Newlyweds Feted by Church Group INMAN—The young adult fel lowship of the Inman Methodist church sponsored a charivari housewarming for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keyes at their country home Thursday evening, October 20. The newly-married couple served treats to their self-invited guests and later in the evening lunch brought by the group was served. A gift was presented Mr. and Mrs. Keyes by Mrs. Albert Rey nolds, secretary of the fellow ship. ‘ Donald Keyes is president of the group. The young adult fellowship of O’Neill drove to Inman Tuesday evening, October 18, to the Har vey Tompkins farm for a hay rack ride and wiener roast. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Peacock were the hosts. The film, “India—Crucible of Freedom,” was presented at the church Friday evening. Members of the Page Methodist church also attended. After the film, a social hour followed with light refreshments. Other Inman News Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark en tertained the Y M club Saturday evening at their country home. Lunch was served at a late hour by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morsbach and son of Neligh and Mrs. Eliz abeth Morsbach of Inman were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butterfield and family spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Woods at Verdigre. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bartos and family of O’Neill were Saturday and Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wrede and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stevens of Page were Sunday afternoon callers in the Vern Wrede home. Dr. and Mrs. Guy Brillhart of Hastings were weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Siders spent. Monday in Orchard visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar • ence Juracek. Edw. M. Gleeson DENTIST 2d Floor Gilligan Rexall Bldg. Ph. 240 - Box 149 - Hrs. 8:30-5 Oscar Eaton and Lyle Kopejtka left Monday for Omaha where they will be assigned with the navy. Eaton is a son of Mrs. John Ruther and Lyle is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kopejtka. Mrs. James Banks of Ewing was an Inman visitor Saturday. Fred Shaum of Elk Point, S.D., spent the weekend visiting his daughter, Mrs. Ivan Couch, and family. Mrs. Ivan Couch and family spent the weekend visiting Mr. Couch, who is employed at Ful lerton. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kelley of Fairbury spent the weekend vis iting Mr. Kelley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Anthony and son of Sedalia, Mo., spent the weekend visiting Mr. Anthony’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore spent Tuesday, October 18, in Colome, S.D. They returned home that evening accompanied by Mrs. Wilbur Jones and son, Ronnie. On Thursday, Mr. Jones came for a visit and the Jones family re turned to their home on Friday. Mrs. Mae Miller returned to her home in Grand Island Mon day after spending a week visit ing in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mbore and Mr. and Mrs. Mick Gallagher. Sunday guests in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson were Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Slusher and sons of Valentine and Mr. and Mrs. John Watson and family of O’Neill. Ralph Sholes, Gordon Sholes and Tom Clark, who are employ ed at Broken Bow, spent the weekend here with relatives. Mrs. Leslie Tompkins of Kelso, Wash., spent a few days last week visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins. Don Kelley, who attends col lege at Norfolk, spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelley. Buddy Boies of Ewing spent the weekend visiting his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luben. The Extension club met Wednesday, October 19, with Mrs. Floyd Keyes. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon. Jim Sholes, who is employed at Clarkson, spent Oct. 15-16 here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Broeker and son, Craig, and Mr. and Mrs. John Shaller of Bloomfield were Sunday, October 16, guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert An thony and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Shoemaker returned Wednesday, October 19, after spending a week with their son and family in Omaha. Casual Plus t ► l' JB5 □ that is sweeping the country is well illus trated in this smart ensemble of Botany flannel. Tailored to a T by Skirtmasters, the slim beautifully detailed skirt, and well cut blazer jacket fit gracefully into today's suburban living. Regional Deaths Anton Danielson SPENCER — Funeral services