The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 03, 1955, Page 6, Image 6

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    Estes were surprised Friday eve
ning, October 28, when relatives
and friends gathered at their
home to celebrate their 42d wed
ding anniversary.
The party was planned by Mrs.
Bruce Shald.
Notice is hereby given that on
the 1st day of November, 1955,
Johnnie B. Graves, whose address
is O’Neill, Nebraska, filed his ap
plication with the City Clerk of
O’Neill, Nebraska, for an On ancl
Off Sale Beer license, on the fol
lowing described premises, to
Lot 30, Block 21, O’Neill, Ne
braska, Size of room, 20x60.
South 4th street.
Hearing will be held on said
application by the Mayor and
City Council of O’Neill, Nebras
ka, on November 8, 1955, at 8:0C
p.m., at the city council room in
O’Neill, Nebraska, at which time
the Mayor and Council shall re
ceive competent evidence for and
against granting said license.
Dated this 1st day of Novem
ber, 1955.
City Clerk
Cards Close with
5 Wins, 2 Losses
A season which included five
wins and two losses came to a
premature close Wednesday night,
October 26, for the St. Mary’s
academy Cardinals.
That homecoming evening the
Scarlet raced through, over and
around the visiting Verdigre
Hawks, 58-20, in a handy tri
Royal Theater
Thurs. Nov. 3
Family Nights
Starring Glenn Ford, Eleanor
Parker with Roger Moore and
Cecil Kellaway. The life-inspired
drama of the farm girl who sang
her way to fame and romance.
Family admitted for 2 adult
tickets; adults 50c; children 12c
Fri.-Sat. Nov. 4-5
Lloyd Bridges, Joan Taylor,
Lance Fuller with Morgan Jones,
Paul Birch, Lou Place and Paul
Dubov. Call her half-breed! And
all hell breaks loose! Born of sav
agery! 1116 flaming story of blaz
ing guns and half-breed fury!
Adults 50c; children 12c; matinee
Sat. 2:30. Children under 12 ad
mitted free when accompanied
by parent
Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Nov. 6-7-8
the McConnell story
Cinemascope, Warner Color
and stereophonic sound. Starring
Alan Ladd and June Allyson.
He’s Joe McConnell the “Sky
Tiger,” who became America’s
first triple jet ace. She’s “Butch”
—the beautiful bundle of courage
who became his wife!
Adults 50c; children 12c; matinee
Sun. 2:30. All children unless in
arms must have tickets
The Cards were scheduled to
formally windup the season
against Wheeler county high
(Bartlett), but inability of the
officials of the respective schools
to iron out a date problem has
obliged the moguls to cancel that
St. Mary’s dropped the op
ener to the Spencer Pirates,
who breezed on to win the Nio
brara Valley conference. The
Pirates stayed unbeaten in loop
and non-loop play.
Coach Don Templemeyer’s
crew, members of the newly
formed . Niobrara Valley confer
ence, knocked off Butte, Niobra
■a, Springview and Lynch in
that order. They were handed a
setback by the bruising Bone
steel (S.D.) Tigers and then
bounded back to whip Verdigre.
Taggart Scores
Four More TD’s
CHAMBERS — Sam Taggart,
the high-scoring Chambers Coy
ote, scored four times Wednesday
afternoon, October 26, to lead his
mates in a 60-18 romp over
Clearwater. He also added four
extra points.
The four TD’s boosted his 1955
production to 22—perhaps a rec
ord in the state.
Bob Klabenes, who also scored
a Coyote touchdown, played an
outstanding defensive game for
the Orange-and-Black.
Eagles to Close
with Atkinson
Coach Marv Miller’s injury
plagued O’Neill high Eagles will
have their final test of the season
Friday night in Carney park. The
Eagles will entertain their arch
old rivals, the Atkinson Balers.
O’Neill was spanked, 26-7,
Wednesday night, October 26, by
the North - Central conference
champions, the Valentine Badg
ers, at Valentine.
l 65 High School Juniors Study County Government
One hundred sixty-five juniors from Holt county’s eight high schools partici
pated in the American Legion-sponsored county government day program held
Monday, October 31, at the courthouse here. Pictured is a portion of the group at
tending the closing session in the district courtroom. All Legion and auxiliary
groups in the county helped with the arrangements, and Holt’s regularly constitut
ed officials worked side-by-side with the high schoolers to demonstrate the func
tions of the various county offices.-The Frontier Photo.
Stuart Couple
Notes 42d Anniversary—
STUART — Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Tom Crotser Review
Friday, November 4th —8 P.M.
O'Neill Public School Auditorium
YOU’LL SEE the Houdini water-filled milk can escape . . . the
classic comedy, “The Right Count” ... an Egyptian mummy
appear from nowhere ... to be used in one of the acts will
be the box which is presently on display at the First National
Bank corner. Marie up the box yourself, scrawl on it, so you’ll
be sure it’s the same used in a mystifying act!
