Venus News ° l Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dorr vis • ited with their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Dale Dorr at her home at Creighton on Wednesday, Novem ber 2, and Saturday, November 5. Mr. and Mrs. George Hegge meyer and daughter, Helen, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sukup mo tored to Clear Lake, la., Satur day, October 29, to the Alton • -Nelson home. They attended the wedding of Miss Natalie Nelson and Carl Kurkow. The wedding took place Sunday. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Nelson, former resi dents of this community. The farm sale of Mr. and Mrs. • Ludwig Neilson on Friday, No vember 4, was “well attended”. The neighborhood club served lunch- Mr. and Mrs. Neilson and family plan to move to Minne sota where they have purchased a farm. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook houser visited at the Emil Bartos home Saturday, November 5. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davey of Bellvue were Friday overnight guests at the Ralph Brookhouser home. On Saturday forenoon they ' left for Bristow where they will yisit at the Tony and Laurence Bowers homes. Mr§. Sidney Faulhaber enter tained the Help U club in an all day meeting Wednesday, Novem ber 2. Mrs. Faulhaber served din ner at noon and lunch at the close. There were 10 members present. The afternoon was spent in mending for the hostess. Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser had charge of the entertainment. Mrs. Clarence Finch received the door prize. Next meeting will be with Mrs. William Buxton. Mr. and Mrs. R. Genezk of DRS. BROWN & FRENCH PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS — O’NEILL — Chicago, 111., last week visited with the latter’s sister, Mrs. Cecil Walton. Dinner guests at the Hugh L. Brookhouser home near Bruns wick were Mr. and Mrs. R. Brookhouser. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook houser received word that their son, army Pvt. Ray O Brookhous er, arrived at Inchon, Korea, on October 29. Mrs. Marvin Kotrous held a party at the home on Tuesday, November 1. Games were played, several prizes were awarded. Mrs. Kotrous served lunch at the close of the afternoon. Leslie Sladek, who teaches at Springview and Nathanial Sla dek, who is attending college at Kansas City, Mo., visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sladek last weekend. Sunday evening visitors at the Ralph Brookhouser home were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dorr and Earl Miller and Larry Brookhous er. Larry Brookhouser, Earl Miller and Dale Beilin were visitors at the Harvey Hanson home on the Lee ranch Sunday, November 6. To Pack Yule Box for Missions— STUART — -/he Women’s soci ety of the Community church met last Thursday afternoon in the church basement with 27 mem bers present. The devotional program was given by Mrs. George Keidel, Mrs. John Newman and Mrs. Fred Zink, using “Love” as their theme. Final plans for the annual ba zaar and dinner to be held Satur day, November 12, were complet ed. A Christmas box will be pack ed at the next meeting for a mis sion school. Lunch was served by the host esses, Mrs. Bessie Gettert, Mrs. Noma Hall and Mrs. D. D. Su. The Friends of St. Mary’s will sponsor a card party Sunday, No vember 13, at 8 o’clock sharp in St. Mary’s gym. Come and bring your friends. 28c New Owner and the Old Kenneth Benson (left), new owner of the Lew White Motor company, poses with Mr. White at Friday’s showing of the 1956 Chevrolets. Mr. Benson, formerly of Valentine, succeeds Mr. Whit', who is returning to Omaha where he had spent some 20 years in the automotive field. Mr. White and his family came to O’Neill in August, 1953, and took over the Chevrolet-Oldsmobile-Cadillac agency here.