were held Monday. October 10, in Omaha for Anton Danielson, 75, former Boyd county resident. Survivors include: Widow, one daughter, two grandchildren, three brothers and one sister. Louis H. Beckman ELGIN—Funeral services were held Tuesday, October 18, for Louis H. Beckman, 58, of Elgin, who died Saturday, October 15, at the Antelope Memorial hos pital, Neligh. Survivors include: Widow, three daughters and three sons. Greenfield Family in Reminiscent Mood STUART — All of the Green field family brothers and sisters enjoyed a family reunion on Sun day, October 23, when they met at the school in district 54 for a picnic dinner and reminisced of their school days. All attended school in the district, some having helped plant the trees that now shade the school yard. The brothers and sisters pre sent were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Greenfield of Sand Point, Ida.; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Greenfield of Bassett; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Greenfield, of Newport; Mr. and Mrs. Joy Greenfield and Mr. and Mrs. Rav Greenfield, all of Stu art; Mrs. Doris Cannell and Mrs. Florence Cobb, both of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Edson (Ella) Muns dorf of Blair, and Mrs. Ethel Stracke of Stuart. With nieces and nephews ana other relatives present the group numbered 55 in all. Couple Honored on 20th Anniversary— STUART—Mr. and Mrs. Alois Schmaderer were surprised Sun day when relatives came with well-filled baskets to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary which occurred October 22. Present were: Mrs. Mary Feil meier, Mrs. Grace Sudbeck, Mr. and Mrs. John Feilmeier and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Feil meier, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Feil meier, all of Hartington; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sudbeck, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Feilmeier and Mr. and Mrs. Emery Hochstein, all of Bow Valley (near Hartington); Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schmaderer and family of West Point; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schmaderer and family of Oakland; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmaderer, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmaderer, jr., and family of Stuart. The honored couple was pre sented with a gift. Entertain Guests— Dinner guests on Saturday at the Clyde McKenzie, jr., home during dhe evening were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Streeter and family of Lincoln, Mrs. Harold Huebert and daughters of Wich ita, Kans., and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Streeter. Frank Jenkins of Kimball was a weekend guest of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Jenkins, and family. O’Neill News Mrs. Rose Harding and Mrs. Lo is Hartman attended the funeral of Mrs. Harding’s brother-in law, William Hendrickson, who died Friday, October 14, at Wa tauga, S.D. Gerald Fahrenholz of Kearney and Mrs. L. C. Fahrenholz of Chambers were Sunday dinner guests at the Francis L. Holz home. Pvt. and Mrs. Gary Lech and son of Chicago, 111., and Mrs. Maurice Cavanaugh, sr., of Falls City spent last week visiting re latives in O’Neill and Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Petersen en tertained the Bridge club Sunday evening. Charles Houser won high and Mrs. Charles Houser won low. Mrs. Alta Meyers and Mrs. Stout of Ewing were Sunday guests at the Don Hopkins home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kahler of Bonesteel, S.D., spent Wednes day, October 19, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Juran. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krug on an spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krugman at Creighton. The Project ciub met Monday, October 17, with Mrs. Preston Jones. Plans were made for achievement day. The next meeting will be on November 8, with Mrs. Robert Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Adamson and Mrs. and Mrs. Don Adamson returned Friday from a hunting trip to Colorado. Mrs. Paul Pietzky and son, Earl, of St. Marys, Nebr., spent the weekend at the Mrs. John Schmidt home. J.VJL1 O. i 1. CU wvu * home Friday from a two-week’s visit at Sheldon, la., with her daughter and son-in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs. John De Hoogh. Mr. and Mrs. James Haley of Columbus, Kans., visited over the weekend with their nephew, Jack Everett, and family and with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mc Elvain. Mrs. Harold H u e b e r t and daughters, Kathy and Connie, of Wichita, Kans., spent from Wed nesday, October 19, until Sunday at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Streeter, Mrs. Edna Hue bert and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Muxfelt of Sioux Falls, S.D., spent the weekend with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Muxfelt. Mrs. Henry F. Schleuter and Rita Hoelfen spent the weekend visiting Mrs. Schleuter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walker, and son, Ricky. Food sale by Presbyterian la dies Sat., Oct. 29, at Shelhamer’s from 10 to 4. 