Sponsored by
Junior Chamber of Commerce
Adm.: Adults—$1; Children—50c
Here is a car more truly representative of our jet air age
than any you have ever seen ... in startling, sweeping new
Aerodynamic Styling ... in bold new concepts like Push
Button Driving. There’s 90-90 Turbo-Torque Power and
the great new Hy-Fire V-8 or new PowerFlow 6 to give
you Top Thrust at Take-Off. And Plymouth is larger and
longer outside ... roomier inside. It’s breath-takingly
ahead of its time. See it at your dealer’s now!
Ewing Tigers Cop
15th Straight Win
EWING—The Swing high Ti
gers chalked up victory number
15 without a defeat Wednesday,
October 26, at Newman Grove.
The Tigers romped the Swedes,
In the first quarter, Bob Hobos
went four yards for the first
touchdown, and Sonny Carl con
verted for the extra point. Dcr
rence Hobbs spun his way
through 15 yards for touchdown
number 2. Bob Hobbs converted.
In the second quarter, Jack Sis
son had to go only one yard for
TD number 3, but the extra point
was missed.
In the third, Dorrence Hobbs
went 15 yards for the fourth TD
with Sonny Carl again making
the point.
In the fourth, Bob Hobbs broke
loose for a 47-yard gallop for an
other TD with Jack Sisson con
verting to win the game.
The Tigers race Creighton Fri
day night in the season’s finale
unless an armistice day game is
Spencer Pirates
NVC Champions
SPENCER— The Spencer Pi
rates rolled to a 38-0 victory over
the Lynch Eagle s Wednesday
night, October 26, at Spencer.
The win gave the potent Spencer
team a clear claim to first place
in the Niobrara Valley confer
ence with five wins and no loss
St. Mary’s of O’Neill is second
with four wins and one loss —
the loss was a shellacking admin
istered by Spencer.
In third place is Verdigre, de
feated handily by both Spencer
and St. Mary’s; Butte is fourth;
Lynch, fifth.
Rev. J. Olen Kennel 1, pastor
Sunday, November 6: Worship
service, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday-school,
10:30 a.m.
Tuesday, November 8: Bible
study, 7:30 p.m.
Light Snow Fails
in O’Neill Region
A light snow covered the south
half of Holt county early Wed
nesday, accompanying below
freezing temperatures. Snow cov
ered the ground at O’Neill, At
kinson, Stuart and Chambers.
High winds have characterized
the week’s weather.
Farmers and ranchers are
hopeful of fall rain before the
winter sets in, because moisture
is needed.
Week’s summary:
Hi Lo Prec.
October 27 .65 37
October 28 53 38 .04
October 29 .47 27
October 30 50 25
October 31 47 30
November 1 .... 48 23
November 2 .... 27 22 .01
Venus Pastor Going
to Oklahoma—
VENUS—Rev. H. W. Roth, who
has been serving St. Paul’s Evan
gelical Lutheran church at Venus
ing for Hinton, Okla., where he
for the past three years, is leav
will serve a Missouri synod con
He will deliver his farewell
sermon on Sunday, November 6.
Reverend Roth came to Venus
immediately following his ordina
tion. Rev. Howard Claycombe,
jr., of Chambers will be vacancy
pastor, serving both the Cham
bers and Venus churches,
doctor schmidt 14
Other Venus News
Sunday dinner and supper
guests at the Paul Cilhar home
were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Block.
Mr. and Mrs. Vladamir Krupic
ka, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook
houser and Anita, Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Kennison and Jeffery and
Daniel. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cil
har and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cil
Sunday, October 30, dinner and
supper guests at the Herman
Dorr home were Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Dorr of Page.
—* a
• •
Drive it at your Plymouth dealer's —the car that’s going places with the Young in Heart!
The look that goes with Push-Button Driving and
90-90 Turbo-Torque Power in the new Plymouth ’56
With a finger-tip touch you
select your driving range.
As easy as flicking a light
switch! Then Plymouth’s
fully automatic PowerPlite
—the world’s smoothest,
most advanced transmis*
sion—takes over. It’s the
ultimate in driving easel
All-new Aerodynamic 9^S^S‘
200 V-8 hp available with PowerPak in all 4 lines—Belvedere, Savoy, Plaza and Suburban. Or choose 187 hp
In Belvedere and Suburban lines. In Savoy and Plaza lines you get 180 V-8 hp. If you prefer the super
eoonomy of Plymouth’s PowerFlow 6—also available in all 4 lines—you get 125 hp, or 131 hp with PowerPak.
212 So. 4th St., O’Neill, Nebr.
■» POO
Dimmitts Conclude
Nebraska visit—
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dimmitt of
Long Beach, Calif., are complet
ing a two-months’ visit in Nebras
ka. They have been visiting their
daughter, Mrs. Sam Kelley, at
Fair bury and with friends at
O’Neill and Inman.
The Dimmitts left here about
30 years ago. He operated a meat
market and grocery in the Gatz
building near the site of the pre
sent Lee store.