—The Frontier Photo. ’ * ] I 9 | » 1 9 9 . j 9 9 property at public auction on the premises, located 2 miles north of Chambers and iy2 miles east; OR 3 miles west of the Durre Station corner (junction of Highways 281-93), 2 miles north and one-half mile east; OR 14 miles south of O’Neill, 2 miles west, 1 mile south and one-half mile west, on — WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH Sale to Start at 1 P.M. Lunch by Bethany Ladies Aid 71 - Head of CATTLE - 71 a—Sucking CALVES 2— Holstein SPRINGERS 3— HEIFERS, coming 3-yrs.old 1-Roan STOCK COW 1—Black Whiteface STOCK COW 14—Whiteface STOCK COWS 12—MILK COWS, Holstein, Black Whiteface, Brown Swiss 4— Yearling STEERS 3— Yearling HEirfcKS 12—Handled CALVES 1—Reg. Hereford BULL, 5-yrs.-old 1—CALF, 30-days-old 4— MILK COWS, 2 Holsteins, 1 Guernsey, 1 Swiss-Guernsey 5— Holstein HEIFERS, coming 2, to calve in April and May I 18-Spring PIGS.4—SOWS.24-Fall PIGS I Machinery and Equipment | F-1 2 Farmall Tractor Reg. Farmall Tractor F-20 Farmall Tractor Int. No. 1 6 Power Mower to fit F-1 2 Tractor Cultivator to fit F-1 2 Mounted Plow to fit F-12 2—Horse Cultivators Cultivator for Reg. or * F-20 Two-Rake Hitch 2—McC.-Dg. Rakes, 1 2-ft., good Seeder Wagon and Rack Wagon and Box Wood Bros. Corn Picker IHC No. 7 Trail Mower and Hitch About 250-Bus. Ear Corn . . . 5—Stacks of Prairie Hay . . . 5—Stacks of Alfalfa 45—Acres of Com in Stalks for Feed TERMS OF SALE: Strictly Cash or Make Arrangements 0. L. & ADILEEN KELLAR Owners COL. ED THOR1N, O’Neill CHAMBERS STATE BANK, Auctioneer Chambers, Clerk 35 Attend Farewell Tea for Couple AMELIA—A tea honoring Mr. and Mrs. Duane Bly and family, who moved on Tuesday to a farm near Neligh, was given Sun day evening at the church annex. There were about 35 present. After an evening spent visit ing, a luncheon was served. The Blys were presented a Bible as a going-away gift. Other Amelia News Delia Ernst is now visiting at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Dale Smith, at Qjai, Calif. Mrs. Etta Ott accompanied her granddaughter, Mrs. Gloria Land rum, to Atkinson Tuesday, No vember 1, where she was met by her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray, and spent the day visit ing at their home north of Atkin son. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cearns of Scottsbluff visited his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Fry rear, over the weekend recently. They brought back a load of po tatoes. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sageser and daughter of Kansas City, Kans., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sageser, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed White, Mrs. Etta Ott and Mrs. Julia White called at the Ray Coolidge home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Edith Andersen accom panied Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Forbes to Grand Island on Sunday and spent the day at the home of hpr snn Rnv AnHprspn nnH fnm ily at Alda. She saw her little grandson, Leslie Roy Andersen, for the first time. Harry White and son, Glenn, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gar wood went to Omaha Monday where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Cheever Mass. John Hansen made a business trip to Scottsbluff Monday. Carol and Linda Gruenborg visited their grandparents, Mr and Mrs. William Fryrear, over Satuday and Sunday while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gruenborg, went to Sioux City to bring Ernest’s father home from the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White and Venita, and Marilyn Thompson visited at the S. C. Barnett home Sunday. Art Waldman came home on Tuesday, November 1, after sev eral weeks’ visit with his sister and brother at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear and granddaughters, Linda and Carol Gruenborg, Mr. and Mrs. Don Cearns and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gilman were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vrooman and family of Venus were Sunday dinner guests at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fix have rented the place now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus. The Backhauses recently pur chased the Eric Retzlaff place. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O’Neill) Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor Sunday, November 13: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; worship ser vice, 11 a.m. Monday, November 14: Spirit ual life group meeting, 2 p.m.; box social, 8 p.m. Wednesday, November 16: Westminster youth fellowship, 6:30 p.m.; session meeting, 7:30 p.m.; choir practice, 8 p.m. Thursday, November 17: Circle I meets with Mrs. Weston Whit wer, 2:30 p.m.; Circle III meets with Mrs. C. B. Houser, 7:45 p.m. Men’s council dinner will be on Monday, November 21. Building fund finance drive will begin on November 27. To Wed This Month Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd D. Holli day of Orchard are announcing the approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Aletha (above), to Johnny Eley, also of Orchard. The wedding will take place Saturday, November 19, at 7 o’clock in the evening at the Evangelical United Brethren church of Orchard.— O’Neill Photo Co. -, Randolph Couple Heads Young Adults PAGE—The young adult con vention for the northeast district was held Sunday afternoon at the Page Methodist church. Rev. Ad rian Edgar of Norfolk was guest speaker. His topic was “Why Jo nah Swallowed the Whale.” A film strip was shown on Camp Comeca near Cozad. District officers elected were: Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Paulter of Randolph, president; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stauffer, vice-presi dent; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stran ton of Plainview, secretary and treasurer. Nearly 100 were in attendance. The local WSCS members served supper to 83 guests. Other Page News Members of the Thursday Eve ning Bridge club were guests of Mrs. Dan Troshynski. Mrs. Mel vin Roach earned the high award, Mrs. Melvin Smith had the all cut prize and Mrs. John Lamason received the low score. The hos tess served lunch. Mrs. John Lamason will be the November 17 hostess. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Reed of | Brunswick accompanied his | nephew, Jesse Kelly, Mrs. Kelly and Ruth to Springfield, 111., where they were guests in the | home of the Reed’s daughter, j j Mrs. D. E. Johnson, and visited the town of New Salem, rebuilt j in the pattern of Lincoln’s time and the Lincoln memorials there, j They returned to their homes, Monday, November 31. Ten members of the NOK club were guests of Mrs. Carrie Stern er Thursday, November 3. The afternoon was spent informally, with needle work and visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Fuelberth of Osmond and grandson, Doug las Fusselman of Plainview, Mr. I and Mrs. Charles Switzer of O’ ; Neill and Mrs. Frieda Asher of Page were Sunday dinner guests at the Ben Asher home. The oc casion was the birthday anniver saries of Mrs. Switzer and Ben Asher. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Fussel man were guests. Walter Asher of Woodbine, la., Saturday from a two-weeks’ visit DR. DONALD E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Phone 2101, Spencer, Nebr and his brother, Dale, of Logan, got their deer in the Newcastle, Wyo., vicinity and were Thurs day overnight guests of their mother, Mrs. Ethel Park, enroute to their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wood and No«l of Lincoln met Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wood of Centerville, S.D., Sunday at the Calvin Harvey home. Other guests were Marlin Frahm, Darrel Grass, Mrs. Hester Edmisten, Mrs. F. G. Albright and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Held vis ited his brother, M. H. and Mrs. Held, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Johnson of Fremont, William Neubauer and his mother, Mrs. Emma Morris, both of Page, and Mrs. Louie Braemer of Gordon returned with sisters, Mrs. Ted Geibar and Mrs. Dorothy Ray of Medford, Ore. Mr. ana Mrs. W. W. Waller and family of O’Neill were Sun day guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snell. „ The occasion was Mrs. Waller’s birthday anniversary. A 2:30 o’clock desert luncheon 0 was served by Mrs. Hattie Carson