26c Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shoema ker went to Omaha and will spend some time there with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schroder, and his brother, Mr. and Mrs. John Shoemaker. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Barnett and son, Robert, were weekend guests at the John McClellan home. They returned to their home in Lincoln Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Don McClellan received word this week that their son, Pvt. Ronald L. McClel lan, had arrived in Germany about 10 days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis and family of Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stowell, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Stowell and son and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Davis, all of O’Neill; Mrs. Lou Stowell of Prescott, la.; and Lee and Clint Crosby of Ot tumwa, la., were Sunday dinner guests at the Laura Wright home. Legal Notice (First pub. Oct. 20, 1955) NOTICE OF SUIT TO: Wilma Salstrand, Dirwin Dean Adams, John M. Adams, the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives, and all other persons interested in the Estate of Edward Adams, deceased, real names unknown, and all persons having or claiming any interest in Lots Seven and Eight, in Block Fifty-two, McCafferty’s Addition to the City of O’Neill, Holt Coun ty, Nebraska, real names un known, defendants. You and each of you are here by notified that on the 18th day of October, 1955, B. J. Huigens as plaintiff, filed his petition in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you and others as defendants, the object and prayer of which is to quiet and confirm the title in him, the said B. J. Huigens, to the real estate hereinabove specifically describ ed, as against you and each of you and to secure a Decree of Court that you have no interest in, right or title to, or lien upon said real estate, or any part thereof; and for general equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 28th day of November, 1955. Dated this 18th day of October, 1955 B. J. HUIGENS, Plaintiff By JULIUS D. CRONIN, His Attorney 25-28c (First pub. Oct. 27, 1955) Fromkin & Fromkin, Attorneys Omaha, Nebr., and Julius D. Cronin, Attorney O’Neill NOTICE OF GUARDIAN’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, N E - BRASKA IN THE MATTER OF THE AP PLICATION OF CATHRYN ADLER, GUARDIAN OF THE ESTATE AND PERSON OF WILLIAM J. DOUGLAS, AN INCOMPETENT FOR LEAVE TO SELL REAL ESTATE. Doc 473 No 63 Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a license issued to me, Cathryn Adler, Guardian of the person and estate of William J. Douglas, an Incompetent, by the Honorable James M. Patton, a Judge of the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, on the 10th day of October, 1955, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, I will sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the Court House in the City of ONeill, in Holt County, Ne braska, on the 24th day of No vember, 1955, at the hour of 10:00 a.m., the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: An undivided one-half interest in Lot One (1), Block One (1), Momingside Addition to Atkinson, Holt County, Ne braska, and the entire interest in the North 12 feet of Lots 19, 20 and 21, Morningside Addition to Atkinson, Holt County, Ne braska. Said sale to remain open one hour. Dated this 24th day of Octo ber, 1955. CATHRYN ADLER, GUARDIAN of the person and estate of William J. Douglas, an Incompetent. 26-28c (First pub. Oct. 20, 1955) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL No. 4065 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF RUBEN J. EL STON, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the probate of the will of said deceas ed, and for the appointment of, Josephine Elston as executrix thereof, which will be for hearing in this court on November 10, 1955, at 10 o’clock A.M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 25-27 O’NEILL CITY SCHOOLS PROCEEDINGS The following bills allowed and ordered paid by District No. 7, O’Neill, Board of Educa tion, for October. The Holt County Ind ...'