Stuart News
Mrs. G. L. Obermire was sur
prised Sunday, October 30, when
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Obermire and
family, Mr. and Mrs. John Hen
ning and family and Mrs. Mary
Henning, all of Atkinson, came
to help her celebrate her birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mata of
Obert were weekend visitors at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Moses.
Mrs. Josephine Timmermans
returned home Saturday from
Brocksburg where she had been
visiting the Tom Higgins family.
Fred Mitchell returned to
North Platte on Monday after
spending the weekend with
Berlin Mitchell and daughter,
Vesta, accompanied Charlie Mit
chell of Atkinson to Gering on
Sunday where they attended'
funeral rites on Monday for Rob- l
ert Osborne of Longmont, Colo.
Mr. Osborne was a brother-in-law
of Mr. Mitchell and the husband
of the former Helen Mitchell. On
Tuesday, the Mitchells attended
funeral rites for Clarence Hoxsie
in O’Neill. Mr. Hoxsie was also a
brother-in-law of the Mitchell’s
and widower of the late Charlotte
Mitchell Hoxsie.
Students of the Junior class
who took part in county govern
ment day in O’Neill Monday
were Larry Kramer, Donnie Mo
ses, Karen Van Cleave, Dorene
Shattuck, Shirley Ready, Richard
Norton, Roger Givens, Mike Ba
tenhorst, Leola Clements, Anita
Friedel, Don Minnig, Evelyn
Kaup, Kenneth Coats, Bert Stra
ka and Helen Kaup.
---- ~
Ewing News
Guests on Thursday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt
Gunter were their son, Melvin
Gunter, and daughter, Doris Lou,
of Orchard.
The week of self-denial and
prayer was observed by the Wo
men’s Society of Christian Ser
vice during the week of October
23 to 29 with a special meeting
held Wednesday afternoon, Oc
tober 26, at the Methodist church.
Mrs John Wunner drove to
Stanton Thursday to spend the
weekend with relatives.
Miss Gloria Schroeder accom
panied Mrs. Clifford Potter and
daughters to O’Neill on Friday
where the party spent some time
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp
drove to Bloomfield on Thursday.
Mrs. Knapp attended a meeting
of the National Council of Catho
lic Women.
Plans were made by the Mis
sionary society of the Free Meth
odist church at Riverside Friday
afternoon, when members met at
the home of Mrs. Fern Pollock, to
send a Thanksgiving box of food
stuffs to the Life Line home at
Kansas City, Mo., which is a
home for children from broken
homes. Christmas gifts will also
be sent to this home instead of
the usual exchange of gifts be
tween members. On November
13, the society will have a stew
ardship meeting at the church.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Spangler
were hosts at a 6 o’clock dinner at
their home Friday in honor of
the birthday anniversaries of
themselves and “Bud” Barlow.
Decorated birthday cakes made
up the centerpiece. The after din
ner hours were spent informally.
In attendance were Mr. and Mrs.
“Bud” Barlow and family of In
man, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coons and |
Doris May of Beemer, Mrs. Ruth !
Spangler and sons, Rudy and An- |
Vernon Rockey came Wednes
day, October 26, to get Mrs. Roc
key and son. They left at once to
return to Alamosa, Colo., where
they will make their home while
Vernon is attending college.
Relieve Colds
Give speedier relief from headache — temporary relief from
pain of rheumatism and arthritis.
Use Biokets Throat Troches
New Super Plenamins Junior
A special multi-vitamin formula for children.
Only_ 25c Each
Easy to use — just mix in their feed!
Rex-Ray Infra-Red Heat Lamp
$1.79 Value_Now $1.19
Gilligan’s Rexall Drug
Phone 87 — O'Neill
Quitting u iness
Everything Goes
Deepfreeze—1 5-Ft. Genuine Deepfreeze _
12-Ft. Hotpoint Refrigerator—2-Door, Freezer Top
10-Ft. Hotpoint Refrigerator—Freezer Across Top_
l 11-Ft. Servel Electric Ice-Maker Refrigerator_
Hotpoint — Deluxe _
J Norge Timeline — Deluxe _
Apex — Deluxe Lighted Cycle_
Hallicrafters — Moderne, 21 -In. Blonde _
Raythen — 21-In., VHF-UHF Tuner_
Several Others — Some Used___
30-Inch RCA Estate — Gas_..._
30-Inch RCA Estate — Electric_
| 30-Inch Caloric — Gas_
40-Inch RCA Estate—Griddle Top Electric .1._
r mat
Reg. Close-Out
_ $399.50 $269.00
_ $549.50 $279.00
_ $299.50 $185.00
.. $439.50 $269.00
.. $299.50 $179.00
_ $289.50 $179.00
_ $329.50 $189.00
_ $299.50 $185.00
_ $299.95 $179.00
$ 99.00
_ $219.50 $129.00
.. $199.50 $129.00
_ $249.50 $145.00
_ $329.50 $175.00
Several Others — Ridiculous Prices!
Our service man continuing: in business. See his ad elsewhere in this paper.