Friday at her home. All members were present and one guest, Mrs. „ Nell Stevens. John R. Gallagher Attorney-at-Law First Nat’l Bank Bldg. O’NEILL PHONE 11 MACHINERY AUCTION As I have decided to quit business, I will sell the following property at public auction at the west edge of Wisner ' on Highway 275, on Thursday, November 17 Sale Begins at 10:30 A.M. NEW MACHINERY Minneapolis-Moline 88 combine, power take-off; M-M 69 com bine with motor; M-M 8-ft. windrower; M-M E corn sheller; 2 4-sec. M-M rotary hoes; 4-sec. St. Joe rotary hoe; two 4-row M-M check corn planters: 4-row M-M drill planter; 2 M-M tractor mowers; New Holland tractor mower; NH 12-ft. fertiliz- . er spreader; NH power take-off manure spreader; M-M manure spreader; 8 sections of M-M harrow; 3—24-ft. steel . harrow eveners; 2 M-M OMA side delivery rakes; M-M power take off rake; M-M 2—14” plow with 3-point hitch; M-M 18-ft. disc; 2M-M 15-ft. discs; NH Super 77 hay baler; Gehl forage har vester with corn head and sickle bar attachment; Grain-O Vator auger wagon, 65-bu. size; Johnson loader, complete with fork, sweep and snow scoop, fit any tractor; set press wheels for 18-7 M-M drill; iron rack; snow scoop; large assortment iron; Briggs & Stratton motor. USED MACHINERY New Holland sickle head for forage harvester; Johnson-Henke roller mill; J-D com planter to mount on cultivator; IHC 12 dump rake; 2 No. 76 NH balers; J-D wire tie baler; No. 77 NH baler; No. 44 Massey-Harris tractor; cultivator for No. 44 M-H tractor; 12-ft. dump rake with tractor hitch; G-4 M-M combine; IHC tractor mower, fits F-20; 2-row IHC tractor planter, fits H or M; 15-ft. IHC tractor disc; Case side delivery rake, on rub ber; IHC hay chopper; M-M lister, fits ZA tractor; Kelly Ryan mtd. rake, fits Ford or Ferguson; 2 Briggs & Stratton motors; spring tooth harrow for Ford or Ferguson tractor; V-E-4 Wise, motor; IHC truck with 16-ft. flat bed, 1948; Miller tilt top trailer with winch; 1954 M-H forager with corn head and hay head; fertilizer attachment for 4-row cult.; 1-row cultivator at- • tachment for J.X. cult.; 1947 Farmall M tractor. SHOP TOOLS Alemite hand set air greasing outfit; Marquette acetylene weld-, er; 2-ton chain hoist; 46-ft. beam for chain hoist; flexible shaft grinder; Sioux valve refacer; 2 jack stands; OTC puller set; torque wrench; welding table; bearing packer; large vise; small vise; air compressor with hoses, regulator and paint gun; Mar quette 275-amp. welder; Ingersoll impact tool; Kalamazoo band saw; large and small C02 fire extinguishers; Sioux hard seat grinder; Greenfield tap and die set; Kerrick steam cleaner; hy daulic press, 40-ton; Boyce-Crane drill press; 60-ft. REA pole with TV aerial and steps; many other shop tools, etc. Office and Shop Fixtures Office desk; chair; parts counter; 5 parts bins; clevis rake; 6 filing cabinets; Paymaster check machine; 3 paper punching machines; adding machine; roller chain rack; freight billing machine; complete set Weatherhead fittings and rack; billing machine. « MISCELLANEOUS 50 gals, asphalt roofing paint; wheels for rubber tires; steel chain; new tires and tubes; aluminum ladder; paint; malleable chain; Heat Housers; belt rack; grease and oil; grease guns; oil filters; V belts; sweep teeth; baler twine; hydraulic oil, etc. SEVERSON IMPLEMENT CO., Owners Kane & Smith, Aucts. First Nat’l Bank of Wisner, Clerk Quitting Business PRICK SLASHED FOR FINAL CLOSE-OUT Ton LAST CHANCE to Boy At Dealer Cost or Less Hurry! — Doors Close November 15 — Hurry! TV HALLICRAFTER WAS NOW $299.50 $175 $249.50 $150 ALSO OTHERS DRYERS Norge Time-Line WAS now $250.00 $150 Hotpoint WAS now $299.95 $179 GAS RANGES Caloric, 30” $135 Caloric, 40” $150 RCA Estate, 40” __ $99 REFRIGERATORS Hotpoint WAS NOW $549.50 $270 $299.50 $150 ELEC. RANGES RCA Estate 30-In. _ $120 40-In. _ $160 REFRIGERATOR Electric Servel Automatic Ice-Maker WAS NOW $439.50 $269 Many Other BARGAINS . INCLUDING Used TV’s • Washers, Etc. WATER HEATER o Hotpoint 40-Gal. Tabetop Was_$159.50 Now _ $99 OSBORNE'S APPLIANCES I " “ ": 5o“11' °'MI N‘,ten‘' B“1'1 I o H O