The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 29, 1955, Page 9, Image 9
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dean Banks . . . wdll reside in Lin coln.—O’Neill Photo Co. Rickard-Banks Rites at Bartlett CHAMBERS — Miss Carolyn June Rickard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rickard of Chambers, and Howard Dean Banks, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Banks of Ewing, were married at 10 a.m., Wednesday, September 21, in the Methodist church at Bartlett. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. Cox in the pre sence of the members of the im mediate families. The bride appeared in a gray Fall suit with red accessories completed with a corsage of red roses. Mrs. Harlan Kloepper of O’Neill was her sister’s only at tendant and wore a charcoal gray suit with a pink carnation corsage. S> The mother of the bride wore a blue dress and a corsage of white chrysanthemums. The mother of the bridegroom wore a brown dress with a corsage of gold chrysanthemums. Rolland DeBower of Schuyler served as best man. The men wore fall suits with white carna tion boutonnieres. A dinner was held at the home of the bride’s parents. The cake was baked and decorated by the bride. After a short wedding trip the couple will make their home at 535 So. 9th st., Lincoln. Attend Sale— Mr. and Mrs. John F. Stor johann spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stor johann spent the weekend with While there they attended the Charlie Peterson cattle sale. Arrives from Omaha— Leon Wetzler of Omaha came Saturday morning to get his wife and two daughters, who have been visiting for the past week at the Ben Wetzler and Fred Wells home. Oregon Folks Are Flonored at Page PAGE — Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge were hosts to a family dinner Sunday honoring Mr. and Mrs. Davis Williams of Salem, Ore., and Mrs. Roland Stewart of Grant’s Pass, Ore. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Miller and family, all of Ewing; Mrs. Anna Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith and family and Mrs. Vem Wrede and Holly, all of Inman; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Char les Cronk, Mrs. A. O. Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trowbridge and family of Neligh. It was the first time the five sisters had met since their moth er’s funeral six years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Stewart and daughters left ! Monday for their homes after spending a week here. Enroute, they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Wood and family at Elm Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Caster and family at Sterling, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. William Fink and family and Mrs. Gerald Hadduck at Denver, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. Elton Trowbridge and Era at Saratoga, Wyo. They will call on the Plenn and Austin Nickel families at Caldwell, Ida. They were accompanied as far as Saratoga by Mrs. Anna Smith, who will visit there and return with her brother, Era. O’NeflfNews Mr. and Mrs. Dale Summers and daughter of Gary, Ind., visit ed Monday at the Frank Sum mers home. Mrs. Henry F. Schleuter of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walk er, and her son, Ricky. Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Stewart are spending the week in Mus kogee, Okla., visiting his sister. Food sale, Shelhamers Super Market, Saturday, October 1st, at 10 am., sponsored by O’Neill Methodist church. 22c Lt. Robert Wallace returned Wednesday, September 22, to Carswell air force base, Ft Worth, Tex., after visiting his mother, Mrs. M. J. Mallace. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Waller spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snell, at Page. Mrs. Dave Burke and two daughters of Ewing were Mon day guests at the Gordon Watson home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schamber of Riverton, Wyo., were Monday evening visitors at the Mrs. Mary Wetzler home. _ -- —I r \ O’NEILL CITY SCHOOLS The following bills paid during August and September by the O’Neill Board of Education. O’Neill Flower Shop .... $ 7.50 Middlewest Nebr. Motor . 1.25 Booth Transportation Line 2.02 Clark Bros. Tfr. Co. 6.12 O’Neill Transfer . 3.54 Stephenson School Sup ply Co. 5.26 Hammond & Stephens Co. 58.55 South-Western Pub. Co. 14.60 The MacMillan Co., Pub.. 4.86 Scott, Foresman & Co. .. 77.20 Houghton Mifflin Co. .. 42.14 Lyons & Carnahan . 120.37 McCormick-Mathers Pub. Co. 67.76 The John C. Winston Co. 99.28 Follett Pub. Co. 161.03 American Book Co. 426.73 The University Pub. Co. 21.40 Charles Scribner’s Sons* 36.50 McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. 10.84 Hoard’s Dairyman . 5.00 Farm Journal . 5.00 Successful Farming .... 12.82 The Reader’s Digest Con. Book Club . 4.00 Americana Corporation . 174.30 Playtime Equip. Co. 52.00 Hospe . 106.21 Sheffield’s . 20.92 School Form & Supply Co. 4.79 The University Pub. Co. 47.95 Chapter Supply Co. 8.92 Vernon Carpenter . 33.18 Kansas-Nebr. Gas Co. .. 2.00 Consumers Public Power Co. 23.75 O’Neill Auto Supply .... 7.95 Shelhamer Foods . 1.50 Harris Janitor Supply Co. 1.10 Huntington Laboratories, Inc. 24.00 United Chemical Com pany, Inc. 78.05 The Thompson Co. 20.25 Fourth St. Market . .35 Omaha Chemical Co., Inc. 9.78 Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. 82.50 Coyne Hardware . 77.57 Lindberg Home & Auto Supply .. 1.65 Coast-to-Coast Store ... 4.79 Fred Babutzke . 132.30 Moore-Noble Lbr. & Coal Co. 96.88 Jack Barr . 51.00 Eldon Petersen . * 52.50 Archie Ashby . 10.00 Marvin Miller . 124.20 Western Auto Associate Store . 321.50 Wm. Krotter Co. 35.66 Geo. C. Robertson . 6.04 Nebr. Voc. Agri. Assoc. 18.75 National Agri. Supply Co.'... 4.21 Krueger Electric Co.3610.00 Ed. T. Campbell . 22.56 L. G. Gillespie . 39.93 Anna L. O’Donnell . 42.85 H. A. Wolf Co., Inc. 187.00 P. C. Donohoe . 5.32 P. C. Donohoe . 24.50 O’Neill Abstracting Co... 92.57 Hammond Abstract Co... 71.60 E. F. Quinn . 14.10 Ponton Agency . 22.23 Bowker Ins. Agency .. 123.26 O’Neill Ins. Agency .... 130.50 Ginn & Company . 151.50 Arbuthnot Oil Co . .85 Jerry Cuddy . 104.00 The Frontier . 9.75 Vanboskirk-Remington & Assoc. 115.00 O’Neill High School Misc. Fund . 49.95 O’Neill Transfer . 1.25 Ginn & Co. 20.52 Allyn & Bacon, Inc. 24.40 E. H. Long . 153.33 Arthur C. Croft Pub. .. 17.45 Omaha School Supply Co. 92.13 Alonzo Leach . 135.39 World Book Co. 5.00 Bricker Typewriter Co... 54.14 Mimeograph Duplicator Co. 34.85 The University Pub. Co. 103.59 Vernon Carpenter . 15.95 The University of Nebr. 4.09 Harry D. Dahlstrom _ 160.31 Kansas-Nebr. Gas Co... 2.00 Consumers Public Power 51.75 Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. .. 43.20 Bright Red & White Store 6.95 Harris Janitor Supply Co. 26.40 Kelso Chemical Company 45.75 Eldon Petersen . 60.60 Marvin Miller . 17.55 Bernard Allen . 21.00 Spelts-Ray Lumber Co.. 21.39 Coast-to-Coast Store ... 7-50 School Specialty Supply 22.31 Lohaus Motor Co. 2.35 L. G. Gillespie . 116.30* Johnson Drugs . 13.40 The Fairbury Journal.. 19.38 Louis W. Reimer, jr. .. 107.10 Blue Cross-Blue Shield. 8855 HENRY J. LOHAUS President H. L. LHfDBERG Secretary Alice’s Beauty Shop (In Former Apparel Shop Location) Phone 263 — O’Neill rDAKin SATURDAY Wllnrlir • • • OCTOBER 1ST SPECIALS... .