.$ 5.40 The Frontier . 11.11 Johnson Drugs . 6.88 Bricker Typewriter Co... 15.80 Twin States Type Co. .. 5.75 Hammond & Stephens Co. 1.53 O’Neill Transfer . 1.38 Nebr. Co-op School Study Couinpil . 20.00 Harry Graham . 10.00 Harold Donohoe . 10.00 Scott, Foresman & Co... 32.40 Ginn & Company . 97.82 E. H. Long . 96.78 Follett Pub. Co. 1.58 R. R. Bowker Co. 7.00 The Gilberts Sub. Spe cialists .;. 60.95 Life . 9.95 Civic Education Service, Inc. . 26.40 Omaha School Supply Co. 73.95 Majerus Duplicator & Sup. Co. 3.88 McCormick-Mathers Pub, Co. 4.96 Molzer Music Co. 17.68 Ed. Patton Music Co., Inc. 23.74 Alonzo Leach . 158.18 The University of Nebr. Extension Service .... 15.70 American Book Co. 6.07 The University Pub. Co. 376.09 Extension Agr. Eng. 2.25 Marcellus Imp. Co.111.60 Vernon Carpenter . 23.73 Mrs. Dorothy Miller _ 46.50 Kansas-Nebr. Naltural Gas Co. 24.25 Consumers Public Power 28.57 City of O’Neill — Water Dept. 29.50 Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. 16.70 Dudley’s . 9.83 Industrial Chemical Lab., Inc. 21.75 Huntington Lab., Inc. .. 319.90 Harris Janitor Supply Co. Fetrow’s .•. 3.00 » Servall Towel & Linen Supply . 20.00 Hunt’s Plumbing & Heat ing . 3.19 Gillespie’s . 2.00 » Moore-Noble Lbr. & Coal Go. g.77 Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. 8.50 Lmdberg Home & Auto Supply . 3.40 Duro-Text Corporation .. 15.52 Coast-to-Coast Store .... 10.20 Louis W. Reimer, jr. 4.39 Louis W. Reimer, jr. 59J0 State School Boards Asso. 20.00 Royal Typewriter Co. .. 295^00 Little Miss Sandra Osenbaugh came last Thursday from Bur well to visit her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Streeter and family of Lincoln spent Sat urday night and Sunday visiting at the Clyde Streeter home. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peterson and family at Polk. SWITCH TO SQUIRT Never An After-Thirst A o • • o 78 and 45 RPM New electronic micro* grooving gives twice the music at half the price! ... and many other popular and western hitsl WEEKEND SPECIALS! Mixed CANDY For Tricks or Treats PATTON’S.O’Neill, Nebr. HALVA’S Electric — O’Neill SERVING this COMMUNITY over TWENTY-FIVE YEARS "Our telephone is the cheapest service we buy" Our phone doesn’t ring as often as when the children were home. But the calls we get seem to mean even more than before—family news ... Jim’s promotion . . . our new grandson ... an invitation to dinner. We make a lot of calls ourselves today, maybe more than we used to. It’s wonderful how much you can do by telephone—calls to grocers, cleaners, repairmen, stores. And then there is the safety our telephone gives us, too. .41 We’re “modernizing” our telephone service, too — just had a phone installed in our bedroom. It’s a blue one and Helen loves it. I figure, for convenience and for all the things we do by phone, our telephone f service is the cheapest service we buy! Northwestern Bell Telephone Company. What a big difference telephone service makes.. .and how little it costs! Coleman Vit - Rock f HOT WATER HEATERS and Colman Blend-Air FURNACES Terms if desired. As little as $3.50 per month HUNTS PLUMBING & HEATING Phone 399 — O’Neill *#©■ O # O --c c 0 HAVING DECIDED to quit farming, I will sell at public auction all personal prop erty, on the premises, located three miles north of Bristow, Nebr., and two miles east OR two miles east of the Rosedale School House, on — Monday, October 31 st Sale to Start at 1 P.M. Lunch on Grounds 26 - Head < >f Cattle - 26 3—Shorthorn MILK COWS, one fresh now, another fresh soon; also one small calf 12—Spring CALVES 11—Whiteface STOCK COWS ^-Dozen LEGHORN PULLETS 10—Tons of Prairie Hay — 16—Tons of Alfalfa, Baled and Wire - Tied 2—Stacks of Hay — About 350 Bales of Straw — 1,700-Bus. Oats 800-Bus. Ear Corn Farm Machinery 1951 Ford Tractor with pulley and power takeoff 1952—10-Ft. Dearborn Disc 1951 Cultivator with fertilizer attachment 1951 Two-Bottom 14-In. Plow, Dearborn Gas Barrels — Shop Tools _ 40—Steel Posts IHC ’50 H Tractor 1946 Chevrolet Pickup Wagon and Box, wide tread, on rubber Two-Bottom 16-In. IHC Plow on Rubber 15-Ft. IHC Disc Tractor Cultivator for H or M 12-Ft. Van Brunt Drill, grass seed attachment Four-Section Harrow Wagon and Box Com Planter, Wire 10-Ft. Rake 1951 New Holland Pickup Baler, wire tie, with motor Miscellaneous Articles I Household Goods Dining Room Set — DeLaval Cream Separator — Norge Oil Burning Heating Stove Play Pen — High Chair — Other Household Items TERMS OF SALE: Strictly Cash. Delwyn C. Anderson COL. ED THORIN, O’Neill, Auct. NEBRASKA STATE BANK, Bristow, Clerk 0