRENCH, City Clerk. I MON. - TUES. I THURS. - FRI. - SAT. WED. I Dec. lst-7th, Inc. Dec. lst-7th I APPLES_Half bu.hel *2.49 JUICE ORANGES .... 2 doe. 49c OUR FAMILY ORANGE *HJ!C£ Sf:35 C OUR FAMILY PEACHES_‘...No, 2| Can 35c GOLDEN VALLEY PORK and BEANS_2 No. 2i Cans 35c GOLDEN VALLEY PUMPKIN—_2 No. 21 Cans 35c vothtob r: ... . . CAMPBELL’S TOMATO SOUP 3 Cans . 29c BULK YELLOW CORNMEAL__3 Pounds 2(fc SUNSHINE CRACKERS_2-Lb. Box 4$c % QUAKER OATMEAL_3-Lb. Box 37c I mnm r,,, Top Quality BEEFjt Per bb smm sr- 29 c ROASTING — PAN-READY CHICKENS P«d39c SKINLESS WIENERS- .... 2 Pounds 69c FANCY FISH STICKS Pkg 39c SWIFT PREMIUM FULLY COOKED picnics . srem *:r59 c LEAN, MEATY — END CUTS PORK CHOPS-Pound 39c MINCED HAM-Pound 39c WHITING-10-Lb. Box $1.09 CHEESE pTST.M9C SWIFT’S PREMIUM !. THICK SLICED I Extra Fine Granulated SHELHAMER SUPER MARKET PHONE NO. 593 All Popular Brands iOffes :: .89C I-1 POULTRY - HOC - CATTLE MiVMmJM FEEDS PlHga |_I SOYBEAN MEAL _100 Pounds $4.QQ VJMlSjIl! BEEF CAKE “16” - Per Cwt_$3.50 I BEEF CAKE “22” - Per Cwt_$3.75 BEEF CAKE “32” - Per Cwt__$3.95 I BEEF CAKE “41” - Per Cwt._$4.25 SPECIAL - 40% HOC BBLftHCER . .ONLY $4.95 £ CompleteECGCRUMBLES100Lhs.$3.95 TANKAGE-__100Pounds$4.50 [