- I'l. '—1 Extra Special Brimful APRICOTS 303 Can_19c David Harum FLOUR 10-Lb. Bag-79c Good, Inspected BEEF ROAST (Not Baby Beef) 1 Lb._—— 35c Watch for the BUSHEL BASKET Specials! Donuts - Coffee FREE . . . to be served ALL DAY COME ALL and register for the valuable door prizes! OLD SOUTH UNSWEETENED 46-OZ. CANS Grapefruit JUICE_2 for 49c ARCHWAY LARGE 2Vi SIZE CAN MIXED FRUIT_Only 29c BRIMFUL RED PITTED CHERRIES 303 can only 23c BRIMFULL—Cream Style or Whole Kernel CORN_2 No. 303 cans 29c ALLEN’S 303 SIZE CAN CUT GREEN BEANS, only 10c BRIMFULL LG. NO. 2 Vi SIZE CANS HOMINY_2 for only 29c OUR VALUE—Very Good Quality PEAS_2 No. 303 cans 29c BREVIFULL 300 SIZE CANS PORK & BEANS.. 2 cans 25c MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING _ Qt. 49c WASHING POWDER SURF -Lg. box only 27c Extra Special on COFFEE Folgers or Butter-Nut l-LB. LIMIT GOOD INSPECTED SIRLOIN STEAK_Lb. 59c € GOOD INSPECTED T-BONE STEAK_Lb. 55c ; WILSON’S ALL MEAT MINCED HAM Lb. only 39c Anthony's Market inman LOUISE and AL Report of Monday, September 26, Sale 190-230 lb. butchers, 15.90-1S.70; 16.70 top on 32 fancy butcher?. Only five sales below 16.00. Light sows, only a few, 15.20-15.70. Sows, 300-450 lbs., 13.25-15.30. Light feeders, 11.25-15.50 each. Feeders, 132-176 lbs., 13.55-14.30 per cwt For Top Market Prices; For Sales and Service, Consign to Verdigre Livestock Market SALE EVERY MONDAY W. LLOYD BRADY, Owner and Mgr. Phone 86 Verdlgre «* i 172 - HEAD of CATTLE - 172 Mostly Herefords - Some Extra Good Wise. Dairy Cows 12— Holstein MILK COWS, three just fresh, balance 70—Head of SPRING CALVES _to freshen this Fall These are gc:J producing 2—Hereford BULLS, one registered, one 4-yrs.-old, cows. one coining 2-yrs. 62—Hereford STOCK COWS 13-Hand Fed CALVES 13— Hereford 2-Year-Old HDFERS Sf’ About 200 Tons of Hay - 60 Tons Alfalfa Hay About 5,000 Ft. Cottonwc:^ Lumber — 200 Bushels of Oats — 30 Hens || MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 1937 John Deere B Tractor Sweep McC.-Deering Hay Stacker and Cage Three-Rake Hitch for Tractor 3—Twelve-ft. Hay Rakes, out two Seasons 10-Ft. Mounted Blue Grass Stripper Model A Truck for Hay Sweep DeLaval Milking Machine, two bucket, with electric motor 40-Ft. Endless Belt Girl’s 24-In. Bicycle, like new 2—Feed Bunks F-20 Farmall Tractor, extra good, on rubber Square Turn Cable Rack and three cables Tractor Winch — Tank Heater New Dehorning Chute (manufactured by Filison) No. 14 Hammermill Two-Wheel Trailer 1949 GMC %-Ton Pickup Fuel Barrels and Cans Electric Fencer for REA or Battery John Deere Manure Spreader John Deere Disc — Wagon and Box Three-Section Harrow Endgate Seeder — Com Planter Hay Rack and Gear Five-ft. Tumble Bug Two-Bottom Plow for C Tractor DeLaval Cream Separator, built-in electric motor Creep Feeder, 150-bu. capacity, 14x12, new Shop Tools—Miscellaneous Articles 2—Pull Type Blue Grass Strippers HOUSEHOLD GOODS Coleman Gas Range and Gas Heating Stove (for Propane) Trash Burner — 2—End Tables j 1 2-Cu. Ft. Frigidaire 380-Gal. Propane Tank Baby Bed — Card Table Some Canned Goods Dining Table, Buffet, 6 Chairs 3—Rocking Chairs — High Chair 2— Complete Bedroom Suites Cedar Chest — Floor Lamps 3— Wool Carpets — Small Rugs Electric Waffle Iron Kitchen Ware Singer Sewing Machine Davenport and Chair Foot Stool — Studio Cot Cabinet Radio Roll-Top Writing Desk Vacuum Cleaner — Kitchen Stool Many Miscellaneous Items TERMS: CASH. No property to be removed until settled for or see your banker Frank & Melba Spath, Owners COL. ED THORIN, O’NeUl, Auctioneer CHAMBERS STATE BANK, Clerk r